Example #1
 def request(self, args, value0):
     # generate pairs (valuation, cellmap)
     # XX we should pass valuation and cellmap around and let subexprs unify... XX
     #print self, "request", value0
     for valuation0 in crossiter(range(sort.size) for sort in self.sorts):
         #print "%s%s"%(self, valuation0)
         # Note: we unroll the request generators using list constructor (otherwise crossiter wont work):
         pairss = [list(args[i].request(value)) for (i, value) in enumerate(valuation0)]
         for result in crossiter(pairss):
             #print self, "unify: %s"%str(result)
             # try and unify result into single valuation, cellmap
             valuation, cellmap = {}, {}
             for _v, _c in result:
                 valuation = unify(valuation, _v)
                 if valuation is None:
                     #print self, "BAD valuation", self, '\n'
                 cellmap = unify(cellmap, _c)
                 if cellmap is None:
                     #print self, "BAD cellmap", self, '\n'
             if valuation is not None and cellmap is not None:
                 cellindex = self.get_cellindex(valuation0)
                 #print self, "valuation=%s, cellmap=%s"%(valuation, cellmap)
                 #print self, "valuation0=%s, cellindex=%d" % (valuation0, cellindex)
                 if not cellindex in cellmap or cellmap[cellindex] == value0:
                     cellmap[cellindex] = value0
                     #print self, "--->", valuation, cellmap
                     yield valuation, cellmap
Example #2
    def validate(self, cells):
        for func in self.funcs:
            func.map = func.getmap(cells)
        for clause in self.clauses:
            valuations = crossiter([range(var.sort.size) for var in clause.vars])
            for valuation in valuations:
#                print clause.code()
                #print clause.code(), cells, valuation
                accept = clause.fastaccept(cells, *valuation)

                if 0:
                    _accept = clause.accepts(valuation)
                    assert accept == _accept

                if not accept:
                    indexs = clause.refutation(cells, *valuation)
                    refutation = list((index, cells[index]) for index in indexs)
                    if self.debug:
                        print clause
                        print clause.code(), ":"
                        print ' '.join('%s = %s' % (var.name, valuation[i]) for i, var in enumerate(clause.vars))
                        print cells
                        print clause.refutation_code()
                        print refutation
                        for func in clause.funcs:
                            _cells = [(cell if idx in indexs else None) for idx, cell in enumerate(cells)]
                            print func.tablestr(_cells)
                    return refutation
#            print
        return None
Example #3
 def __init__(self, theory, sorts, funcs):
     self.theory = theory
     self.sorts = sorts
     self.funcs = funcs
     self.sizeiter = crossiter([s.sizes for s in sorts])
Example #4
            return repr(self)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys

    name = sys.argv[1]
    exec open(name)
    for arg in sys.argv[2:]:
        if "=" in arg:
            key, val = arg.split("=")
            val = int(val)
            globals()[key].sizes = [val]

    for sizes in crossiter([s.sizes for s in sorts]):

        # set the size of each sort
        for idx, size in enumerate(sizes):
            sorts[idx].size = size
            print "%s.size = %s" % (sorts[idx], size)
        # print [s.size for s in sorts]

        interps = [Interpretation(func) for func in funcs]
        positions = MultiSearch(interps)

        count = 0
        for position in positions:

            accept = True
Example #5
 def domain(self):
     items = list(crossiter(range(sort.size) for sort in self.sorts))
     return items