Example #1
  def __str__(self):
    return self.color + " " + self.brand + " built in " + str(self.year)

if __name__ == '__main__':
  c1 = Car("Red", "Ford", 1974)
  c2 = Car("Yellow", "Dodge", 2000)
  c3 = Car("Black", "Toyota", 2005)
  c4 = Car("Pink", "Chevy", 1985)
  c5 = Car("Red", "Ferrari", 1990)
  c6 = Car("Black", "Ford", 1990)

  searcher = Searcher()

  fordCars = searcher.fromClass("Car").where("brand = Ford")
  newCars = searcher.fromClass("Car").where("year >= 2000")
  blackFords = searcher.fromClass("Car").where("brand = Ford AND color = Black ")
  blackOrRedCars = searcher.fromClass("Car").where("color = Red OR color = Black")
  redOrFerrariCars = searcher.fromClass("Car").where("color = Red OR brand = Ferrari")

  print "====Ford Cars==="
  for car in fordCars:
    print car

  print "====Cars made in 2000 or later==="
  for car in newCars:
    print car

  print "====Black Fords==="
  for car in blackFords:
Example #2
class TestSearcher(unittest.TestCase):

  def setUp(self):
    self.searcher = Searcher()
    self.mikeObj = Person("Mike", 15)
    self.mikeObj2 = Person("Mike", 99)
    self.mikeObj3 = Person("Mike", 15, "Michael")
    self.jouhan = Person("Jouhan", 22)
    self.jouhan1 = Person("Jouhan", 74)
    self.alex = Person("Alex", 15)
    self.tim = Person("Tim", 100)
    self.cat = Animal("Cat", "Red", True)
    self.fish1 = Animal("Fish", "Blue", False)
    self.fish2 = Animal("Fish", "Red", False)
    self.dog = Animal("Dog", "Black", True)
    self.human = Animal("Human", "White", True)

  def tearDown(self):
    #to destroy the database that was created for testing AKA ISOLATION!

  def test_searcher_expecting_multiple_values(self):
    self.assertEquals(len(self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("age = 15")), 3)

  def test_searcher_excepting_no_values(self):
    self.assertEquals(len(self.searcher.fromClass('Person').where("age = 20")), 0)

  def test_searcher_excepting_correct_result(self):
    person = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("age = 99")[0]
    self.assertTrue(self.mikeObj2.__hash__() == person.__hash__())

  def test_searcher_equality_search(self):
    person = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("name = Alex")[0]
    self.assertTrue(person.__hash__(), self.alex.__hash__())

  def test_searcher_greater_or_equal_to_search_correct_results(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("age >= 74")
    hashes = [person.__hash__() for person in people]
    self.assertTrue(self.mikeObj2.__hash__() in hashes and self.jouhan1.__hash__() in hashes and self.tim.__hash__() in hashes)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 3)

  def test_searcher_greater_to_search_correct_results(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("age > 74")
    hashes = [person.__hash__() for person in people]
    self.assertTrue(self.mikeObj2.__hash__() in hashes and self.tim.__hash__() in hashes)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 2)

  def test_searcher_between_search_correct_results(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("age BETWEEN 15 AND 74")
    hashes = [person.__hash__() for person in people]
    self.assertTrue(self.mikeObj.__hash__() in hashes and self.mikeObj3.__hash__() in hashes and self.jouhan.__hash__() in hashes and self.alex.__hash__() in hashes and self.jouhan1.__hash__() in hashes)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 5)

  def test_searcher_with_select_two_dicts(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").select("name, age").where("name = Mike")
    self.assertTrue({"name" : "Mike", "age" : 15} in people and {"name" : "Mike", "age" : 99} in people)

  def test_searcher_with_select_and_queries(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").select("name, age").where("name = Mike AND age = 99")
    self.assertTrue({"name" : "Mike", "age" : 99} in people)

  def test_searcher_with_select_two_dicts_no_space(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").select("name,age").where("name = Mike")
    self.assertTrue({"name" : "Mike", "age" : 15} in people and {"name" : "Mike", "age" : 99} in people)

  def test_searcher_with_select_and_queries_no_space(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").select("name,age").where("name = Mike AND age = 99")
    self.assertTrue({"name" : "Mike", "age" : 99} in people)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 1)

  def test_searcher_with_select_or_queries(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").select("name, age").where("name = Alex OR name = Tim")
    self.assertTrue({"name" : "Alex", "age" : 15} in people and {"name" : "Tim", "age" : 100} in people)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 2)

  def test_searcher_with_select_between_queries(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").select("name").where("age BETWEEN 70 AND 100")
    self.assertTrue({"name" : "Jouhan"} in people and {"name" : "Mike"} in people and {"name" : "Tim"} in people)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 3)

  def test_searcher_with_true_value_query(self):
    animals = self.searcher.fromClass("Animal").where("mammal == True")
    hashes = [animal.__hash__() for animal in animals]
    self.assertTrue(self.human.__hash__() in hashes and self.cat.__hash__() in hashes and self.dog.__hash__() in hashes)
    self.assertEquals(len(animals), 3)

  def test_searcher_with_false_value_query(self):
    animals = self.searcher.fromClass("Animal").where("mammal == False")
    hashes = [animal.__hash__() for animal in animals]
    self.assertTrue(self.fish1.__hash__() in hashes and self.fish2.__hash__() in hashes)
    self.assertEquals(len(animals), 2)

