Example #1
    def get_data(self):
        self.data_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "F3Seis_IL190_490_Amplitude.segy") # [iline, xline, time]
        self.label_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "F3Seis_IL190_490_Label.segy")
        self.data_cube = np.transpose(segyio.cube(self.data_path), (0,2,1))  # 只是hw互换 [c,h,w]
        self.label_cube = np.transpose(segyio.cube(self.label_path), (0,2,1))

        self.labels = np.unique(self.label_cube)
        self.num_class = self.labels.max()
        self.label_inv = labelInverse(self.num_class) # 得到从PIL图片到标签[0,1,2,3,4]的映射
def marmousi_model():
    """Function returns the marmousi acoustic impedance model"""
    den_file = segyio.open(pjoin('data', 'MODEL_DENSITY_1.25m.segy'))
    rho = segyio.cube(den_file).squeeze().T
    rho = rho[:, ::5]
    v_file = segyio.open('./data/MODEL_P-WAVE_VELOCITY_1.25m.segy')
    vp = segyio.cube(v_file).squeeze().T
    vp = vp[:, ::5]
    AI = vp * rho
    return AI
Example #3
def test_from_array3D(tmpdir, create):
    fresh = str(tmpdir / 'fresh.sgy')

    with segyio.open("test-data/small.sgy") as f:
        cube = segyio.cube(f)
        dt, delrt = 4000, 0
        create(fresh, cube, dt=dt, delrt=delrt)
        with segyio.open(fresh) as g:
            assert int(g.format) == SegySampleFormat.IBM_FLOAT_4_BYTE
            assert int(g.sorting) == TraceSortingFormat.INLINE_SORTING
            assert len(g.samples) == len(f.samples)
            assert g.tracecount == f.tracecount

            assert np.array_equal(f.trace, g.trace)
            assert list(g.ilines) == list(range(1, 6))
            assert list(g.xlines) == list(range(1, 6))
            assert list(f.offsets) == list(range(1, 2))
            assert list(
                f.samples) == list((np.arange(len(f.samples)) * dt / 1000) +

            xlines = np.tile(np.arange(1, 6), 5)
            ilines = np.repeat(np.arange(1, 6), 5)
            offsets = np.ones(25)
            assert list(g.attributes(TraceField.INLINE_3D)) == list(ilines)
            assert list(g.attributes(TraceField.CROSSLINE_3D)) == list(xlines)
            assert list(g.attributes(TraceField.offset)) == list(offsets)
            assert list(g.attributes(TraceField.TraceNumber)) == list(
            assert list(g.attributes(TraceField.CDP_TRACE)) == list(range(25))
            assert list(g.attributes(
                TraceField.TRACE_SAMPLE_INTERVAL)) == list(4000 * np.ones(25))
            assert list(g.attributes(TraceField.TRACE_SAMPLE_COUNT)) == list(
                50 * np.ones(25))

            assert g.bin[BinField.SortingCode] == 2
def marmousi_seismic():
    """Function returns the seismic data that comes with the marmousi model"""
    seismic = segyio.cube(pjoin('data', 'Kirchhoff_PoSDM.segy'))
    seismic = np.transpose(seismic, axes=[1, 0, 2])
    return seismic
Example #5
import numpy as np
import segyio
from PIL import Image
import os
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from torchvision.transforms import ToPILImage
import torch
from torchvision import transforms

data_dir = "/home/cym/Datasets/StData-12/F3_block/"
data_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "F3Seis_IL190_490_Amplitude.segy")
label_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "F3Seis_IL190_490_Label.segy")
data_cube = np.transpose(segyio.cube(data_path), (0, 2, 1))
label_cube = np.transpose(segyio.cube(label_path), (0, 2, 1))

# min4  = label_cube.min(axis=(1,2))
# print(min4)
# label_cube = label_cube - np.expand_dims(min4, axis=(1,2))
# print(label_cube.min(axis=(1,2)))
# range4 = label_cube.max(axis=(1,2)) - label_cube.min(axis=(1,2))
# range4 = np.expand_dims(range4, axis=(1,2))
# label_cube = (label_cube / range4 * 255).astype(np.uint8)

# out_path_tmp = "outs/img_data_{num}_img.png"
# for i in range(data_cube.shape[0]):
#     out_path = out_path_tmp.format(num=i)
#     img = Image.fromarray(data_cube[i], mode="L")
#     img.save(out_path)

