Example #1
 def doBuild(self, *artifacts):
     builder = Builder(self.console)
     runner = MockRunner()
     config = MockConfiguration(self.dir)
     for artifact in artifacts:
         builder.add_artifact(config, artifact)
     return runner.actions
Example #2
    for name, value in opts:
        if name == "-v":
            verbose = True
        elif name == "-j":
            threads = int(value)

    if runner is None:
        runner = SubprocessRunner(console, verbose)
        caching_runner = CachingRunner(runner, console)
        runner = caching_runner

        # Note that all configurations share a common cache.pickle.
        _restore_pickle(caching_runner, "cache.pickle")

    loader = Loader(config.root_dir)
    builder = Builder(console)

    if argv[0] == "test":
        for rule in _args_to_rules(loader, args):
            if isinstance(rule, Test):
                builder.add_test(config, rule)
        # caihsiaoster: Support ":all" to build all targets in the sebs
        prefix = args[0].split(":", 1)
        new_args = args
        if prefix[-1] == 'all':
            new_args = []
            for arg in args:
                if arg.startswith("src/") or arg.startswith("src\\"):
                    arg = arg[4:]
                elif arg.startswith("//"):