Example #1
def fingerprint(logcan, sendcan, has_relay):
    params = Params()
    car_params = params.get("CarParams")

    if not travis:
        cached_fingerprint = params.get('CachedFingerprint')
        cached_fingerprint = None

    if car_params is not None:
        car_params = car.CarParams.from_bytes(car_params)
    if has_relay:
        # Vin query only reliably works thorugh OBDII
        bus = 1

        cached_params = Params().get("CarParamsCache")
        if cached_params is not None:
            cached_params = car.CarParams.from_bytes(cached_params)
            if cached_params.carName == "mock":
                cached_params = None

        if cached_params is not None and len(
        ) > 0 and cached_params.carVin is not VIN_UNKNOWN:
            cloudlog.warning("Using cached CarParams")
            vin = cached_params.carVin
            car_fw = list(cached_params.carFw)
            cloudlog.warning("Getting VIN & FW versions")
            _, vin = get_vin(logcan, sendcan, bus)
            car_fw = get_fw_versions(logcan, sendcan, bus)

        fw_candidates = match_fw_to_car(car_fw)
        vin = VIN_UNKNOWN
        fw_candidates, car_fw = set(), []

    cloudlog.warning("VIN %s", vin)
    Params().put("CarVin", vin)

    finger = gen_empty_fingerprint()
    candidate_cars = {i: all_known_cars()
                      for i in [0, 1]
                      }  # attempt fingerprint on both bus 0 and 1
    frame = 0
    frame_fingerprint = 10  # 0.1s
    car_fingerprint = None
    done = False

    if cached_fingerprint is not None and use_car_caching:  # if we previously identified a car and fingerprint and user hasn't disabled caching
        cached_fingerprint = json.loads(cached_fingerprint)
        if cached_fingerprint[0] is None or len(cached_fingerprint) < 3:
            finger[0] = {
                int(key): value
                for key, value in cached_fingerprint[2].items()
            source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.can
            return (str(cached_fingerprint[0]), finger, vin, car_fw,

    while not done:
        a = messaging.get_one_can(logcan)

        for can in a.can:
            # need to independently try to fingerprint both bus 0 and 1 to work
            # for the combo black_panda and honda_bosch. Ignore extended messages
            # and VIN query response.
            # Include bus 2 for toyotas to disambiguate cars using camera messages
            # (ideally should be done for all cars but we can't for Honda Bosch)
            if can.src in range(0, 4):
                finger[can.src][can.address] = len(can.dat)
            for b in candidate_cars:
                if (can.src == b or (only_toyota_left(candidate_cars[b]) and can.src == 2)) and \
                   can.address < 0x800 and can.address not in [0x7df, 0x7e0, 0x7e8]:
                    candidate_cars[b] = eliminate_incompatible_cars(
                        can, candidate_cars[b])

        # if we only have one car choice and the time since we got our first
        # message has elapsed, exit
        for b in candidate_cars:
            # Toyota needs higher time to fingerprint, since DSU does not broadcast immediately
            if only_toyota_left(candidate_cars[b]):
                frame_fingerprint = 100  # 1s
            if len(candidate_cars[b]) == 1:
                if frame > frame_fingerprint:
                    # fingerprint done
                    car_fingerprint = candidate_cars[b][0]
            elif len(
            ) < 4:  # For the RAV4 2019 and Corolla 2020 LE Fingerprint problem
                if frame > 180:
                    if any(("TOYOTA COROLLA TSS2 2019" in c)
                           for c in candidate_cars[b]):
                        car_fingerprint = "TOYOTA COROLLA TSS2 2019"

        # bail if no cars left or we've been waiting for more than 2s
        failed = all(len(cc) == 0
                     for cc in candidate_cars.values()) or frame > 200
        succeeded = car_fingerprint is not None
        done = failed or succeeded

        frame += 1

    source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.can

    # If FW query returns exactly 1 candidate, use it
    if len(fw_candidates) == 1:
        car_fingerprint = list(fw_candidates)[0]
        source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.fw

    fixed_fingerprint = os.environ.get('FINGERPRINT', "")
    if len(fixed_fingerprint):
        car_fingerprint = fixed_fingerprint
        source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.fixed

    cloudlog.warning("fingerprinted %s", car_fingerprint)
            car_fingerprint, source,
            {int(key): value
             for key, value in finger[0].items()}
    return car_fingerprint, finger, vin, car_fw, source
Example #2
def update_panda():
    panda = None
    panda_dfu = None

    cloudlog.info("Connecting to panda")

    while True:
        # break on normal mode Panda
        panda_list = Panda.list()
        if len(panda_list) > 0:
            cloudlog.info("Panda found, connecting")
            panda = Panda(panda_list[0])

        # flash on DFU mode Panda
        panda_dfu = PandaDFU.list()
        if len(panda_dfu) > 0:
            cloudlog.info("Panda in DFU mode found, flashing recovery")
            panda_dfu = PandaDFU(panda_dfu[0])


    fw_signature = get_expected_signature()

        serial = panda.get_serial()[0].decode("utf-8")
    except Exception:
        serial = None

    panda_version = "bootstub" if panda.bootstub else panda.get_version()
    panda_signature = b"" if panda.bootstub else panda.get_signature()
        "Panda %s connected, version: %s, signature %s, expected %s" % (

    if panda.bootstub or panda_signature != fw_signature:
        cloudlog.info("Panda firmware out of date, update required")
        cloudlog.info("Done flashing")

    if panda.bootstub:
        bootstub_version = panda.get_version()
            f"Flashed firmware not booting, flashing development bootloader. Bootstub version: {bootstub_version}"
        cloudlog.info("Done flashing bootloader")

    if panda.bootstub:
        cloudlog.info("Panda still not booting, exiting")
        raise AssertionError

    panda_signature = panda.get_signature()
    if panda_signature != fw_signature:
        cloudlog.info("Version mismatch after flashing, exiting")
        raise AssertionError
  def update(self, sm, pm, CP, VM):
    v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo
    angle_steers = sm['carState'].steeringAngle
    active = sm['controlsState'].active

    angle_offset = sm['liveParameters'].angleOffset

    lca_left = sm['carState'].lcaLeft
    lca_right = sm['carState'].lcaRight

    # Run MPC
    self.angle_steers_des_prev = self.angle_steers_des_mpc
    VM.update_params(sm['liveParameters'].stiffnessFactor, sm['liveParameters'].steerRatio)
    curvature_factor = VM.curvature_factor(v_ego)


    # Lane change logic
    one_blinker = sm['carState'].leftBlinker != sm['carState'].rightBlinker
    below_lane_change_speed = v_ego < LANE_CHANGE_SPEED_MIN

    if sm['carState'].leftBlinker:
      self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.left
    elif sm['carState'].rightBlinker:
      self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.right

    if (not active) or (self.lane_change_timer > LANE_CHANGE_TIME_MAX) or (not one_blinker) or (not self.lane_change_enabled):
      self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
      self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none
      if sm['carState'].leftBlinker:
        self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.left
      elif sm['carState'].rightBlinker:
        self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.right

      if self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left:
        torque_applied = sm['carState'].steeringTorque > 0 and sm['carState'].steeringPressed
        if CP.autoLcaEnabled and 1.5 > self.pre_auto_LCA_timer > 1.0 and not lca_left:
          torque_applied = True # Enable auto LCA only once after 2 sec 
        torque_applied = sm['carState'].steeringTorque < 0 and sm['carState'].steeringPressed
        if CP.autoLcaEnabled and 1.5 > self.pre_auto_LCA_timer > 1.0 and not lca_right:
          torque_applied = True # Enable auto LCA only once after 2 sec 

      lane_change_prob = self.LP.l_lane_change_prob + self.LP.r_lane_change_prob

      # State transitions
      # off
      if self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off and one_blinker and not self.prev_one_blinker and not below_lane_change_speed:
        self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
      # pre
      elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.preLaneChange:
        if not one_blinker or below_lane_change_speed:
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off   
        elif torque_applied:
          if self.prev_torque_applied or self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left and not lca_left or \
                  self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right and not lca_right:
            self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting
            if self.pre_auto_LCA_timer < 10.:
              self.pre_auto_LCA_timer = 10.
          if self.pre_auto_LCA_timer > 10.3:
            self.prev_torque_applied = True

      # bsm
      elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting:
        if lca_left and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left and not self.prev_torque_applied:
          self.lane_change_BSM = LaneChangeBSM.left
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
        elif lca_right and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right and not self.prev_torque_applied:
          self.lane_change_BSM = LaneChangeBSM.right
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
          # starting
          self.lane_change_BSM = LaneChangeBSM.off
          if self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting and lane_change_prob > 0.5:
            self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing

      # starting
      #elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting and lane_change_prob > 0.5:
        #self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing

      # finishing
      elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing and lane_change_prob < 0.2:
        if one_blinker:
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off

    if self.lane_change_state in [LaneChangeState.off, LaneChangeState.preLaneChange]:
      self.lane_change_timer = 0.0
      if self.lane_change_BSM == LaneChangeBSM.right:
        if not lca_right:
          self.lane_change_BSM = LaneChangeBSM.off
      if self.lane_change_BSM == LaneChangeBSM.left:
        if not lca_left:
          self.lane_change_BSM = LaneChangeBSM.off
      self.lane_change_timer += DT_MDL

    if self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off:
      self.pre_auto_LCA_timer = 0.0
      self.prev_torque_applied = False
    elif not (3. < self.pre_auto_LCA_timer < 10.): # stop afer 3 sec resume from 10 when torque applied
      self.pre_auto_LCA_timer += DT_MDL

    self.prev_one_blinker = one_blinker

    desire = DESIRES[self.lane_change_direction][self.lane_change_state]

    # Turn off lanes during lane change
    if desire == log.PathPlan.Desire.laneChangeRight or desire == log.PathPlan.Desire.laneChangeLeft:
      self.LP.l_prob = 0.
      self.LP.r_prob = 0.
      self.libmpc.init_weights(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH / 10.0, MPC_COST_LAT.LANE, MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, self.steer_rate_cost)
      self.libmpc.init_weights(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.LANE, MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, self.steer_rate_cost)


    # account for actuation delay
    self.cur_state = calc_states_after_delay(self.cur_state, v_ego, angle_steers - angle_offset, curvature_factor, VM.sR, CP.steerActuatorDelay)

    v_ego_mpc = max(v_ego, 5.0)  # avoid mpc roughness due to low speed
    self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution,
                        list(self.LP.l_poly), list(self.LP.r_poly), list(self.LP.d_poly),
                        self.LP.l_prob, self.LP.r_prob, curvature_factor, v_ego_mpc, self.LP.lane_width)

