def manage_env(client, message): action = extract_args(message).split(' ', 1) if action[0] == 'list': pass elif len(action) < 2 or action[0] not in [ 'get', 'set', 'rem', 'copy', 'move' ]: edit(message, f"`{get_translation('wrongCommand')}`") return heroku_mode = False if HEROKU_KEY: heroku_mode = True heroku = from_key(HEROKU_KEY) heroku_app = None heroku_applications = heroku.apps() if not HEROKU_APPNAME: edit( message, f'`{get_translation("updateHerokuVariables", ["HEROKU_APPNAME "])}`' ) for app in heroku_applications: if == HEROKU_APPNAME: heroku_app = app heroku_env = app.config() break if heroku_app is None: edit( message, f'`{get_translation("updateHerokuVariables", ["HEROKU_APPNAME "])}`' ) return reload_env() if action[0] == 'set': items = action[1].split(' ', 1) if len(items) < 2 or len( items[1]) < 1 or items[0].upper() in ENV_RESTRICTED_KEYS: edit(message, f"`{get_translation('wrongCommand')}`") return key, value = items key = key.upper() if heroku_mode: heroku_env[key] = value else: set_local_env(key, value) edit(message, get_translation('envSetSuccess', ['`', '**', key])) sleep(2) restart(client, message) elif action[0] == 'get': items = action[1].split(' ', 1) if len(items[0]) < 1 or items[0].upper() in ENV_RESTRICTED_KEYS: edit(message, f"`{get_translation('wrongCommand')}`") return items[0] = items[0].upper() if heroku_mode and items[0] in heroku_env: value = heroku_env[items[0]] elif not heroku_mode and (value := environ.get(items[0], None)): pass else: edit(message, get_translation('envNotFound', ['`', '**', items[0]])) return edit(message, get_translation('envGetValue', ['`', '**', items[0], value]))
# This file is part of TeamDerUntergang project, # and licensed under GNU Affero General Public License v3. # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # All rights reserved. See COPYING, AUTHORS. # from re import sub from urllib.parse import quote from pylast import LastFMNetwork, User, md5 from sedenbot import HELP, environ from sedenecem.core import edit, get_translation, sedenify # =================== CONSTANT =================== LASTFM_API = environ.get('LASTFM_API', None) LASTFM_SECRET = environ.get('LASTFM_SECRET', None) LASTFM_USERNAME = environ.get('LASTFM_USERNAME', None) LASTFM_PASSWORD_PLAIN = environ.get('LASTFM_PASSWORD', None) LASTFM_PASS = md5(LASTFM_PASSWORD_PLAIN) if LASTFM_API and LASTFM_SECRET and LASTFM_USERNAME and LASTFM_PASS: lastfm = LastFMNetwork( api_key=LASTFM_API, api_secret=LASTFM_SECRET, username=LASTFM_USERNAME, password_hash=LASTFM_PASS, ) else: lastfm = None # ================================================
return edit(message, get_translation('envGetValue', ['`', '**', items[0], value])) elif action[0] == 'rem': items = action[1].split(' ', 1) if len(items[0]) < 1 or items[0].upper() in ENV_RESTRICTED_KEYS: edit(message, f"`{get_translation('wrongCommand')}`") return items[0] = items[0].upper() if heroku_mode and items[0] in heroku_env: del heroku_env[items[0]] elif not heroku_mode and (value := environ.get(items[0], None)): unset_local_env(items[0]) else: edit(message, get_translation('envNotFound', ['`', '**', items[0]])) return edit(message, get_translation('envRemSuccess', ['`', '**', items[0]])) sleep(2) restart(client, message) elif action[0] in ['copy', 'move']: items = action[1].split(' ', 1) if len(items) < 2 or len(items[0]) < 1 or items[0].upper( ) in ENV_RESTRICTED_KEYS or items[1].upper( ) in ENV_RESTRICTED_KEYS or items[0].upper() == items[1].upper():