Example #1
    def update_d_poly(self, v_ego):
        # only offset left and right lane lines; offsetting p_poly does not make sense

        cameraOffset = ntune_get("cameraOffset")

        self.l_poly[3] += cameraOffset
        self.r_poly[3] += cameraOffset

        # Reduce reliance on lanelines that are too far apart or
        # will be in a few seconds
        l_prob, r_prob = self.l_prob, self.r_prob
        width_poly = self.l_poly - self.r_poly
        prob_mods = []
        for t_check in [0.0, 1.5, 3.0]:
            width_at_t = eval_poly(width_poly, t_check * (v_ego + 7))
            prob_mods.append(interp(width_at_t, [4.0, 5.0], [1.0, 0.0]))
        mod = min(prob_mods)
        l_prob *= mod
        r_prob *= mod

        # Reduce reliance on uncertain lanelines
        l_std_mod = interp(self.l_std, [.15, .3], [1.0, 0.0])
        r_std_mod = interp(self.r_std, [.15, .3], [1.0, 0.0])
        l_prob *= l_std_mod
        r_prob *= r_std_mod

        # Find current lanewidth
        self.lane_width_certainty += 0.05 * (l_prob * r_prob -
        current_lane_width = abs(self.l_poly[3] - self.r_poly[3])
        self.lane_width_estimate += 0.005 * (current_lane_width -
        speed_lane_width = interp(v_ego, [0., 31.], [2.8, 3.5])
        self.lane_width = self.lane_width_certainty * self.lane_width_estimate + \
                          (1 - self.lane_width_certainty) * speed_lane_width

        clipped_lane_width = min(4.0, self.lane_width)
        path_from_left_lane = self.l_poly.copy()
        path_from_left_lane[3] -= clipped_lane_width / 2.0
        path_from_right_lane = self.r_poly.copy()
        path_from_right_lane[3] += clipped_lane_width / 2.0

        lr_prob = l_prob + r_prob - l_prob * r_prob

        # neokii
        #    if lr_prob > 0.65:
        #      lr_prob = min(lr_prob * 1.35, 1.0)

        # neokii/stonerains
        if lr_prob > 0.65:
            lr_prob = min(lr_prob * 1.35, 1.0)
        elif lr_prob > 0.32:
            lr_prob = min(lr_prob * 1.625, 0.93)

        d_poly_lane = (l_prob * path_from_left_lane + r_prob *
                       path_from_right_lane) / (l_prob + r_prob + 0.0001)
        self.d_poly = lr_prob * d_poly_lane + (1.0 -
                                               lr_prob) * self.p_poly.copy()
    def setup_mpc(self):
        self.libmpc = libmpc_py.libmpc
        self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING,

        self.mpc_solution = libmpc_py.ffi.new("log_t *")
        self.cur_state = libmpc_py.ffi.new("state_t *")
        self.cur_state[0].x = 0.0
        self.cur_state[0].y = 0.0
        self.cur_state[0].psi = 0.0
        self.cur_state[0].curvature = 0.0

        self.desired_curvature = 0.0
        self.safe_desired_curvature = 0.0
        self.desired_curvature_rate = 0.0
        self.safe_desired_curvature_rate = 0.0
Example #3
  def parse_model(self, md):
    if len(md.laneLines) == 4 and len(md.laneLines[0].t) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE:
      self.ll_t = (np.array(md.laneLines[1].t) + np.array(md.laneLines[2].t))/2
      # left and right ll x is the same
      self.ll_x = md.laneLines[1].x
      # only offset left and right lane lines; offsetting path does not make sense
      cameraOffset = ntune_get("cameraOffset")
      self.lll_y = np.array(md.laneLines[1].y) - cameraOffset
      self.rll_y = np.array(md.laneLines[2].y) - cameraOffset
      self.lll_prob = md.laneLineProbs[1]
      self.rll_prob = md.laneLineProbs[2]
      self.lll_std = md.laneLineStds[1]
      self.rll_std = md.laneLineStds[2]

