Example #1
  def __init__(self, way):
    self.way = way
    self.direction = DIRECTION.NONE
    self._speed_limit = None
    self._one_way = way.tags.get("oneway")
    self.name = way.tags.get('name')
    self.ref = way.tags.get('ref')
    self.highway_type = way.tags.get("highway")
    self.highway_rank = _HIGHWAY_RANK.get(self.highway_type)
      self.lanes = int(way.tags.get('lanes'))
    except Exception:
      self.lanes = 2

    # Create a numpy array with nodes data to support calculations.
    self._nodes_np = np.radians(np.array([[nd.lat, nd.lon] for nd in way.nodes], dtype=float))

    # Get the vectors representation of the segments betwheen consecutive nodes. (N-1, 2)
    v = vectors(self._nodes_np) * R

    # Calculate the vector magnitudes (or distance) between nodes. (N-1)
    self._way_distances = np.linalg.norm(v, axis=1)

    # Calculate the bearing (from true north clockwise) for every section of the way (vectors between nodes). (N-1)
    self._way_bearings = np.arctan2(v[:, 0], v[:, 1])

    # Define bounding box to ease the process of locating a node in a way.
    # [[min_lat, min_lon], [max_lat, max_lon]]
    self.bbox = np.row_stack((np.amin(self._nodes_np, 0) - _WAY_BBOX_PADING,
                              np.amax(self._nodes_np, 0) + _WAY_BBOX_PADING))

    # Get the edge nodes ids.
    self.edge_nodes_ids = [way.nodes[0].id, way.nodes[-1].id]
Example #2
def node_calculations(points):
  """Provides node calculations based on an array of (lat, lon) points in radians.
     points is a (N x 1) array where N >= 3
  if len(points) < 3:

  # Get the vector representation of node points in cartesian plane.
  # (N-1, 2) array. Not including (0., 0.)
  v = vectors(points) * R

  # Calculate the vector magnitudes (or distance)
  # (N-1, 1) array. No distance for v[-1]
  d = np.linalg.norm(v, axis=1)

  # Calculate the bearing (from true north clockwise) for every node.
  # (N-1, 1) array. No bearing for v[-1]
  b = np.arctan2(v[:, 0], v[:, 1])

  # Add origin to vector space. (i.e first node in list)
  v = np.concatenate(([[0., 0.]], v))

  # Provide distance to previous node and distance to next node
  dp = np.concatenate(([0.], d))
  dn = np.concatenate((d, [0.]))

  # Provide cumulative distance on route
  dr = np.cumsum(dp, axis=0)

  # Bearing of last node should keep bearing from previous.
  b = np.concatenate((b, [b[-1]]))

  return v, dp, dn, dr, b
    def test_way_relation_init(self):
        wayRelation = WayRelation(mockOSMWay_01_01_LongCurvy)

        nodes_np_expected = np.radians(
            np.array([[nd.lat, nd.lon] for nd in wayRelation.way.nodes],
        v = vectors(wayRelation._nodes_np)
        way_distances_expected = np.linalg.norm(v * R, axis=1)
        way_bearings_expected = np.arctan2(v[:, 0], v[:, 1])
        bbox_expected = np.array([[0.91321784, 0.2346417],
                                  [0.91344672, 0.23475751]])

        self.assertEqual(wayRelation.way.id, 179532213)
        self.assertEqual(wayRelation.direction, DIRECTION.NONE)
        self.assertEqual(wayRelation._speed_limit, None)
        self.assertEqual(wayRelation._one_way, 'yes')
        self.assertEqual(wayRelation.name, None)
        self.assertEqual(wayRelation.ref, 'B 96')
        self.assertEqual(wayRelation.highway_type, 'trunk')
        self.assertEqual(wayRelation.highway_rank, 10)
        self.assertEqual(wayRelation.lanes, 2)
        assert_array_almost_equal(wayRelation._nodes_np, nodes_np_expected)
        assert_array_almost_equal(wayRelation.bbox, bbox_expected)
            [wayRelation.way.nodes[0].id, wayRelation.way.nodes[-1].id])
    def __init__(self, way_coords):
        self.degrees = np.array(way_coords)
        self.radians = np.radians(self.degrees)

        # *****************
        # Expected code implementation nodes_data
        self.v = vectors(self.radians) * R
        self.d = np.linalg.norm(self.v, axis=1)
        self.b = np.arctan2(self.v[:, 0], self.v[:, 1])
        self.v = np.concatenate(([[0., 0.]], self.v))
        self.dp = np.concatenate(([0.], self.d))
        self.dn = np.concatenate((self.d, [0.]))
        self.dr = np.cumsum(self.dp, axis=0)
        self.b = np.concatenate((self.b, [self.b[-1]]))