    # reset to current steer angle if not active or overriding
    if active:
      delta_desired = self.mpc_solution[0].delta[1]
      rate_desired = math.degrees(self.mpc_solution[0].rate[0] * VM.sR)
      delta_desired = math.radians(angle_steers - angle_offset) / VM.sR
      rate_desired = 0.0

    self.cur_state[0].delta = delta_desired

    self.angle_steers_des_mpc = float(math.degrees(delta_desired * VM.sR) + angle_offset)

    #  Check for infeasable MPC solution
    mpc_nans = any(math.isnan(x) for x in self.mpc_solution[0].delta)
    t = sec_since_boot()
    if mpc_nans:
      self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.LANE, MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, CP.steerRateCost)
      self.cur_state[0].delta = math.radians(angle_steers - angle_offset) / VM.sR

      if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
        self.last_cloudlog_t = t
        cloudlog.warning("Lateral mpc - nan: True")

    if self.mpc_solution[0].cost > 20000. or mpc_nans:   # TODO: find a better way to detect when MPC did not converge
      self.solution_invalid_cnt += 1
      self.solution_invalid_cnt = 0
    plan_solution_valid = self.solution_invalid_cnt < 2

    plan_send = messaging.new_message()
    plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'liveParameters', 'model'])
    plan_send.pathPlan.laneWidth = float(self.LP.lane_width)
    plan_send.pathPlan.dPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.d_poly]
    plan_send.pathPlan.lPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.l_poly]
    plan_send.pathPlan.lProb = float(self.LP.l_prob)
    plan_send.pathPlan.rPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.r_poly]
    plan_send.pathPlan.rProb = float(self.LP.r_prob)

    plan_send.pathPlan.angleSteers = float(self.angle_steers_des_mpc)
    plan_send.pathPlan.rateSteers = float(rate_desired)
    plan_send.pathPlan.angleOffset = float(sm['liveParameters'].angleOffsetAverage)
    plan_send.pathPlan.mpcSolutionValid = bool(plan_solution_valid)
    plan_send.pathPlan.paramsValid = bool(sm['liveParameters'].valid)
    plan_send.pathPlan.sensorValid = bool(sm['liveParameters'].sensorValid)
    plan_send.pathPlan.posenetValid = bool(sm['liveParameters'].posenetValid)

    plan_send.pathPlan.desire = desire
    plan_send.pathPlan.laneChangeState = self.lane_change_state
    plan_send.pathPlan.laneChangeDirection = self.lane_change_direction
    plan_send.pathPlan.laneChangeBSM = self.lane_change_BSM

    pm.send('pathPlan', plan_send)

    if LOG_MPC:
      dat = messaging.new_message()
      dat.liveMpc.x = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x)
      dat.liveMpc.y = list(self.mpc_solution[0].y)
      dat.liveMpc.psi = list(self.mpc_solution[0].psi)
      dat.liveMpc.delta = list(self.mpc_solution[0].delta)
      dat.liveMpc.cost = self.mpc_solution[0].cost
      pm.send('liveMpc', dat)
Example #4
def uninstall():
    with open('/cache/recovery/command', 'w') as f:
    # IPowerManager.reboot(confirm=false, reason="recovery", wait=true)
    os.system("service call power 16 i32 0 s16 recovery i32 1")
Example #5
  def update(self, sm, pm, CP, VM):
    v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo
    stand_still = sm['carState'].standStill
    angle_steers = sm['carState'].steeringAngle
    active = sm['controlsState'].active
    anglesteer_current = sm['controlsState'].angleSteers
    anglesteer_desire = sm['controlsState'].angleSteersDes

    #live_steerratio = sm['liveParameters'].steerRatio
    mode_select = sm['carState'].cruiseState.modeSel
    lateral_control_method = sm['controlsState'].lateralControlMethod
    if lateral_control_method == 0:
      output_scale = sm['controlsState'].lateralControlState.pidState.output
    elif lateral_control_method == 1:
      output_scale = sm['controlsState'].lateralControlState.indiState.output
    elif lateral_control_method == 2:
      output_scale = sm['controlsState'].lateralControlState.lqrState.output
    angle_offset = sm['liveParameters'].angleOffset
    live_steer_ratio = sm['liveParameters'].steerRatio
    if live_steer_ratio != CP.steerRatio:
      self.steerRatio_range = [CP.steerRatio, live_steer_ratio]

    # Run MPC
    self.angle_steers_des_prev = self.angle_steers_des_mpc

    self.angle_diff = abs(anglesteer_desire) - abs(anglesteer_current)

    if abs(output_scale) >= 1 and v_ego > 8:
      self.new_steerRatio_prev = interp(self.angle_diff, self.angle_differ_range, self.steerRatio_range)
      if self.new_steerRatio_prev > self.new_steerRatio:
        self.new_steerRatio = self.new_steerRatio_prev
      #self.new_steer_rate_cost = interp(self.angle_diff, self.angle_differ_range, self.steer_rate_cost_range)
    #if abs(output_scale) >= 1 and v_ego > 8 and ((abs(anglesteer_desire) - abs(anglesteer_current)) > 20):
    #  self.mpc_frame += 1
    #  if self.mpc_frame % 10 == 0:
    #    self.new_steerRatio += (round(v_ego, 1) * 0.025)
    #    if live_steer_ratio != CP.steerRatio:        
    #      if self.new_steerRatio >= live_steer_ratio:
    #        self.new_steerRatio = live_steer_ratio
    #    else:
    #      if self.new_steerRatio >= 17.5:
    #        self.new_steerRatio = 17.5
    #    self.mpc_frame = 0
      self.mpc_frame += 1
      if self.mpc_frame % 10 == 0:
        self.new_steerRatio -= 0.1
        if self.new_steerRatio <= CP.steerRatio:
          self.new_steerRatio = CP.steerRatio
        #self.new_steer_rate_cost += 0.02
        #if self.new_steer_rate_cost >= CP.steerRateCost:
        #  self.new_steer_rate_cost = CP.steerRateCost
        self.mpc_frame = 0

    self.new_steer_actuator_delay = interp(v_ego, self.steer_actuator_delay_vel, self.steer_actuator_delay_range)

    # Update vehicle model
    x = max(sm['liveParameters'].stiffnessFactor, 0.1)
    #sr = max(sm['liveParameters'].steerRatio, 0.1)
    sr = max(self.new_steerRatio, 0.1)
    VM.update_params(x, sr)

    curvature_factor = VM.curvature_factor(v_ego)


    # Lane change logic
    one_blinker = sm['carState'].leftBlinker != sm['carState'].rightBlinker
    below_lane_change_speed = v_ego < LANE_CHANGE_SPEED_MIN

    if sm['carState'].leftBlinker:
      self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.left
    elif sm['carState'].rightBlinker:
      self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.right

    #if (not active) or (self.lane_change_timer > LANE_CHANGE_TIME_MAX) or (not one_blinker) or (not self.lane_change_enabled):
    if (not active) or (self.lane_change_timer > LANE_CHANGE_TIME_MAX) or (not self.lane_change_enabled) or ( abs(output_scale) >= 0.9 and self.lane_change_timer > 1):
      self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
      self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none
      torque_applied = sm['carState'].steeringPressed and \
                       ((sm['carState'].steeringTorque > 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                        (sm['carState'].steeringTorque < 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right))

      blindspot_detected = ((sm['carState'].leftBlindspot and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                            (sm['carState'].rightBlindspot and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right))

      lane_change_prob = self.LP.l_lane_change_prob + self.LP.r_lane_change_prob

      # State transitions
      # off
      if self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off and one_blinker and not self.prev_one_blinker and not below_lane_change_speed:
        self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
        self.lane_change_ll_prob = 1.0
        self.lane_change_wait_timer = 0

      # pre
      elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.preLaneChange:
        self.lane_change_wait_timer += DT_MDL
        if not one_blinker or below_lane_change_speed:
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
        elif not blindspot_detected and (torque_applied or (self.lane_change_auto_delay and self.lane_change_wait_timer > self.lane_change_auto_delay)):
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting

      # starting
      elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting:
        # fade out over .5s
        self.lane_change_adjust_new = interp(v_ego, self.lane_change_adjust_vel, self.lane_change_adjust)
        self.lane_change_ll_prob = max(self.lane_change_ll_prob - self.lane_change_adjust_new*DT_MDL, 0.0)
        # 98% certainty
        if lane_change_prob < 0.03 and self.lane_change_ll_prob < 0.02:
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing

      # finishing
      elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing:
        # fade in laneline over 1s
        self.lane_change_ll_prob = min(self.lane_change_ll_prob + DT_MDL, 1.0)
        if one_blinker and self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.98:
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
        elif self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.98:
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off

    if self.lane_change_state in [LaneChangeState.off, LaneChangeState.preLaneChange]:
      self.lane_change_timer = 0.0
      self.lane_change_timer += DT_MDL

    self.prev_one_blinker = one_blinker

    desire = DESIRES[self.lane_change_direction][self.lane_change_state]

    # Turn off lanes during lane change
    if desire == log.PathPlan.Desire.laneChangeRight or desire == log.PathPlan.Desire.laneChangeLeft:
      self.LP.l_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
      self.LP.r_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
    self.LP.update_d_poly(v_ego, sm)

    # account for actuation delay
    self.cur_state = calc_states_after_delay(self.cur_state, v_ego, angle_steers - angle_offset, curvature_factor, VM.sR, self.new_steer_actuator_delay)

    v_ego_mpc = max(v_ego, 5.0)  # avoid mpc roughness due to low speed
    self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution,
                        list(self.LP.l_poly), list(self.LP.r_poly), list(self.LP.d_poly),
                        self.LP.l_prob, self.LP.r_prob, curvature_factor, v_ego_mpc, self.LP.lane_width)

    # reset to current steer angle if not active or overriding
    if active:
      delta_desired = self.mpc_solution[0].delta[1]
      rate_desired = math.degrees(self.mpc_solution[0].rate[0] * VM.sR)
      delta_desired = math.radians(angle_steers - angle_offset) / VM.sR
      rate_desired = 0.0

    self.cur_state[0].delta = delta_desired

    self.angle_steers_des_mpc = float(math.degrees(delta_desired * VM.sR) + angle_offset)

