def printvol(): entry = " %9.7f" print # empty line print " SPECIFIC VOLUME V [1e-3 M**3/KG]" print "PRESSURE TEMPERATURE", print deg + "C IPTS-68 SALINTY:", "%2.0f" % S[0] print "DECIBARS %8d %11d %11d %11d %11d" % tuple(T) for p in P: print "%6.0f" % p, 5 * entry % tuple(1e3 / dens(S[0], T, p)) for s in S[1:]: print 68 * "-" + "SALINTIY:", "%2.0f" % s for p in P: print "%6.0f" % p, 5 * entry % tuple(1e3 / dens(s, T, p))
def visc(s, t, p): """Calculates kinematic viscosity of sea-water. Based on Dan Kelley's fit to Knauss's TABLE II-8. Parameters ---------- s : array_like salinity [psu (PSS-78)] t : array_like temperature [℃ (ITS-90)] # FIXME: [degree C (IPTS-68)] p : array_like pressure [db] Returns ------- visc : kinematic viscosity of sea-water [m^2/s] Notes ----- From matlab airsea Examples -------- >>> from oceans import sw_extras as swe >>> swe.visc(40., 40., 1000.) 8.2001924966338036e-07 Modifications: Original 1998/01/19 - Ayal Anis 1998 2010/11/25. Filipe Fernandes, python translation. """ s, t, p = np.broadcast_arrays(s, t, p) visc = 1e-4 * (17.91 - 0.5381 * t + 0.00694 * t**2 + 0.02305 * s) visc /= sw.dens(s, t, p) return visc
def plot_fun(i): print(i) f=plt.figure(figsize=(25/2.539,15/2.536)) ax=plt.axes([.13,.11,.8825,.8125]) if coastflag: plotcoast(ax,filename='', filepath=coastpath, color='k', fill=True) pres=sw.pres(data['h'],data['lat']) dens=sw.dens(data['salinity'][i,layer,:],data['temp'][i,layer,:],pres) triax=ax.tripcolor(data['trigrid'],dens,vmin=cmin,vmax=cmax) if vectorflag: Q1=ax.quiver(data['uvnodell'][vidx,0],data['uvnodell'][vidx,1],data['u'][i,layer,vidx],data['v'][i,layer,vidx],angles='xy',scale_units='xy',scale=vector_scale,zorder=100,width=.001) qaxk=ax.quiverkey(Q1,.9,.88,2, r'2 ms$^{-1}$') if uniformvectorflag: norm=np.sqrt(data['u'][i,layer,vidx]**2+data['v'][i,layer,vidx]**2) Q1=ax.quiver(data['uvnodell'][vidx,0],data['uvnodell'][vidx,1],np.divide(data['u'][i,layer,vidx],norm),np.divide(data['v'][i,layer,vidx],norm),angles='xy',scale_units='xy',scale=vector_scale,zorder=100,width=.002,color='k') cb=plt.colorbar(triax) cb.set_label(r'Density (kg m$^{3}$)',fontsize=10) ax.set_xlabel(r'Longitude ($^{\circ}$)') ax.set_ylabel(r'Latitude ($^{\circ}$)') ax.axis(region['region']) ax.annotate('{} {}'.format(data['Time'][i][:10],data['Time'][i][11:19]),xy=(.425,.93),xycoords='axes fraction') for label in ax.get_xticklabels()[::2]: label.set_visible(False) f.savefig(savepath + grid + '_' + region['regionname'] +'_density_' + ("%04d" %(i)) + '.png',dpi=300) plt.close(f)
def processor(input_list): print('Compute ', lout, ' from ', lin) # Select variables votemper = input_list['votemper'] vosaline = input_list['vosaline'] DepthLayers = votemper.DepthLayers LatCells = votemper.LatCells # Replicate geometry 3D (to be updated with complete model geometry variables) if np.ndim(votemper.LatCells) == 1 and np.ndim(votemper.LonCells) == 1 and np.ndim(votemper.DepthLayers) == 1: DepthLayers = np.transpose(np.tile(votemper.DepthLayers, (votemper.LatCells.shape[0], votemper.LonCells.shape[0], 1)), (2, 0, 1)) LatCells = np.transpose(np.tile(votemper.LatCells, (votemper.LonCells.shape[0], 1)), (1, 0)) # Concatenate latitude, longitude and depth cells at the centers of the grid # (COMIC TYPE CHARACTERISTIC reserved procedure) depths = 1 / 4 * (DepthLayers[1:, 1:, 1:] + DepthLayers[: - 1, : - 1, 1:] + DepthLayers[: - 1, 1:, : - 1] + DepthLayers[: - 1, : - 1, : - 1]) lats = 1 / 4 * (LatCells[1:, 1:] + LatCells[: - 1, 1:] + LatCells[1:, : - 1] + LatCells[: - 1, : - 1]) # Cut time dimension temp = votemper.COSM[0, ...] salt = vosaline.COSM[0, ...] # Compute Pressure 3D pressure = sw.pres(depths, lats) # Compute Potential Density field 3D density = ma.array(np.empty(shape=votemper.COSM.shape), mask=False, fill_value=1.e20, dtype=float) density[0, ...] = sw.dens(salt, temp, pressure) # Attributes of Characteristic class are (StandardName, # VariableName, DepthLayers, LonCells, LatCells, TimeCells, ConcatenatioOfSpatialMaps, MaskedAs=None) potential_d = sp_type.Characteristic(StandardName='sea_water_density', VariableName='vodnsity', DepthLayers=votemper.DepthLayers, LonCells=votemper.LonCells, LatCells=votemper.LatCells, TimeCells=votemper.TimeCells, ConcatenatioOfSpatialMaps=density) return potential_d
def read_raw(self, var): ''' If profile is None the entire 2d array (depth,time) is returned If a profile object is provided, a 1d array (dimension depth) is returned corresponding to the pointprofile provided ''' if not self.__file_already_read : ncIN = NC.netcdf_file(self.filename,'r') self._timesInFile = ncIN.variables['TIME'].data.copy() self._VAR = ncIN.variables[var ].data.copy() self._QC = ncIN.variables[var + "_QC" ].data.copy() if ncIN.variables.has_key('PRES'): self._PRES = ncIN.variables['PRES'].data.copy() pres_qc = ncIN.variables['PRES_QC'].data.copy() else: self._PRES = ncIN.variables['DEPH'].data.copy() pres_qc = ncIN.variables['DEPH_QC'].data.copy() self._TEMP = ncIN.variables['TEMP'].data.copy() self._PSAL = ncIN.variables['PSAL'].data.copy() temp_qc = ncIN.variables['TEMP_QC'].data.copy() psal_qc = ncIN.variables['PSAL_QC'].data.copy() ncIN.close() self._good_data = (temp_qc == 1 ) & (psal_qc == 1 ) & (pres_qc == 1 ) & (self._QC == 1) self.__file_already_read = True tconv = T90conv(self._TEMP) self._RHO = seawater.dens(self._PSAL,tconv, self._PRES) return self._VAR, self._PRES, self._QC, self._timesInFile
def plot(self): fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.figuresize(), dpi=self.dpi) plt.title(gettext("T/S Diagram for %s (%s)") % ( ", ".join(self.names), self.date_formatter(self.timestamp))) smin = np.amin(self.salinity) - (np.amin(self.salinity) * 0.01) smax = np.amax(self.salinity) + (np.amax(self.salinity) * 0.01) tmin = np.amin(self.temperature) - ( np.abs(np.amax(self.temperature) * 0.1)) tmax = np.amax(self.temperature) + ( np.abs(np.amax(self.temperature) * 0.1)) xdim = int(round((smax - smin) / 0.1 + 1, 0)) ydim = int(round((tmax - tmin) + 1, 0)) dens = np.zeros((ydim, xdim)) ti = np.linspace(0, ydim - 1, ydim) + tmin si = np.linspace(0, xdim - 1, xdim) * 0.1 + smin for j in range(0, int(ydim)): for i in range(0, int(xdim)): dens[j, i] = seawater.dens(si[i], ti[j], 0) dens = dens - 1000 CS = plt.contour(si, ti, dens, linestyles='dashed', colors='k') plt.clabel(CS, fontsize=16, inline=1, fmt=r"$\sigma_t = %1.1f$") for idx, _ in enumerate(self.temperature): plt.plot(self.salinity[idx], self.temperature[idx], '-') plt.xlabel(gettext("Salinity (PSU)")) plt.ylabel(gettext("Temperature (Celsius)")) self.plot_legend(fig, self.names) if len(self.points) == 1: labels = [] for idx, d in enumerate(self.temperature_depths[0]): if[0][idx]): break digits = max(np.ceil(np.log10(d)), 3) d = np.round(d, -int(digits - 1)) if d not in labels: labels.append(d) for idx2, _ in enumerate(self.temperature): plt.annotate( '{:.0f}m'.format(d), xy=(self.salinity[idx2][ idx], self.temperature[idx2][idx]), xytext=(15, -15), ha='left', textcoords='offset points', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->') # , shrinkA=0) ) return super(TemperatureSalinityPlotter, self).plot(fig)
def select_field(data, field, i, layer='da'): """ Helper function to select the correct field and name for the field """ fn = {'temp' : r'Temperature ($^{\circ}$)', 'salinity' : r'Salinity (PSU)', 'speed' : r'Speed (m/s)', 'u' : r'U-Velocity (m/s)', 'v' : r'V-Velocity (m/s)', 'vorticity' : r'Vorticity', 'density' : r'Density (kg m$^{3}$)', 'zeta' : 'Elevation (m)'} if 'speed' in field: if layer=='da': fieldout = np.sqrt(data['ua'][i,:]**2 + data['va'][i,:]**2) else: fieldout = np.sqrt(data['u'][i,layer,:]**2 + data['v'][i,layer,:]**2) elif 'vorticity' in field: if layer=='da': dudy = data['a2u'][0,:]*data['ua'][i,:]+data['a2u'][1,:]*data['ua'][i,data['nbe'][:,0]] +\ data['a2u'][2,:]*data['ua'][i,data['nbe'][:,1]]+data['a2u'][3,:]*data['ua'][i,data['nbe'][:,2]] dvdx = data['a1u'][0,:]*data['va'][i,:]+data['a1u'][1,:]*data['va'][i,data['nbe'][:,0]] +\ data['a1u'][2,:]*data['va'][i,data['nbe'][:,1]]+data['a1u'][3,:]*data['va'][i,data['nbe'][:,2]] else: dudy = data['a2u'][0,:]*data['u'][i,layer,:]+data['a2u'][1,:]*data['u'][i,layer,data['nbe'][:,0]] +\ data['a2u'][2,:]*data['u'][i,layer,data['nbe'][:,1]]+data['a2u'][3,:]*data['u'][i,layer,data['nbe'][:,2]] dvdx = data['a1u'][0,:]*data['v'][i,layer,:]+data['a1u'][1,:]*data['v'][i,layer,data['nbe'][:,0]] +\ data['a1u'][2,:]*data['v'][i,layer,data['nbe'][:,1]]+data['a1u'][3,:]*data['v'][i,layer,data['nbe'][:,2]] fieldout = dvdx - dudy elif 'density' in field: if layer==None: print("Can't get density for layer None. Using layer=0.") layer = 0 pres = sw.pres(data['h']+data['zeta'][i,:],data['lat']) fieldout = sw.dens(data['salinity'][i,layer,:],data['temp'][i,layer,:],pres) else: if layer=='da': fieldout = data[field][i,:] else: fieldout = data[field][i,layer,:] try: fieldname = fn[field] except KeyError: fieldname = field return fieldout, fieldname