# out_path_tmp = "outs/img_label_{num}_img.png"
# for i in range(label_cube.shape[0]):
Example #6
Created on Thu Jan 24 17:31:42 2019

@author: Henry.Campos
(Actually is a merge and modification of software created by other people!)
This program starts by opening a .segy seismic file and converting it into a numpy array.
Then it calculates single-frequency freqs volumes from that numpy array and saves them as 'Piedras{freqs}Hz.npy


import segyio
with segyio.open(
) as s:
    c = segyio.cube(s)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.imshow(c[100].T, cmap='Greys')

import numpy as np

#fL = 0.1  # Cutoff frequency as a fraction of the sampling rate (in (0, 0.5)).
#fH = 0.2  # Cutoff frequency as a fraction of the sampling rate (in (0, 0.5)).
#b = 0.08  # Transition band, as a fraction of the sampling rate (in (0, 0.5)).
#N = int(np.ceil((4 / b)))
#if not N % 2: N += 1  # Make sure that N is odd.
#n = np.arange(N)

# Compute a low-pass filter with cutoff frequency fH.
#hlpf = np.sinc(2 * fH * (n - (N - 1) / 2.))
Example #7
def seisresult():
    form = InputForm(request.form)
    script = None
    div = None
    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate() == False:
        NumSamp = np.load('static/QC.npz')['arr_2']
        InlineKeyNumber = np.load('static/QC.npz')['arr_0']
        XlineKeyNumber = np.load('static/QC.npz')['arr_1']
        upload_file = request.files['file']
        filename = secure_filename(upload_file.filename)
        upload_file.save(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, filename))
        image_height = 156
        image_width = 156
        image_depth = 100
        num_channels = 1
        images = []
        # Reading the seismic using Pickle
        #with open(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, filename), 'rb') as f:
        #test = pickle.load(f, encoding='bytes')
            seis = segyio.open(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, filename),
            seismic = segyio.cube(seis)
            seismic = np.load(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, filename))
        seismic.tofile('static/seismic.asc', sep=" ")
            'echo in=static/seismic.asc n1=%d n2=%d n3=%d data_format=ascii_float | sfdd form=native | sfpatch w=100,156,156>static/seismicaf.rsf'
            % (seismic.shape[2], seismic.shape[1], seismic.shape[0]))
        e = m8r.File('static/seismicaf.rsf')
        c = e[:]

        test = c.reshape(-1, 156, 156, 100)
        #print('Size of seismic volume is: %s' % str(test.shape))

        m = -6.40475426972431e-05
        s = 0.006666915856214509
        test = (test - m) / s

        graph = app.graph
        ## NOW the complete graph with values has been restored
        y_pred = tf.nn.softmax(graph.get_tensor_by_name("Classifier/logits:0"))
        ## Let's feed the images to the input placeholders
        #using the model for prediction
        x_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name("Input/Placeholder:0")
        #keep_prob is not always necessary it depends on your model
        keep_prob = graph.get_tensor_by_name("Input/Placeholder_2:0")
        is_training = graph.get_tensor_by_name("Input/Placeholder_3:0")
        config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto()
        config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.9

        sess = tf.compat.v1.Session(graph=graph, config=config)
        ### Creating the feed_dict that is required to be fed to calculate y_pred
        feed_dict_testing = {x_tensor: test, keep_prob: 0.7, is_training: True}

        prob_iter_tot = []
        pred_iter_tot = []
        prob_variance_tot = []
        for i in range(NumSamp):
            result = sess.run(y_pred, feed_dict=feed_dict_testing)
            #pred_iter_tot.append(np.reshape(np.argmax(result,axis = -1),[result.shape[0],-1]))

        #pred_iter_tot = np.array(pred_iter_tot)
        #pred_iter_tot = np.reshape(pred_iter_tot,(NumSamp,result.shape[0],-1))
        #pred_iter_tot = np.transpose(pred_iter_tot,(1,0,2))
        prob_iter_tot = np.array(prob_iter_tot)
        prob_iter_tot = np.reshape(prob_iter_tot,
                                   (NumSamp, test.shape[0], 156, 156, 100, 2))
        #prob_iter_tot_transp = np.transpose(prob_iter_tot,(1,0,2,3,4,5))