    #  Check for infeasable MPC solution
    mpc_nans = any(math.isnan(x) for x in self.mpc_solution[0].delta)
    t = sec_since_boot()
    if mpc_nans:
      self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.LANE, MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, self.new_steer_rate_cost)
      self.cur_state[0].delta = math.radians(angle_steers - angle_offset) / VM.sR

      if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
        self.last_cloudlog_t = t
        cloudlog.warning("Lateral mpc - nan: True")

    if self.mpc_solution[0].cost > 20000. or mpc_nans:   # TODO: find a better way to detect when MPC did not converge
      self.solution_invalid_cnt += 1
      self.solution_invalid_cnt = 0
    plan_solution_valid = self.solution_invalid_cnt < 3

    plan_send = messaging.new_message('pathPlan')
    plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'liveParameters', 'model'])
    plan_send.pathPlan.laneWidth = float(self.LP.lane_width)
    plan_send.pathPlan.dPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.d_poly]
    plan_send.pathPlan.lPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.l_poly]
    plan_send.pathPlan.lProb = float(self.LP.l_prob)
    plan_send.pathPlan.rPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.r_poly]
    plan_send.pathPlan.rProb = float(self.LP.r_prob)

    plan_send.pathPlan.angleSteers = float(self.angle_steers_des_mpc)
    plan_send.pathPlan.rateSteers = float(rate_desired)
    if self.angle_offset_select == 0:
      plan_send.pathPlan.angleOffset = float(sm['liveParameters'].angleOffsetAverage)
      plan_send.pathPlan.angleOffset = float(sm['liveParameters'].angleOffset)
    plan_send.pathPlan.mpcSolutionValid = bool(plan_solution_valid)
    plan_send.pathPlan.paramsValid = bool(sm['liveParameters'].valid)

    plan_send.pathPlan.desire = desire
    plan_send.pathPlan.laneChangeState = self.lane_change_state
    plan_send.pathPlan.laneChangeDirection = self.lane_change_direction
    plan_send.pathPlan.steerRatio = VM.sR
    plan_send.pathPlan.steerActuatorDelay = self.new_steer_actuator_delay
    plan_send.pathPlan.steerRateCost = self.new_steer_rate_cost
    plan_send.pathPlan.outputScale = output_scale

    if stand_still:
      self.standstill_elapsed_time += DT_MDL
      self.standstill_elapsed_time = 0.0
    plan_send.pathPlan.standstillElapsedTime = int(self.standstill_elapsed_time)

    pm.send('pathPlan', plan_send)

    if LOG_MPC:
      dat = messaging.new_message('liveMpc')
      dat.liveMpc.x = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x)
      dat.liveMpc.y = list(self.mpc_solution[0].y)
      dat.liveMpc.psi = list(self.mpc_solution[0].psi)
      dat.liveMpc.delta = list(self.mpc_solution[0].delta)
      dat.liveMpc.cost = self.mpc_solution[0].cost
      pm.send('liveMpc', dat)
Example #6
def fingerprint(logcan, sendcan, has_relay):
  fixed_fingerprint = os.environ.get('FINGERPRINT', "")
  skip_fw_query = os.environ.get('SKIP_FW_QUERY', False)

  if has_relay and not fixed_fingerprint and not skip_fw_query:
    # Vin query only reliably works thorugh OBDII
    bus = 1

    cached_params = Params().get("CarParamsCache")
    if cached_params is not None:
      cached_params = car.CarParams.from_bytes(cached_params)
      if cached_params.carName == "mock":
        cached_params = None

    if cached_params is not None and len(cached_params.carFw) > 0 and cached_params.carVin is not VIN_UNKNOWN:
      cloudlog.warning("Using cached CarParams")
      vin = cached_params.carVin
      car_fw = list(cached_params.carFw)
      cloudlog.warning("Getting VIN & FW versions")
      _, vin = get_vin(logcan, sendcan, bus)
      car_fw = get_fw_versions(logcan, sendcan, bus)

    exact_fw_match, fw_candidates = match_fw_to_car(car_fw)
    vin = VIN_UNKNOWN
    exact_fw_match, fw_candidates, car_fw = True, set(), []

  cloudlog.warning("VIN %s", vin)
  Params().put("CarVin", vin)

  finger = gen_empty_fingerprint()
  candidate_cars = {i: all_known_cars() for i in [0]}  # attempt fingerprint on bus 0 only
  frame = 0
  frame_fingerprint = 10  # 0.1s
  car_fingerprint = None
  done = False

  while not done:
    a = get_one_can(logcan)

    for can in a.can:
      # need to independently try to fingerprint both bus 0 and 1 to work
      # for the combo black_panda and honda_bosch. Ignore extended messages
      # and VIN query response.
      # Include bus 2 for toyotas to disambiguate cars using camera messages
      # (ideally should be done for all cars but we can't for Honda Bosch)
      if can.src in range(0, 4):
        finger[can.src][can.address] = len(can.dat)
      for b in candidate_cars:
        if (can.src == b or (only_toyota_left(candidate_cars[b]) and can.src == 2)) and \
           can.address < 0x800 and can.address not in [0x7df, 0x7e0, 0x7e8]:
          candidate_cars[b] = eliminate_incompatible_cars(can, candidate_cars[b])

    # if we only have one car choice and the time since we got our first
    # message has elapsed, exit
    for b in candidate_cars:
      # Toyota needs higher time to fingerprint, since DSU does not broadcast immediately
      if only_toyota_left(candidate_cars[b]):
        frame_fingerprint = 100  # 1s
      if len(candidate_cars[b]) == 1 and frame > frame_fingerprint:
          # fingerprint done
          car_fingerprint = candidate_cars[b][0]

    # bail if no cars left or we've been waiting for more than 2s
    failed = (all(len(cc) == 0 for cc in candidate_cars.values()) and frame > frame_fingerprint) or frame > 200
    succeeded = car_fingerprint is not None
    done = failed or succeeded

    frame += 1

  exact_match = True
  source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.can

  # If FW query returns exactly 1 candidate, use it
  if len(fw_candidates) == 1:
    car_fingerprint = list(fw_candidates)[0]
    source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.fw
    exact_match = exact_fw_match

  if fixed_fingerprint:
    car_fingerprint = fixed_fingerprint
    source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.fixed

  cloudlog.warning("fingerprinted %s", car_fingerprint)
  return car_fingerprint, finger, vin, car_fw, source, exact_match
Example #7
  def update(self, sm):
    v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo
    active = sm['controlsState'].active
    measured_curvature = sm['controlsState'].curvature

    md = sm['modelV2']
    if len(md.position.x) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE and len(md.orientation.x) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE:
      self.path_xyz = np.column_stack([md.position.x, md.position.y, md.position.z])
      self.t_idxs = np.array(md.position.t)
      self.plan_yaw = list(md.orientation.z)
    if len(md.position.xStd) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE:
      self.path_xyz_stds = np.column_stack([md.position.xStd, md.position.yStd, md.position.zStd])

    # Lane change logic
    one_blinker = sm['carState'].leftBlinker != sm['carState'].rightBlinker
    below_lane_change_speed = v_ego < LANE_CHANGE_SPEED_MIN

    if (not active) or (self.lane_change_timer > LANE_CHANGE_TIME_MAX) or (not one_blinker) or (not self.lane_change_enabled):
      self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
      self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none
      torque_applied = sm['carState'].steeringPressed and \
                       ((sm['carState'].steeringTorque > 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                        (sm['carState'].steeringTorque < 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right)) or \
                        self.auto_lane_change_enabled and \
                       (AUTO_LCA_START_TIME+0.25) > self.auto_lane_change_timer > AUTO_LCA_START_TIME

      blindspot_detected = ((sm['carState'].leftBlindspot and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                            (sm['carState'].rightBlindspot and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right))

      lane_change_prob = self.LP.l_lane_change_prob + self.LP.r_lane_change_prob

      # State transitions
      # off
      if self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off and one_blinker and not self.prev_one_blinker and not below_lane_change_speed:
        if sm['carState'].leftBlinker:
          self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.left
        elif sm['carState'].rightBlinker:
          self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.right

        self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
        self.lane_change_ll_prob = 1.0

      # pre
      elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.preLaneChange:
        if not one_blinker or below_lane_change_speed:
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
        elif torque_applied and (not blindspot_detected or self.prev_torque_applied):
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting
        elif torque_applied and blindspot_detected and self.auto_lane_change_timer != 10.0:
          self.auto_lane_change_timer = 10.0
        elif not torque_applied and self.auto_lane_change_timer == 10.0 and not self.prev_torque_applied:
          self.prev_torque_applied = True

      # LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting
      elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting:
        # fade out over .5s
        self.lane_change_ll_prob = max(self.lane_change_ll_prob - 2*DT_MDL, 0.0)
        # 98% certainty
        if lane_change_prob < 0.02 and self.lane_change_ll_prob < 0.01:
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing

      # LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing
      elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing:
        # fade in laneline over 1s
        self.lane_change_ll_prob = min(self.lane_change_ll_prob + DT_MDL, 1.0)
        if self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.99:
          self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none
          if one_blinker:
            self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
            self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off

    if self.lane_change_state in (LaneChangeState.off, LaneChangeState.preLaneChange):
      self.lane_change_timer = 0.0
      self.lane_change_timer += DT_MDL

    if self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off:
      self.auto_lane_change_timer = 0.0
      self.prev_torque_applied = False
    elif self.auto_lane_change_timer < (AUTO_LCA_START_TIME+0.25): # stop afer 3 sec resume from 10 when torque applied
      self.auto_lane_change_timer += DT_MDL

    self.prev_one_blinker = one_blinker

    self.desire = DESIRES[self.lane_change_direction][self.lane_change_state]

    # Send keep pulse once per second during LaneChangeStart.preLaneChange
    if self.lane_change_state in (LaneChangeState.off, LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting):
      self.keep_pulse_timer = 0.0
    elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.preLaneChange:
      self.keep_pulse_timer += DT_MDL
      if self.keep_pulse_timer > 1.0:
        self.keep_pulse_timer = 0.0
      elif self.desire in (log.LateralPlan.Desire.keepLeft, log.LateralPlan.Desire.keepRight):
        self.desire = log.LateralPlan.Desire.none