def values(S, T, P): """Compute a row in the table""" return ( P / 10, S, T, dens(S, T, P) - 1000, drhods(S, T, P), 10 ** 7 * alpha(S, T, P), heatcap(S, T, P), 1000 * temppot0(S, T, P), soundvel(S, T, P), )
def plot_ts_diagram(self, ax, sal, temp, xlabel='Salinity', ylabel='Temperature', title='', axis_font={}, title_font={}, tick_font={}, **kwargs): if not axis_font: axis_font = axis_font_default if not title_font: title_font = title_font_default sal =, mask=np.isnan(sal)) temp =, mask=np.isnan(temp)) if len(sal) != len(temp): raise Exception('Sal and Temp arrays are not the same size!') # Figure out boudaries (mins and maxs) smin = sal.min() - (0.01 * sal.min()) smax = sal.max() + (0.01 * sal.max()) tmin = temp.min() - (0.1 * temp.max()) tmax = temp.max() + (0.1 * temp.max()) # Calculate how many gridcells we need in the x and y dimensions xdim = round((smax-smin)/0.1+1, 0) ydim = round((tmax-tmin)+1, 0) # Create empty grid of zeros dens = np.zeros((ydim, xdim)) # Create temp and sal vectors of appropiate dimensions ti = np.linspace(1, ydim-1, ydim)+tmin si = np.linspace(1, xdim-1, xdim)*0.1+smin # Loop to fill in grid with densities for j in range(0, int(ydim)): for i in range(0, int(xdim)): dens[j, i] = sw.dens(si[i], ti[j], 0) # Substract 1000 to convert to sigma-t dens = dens - 1000 # Plot data cs = plt.contour(si, ti, dens, linestyles='dashed', colors='k') plt.clabel(cs, fontsize=12, inline=1, fmt='%1.0f') # Label every second level ppl.scatter(ax, sal, temp, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel.replace("_", " "), labelpad=10, **axis_font) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel.replace("_", " "), labelpad=10, **axis_font) ax.set_title(title.replace("_", " "), **title_font) ax.set_aspect(1./ax.get_data_ratio()) # make axes square if tick_font: ax.tick_params(**tick_font) plt.tight_layout()
def sigma_t(s, t, p): r""":math:`\\sigma_{t}` is the remainder of subtracting 1000 kg m :sup:`-3` from the density of a sea water sample at atmospheric pressure. Parameters ---------- s(p) : array_like salinity [psu (PSS-78)] t(p) : array_like temperature [:math:`^\\circ` C (ITS-90)] p : array_like pressure [db] Returns ------- sgmt : array_like density [kg m :sup:`3`] Notes ----- Density of Sea Water using UNESCO 1983 (EOS 80) polynomial. Examples -------- Data from Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p22 >>> import seawater.csiro as sw >>> import seawater.extras as swe >>> s = [0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 35, 35, 35] >>> t = sw.T90conv([0, 0, 30, 30, 0, 0, 30, 30]) >>> p = [0, 10000, 0, 10000, 0, 10000, 0, 10000] >>> swe.sigma_t(s, t, p) array([ -0.157406 , 45.33710972, -4.34886626, 36.03148891, 28.10633141, 70.95838408, 21.72863949, 60.55058771]) References ---------- .. [1] Fofonoff, P. and Millard, R.C. Jr UNESCO 1983. Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO Tech. Pap. in Mar. Sci., No. 44, 53 pp. Eqn.(31) p.39. .. [2] Millero, F.J., Chen, C.T., Bradshaw, A., and Schleicher, K. A new high pressure equation of state for seawater. Deap-Sea Research., 1980, Vol27A, pp255-264. doi:10.1016/0198-0149(80)90016-3 Modifications: Filipe Fernandes, 2010 10-01-26. Filipe Fernandes, first version. """ s, t, p = map(np.asanyarray, (s, t, p)) return sw.dens(s, t, p) - 1000.0
def tsdiagramjmk(salt,temp,cls=[]): import numpy as np import seawater import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Figure out boudaries (mins and maxs) smin = salt.min() - (0.01 * salt.min()) smax = salt.max() + (0.01 * salt.max()) tmin = temp.min() - (0.1 * temp.max()) tmax = temp.max() + (0.1 * temp.max()) # Calculate how many gridcells we need in the x and y dimensions xdim = round((smax-smin)/0.1+1,0) ydim = round((tmax-tmin)+1,0) # Create empty grid of zeros dens = np.zeros((ydim,xdim)) # Create temp and salt vectors of appropiate dimensions ti = np.linspace(1,ydim-1,ydim)+tmin si = np.linspace(1,xdim-1,xdim)*0.1+smin # Loop to fill in grid with densities for j in range(0,int(ydim)): for i in range(0, int(xdim)): dens[j,i]=seawater.dens(si[i],ti[j],0) # Substract 1000 to convert to sigma-t dens = dens - 1000 # Plot data *********************************************** if not(cls==[]): CS = plt.contour(si,ti,dens, cls,linestyles='dashed', colors='k') else: CS = plt.contour(si,ti,dens,linestyles='dashed', colors='k') plt.clabel(CS, fontsize=9, inline=1, fmt='%1.2f') # Label every second level ax1=gca() # ax1.plot(salt,temp,'or',markersize=4) ax1.set_xlabel('S [psu]') ax1.set_ylabel('T [C]')
def makeTSPlot(float_data, units, cmax=500, close_all=False): if close_all: plt.close('all') # ymin = np.floor(min(float_data['Temperature'])) # ymax = np.ceil(max(float_data['Temperature'])) ymin = -2 ymax = 15 xmin = 33.5 xmax = 35.5 # pmin = np.floor(min(float_data['Density'])) # pmax = np.ceil(max(float_data['Density'])) pmin = 25 pmax = 28.5 #plot sample data plt.figure() pres = sw.pres(float_data['Depth'], float_data['Lat']) ptemp = sw.ptmp(float_data['Salinity'], float_data['Temperature'], pres, 0) plt.scatter(float_data['Salinity'], ptemp, c=float_data['Depth'], lw=0,, vmin=0, vmax=cmax) plt.ylabel('Pot. Temperature (%s)' %units['Temperature']) plt.xlabel('Salinity (PSS)') plt.title("T vs. S for SOCCOM float '%s'" %float_data['Cruise'][0]) plt.clim(cmax, 0) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) cbar = plt.colorbar(extend='max')'Depth (%s)' %units['Depth']) #add density lines temps = np.arange(ymin, ymax,0.1) sals = np.arange(xmin, xmax, 0.1) sal_grid, temp_grid = np.meshgrid(, pdens_grid= sw.dens(sal_grid, temp_grid, 0)-1000 plvls = np.arange(pmin, pmax, 0.2) cs = plt.contour(sal_grid, temp_grid, pdens_grid, plvls, colors='0.5',linewidth=0.5) plt.clabel(cs, inline=1, fontsize=10,fmt='%1.1f',inline_spacing=10)
def visc(s, t, p): r"""Calculates kinematic viscosity of sea-water. Parameters ---------- s(p) : array_like salinity [psu (PSS-78)] t(p) : array_like temperature [:math:`^\\circ` C (ITS-90)] p : array_like pressure [db] Returns ------- visw : array_like [m :sup: `2` s :sup: `-1`] See Also -------- visc_air from airsea toolbox Notes ----- From matlab airsea Examples -------- >>> import seawater.extras as swe >>> swe.visc(40, 40, 1000) 8.2001924966338036e-07 References ---------- .. [1] Dan Kelley's fit to Knauss's TABLE II-8. Modifications: Original 1998/01/19 - Ayal Anis 1998 2010/11/25. Filipe Fernandes, python translation. """ s, t, p = map(np.asanyarray, (s, t, p)) return (1e-4 * (17.91 - 0.5381 * t + 0.00694 * t ** 2 + 0.02305 * s) / sw.dens(s, t, p))
def makeHeatContent(salt,temp,destMask,thetao,pressure): """ The makeHeatContent() function takes 3D (not temporal) arguments and creates heat content which is then mapped to a destination grid and written to a specified variable Author: Paul J. Durack : [email protected] : @durack1. Created on Tue Nov 24 15:34:30 2015. Inputs: ------ - salt(lev,lat,lon) - 3D array. - temp(lev,lat,lon) - 3D array either in-situ or potential temperature. - destGridArray(str) - 2D array with valid grid and mask. - thetao(bool) - boolean value specifying either in-situ or potential temperature arrays provided. - pressure(bool) - boolean value specifying whether lev-coordinate is pressure (dbar) or depth (m). Usage: ------ >>> from oceanLib import makeHeatContent >>> makeHeatContent(salt,temp,destGridArray,thetao=True,pressure=False) Notes: ----- - PJD 24 Nov 2015 - Migrated into new oceanLib from heatContentLib - TODO: Better deal with insitu vs thetao variables - TODO: """ # Remap variables to short names #print salt.getAxisIds() s = salt(squeeze=1) ; # Trim off singleton time dimension #print s.getAxisIds() t = temp(squeeze=1) mask = destMask #print mask.getAxisIds() del(salt,temp,destMask) ; gc.collect() depthInd = 0 ; # Set depth coordinate index #print 's: ',s.min(),s.max() #print 't: ',t.min(),t.max() # Fix out of bounds values t = mv.where(t<-2.6,-2.6,t) ; # Fix for NaN values # Calculate pressure - inputs depth & lat # Create z-coordinate from salinity input if not pressure: zCoord = s.getAxis(depthInd) ; # Assume time,depth,latitude,longitude grid yCoord = s.getAxis(depthInd+1) yCoord = tile(yCoord,(s.shape[depthInd+2],1)).transpose() depthLevels = tile(zCoord.getValue(),(s.shape[depthInd+2],s.shape[depthInd+1],1)).transpose() pressureLevels = sw.pres(np.array(depthLevels),np.array(yCoord)) del(zCoord,yCoord,depthLevels) ; gc.collect() else: pressureLevels = s.getAxis(depthInd) #print pressureLevels.getValue() pressureLevels = transpose(tile(pressureLevels,(s.shape[depthInd+2],s.shape[depthInd+1],1))) pressureLevels = cdm.createVariable(pressureLevels,id='pressureLevels') pressureLevels.setAxis(0,s.getAxis(depthInd)) pressureLevels.setAxis(1,s.getAxis(depthInd+1)) pressureLevels.setAxis(2,s.getAxis(depthInd+2)) pressureLevels.units_long = 'decibar (pressure)' pressureLevels.positive = 'down' pressureLevels.long_name = 'sea_water_pressure' pressureLevels.standard_name = 'sea_water_pressure' pressureLevels.units = 'decibar' pressureLevels.axis = 'Z' #print 'pres: ',pressureLevels.min(),pressureLevels.max() #print pressureLevels.shape #print s.shape #print t.shape #print mask.shape # Calculate temp,rho,cp - inputs temp,salt,pressure if thetao: # Process potential temperature to in-situ temp = sw.temp(np.array(s),np.array(t),np.array(pressureLevels)); # units degrees C rho = sw.dens(np.array(s),np.array(temp),np.array(pressureLevels)) ; # units kg m-3 cp = sw.cp(np.array(s),np.array(temp),np.array(pressureLevels)) ; # units J kg-1 C-1 # Correct instances of NaN values and fix masks - applied before cdms variables are created otherwise names/ids/attributes are reset temp = scrubNaNAndMask(temp,s) rho = scrubNaNAndMask(rho,s) cp = scrubNaNAndMask(cp,s) #print 'temp: ',temp.min(),temp.max() #print 'rho: ',rho.min(),rho.max() #print 'cp: ',cp.min(),cp.max() # Calculate heatContent - inputs temp,rho,cp heatContent = np.array(temp)*np.array(rho)*np.array(cp) ; # units J # Correct instances of NaN values and fix masks - applied before cdms variables are created otherwise names/ids/attributes are reset heatContent = scrubNaNAndMask(heatContent,s) #print 'hc: ',heatContent.min(),heatContent.max() # Interpolate to standard levels - inputs heatContent,levels newDepth = np.array([5,10,20,30,40,50,75,100,125,150,200,300,500,700,1000,1500,1800,2000]).astype('f'); newDepth_bounds = np.array([[0,5],[5,10],[10,20],[20,30],[30,40],[40,50],[50,75],[75,100],[100,125],[125,150], [150,200],[200,300],[300,500],[500,700],[700,1000],[1000,1500],[1500,1800],[1800,2000]]).astype('f') # Interpolate to standard levels #print heatContent.shape #print heatContent.getAxisIds() #print pressureLevels.shape #print pressureLevels.getAxisIds() # Reset variable axes heatContent.setAxis(0,s.getAxis(0)) #heatContent.setAxis(1,s.getAxis(1)) #heatContent.setAxis(2,s.getAxis(2)) pdb.set_trace() heatContent.setGrid(s.getGrid()) #print heatContent.shape #print heatContent.getAxisIds() #print pressureLevels.shape #print pressureLevels.getAxisIds() heatContent_depthInterp = cdu.linearInterpolation(heatContent,pressureLevels,levels=newDepth) # Fix bounds newDepth = heatContent_depthInterp.getAxis(0) newDepth.setBounds(newDepth_bounds) del(newDepth_bounds) = 'depth2' newDepth.units_long = 'decibar (pressure)' newDepth.positive = 'down' newDepth.long_name = 'sea_water_pressure' newDepth.standard_name = 'sea_water_pressure' newDepth.units = 'decibar' newDepth.axis = 'Z' #print 'hc_interp:',heatContent_depthInterp.min(),heatContent_depthInterp.max() # Integrate to 700 dbar - inputs heatContent heatContent_depthInteg = cdu.averager(heatContent_depthInterp[0:14,...],axis=0,weights='weighted',action='sum')(squeeze=1) # Calculate depth-weighted-integrated thetao # Assign all axis info #print heatContent_depthInteg.shape pdb.set_trace() # Interpolate in x,y - inputs heatContent #tmp1 = heatContent_depthInteg.regrid(mask.getGrid(),regridTool='esmf',regridMethod='linear') ; # Use defaults - ,coordSys='deg',diag = {},periodicity=1) tmp1 = heatContent_depthInteg.regrid(mask,regridTool='esmf',regridMethod='linear') ; # Use defaults - ,coordSys='deg',diag = {},periodicity=1) #print tmp1.shape tmp1 = mv.where(tmp1<0,0,tmp1) ; # Fix for negative values # Infill - inputs heatContent # Create inputs for interpolation points = np.zeros([(mask.shape[0]*mask.shape[1]),2]) ; # Create 25380 vectors of lon/lat latcounter = 0 ; loncounter = 0 for count,data in enumerate(points): if not np.mod(count,180) and not count == 0: latcounter = latcounter + 1 loncounter = 0 points[count,0] = mask.getLatitude().getValue()[latcounter] points[count,1] = mask.getLongitude().getValue()[loncounter] loncounter = loncounter + 1 del(count,data,latcounter,loncounter); gc.collect() valid = np.logical_not(tmp1.mask) ; # Get inverted-logic boolean mask from variable if valid.size == 1: print '** No valid mask found, skipping **' return valid = valid.flatten() ; # Flatten 2D to 1D #maskFilled = mask(tmp,points,valid) interpolant = interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator(points[valid,:],np.array(tmp1.flatten())[valid]) ; # Create interpolant maskFill = interpolant(points[:,0].squeeze(),points[:,1].squeeze()) ; # Use interpolant to create filled matrix maskFill = np.reshape(maskFill,mask.shape) ; # Resize to original dimensions # Fix issues with interpolant tmp2 = mv.where(np.isnan(maskFill),1e+20,maskFill) ; # Fix for NaN values tmp2 = mv.where(tmp2>tmp1.max(),0,tmp2) ; # Fix for max values tmp2 = mv.where(tmp2<tmp1.min(),0,tmp2) ; # Fix for min values tmp = mv.masked_where(mask.mask,tmp2) #print tmp.shape # Redress variable heatContent = cdm.createVariable([tmp],id='heatContent') depthInt = cdm.createAxis([350],id='depth') depthInt.setBounds(np.array([0,700])) depthInt.units_long = 'decibar (pressure)' depthInt.positive = 'down' depthInt.long_name = 'sea_water_pressure' depthInt.standard_name = 'sea_water_pressure' depthInt.units = 'decibar' depthInt.axis = 'Z' heatContent.setAxis(0,depthInt) heatContent.setAxis(1,mask.getAxis(0)) heatContent.setAxis(2,mask.getAxis(1)) heatContent.units_long = 'Joules' heatContent.long_name = 'sea_water_heat_content' heatContent.standard_name = 'sea_water_heat_content' heatContent.units = 'J' return heatContent ; #,tmp1 ; # 0-700 dbar standard masked variable
def makeSteric(salinity,salinityChg,temp,tempChg,outFileName,thetao,pressure): """ The makeSteric() function takes 3D (not temporal) arguments and creates heat content and steric fields which are written to a specified outfile Author: Paul J. Durack : [email protected] : @durack1. Created on Thu Jul 18 13:03:37 2013. Inputs: ------ - salinity(lev,lat,lon) - 3D array for the climatological period. - salinityChg(lev,lat,lon) - 3D array for the temporal change period. - temp(lev,lat,lon) - 3D array for the climatological period either in-situ or potential temperature. - tempChg(lev,lat,lon) - 3D array for the temporal change period as with temp, either in-situ or potential temperature. - outFileName(str) - output filename with full path specified. - thetao(bool) - boolean value specifying either in-situ or potential temperature arrays provided. - pressure(bool) - boolean value specifying whether lev-coordinate is pressure (dbar) or depth (m). Usage: ------ >>> from makeStericLib import makeSteric >>> makeSteric(salinity,salinityChg,thetao,thetaoChg,'',True,False) Notes: ----- - PJD 18 Jul 2013 - Validated Ishii v6.13 data against WOA94 - checks out ok. Units: dyn decimeter compared to uses cm (not decimeter; x 10) - PJD 18 Jul 2013 - Added attribute scrub to incoming variables (so,so_chg,temp,temp_chg) to maintain output consistency - PJD 22 Jul 2013 - Added name attributes to so and temp variables, added units to so_chg - PJD 22 Jul 2013 - removed duplicated code by converting repetition to function scrubNaNAndMask - PJD 23 Jul 2013 - Further cleaned up so,so_chg,temp,temp_chg outputs specifying id/name attributes - PJD 5 Aug 2013 - Updated python-seawater library to version 3.3.1 from github repo, git clone, python install --user - PJD 7 Aug 2013 - FIXED: thetao rather than in-situ temperature propagating throughout calculations - PJD 7 Aug 2013 - Replaced looping with 3D gpan - PJD 7 Aug 2013 - Further code duplication cleanup - PJD 8 Aug 2013 - FIXED: scrubNanAndMask function type/mask/grid issue - encase sw arguments in np.array() (attempt to strip cdms fluff) - PJD 8 Aug 2013 - FIXED: removed depth variable unit edits - not all inputs are depth (m) - PJD 15 Aug 2013 - Increased interpolated field resolution [200,300,500,700,1000,1500,1800,2000] - [5,10,20,30,40,50,75,100,125,150,200, ...] - PJD 18 Aug 2013 - AR5 hard coded rho=1020,cp=4187 == 4.3e6 vs Ishii 1970 rho.mean=1024,cp.mean=3922 == 4.1e6 ~5% too high - PJD 13 Jan 2014 - Corrected steric_height_anom and steric_height_thermo_anom to true anomaly fields, needed to remove climatology - PJD 3 May 2014 - Turned off thetao conversion, although convert to numpy array rather than cdms2 transient variable - PJD 13 Oct 2014 - Added seawater_library_version as a global attribute - PJD 13 Oct 2014 - FIXED: bug with calculation of rho_halo variable was calculating gpan - PJD 13 Oct 2014 - Added alternate calculation of