    if len(md.meta.desireState):
      self.l_lane_change_prob = md.meta.desireState[log.LateralPlan.Desire.laneChangeLeft]
      self.r_lane_change_prob = md.meta.desireState[log.LateralPlan.Desire.laneChangeRight]
Example #4
  def __init__(self, CP):
    self.LP = LanePlanner()

    self.last_cloudlog_t = 0
    #self.steer_rate_cost = CP.steerRateCost
    self.steer_rate_cost_prev = ntune_get('steerRateCost')

    self.solution_invalid_cnt = 0
    self.lane_change_enabled = Params().get('LaneChangeEnabled') == b'1'
    self.auto_lane_change_enabled = Params().get('AutoLaneChangeEnabled') == b'1'
    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
    self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none
    self.lane_change_timer = 0.0
    self.lane_change_ll_prob = 1.0
    self.prev_one_blinker = False
    self.auto_lane_change_timer = 0.0
    self.prev_torque_applied = False
Example #5
    def update_d_poly(self, v_ego, camera_offset):
        # only offset left and right lane lines; offsetting p_poly does not make sense
        camera_offset = ntune_get('cameraOffset')  #neokii
        self.l_poly[3] += CAMERA_OFFSET + camera_offset
        self.r_poly[3] += CAMERA_OFFSET + camera_offset

        # Find current lanewidth
        self.lane_width_certainty += 0.05 * (self.l_prob * self.r_prob -
        current_lane_width = abs(self.l_poly[3] - self.r_poly[3])
        self.lane_width_estimate += 0.005 * (current_lane_width -
        speed_lane_width = interp(v_ego, [0., 31.], [2.8, 3.5])
        self.lane_width = self.lane_width_certainty * self.lane_width_estimate + \
                          (1 - self.lane_width_certainty) * speed_lane_width

        self.d_poly = calc_d_poly(self.l_poly, self.r_poly, self.p_poly,
                                  self.l_prob, self.r_prob, self.lane_width,
Example #6
    def update(self, sm, pm, CP, VM):

        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo
        angle_steers = sm['carState'].steeringAngle
        active = sm['controlsState'].active
        angle_offset = sm['liveParameters'].angleOffset

        steerRateCost = ntune_get('steerRateCost')

        if self.steer_rate_cost_prev != steerRateCost:
            self.steer_rate_cost_prev = steerRateCost

            self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.LANE,
                             MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, steerRateCost)
            self.cur_state[0].delta = math.radians(angle_steers -
                                                   angle_offset) / VM.sR

        # Run MPC
        self.angle_steers_des_prev = self.angle_steers_des_mpc

        # Update vehicle model
        x = max(sm['liveParameters'].stiffnessFactor, 0.1)

        if ntune_isEnabled('useLiveSteerRatio'):
            sr = max(sm['liveParameters'].steerRatio, 0.1)
            sr = max(ntune_get('steerRatio'), 0.1)

        VM.update_params(x, sr)

        curvature_factor = VM.curvature_factor(v_ego)


        # Lane change logic
        one_blinker = sm['carState'].leftBlinker != sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        below_lane_change_speed = v_ego < LANE_CHANGE_SPEED_MIN

        if sm['carState'].leftBlinker:
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.left
        elif sm['carState'].rightBlinker:
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.right

        if (not active) or (self.lane_change_timer > LANE_CHANGE_TIME_MAX) or (
                not one_blinker) or (not self.lane_change_enabled):
            self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none
            torque_applied = sm['carState'].steeringPressed and \
                             ((sm['carState'].steeringTorque > 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                              (sm['carState'].steeringTorque < 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right)) or \
                              self.auto_lane_change_enabled and \
                             (AUTO_LCA_START_TIME+0.25) > self.auto_lane_change_timer > AUTO_LCA_START_TIME

            blindspot_detected = (
                 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right))

            lane_change_prob = self.LP.l_lane_change_prob + self.LP.r_lane_change_prob

            # State transitions
            # off
            if self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off and one_blinker and not self.prev_one_blinker and not below_lane_change_speed:
                self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = 1.0