    # Turn off lanes during lane change
    if self.desire == log.LateralPlan.Desire.laneChangeRight or self.desire == log.LateralPlan.Desire.laneChangeLeft:
      self.LP.lll_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
      self.LP.rll_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
    if self.use_lanelines:
      d_path_xyz = self.LP.get_d_path(v_ego, self.t_idxs, self.path_xyz)
      self.lat_mpc.set_weights(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, ntune_common_get('steerRateCost'))
      d_path_xyz = self.path_xyz
      path_cost = np.clip(abs(self.path_xyz[0, 1] / self.path_xyz_stds[0, 1]), 0.5, 1.5) * MPC_COST_LAT.PATH
      # Heading cost is useful at low speed, otherwise end of plan can be off-heading
      heading_cost = interp(v_ego, [5.0, 10.0], [MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, 0.0])
      self.lat_mpc.set_weights(path_cost, heading_cost, ntune_common_get('steerRateCost'))

    y_pts = np.interp(v_ego * self.t_idxs[:LAT_MPC_N + 1], np.linalg.norm(d_path_xyz, axis=1), d_path_xyz[:,1])
    heading_pts = np.interp(v_ego * self.t_idxs[:LAT_MPC_N + 1], np.linalg.norm(self.path_xyz, axis=1), self.plan_yaw)
    self.y_pts = y_pts

    assert len(y_pts) == LAT_MPC_N + 1
    assert len(heading_pts) == LAT_MPC_N + 1
    # self.x0[4] = v_ego
    p = np.array([v_ego, CAR_ROTATION_RADIUS])
    # init state for next
    self.x0[3] = interp(DT_MDL, self.t_idxs[:LAT_MPC_N + 1], self.lat_mpc.x_sol[:, 3])

    #  Check for infeasible MPC solution
    mpc_nans = np.isnan(self.lat_mpc.x_sol[:, 3]).any()
    t = sec_since_boot()
    if mpc_nans or self.lat_mpc.solution_status != 0:
      self.x0[3] = measured_curvature
      if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
        self.last_cloudlog_t = t
        cloudlog.warning("Lateral mpc - nan: True")

    if self.lat_mpc.cost > 20000. or mpc_nans:
      self.solution_invalid_cnt += 1
      self.solution_invalid_cnt = 0
Example #8
    def update(self, sm, pm, CP, VM):
        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo
        angle_steers = sm['carState'].steeringAngle
        active = sm['controlsState'].active

        angle_offset = sm['liveParameters'].angleOffset

        self.LP.update(v_ego, sm['model'])

        # Run MPC
        self.angle_steers_des_prev = self.angle_steers_des_mpc
        curvature_factor = VM.curvature_factor(v_ego)

        # TODO: Check for active, override, and saturation
        # if active:
        #   self.path_offset_i += self.LP.d_poly[3] / (60.0 * 20.0)
        #   self.path_offset_i = clip(self.path_offset_i, -0.5,  0.5)
        #   self.LP.d_poly[3] += self.path_offset_i
        # else:
        #   self.path_offset_i = 0.0

        # account for actuation delay
        self.cur_state = calc_states_after_delay(self.cur_state, v_ego,
                                                 angle_steers - angle_offset,
                                                 curvature_factor, VM.sR,

        v_ego_mpc = max(v_ego, 5.0)  # avoid mpc roughness due to low speed
        self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution,
                            list(self.LP.l_poly), list(self.LP.r_poly),
                            list(self.LP.d_poly), self.LP.l_prob,
                            self.LP.r_prob, curvature_factor, v_ego_mpc,

        # reset to current steer angle if not active or overriding
        if active:
            delta_desired = self.mpc_solution[0].delta[1]
            rate_desired = math.degrees(self.mpc_solution[0].rate[0] * VM.sR)
            delta_desired = math.radians(angle_steers - angle_offset) / VM.sR
            rate_desired = 0.0

        self.cur_state[0].delta = delta_desired

        self.angle_steers_des_mpc = float(
            math.degrees(delta_desired * VM.sR) + angle_offset)

        #  Check for infeasable MPC solution
        mpc_nans = np.any(np.isnan(list(self.mpc_solution[0].delta)))
        t = sec_since_boot()
        if mpc_nans:
            self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.LANE,
                             MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, CP.steerRateCost)
            self.cur_state[0].delta = math.radians(angle_steers -
                                                   angle_offset) / VM.sR

            if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
                self.last_cloudlog_t = t
                cloudlog.warning("Lateral mpc - nan: True")

        if self.mpc_solution[
                0].cost > 20000. or mpc_nans:  # TODO: find a better way to detect when MPC did not converge
            self.solution_invalid_cnt += 1
            self.solution_invalid_cnt = 0
        plan_solution_valid = self.solution_invalid_cnt < 2

        plan_send = messaging.new_message()
        plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(service_list=[
            'carState', 'controlsState', 'liveParameters', 'model'
        plan_send.pathPlan.laneWidth = float(self.LP.lane_width)
        plan_send.pathPlan.dPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.d_poly]
        plan_send.pathPlan.lPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.l_poly]
        plan_send.pathPlan.lProb = float(self.LP.l_prob)
        plan_send.pathPlan.rPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.r_poly]
        plan_send.pathPlan.rProb = float(self.LP.r_prob)

        plan_send.pathPlan.angleSteers = float(self.angle_steers_des_mpc)
        plan_send.pathPlan.rateSteers = float(rate_desired)
        plan_send.pathPlan.angleOffset = float(
        plan_send.pathPlan.mpcSolutionValid = bool(plan_solution_valid)
        plan_send.pathPlan.paramsValid = bool(sm['liveParameters'].valid)
        plan_send.pathPlan.sensorValid = bool(sm['liveParameters'].sensorValid)
        plan_send.pathPlan.posenetValid = bool(

        pm.send('pathPlan', plan_send)

        if LOG_MPC:
            dat = messaging.new_message()
            dat.liveMpc.x = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x)
            dat.liveMpc.y = list(self.mpc_solution[0].y)
            dat.liveMpc.psi = list(self.mpc_solution[0].psi)
            dat.liveMpc.delta = list(self.mpc_solution[0].delta)
            dat.liveMpc.cost = self.mpc_solution[0].cost
            pm.send('liveMpc', dat)
Example #9
    def update(self, pm, CS, lead):
        v_ego = CS.vEgo

        # Setup current mpc state
        self.cur_state[0].x_ego = 0.0

        if lead is not None and lead.status:
            self.x_lead = x_lead = lead.dRel
            self.v_lead = v_lead = max(0.0, lead.vLead)
            a_lead = lead.aLeadK

            if (v_lead < 0.1 or -a_lead / 2.0 > v_lead):
                v_lead = 0.0
                a_lead = 0.0

            self.a_lead_tau = lead.aLeadTau
            self.new_lead = False
            if not self.prev_lead_status or abs(x_lead -
                                                self.prev_lead_x) > 2.5:
                self.libmpc.init_with_simulation(self.v_mpc, x_lead, v_lead,
                                                 a_lead, self.a_lead_tau)
                self.new_lead = True

            self.prev_lead_status = True
            self.prev_lead_x = x_lead
            self.cur_state[0].x_l = x_lead
            self.cur_state[0].v_l = v_lead
            self.prev_lead_status = False
            # Fake a fast lead car, so mpc keeps running
            self.cur_state[0].x_l = 50.0
            self.cur_state[0].v_l = v_ego + 10.0
            a_lead = 0.0
            self.a_lead_tau = _LEAD_ACCEL_TAU
            self.v_lead = 0.
            self.x_lead = 0.

        # Calculate mpc
        t = sec_since_boot()
        maxTR = interp(v_ego, BpTr, TrY)
        if v_ego < 25. or self.x_lead < 25.:
            maxTR = max(maxTR, interp((self.v_lead - v_ego), BpvlTr, TrvlY))

        if self.v_lead < v_ego + .6 and v_ego > .3:
            if self.x_lead < 25.:
                maxTR *= 1.1
                TR = self.last_TR + .01
            elif self.v_lead - v_ego < -10.:
                maxTR *= 0.75
                TR = self.last_TR + .005
                TR = self.last_TR + .005
            if self.x_lead > 65.:
                maxTR *= 0.85
                TR = self.last_TR - .025
                TR = self.last_TR - .0025

        TR = clip(TR, 0.7, maxTR)
        if v_ego < 5. and self.v_lead > v_ego + .5:
            TR = 0.25
            TR = clip(TR, 0.25, maxTR)
        self.last_TR = TR

        n_its = self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution,
                                    self.a_lead_tau, a_lead, TR)
        duration = int((sec_since_boot() - t) * 1e9)

        if LOG_MPC:
            self.send_mpc_solution(pm, n_its, duration)

        # Get solution. MPC timestep is 0.2 s, so interpolation to 0.05 s is needed
        self.v_mpc = self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego[1]
        self.a_mpc = self.mpc_solution[0].a_ego[1]
        self.v_mpc_future = self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego[10]

        # Reset if NaN or goes through lead car
        crashing = any(lead - ego < -50 for (
            ego) in zip(self.mpc_solution[0].x_l, self.mpc_solution[0].x_ego))
        nans = any(math.isnan(x) for x in self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego)
        backwards = min(self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego) < -0.01

        if ((backwards or crashing) and self.prev_lead_status) or nans:
            if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
                self.last_cloudlog_t = t
                    "Longitudinal mpc %d reset - backwards: %s crashing: %s nan: %s"
                    % (self.mpc_id, backwards, crashing, nans))

            self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LONG.TTC, MPC_COST_LONG.DISTANCE,
                             MPC_COST_LONG.ACCELERATION, MPC_COST_LONG.JERK)
            self.cur_state[0].v_ego = v_ego
            self.cur_state[0].a_ego = 0.0
            self.v_mpc = v_ego
            self.a_mpc = CS.aEgo
            self.prev_lead_status = False
Example #10
  def update(self, sm, pm, CP, VM):
    limit_steers1 = 0
    limit_steers2 = 0
    debug_status = 0
    v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo
    angle_steers = sm['carState'].steeringAngle
    active = sm['controlsState'].active
    steeringPressed = sm['carState'].steeringPressed 
    saturated_steering = sm['controlsState'].steerSaturated
    live_steerratio = sm['liveParameters'].steerRatio
    mode_select = sm['carState'].cruiseState.modeSel
    steeringTorque = sm['carState'].steeringTorque    
    angle_offset = sm['liveParameters'].angleOffset
    model_sum = sm['controlsState'].modelSum
    v_ego_kph = v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH    

    # Run MPC
    self.angle_steers_des_prev = self.angle_steers_des_mpc

    if saturated_steering:
      self.mpc_frame += 1
      if self.mpc_frame % 10 == 0:
        self.new_steerRatio += 0.1
        if self.new_steerRatio >= 16.5:
          self.new_steerRatio = 16.5
        self.mpc_frame = 0
      self.mpc_frame += 1
      if self.mpc_frame % 20 == 0:
        self.new_steerRatio -= 0.1
        if self.new_steerRatio <= CP.steerRatio:
          self.new_steerRatio = CP.steerRatio
        self.mpc_frame = 0

