Example #1
def get_full(fn):
    # gets v_dict for the full extent of one history file
    ds = nc.Dataset(fn)
    G, S, T = zrfun.get_basic_info(fn)        

    # extract needed info from history file
    v_dict = dict()
    if print_info:
        print('\nINPUT Variable Info:')
    for vn in ['alkalinity', 'TIC', 'salt', 'temp','rho']:
        v = ds[vn][:]
        v = fillit(v)
        v_dict[vn] = v
    # create depth, pressure, and in situ temperature
    h = ds['h'][:]
    h = fillit(h)
    lat = G['lat_rho'][:]
    z_rho = zrfun.get_z(h, 0*h, S, only_rho=True)
    depth = -z_rho
    pres = sw.pres(depth, lat)
    v_dict['pres'] = pres
    temp = sw.ptmp(v_dict['salt'], v_dict['temp'], 0, v_dict['pres'])
    v_dict['temp'] = temp
    # convert from umol/L to umol/kg using in situ dentity
    v_dict['alkalinity'] = 1000 * v_dict['alkalinity'] / (v_dict['rho'] + 1000)
    v_dict['TIC'] = 1000 * v_dict['TIC'] / (v_dict['rho'] + 1000)
    # clean up
    v_dict.pop('rho') # no longer needed, so don't pass to worker
    return v_dict
def _fix_data(xr_time, var):
    """Specific data fixes for different variables."""
    logger.info("Fixing data ...")
    if var == 'thetao':
        depth3d = np.zeros(xr_time.temp.shape[1:])
        for i in range(xr_time.depth.shape[0]):
            depth3d[i, :, :] = xr_time.depth[i]
        ptemp = sw.ptmp(xr_time.salt[0, :], xr_time.temp[0, :], depth3d)
        ptemp = np.expand_dims(ptemp, axis=0)
        temp_new = xr.DataArray(ptemp + 273.15,
                                    'time': xr_time.temp.coords['time'],
                                    'depth': xr_time.temp.coords['depth'],
                                    'lat': xr_time.temp.coords['lat'],
                                    'lon': xr_time.temp.coords['lon'],
                                dims=['time', 'depth', 'lat', 'lon'])

        temp_new.attrs = OrderedDict([('standard_name',
                                      ('units', 'K')])
        cube = temp_new.to_iris()
        return cube.copy()
    elif var == 'so':
        cube = xr_time.salt.to_iris()
        return cube.copy()
    elif var == 'areacello':
        cube = _fix_fx_areacello(xr_time, var)
        return cube.copy()
    return None
def pottemp_calculation(salinity,
    """ Calculate Potenital Temperature - Following EOS-80 standards (ITS-90 temp and PSS-78 sal)"""

    if (pressure == -9999.).any() | (no_press):
        history = "ITS90 Pot. Temp calculated using nominal depth"
        pot_temp = sw.ptmp(salinity, temperature, pressure * 0 + depth)
        pot_temp[np.isnan(pot_temp)] = 1e35
        history = "ITS90 Pot. Temp calculated using P_1 (recorded pressure)"
        pot_temp = sw.ptmp(salinity, temperature, pressure)

    return (pot_temp, history)
Example #4
    def __init__(self, path, fname, var='temp'):
        self.path = path
        self.fname = fname
        self.var = var

        ncid = Dataset(path + fname, 'r')

        self.lon = np.copy(ncid.variables['lon'][:])
        self.lat = np.copy(ncid.variables['lat'][:])
        self.depth = np.copy(ncid.variables['depth'][:])
        # load WOA 2005 data
        if 'woa' in self.fname:
            self.descript = 'WOA'
            valueT = np.copy(ncid.variables['t00an1'][:, :, :, :]).squeeze()
            valueS = np.copy(ncid.variables['s00an1'][:, :, :, :]).squeeze()
        elif self.fname == 'phc3.0_annual.nc':
            self.descript = 'PHC3'
            valueT = np.copy(ncid.variables['temp'][:, :, :]).squeeze()
            valueS = np.copy(ncid.variables['salt'][:, :, :]).squeeze()

        # convert missing value to nan
        valueT[np.abs(valueT) >= 100] = np.nan
        valueS[np.abs(valueS) >= 100] = np.nan

        # shift coordinates from 0...360 --> -180...180
        if self.lon.max() > 180:
            valueT, dum = shiftgrid(180.0,
            valueS, self.lon = shiftgrid(180.0,

        # calculate potential temperature
        if var == 'temp':
            self.value = valueT

        elif var == 'ptemp':
            depth3d = np.zeros(valueS.shape)
            for di in range(0, self.depth.size):
                depth3d[di, :, :] = self.depth[di]
            self.value = sw.ptmp(valueS, valueT, depth3d)

        elif var == 'salt':
            self.value = valueS

            print(' --> this variable is not supported for this climatology')
Example #5
def calcs(self, S, T, P):
    self['gpan'] = sw.gpan(S, T, P)
    self['pt'] = sw.ptmp(S, T, P)
    self['psigma0'] = sw.pden(S, T, P, 0) - 1000
    self['psigma1'] = sw.pden(S, T, P, 1000) - 1000
    self['psigma2'] = sw.pden(S, T, P, 2000) - 1000

    return self
Example #6
def clim_load_data(data):
    ncid = Dataset(data.path + data.fname, 'r')

    data.lon = np.copy(ncid.variables['lon'][:])
    data.lat = np.copy(ncid.variables['lat'][:])
    data.zlev = np.copy(ncid.variables['depth'][:])

    # load WOA 2005 data
    if 'woa' in data.fname:
        if '2005' in data.fname: data.descript = 'WOA05'
        if '2018' in data.fname: data.descript = 'WOA18'
        valueT = np.copy(ncid.variables['t00an1'][:, :, :, :]).squeeze()
        valueS = np.copy(ncid.variables['s00an1'][:, :, :, :]).squeeze()
    elif data.fname == 'phc3.0_annual.nc':
        data.descript = 'PHC3.0 annual'
        valueT = np.copy(ncid.variables['temp'][:, :, :]).squeeze()
        valueS = np.copy(ncid.variables['salt'][:, :, :]).squeeze()

    # convert missing value to nan
    valueT[np.abs(valueT) >= 100] = np.nan
    valueS[np.abs(valueS) >= 100] = np.nan

    # shift coordinates from 0...360 --> -180...180
    if data.lon.max() > 180:
        valueT, dum = shiftgrid(180.0,
        valueS, data.lon = shiftgrid(180.0,

    # calculate potential temperature
    if data.var == 'temp':
        data.value = valueT

    elif data.var == 'ptemp':
        depth3d = np.zeros(valueS.shape)
        for di in range(0, data.depth.size):
            depth3d[di, :, :] = data.depth[di]
        data.value = sw.ptmp(valueS, valueT, depth3d)

    elif data.var == 'salt':
        data.value = valueS

        print(' --> this variable is not supported for this climatology')
    return data
Example #7
def PVort(S,T,P,U,V):
    for ii in range(0,np.shape(S)[1]):
        for jj in range(0,np.shape(S)[2]):
Example #8
def plt_TS(ds, fig=None, s=0.2, c='k', pr=0):
  if fig is None:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

  if isinstance(ds, dict): # Non-interpolated data comes in a dictionary of datasets.
    S, T, p = np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([])
    for dsi in ds.values():
        S = np.concatenate((S, dsi['PSAL_ADJUSTED'].values.ravel()))
      except KeyError:
        S = np.concatenate((S, dsi['PSAL'].values.ravel()))
        T = np.concatenate((T, dsi['TEMP_ADJUSTED'].values.ravel()))
      except KeyError:
        T = np.concatenate((T, dsi['TEMP'].values.ravel()))
      p = np.concatenate((p, dsi['p'].values.ravel()))
      S = ds['PSAL_ADJUSTED'].values.ravel()
    except KeyError:
      S = ds['PSAL'].values.ravel()
      T = ds['TEMP_ADJUSTED'].values.ravel()
    except KeyError:
      T = ds['TEMP'].values.ravel()
    p = ds['p'].values.ravel()

  T = ptmp(S, T, p, pr=pr)

  ax.scatter(S, T, s=s, c=c, zorder=9)
  Sx = np.linspace(np.nanmin(S)-0.5, np.nanmax(S)+0.5, 1000)
  Ty = np.linspace(np.nanmin(T)-0.5, np.nanmax(T)+0.5, 1000)
  Sx, Ty = np.meshgrid(Sx, Ty)
  sigi = dens(Sx, Ty, pr) - 1000
  cc = ax.contour(Sx, Ty, sigi, levels=np.arange(0, 40, 0.1), colors='gray', zorder=-9)
  ax.clabel(cc, manual=False, fmt='%.1f', inline_spacing=0.01)
  ax.set_xlabel(r'Practical Salinity [unitless]')
  ax.set_ylabel(r'Potential Temperature [$^o$C]')
  ax.set_xlim((np.nanmin(S)-0.05, np.nanmax(S)+0.05))
  ax.set_ylim((np.nanmin(T)-0.2, np.nanmax(T)+0.2))

  return fig, ax
Example #9
def makeTSPlot(float_data, units, cmax=500, close_all=False):

	if close_all:

	# ymin = np.floor(min(float_data['Temperature']))
	# ymax = np.ceil(max(float_data['Temperature']))
	ymin = -2
	ymax = 15

	xmin = 33.5
	xmax = 35.5

	# pmin = np.floor(min(float_data['Density']))
	# pmax = np.ceil(max(float_data['Density']))
	pmin = 25
	pmax = 28.5

	#plot sample data
	pres = sw.pres(float_data['Depth'], float_data['Lat'])
	ptemp = sw.ptmp(float_data['Salinity'], float_data['Temperature'], pres, 0)
	plt.scatter(float_data['Salinity'], ptemp, c=float_data['Depth'], lw=0, cmap=plt.cm.rainbow, vmin=0, vmax=cmax)
	plt.ylabel('Pot. Temperature (%s)' %units['Temperature'])
	plt.xlabel('Salinity (PSS)')
	plt.title("T vs. S for SOCCOM float '%s'" %float_data['Cruise'][0])
	plt.clim(cmax, 0)
	plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
	plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
	cbar = plt.colorbar(extend='max')
	cbar.ax.set_ylabel('Depth (%s)' %units['Depth'])

