Example #1
def texts_history_api(request, ref, lang=None, version=None):
	API for retrieving history information about a given text.
	if request.method != "GET":
		return jsonResponse({"error": "Unsuported HTTP method."})

	ref = norm_ref(ref)
	refRe = '^%s$|^%s:' % (ref, ref) 
	if lang and version:
		query = {"ref": {"$regex": refRe }, "language": lang, "version": version.replace("_", " ")}
		query = {"ref": {"$regex": refRe }}
	history = db.history.find(query)

	summary = {"copiers": Set(), "translators": Set(), "editors": Set(), "reviewers": Set() }

	for act in history:
		if act["rev_type"].startswith("edit"):
		elif act["rev_type"] == "review":
		elif act["version"] == "Sefaria Community Translation":

	# Don't list copiers and translators as editors as well

	for group in summary:
		uids = list(summary[group])
		names = []
		for uid in uids:
				user = User.objects.get(id=uid)
				name = "%s %s" % (user.first_name, user.last_name)
				link = user_link(uid)
			except User.DoesNotExist:
				name = "Someone"
				link = user_link(-1)
			u = {
				'name': name,
				'link': link
		summary[group] = names

	return jsonResponse(summary)
Example #2
def get_sheets_for_ref(ref, pad=True, context=1):
	Returns a list of sheets that include ref,
	formating as need for the Client Sidebar.
	ref = norm_ref(ref, pad=pad, context=context)
	ref_re = make_ref_re(ref)
	results = []
	sheets = db.sheets.find({"included_refs": {"$regex": ref_re}, "status": {"$in": LISTED_SHEETS}}, 
								{"id": 1, "title": 1, "owner": 1, "included_refs": 1})
	for sheet in sheets:
		# Check for multiple matching refs within this sheet
		matched = [ref for ref in sheet["included_refs"] if regex.match(ref_re, ref)]
		for match in matched:
			com = {}
			anchorRef = parse_ref(match)

			com["category"]    = "Sheets"
			com["type"]        = "sheet"
			com["owner"]       = sheet["owner"]
			com["_id"]         = str(sheet["_id"])
			com["anchorRef"]   = match
			com["anchorVerse"] = anchorRef["sections"][-1]
			com["public"]      = True
			com["commentator"] = user_link(sheet["owner"])
			com["text"]        = "<a class='sheetLink' href='/sheets/%d'>%s</a>" % (sheet["id"], strip_tags(sheet["title"]))


	return results
Example #3
def annotate_user_links(sources):
	Search a sheet for any addedBy fields (containg a UID) and add corresponding user links.
	for source in sources:
		if "addedBy" in source:
			source["userLink"] = user_link(source["addedBy"])
		if "subsources" in source:
			source["subsources"] = annotate_user_links(source["subsources"])

	return sources
Example #4
def annotate_user_links(sources):
	Search a sheet for any addedBy fields (containg a UID) and add corresponding user links.
    for source in sources:
        if "addedBy" in source:
            source["userLink"] = user_link(source["addedBy"])
        if "subsources" in source:
            source["subsources"] = annotate_user_links(source["subsources"])

    return sources
Example #5
def get_sheets_for_ref(tref, pad=True, context=1):
	Returns a list of sheets that include ref,
	formating as need for the Client Sidebar.
    #tref = norm_ref(tref, pad=pad, context=context)
    #ref_re = make_ref_re(tref)

    oref = model.Ref(tref)
    if pad:
        oref = oref.padded_ref()
    if context:
        oref = oref.context_ref(context)

    ref_re = oref.regex()

    results = []
    sheets = db.sheets.find(
            "included_refs": {
                "$regex": ref_re
            "status": {
                "$in": LISTED_SHEETS
        }, {
            "id": 1,
            "title": 1,
            "owner": 1,
            "included_refs": 1
    for sheet in sheets:
        # Check for multiple matching refs within this sheet
        matched_orefs = [
            model.Ref(r) for r in sheet["included_refs"]
            if regex.match(ref_re, r)
        for match in matched_orefs:
            com = {}