        # Expected code implementation spline_curvature_calculations
        vect = self.v
        dist_prev = self.dp
        too_far_idxs = np.nonzero(self.dp >= _MIN_NODE_DISTANCE)[0]
        for idx in too_far_idxs[::-1]:
            dp = dist_prev[
                idx]  # distance of vector that needs to be replaced by higher resolution vectors.
            n = int(np.ceil(
                dp /
                _ADDED_NODES_DIST))  # number of vectors that need to be added.
            new_v = vect[idx, :] / n  # new relative vector to insert.
            vect = np.delete(
                vect, idx, axis=0
            )  # remove the relative vector to be replaced by the insertion of new vectors.
            vect = np.insert(vect, [idx] * n, [new_v] * n,
                             axis=0)  # insert n new relative vectors
        ds = np.cumsum(dist_prev, axis=0)
        vs = np.cumsum(vect, axis=0)
        tck, u = splprep([vs[:, 0], vs[:, 1]])  # pylint: disable=W0632
        n = max(int(ds[-1] / _SPLINE_EVAL_STEP), len(u))
        unew = np.arange(0, n + 1) / n
        d1 = splev(unew, tck, der=1)
        d2 = splev(unew, tck, der=2)
        num = d1[0] * d2[1] - d1[1] * d2[0]
        den = (d1[0]**2 + d1[1]**2)**(1.5)
        self.curv = num / den
        self.curv_ds = unew * ds[-1]
Example #5
    def test_vectors(self):
        points = mockNodesData01.radians
        expected = np.array([[-1.34011951e-05, 1.00776468e-05],
                             [-5.83610920e-06, 4.41046897e-06],
                             [-7.83348567e-06, 5.94114032e-06],
                             [-7.08560788e-06, 5.30408795e-06],
                             [-6.57632550e-06, 4.05791838e-06],
                             [-1.16077872e-06, 6.91151252e-07],
                             [-1.53178098e-05, 9.62215139e-06],
                             [-5.76314175e-06, 3.55176643e-06],
                             [-1.61124141e-05, 9.86127759e-06],
                             [-1.48006628e-05, 8.58192512e-06],
                             [-1.72237209e-06, 1.60570482e-06],
                             [-8.68985228e-06, 9.22062311e-06],
                             [-1.42922812e-06, 1.51494711e-06],
                             [-3.39761486e-06, 2.57087743e-06],
                             [-2.75467373e-06, 1.28631255e-06],
                             [-1.57501989e-05, 5.72309451e-06],
                             [-2.52143954e-06, 1.34565295e-06],
                             [-1.65278643e-06, 1.28630942e-06],
                             [-2.22196114e-05, 1.64360838e-05],
                             [-5.88675934e-06, 4.08234746e-06],
                             [-1.83673390e-06, 1.46782408e-06],
                             [-1.55004206e-06, 1.51843800e-06],
                             [-1.20451533e-06, 2.06298011e-06],
                             [-1.91801338e-06, 4.64083285e-06],
                             [-2.38653483e-06, 5.60076524e-06],
                             [-1.65269781e-06, 5.78402290e-06],
                             [-3.66908309e-07, 2.75412965e-06],
                             [0.00000000e+00, 1.92858882e-06],
                             [9.09242615e-08, 2.66162711e-06],
                             [3.14490354e-07, 1.53065382e-06],
                             [8.66452477e-08, 4.83456208e-07],
                             [2.41750593e-07, 1.10828411e-06],
                             [7.43745228e-06, 1.27618831e-05],
                             [5.59968054e-06, 9.63947367e-06],
                             [2.01951467e-06, 2.75413219e-06],
                             [4.59952643e-07, 6.42281301e-07],
                             [1.74353749e-06, 1.74533121e-06],
                             [2.57144338e-06, 2.11185266e-06],
                             [1.46893187e-05, 1.11999169e-05],
                             [3.84659229e-05, 2.85527952e-05],
                             [2.71627936e-05, 1.98727946e-05],
                             [8.44632540e-06, 6.15058628e-06],
                             [2.29420323e-06, 1.92859222e-06],
                             [2.58083439e-06, 3.16952222e-06],
                             [3.76373643e-06, 5.14174911e-06],
                             [5.32416098e-06, 6.51707770e-06],
                             [8.62890928e-06, 1.11998258e-05],
                             [1.25762497e-05, 1.65231340e-05],
                             [8.90452991e-06, 1.10148240e-05],
                             [4.86505726e-06, 4.59023120e-06],
                             [3.85545276e-06, 3.39642031e-06],
                             [3.48753893e-06, 3.30566145e-06],
                             [2.99557303e-06, 2.61276368e-06],
                             [2.15496788e-06, 1.87797727e-06],
                             [4.10564937e-06, 3.58142649e-06],
                             [1.53680853e-06, 1.33866906e-06],
                             [4.99540175e-06, 4.35635790e-06],
                             [1.37744970e-06, 1.19380643e-06],
                             [1.74319821e-06, 1.28456429e-06],
                             [9.99931238e-07, 1.14493663e-06],
                             [6.42735560e-07, 1.19380547e-06],
                             [3.66818436e-07, 1.46782199e-06],
                             [5.45413874e-08, 1.83783170e-06],
                             [-1.35818548e-07, 1.14842666e-06],
                             [-5.50758101e-07, 3.02989178e-06],
                             [-4.58785270e-07, 2.66162724e-06],
                             [-2.51315555e-07, 1.19031459e-06],
                             [-3.91409773e-07, 1.65457223e-06],
                             [-2.14525206e-06, 5.67755902e-06],
                             [-4.24558096e-07, 1.39102753e-06],
                             [-1.46936730e-06, 5.32325561e-06],
                             [-1.37632061e-06, 4.59021715e-06],
                             [-8.26642899e-07, 4.68097349e-06],
                             [-6.42702724e-07, 4.95673534e-06],
                             [-3.66796960e-07, 7.25009780e-06],
                             [-1.82861669e-07, 8.99542699e-06],
                             [4.09564134e-07, 6.11214315e-06],
                             [7.80629912e-08, 1.45734993e-06],
                             [4.81205526e-07, 7.56076647e-06],
                             [2.01036346e-07, 2.42775302e-06]])

        v = vectors(points)
        assert_array_almost_equal(v, expected)