	#add density lines	
	temps = np.arange(ymin, ymax,0.1)
	sals = np.arange(xmin, xmax, 0.1)
	sal_grid, temp_grid = np.meshgrid(np.ma.masked_invalid(sals), np.ma.masked_invalid(temps))
	pdens_grid= sw.dens(sal_grid, temp_grid, 0)-1000
	plvls = np.arange(pmin, pmax, 0.2)
	cs = plt.contour(sal_grid, temp_grid, pdens_grid, plvls, colors='0.5',linewidth=0.5)
	plt.clabel(cs, inline=1, fontsize=10,fmt='%1.1f',inline_spacing=10) 
Example #10
    def __init__(self, path):

        # if climname=='phc':
        ncfile = Dataset(path)
        self.T = np.copy(ncfile.variables['temp'][:,:,:])
        ind=[i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(x), key=lambda x:x[1])]
        depth3d = np.zeros(self.S.shape)
        for i in range(self.z.shape[0]):
            depth3d[i, :, :] = self.z[i]
        ptemp = sw.ptmp(self.S, self.T, depth3d)
        self.T = ptemp
        self.Tyz=nanmean(self.T, 2)
        self.Syz=nanmean(self.S, 2)
Example #11
def get_extrapolated(in_fn, L, M, N, X, Y, lon, lat, z, Ldir, add_CTD=False):
    b = pickle.load(open(in_fn, 'rb'))
    vn_list = list(b.keys())    
    # check that things are the expected shape
    def check_coords(shape_tuple, arr_shape):
        if arr_shape != shape_tuple:
            print('WARNING: array shape mismatch')
    for vn in vn_list:
        if vn == 'dt':
        elif vn == 'ssh':
            check_coords((M, L), b[vn].shape)
            check_coords((N, M, L), b[vn].shape)    
    # creat output array and add dt to it.
    V = dict()
    for vn in vn_list:
        V[vn] = np.nan + np.ones(b[vn].shape)
    V['dt'] = b['dt']    
    # extrapolate ssh
    vn = 'ssh'
    v = b[vn]
    vv = extrap_nearest_to_masked(X, Y, v)
    V[vn] = vv
    # extrapolate 3D fields
    for vn in vn_list:
        v = b[vn]
        if vn == 't3d':
            v0 = np.nanmin(v)
        elif vn == 's3d':
            v0 = np.nanmax(v)
        if vn in ['t3d', 's3d']:
            print(' -- extrapolating ' + vn)
            if add_CTD==False:
                for k in range(N):
                    fld = v[k, :, :]
                    fldf = extrap_nearest_to_masked(X, Y, fld, fld0=v0)
                    V[vn][k, :, :] = fldf
            elif add_CTD==True:
                print(vn + ' Adding CTD data before extrapolating')
                Cast_dict, sta_df = Ofun_CTD.get_casts(Ldir)
                for k in range(N):
                    fld = v[k, :, :]
                    zz = z[k]
                    xyorig, fldorig = Ofun_CTD.get_orig(Cast_dict, sta_df,
                        X, Y, fld, lon, lat, zz, vn)
                    fldf = Ofun_CTD.extrap_nearest_to_masked_CTD(X,Y,fld,
                    V[vn][k, :, :] = fldf
        elif vn in ['u3d', 'v3d']:
            print(' -- extrapolating ' + vn)
            vv = v.copy()
            vv = np.ma.masked_where(np.isnan(vv), vv)
            vv[vv.mask] = 0
            V[vn] = vv.data
    # Create ubar and vbar.
    # Note: this is slightly imperfect because the z levels are at the same
    # position as the velocity levels.
    dz = np.nan * np.ones((N, 1, 1))
    dz[1:, 0, 0]= np.diff(z)
    dz[0, 0, 0] = dz[1, 0, 0]
    # account for the fact that the new hycom fields do not show up masked
    u3d = np.ma.masked_where(np.isnan(b['u3d']),b['u3d'])
    v3d = np.ma.masked_where(np.isnan(b['v3d']),b['v3d'])
    dz3 = dz * np.ones_like(u3d) # make dz a masked array
    b['ubar'] = np.sum(u3d*dz3, axis=0) / np.sum(dz3, axis=0)
    b['vbar'] = np.sum(v3d*dz3, axis=0) / np.sum(dz3, axis=0)
    for vn in ['ubar', 'vbar']:
        v = b[vn]
        vv = v.copy()
        vv = np.ma.masked_where(np.isnan(vv), vv)
        vv[vv.mask] = 0
        V[vn] = vv.data  
    # calculate potential temperature
    press_db = -z.reshape((N,1,1))
    V['theta'] = seawater.ptmp(V['s3d'], V['t3d'], press_db)    
    return V
Example #12
no3_qf = infil[:, 18]
si = infil[:, 19]
si_qf = infil[:, 20]
po4 = infil[:, 21]
po4_qf = infil[:, 22]
pH_obs = infil[:, 23]
pH_obs_qf = infil[:, 24]

#                         CALCULATE DERIVED PROPERTIES                       #

# density vector and sigma theta
dens = sw.dens(S, T, P)
sigmaT = 1000. - dens
ptmp = sw.ptmp(S, T, P, 0.)
dens_ze = sw.dens(S, ptmp, 0.)
sigma_theta = dens_ze - 1000.

# unit conversions raw data - all to umol/kg
ox_kg = ox / 0.0223916 / dens * 1000.
no3_kg = no3 / dens * 1000.
si_kg = si / dens * 1000.
po4_kg = po4 / dens * 1000.

#                         CREATE DATA MASKS                                  #

ox_qc = ((ox_qf == 2) | (ox_qf == 6)) & (ox > 0.0)
dic_qc = ((dic_qf == 2) | (dic_qf == 6) | (dic_qf == 10)) & (dic > 0.0)
    nc = Dataset(fnamen)
        U = nc.variables['UVEL'][0, ...][:, :fcap, :] * cm2m
        V = nc.variables['VVEL'][0, ...][:, :fcap, :] * cm2m
        T = nc.variables['TEMP'][0, ...][:, :fcap, :]
        S = nc.variables['SALT'][0, ...][:, :fcap, :]
        SHF = nc.variables['SHF'][0, ...][:fcap, :][msk]
    except KeyError:
        print("Skipping corrupted file: %s" % fnamen)

    Ssec = S[:, ii, ji]  # Practical salinity.
    Tfm = Tinsitu_freezing_eos80(Ssec, p[:, np.newaxis])
    Tfm = ptmp(
        Ssec, Tfm, p[:, np.newaxis], pr=0
    )  # In situ temperature of freezing to potential temperature of freezing (which is the model variable).
    fisob = z > -isob  # Only down to the depth of the middle isobath.
    Tfmin = Tfm[fisob, :].min()
    print("[%s] Minimum freezing T along %d m isobath:  %.3f degC" %
          (ti, isob, Tfmin))

    if CALC_minimumTf_ONLY:

    eta = nc.variables['SSH'][0, :fcap, :] * cm2m
    srfcvol_fac = np.ones((ny, nx))
    csi = eta / DZT0[0, :, :]
    srfcvol_fac = srfcvol_fac + csi
Example #14
    def __init__(self, path, climname='woa05', record=0):
        if climname == 'woa05':
            ncfile = Dataset(os.path.join(path, 'woa2005TS.nc'))
            self.T = np.copy(ncfile.variables['t00an1'][0, :, :, :])
            x = np.copy(ncfile.variables['lon'][:])
            x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360
            ind = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(x), key=lambda x: x[1])]
            x = np.sort(x)
            self.x = x
            self.y = ncfile.variables['lat'][:]
            self.z = ncfile.variables['depth'][:]
            self.T[:, :, :] = self.T[:, :, ind]
            self.S = np.copy(ncfile.variables['s00an1'][0, :, :, :])
            self.S[:, :, :] = self.S[:, :, ind]
            depth3d = np.zeros(self.S.shape)
            for i in range(self.z.shape[0]):
                depth3d[i, :, :] = self.z[i]
            ptemp = sw.ptmp(self.S, self.T, depth3d)
            self.T = ptemp
            self.Tyz = nanmean(self.T, 2)
            self.Syz = nanmean(self.S, 2)
            self.T = np.ma.masked_greater(self.T, 1000)
            self.S = np.ma.masked_greater(self.S, 1000)

        if climname == 'phc':
            ncfile = Dataset(os.path.join(path, 'phc3.0_annual.nc'))
            self.T = np.copy(ncfile.variables['temp'][:, :, :])
            x = np.copy(ncfile.variables['lon'][:])
            x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360
            ind = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(x), key=lambda x: x[1])]
            x = np.sort(x)
            self.x = x
            self.y = ncfile.variables['lat'][:]
            self.z = ncfile.variables['depth'][:]
            self.T[:, :, :] = self.T[:, :, ind]
            self.S = np.copy(ncfile.variables['salt'][:, :, :])
            self.S[:, :, :] = self.S[:, :, ind]
            depth3d = np.zeros(self.S.shape)
            for i in range(self.z.shape[0]):
                depth3d[i, :, :] = self.z[i]
            ptemp = sw.ptmp(self.S, self.T, depth3d)
            self.T = ptemp
            self.Tyz = nanmean(self.T, 2)
            self.Syz = nanmean(self.S, 2)

        if climname == 'gdem':
            ncfile = Dataset(os.path.join(path, 'gdemv3s_tm.nc'))
            self.T = np.copy(ncfile.variables['water_temp'][0, :, :, :])
            x = np.copy(ncfile.variables['lon'][:])
            x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360
            ind = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(x), key=lambda x: x[1])]
            x = np.sort(x)
            self.x = x
            self.y = ncfile.variables['lat'][:]
            self.z = ncfile.variables['depth'][:]
            self.T[:, :, :] = self.T[:, :, ind]
            self.S = np.copy(ncfile.variables['salinity'][0, :, :, :])
            self.S[:, :, :] = self.S[:, :, ind]
            depth3d = np.zeros(self.S.shape)
            for i in range(self.z.shape[0]):
                depth3d[i, :, :] = self.z[i]
            ptemp = sw.ptmp(self.S, self.T, depth3d)
            self.T = ptemp
            self.Tyz = nanmean(self.T, 2)
            self.Syz = nanmean(self.S, 2)
            self.T = np.ma.masked_less(self.T, -1000)
            self.S = np.ma.masked_less(self.S, -1000)

        if climname == 'en4':
            ncfile = Dataset(os.path.join(path, 'en4_monthly.nc'))
            self.T = np.copy(ncfile.variables['temperature'][record, :, :, :])
            x = np.copy(ncfile.variables['lon'][:])
            x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360
            ind = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(x), key=lambda x: x[1])]
            x = np.sort(x)
            self.x = x
            self.y = ncfile.variables['lat'][:]
            self.z = ncfile.variables['depth'][:]
            self.T[:, :, :] = self.T[:, :, ind]
            self.T[:, :, :] = self.T[:, :, :] - 273.15
            self.S = np.copy(ncfile.variables['salinity'][record, :, :, :])
            self.S[:, :, :] = self.S[:, :, ind]
            depth3d = np.zeros(self.S.shape)
            for i in range(self.z.shape[0]):
                depth3d[i, :, :] = self.z[i]
            ptemp = sw.ptmp(self.S, self.T, depth3d)
            self.T = ptemp
            self.Tyz = nanmean(self.T, 2)
            self.Syz = nanmean(self.S, 2)
            self.T = np.ma.masked_less(self.T, -1000)
            self.S = np.ma.masked_less(self.S, -1000)
Example #15
def test(fileout='python-test.txt'):
    r"""Copy of the Matlab test.