            # pre
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.preLaneChange:
                if not one_blinker or below_lane_change_speed:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
                elif torque_applied and (not blindspot_detected
                                         or self.prev_torque_applied):
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting
                elif torque_applied and blindspot_detected and self.auto_lane_change_timer != 10.0:
                    self.auto_lane_change_timer = 10.0
                elif not torque_applied and self.auto_lane_change_timer == 10.0 and not self.prev_torque_applied:
                    self.prev_torque_applied = True

            # starting
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting:
                # fade out over .5s
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = max(
                    self.lane_change_ll_prob - 2 * DT_MDL, 0.0)
                # 98% certainty
                if lane_change_prob < 0.02 and self.lane_change_ll_prob < 0.01:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing

            # finishing
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing:
                # fade in laneline over 1s
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = min(
                    self.lane_change_ll_prob + DT_MDL, 1.0)
                if one_blinker and self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.99:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
                elif self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.99:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off

        if self.lane_change_state in [
                LaneChangeState.off, LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
            self.lane_change_timer = 0.0
            self.lane_change_timer += DT_MDL

        if self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off:
            self.auto_lane_change_timer = 0.0
            self.prev_torque_applied = False
        elif self.auto_lane_change_timer < (
                AUTO_LCA_START_TIME +
                0.25):  # stop afer 3 sec resume from 10 when torque applied
            self.auto_lane_change_timer += DT_MDL

        self.prev_one_blinker = one_blinker

        desire = DESIRES[self.lane_change_direction][self.lane_change_state]

        # Turn off lanes during lane change
        if desire == log.PathPlan.Desire.laneChangeRight or desire == log.PathPlan.Desire.laneChangeLeft:
            self.LP.l_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
            self.LP.r_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob


        steerActuatorDelay = ntune_get('steerActuatorDelay')

        # account for actuation delay
        self.cur_state = calc_states_after_delay(self.cur_state, v_ego,
                                                 angle_steers - angle_offset,
                                                 curvature_factor, VM.sR,

        v_ego_mpc = max(v_ego, 5.0)  # avoid mpc roughness due to low speed
        self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution,
                            list(self.LP.l_poly), list(self.LP.r_poly),
                            list(self.LP.d_poly), self.LP.l_prob,
                            self.LP.r_prob, curvature_factor, v_ego_mpc,

        # reset to current steer angle if not active or overriding
        if active:
            delta_desired = self.mpc_solution[0].delta[1]
            rate_desired = math.degrees(self.mpc_solution[0].rate[0] * VM.sR)
            delta_desired = math.radians(angle_steers - angle_offset) / VM.sR
            rate_desired = 0.0

        self.cur_state[0].delta = delta_desired

        self.angle_steers_des_mpc = float(
            math.degrees(delta_desired * VM.sR) + angle_offset)

        #  Check for infeasable MPC solution
        mpc_nans = any(math.isnan(x) for x in self.mpc_solution[0].delta)
        t = sec_since_boot()
        if mpc_nans:
            self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.LANE,
                             MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, steerRateCost)
            self.cur_state[0].delta = math.radians(angle_steers -
                                                   angle_offset) / VM.sR

            if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
                self.last_cloudlog_t = t
                cloudlog.warning("Lateral mpc - nan: True")

        if self.mpc_solution[
                0].cost > 20000. or mpc_nans:  # TODO: find a better way to detect when MPC did not converge
            self.solution_invalid_cnt += 1
            self.solution_invalid_cnt = 0
        plan_solution_valid = self.solution_invalid_cnt < 3