  def test_searcher_change_attributes(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("age = 15")
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 3)
    self.alex.age = 16
    self.assertTrue(len(self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("age = 15")) == 2)

  def test_searcher_or_query(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("name = Jouhan OR name = Mike")
    hashes = [person.__hash__() for person in people]
    self.assertTrue(self.mikeObj.__hash__() in hashes and self.mikeObj2.__hash__() and self.jouhan.__hash__() in hashes and self.jouhan1.__hash__() in hashes)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 5)
  def test_searcher_and_query(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("age = 15 AND name = Mike")
    hashes = [person.__hash__() for person in people]
    self.assertTrue(self.mikeObj.__hash__() in hashes and self.alex.__hash__() not in hashes)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 2)

  def test_searcher_multiple_ands_query(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("age = 15 AND name = Mike AND firstName = Michael")
    hashes = [person.__hash__() for person in people]
    self.assertTrue(self.mikeObj3.__hash__() in hashes)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 1)

  def test_searcher_multiple_or_query(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("age = 99 OR name = Jouhan OR name = Alex")
    hashes = [person.__hash__() for person in people]
    self.assertTrue(self.mikeObj2.__hash__() in hashes and self.jouhan.__hash__() in hashes and self.jouhan1.__hash__() in hashes and self.alex.__hash__() in hashes)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 4)

  def test_searcher_all_query(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").all()
    hashes = [person.__hash__() for person in people]
    self.assertTrue(self.mikeObj2.__hash__() in hashes and self.jouhan.__hash__() in hashes and self.jouhan1.__hash__() in hashes and self.alex.__hash__() in hashes and self.mikeObj.__hash__() in hashes and self.mikeObj3.__hash__() in hashes and self.tim.__hash__() in hashes)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 7)

  def test_searcher_with_not_equals_query(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("name != Mike")
    hashes = [person.__hash__() for person in people]
    self.assertTrue(self.alex.__hash__() in hashes and self.tim.__hash__() in hashes and self.jouhan.__hash__() in hashes and self.jouhan1.__hash__() in hashes)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 4)

  def test_searcher_with_not_equals_and_other_ops_query(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("name != Mike AND age > 15")
    hashes = [person.__hash__() for person in people]
    self.assertTrue(self.tim.__hash__() in hashes and self.jouhan.__hash__() in hashes and self.jouhan1.__hash__() in hashes)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 3)

  def test_searcher_with_multiple_not_equals_query(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("name != Mike AND age != 15")
    hashes = [person.__hash__() for person in people]
    self.assertTrue(self.tim.__hash__() in hashes and self.jouhan.__hash__() in hashes and self.jouhan1.__hash__() in hashes)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 3)

  def test_searcher_with_multiple_not_equals_select_query(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").select('age').where("name != Mike AND age != 15")
    self.assertTrue({"age" : 22} in people and {"age" : 74} in people and {"age" : 100} in people)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 3)

  def test_searcher_with_not_equals_select_query(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").select('age').where("name != Mike")
    self.assertTrue({"age" : 22} in people and {"age" : 74} in people and {"age" : 15} in people and {"age" : 100} in people)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 4)

  def test_searcher_with_not_equals_false_value_query(self):
    animals = self.searcher.fromClass("Animal").where("mammal != False")
    hashes = [animal.__hash__() for animal in animals]
    self.assertTrue(self.human.__hash__() in hashes and self.cat.__hash__() in hashes and self.dog.__hash__() in hashes)
    self.assertEquals(len(animals), 3)

  def test_searcher_with_multiple_queries_same_class(self):
    temp = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("age BETWEEN 15 AND 74")
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("age > 74")
    hashes = [person.__hash__() for person in people]
    self.assertTrue(self.mikeObj2.__hash__() in hashes and self.tim.__hash__() in hashes)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 2)

  def test_searcher_with_mulitple_queries_same_class_select(self):
    t = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").select("name").where("age BETWEEN 70 AND 100")
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").select("name, age").where("name = Alex OR name = Tim")
    self.assertTrue({"name" : "Alex", "age" : 15} in people and {"name" : "Tim", "age" : 100} in people)
    self.assertEquals(len(people), 2)

  def test_searcher_with_multiple_queries_different_class(self):
    temp = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("age BETWEEN 15 AND 74")
    animals = self.searcher.fromClass("Animal").where("mammal != False")
    hashes = [animal.__hash__() for animal in animals]
    self.assertTrue(self.human.__hash__() in hashes and self.cat.__hash__() in hashes and self.dog.__hash__() in hashes)
    self.assertEquals(len(animals), 3)

  def test_searcher_and_query_lessthan_name(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("name < Jouhan")
    self.assertTrue(len(people) == 1)
  def test_searcher_and_query_lessthanequal_name(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("name <= Jouhan")
    self.assertTrue(len(people) == 3)

  def test_searcher_and_query_between_swithed_names(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("name BETWEEN Tim AND Jouhan")
    self.assertTrue(len(people) == 6)

  def test_searcher_and_query_count(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("age = 15 AND name = Mike")
    self.assertTrue(len(people) == 2)

  def test_searcher_between_inverted_values(self):
    people = self.searcher.fromClass("Person").where("age BETWEEN 74 AND 15")
    self.assertTrue(len(people), 4)