def run(self, ngen=10, startfile=None, checkpoint=None):
        """Run the genetic algorithm, updating the population over ngen number of generations.

        Keywork arguments:
        ngen -- number of generations to run the genetic algorithm.
        startfile -- File containing existing population (default None)
        checkpoint -- File containing existing checkpoint (default None)

        population -- Resulting population after ngen generations.

        if startfile:
            population = self.readpop(startfile)
            population = self.newpopulation()
            if checkpoint:
                self.writepop(population, filename=f"0_{checkpoint}")
        for cur_g in range(1, ngen + 1):
            print(f"generation {cur_g} of population size {len(population)}")
            population = self.nextgen(population)

            seg = Segmentors.algoFromParams(self.hof[0])
            mask = seg.evaluate(self.img)
            fitness = Segmentors.FitnessFunction(self.mask, mask)
            print(f"#BEST - {fitness[0]} - {self.hof[0]}")

            if checkpoint:
                print(f"Writing Checkpoint file - {checkpoint}")
                self.writepop(population, filename=f"{checkpoint}_{cur_g}")
                for cur_p in range(len(population)):
        return population
Example #2
    def run(self, ngen=10, population=None,startfile=None, checkpoint=None, cp_freq=1):
        """Run the genetic algorithm, updating the population over ngen number of generations.

        Keywork arguments:
        ngen -- number of generations to run the genetic algorithm.
        startfile -- File containing existing population (default None)
        checkpoint -- File containing existing checkpoint (default None)

        population -- Resulting population after ngen generations.

        if startfile:
                print(f"Reading in {startfile}")
                population = self.readpop(startfile)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                print("WARNING: Start file not found")
        if not population:
            print(f"Inicializing new randome population")
            population = self.newpopulation()
            if checkpoint:
                self.writepop(population, filename=f"{checkpoint}")

        for cur_g in range(0, ngen+1):
            print(f"generation {cur_g} of population size {len(population)}")
            _, population = self.popfitness(population)
            bestsofar = self.hof[0]
            seg = Segmentors.algoFromParams(bestsofar)
            mask = seg.evaluate(self.img)
            fitness = Segmentors.FitnessFunction(mask, self.mask)
            print(f"#BEST - {fitness} - {bestsofar}")

            if checkpoint and cur_g%cp_freq == 0:
                print(f"Writing Checkpoint file - {checkpoint}")
                copyfile(f"{checkpoint}", f"{checkpoint}.prev")
                self.writepop(population, filename=f"{checkpoint}")
                for cur_p in range(len(population)):
            if cur_g < ngen+1:
                population = self.mutate(population)
        if checkpoint:
            print(f"Writing Checkpoint file - {checkpoint}")
            copyfile(f"{checkpoint}", f"{checkpoint}.prev")
            self.writepop(population, filename=f"{checkpoint}")
            for cur_p in range(len(population)):
        return population
def test_countsets():
    """Unit test for countsets function. Checks output is as
     expected for a variety of extreme cases."""
    assert Segmentors.countsets({0.0: {0.0: 364}, 1.0: {1.0: 12}, 2.0: {1.0: 24}}) ==\
     (0, 2, {0.0: 0.0, 1.0: 1.0, 2.0: 1.0})
    assert Segmentors.countsets({0.0: {0.0: 358}, 1.0: {0.0: 6, 1.0: 12}, 2.0: {1.0: 24}}) ==\
     (6, 2, {0.0: 0.0, 1.0: 1.0, 2.0: 1.0})
    assert Segmentors.countsets({0.0: {0.0: 355}, 3.0: {0.0: 4, 1.0: 2}, 2.0: {1.0: 24},\
     1.0: {0.0: 5, 1.0: 10}}) == (7, 2, {0.0: 0.0, 3.0: 0.0, 2.0: 1.0, 1.0: 1.0})
    assert Segmentors.countsets({0.0: {0.0: 364, 1.0: 36}}) ==\
     (36, 1, {0.0: 0.0})
    assert Segmentors.countsets({0.0: {0.0: 76}, 1.0: {0.0: 288, 1.0: 36}}) ==\
     (36, 1, {0.0: 0.0, 1.0: 0.0})
Example #4
    def monitor(self):
        html_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "web_pages", "monitor.html")
        if self.best_fit != -1:
            # If there is a segmentor then display the images segmentation
            img = imageio.imread(self.rgb_filename)
            gmask = imageio.imread(self.label_filename)

            seg = Segmentors.algoFromParams(self.best_ind["params"])
            mask = seg.evaluate(img)

            static_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "public")
            imageio.imwrite(os.path.join(static_dir, "mask.jpg"), mask)

            code = GeneticSearch.print_best_algorithm_code(self.best_ind["params"])