    Modifications: Phil Morgan
                   03-12-12. Lindsay Pender, Converted to ITS-90.
    f = open(fileout, 'w')
    asterisks = '*' * 76

    f.write('\n    TEST REPORT    ')
    f.write('\n SEA WATER LIBRARY %s' % sw.__version__)
    # Show some info about this Python.
    f.write('\npython version: %s' % sys.version)
    f.write('\n on %s computer %s' % (uname()[0], uname()[-1]))

    # Test main module  ptmp.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: ptmp')
    f.write('\n**  and SUB-MODULE: adtg')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Test 1 - data from Unesco 1983 p45.
    T = np.array([[0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
                  [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10],
                  [20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20],
                  [30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30],
                  [40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40]])

    T = T / 1.00024

    S = np.array([[25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35]])

    P = np.array([[0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000]])

    Pr = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

    UN_ptmp = np.array([[0, -0.3061, -0.9667,  0, -0.3856, -1.0974],
                        [10,  9.3531,  8.4684, 10,  9.2906,  8.3643],
                        [20, 19.0438, 17.9426, 20, 18.9985, 17.8654],
                        [30, 28.7512, 27.4353, 30, 28.7231, 27.3851],
                        [40, 38.4607, 36.9254, 40, 38.4498, 36.9023]])

    PT = sw.ptmp(S, T, P, Pr) * 1.00024

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from UNESCO 1983 ')
    f.write('\n (Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p45)')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    m, n = S.shape  # TODO: so many loops there must be a better way.
    for icol in range(0, n):
        f.write('\n   Sal  Temp  Press     PTMP       ptmp')
        f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)   (db)     (C)          (C)\n')
        result = np.vstack((S[:, icol], T[:, icol], P[:, icol],
                            UN_ptmp[:, icol], PT[:, icol]))
        for iline in range(0, m):
            f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f   %5.0f   %8.4f  %11.5f\n" %
                    tuple(result[:, iline]))

    # Test main module svan.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: svan')
    f.write('\n**  and SUB-MODULE: dens dens0 smow seck pden ptmp')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Test data FROM: Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p22.
    s = np.array([0,     0,  0,     0, 35,    35, 35,   35])
    p = np.array([0, 10000,  0, 10000,  0, 10000,  0, 10000])
    t = np.array([0,     0, 30,    30,  0,     0, 30,    30]) / 1.00024

    UN_svan = np.array([2749.54, 2288.61, 3170.58, 3147.85,
                        0.0,    0.00,  607.14,  916.34])

    SVAN = sw.svan(s, t, p)

    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from UNESCO 1983')
    f.write('\n (Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p22)')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n   Sal  Temp  Press        SVAN        svan')
    f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)   (db)    (1e-8*m3/kg)  (1e-8*m3/kg)\n')
    result = np.vstack([s, t, p, UN_svan, 1e+8 * SVAN])
    for iline in range(0, len(SVAN)):
        f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f   %5.0f   %11.2f    %11.3f\n" %
                tuple(result[:, iline]))

    # Test main module salt.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: salt')
    f.write('\n**  and SUB-MODULE: salrt salrp sals')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Test 1 - data from Unesco 1983 p9.
    R = np.array([1, 1.2, 0.65])  # cndr = R.
    T = np.array([15, 20, 5]) / 1.00024
    P = np.array([0, 2000, 1500])
    #Rt   = np.array([  1, 1.0568875, 0.81705885])
    UN_S = np.array([35, 37.245628,  27.995347])

    S = sw.salt(R, T, P)

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from UNESCO 1983 ')
    f.write('\n(Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p9)')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    f.write('\n   Temp    Press       R              S           salt')
    f.write('\n   (C)     (db)    (no units)       (psu)          (psu)\n')
    table = np.vstack([T, P, R, UN_S, S])
    m, n = table.shape
    for iline in range(0, n):
        f.write(" %4.0f       %4.0f  %8.2f      %11.6f  %14.7f\n" %
                tuple(table[:, iline]))

    # Test main module cndr.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: cndr')
    f.write('\n**  and SUB-MODULE: salds')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Test 1 - data from Unesco 1983 p9.
    T = np.array([0, 10, 0, 10, 10, 30]) / 1.00024
    P = np.array([0,  0, 1000, 1000, 0, 0])
    S = np.array([25, 25, 25, 25, 40, 40])
    UN_R = np.array([0.498088, 0.654990, 0.506244, 0.662975, 1.000073,
    R = sw.cndr(S, T, P)

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from UNESCO 1983 ')
    f.write('\n (Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p14)')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    f.write('\n   Temp    Press       S            cndr         cndr')
    f.write('\n   (C)     (db)      (psu)        (no units)    (no units)\n')
    table = np.vstack([T, P, S, UN_R, R])
    m, n = table.shape
    for iline in range(0, n):
        f.write(" %4.0f       %4.0f   %8.6f   %11.6f  %14.8f\n" %
                tuple(table[:, iline]))

    # Test main module depth.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: depth')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Test data - matrix "pressure", vector "lat"  Unesco 1983 data p30.
    lat = np.array([0, 30, 45, 90])
    P = np.array([[500,   500,   500,  500],
                  [5000,  5000,  5000, 5000],
                  [10000, 10000, 10000, 10000]])

    UN_dpth = np.array([[496.65,  496.00,  495.34,  494.03],
                        [4915.04, 4908.56, 4902.08, 4889.13],
                        [9725.47, 9712.65, 9699.84, 9674.23]])

    dpth = sw.dpth(P, lat)

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from Unesco 1983 ')
    f.write('\n(Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p28)')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    for irow in range(0, 3):
        f.write('\n    Lat       Press     DPTH      dpth')
        f.write('\n  (degree)    (db)     (meter)    (meter)\n')
        table = np.vstack([lat, P[irow, :], UN_dpth[irow, :], dpth[irow, :]])
        m, n = table.shape
        for iline in range(0, n):
            f.write("  %6.3f     %6.0f   %8.2f   %8.3f\n" %
                    tuple(table[:, iline]))

    # Test main module fp.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: fp')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Test 1 - UNESCO data p.30.
    S = np.array([[5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40],
                  [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40]])

    P = np.array([[0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0],
                  [500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500]])

    UN_fp = np.array([[-0.274, -0.542, -0.812, -1.083, -1.358, -1.638, -1.922,
                       -2.212], [-0.650, -0.919, -1.188, -1.460, -1.735,
                                 -2.014, -2.299, -2.589]])

    FP = sw.fp(S, P)

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from UNESCO 1983 ')
    f.write('\n (Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p30)')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    for irow in range(0, 2):
        f.write('\n   Sal   Press      fp        fp')
        f.write('\n  (psu)   (db)      (C)        (C)\n')
        table = np.vstack([S[irow, :], P[irow, :], UN_fp[irow, :],
                           FP[irow, :]])
        m, n = table.shape
        for iline in range(0, n):
            f.write(" %4.0f   %5.0f   %8.3f  %11.4f\n" %
                    tuple(table[:, iline]))

    # Test main module cp.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: cp')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Test 1.
    # Data from Pond and Pickard Intro. Dynamical Oceanography 2nd ed. 1986
    T = np.array([[0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
                  [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10],
                  [20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20],
                  [30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30],
                  [40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40]]) / 1.00024

    S = np.array([[25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35]])

    P = np.array([[0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000]])

    UN_cp = np.array([[4048.4,  3896.3,  3807.7,  3986.5,  3849.3,  3769.1],
                      [4041.8,  3919.6,  3842.3,  3986.3,  3874.7,  3804.4],
                      [4044.8,  3938.6,  3866.7,  3993.9,  3895.0,  3828.3],
                      [4049.1,  3952.0,  3883.0,  4000.7,  3909.2,  3844.3],
                      [4051.2,  3966.1,  3905.9,  4003.5,  3923.9,  3868.3]])

    CP = sw.cp(S, T, P)

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from UNESCO 1983 ')
    f.write('\n (Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p37)')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    m, n = S.shape
    for icol in range(0, n):
        f.write('\n   Sal  Temp  Press      Cp        cp')
        f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)   (db)    (J/kg.C)   (J/kg.C)\n')
        result = np.vstack([S[:, icol], T[:, icol], P[:, icol],
                            UN_cp[:, icol], CP[:, icol]])
        for iline in range(0, m):
            f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f   %5.0f   %8.1f  %11.2f\n" %
                    tuple(result[:, iline]))

    # Test main module svel.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: svel')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Test 1.
    # Data from Pond and Pickard Intro. Dynamical Oceanography 2nd ed. 1986
    T = np.array([[0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
                  [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10],
                  [20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20],
                  [30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30],
                  [40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40]]) / 1.00024

    S = np.array([[25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35]])

    P = np.array([[0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000]])

    UN_svel = np.array([[1435.8, 1520.4, 1610.4, 1449.1, 1534.0, 1623.2],
                        [1477.7, 1561.3, 1647.4, 1489.8, 1573.4, 1659.0],
                        [1510.3, 1593.6, 1676.8, 1521.5, 1604.5, 1687.2],
                        [1535.2, 1619.0, 1700.6, 1545.6, 1629.0, 1710.1],
                        [1553.4, 1638.0, 1719.2, 1563.2, 1647.3, 1727.8]])