halosteric anomaly (direct salinity anomaly calculation, rather than total-thermosteric) - PJD 13 Oct 2014 - Added makeSteric_version as a global attribute - TODO: Better deal with insitu vs thetao variables - TODO: Query Charles on why *.name attributes are propagating - TODO: validate outputs and compare to matlab versions - 10e-7 errors. """ # Remap all variables to short names so = salinity so_chg = salinityChg temp = temp temp_chg = tempChg del(salinity,salinityChg,tempChg) ; gc.collect() # Strip attributes to maintain consistency between datasets for count,x in enumerate(so.attributes.keys()): delattr(so,x) #print so.listattributes() ; # Print remaining attributes for count,x in enumerate(so_chg.attributes.keys()): delattr(so_chg,x) for count,x in enumerate(temp.attributes.keys()): delattr(temp,x) for count,x in enumerate(temp_chg.attributes.keys()): delattr(temp_chg,x) del(count,x) # Create z-coordinate from salinity input if not pressure: z_coord = so.getAxis(0) y_coord = so.getAxis(1) y_coord = tile(y_coord,(so.shape[2],1)).transpose() depth_levels = tile(z_coord.getValue(),(so.shape[2],so.shape[1],1)).transpose() pressure_levels = sw.pres(np.array(depth_levels),np.array(y_coord)) del(z_coord,y_coord,depth_levels) ; gc.collect() else: pressure_levels = so.getAxis(0) pressure_levels = transpose(tile(pressure_levels,(so.shape[2],so.shape[1],1))) pressure_levels = cdm.createVariable(pressure_levels,id='pressure_levels') pressure_levels.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) pressure_levels.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) pressure_levels.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) = 'pressure_levels' pressure_levels.units_long = 'decibar (pressure)' pressure_levels.positive = 'down' pressure_levels.long_name = 'sea_water_pressure' pressure_levels.standard_name = 'sea_water_pressure' pressure_levels.units = 'decibar' pressure_levels.axis = 'Z' # Cleanup depth axis attributes depth = so.getAxis(0) = 'depth' = 'depth' depth.long_name = 'depth' depth.standard_name = 'depth' depth.axis = 'Z' so.setAxis(0,depth) so_chg.setAxis(0,depth) temp.setAxis(0,depth) temp_chg.setAxis(0,depth) del(depth) # Convert using python-seawater library (v3.3.1 - 130807) if thetao: # Process potential temperature to in-situ - default conversion sets reference pressure to 0 (surface) #temp_chg = sw.temp(np.array(so),np.array(temp_chg),np.array(pressure_levels)); # units degrees C #temp = sw.temp(np.array(so),np.array(temp),np.array(pressure_levels)); # units degrees C #temp_chg = sw.ptmp(np.array(so),np.array(temp_chg),np.array(pressure_levels),np.array(pressure_levels)); # units degrees C #temp = sw.ptmp(np.array(so),np.array(temp),np.array(pressure_levels),np.array(pressure_levels)); # units degrees C temp_chg = np.array(temp_chg); # units degrees C temp = np.array(temp); # units degrees C # Climatologies - rho,cp,steric_height rho = sw.dens(np.array(so),np.array(temp),np.array(pressure_levels)) ; # units kg m-3 cp = sw.cp(np.array(so),np.array(temp),np.array(pressure_levels)) ; # units J kg-1 C-1 steric_height = sw.gpan(np.array(so),np.array(temp),np.array(pressure_levels)) ; # units m3 kg-1 Pa == m2 s-2 == J kg-1 (dynamic decimeter) # Halosteric - rho,cp ss = map(array,(so+so_chg)) rho_halo = sw.dens(np.array(ss),np.array(temp),np.array(pressure_levels)) ; # units kg m-3 cp_halo = sw.cp(np.array(ss),np.array(temp),np.array(pressure_levels)) ; # units J kg-1 C-1 tmp = sw.gpan(np.array(ss),np.array(temp),np.array(pressure_levels)) ; # units m3 kg-1 Pa == m2 s-2 == J kg-1 (dynamic decimeter) steric_height_halo_anom2 = tmp-steric_height ; # units m3 kg-1 Pa == m2 s-2 == J kg-1 (dynamic decimeter) # Full steric - steric_height tt = map(array,(temp+temp_chg)) tmp = sw.gpan(np.array(ss),np.array(tt),np.array(pressure_levels)) ; # units m3 kg-1 Pa == m2 s-2 == J kg-1 (dynamic decimeter) steric_height_anom = tmp-steric_height ; # units m3 kg-1 Pa == m2 s-2 == J kg-1 (dynamic decimeter) del(ss,tmp) ; gc.collect() # Thermosteric - rho,cp,steric_height rho_thermo = sw.dens(np.array(so),np.array(tt),np.array(pressure_levels)) ; # units kg m-3 cp_thermo = sw.cp(np.array(so),np.array(tt),np.array(pressure_levels)) ; # units J kg-1 C-1 tmp = sw.gpan(np.array(so),np.array(tt),np.array(pressure_levels)) ; # units m3 kg-1 Pa == m2 s-2 == J kg-1 (dynamic decimeter) steric_height_thermo_anom = tmp-steric_height ; # units m3 kg-1 Pa == m2 s-2 == J kg-1 (dynamic decimeter) del(tt,tmp) ; gc.collect() # Halosteric - steric_height steric_height_halo_anom = steric_height_anom-steric_height_thermo_anom ; # units m3 kg-1 Pa == m2 s-2 == J kg-1 (dynamic decimeter) # Create heat content heat_content = np.array(temp)*np.array(rho)*np.array(cp) ; # units J heat_content_sanom = np.array(temp)*np.array(rho_halo)*np.array(cp_halo) ; # units J heat_content_tanom = np.array(temp_chg)*np.array(rho)*np.array(cp) ; # units J #heat_content_tanom = np.array(temp_chg)*np.array(1020)*np.array(4187) ; # units J - try hard-coded - AR5 numbers heat_content_tsanom = np.array(temp_chg)*np.array(rho_halo)*np.array(cp_halo) ; # units J # Correct all instances of NaN values and fix masks - applied before cdms variables are created otherwise names/ids/attributes are reset temp = scrubNaNAndMask(temp,so) temp_chg = scrubNaNAndMask(temp_chg,so) rho = scrubNaNAndMask(rho,so) cp = scrubNaNAndMask(cp,so) rho_halo = scrubNaNAndMask(rho_halo,so) cp_halo = scrubNaNAndMask(cp_halo,so) rho_thermo = scrubNaNAndMask(rho_thermo,so) cp_thermo = scrubNaNAndMask(cp_thermo,so) steric_height = scrubNaNAndMask(steric_height,so) steric_height_anom = scrubNaNAndMask(steric_height_anom,so) steric_height_thermo_anom = scrubNaNAndMask(steric_height_thermo_anom,so) steric_height_halo_anom = scrubNaNAndMask(steric_height_halo_anom,so) steric_height_halo_anom2 = scrubNaNAndMask(steric_height_halo_anom2,so) heat_content = scrubNaNAndMask(heat_content,so) heat_content_sanom = scrubNaNAndMask(heat_content_sanom,so) heat_content_tanom = scrubNaNAndMask(heat_content_tanom,so) heat_content_tsanom = scrubNaNAndMask(heat_content_tsanom,so) # Recreate and redress variables = 'so_mean' so.units = '1e-3' = 'so_chg' so_chg.units = '1e-3' temp = cdm.createVariable(temp,id='temp_mean') temp.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) temp.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) temp.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) temp.units = 'degrees_C' temp_chg = cdm.createVariable(temp_chg,id='temp_chg') temp_chg.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) temp_chg.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) temp_chg.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) temp_chg.units = 'degrees_C' rho = cdm.createVariable(rho,id='rho') rho.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) rho.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) rho.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) = 'density_mean' rho.units = 'kg m^-3' cp = cdm.createVariable(cp,id='cp') cp.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) cp.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) cp.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) = 'heat_capacity_mean' cp.units = 'J kg^-1 C^-1' rho_halo = cdm.createVariable(rho_halo,id='rho_halo') rho_halo.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) rho_halo.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) rho_halo.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) = 'density_mean_halo' rho_halo.units = 'kg m^-3' cp_halo = cdm.createVariable(cp_halo,id='cp_halo') cp_halo.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) cp_halo.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) cp_halo.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) = 'heat_capacity_mean_halo' cp_halo.units = 'J kg^-1 C^-1' rho_thermo = cdm.createVariable(rho_thermo,id='rho_thermo') rho_thermo.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) rho_thermo.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) rho_thermo.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) = 'density_mean_thermo' rho_thermo.units = 'kg m^-3' cp_thermo = cdm.createVariable(cp_thermo,id='cp_thermo') cp_thermo.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) cp_thermo.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) cp_thermo.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) = 'heat_capacity_mean_thermo' cp_thermo.units = 'J kg^-1 C^-1' steric_height = cdm.createVariable(steric_height,id='steric_height') steric_height.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) steric_height.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) steric_height.