        plan_send = messaging.new_message('pathPlan')
        plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(service_list=[
            'carState', 'controlsState', 'liveParameters', 'model'
        plan_send.pathPlan.laneWidth = float(self.LP.lane_width)
        plan_send.pathPlan.dPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.d_poly]
        plan_send.pathPlan.lPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.l_poly]
        plan_send.pathPlan.lProb = float(self.LP.l_prob)
        plan_send.pathPlan.rPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.r_poly]
        plan_send.pathPlan.rProb = float(self.LP.r_prob)

        plan_send.pathPlan.angleSteers = float(self.angle_steers_des_mpc)
        plan_send.pathPlan.rateSteers = float(rate_desired)
        plan_send.pathPlan.angleOffset = float(
        plan_send.pathPlan.mpcSolutionValid = bool(plan_solution_valid)
        plan_send.pathPlan.paramsValid = bool(sm['liveParameters'].valid)

        plan_send.pathPlan.desire = desire
        plan_send.pathPlan.laneChangeState = self.lane_change_state
        plan_send.pathPlan.laneChangeDirection = self.lane_change_direction
        plan_send.pathPlan.autoLaneChangeEnabled = self.auto_lane_change_enabled
        plan_send.pathPlan.autoLaneChangeTimer = int(
            AUTO_LCA_START_TIME) - int(self.auto_lane_change_timer)

        plan_send.pathPlan.steerRatio = VM.sR
        plan_send.pathPlan.steerRateCost = steerRateCost
        plan_send.pathPlan.steerActuatorDelay = steerActuatorDelay

        pm.send('pathPlan', plan_send)

        if LOG_MPC:
            dat = messaging.new_message('liveMpc')
            dat.liveMpc.x = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x)
            dat.liveMpc.y = list(self.mpc_solution[0].y)
            dat.liveMpc.psi = list(self.mpc_solution[0].psi)
            dat.liveMpc.delta = list(self.mpc_solution[0].delta)
            dat.liveMpc.cost = self.mpc_solution[0].cost
            pm.send('liveMpc', dat)
Example #7
    def publish_logs(self, CS, start_time, actuators, v_acc, a_acc, lac_log):
        """Send actuators and hud commands to the car, send controlsstate and MPC logging"""

        CC = car.CarControl.new_message()
        CC.enabled = self.enabled
        CC.actuators = actuators

        # scc smoother
        CC.cruiseOpMaxSpeed = self.cruiseOpMaxSpeed

        CC.cruiseControl.override = True
        CC.cruiseControl.cancel = self.CP.enableCruise and not self.enabled and CS.cruiseState.enabled

        # Some override values for Honda
        # brake discount removes a sharp nonlinearity
        brake_discount = (1.0 - clip(actuators.brake * 3., 0.0, 1.0))
        speed_override = max(0.0,
                             (self.LoC.v_pid + CS.cruiseState.speedOffset) *
        CC.cruiseControl.speedOverride = float(
            speed_override if self.CP.enableCruise else 0.0)
        CC.cruiseControl.accelOverride = self.CI.calc_accel_override(
            CS.aEgo, self.sm['plan'].aTarget, CS.vEgo, self.sm['plan'].vTarget)

        CC.hudControl.setSpeed = float(self.v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS)
        CC.hudControl.speedVisible = self.enabled
        CC.hudControl.lanesVisible = self.enabled
        CC.hudControl.leadVisible = self.sm['plan'].hasLead

        right_lane_visible = self.sm['pathPlan'].rProb > 0.5
        left_lane_visible = self.sm['pathPlan'].lProb > 0.5
        CC.hudControl.rightLaneVisible = bool(right_lane_visible)
        CC.hudControl.leftLaneVisible = bool(left_lane_visible)

        recent_blinker = (self.sm.frame - self.last_blinker_frame
                          ) * DT_CTRL < 5.0  # 5s blinker cooldown
        ldw_allowed = self.is_ldw_enabled and CS.vEgo > LDW_MIN_SPEED and not recent_blinker \
                        and not self.active and self.sm['liveCalibration'].calStatus == Calibration.CALIBRATED

        meta = self.sm['model'].meta
        if len(meta.desirePrediction) and ldw_allowed:
            l_lane_change_prob = meta.desirePrediction[Desire.laneChangeLeft -
            r_lane_change_prob = meta.desirePrediction[Desire.laneChangeRight -

            cameraOffset = ntune_get("cameraOffset")

            l_lane_close = left_lane_visible and (self.sm['pathPlan'].lPoly[3]
                                                  < (1.08 - cameraOffset))
            r_lane_close = right_lane_visible and (self.sm['pathPlan'].rPoly[3]
                                                   > -(1.08 + cameraOffset))