        #for k in range(test.shape[0]):
        #prob_variance,pred = MAX_VOTE(pred_iter_tot[k,:,:], prob_iter_tot_transp[k,:,:,:,:,:],2)

        prob = np.nanmean(prob_iter_tot, axis=0)
        var = np.nanvar(prob_iter_tot, axis=0)
        #prob_variance_tot = np.array(prob_variance_tot)
        #prob_variance_tot = np.reshape(prob_variance_tot,(test.shape[0],156,156,100,2))

        test = np.reshape(test,
                          (c.shape[0], c.shape[1], c.shape[2], 156, 156, 100))
        result1 = np.reshape(
            prob[:, :, :, :,
                 1], (c.shape[0], c.shape[1], c.shape[2], 156, 156, 100))
        var1 = np.reshape(var[:, :, :, :, 1],
                          (c.shape[0], c.shape[1], c.shape[2], 156, 156, 100))
        #var2 = np.reshape(prob_variance_tot[:,:,:,:,1],(c.shape[0],c.shape[2],156,156,100))
        var1.tofile('static/var1.asc', sep=" ")
        #var2.tofile('static/var2.asc', sep=" ")
        result1.tofile('static/result1.asc', sep=" ")
        test.tofile('static/test.asc', sep=" ")

            'echo in=static/test.asc n1=100 n2=156 n3=156 n4=%d n5=%d n6=%d data_format=ascii_float | sfdd form=native | sfpatch inv=y weight=y n0=%d,%d,%d>static/test.rsf'
            % (c.shape[2], c.shape[1], c.shape[0], seismic.shape[2],
               seismic.shape[1], seismic.shape[0]))
        f = m8r.File('static/test.rsf')
        a = f[:]
        a = np.reshape(a,
                       (seismic.shape[0], seismic.shape[1], seismic.shape[2]))
            'echo in=static/result1.asc n1=100 n2=156 n3=156 n4=%d n5=%d n6=%d data_format=ascii_float | sfdd form=native | sfpatch inv=y weight=y n0=%d,%d,%d>static/result1.rsf'
            % (c.shape[2], c.shape[1], c.shape[0], seismic.shape[2],
               seismic.shape[1], seismic.shape[0]))
        g = m8r.File('static/result1.rsf')
        b = g[:]
        b = np.reshape(b,
                       (seismic.shape[0], seismic.shape[1], seismic.shape[2]))
            'echo in=static/var1.asc n1=100 n2=156 n3=156 n4=%d n5=%d n6=%d data_format=ascii_float | sfdd form=native | sfpatch inv=y weight=y n0=%d,%d,%d>static/var1.rsf'
            % (c.shape[2], c.shape[1], c.shape[0], seismic.shape[2],
               seismic.shape[1], seismic.shape[0]))
        h = m8r.File('static/var1.rsf')
        k = h[:]
        k = np.reshape(k,
                       (seismic.shape[0], seismic.shape[1], seismic.shape[2]))
        #os.system('echo in=static/var2.asc n1=100 n2=156 n3=156 n4=%d n5=%d n6=%d data_format=ascii_float | sfdd form=native | sfpatch inv=y weight=y n0=%d,%d,%d>static/var2.rsf' % (c.shape[2],c.shape[1],c.shape[0],seismic.shape[2],seismic.shape[1],seismic.shape[0]))
        #l = m8r.File('static/var2.rsf')
        #l1 = l[:]
        #l1 = np.reshape(l1,(seismic.shape[0],seismic.shape[1],seismic.shape[2]))

        np.savez_compressed('static/result.npz', b)
        np.savez_compressed('static/test.npz', seismic)
        np.savez_compressed('static/var.npz', k)
        #form = InputForm(request.form)
        return render_template("channel_index6.html",
    if request.method == "POST" and form.validate():
        # Determine the selected slice
        current_slice = form.Position.data
        # Determine the selected slice number
        current_slice_number = form.Number.data

        result = np.load('static/result.npz')['arr_0']
        test = np.load('static/test.npz')['arr_0']
        var = np.load('static/var.npz')['arr_0']
        #var2 = np.load('static/var2.npz')['arr_0']

        #rsfarray_1 = m8r.File(test)
        #rsfarray_2 = m8r.put(d1=0.004, o1=0).patch(inv=True, weight=True, n0=[100,312,312])[rsfarray_1]
        #test = rsfarray_2[:]

        #rsfarray_1 = m8r.File(result1)
        #rsfarray_2 = m8r.put(d1=0.004, o1=0).patch(inv=True, weight=True, n0=[100,312,312])[rsfarray_1]
        #result = rsfarray_2[:]

        # Create the plot
        plot = create_figure(result, var, test, current_slice,
        # Embed plot into HTML via Flask Render
        script, div = components(plot)
    return render_template("channel_index6.html",