            com["category"] = "Sheets"
            com["type"] = "sheet"
            com["owner"] = sheet["owner"]
            com["_id"] = str(sheet["_id"])
            com["anchorRef"] = match.normal()
            com["anchorVerse"] = match.sections[-1]
            com["public"] = True
            com["commentator"] = user_link(sheet["owner"])
            com["text"] = "<a class='sheetLink' href='/sheets/%d'>%s</a>" % (
                sheet["id"], strip_tags(sheet["title"]))


    return results
Example #6
def get_sheets_for_ref(tref, pad=True, context=1):
	Returns a list of sheets that include ref,
	formating as need for the Client Sidebar.
    oref = model.Ref(tref)
    if pad:
        oref = oref.padded_ref()
    if context:
        oref = oref.context_ref(context)

    ref_re = oref.regex()

    results = []

    regex_list = oref.regex(as_list=True)
    ref_clauses = [{"included_refs": {"$regex": r}} for r in regex_list]
    sheets = db.sheets.find({
        "$or": ref_clauses,
        "status": "public"
    }, {
        "id": 1,
        "title": 1,
        "owner": 1,
        "included_refs": 1
    for sheet in sheets:
        # Check for multiple matching refs within this sheet
        matched_refs = [
            r for r in sheet["included_refs"] if regex.match(ref_re, r)
        for match in matched_refs:
                match = model.Ref(match)
            except InputError:
            com = {}
            com["category"] = "Sheets"
            com["type"] = "sheet"
            com["owner"] = sheet["owner"]
            com["_id"] = str(sheet["_id"])
            com["anchorRef"] = match.normal()
            com["anchorVerse"] = match.sections[-1] if len(
                match.sections) else 1
            com["public"] = True
            com["commentator"] = user_link(sheet["owner"])
            com["text"] = "<a class='sheetLink' href='/sheets/%d'>%s</a>" % (
                sheet["id"], strip_tags(sheet["title"]))


    return results
Example #7
def get_reviews(tref, lang, version):
	Returns a list of reviews pertaining to ref/lang/version
	reviews = []
	tref = model.Ref(tref).normal()
	refRe = '^%s$|^%s:' % (tref, tref)
	cursor = texts.db.history.find({"ref": {"$regex": refRe}, "language": lang, "version": version, "rev_type": "review"}).sort([["date", -1]])
	for r in cursor:
		r["_id"] = str(r["_id"])
		r["userLink"] = user_link(r["user"])

	return reviews
Example #8
def annotate_user_list(uids):
	Returns a list of dictionaries giving details (names, profile links) 
	for the user ids list in uids.
	annotated_list = []
	for uid in uids:
		annotated = {
			"userLink": user_link(uid),
			"imageUrl": UserProfile(id=uid).gravatar_url_small,

	return annotated_list
def annotate_user_list(uids):
	Returns a list of dictionaries giving details (names, profile links) 
	for the user ids list in uids.
    annotated_list = []
    for uid in uids:
        annotated = {
            "userLink": user_link(uid),
            "imageUrl": UserProfile(id=uid).gravatar_url_small,

    return annotated_list
Example #10
def get_sheets_for_ref(tref, pad=True, context=1):
	Returns a list of sheets that include ref,
	formating as need for the Client Sidebar.
	oref = model.Ref(tref)
	if pad:
		oref = oref.padded_ref()
	if context:
		oref = oref.context_ref(context)

	ref_re = oref.regex()

	results = []