    SVEL = sw.svel(S, T, P)

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from UNESCO 1983 ')
    f.write('\n (Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p50)')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    m, n = SVEL.shape
    for icol in range(0, n):
        f.write('\n   Sal  Temp  Press     SVEL       svel')
        f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)   (db)     (m/s)       (m/s)\n')

        result = np.vstack([S[:, icol], T[:, icol], P[:, icol],
                            UN_svel[:, icol], SVEL[:, icol]])
        for iline in range(0, m):
            f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f   %5.0f   %8.1f  %11.3f\n" %
                    tuple(result[:, iline]))

    # Test submodules alpha beta aonb.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  and SUB-MODULE: alpha beta aonb')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Data from McDouogall 1987.
    s = 40
    PT = 10
    p = 4000
    beta_lit = 0.72088e-03
    aonb_lit = 0.34763
    alpha_lit = aonb_lit * beta_lit

    BETA = sw.beta(s, PT, p, pt=True)
    ALPHA = sw.alpha(s, PT, p, pt=True)
    AONB = sw.aonb(s, PT, p, pt=True)

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from MCDOUGALL 1987 ')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    f.write('\n   Sal  Temp  Press     BETA       beta')
    f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)   (db)   (psu^-1)     (psu^-1)\n')
    table = np.hstack([s, PT, p, beta_lit, BETA])
    f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f   %5.0f   %11.4e  %11.5e\n" %

    f.write('\n   Sal  Temp  Press     AONB       aonb')
    f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)   (db)   (psu C^-1)   (psu C^-1)\n')
    table = np.hstack([s, PT, p, aonb_lit, AONB])
    f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f   %5.0f   %8.5f  %11.6f\n" %

    f.write('\n   Sal  Temp  Press     ALPHA       alpha')
    f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)   (db)    (psu^-1)     (psu^-1)\n')
    table = np.hstack([s, PT, p, alpha_lit, ALPHA])
    f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f   %5.0f   %11.4e  %11.4e\n" %

    # Test main moduleS  satO2 satN2 satAr.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: satO2 satN2 satAr')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Data from Weiss 1970.
    T = np.array([[-1, -1],
                  [10, 10],
                  [20, 20],
                  [40, 40]]) / 1.00024

    S = np.array([[20, 40],
                  [20, 40],
                  [20, 40],
                  [20, 40]])

    lit_O2 = np.array([[9.162, 7.984],
                       [6.950, 6.121],
                       [5.644, 5.015],
                       [4.050, 3.656]])

    lit_N2 = np.array([[16.28, 14.01],
                       [12.64, 11.01],
                       [10.47,  9.21],
                       [7.78,  6.95]])

    lit_Ar = np.array([[0.4456, 0.3877],
                       [0.3397, 0.2989],
                       [0.2766, 0.2457],
                       [0.1986, 0.1794]])

    O2 = sw.satO2(S, T)
    N2 = sw.satN2(S, T)
    Ar = sw.satAr(S, T)

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from Weiss, R.F. 1979 ')
    f.write('\n"The solubility of nitrogen, oxygen and argon in water')
    f.write('\n and seawater." Deep-Sea Research., 1970, Vol 17, pp721-735.')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    m, n = S.shape
    for icol in range(0, n):
        f.write('\n   Sal  Temp      O2         satO2')
        f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)      (ml/l)     (ml/l)\n')
        result = np.vstack([S[:, icol], T[:, icol],
                            lit_O2[:, icol], O2[:, icol]])
        for iline in range(0, m):
            f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f    %8.2f   %9.3f\n" %
                    tuple(result[:, iline]))

    for icol in range(0, n):
        f.write('\n   Sal  Temp      N2         satN2')
        f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)      (ml/l)     (ml/l)\n')
        result = np.vstack([S[:, icol], T[:, icol],
                            lit_N2[:, icol], N2[:, icol]])
        for iline in range(0, m):
            f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f    %8.2f  %9.3f\n" %
                    tuple(result[:, iline]))

    for icol in range(0, n):
        f.write('\n   Sal  Temp      Ar         satAr')
        f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)      (ml/l)     (ml/l)\n')
        result = np.vstack([S[:, icol], T[:, icol],
                            lit_Ar[:, icol], Ar[:, icol]])
        for iline in range(0, m):
            f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f     %8.4f  %9.4f\n" %
                    tuple(result[:, iline]))
Example #16
import seawater
import numpy as np

# artemis
dirwoa = '/local/data/artemis/workspace/rdussin/Observations/WOA13/'
dirgrid = '/local/data/artemis/workspace/rdussin/ASTE/GRID/'
dirout = '/local/data/artemis/workspace/rdussin/Observations/WOA13/interp_ASTE/'

woa_global = xr.open_mfdataset(dirwoa + 'woa13_decav_[t,s]??_01.nc',
# compute pot temperature
pres = np.zeros(woa_global['s_an'].values.shape)
for k in np.arange(woa_global['depth'].shape[0]):
    pres[:, k, :, :] = woa_global['depth'].values[k]

woa_global['theta'] = xr.DataArray(seawater.ptmp(woa_global['s_an'],
                                                 woa_global['t_an'], pres),
variables2regrid = ['theta']

#--------------- FACET 1 ---------------------
aste_grid1 = xr.open_dataset(dirgrid + 'ASTE_FACET1.nc')
Regrid2ASTE1 = Regrid2MITgcm(aste_grid1)
interpolated1 = Regrid2ASTE1.regrid(woa_global,
Example #17
ax.set_title(f"Vertical Salinity section for float {prof.PLATFORM_NUMBER[0].astype(str).values}")


or a TS diagram using the hydrographic data in `TEMP` and `PSAl`

import seawater as sw


ptmp=sw.ptmp(psal, temp, pres, pr=0)

t_bins = np.linspace(2, 25, 200)
s_bins = np.linspace(35, 37.25, 200)

hist, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(psal, ptmp, (s_bins, t_bins))
xidx = np.clip(np.digitize(psal, xedges), 0, hist.shape[0]-1)
yidx = np.clip(np.digitize(ptmp, yedges), 0, hist.shape[1]-1)
c = hist[xidx, yidx]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
sc=ax.scatter(psal, ptmp, c=c,alpha=0.5, cmap="RdBu_r",vmin=0, vmax=10)
ax.set_title(f"T/S diagram for float {prof.PLATFORM_NUMBER[0].astype(str).values}")
ax.set_ylabel("potential temperature")
    MP['z_mid'] = gsw.z_from_p(MP['P_mid'], MP['lat'])
    MP['ual'], MP['uac'] = rotate_overflow(MP['u'], MP['v'], MP['sig4'],

    print('- Calculating the overflow integrated velocity')
    ual_ = MP['ual'].copy()
    uac_ = MP['uac'].copy()
    mask = MP['sig4'] < sig4max
    ual_[mask] = np.nan
    uac_[mask] = np.nan
    MP['uoal'] = utils.nantrapz(ual_, x=MP['z'], axis=0, xave=True)
    MP['uoac'] = utils.nantrapz(uac_, x=MP['z'], axis=0, xave=True)

    print('- Calculating neutral density')
    MP['PT0'] = seawater.ptmp(MP['S'], MP['T'], MP['P'])
    # Flatten variables for analysis.
    S = MP['S'].flatten()
    T = MP['PT0'].flatten()
    P = MP['P'].flatten()
    LO = MP['lon'] * np.ones_like(S)
    LA = MP['lat'] * np.ones_like(S)
    gamman = gamma_GP_from_SP_pt(S, T, P, LO, LA)
    MP['gamman'] = np.reshape(gamman, MP['S'].shape) + 1000.
    MP['gamman_sorted'] = utils.nansort(MP['gamman'], axis=0)
    MP['gammanm'] = np.nanmean(MP['gamman'])

    MP['N2_sorted'] = -MP['g']*np.gradient(MP['sig4_sorted'], axis=0) \
        / (MP['sig4m']*np.gradient(MP['z'], axis=0))

    print('- Calculating dissipation rate')
def test(fileout='python-test.txt'):
    r"""Copy of the Matlab test.

    Modifications: Phil Morgan
                   03-12-12. Lindsay Pender, Converted to ITS-90.
    f = open(fileout, 'w')
    asterisks = '*' * 76

    f.write('\n    TEST REPORT    ')
    f.write('\n SEA WATER LIBRARY %s' % sw.__version__)
    # Show some info about this Python.
    f.write('\npython version: %s' % sys.version)
    f.write('\n on %s computer %s' % (uname()[0], uname()[-1]))

    # Test main module  ptmp.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: ptmp')
    f.write('\n**  and SUB-MODULE: adtg')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Test 1 - data from Unesco 1983 p45.
    T = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10],
                  [20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20], [30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30],
                  [40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40]])

    T = T / 1.00024

    S = np.array([[25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35], [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35], [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35]])

    P = np.array([[0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000]])

    Pr = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

    UN_ptmp = np.array([[0, -0.3061, -0.9667, 0, -0.3856, -1.0974],
                        [10, 9.3531, 8.4684, 10, 9.2906, 8.3643],
                        [20, 19.0438, 17.9426, 20, 18.9985, 17.8654],
                        [30, 28.7512, 27.4353, 30, 28.7231, 27.3851],
                        [40, 38.4607, 36.9254, 40, 38.4498, 36.9023]])

    PT = sw.ptmp(S, T, P, Pr) * 1.00024

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from UNESCO 1983 ')
    f.write('\n (Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p45)')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    m, n = S.shape  # TODO: so many loops there must be a better way.
    for icol in range(0, n):
        f.write('\n   Sal  Temp  Press     PTMP       ptmp')
        f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)   (db)     (C)          (C)\n')
        result = np.vstack(
            (S[:, icol], T[:, icol], P[:, icol], UN_ptmp[:, icol], PT[:,
        for iline in range(0, m):
            f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f   %5.0f   %8.4f  %11.5f\n" %
                    tuple(result[:, iline]))

    # Test main module svan.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: svan')
    f.write('\n**  and SUB-MODULE: dens dens0 smow seck pden ptmp')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Test data FROM: Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p22.
    s = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 35, 35, 35])
    p = np.array([0, 10000, 0, 10000, 0, 10000, 0, 10000])
    t = np.array([0, 0, 30, 30, 0, 0, 30, 30]) / 1.00024