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) steric_height.units = 'm^3 kg^-1 Pa (dynamic decimeter)' steric_height_anom = cdm.createVariable(steric_height_anom,id='steric_height_anom') steric_height_anom.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) steric_height_anom.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) steric_height_anom.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) steric_height_anom.units = 'm^3 kg^-1 Pa (dynamic decimeter)' steric_height_thermo_anom = cdm.createVariable(steric_height_thermo_anom,id='steric_height_thermo_anom') steric_height_thermo_anom.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) steric_height_thermo_anom.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) steric_height_thermo_anom.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) steric_height_thermo_anom.units = 'm^3 kg^-1 Pa (dynamic decimeter)' steric_height_halo_anom = cdm.createVariable(steric_height_halo_anom,id='steric_height_halo_anom') steric_height_halo_anom.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) steric_height_halo_anom.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) steric_height_halo_anom.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) steric_height_halo_anom.units = 'm^3 kg^-1 Pa (dynamic decimeter)' steric_height_halo_anom2 = cdm.createVariable(steric_height_halo_anom2,id='steric_height_halo_anom2') steric_height_halo_anom2.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) steric_height_halo_anom2.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) steric_height_halo_anom2.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) steric_height_halo_anom2.units = 'm^3 kg^-1 Pa (dynamic decimeter)' heat_content = cdm.createVariable(heat_content,id='heat_content') heat_content.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) heat_content.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) heat_content.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) heat_content.units = 'J' heat_content_sanom = cdm.createVariable(heat_content_sanom,id='heat_content_sanom') heat_content_sanom.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) heat_content_sanom.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) heat_content_sanom.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) heat_content_sanom.units = 'J' heat_content_tanom = cdm.createVariable(heat_content_tanom,id='heat_content_tanom') heat_content_tanom.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) heat_content_tanom.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) heat_content_tanom.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) heat_content_tanom.units = 'J' heat_content_tsanom = cdm.createVariable(heat_content_tsanom,id='heat_content_tsanom') heat_content_tsanom.setAxis(0,so.getAxis(0)) heat_content_tsanom.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) heat_content_tsanom.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) heat_content_tsanom.units = 'J' # Create model-based depth index for subset target levels newdepth = np.array([5,10,20,30,40,50,75,100,125,150,200,300,500,700,1000,1500,1800,2000]).astype('f'); newdepth_bounds = np.array([[0,5],[5,10],[10,20],[20,30],[30,40],[40,50],[50,75],[75,100],[100,125],[125,150], [150,200],[200,300],[300,500],[500,700],[700,1000],[1000,1500],[1500,1800],[1800,2000]]).astype('f') #newdepth = np.array([200,300,500,700,1000,1500,1800,2000]).astype('f'); #newdepth_bounds = np.array([[0,200],[200,300],[300,500],[500,700],[700,1000],[1000,1500],[1500,1800],[1800,2000]]).astype('f') # Interpolate to depths so_depthInterp = cdu.linearInterpolation(so,pressure_levels,levels=newdepth) temp_depthInterp = cdu.linearInterpolation(temp,pressure_levels,levels=newdepth) steric_height_depthInterp = cdu.linearInterpolation(steric_height,pressure_levels,levels=newdepth) steric_height_anom_depthInterp = cdu.linearInterpolation(steric_height_anom,pressure_levels,levels=newdepth) steric_height_thermo_anom_depthInterp = cdu.linearInterpolation(steric_height_thermo_anom,pressure_levels,levels=newdepth) steric_height_halo_anom_depthInterp = cdu.linearInterpolation(steric_height_halo_anom,pressure_levels,levels=newdepth) steric_height_halo_anom2_depthInterp = cdu.linearInterpolation(steric_height_halo_anom2,pressure_levels,levels=newdepth) heat_content_sanom_depthInterp = cdu.linearInterpolation(heat_content_sanom,pressure_levels,levels=newdepth) heat_content_tanom_depthInterp = cdu.linearInterpolation(heat_content_tanom,pressure_levels,levels=newdepth) heat_content_tsanom_depthInterp = cdu.linearInterpolation(heat_content_tanom,pressure_levels,levels=newdepth) # Fix masks - applied before cdms variables are created otherwise names/ids/attributes are reset temp_depthInterp = scrubNaNAndMask(temp_depthInterp,so_depthInterp) steric_height_depthInterp = scrubNaNAndMask(steric_height_depthInterp,so_depthInterp) steric_height_anom_depthInterp = scrubNaNAndMask(steric_height_anom_depthInterp,so_depthInterp) steric_height_thermo_anom_depthInterp = scrubNaNAndMask(steric_height_thermo_anom_depthInterp,so_depthInterp) steric_height_halo_anom_depthInterp = scrubNaNAndMask(steric_height_halo_anom_depthInterp,so_depthInterp) steric_height_halo_anom2_depthInterp = scrubNaNAndMask(steric_height_halo_anom2_depthInterp,so_depthInterp) heat_content_sanom_depthInterp = scrubNaNAndMask(heat_content_sanom_depthInterp,so_depthInterp) heat_content_tanom_depthInterp = scrubNaNAndMask(heat_content_tanom_depthInterp,so_depthInterp) heat_content_tsanom_depthInterp = scrubNaNAndMask(heat_content_tsanom_depthInterp,so_depthInterp) # Fix bounds newdepth = so_depthInterp.getAxis(0) newdepth.setBounds(newdepth_bounds) del(newdepth_bounds) = 'depth2' newdepth.units_long = 'decibar (pressure)' newdepth.positive = 'down' newdepth.long_name = 'sea_water_pressure' newdepth.standard_name = 'sea_water_pressure' newdepth.units = 'decibar' newdepth.axis = 'Z' # Assign corrected bounds so_depthInterp.setAxis(0,newdepth) temp_depthInterp.setAxis(0,newdepth) steric_height_depthInterp.setAxis(0,newdepth) steric_height_anom_depthInterp.setAxis(0,newdepth) steric_height_thermo_anom_depthInterp.setAxis(0,newdepth) steric_height_halo_anom_depthInterp.setAxis(0,newdepth) steric_height_halo_anom2_depthInterp.setAxis(0,newdepth) heat_content_sanom_depthInterp.setAxis(0,newdepth) heat_content_tanom_depthInterp.setAxis(0,newdepth) heat_content_tsanom_depthInterp.setAxis(0,newdepth) # Average/integrate to surface - configure bounds # Preallocate arrays so_depthAve =[len(newdepth),shape(so)[1],shape(so)[2]]) temp_depthAve = so_depthAve.copy() heat_content_sanom_depthInteg = so_depthAve.copy() heat_content_tanom_depthInteg = so_depthAve.copy() heat_content_tsanom_depthInteg = so_depthAve.copy() for count,depth in enumerate(newdepth): tmp = cdu.averager(so_depthInterp[0:(count+1),...],axis=0,weights='weighted',action='average') so_depthAve[count,] = tmp; tmp = cdu.averager(temp_depthInterp[0:(count+1),...],axis=0,weights='weighted',action='average') temp_depthAve[count,] = tmp; tmp = cdu.averager(heat_content_sanom_depthInterp[0:(count+1),...],axis=0,weights='weighted',action='sum') heat_content_sanom_depthInteg[count,] = tmp tmp = cdu.averager(heat_content_tanom_depthInterp[0:(count+1),...],axis=0,weights='weighted',action='sum') heat_content_tanom_depthInteg[count,] = tmp tmp = cdu.averager(heat_content_tsanom_depthInterp[0:(count+1),...],axis=0,weights='weighted',action='sum') heat_content_tsanom_depthInteg[count,] = tmp del(heat_content_tanom_depthInterp,heat_content_tsanom_depthInterp); gc.collect() # Fix masks - applied before cdms variables are created otherwise names/ids/attributes are reset so_depthAve = scrubNaNAndMask(so_depthAve,so_depthInterp) temp_depthAve = scrubNaNAndMask(temp_depthAve,so_depthInterp) heat_content_sanom_depthInteg = scrubNaNAndMask(heat_content_sanom_depthInteg,so_depthInterp) heat_content_tanom_depthInteg = scrubNaNAndMask(heat_content_tanom_depthInteg,so_depthInterp) heat_content_tsanom_depthInteg = scrubNaNAndMask(heat_content_tsanom_depthInteg,so_depthInterp) del(so_depthInterp) # Convert numpy arrays to cdms objects heat_content_sanom_depthInteg = cdm.createVariable(heat_content_sanom_depthInteg,id='heat_content_sanom_depthInteg') = 'heat_content_sanom_depthInteg' heat_content_sanom_depthInteg.setAxis(0,newdepth) heat_content_sanom_depthInteg.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) heat_content_sanom_depthInteg.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) heat_content_sanom_depthInteg.units = 'J' heat_content_tanom_depthInteg = cdm.createVariable(heat_content_tanom_depthInteg,id='heat_content_tanom_depthInteg') = 'heat_content_tanom_depthInteg' heat_content_tanom_depthInteg.setAxis(0,newdepth) heat_content_tanom_depthInteg.