            # Calculate progress bar precentage
            percentage = (1 - self.best_ind["fitness"]) * 100
            rounded_fitness = float("{0:.2f}".format(self.best_ind["fitness"]))

            data = ["", code, self.best_ind["params"], rounded_fitness, percentage]
            data = ['style="display:none;"', "", "", "",""]

        return fill_html_template(html_path, data)
def test_runAlgo():
    """Unit test for runAlgo function.
     Checks to see if the output is what it's supposed to be in this case."""
    individual = ['FB', 0, 0, 984, 0.09, 92, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\
     (1, 2), 0, "checkerboard", "checkerboard", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    assert Segmentors.runAlgo(TEST_IM_COLOR, TEST_IM_COLOR[:, :, 0],
                              individual) == [sys.maxsize]
Example #6
def periodic_update(n_intevals, src):
    if update_best_individual():
        img = "Chameleon.jpg"
        segmenter = Segmentors.algoFromParams((results[0].get())["params"])
        return "/static/" + tasks.evaluate_segmentation.delay(segmenter,
    return src
Example #7
def test_Felzenszwalb():
    """Unit test for Felzenszwalb method. Checks if evaluate function output\
     is the same as manually running the skimage function."""
    fb1 = Segmentors.Felzenszwalb()
    assert fb1.evaluate(TEST_IM_COLOR).all() == segmentation.felzenszwalb(\
            TEST_IM_COLOR, 984, 0.09, 92, multichannel=True).all()
    assert fb1.evaluate(TEST_IM_GRAY).all() == segmentation.felzenszwalb(\
            TEST_IM_GRAY, 984, 0.09, 92, multichannel=False).all()
Example #8
def test_QuickShift():
    """Unit test for QuickShift method. Checks if evaluate function output\
     is the same as manually running the skimage function."""
    qs1 = Segmentors.QuickShift()
    assert qs1.evaluate(TEST_IM_COLOR).all() == segmentation.quickshift(\
                TEST_IM_COLOR, ratio=2, kernel_size=5, max_dist=60, sigma=5, random_seed=1).all()
    assert qs1.evaluate(TEST_IM_GRAY).all() == segmentation.quickshift(color.gray2rgb(\
                TEST_IM_GRAY), ratio=2, kernel_size=5, max_dist=60, sigma=5, random_seed=1).all()
Example #9
def test_run_algo():
    """Unit test for runAlgo function.
     Checks to see if the output is what it's supposed to be in this case."""
    individual = Segmentors.segmentor()
    data = pipedata()
    data.img = TEST_IM_COLOR
    data.gmask = TEST_IM_COLOR[:, :, 0]
Example #10
 def func(img=img, mask=gmask, **kwargs):
     """Find mask and fitness for current algorithm. Show masked image."""
     for k in kwargs:
         seg.params[k] = kwargs[k]
     mask = seg.evaluate(img)
     fit = Segmentors.FitnessFunction(mask, gmask)
     fig = showtwo(img, mask)
Example #11
def continuous_search(input_file,

    img = imageio.imread(input_file)
    gmask = imageio.imread(input_mask)

    fid_out = open(f"{input_file}.txt", "w+")

    #TODO: Read this file in and set population first

    #Run the search
    my_evolver = GeneticSearch.Evolver(img, gmask, pop_size=pop_size)

    best_fitness = 2.0
    iteration = 0

    while (best_fitness > 0.0):
        print(f"running {iteration} iteration")
        if (startfile):
            population =, startfile=None)
            startfile = None
            population =

        #Get the best algorithm so far
        params = my_evolver.hof[0]

        #Generate mask of best so far.
        seg = Segmentors.algoFromParams(params)
        mask = seg.evaluate(img)

        fitness = Segmentors.FitnessFunction(mask, gmask)[0]
        if (fitness < best_fitness):
            best_fitness = fitness
                f"\n\n\n\nIteration {iteration} Finess Improved to {fitness}")
            my_evolver.writepop(population, filename="checkpoint.pop")
            fid_out.write(f"[{iteration}, {fitness}, {params}]\n")
            ###TODO Output [fitness, seg]
        iteration += 1
Example #12
def conduct_genetic_search(img, gmask, num_gen, pop_size):
    Note: this task could be sped up by
    rewriting it to send the evaluation and fitness function
    calls to other workers as tasks.