    # Update vehicle model
    x = max(sm['liveParameters'].stiffnessFactor, 0.1)
    #sr = max(sm['liveParameters'].steerRatio, 0.1)
    sr = max(self.new_steerRatio, 0.1)
    VM.update_params(x, sr)

    curvature_factor = VM.curvature_factor(v_ego)


    # Lane change logic
    one_blinker = sm['carState'].leftBlinker != sm['carState'].rightBlinker
    below_lane_change_speed = v_ego < LANE_CHANGE_SPEED_MIN

    if sm['carState'].leftBlinker:
      self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.left
    elif sm['carState'].rightBlinker:
      self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.right

    if (not active) or (self.lane_change_timer > LANE_CHANGE_TIME_MAX) or (not one_blinker) or (not self.lane_change_enabled):
      self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
      self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none
      torque_applied = sm['carState'].steeringPressed and \
                       ((sm['carState'].steeringTorque > 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                        (sm['carState'].steeringTorque < 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right))

      blindspot_detected = ((sm['carState'].leftBlindspot and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                            (sm['carState'].rightBlindspot and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right))

      lane_change_prob = self.LP.l_lane_change_prob + self.LP.r_lane_change_prob

      # State transitions
      # off
      if self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off and one_blinker and not self.prev_one_blinker and not below_lane_change_speed:
        self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
        self.lane_change_ll_prob = 1.0
        self.lane_change_wait_timer = 0

      # pre
      elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.preLaneChange:
        self.lane_change_wait_timer += DT_MDL
        if not one_blinker or below_lane_change_speed:
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
        elif not blindspot_detected and (torque_applied or (self.lane_change_auto_delay and self.lane_change_wait_timer > self.lane_change_auto_delay)):
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting

      # starting
      elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting:
        # fade out over .5s
        self.lane_change_adjust_new = interp(v_ego, self.lane_change_adjust_vel, self.lane_change_adjust)
        self.lane_change_ll_prob = max(self.lane_change_ll_prob - self.lane_change_adjust_new*DT_MDL, 0.0)
        # 98% certainty
        if lane_change_prob < 0.02 and self.lane_change_ll_prob < 0.01:
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing

      # finishing
      elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing:
        # fade in laneline over 1s
        self.lane_change_ll_prob = min(self.lane_change_ll_prob + DT_MDL, 1.0)
        if one_blinker and self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.99:
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeDone

      # done
      elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeDone:
        if not one_blinker:
          self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off

    if self.lane_change_state in [LaneChangeState.off, LaneChangeState.preLaneChange]:
      self.lane_change_timer = 0.0
      self.lane_change_timer += DT_MDL

    self.prev_one_blinker = one_blinker

    desire = DESIRES[self.lane_change_direction][self.lane_change_state]

    # Turn off lanes during lane change
    if desire == log.PathPlan.Desire.laneChangeRight or desire == log.PathPlan.Desire.laneChangeLeft:
      self.LP.l_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
      self.LP.r_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
    self.LP.update_d_poly(v_ego, sm)

    # account for actuation delay
    if mode_select == 3:
      self.cur_state = calc_states_after_delay(self.cur_state, v_ego, angle_steers - angle_offset, curvature_factor, VM.sR, (CP.steerActuatorDelay + 0.05))
      self.cur_state = calc_states_after_delay(self.cur_state, v_ego, angle_steers - angle_offset, curvature_factor, VM.sR, CP.steerActuatorDelay)

    v_ego_mpc = max(v_ego, 5.0)  # avoid mpc roughness due to low speed
    self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution,
                        list(self.LP.l_poly), list(self.LP.r_poly), list(self.LP.d_poly),
                        self.LP.l_prob, self.LP.r_prob, curvature_factor, v_ego_mpc, self.LP.lane_width)

    # reset to current steer angle if not active or overriding
    if active:
      delta_desired = self.mpc_solution[0].delta[1]
      rate_desired = math.degrees(self.mpc_solution[0].rate[0] * VM.sR)
      delta_desired = math.radians(angle_steers - angle_offset) / VM.sR
      rate_desired = 0.0

    self.cur_state[0].delta = delta_desired

    self.angle_steers_des_mpc = float(math.degrees(delta_desired * VM.sR) + angle_offset)

    # Atom 
    # org_angle_steers_des = self.angle_steers_des_mpc
    # delta_steer = org_angle_steers_des - angle_steers

    # if self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting:
    #   debug_status = 0
    #   xp = [40,70]
    #   fp2 = [5,10]
    #   limit_steers = interp( v_ego_kph, xp, fp2 )
    #   self.angle_steers_des_mpc = self.limit_ctrl( org_angle_steers_des, limit_steers, angle_steers )      
    # elif steeringPressed:
    #   debug_status = 1
    #   if angle_steers > 10 and steeringTorque > 0:
    #     delta_steer = max( delta_steer, 0 )
    #     delta_steer = min( delta_steer, DST_ANGLE_LIMIT )
    #     self.angle_steers_des_mpc = angle_steers + delta_steer
    #   elif angle_steers < -10  and steeringTorque < 0:
    #     delta_steer = min( delta_steer, 0 )
    #     delta_steer = max( delta_steer, -DST_ANGLE_LIMIT )        
    #     self.angle_steers_des_mpc = angle_steers + delta_steer
    #   else:
    #     debug_status = 2
    #     if steeringTorque < 0:  # right
    #       if delta_steer > 0:
    #         self.angle_steers_des_mpc = self.limit_ctrl( org_angle_steers_des, DST_ANGLE_LIMIT, angle_steers )
    #     elif steeringTorque > 0:  # left
    #       if delta_steer < 0:
    #         self.angle_steers_des_mpc = self.limit_ctrl( org_angle_steers_des, DST_ANGLE_LIMIT, angle_steers )
    # elif v_ego_kph < 20 : #and abs(angle_steers) < 5.0 : 
    #   debug_status = 3
    # # 저속 와리가리 제어.  
    #   xp = [5,10,20]
    #   fp2 = [1,3,7]
    #   limit_steers = interp( v_ego_kph, xp, fp2 )
    #   self.angle_steers_des_mpc = self.limit_ctrl( org_angle_steers_des, limit_steers, angle_steers )
    # elif v_ego_kph > 85: 
    #   debug_status = 4
    #   pass
    # elif abs(angle_steers) > 25: 
    # # #최대 허용 조향각 제어 로직 1.  
    #   debug_status = 5
    #   xp = [-30,-20,-10,-5,0,5,10,20,30]    # 5=>약12도, 10=>28 15=>35, 30=>52
    #   fp1 = [ 3, 5, 7, 9,11,13,15,13,11,9]    # +
    #   fp2 = [ 9,11,13,15,13,11, 9, 7, 5,3]    # -
    #   # fp1 = [ 5, 7, 9,11,13,15,17,15,12]    # +
    #   # fp2 = [12,15,17,15,13,11, 9, 7, 5]    # -
    #   # xp = [-40,-30,-20,-10,-5,0,5,10,20,30,40]    # 5=>약12도, 10=>28 15=>35, 30=>52
    #   # fp1 = [ 3, 5, 7, 9,11,13,15,17,15,12,10]    # +
    #   # fp2 = [10,12,15,17,15,13,11, 9, 7, 5, 3]    # -      
    #   limit_steers1 = interp( model_sum, xp, fp1 )  # +
    #   limit_steers2 = interp( model_sum, xp, fp2 )  # -
    #   self.angle_steers_des_mpc = self.limit_ctrl1( org_angle_steers_des, limit_steers1, limit_steers2, angle_steers )
    # str1 = '#/{} CVs/{} LS1/{} LS2/{} Ang/{} oDES/{} delta1/{} fDES/{} '.format(   
    #           debug_status, model_sum, limit_steers1, limit_steers2, angle_steers, org_angle_steers_des, delta_steer, self.angle_steers_des_mpc)

    # # Conan : 최대 허용 조향각 제어 로직 2.  
    # delta_steer2 = self.angle_steers_des_mpc - angle_steers
    # if delta_steer2 > DST_ANGLE_LIMIT:   
    #   p_angle_steers = angle_steers + DST_ANGLE_LIMIT
    #   self.angle_steers_des_mpc = p_angle_steers
    # elif delta_steer2 < -DST_ANGLE_LIMIT:
    #   m_angle_steers = angle_steers - DST_ANGLE_LIMIT
    #   self.angle_steers_des_mpc = m_angle_steers

    # str2 = 'delta2/{} fDES2/{}'.format(   
    #         delta_steer2, self.angle_steers_des_mpc)
    # self.trRapidCurv.add( str1 + str2 )        

    # Hoya : 가변 sR rate_cost 
    # self.sr_boost_bp = [ 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 30.0]
    # self.sR_Cost     = [ 1.00, 0.75, 0.60, 0.30] 
    # steerRateCost  = interp(abs(angle_steers), self.sr_boost_bp, self.sR_Cost)

    #  Check for infeasable MPC solution
    mpc_nans = any(math.isnan(x) for x in self.mpc_solution[0].delta)
    t = sec_since_boot()
    if mpc_nans:
      self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.LANE, MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, CP.steerRateCost) # CP.steerRateCost < steerRateCost
      self.cur_state[0].delta = math.radians(angle_steers - angle_offset) / VM.sR

      if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
        self.last_cloudlog_t = t
        cloudlog.warning("Lateral mpc - nan: True")

    if self.mpc_solution[0].cost > 20000. or mpc_nans:   # TODO: find a better way to detect when MPC did not converge
      self.solution_invalid_cnt += 1
      self.solution_invalid_cnt = 0
    plan_solution_valid = self.solution_invalid_cnt < 3

    plan_send = messaging.new_message('pathPlan')
    plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(service_list=['carState', 'controlsState', 'liveParameters', 'model'])
    plan_send.pathPlan.laneWidth = float(self.LP.lane_width)
    plan_send.pathPlan.dPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.d_poly]
    plan_send.pathPlan.lPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.l_poly]
    plan_send.pathPlan.lProb = float(self.LP.l_prob)
    plan_send.pathPlan.rPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.r_poly]
    plan_send.pathPlan.rProb = float(self.LP.r_prob)

    plan_send.pathPlan.angleSteers = float(self.angle_steers_des_mpc)
    plan_send.pathPlan.rateSteers = float(rate_desired)
    plan_send.pathPlan.angleOffset = float(sm['liveParameters'].angleOffset)
    #plan_send.pathPlan.angleOffset = float(sm['liveParameters'].angleOffsetAverage)    
    plan_send.pathPlan.mpcSolutionValid = bool(plan_solution_valid)
    plan_send.pathPlan.paramsValid = bool(sm['liveParameters'].valid)

    plan_send.pathPlan.desire = desire
    plan_send.pathPlan.laneChangeState = self.lane_change_state
    plan_send.pathPlan.laneChangeDirection = self.lane_change_direction
    plan_send.pathPlan.steerRatio = VM.sR
    plan_send.pathPlan.steerActuatorDelay = CP.steerActuatorDelay    

    pm.send('pathPlan', plan_send)

    if LOG_MPC:
      dat = messaging.new_message('liveMpc')
      dat.liveMpc.x = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x)
      dat.liveMpc.y = list(self.mpc_solution[0].y)
      dat.liveMpc.psi = list(self.mpc_solution[0].psi)
      dat.liveMpc.delta = list(self.mpc_solution[0].delta)
      dat.liveMpc.cost = self.mpc_solution[0].cost
      pm.send('liveMpc', dat)
Example #11
def update_panda():
    repo_version = get_expected_version()

    panda = None
    panda_dfu = None

    cloudlog.info("Connecting to panda")

    while True:
        # break on normal mode Panda
        panda_list = Panda.list()
        if len(panda_list) > 0:
            cloudlog.info("Panda found, connecting")
            panda = Panda(panda_list[0])