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) heat_content_tanom_depthInteg.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) heat_content_tanom_depthInteg.units = 'J' heat_content_tsanom_depthInteg = cdm.createVariable(heat_content_tsanom_depthInteg,id='heat_content_tsanom_depthInteg') = 'heat_content_tsanom_depthInteg' heat_content_tsanom_depthInteg.setAxis(0,newdepth) heat_content_tsanom_depthInteg.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) heat_content_tsanom_depthInteg.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) heat_content_tsanom_depthInteg.units = 'J' so_depthAve = cdm.createVariable(so_depthAve,id='so_depthAve') = 'so_depthAve' so_depthAve.setAxis(0,newdepth) so_depthAve.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) so_depthAve.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) so_depthAve.units = '1e-3' temp_depthAve = cdm.createVariable(temp_depthAve,id='temp_depthAve') = 'temp_depthAve' temp_depthAve.setAxis(0,newdepth) temp_depthAve.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) temp_depthAve.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) temp_depthAve.units = 'degrees_C' steric_height_depthInterp = cdm.createVariable(steric_height_depthInterp,id='steric_height_depthInterp') steric_height_depthInterp.setAxis(0,newdepth) steric_height_depthInterp.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) steric_height_depthInterp.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) steric_height_depthInterp.units = 'm^3 kg^-1 Pa (dynamic decimeter)' steric_height_anom_depthInterp = cdm.createVariable(steric_height_anom_depthInterp,id='steric_height_anom_depthInterp') steric_height_anom_depthInterp.setAxis(0,newdepth) steric_height_anom_depthInterp.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) steric_height_anom_depthInterp.setAxis(2,rho.getAxis(2)) steric_height_anom_depthInterp.units = 'm^3 kg^-1 Pa (dynamic decimeter)' steric_height_thermo_anom_depthInterp = cdm.createVariable(steric_height_thermo_anom_depthInterp,id='steric_height_thermo_anom_depthInterp') steric_height_thermo_anom_depthInterp.setAxis(0,newdepth) steric_height_thermo_anom_depthInterp.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) steric_height_thermo_anom_depthInterp.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) steric_height_thermo_anom_depthInterp.units = 'm^3 kg^-1 Pa (dynamic decimeter)' steric_height_halo_anom_depthInterp = cdm.createVariable(steric_height_halo_anom_depthInterp,id='steric_height_halo_anom_depthInterp') steric_height_halo_anom_depthInterp.setAxis(0,newdepth) steric_height_halo_anom_depthInterp.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) steric_height_halo_anom_depthInterp.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) steric_height_halo_anom_depthInterp.units = 'm^3 kg^-1 Pa (dynamic decimeter)' steric_height_halo_anom2_depthInterp = cdm.createVariable(steric_height_halo_anom2_depthInterp,id='steric_height_halo_anom2_depthInterp') steric_height_halo_anom2_depthInterp.setAxis(0,newdepth) steric_height_halo_anom2_depthInterp.setAxis(1,so.getAxis(1)) steric_height_halo_anom2_depthInterp.setAxis(2,so.getAxis(2)) steric_height_halo_anom2_depthInterp.units = 'm^3 kg^-1 Pa (dynamic decimeter)' # Cleanup workspace del(newdepth) ; gc.collect() # Write variables to file if os.path.isfile(outFileName): os.remove(outFileName) filehandle =,'w') # Global attributes globalAttWrite(filehandle,options=None) ; # Use function to write standard global atts # Write seawater version filehandle.seawater_library_version = sw.__version__ # Write makeSteric version makeStericPath = str(makeSteric.__code__).split(' ')[6] makeStericPath = replace(replace(makeStericPath,'"',''),',','') ; # Clean scraped path filehandle.makeSteric_version = ' '.join(getGitInfo(makeStericPath)[0:3]) # Master variables filehandle.write(so.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(so_chg.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(so_depthAve.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(temp.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(temp_chg.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(temp_depthAve.astype('float32')) # Derived variables filehandle.write(cp.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(cp_halo.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(cp_thermo.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(rho.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(rho_halo.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(rho_thermo.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(heat_content.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(heat_content_sanom.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(heat_content_sanom_depthInteg.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(heat_content_tanom.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(heat_content_tanom_depthInteg.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(heat_content_tsanom.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(heat_content_tsanom_depthInteg.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(steric_height.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(steric_height_depthInterp.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(steric_height_anom.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(steric_height_anom_depthInterp.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(steric_height_halo_anom.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(steric_height_halo_anom2.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(steric_height_halo_anom_depthInterp.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(steric_height_halo_anom2_depthInterp.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(steric_height_thermo_anom.astype('float32')) filehandle.write(steric_height_thermo_anom_depthInterp.astype('float32')) filehandle.close() # Cleanup workspace del(outFileName) ; gc.collect()
def selector(self,var,T_int, region): ''' Returns a profile list by selecting for variable (string), T_int (TimeInterval object) region (region object) ''' ivar = find_index(var, self.VARIABLES) values= self.DATA[ivar,:] units = self.UNITS[ivar,:].tostring() if units =="\\mumol/kg": itemp = find_index('temp' , self.VARIABLES) ipsal = find_index('salinity', self.VARIABLES) idens = find_index('density' , self.VARIABLES) temp = self.DATA[itemp,:] sali = self.DATA[ipsal,:] pres = self.DATA[5,:] dens = self.DATA[idens,:] good_rho = (sali < 1.e+19 ) & (sali>0) & (temp < 1.e+19 ) & (temp>0) & (pres < 1.e+19 ) & (pres>0) t = T90conv(temp) n = len(values) calculated_rho = np.ones((n),np.float32)*np.nan assumed_density = np.ones((n),np.float32)*np.nan calculated_rho[good_rho] = seawater.dens(sali[good_rho],t[good_rho],pres[good_rho]) good_dens = (dens < 1.e+19 ) & (dens>0) for i in range(n): if good_dens[i]: assumed_density[i] = dens[i] else: if good_rho[i]: assumed_density[i] = calculated_rho[i] good = ~np.isnan(assumed_density) values[good] = values[good] * assumed_density[good] /1000. values[~good] = 1.e+20 good = (values < 1e+19) & (values > 0) values = values[good] year = self.DATA[ 0,good] month = self.DATA[ 1,good] day = self.DATA[ 2,good] lat = self.DATA[ 3,good] lon = self.DATA[ 4,good] depth = self.DATA[ 5,good] dataset = self.DATA[-1,good] nValues=values.size Selected = np.zeros((nValues,),dtype=np.bool) TIME = np.zeros((nValues), dtype=np.int32) for i in range(nValues): time = datetime.datetime(year[i],month[i],day[i]) TIME[i] = time.toordinal() if T_int.contains(time) & region.is_inside(lon[i], lat[i]): Selected[i] = True Time = TIME[Selected] Lon = lon[Selected] Lat = lat[Selected] values = values[Selected] depth = depth[Selected] dataset = dataset[Selected] return self.profileGenerator(Time, Lon, Lat, values, depth, dataset)