    # Only needed on some images
    # Convert the RGB 3-channel image into a 1-channel image
    # gmask = (np.sum(gmask, axis=2) > 0)


    img = imageio.imread(get_path(img))
    gmask = imageio.imread(get_path(gmask))

    my_evolver = GeneticSearch.Evolver(img, gmask, pop_size=pop_size)

    # Conduct the genetic search
    population = None

    for _ in range(num_gen):

        # if population is uninitialized
        if population is None:
            population =
            # Simulate a generation and store population in population variable
            population =, population=population)

        # Take the best segmentor from the hof and use it to segment the rgb image
        seg = Segmentors.algoFromParams(my_evolver.hof[0])
        mask = seg.evaluate(img)

        # Calculate and print the fitness value of the segmentor
        fitness = Segmentors.FitnessFunction(mask, gmask)[0]
        params = my_evolver.hof[0]

    # Combine data into a single object
    data = {}
    data["fitness"] = fitness
    data["params"] = params

    return data
Example #13
def test_Slic():
    """Unit test for Slic method. Checks if evaluate function output\
     is the same as manually running the skimage function."""
    sc1 = Segmentors.Slic()
    assert sc1.evaluate(TEST_IM_COLOR).all() == segmentation.slic(\
                TEST_IM_COLOR, n_segments=5, compactness=5, max_iter=3, \
                sigma=5, convert2lab=True, multichannel=True).all()
    assert sc1.evaluate(TEST_IM_GRAY).all() == segmentation.slic(\
                TEST_IM_GRAY, n_segments=5, compactness=5, max_iter=3, \
                sigma=5, convert2lab=True, multichannel=False).all()
Example #14
def test_Chan_Vese():
    """Unit test for Chan_Vese method. Checks if evaluate function output\
     is the same as manually running the skimage function."""
    cv1 = Segmentors.Chan_Vese()
    assert cv1.evaluate(TEST_IM_COLOR).all() == segmentation.chan_vese(\
                color.rgb2gray(TEST_IM_COLOR), mu=2.0, lambda1=10, \
                lambda2=20, tol=0.001, max_iter=10, dt=0.10).all()
    assert cv1.evaluate(TEST_IM_GRAY).all() == segmentation.chan_vese(\
                TEST_IM_GRAY, mu=2.0, lambda1=10, \
                lambda2=20, tol=0.001, max_iter=10, dt=0.10).all()
Example #15
def test_Morphological_Chan_Vese():
    """Unit test for Morphological_Chan_Vese method. Checks if evaluate function output\
     is the same as manually running the skimage function."""
    mcv1 = Segmentors.Morphological_Chan_Vese()
    assert mcv1.evaluate(TEST_IM_COLOR).all() == segmentation.morphological_chan_vese(\
                color.rgb2gray(TEST_IM_COLOR), iterations=10, init_level_set="checkerboard", \
                smoothing=10, lambda1=10, lambda2=20).all()
    assert mcv1.evaluate(TEST_IM_GRAY).all() == segmentation.morphological_chan_vese(\
                TEST_IM_GRAY, iterations=10, init_level_set="checkerboard", \
                smoothing=10, lambda1=10, lambda2=20).all()
Example #16
def test_MorphGeodesicActiveContour():
    """Unit test for MorphGeodesicActiveContour method. Checks if evaluate function output\
     is the same as manually running the skimage function."""
    ac1 = Segmentors.MorphGeodesicActiveContour()
    assert ac1.evaluate(TEST_IM_COLOR).all() == segmentation.morphological_geodesic_active_contour(\
                segmentation.inverse_gaussian_gradient(color.rgb2gray(TEST_IM_COLOR), 0.2, 0.3),\
                iterations=10, init_level_set='checkerboard', smoothing=5, threshold='auto',\
    assert ac1.evaluate(TEST_IM_GRAY).all() == segmentation.morphological_geodesic_active_contour(\
                segmentation.inverse_gaussian_gradient(TEST_IM_GRAY, 0.2, 0.3), iterations=10,\
                init_level_set='checkerboard', smoothing=5, threshold='auto', balloon=10).all()
Example #17
def segmentwidget(img, gmask, params=None, alg=None):
    """Generate GUI. Produce slider for each parameter for the current segmentor.
     Show both options for the masked image.