            CC.hudControl.leftLaneDepart = bool(
                l_lane_change_prob > LANE_DEPARTURE_THRESHOLD and l_lane_close)
            CC.hudControl.rightLaneDepart = bool(
                r_lane_change_prob > LANE_DEPARTURE_THRESHOLD and r_lane_close)

        if CC.hudControl.rightLaneDepart or CC.hudControl.leftLaneDepart:

        clear_event = ET.WARNING if ET.WARNING not in self.current_alert_types else None
        alerts = self.events.create_alerts(self.current_alert_types,
                                           [self.CP, self.sm, self.is_metric])
        self.AM.add_many(self.sm.frame, alerts, self.enabled)
        self.AM.process_alerts(self.sm.frame, clear_event)
        CC.hudControl.visualAlert = self.AM.visual_alert

        if not self.read_only:
            # send car controls over can
            can_sends = self.CI.apply(CC, self)

        force_decel = (self.sm['dMonitoringState'].awarenessStatus < 0.) or \
                        (self.state == State.softDisabling)

        angleOffset = self.sm['pathPlan'].angleOffset
        steer_angle_rad = (CS.steeringAngle - angleOffset) * CV.DEG_TO_RAD

        # controlsState
        dat = messaging.new_message('controlsState')
        dat.valid = CS.canValid
        controlsState = dat.controlsState
        controlsState.alertText1 = self.AM.alert_text_1
        controlsState.alertText2 = self.AM.alert_text_2
        controlsState.alertSize = self.AM.alert_size
        controlsState.alertStatus = self.AM.alert_status
        controlsState.alertBlinkingRate = self.AM.alert_rate
        controlsState.alertType = self.AM.alert_type
        controlsState.alertSound = self.AM.audible_alert
        controlsState.driverMonitoringOn = self.sm[
        controlsState.canMonoTimes = list(CS.canMonoTimes)
        controlsState.planMonoTime = self.sm.logMonoTime['plan']
        controlsState.pathPlanMonoTime = self.sm.logMonoTime['pathPlan']
        controlsState.enabled = self.enabled
        controlsState.active = self.active
        controlsState.vEgo = CS.vEgo
        controlsState.vEgoRaw = CS.vEgoRaw
        controlsState.angleSteers = CS.steeringAngle - angleOffset
        controlsState.curvature = self.VM.calc_curvature(
            steer_angle_rad, CS.vEgo)
        controlsState.steerOverride = CS.steeringPressed
        controlsState.state = self.state
        controlsState.engageable = not self.events.any(ET.NO_ENTRY)
        controlsState.longControlState = self.LoC.long_control_state
        controlsState.vPid = float(self.LoC.v_pid)
        controlsState.vCruise = float(self.v_cruise_kph)
        controlsState.upAccelCmd = float(self.LoC.pid.p)
        controlsState.uiAccelCmd = float(self.LoC.pid.i)
        controlsState.ufAccelCmd = float(self.LoC.pid.f)
        controlsState.angleSteersDes = float(self.LaC.angle_steers_des)
        controlsState.vTargetLead = float(v_acc)
        controlsState.aTarget = float(a_acc)
        controlsState.jerkFactor = float(self.sm['plan'].jerkFactor)
        controlsState.gpsPlannerActive = self.sm['plan'].gpsPlannerActive
        controlsState.vCurvature = self.sm['plan'].vCurvature
        controlsState.decelForModel = self.sm[
            'plan'].longitudinalPlanSource == LongitudinalPlanSource.model
        controlsState.cumLagMs = -self.rk.remaining * 1000.
        controlsState.startMonoTime = int(start_time * 1e9)
        controlsState.mapValid = self.sm['plan'].mapValid
        controlsState.forceDecel = bool(force_decel)
        controlsState.canErrorCounter = self.can_error_counter

