Example #1
def countRegions():
    # Requires: -the first command line argument is the name of the
    #            image to be segmented
    #           -the second command line argument is the color space being
    #            used, either RGB, HSV, or HLS
    # Effects: -calls closure with count foreground argument on, returns
    #           count of distinct foreground objects
    colorSpace = argv[2].lower()
    if not (colorSpace in ["rgb", "hsv", "hls"]):
        print "Second argument not one of RGB, HSV, or HLS"
        print "The first argument should be the name of the image to be segmented"
        print "Followed by the desire color space representation"
        image = Image.open(argv[1])
        imageData = colorSpaceConvert(list(image.getdata()), argv[2].lower())
        print "Invalid or no image name given"
        print "The first argument should be the name of the image to be segmented"
        print "Followed by the desire color space representation"
    if colorSpace == "rgb":
        redMinMax = raw_input("Red min-max, between 0 and 255: ")
        greenMinMax = raw_input("Green min-max, between 0 and 255: ")
        blueMinMax = raw_input("Blue min-max, between 0 and 255: ")
        redMinMax = [float(x) / 255.0 for x in redMinMax.split()]
        greenMinMax = [float(x) / 255.0 for x in greenMinMax.split()]
        blueMinMax = [float(x) / 255.0 for x in blueMinMax.split()]
        colorRanges = [redMinMax, greenMinMax, blueMinMax]
    elif colorSpace == "hsv":
        hueMinMax = raw_input("Hue min-max, between 0 and 360: ")
        satMinMax = raw_input("Saturation min-max, between 0 and 100: ")
        valMinMax = raw_input("Value min-max, between 0 and 100: ")
        hueMinMax = [float(x) / 360.0 for x in hueMinMax.split()]
        satMinMax = [float(x) / 100.0 for x in satMinMax.split()]
        valMinMax = [float(x) / 100.0 for x in valMinMax.split()]
        colorRanges = [hueMinMax, satMinMax, valMinMax]
        hueMinMax = raw_input("Hue min-max, between 0 and 360: ")
        lightMinMax = raw_input("Lightness min-max, between 0 and 100: ")
        satMinMax = raw_input("Saturation min-max, between 0 and 100: ")
        hueMinMax = [float(x) / 360.0 for x in hueMinMax.split()]
        lightMinMax = [float(x) / 100.0 for x in lightMinMax.split()]
        satMinMax = [float(x) / 100.0 for x in satMinMax.split()]
        colorRanges = [hueMinMax, lightMinMax, satMinMax]
    param = Parameters()
    seg = segmentation.colorSegmenter()
    mask = seg.segmentImage(imageData, param, True)
    close = closure.closure()
    close.segmentRegions(mask, param, 0, True, False)
 def mutateParameters(self, parameters):
     # Requires: parameters is of type Parameters
     # Modifies: parameters
     # Effects: mutates the parameters based on segmenter used
     # if color based segmenter, then mutate color range
     if type(self.segmenter) == type(segmentation.colorSegmenter()):
Example #3
    def mutateParameters(self, parameters):
        # Requires: parameters is of type Parameters
        # Modifies: parameters
        # Effects: mutates the parameters based on segmenter used

        # if color based segmenter, then mutate color range
        if type(self.segmenter) == type(segmentation.colorSegmenter()):
Example #4
 def randomizeParameters(self, parameters):
     # Requires: parameters is of type Parameters
     # Modifies: parameters
     # Effects: randomly modifies parameters based on segmenter used
     # if color based segmenter, then randomize color range + flip bit
     if type(self.segmenter) == type(segmentation.colorSegmenter()):
         parameters.colorRanges = self.randColorRange()
         parameters.flipBit = choice([True, False])   
Example #5
    def searchImage(self, imageData, idealMaskData, parameters, plot=False):
        # Requires: -image and idealMask is an RGB based image
        #           -parameters is of type Parameters
        # Modifies:  parameters
        # Effects: - Searches the parameter space using simulated annealing
        #           to find an optimal solution, returns most optimal parameter found
        #          -plots fitness vs. generation of search if plot set to True

        print "Running Anneal Search"

        # runs random search to find best from initial population
        # note, random search sets initial upper limit
        print "Calling random search for initial random guess"
        randSearch = RandomSearch.randomSearch(self.segmenter, self.fitness)
        parameters = randSearch.searchImage(imageData, idealMaskData,

        # set no upper limit (infinity) for fitness function

        # hold references to image data and ideal mask data
        # to conform with scipy's need for a simple fitness function (not using multiple arguments)
        self.imageData = imageData
        self.idealMaskData = idealMaskData

        # if color based segmenter, run anneal accordingkly
        if type(self.segmenter) == type(segmentation.colorSegmenter()):

            # make initial guess based off random search
            initialGuess = numpy.array(sum(parameters.colorRanges, []))

            # runs scipy's anneal
            results = optimize.anneal(self.segmentAndFitnessColor,
                                      args=(parameters, ),

            # prints anneal's final fitness
            print "Final Fitness " + str(results[1])

            # for color segmenters
            colorRanges = results[0]
            colorRanges = [
                colorRanges[0:2], colorRanges[2:4], colorRanges[4:6]