    Keyword arguments:
    img -- original image
    gmask -- ground truth segmentation mask for the image
    params -- list of parameter options
    alg -- algorithm to search parameters over

    if params is None and alg is None:
        alg = 'FB'
        params = [alg, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,\
         (1, 1), 0, 'checkerboard', 'checkerboard', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    elif params is None and alg is not None:
        params = [alg, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,\
         (1, 1), 0, 'checkerboard', 'checkerboard', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    elif params is not None and alg is not None:
        params[0] = alg
    seg = Segmentors.algoFromParams(params)
    widg = dict()
    widglist = []

    for ppp in seg.paramindexes:
        thislist = eval(seg.params.ranges[ppp])
        thiswidg = widgets.SelectionSlider(options=tuple(thislist),
        widg[ppp] = thiswidg

    def func(img=img, mask=gmask, **kwargs):
        """Find mask and fitness for current algorithm. Show masked image."""
        for k in kwargs:
            seg.params[k] = kwargs[k]
        mask = seg.evaluate(img)
        fit = Segmentors.FitnessFunction(mask, gmask)
        fig = showtwo(img, mask)
        plt.title('Fitness Value: ' + str(fit[0]))

    layout = widgets.Layout(grid_template_columns='1fr 1fr 1fr')
    u_i = widgets.GridBox(widglist, layout=layout)

    out = widgets.interactive_output(func, widg)
    display(u_i, out)
    return seg.params
def test_mutate():
    """Unit test for mutate function. Checks output type and checks test individual
     to see if mutation took place successfully."""
    copy_child = ['FB', 0, 0, 984, 0.09, 92, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\
     (1, 2), 0, "checkerboard", "checkerboard", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    all_vals = []
    params = Segmentors.parameters()
    for key in params.pkeys:
    assert isinstance(GeneticSearch.mutate(copy_child, all_vals, 0.5, True), list)
    assert GeneticSearch.mutate(copy_child, all_vals, 0.5, True) ==\
     ['FB', 1390, 0.173, 984, 0.09, 9927, 587, 0, 0.55, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1000, 0,\
      (1, 2), 0, 'disk', 'checkerboard', 9, 2907, -47, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0, 0]
Example #19
def makeToolbox(pop_size):
    """Make a genetic algorithm toolbox using DEAP. The toolbox uses premade functions
     for crossover, mutation, evaluation and fitness.

    Keyword arguments:
    pop_size -- The size of our population, or how many individuals we have

    # Minimizing fitness function
    creator.create("FitnessMin", base.Fitness, weights=(-0.000001, ))
    creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.FitnessMin)

    # The functions that the GA knows
    toolbox = base.Toolbox()

    # Genetic functions
    toolbox.register("mate", skimageCrossRandom)  # crossover
    #toolbox.register("mutate", mutate)  # Mutation
    toolbox.register("mutate", Segmentors.mutateAlgo)  # Mutation
    toolbox.register("evaluate", Segmentors.runAlgo)  # Fitness
    toolbox.register("select", tools.selTournament, tournsize=5)  # Selection
    toolbox.register("map",  # So that we can use scoop

    # DO: May want to later do a different selection process

    # We choose the parameters, for the most part, random
    params = Segmentors.parameters()

    for key in params.pkeys:
        toolbox.register(key, random.choice, eval(params.ranges[key]))

    func_seq = []
    for key in params.pkeys:
        func_seq.append(getattr(toolbox, key))

    # Here we populate our individual with all of the parameters

    # And we make our population

    return toolbox
def test_countMatches():
    """Unit test for countMatches function. Checks output is as
     expected for a variety of extreme cases."""
    # create test image
    ground_truth = np.zeros((20, 20))
    ground_truth[4:10, 4:10] = 1
    inferred = np.zeros((20, 20))
    inferred[4:10, 4:6] = 1
    inferred[4:10, 6:10] = 2
    assert Segmentors.countMatches(inferred, ground_truth) ==\
     ({0.0: {0.0: 364}, 1.0: {1.0: 12}, 2.0: {1.0: 24}}, 3, 2)

    inferred = np.zeros((20, 20))
    inferred[4:10, 3:6] = 1
    inferred[4:10, 6:10] = 2
    assert Segmentors.countMatches(inferred, ground_truth) ==\
     ({0.0: {0.0: 358}, 1.0: {0.0: 6, 1.0: 12}, 2.0: {1.0: 24}}, 3, 2)