        # flash on DFU mode Panda
        panda_dfu = PandaDFU.list()
        if len(panda_dfu) > 0:
            cloudlog.info("Panda in DFU mode found, flashing recovery")
            panda_dfu = PandaDFU(panda_dfu[0])

        print("waiting for board...")

        serial = panda.get_serial()[0].decode("utf-8")
    except Exception:
        serial = None
    current_version = "bootstub" if panda.bootstub else panda.get_version()
    cloudlog.warning("Panda %s connected, version: %s, expected %s" %
                     (serial, current_version, repo_version))

    if panda.bootstub or not current_version.startswith(repo_version):
        cloudlog.info("Panda firmware out of date, update required")

        signed_fn = os.path.join(BASEDIR, "board", "obj", "panda.bin.signed")
        if os.path.exists(signed_fn):
            cloudlog.info("Flashing signed firmware")
            cloudlog.info("Building and flashing unsigned firmware")

        cloudlog.info("Done flashing")

    if panda.bootstub:
            "Flashed firmware not booting, flashing development bootloader")
        cloudlog.info("Done flashing bootloader")

    if panda.bootstub:
        cloudlog.info("Panda still not booting, exiting")
        raise AssertionError

    version = panda.get_version()
    if not version.startswith(repo_version):
        cloudlog.info("Version mismatch after flashing, exiting")
        raise AssertionError
Example #12
def fingerprint(logcan, timeout):
    if os.getenv("SIMULATOR2") is not None:
        return ("simulator2", None)
    elif os.getenv("SIMULATOR") is not None:
        return ("simulator", None)

    params = Params()

    cached_fingerprint = params.get('CachedFingerprint')
    if cached_fingerprint is not None and kegman.get(
            "useCarCaching", True
    ):  # if we previously identified a car and fingerprint and user hasn't disabled caching
        cached_fingerprint = json.loads(cached_fingerprint)
            with open("/data/kegman.json", "r") as f:
            with open("/data/params/d/ControlsParams", "r") as f:
            with open("/data/params/d/LiveParameters", "r") as f:
        return (str(cached_fingerprint[0]), {
            long(key): value
            for key, value in cached_fingerprint[1].items()
        })  # not sure if dict of longs is required

    cloudlog.warning("waiting for fingerprint...")
    candidate_cars = all_known_cars()
    finger = {}
    st = None
    st_passive = sec_since_boot()  # only relevant when passive
    can_seen = False
    while 1:
        for a in messaging.drain_sock(logcan):
            for can in a.can:
                can_seen = True
                # ignore everything not on bus 0 and with more than 11 bits,
                # which are ussually sporadic and hard to include in fingerprints
                if can.src == 0 and can.address < 0x800:
                    finger[can.address] = len(can.dat)
                    candidate_cars = eliminate_incompatible_cars(
                        can, candidate_cars)

        if st is None and can_seen:
            st = sec_since_boot()  # start time
        ts = sec_since_boot()
        # if we only have one car choice and the time_fingerprint since we got our first
        # message has elapsed, exit. Toyota needs higher time_fingerprint, since DSU does not
        # broadcast immediately
        if len(candidate_cars) == 1 and st is not None:
            # TODO: better way to decide to wait more if Toyota
            time_fingerprint = 1.0 if ("TOYOTA" in candidate_cars[0] or "LEXUS"
                                       in candidate_cars[0]) else 0.1
            if (ts - st) > time_fingerprint:

        # bail if no cars left or we've been waiting too long
        elif len(candidate_cars) == 0 or (timeout and
                                          (ts - st_passive) > timeout):
            return None, finger

        with open("/data/kegman.json", "r") as f:
        with open("/data/params/d/ControlsParams", "r") as f:
        with open("/data/params/d/LiveParameters", "r") as f:

    cloudlog.warning("fingerprinted %s", candidate_cars[0])

                   {int(key): value
                    for key, value in finger.items()}
               ]))  # probably can remove long to int conversion
    return (candidate_cars[0], finger)
Example #13
def get_fw_versions(logcan,
    ecu_types = {}

    # Extract ECU adresses to query from fingerprints
    # ECUs using a subadress need be queried one by one, the rest can be done in parallel
    addrs = []
    parallel_addrs = []

    versions = get_attr_from_cars('FW_VERSIONS', combine_brands=False)
    if extra is not None:

    for brand, brand_versions in versions.items():
        for c in brand_versions.values():
            for ecu_type, addr, sub_addr in c.keys():
                a = (brand, addr, sub_addr)
                if a not in ecu_types:
                    ecu_types[(addr, sub_addr)] = ecu_type

                if sub_addr is None:
                    if a not in parallel_addrs:
                    if [a] not in addrs:

    addrs.insert(0, parallel_addrs)

    fw_versions = {}
    for i, addr in enumerate(tqdm(addrs, disable=not progress)):
        for addr_chunk in chunks(addr):
            for brand, request, response in REQUESTS:
                    addrs = [(a, s) for (b, a, s) in addr_chunk
                             if b in (brand, 'any')]

                    if addrs:
                        query = IsoTpParallelQuery(sendcan,
                        t = 2 * timeout if i == 0 else timeout
                except Exception:
                        f"FW query exception: {traceback.format_exc()}")

    # Build capnp list to put into CarParams
    car_fw = []
    for addr, version in fw_versions.items():
        f = car.CarParams.CarFw.new_message()

        f.ecu = ecu_types[addr]
        f.fwVersion = version
        f.address = addr[0]

        if addr[1] is not None:
            f.subAddress = addr[1]


    return car_fw
Example #14
    def update(self, CP, VM, CS, md, live100):
        v_ego = CS.carState.vEgo
        angle_steers = CS.carState.steeringAngle
        active = live100.live100.active
        angle_offset = live100.live100.angleOffset
        self.MP.update(v_ego, md)

        # Run MPC
        self.angle_steers_des_prev = self.angle_steers_des_mpc
        curvature_factor = VM.curvature_factor(v_ego)

        l_poly = libmpc_py.ffi.new("double[4]", list(self.MP.l_poly))
        r_poly = libmpc_py.ffi.new("double[4]", list(self.MP.r_poly))
        p_poly = libmpc_py.ffi.new("double[4]", list(self.MP.p_poly))

        # account for actuation delay
        #self.cur_state = calc_states_after_delay(self.cur_state, v_ego, angle_steers, curvature_factor, CP.steerRatio, CP.steerActuatorDelay)

        v_ego_mpc = max(v_ego, 5.0)  # avoid mpc roughness due to low speed
        self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution, l_poly, r_poly,
                            p_poly, self.MP.l_prob, self.MP.r_prob,
                            self.MP.p_prob, curvature_factor, v_ego_mpc,

        # reset to current steer angle if not active or overriding
        if active:
            delta_desired = self.mpc_solution[0].delta[1]
            delta_desired = math.radians(angle_steers -
                                         angle_offset) / CP.steerRatio

        self.cur_state[0].delta = delta_desired

        self.angle_steers_des_mpc = float(
            math.degrees(delta_desired * CP.steerRatio) + angle_offset)

        #  Check for infeasable MPC solution
        mpc_nans = np.any(np.isnan(list(self.mpc_solution[0].delta)))
        t = sec_since_boot()
        if mpc_nans:
            self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.LANE,
                             MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, CP.steerRateCost)
            self.cur_state[0].delta = math.radians(
                angle_steers) / CP.steerRatio

            if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
                self.last_cloudlog_t = t
                cloudlog.warning("Lateral mpc - nan: True")

        if self.mpc_solution[
                0].cost > 20000. or mpc_nans:  # TODO: find a better way to detect when MPC did not converge
            self.invalid_counter += 1
            self.invalid_counter = 0

        plan_valid = self.invalid_counter < 2

        plan_send = messaging.new_message()
        plan_send.pathPlan.laneWidth = float(self.MP.lane_width)
        plan_send.pathPlan.dPoly = map(float, self.MP.d_poly)
        plan_send.pathPlan.cPoly = map(float, self.MP.c_poly)
        plan_send.pathPlan.cProb = float(self.MP.c_prob)
        plan_send.pathPlan.lPoly = map(float, l_poly)
        plan_send.pathPlan.lProb = float(self.MP.l_prob)
        plan_send.pathPlan.rPoly = map(float, r_poly)
        plan_send.pathPlan.rProb = float(self.MP.r_prob)
        plan_send.pathPlan.angleSteers = float(self.angle_steers_des_mpc)
        plan_send.pathPlan.valid = bool(plan_valid)


        dat = messaging.new_message()
        dat.liveMpc.x = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x)
        dat.liveMpc.y = list(self.mpc_solution[0].y)
        dat.liveMpc.psi = list(self.mpc_solution[0].psi)
        dat.liveMpc.delta = list(self.mpc_solution[0].delta)
        dat.liveMpc.cost = self.mpc_solution[0].cost
Example #15
def thermald_thread():

  pm = messaging.PubMaster(['deviceState'])

  pandaState_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML)  # 2.5x the expected pandaState frequency
  pandaState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('pandaStates', timeout=pandaState_timeout)
  sm = messaging.SubMaster(["peripheralState", "gpsLocationExternal", "managerState"])

  fan_speed = 0
  count = 0

  startup_conditions = {
    "ignition": False,
  startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy()

  off_ts = None
  started_ts = None
  started_seen = False
  thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green
  usb_power = True

  network_type = NetworkType.none
  network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown
  network_info = None
  modem_version = None
  registered_count = 0
  nvme_temps = None
  modem_temps = None

  current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML)
  temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML)
  pandaState_prev = None
  should_start_prev = False
  in_car = False
  handle_fan = None
  is_uno = False
  ui_running_prev = False

  params = Params()
  power_monitor = PowerMonitoring()
  no_panda_cnt = 0

  thermal_config = HARDWARE.get_thermal_config()