    UN_svan = np.array(
        [2749.54, 2288.61, 3170.58, 3147.85, 0.0, 0.00, 607.14, 916.34])

    SVAN = sw.svan(s, t, p)

    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from UNESCO 1983')
    f.write('\n (Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p22)')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n   Sal  Temp  Press        SVAN        svan')
    f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)   (db)    (1e-8*m3/kg)  (1e-8*m3/kg)\n')
    result = np.vstack([s, t, p, UN_svan, 1e+8 * SVAN])
    for iline in range(0, len(SVAN)):
        f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f   %5.0f   %11.2f    %11.3f\n" %
                tuple(result[:, iline]))

    # Test main module salt.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: salt')
    f.write('\n**  and SUB-MODULE: salrt salrp sals')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Test 1 - data from Unesco 1983 p9.
    R = np.array([1, 1.2, 0.65])  # cndr = R.
    T = np.array([15, 20, 5]) / 1.00024
    P = np.array([0, 2000, 1500])
    #Rt   = np.array([  1, 1.0568875, 0.81705885])
    UN_S = np.array([35, 37.245628, 27.995347])

    S = sw.salt(R, T, P)

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from UNESCO 1983 ')
    f.write('\n(Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p9)')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    f.write('\n   Temp    Press       R              S           salt')
    f.write('\n   (C)     (db)    (no units)       (psu)          (psu)\n')
    table = np.vstack([T, P, R, UN_S, S])
    m, n = table.shape
    for iline in range(0, n):
        f.write(" %4.0f       %4.0f  %8.2f      %11.6f  %14.7f\n" %
                tuple(table[:, iline]))

    # Test main module cndr.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: cndr')
    f.write('\n**  and SUB-MODULE: salds')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Test 1 - data from Unesco 1983 p9.
    T = np.array([0, 10, 0, 10, 10, 30]) / 1.00024
    P = np.array([0, 0, 1000, 1000, 0, 0])
    S = np.array([25, 25, 25, 25, 40, 40])
    UN_R = np.array(
        [0.498088, 0.654990, 0.506244, 0.662975, 1.000073, 1.529967])
    R = sw.cndr(S, T, P)

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from UNESCO 1983 ')
    f.write('\n (Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p14)')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    f.write('\n   Temp    Press       S            cndr         cndr')
    f.write('\n   (C)     (db)      (psu)        (no units)    (no units)\n')
    table = np.vstack([T, P, S, UN_R, R])
    m, n = table.shape
    for iline in range(0, n):
        f.write(" %4.0f       %4.0f   %8.6f   %11.6f  %14.8f\n" %
                tuple(table[:, iline]))

    # Test main module depth.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: depth')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Test data - matrix "pressure", vector "lat"  Unesco 1983 data p30.
    lat = np.array([0, 30, 45, 90])
    P = np.array([[500, 500, 500, 500], [5000, 5000, 5000, 5000],
                  [10000, 10000, 10000, 10000]])

    UN_dpth = np.array([[496.65, 496.00, 495.34, 494.03],
                        [4915.04, 4908.56, 4902.08, 4889.13],
                        [9725.47, 9712.65, 9699.84, 9674.23]])

    dpth = sw.dpth(P, lat)

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from Unesco 1983 ')
    f.write('\n(Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p28)')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    for irow in range(0, 3):
        f.write('\n    Lat       Press     DPTH      dpth')
        f.write('\n  (degree)    (db)     (meter)    (meter)\n')
        table = np.vstack([lat, P[irow, :], UN_dpth[irow, :], dpth[irow, :]])
        m, n = table.shape
        for iline in range(0, n):
            f.write("  %6.3f     %6.0f   %8.2f   %8.3f\n" %
                    tuple(table[:, iline]))

    # Test main module fp.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: fp')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Test 1 - UNESCO data p.30.
    S = np.array([[5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40],
                  [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40]])

    P = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                  [500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500]])

    UN_fp = np.array(
        [[-0.274, -0.542, -0.812, -1.083, -1.358, -1.638, -1.922, -2.212],
         [-0.650, -0.919, -1.188, -1.460, -1.735, -2.014, -2.299, -2.589]])

    FP = sw.fp(S, P)

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from UNESCO 1983 ')
    f.write('\n (Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p30)')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    for irow in range(0, 2):
        f.write('\n   Sal   Press      fp        fp')
        f.write('\n  (psu)   (db)      (C)        (C)\n')
        table = np.vstack(
            [S[irow, :], P[irow, :], UN_fp[irow, :], FP[irow, :]])
        m, n = table.shape
        for iline in range(0, n):
            f.write(" %4.0f   %5.0f   %8.3f  %11.4f\n" %
                    tuple(table[:, iline]))

    # Test main module cp.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: cp')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Test 1.
    # Data from Pond and Pickard Intro. Dynamical Oceanography 2nd ed. 1986
    T = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10],
                  [20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20], [30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30],
                  [40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40]]) / 1.00024

    S = np.array([[25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35], [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35], [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35]])

    P = np.array([[0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000]])

    UN_cp = np.array([[4048.4, 3896.3, 3807.7, 3986.5, 3849.3, 3769.1],
                      [4041.8, 3919.6, 3842.3, 3986.3, 3874.7, 3804.4],
                      [4044.8, 3938.6, 3866.7, 3993.9, 3895.0, 3828.3],
                      [4049.1, 3952.0, 3883.0, 4000.7, 3909.2, 3844.3],
                      [4051.2, 3966.1, 3905.9, 4003.5, 3923.9, 3868.3]])

    CP = sw.cp(S, T, P)

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from UNESCO 1983 ')
    f.write('\n (Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p37)')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    m, n = S.shape
    for icol in range(0, n):
        f.write('\n   Sal  Temp  Press      Cp        cp')
        f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)   (db)    (J/kg.C)   (J/kg.C)\n')
        result = np.vstack(
            [S[:, icol], T[:, icol], P[:, icol], UN_cp[:, icol], CP[:, icol]])
        for iline in range(0, m):
            f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f   %5.0f   %8.1f  %11.2f\n" %
                    tuple(result[:, iline]))

    # Test main module svel.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: svel')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Test 1.
    # Data from Pond and Pickard Intro. Dynamical Oceanography 2nd ed. 1986
    T = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10],
                  [20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20], [30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30],
                  [40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40]]) / 1.00024

    S = np.array([[25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35], [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35], [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35],
                  [25, 25, 25, 35, 35, 35]])

    P = np.array([[0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000],
                  [0, 5000, 10000, 0, 5000, 10000]])

    UN_svel = np.array([[1435.8, 1520.4, 1610.4, 1449.1, 1534.0, 1623.2],
                        [1477.7, 1561.3, 1647.4, 1489.8, 1573.4, 1659.0],
                        [1510.3, 1593.6, 1676.8, 1521.5, 1604.5, 1687.2],
                        [1535.2, 1619.0, 1700.6, 1545.6, 1629.0, 1710.1],
                        [1553.4, 1638.0, 1719.2, 1563.2, 1647.3, 1727.8]])

    SVEL = sw.svel(S, T, P)

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from UNESCO 1983 ')
    f.write('\n (Unesco Tech. Paper in Marine Sci. No. 44, p50)')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    m, n = SVEL.shape
    for icol in range(0, n):
        f.write('\n   Sal  Temp  Press     SVEL       svel')
        f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)   (db)     (m/s)       (m/s)\n')

        result = np.vstack([
            S[:, icol], T[:, icol], P[:, icol], UN_svel[:, icol], SVEL[:, icol]
        for iline in range(0, m):
            f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f   %5.0f   %8.1f  %11.3f\n" %
                    tuple(result[:, iline]))

    # Test submodules alpha beta aonb.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  and SUB-MODULE: alpha beta aonb')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Data from McDouogall 1987.
    s = 40
    PT = 10
    p = 4000
    beta_lit = 0.72088e-03
    aonb_lit = 0.34763
    alpha_lit = aonb_lit * beta_lit

    BETA = sw.beta(s, PT, p, pt=True)
    ALPHA = sw.alpha(s, PT, p, pt=True)
    AONB = sw.aonb(s, PT, p, pt=True)

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from MCDOUGALL 1987 ')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    f.write('\n   Sal  Temp  Press     BETA       beta')
    f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)   (db)   (psu^-1)     (psu^-1)\n')
    table = np.hstack([s, PT, p, beta_lit, BETA])
    f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f   %5.0f   %11.4e  %11.5e\n" % tuple(table))

    f.write('\n   Sal  Temp  Press     AONB       aonb')
    f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)   (db)   (psu C^-1)   (psu C^-1)\n')
    table = np.hstack([s, PT, p, aonb_lit, AONB])
    f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f   %5.0f   %8.5f  %11.6f\n" % tuple(table))

    f.write('\n   Sal  Temp  Press     ALPHA       alpha')
    f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)   (db)    (psu^-1)     (psu^-1)\n')
    table = np.hstack([s, PT, p, alpha_lit, ALPHA])
    f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f   %5.0f   %11.4e  %11.4e\n" % tuple(table))

    # Test main moduleS  satO2 satN2 satAr.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\n**  TESTING MODULE: satO2 satN2 satAr')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    # Data from Weiss 1970.
    T = np.array([[-1, -1], [10, 10], [20, 20], [40, 40]]) / 1.00024

    S = np.array([[20, 40], [20, 40], [20, 40], [20, 40]])

    lit_O2 = np.array([[9.162, 7.984], [6.950, 6.121], [5.644, 5.015],
                       [4.050, 3.656]])

    lit_N2 = np.array([[16.28, 14.01], [12.64, 11.01], [10.47, 9.21],
                       [7.78, 6.95]])

    lit_Ar = np.array([[0.4456, 0.3877], [0.3397, 0.2989], [0.2766, 0.2457],
                       [0.1986, 0.1794]])

    O2 = sw.satO2(S, T)
    N2 = sw.satN2(S, T)
    Ar = sw.satAr(S, T)