        if self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'pid':
            controlsState.lateralControlState.pidState = lac_log
        elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'lqr':
            controlsState.lateralControlState.lqrState = lac_log
        elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'indi':
            controlsState.lateralControlState.indiState = lac_log
        self.pm.send('controlsState', dat)

        # carState
        car_events = self.events.to_msg()
        cs_send = messaging.new_message('carState')
        cs_send.valid = CS.canValid
        cs_send.carState = CS
        cs_send.carState.events = car_events
        self.pm.send('carState', cs_send)

        # carEvents - logged every second or on change
        if (self.sm.frame % int(1. / DT_CTRL)
                == 0) or (self.events.names != self.events_prev):
            ce_send = messaging.new_message('carEvents', len(self.events))
            ce_send.carEvents = car_events
            self.pm.send('carEvents', ce_send)
        self.events_prev = self.events.names.copy()

        # carParams - logged every 50 seconds (> 1 per segment)
        if (self.sm.frame % int(50. / DT_CTRL) == 0):
            cp_send = messaging.new_message('carParams')
            cp_send.carParams = self.CP
            self.pm.send('carParams', cp_send)

        # carControl
        cc_send = messaging.new_message('carControl')
        cc_send.valid = CS.canValid
        cc_send.carControl = CC
        self.pm.send('carControl', cc_send)

        # copy CarControl to pass to CarInterface on the next iteration
        self.CC = CC
Example #8
    def state_control(self, CS):
        """Given the state, this function returns an actuators packet"""

        # Neokii's live tune
        # Update VehicleModel
        params = self.sm['liveParameters']
        x = max(params.stiffnessFactor, 0.1)
        #sr = max(params.steerRatio, 0.1)

        if ntune_isEnabled('useLiveSteerRatio'):
            sr = max(self.sm['liveParameters'].steerRatio, 0.1)
            if self.CP.carName in [CAR.VOLT]:
                sr = interp(abs(self.angle_steers_des), [5., 35.],
                            [13.5, 17.7])
                sr = max(ntune_get('steerRatio'), 0.1)

        self.VM.update_params(x, sr)

        lat_plan = self.sm['lateralPlan']
        long_plan = self.sm['longitudinalPlan']

        actuators = car.CarControl.Actuators.new_message()

        if CS.leftBlinker or CS.rightBlinker:
            self.last_blinker_frame = self.sm.frame

        # State specific actions

        if not self.active:

        long_plan_age = DT_CTRL * (self.sm.frame -
        # no greater than dt mpc + dt, to prevent too high extraps
        dt = min(long_plan_age, LON_MPC_STEP + DT_CTRL) + DT_CTRL

        a_acc_sol = long_plan.aStart + (dt / LON_MPC_STEP) * (
            long_plan.aTarget - long_plan.aStart)
        v_acc_sol = long_plan.vStart + dt * (a_acc_sol +
                                             long_plan.aStart) / 2.0

        # Gas/Brake PID loop
        actuators.gas, actuators.brake = self.LoC.update(
            self.active, CS, v_acc_sol, long_plan.vTargetFuture, a_acc_sol,

        # Steering PID loop and lateral MPC
        actuators.steer, actuators.steeringAngleDeg, lac_log = self.LaC.update(
            self.active, CS, self.CP, self.VM, params, lat_plan)