        # if other kind of segmenter, add below

        return parameters
Example #6
 def searchImage(self, imageData, idealMaskData, parameters, plot = False):
     # Requires: -image and idealMask is an RGB based image
     #           -parameters is of type Parameters
     # Modifies:  parameters
     # Effects: - Searches the parameter space using simulated annealing
     #           to find an optimal solution, returns most optimal parameter found
     #          -plots fitness vs. generation of search if plot set to True
     print "Running Anneal Search"
     # runs random search to find best from initial population
     # note, random search sets initial upper limit 
     print "Calling random search for initial random guess"
     randSearch = RandomSearch.randomSearch(self.segmenter, self.fitness)
     parameters = randSearch.searchImage(imageData, idealMaskData, parameters)
     # set no upper limit (infinity) for fitness function
     # hold references to image data and ideal mask data
     # to conform with scipy's need for a simple fitness function (not using multiple arguments) 
     self.imageData = imageData
     self.idealMaskData = idealMaskData
     # if color based segmenter, run anneal accordingkly
     if type(self.segmenter) == type(segmentation.colorSegmenter()):
         # make initial guess based off random search
         initialGuess = numpy.array(sum(parameters.colorRanges, []))
         # runs scipy's anneal
         results = optimize.anneal(self.segmentAndFitnessColor, x0 = initialGuess, args=(parameters,), 
                                 schedule='cauchy', full_output=True, dwell=50, 
                                 lower=0.0, upper=1.0, disp=True,  T0 = .005)
         # prints anneal's final fitness                          
         print "Final Fitness " + str(results[1])
         # for color segmenters
         colorRanges = results[0]
         colorRanges = [colorRanges[0:2], colorRanges[2:4], colorRanges[4:6]]
     # if other kind of segmenter, add below
     return parameters
Example #7
def main():
    # commented out try for debugging purposes
        shortOpts = "d:f:s:i:m:hepc:r:"
        longOpts = ["segment=", "fitness=", "search=", "image=", 
                    "mask=", "help", "export", "plot", "close=", "predict="]
            options, remainder = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortOpts, longOpts)
            print "\nERROR: Invalid option argument\n"
        export = False
        plot = False
        close = False
        predictImages = False
        # sets relevant variables based on command line input
        for opt, arg in options:
            if opt in ("-d", "--segment"):
                segmenterName = arg
            elif opt in ("-f", "--fitness"):
                fitnessName = arg
            elif opt in ("-s", "--search"):
                searchName = arg
            elif opt in ("-i", "--image"):
                imageName = arg
            elif opt in ("-m", "--mask"):
                idealMaskName = arg
            elif opt in ("-e", "--export"):
                export = True
            elif opt in ("-p", "--plot"):
                plot = True
            elif opt in ("-c", "--close"):
                close = True
                closeType = arg
            elif opt in ("-r", "--predict"):
                predictImages = True
                predictFolderName = arg
            elif opt in ("-h", "--help"):
                print __doc__
        # quit if extraneous input provided       
        if remainder != []:
            print "\nERROR: Extraneous input\n"
        # initialize segmenter algorithm
        if segmenterName.lower() in ("rgb", "hsv", "hls"):
            segmenter = segmentation.colorSegmenter()
            print "\nERROR: Invalid or no segmenter name\n"
        # initialize fitness function
        if fitnessName.lower() == "diff":
            fitnessFunc = fitness.absDiffFitness()
            print "\nERROR: Invalid or no fitness name\n"
        # initialize search space algorithm
        if searchName.lower() == "random":
            searchFunc = RandomSearch.randomSearch(segmenter, fitnessFunc)
        elif searchName.lower() == "genetic":
            searchFunc = GeneticSearch.geneticSearch(segmenter, fitnessFunc)
        elif searchName.lower() == "anneal":
            searchFunc = AnnealSearch.annealSearch(segmenter, fitnessFunc)
            print "\nERROR: Invalid or no search name\n"
        # try to open image, and convert image data from a [0, 255] RGB space 
        # to a [0, 1] normalized RGB, HSV, or HLS space, depending on the segmenter selected
        # (chooses HSV or HLS if their respective segmenter is selected, else selects RGB)
        # if opening image fails, quit with error
            image = Image.open(imageName)
            # initialize parameters object, init's image size and color space used
            parameter = parameters.Parameters()
            # use hsv or hls if segmenter specified, else use rgb by default
            if segmenterName.lower() in ("hsv", "hls"):
            imageData = colorSpaceConvert(list(image.getdata()), parameter.colorSpace)
            print "\nERROR: Invalid or no image name\n"
        # try to open ideal mask, if it fails, quit with error
            mask = Image.open(idealMaskName)
            idealMaskData = list(mask.getdata())
            print "\nERROR: Invalid or no mask name\n"
        # run search on image parameter space for segmentation
        # returns optimal paramaters found upon search completion
        # and saves a plot of fitness vs. search extent if plot set to true
        optimalParameters = searchFunc.searchImage(imageData, idealMaskData, parameter, plot)
        # reset upper limit
        # if export enabled, saves mask using optimal parameters found to output.png
        if (export == True):
            segmenter.segmentImage(imageData, optimalParameters, True)
        # if export enabled, saves a 'closed' mask using optimal parameters found to output.png
        if (close == True):
            whiteArg = 1 if closeType.lower() == "white" else 0
            mask = segmenter.segmentImage(imageData, optimalParameters)
            close = closure.closure()
            close.segmentRegions(mask, optimalParameters, saveImage = export, clearWhite = whiteArg)

        if predictImages == True:
            predict.predict(predictFolderName, optimalParameters, segmenter, fitnessFunc,
                           plot = True, exportImages = export)