    # Display results.
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)
    f.write('\nComparison of accepted values from Weiss, R.F. 1979 ')
    f.write('\n"The solubility of nitrogen, oxygen and argon in water')
    f.write('\n and seawater." Deep-Sea Research., 1970, Vol 17, pp721-735.')
    f.write('\n%s' % asterisks)

    m, n = S.shape
    for icol in range(0, n):
        f.write('\n   Sal  Temp      O2         satO2')
        f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)      (ml/l)     (ml/l)\n')
        result = np.vstack(
            [S[:, icol], T[:, icol], lit_O2[:, icol], O2[:, icol]])
        for iline in range(0, m):
            f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f    %8.2f   %9.3f\n" %
                    tuple(result[:, iline]))

    for icol in range(0, n):
        f.write('\n   Sal  Temp      N2         satN2')
        f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)      (ml/l)     (ml/l)\n')
        result = np.vstack(
            [S[:, icol], T[:, icol], lit_N2[:, icol], N2[:, icol]])
        for iline in range(0, m):
            f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f    %8.2f  %9.3f\n" %
                    tuple(result[:, iline]))

    for icol in range(0, n):
        f.write('\n   Sal  Temp      Ar         satAr')
        f.write('\n  (psu)  (C)      (ml/l)     (ml/l)\n')
        result = np.vstack(
            [S[:, icol], T[:, icol], lit_Ar[:, icol], Ar[:, icol]])
        for iline in range(0, m):
            f.write(" %4.0f  %4.0f     %8.4f  %9.4f\n" %
                    tuple(result[:, iline]))
        for lev in levs:
            x = m["t"][fix[:, lev], lev]
            xp = m["t"][~fix[:, lev], lev]
            for var in varl:
                fp = m[var][~fix[:, lev], lev]
                m[var][fix[:, lev], lev] = np.interp(x, xp, fp)

    # Re-estimate thermodynamic quantities.
    m["SA"] = gsw.SA_from_SP(m["S"], m["P"], m["lon"], m["lat"])
    m["CT"] = gsw.CT_from_t(m["SA"], m["T"], m["P"])

print("Calculating neutral density.")
# Estimate the neutral density
for m in moorings:
    # Compute potential temperature using the 1983 UNESCO EOS.
    m["PT0"] = seawater.ptmp(m["S"], m["T"], m["P"])
    # Flatten variables for analysis.
    lons = m["lon"] * np.ones_like(m["P"])
    lats = m["lat"] * np.ones_like(m["P"])
    S_ = m["S"].flatten()
    T_ = m["PT0"].flatten()
    P_ = m["P"].flatten()
    LO_ = lons.flatten()
    LA_ = lats.flatten()
    gamman = gamma_GP_from_SP_pt(S_, T_, P_, LO_, LA_)
    m["gamman"] = np.reshape(gamman, m["P"].shape) + 1000.0

print("Calculating slice gradients at C.")
# Want gradient of density/vel to be local, no large central differences.
slices = [slice(0, 4), slice(4, 6), slice(6, 10), slice(10, 12)]
cc["dgdz"] = np.empty((cc["N_data"], cc["N_levels"]))
Example #21
    TY["vo"] = utils.nantrapz(v_, x=TY["z"], axis=0, xave=True)
    # Need the minus here because otherwise we get the wrong way around...
    TY["UT"] = -utils.nantrapz(u_, x=TY["z"], axis=0, xave=False)
    TY["VT"] = -utils.nantrapz(v_, x=TY["z"], axis=0, xave=False)
    TY["zo"] = utils.nan_interp(sig4max, TY["sig4_sorted"], TY["z"], axis=0)
    # Density difference 200 m above the interface.
    TY["dsig4"] = utils.nan_interp(
        -TY["zo"] - 100., TY["depth"], TY["sig4_sorted"],
        axis=0)[0, :] - sig4max
    TY["HKE"] = utils.nantrapz(0.5 * (u_**2 + v_**2),

    print("- Calculating neutral density")
    TY["PT0"] = seawater.ptmp(TY["S"], TY["T"], TY["P"])
    # Flatten variables for analysis.
    nans = np.isnan(TY["lon"].flatten())
    S = TY["S"].flatten()[~nans]
    T = TY["PT0"].flatten()[~nans]
    P = TY["P"].flatten()[~nans]
    LO = TY["lon"].flatten()[~nans]
    LA = TY["lat"].flatten()[~nans]
    gamman = np.full_like(TY["lon"].flatten(), np.nan)
    gamman[~nans] = gamma_GP_from_SP_pt(S, T, P, LO, LA)
    TY["gamman"] = np.reshape(gamman, TY["S"].shape) + 1000.0
    TY["gamman_sorted"] = utils.nansort(TY["gamman"], axis=0)
    TY["gammanm"] = np.nanmean(TY["gamman"])

    TY["N2_sorted"] = (-TY["g"] * np.gradient(TY["sig4_sorted"], axis=0) /
                       (TY["sig4m"] * np.gradient(TY["z"], axis=0)))
Example #22
def get_extrapolated(in_fn,
    b = pickle.load(open(in_fn, 'rb'))
    vn_list = list(b.keys())

    # check that things are the expected shape
    def check_coords(shape_tuple, arr_shape):
        if arr_shape != shape_tuple:
            print('WARNING: array shape mismatch')

    for vn in vn_list:
        if vn == 'dt':
        elif vn == 'ssh':
            check_coords((M, L), b[vn].shape)
            check_coords((N, M, L), b[vn].shape)
    # creat output array and add dt to it.
    V = dict()
    for vn in vn_list:
        V[vn] = np.nan + np.ones(b[vn].shape)
    V['dt'] = b['dt']
    # extrapolate ssh
    vn = 'ssh'
    v = b[vn]
    if fix_NSoG:
        print(' ^^ Fixing NSoG ^^')
        # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        # (a) Mouth of Strait of Juan de Fuca
        i0, i1, fr = zfun.get_interpolant(np.array([-124.7, -124.5]),
        j0, j1, fr = zfun.get_interpolant(np.array([48.4, 48.6]),
        zeta_jdf = v[j0[0]:j1[1] + 1, i0[0]:i1[1] + 1]
        # (b) Northern Strait of Georgia
        i0, i1, fr = zfun.get_interpolant(np.array([-125.5, -124.5]),
        j0, j1, fr = zfun.get_interpolant(np.array([50.15, 50.45]),
        v[j0[0]:j1[1] + 1, i0[0]:i1[1] + 1] = np.nanmean(zeta_jdf) + 0.1
        # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    vv = extrap_nearest_to_masked(X, Y, v)
    V[vn] = vv
    # extrapolate 3D fields
    for vn in vn_list:
        v = b[vn]
        if vn == 't3d':
            v0 = np.nanmin(v)
        elif vn == 's3d':
            v0 = np.nanmax(v)
        if vn in ['t3d', 's3d']:
            print(' -- extrapolating ' + vn)
            if add_CTD == False:
                for k in range(N):
                    fld = v[k, :, :]
                    fldf = extrap_nearest_to_masked(X, Y, fld, fld0=v0)
                    V[vn][k, :, :] = fldf
            elif add_CTD == True:
                print(vn + ' Adding CTD data before extrapolating')
                Cast_dict, sta_df = Ofun_CTD.get_casts(Ldir)
                for k in range(N):
                    fld = v[k, :, :]
                    zz = z[k]
                    xyorig, fldorig = Ofun_CTD.get_orig(
                        Cast_dict, sta_df, X, Y, fld, lon, lat, zz, vn)
                    fldf = Ofun_CTD.extrap_nearest_to_masked_CTD(
                        X, Y, fld, xyorig=xyorig, fldorig=fldorig, fld0=v0)
                    V[vn][k, :, :] = fldf
        elif vn in ['u3d', 'v3d']:
            print(' -- extrapolating ' + vn)
            vv = v.copy()
            vv = np.ma.masked_where(np.isnan(vv), vv)
            vv[vv.mask] = 0
            V[vn] = vv.data
    # Create ubar and vbar.
    # Note: this is slightly imperfect because the z levels are at the same
    # position as the velocity levels.
    dz = np.nan * np.ones((N, 1, 1))
    dz[1:, 0, 0] = np.diff(z)
    dz[0, 0, 0] = dz[1, 0, 0]

    # account for the fact that the new hycom fields do not show up masked
    u3d = np.ma.masked_where(np.isnan(b['u3d']), b['u3d'])
    v3d = np.ma.masked_where(np.isnan(b['v3d']), b['v3d'])
    dz3 = dz * np.ones_like(u3d)  # make dz a masked array
    b['ubar'] = np.sum(u3d * dz3, axis=0) / np.sum(dz3, axis=0)
    b['vbar'] = np.sum(v3d * dz3, axis=0) / np.sum(dz3, axis=0)

    for vn in ['ubar', 'vbar']:
        v = b[vn]
        vv = v.copy()
        vv = np.ma.masked_where(np.isnan(vv), vv)
        vv[vv.mask] = 0
        V[vn] = vv.data
    # calculate potential temperature
    press_db = -z.reshape((N, 1, 1))
    V['theta'] = seawater.ptmp(V['s3d'], V['t3d'], press_db)
    return V
Example #23
def spice(s, t, p):
    """Compute sea spiciness as defined by Flament (2002).

    .. math:: \pi(\theta,s) = \sum^5_{i=0} \sum^4_{j=0} b_{ij}\theta^i(s-35)^i

    s(p) : array_like
           salinity [psu (PSS-78)]
    t(p) : array_like
           temperature [:math:`^\\circ` C (ITS-90)]
    p : array_like
        pressure [db]

    sp : array_like
         :math:`\pi` [kg m :sup:`3`]

    See Also
    pressure is not used... should the input be theta instead of t?
    Go read the paper!

    Spiciness, just like potential density, is only useful over limited
    vertical excursions near the pressure to which they are referenced; for
    large vertical ranges, the slope of the isopycnals and spiciness isopleths
    vary significantly with pressure, and generalization of the polynomial
    expansion to include a reference pressure dependence is needed.

    >>> from oceans import sw_extras as swe
    >>> swe.spice(33, 15, 0)

    .. [1] A state variable for characterizing water masses and their
    diffusive stability: spiciness. Prog. in Oceanography Volume 54, 2002,
    Pages 493-501.