	regex_list = oref.regex(as_list=True)
	ref_clauses = [{"included_refs": {"$regex": r}} for r in regex_list]
	sheets = db.sheets.find({"$or": ref_clauses, "status": "public"},
		{"id": 1, "title": 1, "owner": 1, "included_refs": 1})
	for sheet in sheets:
		# Check for multiple matching refs within this sheet
		matched_refs = [r for r in sheet["included_refs"] if regex.match(ref_re, r)]
		for match in matched_refs:
				match = model.Ref(match)
			except InputError:
			com                = {}
			com["category"]    = "Sheets"
			com["type"]        = "sheet"
			com["owner"]       = sheet["owner"]
			com["_id"]         = str(sheet["_id"])
			com["anchorRef"]   = match.normal()
			com["anchorVerse"] = match.sections[-1]
			com["public"]      = True
			com["commentator"] = user_link(sheet["owner"])
			com["text"]        = "<a class='sheetLink' href='/sheets/%d'>%s</a>" % (sheet["id"], strip_tags(sheet["title"]))


	return results
Example #11
def get_reviews(tref, lang, version):
	Returns a list of reviews pertaining to ref/lang/version
    reviews = []
    tref = model.Ref(tref).normal()
    refRe = '^%s$|^%s:' % (tref, tref)
    cursor = db.history.find({
        "ref": {
            "$regex": refRe
        "language": lang,
        "version": version,
        "rev_type": "review"
    }).sort([["date", -1]])
    for r in cursor:
        r["_id"] = str(r["_id"])
        r["userLink"] = user_link(r["user"])

    return reviews
Example #12
def index_sheet(id):
    Index source sheet with 'id'.

    sheet = db.sheets.find_one({"id": id})
    if not sheet: return False

    doc = {
        "title": sheet["title"],
        "content": make_sheet_text(sheet),
        "version": "Source Sheet by " + user_link(sheet["owner"]),
        "sheetId": id,
        es.index('sefaria', 'sheet', doc, id)
        global doc_count
        doc_count += 1
    except Exception, e:
        print "Error indexing sheet %d" % id
        print e
Example #13
def index_sheet(id):
    Index source sheet with 'id'.

    sheet = db.sheets.find_one({"id": id})
    if not sheet: return False

    doc = {
        "title": sheet["title"],
        "content": make_sheet_text(sheet),
        "version": "Source Sheet by " + user_link(sheet["owner"]),
        "sheetId": id,
        es.index('sefaria', 'sheet', doc, id)
        global doc_count
        doc_count += 1
    except Exception, e:
        print "Error indexing sheet %d" % id
        print e
Example #14
def format_note_object_for_client(note):
    Returns an object that represents note in the format expected by the reader client,
    matching the format of links, which are currently handled together.
    com = {}
    anchor_oref = Ref(note.ref).padded_ref()

    com["category"] = "Notes"
    com["type"] = "note"
    com["owner"] = note.owner
    com["_id"] = str(note._id)
    com["anchorRef"] = note.ref
    com["anchorVerse"] = anchor_oref.sections[-1]
    com["anchorText"] = getattr(note, "anchorText", "")
    com["public"] = getattr(note, "public", False)
    com["commentator"] = user_link(note.owner)
    com["text"] = note.text
    com["title"] = note.title
    #    com["text"]        = note.title + " - " + note.text if getattr(note, "title", None) else note.text

    return com
Example #15
def format_note_object_for_client(note):
    Returns an object that represents note in the format expected by the reader client,
    matching the format of links, which are currently handled together.
    com = {}
    anchor_oref = model.Ref(note.ref).padded_ref()

    com["category"]    = "Notes"
    com["type"]        = "note"
    com["owner"]       = note.owner
    com["_id"]         = str(note._id)
    com["anchorRef"]   = note.ref
    com["anchorVerse"] = anchor_oref.sections[-1]
    com["anchorText"]  = getattr(note, "anchorText", "")
    com["public"]      = getattr(note, "public", False)
    com["commentator"] = user_link(note.owner)
    com["text"]        = note.text
    com["title"]       = note.title
#    com["text"]        = note.title + " - " + note.text if getattr(note, "title", None) else note.text

    return com