  # TODO: use PI controller for UNO
  controller = PIController(k_p=0, k_i=2e-3, neg_limit=-80, pos_limit=0, rate=(1 / DT_TRML))

  # Leave flag for loggerd to indicate device was left onroad
  if params.get_bool("IsOnroad"):
    params.put_bool("BootedOnroad", True)

  while True:
    pandaStates = messaging.recv_sock(pandaState_sock, wait=True)

    peripheralState = sm['peripheralState']

    msg = read_thermal(thermal_config)

    if pandaStates is not None and len(pandaStates.pandaStates) > 0:
      pandaState = pandaStates.pandaStates[0]

      # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad
      if pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
        no_panda_cnt += 1
        if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML:
          if startup_conditions["ignition"]:
            cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad")
          startup_conditions["ignition"] = False
        no_panda_cnt = 0
        startup_conditions["ignition"] = pandaState.ignitionLine or pandaState.ignitionCan

      in_car = pandaState.harnessStatus != log.PandaState.HarnessStatus.notConnected
      usb_power = peripheralState.usbPowerMode != log.PeripheralState.UsbPowerMode.client

      # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda
      if handle_fan is None and peripheralState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
        is_uno = peripheralState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.uno

        if TICI:
          cloudlog.info("Setting up TICI fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_tici
        elif is_uno or PC:
          cloudlog.info("Setting up UNO fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_uno
          cloudlog.info("Setting up EON fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_eon

      # Handle disconnect
      if pandaState_prev is not None:
        if pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown and \
          pandaState_prev.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
      pandaState_prev = pandaState

    # these are expensive calls. update every 10s
    if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
        network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type()
        network_strength = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type)
        network_info = HARDWARE.get_network_info()  # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none
        nvme_temps = HARDWARE.get_nvme_temperatures()
        modem_temps = HARDWARE.get_modem_temperatures()

        # Log modem version once
        if modem_version is None:
          modem_version = HARDWARE.get_modem_version()  # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none
          if modem_version is not None:
            cloudlog.warning(f"Modem version: {modem_version}")

        if TICI and (network_info.get('state', None) == "REGISTERED"):
          registered_count += 1
          registered_count = 0

        if registered_count > 10:
          cloudlog.warning(f"Modem stuck in registered state {network_info}. nmcli conn up lte")
          os.system("nmcli conn up lte")
          registered_count = 0

      except Exception:
        cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status")

    msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent = get_available_percent(default=100.0)
    msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent = int(round(psutil.virtual_memory().percent))
    msg.deviceState.cpuUsagePercent = [int(round(n)) for n in psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True)]
    msg.deviceState.gpuUsagePercent = int(round(HARDWARE.get_gpu_usage_percent()))
    msg.deviceState.networkType = network_type
    msg.deviceState.networkStrength = network_strength
    if network_info is not None:
      msg.deviceState.networkInfo = network_info
    if nvme_temps is not None:
      msg.deviceState.nvmeTempC = nvme_temps
    if modem_temps is not None:
      msg.deviceState.modemTempC = modem_temps

    msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = HARDWARE.get_battery_capacity()
    msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent = HARDWARE.get_battery_current()
    msg.deviceState.usbOnline = HARDWARE.get_usb_present()
    current_filter.update(msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent / 1e6)

    max_comp_temp = temp_filter.update(
      max(max(msg.deviceState.cpuTempC), msg.deviceState.memoryTempC, max(msg.deviceState.gpuTempC))

    if handle_fan is not None:
      fan_speed = handle_fan(controller, max_comp_temp, fan_speed, startup_conditions["ignition"])
      msg.deviceState.fanSpeedPercentDesired = fan_speed

    is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and ((not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5))
    if is_offroad_for_5_min and max_comp_temp > OFFROAD_DANGER_TEMP:
      # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad
      # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger
      current_band = THERMAL_BANDS[thermal_status]
      band_idx = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys()).index(thermal_status)
      if current_band.min_temp is not None and max_comp_temp < current_band.min_temp:
        thermal_status = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys())[band_idx - 1]
      elif current_band.max_temp is not None and max_comp_temp > current_band.max_temp:
        thermal_status = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys())[band_idx + 1]

    # **** starting logic ****

    # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    # show invalid date/time alert
    startup_conditions["time_valid"] = (now.year > 2020) or (now.year == 2020 and now.month >= 10)
    set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_InvalidTime", (not startup_conditions["time_valid"]))

    # Show update prompt
      last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8'))
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
      last_update = now
    dt = now - last_update

    update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount")
    update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int(update_failed_count)
    last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException", encoding='utf8')

    if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None:
      if tested_branch:
        extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed"
        extra_text = last_update_exception

      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", True, extra_text=extra_text)
    elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1:
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True)
      remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0))
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", True, extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.")
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False)

    startup_conditions["up_to_date"] = params.get("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") is None or params.get_bool("DisableUpdates")
    startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get_bool("DoUninstall")
    startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version

    panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware")
    startup_conditions["fw_version_match"] = (panda_signature is None) or (panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE)   # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None)
    set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", (not startup_conditions["fw_version_match"]))

    # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot
    startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent > 2
    startup_conditions["completed_training"] = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version or \
    startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get_bool("IsDriverViewEnabled")
    startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get_bool("IsTakingSnapshot")
    # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes
    # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60
    startup_conditions["device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger
    set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", (not startup_conditions["device_temp_good"]))

    if TICI:
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_NvmeMissing", (not Path("/data/media").is_mount()))

    # Handle offroad/onroad transition
    should_start = all(startup_conditions.values())
    if should_start != should_start_prev or (count == 0):
      params.put_bool("IsOnroad", should_start)
      params.put_bool("IsOffroad", not should_start)
      HARDWARE.set_power_save(not should_start)

    if should_start:
      off_ts = None
      if started_ts is None:
        started_ts = sec_since_boot()
        started_seen = True
      if startup_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions != startup_conditions_prev):
        cloudlog.event("Startup blocked", startup_conditions=startup_conditions)

      started_ts = None
      if off_ts is None:
        off_ts = sec_since_boot()

    # Offroad power monitoring
    power_monitor.calculate(peripheralState, startup_conditions["ignition"])
    msg.deviceState.offroadPowerUsageUwh = power_monitor.get_power_used()
    msg.deviceState.carBatteryCapacityUwh = max(0, power_monitor.get_car_battery_capacity())

    # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd)
    msg.deviceState.chargingDisabled = power_monitor.should_disable_charging(startup_conditions["ignition"], in_car, off_ts)

    # Check if we need to shut down
    if power_monitor.should_shutdown(peripheralState, startup_conditions["ignition"], in_car, off_ts, started_seen):
      cloudlog.info(f"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}")
      # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep

    # If UI has crashed, set the brightness to reasonable non-zero value
    ui_running = "ui" in (p.name for p in sm["managerState"].processes if p.running)
    if ui_running_prev and not ui_running:
    ui_running_prev = ui_running

    msg.deviceState.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.deviceState.batteryPercent < 90  # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged
    msg.deviceState.started = started_ts is not None
    msg.deviceState.startedMonoTime = int(1e9*(started_ts or 0))

    last_ping = params.get("LastAthenaPingTime")
    if last_ping is not None:
      msg.deviceState.lastAthenaPingTime = int(last_ping)

    msg.deviceState.thermalStatus = thermal_status
    pm.send("deviceState", msg)

    if EON and not is_uno:
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", (not usb_power))

    should_start_prev = should_start
    startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy()

    # report to server once every 10 minutes
    if (count % int(600. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
      if EON and started_ts is None and msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent > 40:
        cloudlog.event("High offroad memory usage", mem=msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent)

                     pandaStates=(strip_deprecated_keys(pandaStates.to_dict()) if pandaStates else None),
                     location=(strip_deprecated_keys(sm["gpsLocationExternal"].to_dict()) if sm.alive["gpsLocationExternal"] else None),

    count += 1
Example #16
    def update(self, active, v_ego, angle_steers, steer_override, d_poly,
               angle_offset, VM, PL):
        cur_time = sec_since_boot()
        self.mpc_updated = False
        # TODO: this creates issues in replay when rewinding time: mpc won't run
        if self.last_mpc_ts < PL.last_md_ts:
            self.last_mpc_ts = PL.last_md_ts
            self.angle_steers_des_prev = self.angle_steers_des_mpc

            curvature_factor = VM.curvature_factor(v_ego)

            l_poly = libmpc_py.ffi.new("double[4]", list(PL.PP.l_poly))
            r_poly = libmpc_py.ffi.new("double[4]", list(PL.PP.r_poly))
            p_poly = libmpc_py.ffi.new("double[4]", list(PL.PP.p_poly))

            # account for actuation delay
            self.cur_state = calc_states_after_delay(self.cur_state, v_ego,

            v_ego_mpc = max(v_ego, 5.0)  # avoid mpc roughness due to low speed
            self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution, l_poly,
                                r_poly, p_poly, PL.PP.l_prob, PL.PP.r_prob,
                                PL.PP.p_prob, curvature_factor, v_ego_mpc,

            # reset to current steer angle if not active or overriding
            if active:
                delta_desired = self.mpc_solution[0].delta[1]
                delta_desired = math.radians(angle_steers -
                                             angle_offset) / VM.CP.steerRatio

            self.cur_state[0].delta = delta_desired

            self.angle_steers_des_mpc = float(
                math.degrees(delta_desired * VM.CP.steerRatio) + angle_offset)
            self.angle_steers_des_time = cur_time
            self.mpc_updated = True