    Modifications: 2011/03/15. Filipe Fernandes, python translation.
    s, t, p = list(map(np.asanyarray, (s, t, p)))
    # FIXME: I'm not sure about this.
    pt = sw.ptmp(s, t, p)

    B = np.zeros((6, 5))
    B[0, 0] = 0.
    B[0, 1] = 7.7442e-001
    B[0, 2] = -5.85e-003
    B[0, 3] = -9.84e-004
    B[0, 4] = -2.06e-004

    B[1, 0] = 5.1655e-002
    B[1, 1] = 2.034e-003
    B[1, 2] = -2.742e-004
    B[1, 3] = -8.5e-006
    B[1, 4] = 1.36e-005

    B[2, 0] = 6.64783e-003
    B[2, 1] = -2.4681e-004
    B[2, 2] = -1.428e-005
    B[2, 3] = 3.337e-005
    B[2, 4] = 7.894e-006

    B[3, 0] = -5.4023e-005
    B[3, 1] = 7.326e-006
    B[3, 2] = 7.0036e-006
    B[3, 3] = -3.0412e-006
    B[3, 4] = -1.0853e-006

    B[4, 0] = 3.949e-007
    B[4, 1] = -3.029e-008
    B[4, 2] = -3.8209e-007
    B[4, 3] = 1.0012e-007
    B[4, 4] = 4.7133e-008

    B[5, 0] = -6.36e-010
    B[5, 1] = -1.309e-009
    B[5, 2] = 6.048e-009
    B[5, 3] = -1.1409e-009
    B[5, 4] = -6.676e-010

    sp = np.zeros_like(pt)
    T = np.ones_like(pt)
    s -= 35
    r, c = B.shape
    for i in range(r):
        S = np.ones_like(pt)
        for j in range(c):
            sp += B[i, j] * T * S
            S *= s
        T *= pt

    return sp
Example #24
def do_load_mfdata(mesh, data, fname_list, var_list, sel_timeidx, sel_levidx, \
                   nsi, ndi, do_tmean, do_output,):    
    if ndi!=0:
        # select time+depth range + compute time mean
        if do_tmean:
            data.value = MFDataset(fname_list[0],'r').variables[var_list[0]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx].mean(axis=0)
            if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = MFDataset(fname_list[1],'r').variables[var_list[1]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx].mean(axis=0)
            if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = MFDataset(fname_list[2],'r').variables[var_list[2]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx].mean(axis=0)
            data.value = MFDataset(fname_list[0],'r').variables[var_list[0]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx]
            if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = MFDataset(fname_list[1],'r').variables[var_list[1]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx]
            if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = MFDataset(fname_list[2],'r').variables[var_list[2]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx]
        # compute potential density & temperatur if selected
        if any(x in data.var for x in ['pdens','ptemp','sigma']):
            dep   = np.matlib.repmat(mesh.zmid[sel_levidx],nsi,1)
            lat   = np.matlib.repmat(mesh.nodes_2d_yg[0:mesh.n2dn],len(sel_levidx),1).transpose()
            press = sw.pres(dep,lat)
            press_ref = 0
            if   '0' in data.var : press_ref=0
            elif '1' in data.var : press_ref=1000
            elif '2' in data.var : press_ref=2000
            elif '3' in data.var : press_ref=3000
            elif '4' in data.var : press_ref=4000
            elif '5' in data.var : press_ref=5000
            if 'sigma' in data.var: data.lname = '$\sigma_{'+str(int(press_ref/1000))+'}$ '+data.lname
            del dep,lat
            if do_tmean:
                if 'ptemp' in data.var: data.value = sw.ptmp(data.value2,data.value,press,press_ref)
                if any(x in data.var for x in ['pdens','sigma']): data.value = sw.pden(data.value2,data.value,press,press_ref)-1000.025 
                for it in range(0,data.value.shape[0]):
                    if 'ptemp' in data.var: data.value[it,:,:] = sw.ptmp(data.value2[it,:,:],data.value[it,:,:],press,press_ref)
                    if any(x in data.var for x in ['pdens','sigma']): data.value[it,:,:] = sw.pden(data.value2[it,:,:],data.value[it,:,:],press,press_ref)-1000.025 
        # compute depth mean + linear interpolation to selected depth levels
        if do_tmean:
            data.value = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value, data.depth, ndi, data.value.shape[0], sel_levidx,do_output)
            if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value2, data.depth, ndi, data.value2.shape[0], sel_levidx,do_output)
            if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value3, data.depth, ndi, data.value3.shape[0], sel_levidx,do_output)
            data.value = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value, data.depth, ndi, data.value.shape[1], sel_levidx,do_output)
            if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value2, data.depth, ndi, data.value2.shape[1], sel_levidx,do_output)
            if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value3, data.depth, ndi, data.value3.shape[1], sel_levidx,do_output)
    # 2D data:
        if do_tmean:
            data.value = MFDataset(fname_list[0],'r').variables[var_list[0]][sel_timeidx,:].mean(axis=0)
            if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = MFDataset(fname_list[1],'r').variables[var_list[1]][sel_timeidx,:].mean(axis=0)
            if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = MFDataset(fname_list[2],'r').variables[var_list[2]][sel_timeidx,:].mean(axis=0)
            data.value = MFDataset(fname_list[0],'r').variables[var_list[0]][sel_timeidx,:]
            if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = MFDataset(fname_list[1],'r').variables[var_list[1]][sel_timeidx,:]
            if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = MFDataset(fname_list[2],'r').variables[var_list[2]][sel_timeidx,:]
    # kickout single array dimension
    data.value = data.value.squeeze()
    if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = data.value2.squeeze()
    if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = data.value3.squeeze()
Example #25
def spice(s, t, p):
    Compute sea spiciness as defined by Flament (2002).

    .. math:: \pi(\theta,s) = \sum^5_{i=0} \sum^4_{j=0} b_{ij}\theta^i(s-35)^i

    s(p) : array_like
           salinity [psu (PSS-78)]
    t(p) : array_like
           temperature [:math:`^\\circ` C (ITS-90)]
    p : array_like
        pressure [db]

    sp : array_like
         :math:`\pi` [kg m :sup:`3`]

    See Also
    pressure is not used... should the input be theta instead of t?
    Go read the paper!

    Spiciness, just like potential density, is only useful over limited
    vertical excursions near the pressure to which they are referenced; for
    large vertical ranges, the slope of the isopycnals and spiciness isopleths
    vary significantly with pressure, and generalization of the polynomial
    expansion to include a reference pressure dependence is needed.

    >>> from oceans import sw_extras as swe
    >>> swe.spice(33, 15, 0)

    .. [1] A state variable for characterizing water masses and their
    diffusive stability: spiciness. Prog. in Oceanography Volume 54, 2002,
    Pages 493-501.


    s, t, p = list(map(np.asanyarray, (s, t, p)))
    # FIXME: I'm not sure about this.
    pt = sw.ptmp(s, t, p)

    B = np.zeros((6, 5))
    B[0, 0] = 0.
    B[0, 1] = 7.7442e-001
    B[0, 2] = -5.85e-003
    B[0, 3] = -9.84e-004
    B[0, 4] = -2.06e-004

    B[1, 0] = 5.1655e-002
    B[1, 1] = 2.034e-003
    B[1, 2] = -2.742e-004
    B[1, 3] = -8.5e-006
    B[1, 4] = 1.36e-005

    B[2, 0] = 6.64783e-003
    B[2, 1] = -2.4681e-004
    B[2, 2] = -1.428e-005
    B[2, 3] = 3.337e-005
    B[2, 4] = 7.894e-006

    B[3, 0] = -5.4023e-005
    B[3, 1] = 7.326e-006
    B[3, 2] = 7.0036e-006
    B[3, 3] = -3.0412e-006
    B[3, 4] = -1.0853e-006

    B[4, 0] = 3.949e-007
    B[4, 1] = -3.029e-008
    B[4, 2] = -3.8209e-007
    B[4, 3] = 1.0012e-007
    B[4, 4] = 4.7133e-008

    B[5, 0] = -6.36e-010
    B[5, 1] = -1.309e-009
    B[5, 2] = 6.048e-009
    B[5, 3] = -1.1409e-009
    B[5, 4] = -6.676e-010

    sp = np.zeros_like(pt)
    T = np.ones_like(pt)
    s = s - 35
    r, c = B.shape
    for i in range(r):
        S = np.ones_like(pt)
        for j in range(c):
            sp += B[i, j] * T * S
            S *= s
        T *= pt