    inferred = np.zeros((20, 20))
    inferred[4:10, 3:6] = 1
    inferred[4:10, 6:10] = 2
    inferred[3:5, 3:6] = 3
    assert Segmentors.countMatches(inferred, ground_truth) ==\
     ({0.0: {0.0: 355}, 3.0: {0.0: 4, 1.0: 2}, 2.0: {1.0: 24}, 1.0: {0.0: 5, 1.0: 10}}, 4, 2)

    inferred = np.zeros((20, 20))
    assert Segmentors.countMatches(inferred, ground_truth) == ({
        0.0: {
            0.0: 364,
            1.0: 36
    }, 1, 2)

    inferred = np.zeros((20, 20))
    inferred[1:19, 1:19] = 1
    assert Segmentors.countMatches(inferred, ground_truth) ==\
     ({0.0: {0.0: 76}, 1.0: {0.0: 288, 1.0: 36}}, 2, 2)
Example #21
def test_print_best_algorithm_code():
    """Unit test for print_best_algorithm_code function.
     Checks function output matches method contents it's printing."""
    individual = ['FB', 0, 0, 984, 0.09, 92, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\
     (1, 2), 0, "checkerboard", "checkerboard", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    print_statement = "multichannel = False\n\
if len(img.shape) > 2:\n\
    multichannel = True\n\
output = skimage.segmentation.felzenszwalb(\n\

    assert Segmentors.print_best_algorithm_code(individual) == print_statement
def print_best_algorithm_code(individual):
    """Print usable code to run segmentation algorithm based on an
     individual's genetic representation vector."""
    ind_algo = Segmentors.algoFromParams(individual)
    original_function = inspect.getsource(ind_algo.evaluate)
    function_contents = original_function[original_function.find('        '):\
    while function_contents.find('self.params') != -1:
        function_contents = function_contents.replace(
            str(ind_algo.params[function_contents[function_contents.find('self.params') + 13:\
    function_contents = function_contents.replace('        ', '')
    function_contents = function_contents[function_contents.find('\n\"\"\"') +
    return function_contents
Example #23
def print_best_algorithm_code(individual):
    """Print usable code to run segmentation algorithm based on an
     individual's genetic representation vector."""
    ind_algo = Segmentors.algoFromParams(individual)
    original_function = inspect.getsource(ind_algo.evaluate)

    # Get the body of the function
    function_contents = original_function[original_function.find('        '):\
    while function_contents.find('self.params') != -1:

        # Find the index of the 's' at the start of self.params
        params_index = function_contents.find('self.params')

        # Find the index of the ']' at the end of self.params["<SOME_TEXT>"]
        end_bracket_index = function_contents.find(']', params_index) + 1

        # Find the first occurance of self.params["<SOME_TEXT>"] and store it
        code_to_replace = function_contents[params_index:end_bracket_index]

        # These offset will be used to access only the params_key
        offset = len('self.params["')
        offset2 = len('"]')

        # Get the params key
        params_key = function_contents[params_index +
                                       offset:end_bracket_index - offset2]

        # Use the params_key to access the params_value
        param_value = str(ind_algo.params[params_key])

        # Replace self.params["<SOME_TEXT>"] with the value of self.params["<SOME_TEXT>"]
        function_contents = function_contents.replace(code_to_replace,

    function_contents = function_contents.replace('        ', '')
    function_contents = function_contents[function_contents.find('\n\"\"\"') +
    return function_contents
def test_FitnessFunction():
    """Unit test for FitnessFunction function. Checks fitness value is as
     expected for a variety of extreme cases."""
    # create test image
    ground_truth = np.zeros((20, 20))
    ground_truth[4:10, 4:10] = 1
    inferred = np.zeros((20, 20))
    inferred[4:10, 4:6] = 1
    inferred[4:10, 6:10] = 2
    assert Segmentors.FitnessFunction(inferred, ground_truth) == [

    inferred = np.zeros((20, 20))
    inferred[4:10, 3:6] = 1
    inferred[4:10, 6:10] = 2
    assert Segmentors.FitnessFunction(inferred, ground_truth) == [

    inferred = np.zeros((20, 20))
    inferred[4:10, 3:6] = 1
    inferred[4:10, 6:10] = 2
    inferred[3:5, 3:6] = 3
    assert Segmentors.FitnessFunction(inferred, ground_truth) == [