        # Check for difference between desired angle and angle for angle based control
        angle_control_saturated = self.CP.steerControlType == car.CarParams.SteerControlType.angle and \
          abs(actuators.steeringAngleDeg - CS.steeringAngleDeg) > STEER_ANGLE_SATURATION_THRESHOLD

        if angle_control_saturated and not CS.steeringPressed and self.active:
            self.saturated_count += 1
            self.saturated_count = 0

        # Send a "steering required alert" if saturation count has reached the limit
        if (lac_log.saturated and not CS.steeringPressed) or \
           (self.saturated_count > STEER_ANGLE_SATURATION_TIMEOUT):

            if len(lat_plan.dPathPoints):
                # Check if we deviated from the path
                left_deviation = actuators.steer > 0 and lat_plan.dPathPoints[
                    0] < -0.1
                right_deviation = actuators.steer < 0 and lat_plan.dPathPoints[
                    0] > 0.1

#  Bellow 2Lines' notations are for disable Alerts
#        if left_deviation or right_deviation:
#          self.events.add(EventName.steerSaturated)

        return actuators, v_acc_sol, a_acc_sol, lac_log
Example #9
  def update(self, sm, CP):
    v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo
    active = sm['controlsState'].active
    measured_curvature = sm['controlsState'].curvature

    md = sm['modelV2']
    if len(md.position.x) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE and len(md.orientation.x) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE:
      self.path_xyz = np.column_stack([md.position.x, md.position.y, md.position.z])
      self.t_idxs = np.array(md.position.t)
      self.plan_yaw = list(md.orientation.z)
    if len(md.orientation.xStd) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE:
      self.path_xyz_stds = np.column_stack([md.position.xStd, md.position.yStd, md.position.zStd])

    # Lane change logic
    one_blinker = sm['carState'].leftBlinker != sm['carState'].rightBlinker
    below_lane_change_speed = v_ego < LANE_CHANGE_SPEED_MIN

    if sm['carState'].leftBlinker:
      self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.left
    elif sm['carState'].rightBlinker:
      self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.right

    if (not active) or (self.lane_change_timer > LANE_CHANGE_TIME_MAX) or (not one_blinker) or (not self.lane_change_enabled):
      self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
      self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none
      torque_applied = sm['carState'].steeringPressed and \
                       ((sm['carState'].steeringTorque > 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                        (sm['carState'].steeringTorque < 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right)) or \
                        self.auto_lane_change_enabled and \
                       (AUTO_LCA_START_TIME+0.25) > self.auto_lane_change_timer > AUTO_LCA_START_TIME

      blindspot_detected = ((sm['carState'].leftBlindspot and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                            (sm['carState'].rightBlindspot and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right))

      lane_change_prob = self.LP.l_lane_change_prob + self.LP.r_lane_change_prob

      # State transitions
      # off
      if self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off and one_blinker and not self.prev_one_blinker and not below_lane_change_speed:
        self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
        self.lane_change_ll_prob = 1.0

      # pre
      elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.preLaneChange:
        if not one_blinker or below_lane_change_speed:
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
        elif torque_applied and (not blindspot_detected or self.prev_torque_applied):
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting
        elif torque_applied and blindspot_detected and self.auto_lane_change_timer != 10.0:
          self.auto_lane_change_timer = 10.0
        elif not torque_applied and self.auto_lane_change_timer == 10.0 and not self.prev_torque_applied:
          self.prev_torque_applied = True       

      # starting
      elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting:
        # fade out over .5s
        self.lane_change_ll_prob = max(self.lane_change_ll_prob - 2*DT_MDL, 0.0)
        # 98% certainty
        if lane_change_prob < 0.02 and self.lane_change_ll_prob < 0.01:
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing

      # finishing
      elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing:
        # fade in laneline over 1s
        self.lane_change_ll_prob = min(self.lane_change_ll_prob + DT_MDL, 1.0)
        if one_blinker and self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.99:
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
        elif self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.99:
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off

    if self.lane_change_state in [LaneChangeState.off, LaneChangeState.preLaneChange]:
      self.lane_change_timer = 0.0
      self.lane_change_timer += DT_MDL

    if self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off:
      self.auto_lane_change_timer = 0.0
      self.prev_torque_applied = False
    elif self.auto_lane_change_timer < (AUTO_LCA_START_TIME+0.25): # stop afer 3 sec resume from 10 when torque applied
      self.auto_lane_change_timer += DT_MDL

    self.prev_one_blinker = one_blinker

    self.desire = DESIRES[self.lane_change_direction][self.lane_change_state]

    # Turn off lanes during lane change
    if self.desire == log.LateralPlan.Desire.laneChangeRight or self.desire == log.LateralPlan.Desire.laneChangeLeft:
      self.LP.lll_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
      self.LP.rll_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
    if self.use_lanelines:
      d_path_xyz = self.LP.get_d_path(v_ego, self.t_idxs, self.path_xyz)
      self.libmpc.set_weights(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, ntune_get('steerRateCost'))
      d_path_xyz = self.path_xyz
      path_cost = np.clip(abs(self.path_xyz[0, 1] / self.path_xyz_stds[0, 1]), 0.5, 5.0) * MPC_COST_LAT.PATH
      # Heading cost is useful at low speed, otherwise end of plan can be off-heading
      heading_cost = interp(v_ego, [5.0, 10.0], [MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, 0.0])
      self.libmpc.set_weights(path_cost, heading_cost, ntune_get('steerRateCost'))

    y_pts = np.interp(v_ego * self.t_idxs[:MPC_N + 1], np.linalg.norm(d_path_xyz, axis=1), d_path_xyz[:,1])
    heading_pts = np.interp(v_ego * self.t_idxs[:MPC_N + 1], np.linalg.norm(self.path_xyz, axis=1), self.plan_yaw)
    self.y_pts = y_pts

    assert len(y_pts) == MPC_N + 1
    assert len(heading_pts) == MPC_N + 1
    self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution,
    # init state for next
    self.cur_state.x = 0.0
    self.cur_state.y = 0.0
    self.cur_state.psi = 0.0
    self.cur_state.curvature = interp(DT_MDL, self.t_idxs[:MPC_N + 1], self.mpc_solution.curvature)

    # TODO this needs more thought, use .2s extra for now to estimate other delays
    delay = ntune_get('steerActuatorDelay') + .2
    current_curvature = self.mpc_solution.curvature[0]
    psi = interp(delay, self.t_idxs[:MPC_N + 1], self.mpc_solution.psi)
    next_curvature_rate = self.mpc_solution.curvature_rate[0]

    # MPC can plan to turn the wheel and turn back before t_delay. This means
    # in high delay cases some corrections never even get commanded. So just use
    # psi to calculate a simple linearization of desired curvature
    curvature_diff_from_psi = psi / (max(v_ego, 1e-1) * delay) - current_curvature
    next_curvature = current_curvature + 2 * curvature_diff_from_psi

    self.desired_curvature = next_curvature
    self.desired_curvature_rate = next_curvature_rate
    max_curvature_rate = interp(v_ego, MAX_CURVATURE_RATE_SPEEDS, MAX_CURVATURE_RATES)
    self.safe_desired_curvature_rate = clip(self.desired_curvature_rate,
    self.safe_desired_curvature = clip(self.desired_curvature,
                                       self.safe_desired_curvature - max_curvature_rate/DT_MDL,
                                       self.safe_desired_curvature + max_curvature_rate/DT_MDL)

    #  Check for infeasable MPC solution
    mpc_nans = any(math.isnan(x) for x in self.mpc_solution.curvature)
    t = sec_since_boot()
    if mpc_nans:
      self.cur_state.curvature = measured_curvature

      if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
        self.last_cloudlog_t = t
        cloudlog.warning("Lateral mpc - nan: True")

    if self.mpc_solution[0].cost > 20000. or mpc_nans:   # TODO: find a better way to detect when MPC did not converge
      self.solution_invalid_cnt += 1
      self.solution_invalid_cnt = 0