    return sp
Example #26
def do_load_dataloop(mesh, data, fname_list, var_list, sel_timeidx, sel_levidx, \
                   nti, nsi, ndi, do_tmean, do_output,):    
    if ndi!=0:
        # initialize data.value array
        if do_tmean:
            data.value = np.zeros((nsi,len(sel_levidx)),dtype='float32')
            if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = np.zeros((nsi,len(sel_levidx)),dtype='float32')
            if len(fname_list[1]): data.value3 = np.zeros((nsi,len(sel_levidx)),dtype='float32')
            data.value = np.zeros((nti,nsi,len(sel_levidx)))
            if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = np.zeros((nti*len(fname_list),nsi,len(sel_levidx)),dtype='float32')
            if len(fname_list[1]): data.value3 = np.zeros((nti*len(fname_list),nsi,len(sel_levidx)),dtype='float32')
        # select time+depth range + compute time mean
        for it in range(0,len(fname_list[0])):
            if do_tmean:
                data.value = data.value + Dataset(fname_list[0][it],'r').variables[var_list[0]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx].mean(axis=0)
                if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = data.value2 + Dataset(fname_list[1][it],'r').variables[var_list[1]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx].mean(axis=0)
                if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = data.value3 + Dataset(fname_list[2][it],'r').variables[var_list[2]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx].mean(axis=0)
                t_idx = sel_timeidx+nti*it
                data.value[t_idx,:,:] = data.value[t_idx,:,:] + Dataset(fname_list[0][it],'r').variables[var_list[0]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx]
                if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2[t_idx,:,:] = data.value2[t_idx,:,:] + Dataset(fname_list[1][it],'r').variables[var_list[1]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx]
                if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3[t_idx,:,:] = data.value3[t_idx,:,:] + Dataset(fname_list[2][it],'r').variables[var_list[2]][sel_timeidx,:,sel_levidx]
        # divide by loaded file number --> to final time mean
        if do_tmean:
            data.value = data.value/len(fname_list[0]) 
            if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = data.value2/len(fname_list[1]) 
            if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = data.value2/len(fname_list[2])
        # compute potential density & temperatur if selected
        if any(x in data.var for x in ['pdens','ptemp','sigma']):
            dep      = np.matlib.repmat(mesh.zmid[sel_levidx],nsi,1)
            lat      = np.matlib.repmat(mesh.nodes_2d_yg[0:mesh.n2dn],nsi,1).transpose()
            press    = sw.pres(dep,lat)
            press_ref= 0
            if   '0' in data.var : press_ref=0
            elif '1' in data.var : press_ref=1000
            elif '2' in data.var : press_ref=2000
            elif '3' in data.var : press_ref=3000
            elif '4' in data.var : press_ref=4000
            elif '5' in data.var : press_ref=5000
            if press_ref!=0: data.lname = '$\sigma_{'+str(int(press_ref/1000))+'}$ '+data.lname
            del dep,lat
            if do_tmean:
                if 'ptemp' in data.var: data.value = sw.ptmp(data.value2,data.value,press,press_ref)
                if any(x in data.var for x in ['pdens','sigma']): data.value = sw.pden(data.value2,data.value,press,press_ref)-1000.025 
                for it in range(0,data.value.shape[0]):
                    if 'ptemp' in data.var: data.value[it,:,:] = sw.ptmp(data.value2[it,:,:],data.value[it,:,:],press,press_ref)
                    if any(x in data.var for x in ['pdens','sigma']): data.value[it,:,:] = sw.pden(data.value2[it,:,:],data.value[it,:,:],press,press_ref)-1000.025 
        # compute depth mean + linear interpolation to selected depth levels
        data.value = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value, data.depth, ndi, nsi, sel_levidx,do_output)
        if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value2, data.depth, ndi, nsi, sel_levidx,do_output)
        if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = do_zinterp(mesh, data.value3, data.depth, ndi, nsi, sel_levidx,do_output)
    # 2D data:
        # initialize data.value array
        if do_tmean:
            data.value = np.zeros((nsi,))
            if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = np.zeros((nsi,))
            if len(fname_list[1]): data.value3 = np.zeros((nsi,))
            data.value = np.zeros((nti,nsi))
            if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = np.zeros((nti*len(fname_list),nsi))
            if len(fname_list[1]): data.value3 = np.zeros((nti*len(fname_list),nsi))
        # select time+depth range + compute time mean
        for it in range(0,len(fname_list[0])):
            if do_tmean:
                data.value = data.value + Dataset(fname_list[0][it],'r').variables[var_list[0]][sel_timeidx,:].mean(axis=0)
                if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = data.value2 + Dataset(fname_list[1][it],'r').variables[var_list[1]][sel_timeidx,:].mean(axis=0)
                if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = data.value3 + Dataset(fname_list[2][it],'r').variables[var_list[2]][sel_timeidx,:].mean(axis=0)
                t_idx = sel_timeidx+nti*it
                data.value[t_idx,:] = data.value[t_idx,:] + Dataset(fname_list[0][it],'r').variables[var_list[0]][sel_timeidx,:]
                if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2[t_idx,:] = data.value2[t_idx,:] + Dataset(fname_list[1][it],'r').variables[var_list[1]][sel_timeidx,:]
                if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3[t_idx,:] = data.value3[t_idx,:] + Dataset(fname_list[2][it],'r').variables[var_list[2]][sel_timeidx,:]
        # divide by loaded file number --> to final time mean
        if do_tmean:
            data.value = data.value/len(fname_list[0]) 
            if len(fname_list[1]): data.value2 = data.value2/len(fname_list[1]) 
            if len(fname_list[2]): data.value3 = data.value2/len(fname_list[2])
Example #27
def ctdproc(lista,
            lathint='Latitude =',
            lonhint='Longitude =',
    This function do the basic proccess to all .cnv CTD data from
    given list.
    for fname in lista:

        lon, lat, data = ctdread(fname,

        if looped:
            data = loopedit(data)

        dataname = basename(fname)[1]

        if (data.shape[0] < 101) & (
                data.shape[0] >
                10):  # se o tamanho do perfil for com menos de 101 medidas

            if (data.shape[0] /
                    2) % 2 == 0:  # caso a metade dos dados seja par
                blk = (data.shape[0] / 2) + 1  # bloco = a metade +1
                blk = data.shape[0] / 2  # se for impar o bloco e a metade

            # remove spikes dos perfis de temperatura e condutividade
            data = despike(data, propname=temp_name, block=blk, wgth=2)
            data = despike(data, propname=cond_name, block=blk, wgth=2)
        elif data.shape[0] >= 101:
            # para perfis com mais de 101 medidas, utiliza-se blocos de 101
            data = despike(data, propname=temp_name, block=101, wgth=2)
            data = despike(data, propname=cond_name, block=101, wgth=2)
            print('radial muito rasa')

        # realiza média em caixa de 1 metro
        data = binning(data, delta=1.)
        if temp_name == 't068C':
            data['t090C'] = gsw.t90_from_t68(data['t068C'])

        data['sp'] = gsw.SP_from_C(data[cond_name] * 10, data['t090C'],

        if hann_f:
            times = 0
            while times < hann_times:
                data = hann_filter(data, 't090C', hann_block)
                data = hann_filter(data, 'sp', hann_block)
                times += 1

        data['pt'] = sw.ptmp(data['sp'], data['t090C'], data.index.values)
        #data['ct'] = gsw.CT_from_pt(data['sa'],data['pt'])
        data['psigma0'] = sw.pden(
            data['sp'], data['t090C'], data.index.values, pr=0) - 1000
        data['psigma1'] = sw.pden(
            data['sp'], data['t090C'], data.index.values, pr=1000) - 1000
        data['psigma2'] = sw.pden(
            data['sp'], data['t090C'], data.index.values, pr=2000) - 1000
        data['gpan'] = sw.gpan(data['sp'], data['t090C'], data.index.values)
        data['lat'] = lat
        data['lon'] = lon

            os.path.split(fname)[0] + '/' +

Example #28
    def __init__(self, path, climname='woa05'):
        if climname == 'woa05':
            ncfile = Dataset(os.path.join(path, 'woa2005TS.nc'))
            self.T = np.copy(ncfile.variables['t00an1'][0, :, :, :])
            x = np.copy(ncfile.variables['lon'][:])
            x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360
            ind = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(x), key=lambda x: x[1])]
            x = np.sort(x)
            self.x = x
            self.y = ncfile.variables['lat'][:]
            self.z = ncfile.variables['depth'][:]
            self.T[:, :, :] = self.T[:, :, ind]
            self.S = np.copy(ncfile.variables['s00an1'][0, :, :, :])
            self.S[:, :, :] = self.S[:, :, ind]
            depth3d = np.zeros(self.S.shape)
            for i in range(self.z.shape[0]):
                depth3d[i, :, :] = self.z[i]
            ptemp = sw.ptmp(self.S, self.T, depth3d)
            self.T = ptemp
            self.Tyz = nanmean(self.T, 2)
            self.Syz = nanmean(self.S, 2)
            self.T = np.ma.masked_greater(self.T, 1000)
            self.S = np.ma.masked_greater(self.S, 1000)

        if climname == 'phc':
            ncfile = Dataset(os.path.join(path, 'phc3.0_annual.nc'))
            self.T = np.copy(ncfile.variables['temp'][:, :, :])
            x = np.copy(ncfile.variables['lon'][:])
            x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360
            ind = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(x), key=lambda x: x[1])]
            x = np.sort(x)
            self.x = x
            self.y = ncfile.variables['lat'][:]
            self.z = ncfile.variables['depth'][:]
            self.T[:, :, :] = self.T[:, :, ind]
            self.S = np.copy(ncfile.variables['salt'][:, :, :])
            self.S[:, :, :] = self.S[:, :, ind]
            depth3d = np.zeros(self.S.shape)
            for i in range(self.z.shape[0]):
                depth3d[i, :, :] = self.z[i]
            ptemp = sw.ptmp(self.S, self.T, depth3d)
            self.T = ptemp
            self.Tyz = nanmean(self.T, 2)
            self.Syz = nanmean(self.S, 2)

        if climname == 'gdem':
            ncfile = Dataset(os.path.join(path, 'gdemv3s_tm.nc'))
            self.T = np.copy(ncfile.variables['water_temp'][0, :, :, :])
            x = np.copy(ncfile.variables['lon'][:])
            x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360
            ind = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(x), key=lambda x: x[1])]
            x = np.sort(x)
            self.x = x
            self.y = ncfile.variables['lat'][:]
            self.z = ncfile.variables['depth'][:]
            self.T[:, :, :] = self.T[:, :, ind]
            self.S = np.copy(ncfile.variables['salinity'][0, :, :, :])
            self.S[:, :, :] = self.S[:, :, ind]
            depth3d = np.zeros(self.S.shape)
            for i in range(self.z.shape[0]):
                depth3d[i, :, :] = self.z[i]
            ptemp = sw.ptmp(self.S, self.T, depth3d)
            self.T = ptemp
            self.Tyz = nanmean(self.T, 2)
            self.Syz = nanmean(self.S, 2)
            self.T = np.ma.masked_less(self.T, -1000)
            self.S = np.ma.masked_less(self.S, -1000)

# def fesom_2_clim(data, depth, mesh, climatology, verbose=True, radius_of_influence=100000):
#     '''
#     Interpolation of fesom data to grid of the climatology.

#     Parameters
#     ----------
#     data  : array
#         1d array of FESOM 2d data slice
#     depth : depth of the slice
#     mesh  : mesh object
#         FESOM mesh object
#     climatology: climatology object
#         FESOM climatology object

#     Returns
#     -------
#     iz : the index of the closest depth in climatology to the input depth
#     xx : 2d array longitudes
#     yy : 2d array latitudes
#     out_data : 2d array
#        array with data interpolated to climatology level

#     '''
#     xx,yy = np.meshgrid(climatology.x, climatology.y)
#     out_data=np.copy(climatology.T)
#     distances, inds = create_indexes_and_distances(mesh, xx, yy,\
#                                                 k=10, n_jobs=2)

#     #import pdb
#     #pdb.set_trace()
#     iz=abs(abs(climatology.z)-abs(depth)).argmin()
#     print('the model depth is: ', depth, '; the closest depth in climatology is: ', climatology.z[iz])
#     out_data=fesom2regular(data, mesh, xx, yy, distances=distances, inds=inds, radius_of_influence=radius_of_influence)
#     out_data[np.isnan(climatology.T[iz,:,:])]=np.nan
#     return iz, xx, yy, out_data