    inferred = np.zeros((20, 20))
    assert Segmentors.FitnessFunction(inferred, ground_truth) == [

    inferred = np.arange(400).reshape(ground_truth.shape)
    assert Segmentors.FitnessFunction(inferred, ground_truth) == [

    inferred = np.zeros((20, 20))
    inferred[1:19, 1:19] = 1
    assert Segmentors.FitnessFunction(inferred, ground_truth) == [
args = parser.parse_args()


logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.ERROR)
#logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)

img = imageio.imread(args.image)
gmask = imageio.imread(args.mask)

if len(gmask.shape) > 2:
    gmask = color.rgb2gray(gmask)

ee = GeneticSearch.Evolver(img, gmask, pop_size=args.pop), checkpoint=args.checkpointfile)

seg = Segmentors.algoFromParams(ee.hof[0])
mask = seg.evaluate(img)

imageio.imwrite(args.outputfolder+"file.jpg", mask)

fitness,_ = Segmentors.FitnessFunction(mask,gmask)
print(f"{fitness} {ee.hof[0]}")

Example #26
def segmentwidget(img, gmask, params=None, alg=None):
    """Generate GUI. Produce slider for each parameter for the current segmentor.
     Show both options for the masked image.

    Keyword arguments:
    img -- original image
    gmask -- ground truth segmentation mask for the image
    params -- list of parameter options
    alg -- algorithm to search parameters over

    if params:
        if alg:
            params[0] = alg;
        seg = Segmentors.algoFromParams(params)
        if alg:
            algorithm_gen = Segmentors.algorithmspace[alg]
            seg = algorithm_gen()
            seg = Segmentors.segmentor()

    widg = dict()
    widglist = []

    for ppp, ind in zip(seg.paramindexes, range(len(seg.paramindexes))):
        thislist = eval(seg.params.ranges[ppp])
        name = ppp
        current_value = seg.params[ppp]
        if not current_value in thislist:
            #TODO: We should find the min distance between current_value and this list and use that instead.
            current_value = thislist[0]
        thiswidg = widgets.SelectionSlider(options=tuple(thislist),

        widg[ppp] = thiswidg

#     algorithms = list(Segmentors.algorithmspace.keys())
#     w = widgets.Dropdown(
#         options=algorithms,
#         value=algorithms[0],
#         description='Choose Algorithm:',
#     )

    def func(img=img, mask=gmask, **kwargs):
        """Find mask and fitness for current algorithm. Show masked image."""
        for k in kwargs:
            seg.params[k] = kwargs[k]
        mask = seg.evaluate(img)
        fit = Segmentors.FitnessFunction(mask, gmask)
        fig = showtwo(img, mask)
        # I like the idea of printing the sharepython but it should be below the figures. 
#         plt.title('Fitness Value: ' + str(fit[0]))

    layout = widgets.Layout(grid_template_columns='1fr 1fr 1fr')
    u_i = widgets.GridBox(widglist, layout=layout)
    out = widgets.interactive_output(func, widg)
    display(u_i, out)
    return seg.params
Example #27
class Evolver(object):
    """Perform the genetic algorithm by initializing a population and evolving it over a
     specified number of generations to find the optimal algorithm and parameters for the problem.

    newpopulation -- Initialize a new population.
    writepop -- Records our population in the file "filename".
    readpop -- Reads in existing population from "filename".
    popfitness -- Calculates the fitness values for our population.
    mutate -- Performs mutation and crossover on population.
    nextgen -- Generates the next generation of our population.
    run -- Runs the genetic algorithm.


    AllVals = []
    my_p = Segmentors.parameters()
    for key in my_p.pkeys:

    def __init__(self, img, mask, pop_size=10):
        """Set default values for the variables.

        Keyword arguments:
        img -- The original training image
        mask -- The ground truth segmentation mask for the img
        pop_size -- Integer value denoting size of our population,
            or how many individuals there are (default 10)

        # Build Population based on size
        self.img = img
        self.mask = mask
        self.tool = makeToolbox(pop_size)
        self.hof =
        self.best_avgs = []
        self.gen = 0
        self.cxpb, self.mutpb, self.flip_prob = 0.9, 0.9, 0.9

    def newpopulation(self):
        """Initialize a new population."""
        return self.tool.population()

    def writepop(self, tpop, filename='test.json'):
        """Record the population in the file "filename".