def _plot_fvcomfile(): if (w.config['fvcom']['shiftlonTF'] == 'True' and w.fvcom['shifted'] == False): w.fvcom['lon'] = w.fvcom['lon'] - 360.0 w.fvcom['trigrid'] = mplt.Triangulation(w.fvcom['lon'], w.fvcom['lat'], w.fvcom['nv']) w.fvcom['shifted'] = True elif (w.config['fvcom']['shiftlonTF'] == 'False' and w.fvcom['shifted'] == True): w.fvcom['lon'] = w.fvcom['lon'] + 360.0 w.fvcom['trigrid'] = mplt.Triangulation(w.fvcom['lon'], w.fvcom['lat'], w.fvcom['nv']) w.fvcom['shifted'] = False if 'fvcom' not in w.FIGS: w.FIGS['fvcom'] = {} if not hasattr(w, 'cb'): w.cb = {} #print(w.fvcom['lon'][0],w.fvcom['lat'][0]) state = True try: if w.fvcomplot in w.FIGS['fvcom']: w.FIGS['fvcom'][w.fvcomplot].remove() state = w.TF['fvcom'] except: w.fvcomplot = '' if w.overmenu.get() != '': if w.overmenu.get() in w.fvcom['pable']: w.fvcomplot = w.overmenu.get() else: w.fvcomplot = w.FVCOMMenuVar.get() if w.etime != '': w.timeTF = True w.time = int(w.etime.get()) else: w.timeTF = False if w.elvl != '': w.lvlTF = True w.lvl = int(w.elvl.get()) else: w.lvlTF = False #print(w.fvcomplot) if w.fvcomplot == 'dhh': dname = 'dhh' if w.fvcomplot not in w.fvcom: w.fvcom = ut.get_dhh(w.fvcom) elif w.fvcomplot == 'sidelength': dname = 'sl' if w.fvcomplot not in w.fvcom: w.fvcom = ut.get_sidelength(w.fvcom) elif (w.fvcomplot == 'speed_da' and w.timeTF): dname = 'speed_da' w.fvcom['speed_da'] = np.sqrt(w.fvcom['ua'][w.time, :]**2 + w.fvcom['va'][w.time, :]**2) elif (w.fvcomplot == 'speed' and w.timeTF and w.lvlTF): dname = 'speed' w.fvcom['speed'] = np.sqrt(w.fvcom['u'][w.time, w.lvl, :]**2 + w.fvcom['v'][w.time, w.lvl, :]**2) elif (w.fvcomplot == 'vorticity_da' and w.timeTF): dname = 'field' i = w.time dudy = w.fvcom['a2u'][0,:]*w.fvcom['ua'][i,:]+w.fvcom['a2u'][1,:]*w.fvcom['ua'][i,w.fvcom['nbe'][:,0]] +\ w.fvcom['a2u'][2,:]*w.fvcom['ua'][i,w.fvcom['nbe'][:,1]]+w.fvcom['a2u'][3,:]*w.fvcom['ua'][i,w.fvcom['nbe'][:,2]] dvdx = w.fvcom['a1u'][0,:]*w.fvcom['va'][i,:]+w.fvcom['a1u'][1,:]*w.fvcom['va'][i,w.fvcom['nbe'][:,0]] +\ w.fvcom['a1u'][2,:]*w.fvcom['va'][i,w.fvcom['nbe'][:,1]]+w.fvcom['a1u'][3,:]*w.fvcom['va'][i,w.fvcom['nbe'][:,2]] w.fvcom[dname] = dvdx - dudy elif (w.fvcomplot == 'vorticity' and w.timeTF and w.lvlTF): dname = 'field' i = w.time layer = w.lvl dudy = w.fvcom['a2u'][0,:]*w.fvcom['u'][i,layer,:]+w.fvcom['a2u'][1,:]*w.fvcom['u'][i,layer,w.fvcom['nbe'][:,0]] +\ w.fvcom['a2u'][2,:]*w.fvcom['u'][i,layer,w.fvcom['nbe'][:,1]]+w.fvcom['a2u'][3,:]*w.fvcom['u'][i,layer,w.fvcom['nbe'][:,2]] dvdx = w.fvcom['a1u'][0,:]*w.fvcom['v'][i,layer,:]+w.fvcom['a1u'][1,:]*w.fvcom['v'][i,layer,w.fvcom['nbe'][:,0]] +\ w.fvcom['a1u'][2,:]*w.fvcom['v'][i,layer,w.fvcom['nbe'][:,1]]+w.fvcom['a1u'][3,:]*w.fvcom['v'][i,layer,w.fvcom['nbe'][:,2]] w.fvcom[dname] = dvdx - dudy elif (w.fvcomplot == 'density' and w.timeTF and w.lvlTF): dname = 'field' i = w.time layer = w.lvl pres = sw.pres(w.fvcom['h'] + w.fvcom['zeta'][i, :], w.fvcom['lat']) w.fvcom[dname] = sw.dens(w.fvcom['salinity'][i, layer, :], w.fvcom['temp'][i, layer, :], pres) else: dname = 'field' shp = np.shape(w.fvcom[w.fvcomplot]) tTF = (len(w.fvcom['time']) in shp) lTF = (w.fvcom['dims']['siglev'] in shp) or (w.fvcom['dims']['siglay'] in shp) if (tTF == False and lTF == False): w.fvcom[dname] = w.fvcom[w.fvcomplot] elif (tTF == True and lTF == False): w.fvcom[dname] = w.fvcom[w.fvcomplot][w.time, :] else: w.fvcom[dname] = w.fvcom[w.fvcomplot][w.time, w.lvl, :] cmin, cmax = getcb(w.fvcom[dname]) w.FIGS['fvcom'][w.fvcomplot] = w.fvcom['trigrid'], w.fvcom[dname], vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, visible=state, cmap=w.config['fvcom']['colormap'], zorder=int(w.config['fvcom']['zorder'])) w.cb[w.fvcomplot] = w.figure.colorbar(w.FIGS['fvcom'][w.fvcomplot], cax=w.cax) w.figure.canvas.draw() return
# POM exp temp_POM_band_exp , salt_POM_band_exp, dens_POM_band_exp, \ zmatrix_POM_band_exp, time_POM = \ get_profiles_from_POM(N,folder_pom_exp,prefix_pom,lon_band,lat_band,\ lon_pom_exp,lat_pom_exp,zlev_pom_exp,zmatrix_pom_exp) # HYCOM exp temp_HYCOM_band_exp, time_HYCOM = \ get_profiles_from_HYCOM(N,folder_hycom_exp,prefix_hycom,\ lon_band,lat_band,lon_hycom,lat_hycom,'temp') salt_HYCOM_band_exp, time_HYCOM = \ get_profiles_from_HYCOM(N,folder_hycom_exp,prefix_hycom,\ lon_band,lat_band,lon_hycom,lat_hycom,'salinity') nx = temp_HYCOM_band_exp.shape[1] dens_HYCOM_band_exp = sw.dens(salt_HYCOM_band_exp, temp_HYCOM_band_exp, np.tile(depth_HYCOM_exp, (nx, 1)).T) # GOFS temp_GOFS_band , salt_GOFS_band = \ get_profiles_from_GOFS(GOFS,target_time[n],lon_band,lat_band) nx = temp_GOFS_band.shape[1] dens_GOFS_band = sw.dens(salt_GOFS_band, temp_GOFS_band, np.tile(depth_GOFS, (nx, 1)).T) # POM oper MLD_temp_crit_POM_oper, _, _, _, MLD_dens_crit_POM_oper, Tmean_dens_crit_POM_oper, \ Smean_dens_crit_POM_oper, _ = \ MLD_temp_and_dens_criteria(dt,drho,time_POM,zmatrix_POM_band_oper,temp_POM_band_oper,\ salt_POM_band_oper,dens_POM_band_oper)
# Cell is over the water if mask[i,j]>0: #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Load in temp,salt, age, residence time #---------------------------------------------------------------- temp =input_data.variables['temp' ][tdim,:,i,j] salt =input_data.variables['salt' ][tdim,:,i,j] Grtime=Gtime_data.variables['age_02' ][tdim,:,i,j] Artime=Atime_data.variables['age_02' ][tdim,:,i,j] rtime =Grtime+Artime #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Calculate depth of the pycnocline #---------------------------------------------------------------- dens=sw.dens(salt,temp,np.squeeze(pres[:,i,j]))-1000. drdZ = abs(dens[1:N]-dens[0:N-1])/abs(np.squeeze(z[1:N,i,j]-z[0:N-1,i,j])) drdZ_ind=np.argmax(drdZ) #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Average residence time above the pycnocline #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Cell is within shelf scope if Gscope[i,j]>0: rtime02[tdim,i,j]=sum(np.squeeze( Hz[drdZ_ind::,i,j])*\ rtime[drdZ_ind::])/\ np.squeeze(abs(z[drdZ_ind,i,j])) else: rtime02[tdim,i,j]=np.nan # Cell is over land
def getFloatMatchups(self,Profilelist,nav_lev,outdir="./"): ''' Dumps an image png file and a NetCDF file for each profile The filenames refers to time and float wmo. Both files contain matchups about chl,O2o,N3n,temperature, salinity Matchups are provided at fixed depths: every 5 meters from 0 to 400m, because in biofloats physical and biological variables do not have the same sampling. Arguments: * Profilelist * is provided by FloatSelector * nav_lev * is the model level * outdir * optional is the output location The matchups are couples of values (Model,Ref) obtained to a given selection in space and time, to be used in statistics. At the moment it can happen that a short model profile is extrapolated over a long float profile. Then, a replication of matchups could occur. Returns nothing ''' from import figure_generator, ncwriter#, add_metadata zlevels_out=np.arange(0,401,5) MODELVARLIST=['P_l','O2o','N3n','votemper','vosaline'] plotvarname = [r'Chl $[mg/m^3]$',r'Oxy $[mmol/m^3]$',r'Nitr $[mmol/m^3]$',r'Temp $[^\circ C]$','Sal'] read_adjusted = [True,False,True,False,False] mapgraph = [3,4,5,1,2] for p in Profilelist: Model_time = self.modeltime(p) if Model_time is None : print p.time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S is a time not included by profiler") continue else: if not self.TI.contains(Model_time) : print Model_time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S is a time not included by profiler") continue VARLIST = p._my_float.available_params.strip().rsplit(" ") VARLIST.remove('PRES') Modelfile = self.profilingDir + "PROFILES/" + Model_time.strftime("") #density calculator on zlevels_out model_varname = 'votemper' ref_varname = self.reference_var(p, model_varname) ModelProfile = self.readModelProfile(Modelfile, model_varname, p.ID()) seaPoints = ~np.isnan(ModelProfile) if np.isnan(ModelProfile).all() : # potrebbe essere fuori dalla tmask print "No model data for (lon,lat) = (%g, %g) " %(p.lon, continue Pres, temp, Qc =,read_adjusted[3]) Temp_out = np.interp(zlevels_out,Pres,temp).astype(np.float32) model_varname = 'vosaline' ref_varname = self.reference_var(p, model_varname) Pres, sal, Qc =,read_adjusted[4]) sal_out = np.interp(zlevels_out,sal,temp).astype(np.float32) density = sw.dens(sal_out,Temp_out,zlevels_out) #end density calculator correction = [1,1000./density,1,1,1] filename = outdir+"/"+Model_time.strftime('%Y%m%d') +"_" ncOUT, model_handlers, float_handlers =ncwriter(filename+".nc", zlevels_out,p) fig, axs = figure_generator(p) #pl.rc('text', usetex=True) for i,model_varname in enumerate(MODELVARLIST): ref_varname = self.reference_var(p, model_varname) if ref_varname not in VARLIST: continue ModelProfile = self.readModelProfile(Modelfile, model_varname, p.ID()) seaPoints = ~np.isnan(ModelProfile) Pres, Profile, Qc =,read_adjusted[i]) if len(Pres) == 0: Pres, Profile, Qc =,not read_adjusted[i]) print model_varname, len(Profile) if len(Profile) < 2 : continue model_on_common_grid=np.interp(zlevels_out,nav_lev[seaPoints],ModelProfile[seaPoints]).astype(np.float32) float_on_common_grid=np.interp(zlevels_out,Pres,Profile).astype(np.float32) #float_on_common_grid = float_on_common_grid*correction[i] Matchup = matchup.matchup.ProfileMatchup(model_on_common_grid, float_on_common_grid, zlevels_out, Qc, p) model_handlers[i][:] = model_on_common_grid[:] #write on NC file float_handlers[i][:] = float_on_common_grid[:] ax=axs[mapgraph[i]] #get subplot fig, ax = Matchup.plot_subplot(plotvarname[i], fig, ax) ncOUT.close() pngfile = filename + ".png" fig.savefig(pngfile) pl.close(fig) #add_metadata(pngfile, p) return