        Keyword arguments:
        tpop -- The population to be recorded.
        filename -- string denoting file in which to record
            the population. (default 'test.json')

        logging.getLogger().info(f"Writting population to {filename}")
        with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
            json.dump(tpop, outfile)

    def readpop(self, filename='test.json'):
        """Read in existing population from "filename"."""

        logging.getLogger().info(f"Reading population from {filename}")
        self.tool.register("population_read", initPopulation,
                           list, creator.Individual, filename)

                           initIndividual, creator.Individual)
        self.tool.register("population_guess", initPopulation,
                           list, self.tool.individual_guess, "my_guess.json")

        return self.tool.population_read()

    def popfitness(self, tpop):
        """Calculate the fitness values for the population, and log general statistics about these
         values. Uses hall of fame (hof) to keep track of top 10 individuals.

        Keyword arguments:
        tpop -- current population

        extract_fits -- Fitness values for our population
        tpop -- current population

        new_image = [self.img for i in range(0, len(tpop))]
        new_val = [self.mask for i in range(0, len(tpop))]
        fitnesses = map(self.tool.evaluate, new_image, new_val, tpop)

        # DO: Dirk is not sure exactly why we need these
        for ind, fit in zip(tpop, fitnesses):
   = fit
        extract_fits = [[0] for ind in tpop]


        #Algo = AlgorithmSpace(AlgoParams)

        # Evaluating the new population
        leng = len(tpop)
        mean = sum(extract_fits) / leng
        sum1 = sum(i*i for i in extract_fits)
        stdev = abs(sum1 / leng - mean ** 2) ** 0.5
        logging.getLogger().info(f"Generation: {self.gen}")
        logging.getLogger().info(f" Min: {min(extract_fits)}")
        logging.getLogger().info(f" Max: {max(extract_fits)}")
        logging.getLogger().info(f" Avg: {mean}")
        logging.getLogger().info(f" Std: {stdev}")
        logging.getLogger().info(f" Size: {leng}")" Time: ", time.time() - initTime)
        logging.getLogger().info(f"Best Fitness: {self.hof[0].fitness.values}")
        # Did we improve the population?
        # past_pop = tpop
        # past_min = min(extract_fits)
        # past_mean = mean

        self.gen += self.gen

        return extract_fits, tpop

    def mutate(self, tpop):
        """Return new population with mutated individuals. Perform both mutation and crossover.

        Keyword arguments:
        tpop -- current population

        final -- new population with mutated individuals.

        # Calculate next population

        #TODO: There is an error here. We need to make sure the best hof is included?
        my_sz = len(tpop) #Length of current population
        top = min(10,max(1,round(0.1 * my_sz)))
        top = min(top, len(self.hof))
        var = max(1,round(0.4 * my_sz))
        var = min(var, len(self.hof))
        ran = my_sz - top - var

#         offspring =, var)
#         offspring = list(map(self.tool.clone, offspring))  # original code

        offspring = copy.deepcopy(list(self.hof))
        # crossover
        for child1, child2 in zip(offspring[::2], offspring[1::2]):
            # Do we crossover?
            if random.random() < self.cxpb:
                self.tool.mate(child1, child2)
                # The parents may be okay values so we should keep them
                # in the set

        # mutation
        for mutant in offspring:
            if random.random() < self.mutpb:
                self.tool.mutate(mutant, self.AllVals, self.flip_prob)

        # new
        #population = self.newpopulation()
        pop = self.tool.population()

        final = pop[0:ran]
        print(f"pop size should be {len(final)}")
        final += self.hof[0:top] 
        print(f"pop size should be {len(final)}")
        final += offspring[0:var] 
        print(f"pop size should be {len(final)}")
        print(f"pop size should be {len(final)}")

        # Replacing the old population
        return final

    def nextgen(self, tpop):
        """Generate the next generation of the population.

        Keyword arguments:
        tpop -- current population

        _, tpop = self.popfitness(tpop)
        return self.mutate(tpop)
    def run(self, ngen=10, population=None,startfile=None, checkpoint=None, cp_freq=1):
        """Run the genetic algorithm, updating the population over ngen number of generations.

        Keywork arguments:
        ngen -- number of generations to run the genetic algorithm.
        startfile -- File containing existing population (default None)
        checkpoint -- File containing existing checkpoint (default None)

        population -- Resulting population after ngen generations.

        if startfile:
                print(f"Reading in {startfile}")
                population = self.readpop(startfile)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                print("WARNING: Start file not found")
        if not population:
            print(f"Inicializing new randome population")
            population = self.newpopulation()
            if checkpoint:
                self.writepop(population, filename=f"{checkpoint}")

        for cur_g in range(0, ngen+1):
            print(f"generation {cur_g} of population size {len(population)}")
            _, population = self.popfitness(population)
            bestsofar = self.hof[0]
            seg = Segmentors.algoFromParams(bestsofar)
            mask = seg.evaluate(self.img)
            fitness = Segmentors.FitnessFunction(mask, self.mask)
            print(f"#BEST - {fitness} - {bestsofar}")

            if checkpoint and cur_g%cp_freq == 0:
                print(f"Writing Checkpoint file - {checkpoint}")
                copyfile(f"{checkpoint}", f"{checkpoint}.prev")
                self.writepop(population, filename=f"{checkpoint}")
                for cur_p in range(len(population)):
            if cur_g < ngen+1:
                population = self.mutate(population)
        if checkpoint:
            print(f"Writing Checkpoint file - {checkpoint}")
            copyfile(f"{checkpoint}", f"{checkpoint}.prev")
            self.writepop(population, filename=f"{checkpoint}")
            for cur_p in range(len(population)):
        return population
    my_evolver = GeneticSearch.Evolver(img, gmask, pop_size=pop_size)

    # Conduct the genetic search
    population = None

    for i in range(num_gen):

        # if population is uninitialized
        if population is None:
            population =
            # Simulate a generation and store population in population variable
            population =, population=population)

        # Take the best segmentor from the hof and use it to segment the rgb image
        seg = Segmentors.algoFromParams(my_evolver.hof[0])
        mask = seg.evaluate(img)

        # Calculate and print the fitness value of the segmentor
        fitness = Segmentors.FitnessFunction(mask, gmask)[0]
        params = my_evolver.hof[0]

        # Combine data into a single object
        data = {}
        data["fitness"] = fitness
        data["params"] = params

        # Convert the data to json format
        data = json.dumps(data)

        print(i, data, "\n\n")
Example #29
    def run(self, ngen=10, population=None,startfile=None, checkpoint=None, cp_freq=1):
        """Run the genetic algorithm, updating the population over ngen number of generations.

        Keywork arguments:
        ngen -- number of generations to run the genetic algorithm.
        startfile -- File containing existing population (default None)
        checkpoint -- File containing existing checkpoint (default None)

        population -- Resulting population after ngen generations.

        if startfile:
                print(f"Reading in {startfile}")
                population = self.readpop(startfile)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                print("WARNING: Start file not found")
        if not population:
            print(f"Initializing a new random population")
            population = self.newpopulation()
            if checkpoint:
                self.writepop(population, filename=f"{checkpoint}")

        for cur_g in range(0, ngen+1):
            print(f"Generation {cur_g} of population size {len(population)}")
            histogram = Segmentors.popCounts(population)
            print(f"#HIST - {histogram}")
            _, population = self.popfitness(population)
            bestsofar = self.hof[0]
            seg = Segmentors.algoFromParams(bestsofar)
            mask = seg.evaluate(self.img)
            fitness = Segmentors.FitnessFunction(mask, self.mask)
            print(f"#BEST - {fitness} - {bestsofar}")

            if checkpoint and cur_g%cp_freq == 0:
                print(f"Writing Checkpoint file - {checkpoint}")
                copyfile(f"{checkpoint}", f"{checkpoint}.prev")
                self.writepop(population, filename=f"{checkpoint}")
                for cur_p in range(len(population)):
            if cur_g < ngen+1:          
                if[0] >= 0.95:
                    population = self.newpopulation()
                  # if the best fitness value is at or above the
                  # threshold of 0.95, discard the entire current
                  # population and randomly select a new population
                  # for the next generation
                  # note: setting keep_prob = 0 and mutate_prob = 1
                  # as mutate arguments
                  # should have same result as self.new_population()
                    population = self.mutate(population)
                  # if the best fitness value is below this threshold,
                  # proceed as normal, mutating the current population
                  # to get the next generation 
        if checkpoint:
            print(f"Writing Checkpoint file - {checkpoint}")
            copyfile(f"{checkpoint}", f"{checkpoint}.prev")
            self.writepop(population, filename=f"{checkpoint}")
            for cur_p in range(len(population)):
        return population
Example #30
def test_parameter_len():
    """Unit test for parameters function. Checks formatting of parameter."""
    param = Segmentors.segmentor().params
    assert len(param) > 1