dataset = Dataset( r'/Users/brownscholar/Desktop/' ) pressure = dataset['depth'] temperture = dataset['to'] salinity = dataset['so'] print(pressure.shape) print(temperture.shape) print(salinity.shape) pressure_3d = np.zeros((31, 80, 27)) # for depth_level in pressure: # print(np.repeat(depth_level,80*27).reshape((80,27))) for i in range(0, 31): #print(np.repeat(pressure[i],80*27).reshape((80,27))) pressure_3d[i, :, :] = np.repeat(pressure[i], 80 * 27).reshape((80, 27)) #print(pressure_3d[i,:,:]) density = sw.dens(salinity[:], temperture[:], pressure_3d) density = density - 1000 print(density.shape) for i in range(0, 10): for j in range(0, 10): for k in range(0, 10): print(i, j, k)
for i,model in enumerate(models): print 'testing: '+model file1 = glob.glob(directory+model+'_*'+variables[0]+'*r1i1p1*.nc') file2 = glob.glob(directory+model+'_*'+variables[1]+'*r1i1p1*.nc') file3 = glob.glob(directory+model+'_*'+variables[2]+'*r1i1p1*.nc') if ((np.size(file1) > 0) & (np.size(file2) > 0) & (np.size(file3) > 0)): print 'processing: '+model size = np.size(np.where(data[model]['tos_year'])) data[model]['density'] = np.zeros(size) data[model]['density'][:] = np.NAN if np.size(data[model]['sos']) == np.size(data[model]['tos']): for yr in data[model]['tas_year']: loc = np.where(data[model]['tos_year'] == yr) if np.size(loc) > 0: if np.mean(data[model]['sos'].data) < 10.0: data[model]['density'][loc] = seawater.dens(data[model]['sos'][loc]*1000.0,data[model]['tos'][loc]-273.15) if np.mean(data[model]['sos'].data) > 10.0: data[model]['density'][loc] = seawater.dens(data[model]['sos'][loc],data[model]['tos'][loc]-273.15) for i,model in enumerate(models): print 'testing: '+model file1 = glob.glob(directory+model+'_*'+variables[0]+'*r1i1p1*.nc') file2 = glob.glob(directory+model+'_*'+variables[1]+'*r1i1p1*.nc') file3 = glob.glob(directory+model+'_*'+variables[2]+'*r1i1p1*.nc') if ((np.size(file1) > 0) & (np.size(file2) > 0) & (np.size(file3) > 0)): plt.plot(data[model]['tas'].data - np.mean(data[model]['tas'].data),'r') plt.plot(data[model]['density'] - scipy.stats.nanmean(data[model]['density']),'b') plt.title(model)
tALK_orig = np.copy(tALK) tDIC = np.array(df['tco2'][:]) tDIC_orig = np.copy(tDIC) tSAL = np.array(df['salinity'][:]) tTEMP = np.array(df['temperature'][:]) tPRES = np.array(df['pressure'][:]) tLAT = np.array(df['latitude'][:]) tLON = np.array(df['longitude'][:]) tBOTdepth = np.array(df['bottomdepth'][:]) tYEAR = np.array(df['year']) tAOU = np.array(df['aou']) tAOU_orig = np.array(df['aou']) #convert from umol/kg to mmol/m3 import seawater #help(seawater.dens) dens = seawater.dens(tSAL, tTEMP, tPRES) tDIC = tDIC * dens / 1000 tALK = tALK * dens / 1000 tAOU = tAOU * dens / 1000 tAGE = np.array(df['age']) tALK_DIC = tALK - tDIC tALK_DIC2 = tALK - (tDIC + 50) print(np.shape(tDIC)) #dic, ta, actual reasonable numbers filt_ALK = ((tALK > -999) & (~np.isnan(tALK))) filt_DIC = ((tDIC > -999) & (~np.isnan(tDIC))) filt_SAL = (tSAL > -999) & (~np.isnan(tSAL)) filt_TEMP = (tTEMP > -999) & (~np.isnan(tTEMP)) filt_PRES = (tPRES > -999) & (~np.isnan(tPRES)) = high_pass_filter(,upper_limit_years) = low_pass_filter(,lower_limit_years) #density file = glob.glob(directory+model+'_*'+'tos'+'*r1i1p1*.nc') cube1 = iris.load_cube(file) file = glob.glob(directory+model+'_*'+'sos'+'*r1i1p1*.nc') cube2 = iris.load_cube(file) coord = cube1.coord('time') dt = coord.units.num2date(coord.points) years1 = np.array([coord.units.num2date(value).year for value in coord.points]) locs = np.in1d(years, years1) cube1 = cube1[locs] cube2 = cube2[locs] ts_filtered = ts_filtered[locs] cube = cube1.copy() = seawater.dens(, = high_pass_filter(,upper_limit_years) = low_pass_filter(,lower_limit_years) ts_filtered_2D = cube.copy() = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(np.tile(,[180,360,1]),1,2),0,1) data[model] = {} data[model]['density'] = {} data[model]['density'] = istats.pearsonr(ts_filtered_2D,cube,corr_coords=['time']) = high_pass_filter(,upper_limit_years) = low_pass_filter(,lower_limit_years) data[model]['tos'] = {} data[model]['tos'] = istats.pearsonr(ts_filtered_2D,cube1,corr_coords=['time']) plt.close('all')
try: pr_depths = pr_cube.coord('depth').points pr_cube = pr_cube.extract(iris.Constraint(depth = np.min(pr_depths))) except: print 'no precipitation depth coordinate' temporary_cube = pr_cube.intersection(longitude = (west, east)) pr_cube_n_iceland = temporary_cube.intersection(latitude = (south, north)) try: pr_cube_n_iceland.coord('latitude').guess_bounds() pr_cube_n_iceland.coord('longitude').guess_bounds() except: print 'already have bounds' grid_areas = iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights(pr_cube_n_iceland) pr_cube_n_iceland_mean = pr_cube_n_iceland.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'],iris.analysis.MEAN, weights=grid_areas).data #density tmp_density = seawater.dens(s_cube_n_iceland_mean,t_cube_n_iceland_mean-273.15) test = np.size(t_cube_n_iceland_mean) if test <= 1000: temp_t_mean = np.mean(t_cube_n_iceland_mean) if test > 1000: temp_t_mean = np.mean(t_cube_n_iceland_mean[0:1000]) test = np.size(s_cube_n_iceland_mean) if test <= 1000: temp_s_mean = np.mean(s_cube_n_iceland_mean) if test > 1000: temp_s_mean = np.mean(s_cube_n_iceland_mean[0:1000]) tmp_temp_mean_density = seawater.dens(s_cube_n_iceland_mean,t_cube_n_iceland_mean*0.0+temp_t_mean-273.15) tmp_sal_mean_density = seawater.dens(s_cube_n_iceland_mean*0.0+temp_s_mean, t_cube_n_iceland_mean-273.15) #years coord = t_cube_n_iceland.coord('time') dt = coord.units.num2date(coord.points)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Calculate depths of each rho layer #------------------------------------------------------------------------ z = np.zeros(shape=(N ,M,L)) zw = np.zeros(shape=(N+1,M,L)) z = depths_rho(h,zeta,s_r,Cs_r,hc) #z = z[::-1,:,:] zw = depths_w( h,zeta,s_w,Cs_w,hc) #z = z[::-1,:,:] Hz = abs(zw[1:N+1,:,:]-zw[0:N,:,:]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Calculate various seawater properties #------------------------------------------------------------------------ pres=sw.pres(z*-1,lat) dens=sw.dens(salt,temp,pres)-1000. #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Find layer with max dT/d(sigma) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ dT=np.zeros(shape=(N-1)) for i in range(0,M): for j in range(0,L): # Cell is over the water if mask[i,j]>0: drdZ = abs(dens[1:N-1,i,j]-dens[0:N-2,i,j])/abs(z[1:N-1,i,j]-z[0:N-2,i,j]) drdZ_ind=np.argmax(drdZ) #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Average above and below the pycnocline
salinity_atlantic_meridional = salinity_atlantic.collapsed('longitude',MEAN) figure() qplt.contourf(salinity_atlantic_meridional,linspace(33,38,50)) savefig('/home/ph290/Documents/figures/atl_meridional_salinity.png') show() #We can use the above, and the python package 'seawater' to calculate seawaters density for us density_cube = temperature_cube.copy() #first we need to make a new cube to hold the density data when we calculate it. This is what we do here. #we also want to give that cube the right metadata density_cube.standard_name = 'sea_water_density' density_cube.units = 'kg m-3' = seawater.dens(,,1) density_atlantic = density_cube.extract(atlantic_region2) density_atlantic_meridional = density_atlantic.collapsed('longitude',MEAN) figure() qplt.contourf(cfc_atlantic_meridional,linspace(0,300,50)) CS=iplt.contour(density_atlantic_meridional,array([1026.2,1026.4,1027.6,1026.8,1027.0,1027.2,1027.3,1027.4,1027.5,1027.6,1027.7,1027.8]),colors='gray') clabel(CS, fontsize=12, inline=1) savefig('/home/ph290/Documents/figures/atl_meridional_cfc_density.png') show() ''' And how might we do some future analysis? '''
for i in range(0, lat): for j in range(0, lon): for k in range(0, len(new_depth_index)): res = ip.ip([new_depth_index[k], i, j]) interp_grid[k, i, j] = res return interp_grid #filling in values to make depth array 3D so that it works in the density file pressure3D = np.zeros((31, 80, 27)) for i in range(0, 31): pressure3D[i, :, :] = (np.repeat(pressure[i], 80 * 27).reshape(80, 27)) #making densityvales density = (sw.dens(salinity[:], temp[:], pressure3D[:])) density = density - 1000 print(density.shape) time_1 = density[:, :, :, :] start =, 1, 1) #loops through 0-1356 and sets hours to i and all other values. #opens files for each date and adds that information to each file #Directory for file for i in range(0, 1356): dynamic_at_time = interp(dynamic_h[i, :12, :, :]) density_at_time = interp(density[i, :12, :, :]) hours = td.timedelta(hours=int(time[i])) after = start + hours date = after.strftime("%y") + after.strftime("%m") + after.strftime("%d")