            #  Check for infeasable MPC solution
            self.mpc_nans = np.any(np.isnan(list(self.mpc_solution[0].delta)))
            t = sec_since_boot()
            if self.mpc_nans:
                self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.LANE,
                                 MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, VM.CP.steerRateCost)
                self.cur_state[0].delta = math.radians(
                    angle_steers) / VM.CP.steerRatio

                if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
                    self.last_cloudlog_t = t
                    cloudlog.warning("Lateral mpc - nan: True")

        if v_ego < 0.3 or not active:
            output_steer = 0.0
            # TODO: ideally we should interp, but for tuning reasons we keep the mpc solution
            # constant for 0.05s.
            #dt = min(cur_time - self.angle_steers_des_time, _DT_MPC + _DT) + _DT  # no greater than dt mpc + dt, to prevent too high extraps
            #self.angle_steers_des = self.angle_steers_des_prev + (dt / _DT_MPC) * (self.angle_steers_des_mpc - self.angle_steers_des_prev)
            self.angle_steers_des = self.angle_steers_des_mpc
            steers_max = get_steer_max(VM.CP, v_ego)
            self.pid.pos_limit = steers_max
            self.pid.neg_limit = -steers_max
            steer_feedforward = self.angle_steers_des  # feedforward desired angle
            if VM.CP.steerControlType == car.CarParams.SteerControlType.torque:
                steer_feedforward *= v_ego**2  # proportional to realigning tire momentum (~ lateral accel)
            deadzone = 0.0
            output_steer = self.pid.update(self.angle_steers_des,
                                           check_saturation=(v_ego > 10),

        self.sat_flag = self.pid.saturated
        return output_steer, float(self.angle_steers_des)
Example #17
    def update(self, sm, pm, CP, VM):
        if not travis:
            gas_button_status = self.arne_sm['arne182Status'].gasbuttonstatus
            if gas_button_status == 1:
                self.blindspotwait = 10
            elif gas_button_status == 2:
                self.blindspotwait = 30
                self.blindspotwait = 20
            if self.arne_sm['arne182Status'].rightBlindspot:
                self.blindspotTrueCounterright = 0
                self.blindspotTrueCounterright = self.blindspotTrueCounterright + 1
            if self.arne_sm['arne182Status'].leftBlindspot:
                self.blindspotTrueCounterleft = 0
                self.blindspotTrueCounterleft = self.blindspotTrueCounterleft + 1
            self.blindspotwait = 10
            self.blindspotTrueCounterleft = 0
            self.blindspotTrueCounterright = 0
        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo
        angle_steers = sm['carState'].steeringAngle
        active = sm['controlsState'].active

        angle_offset = sm['liveParameters'].angleOffset

        # Run MPC
        self.angle_steers_des_prev = self.angle_steers_des_mpc
        #VM.update_params(sm['liveParameters'].stiffnessFactor, sm['liveParameters'].steerRatio)
        #VM.update_params(sm['liveParameters'].stiffnessFactor, CP.steerRatio)
        VM.update_params(sm['liveParameters'].stiffnessFactor, self.steerRatio)
        curvature_factor = VM.curvature_factor(v_ego)

        # Get steerRatio and steerRateCost from kegman.json every x seconds
        self.mpc_frame += 1
        if self.mpc_frame % 500 == 0:
            # live tuning through /data/openpilot/tune.py overrides interface.py settings
            self.sR_Boost_new = interp(v_ego, self.sR_BoostBP, self.sR_Boost)
            self.steerRatio = self.op_params.get('steer_ratio', default=12.0)
            self.sR = [self.steerRatio, self.steerRatio + self.sR_Boost_new]
            self.sR_time = 100

            self.mpc_frame = 0

        if v_ego > 5.0:
            # boost steerRatio by boost amount if desired steer angle is high
            self.steerRatio_new = interp(abs(angle_steers), self.sRBP, self.sR)

            self.sR_delay_counter += 1
            if self.sR_delay_counter % self.sR_time != 0:
                if self.steerRatio_new > self.steerRatio:
                    self.steerRatio = self.steerRatio_new
                self.steerRatio = self.steerRatio_new
                self.sR_delay_counter = 0
            self.steerRatio = self.sR[0]

        print("steerRatio = ", self.steerRatio)


        # Lane change logic
        one_blinker = sm['carState'].leftBlinker != sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        below_lane_change_speed = v_ego < self.alca_min_speed * CV.MPH_TO_MS

        if sm['carState'].leftBlinker:
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.left
        elif sm['carState'].rightBlinker:
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.right

        if (not active) or (self.lane_change_timer > LANE_CHANGE_TIME_MAX) or (
                not one_blinker
        ) or (not self.lane_change_enabled) or (
                sm['carState'].steeringPressed and
            ((sm['carState'].steeringTorque > 0
              and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right) or
             (sm['carState'].steeringTorque < 0
              and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left))):
            self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none
            if sm['carState'].leftBlinker:
                lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.left
            elif sm['carState'].rightBlinker:
                lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.right

            #if self.alca_nudge_required:
            torque_applied = (sm['carState'].steeringPressed and \
                             ((sm['carState'].steeringTorque > 0 and lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left and not sm['carState'].leftBlindspot) or \
                              (sm['carState'].steeringTorque < 0 and lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right and not sm['carState'].rightBlindspot))) or \
                             (not self.alca_nudge_required and self.blindspotTrueCounterleft > self.blindspotwait and lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or \
                             (not self.alca_nudge_required and self.blindspotTrueCounterright > self.blindspotwait and lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right)
            #  torque_applied = True

            lane_change_prob = self.LP.l_lane_change_prob + self.LP.r_lane_change_prob

            # State transitions
            # off
            if self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off and one_blinker and not self.prev_one_blinker and not below_lane_change_speed:
                self.blindspotTrueCounterleft = 0
                self.blindspotTrueCounterright = 0
                self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = 1.0

            # pre
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.preLaneChange:
                if not one_blinker or below_lane_change_speed:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
                    self.blindspotTrueCounterleft = 0
                    self.blindspotTrueCounterright = 0
                elif torque_applied:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting

            # starting
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting:
                # fade out over .2s
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = max(
                    self.lane_change_ll_prob - 2 * DT_MDL, 0.0)
                # 98% certainty
                if lane_change_prob < 0.02 and self.lane_change_ll_prob < 0.01:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing
                if (self.arne_sm['arne182Status'].rightBlindspot
                        and lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right
                    ) or (self.arne_sm['arne182Status'].leftBlindspot and
                          lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left):
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
                    self.blindspotTrueCounterleft = 0
                    self.blindspotTrueCounterright = 0

            # finishing
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing:
                # fade in laneline over 1s
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = min(
                    self.lane_change_ll_prob + 0.5 * DT_MDL, 1.0)
                if one_blinker and self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.99:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
                    self.blindspotTrueCounterleft = 0
                    self.blindspotTrueCounterright = 0
                elif self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.99:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
                    self.blindspotTrueCounterright = 0
                    self.blindspotTrueCounterleft = 0

        if self.lane_change_state in [
                LaneChangeState.off, LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
            self.lane_change_timer = 0.0
            self.lane_change_timer += DT_MDL

        self.prev_one_blinker = one_blinker

        desire = DESIRES[self.lane_change_direction][self.lane_change_state]

        # Turn off lanes during lane change
        if desire == log.PathPlan.Desire.laneChangeRight or desire == log.PathPlan.Desire.laneChangeLeft:
            self.LP.l_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
            self.LP.r_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob


        # account for actuation delay
        self.cur_state = calc_states_after_delay(self.cur_state, v_ego,
                                                 angle_steers - angle_offset,

        #if abs(angle_steers - angle_offset) > 4 and CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'pid': #check if this causes laggy steering
        #  self.cur_state[0].delta = math.radians(angle_steers - angle_offset) / VM.sR

        v_ego_mpc = max(v_ego, 5.0)  # avoid mpc roughness due to low speed
        self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution,
                            list(self.LP.l_poly), list(self.LP.r_poly),
                            list(self.LP.d_poly), self.LP.l_prob,
                            self.LP.r_prob, curvature_factor, v_ego_mpc,

        # reset to current steer angle if not active or overriding
        if active:
            delta_desired = self.mpc_solution[0].delta[1]
            rate_desired = math.degrees(self.mpc_solution[0].rate[0] *
            delta_desired = math.radians(angle_steers -
                                         angle_offset) / self.steerRatio
            rate_desired = 0.0

        self.cur_state[0].delta = delta_desired

        self.angle_steers_des_mpc = float(
            math.degrees(delta_desired * self.steerRatio) + angle_offset)

        #  Check for infeasable MPC solution
        mpc_nans = any(math.isnan(x) for x in self.mpc_solution[0].delta)
        t = sec_since_boot()
        if mpc_nans:
            self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.LANE,
                             MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, CP.steerRateCost)
            self.cur_state[0].delta = math.radians(
                angle_steers - angle_offset) / self.steerRatio

            if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
                self.last_cloudlog_t = t
                cloudlog.warning("Lateral mpc - nan: True")

        if self.mpc_solution[
                0].cost > 20000. or mpc_nans:  # TODO: find a better way to detect when MPC did not converge
            self.solution_invalid_cnt += 1
            self.solution_invalid_cnt = 0
        plan_solution_valid = self.solution_invalid_cnt < 2

        plan_send = messaging.new_message('pathPlan')
        plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(service_list=[
            'carState', 'controlsState', 'liveParameters', 'model'
        plan_send.pathPlan.laneWidth = float(self.LP.lane_width)
        plan_send.pathPlan.dPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.d_poly]
        plan_send.pathPlan.lPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.l_poly]
        plan_send.pathPlan.lProb = float(self.LP.l_prob)
        plan_send.pathPlan.rPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.r_poly]
        plan_send.pathPlan.rProb = float(self.LP.r_prob)

        plan_send.pathPlan.angleSteers = float(self.angle_steers_des_mpc)
        plan_send.pathPlan.rateSteers = float(rate_desired)
        plan_send.pathPlan.angleOffset = float(
        plan_send.pathPlan.mpcSolutionValid = bool(plan_solution_valid)
        plan_send.pathPlan.paramsValid = bool(sm['liveParameters'].valid)
        plan_send.pathPlan.sensorValid = bool(sm['liveParameters'].sensorValid)
        plan_send.pathPlan.posenetValid = bool(
            sm['liveParameters'].posenetValid) or self.posenetValid
        self.posenetValid = bool(sm['liveParameters'].posenetValid)

        plan_send.pathPlan.desire = desire
        plan_send.pathPlan.laneChangeState = self.lane_change_state
        plan_send.pathPlan.laneChangeDirection = self.lane_change_direction

        pm.send('pathPlan', plan_send)

        dat = messaging.new_message('liveMpc')
        dat.liveMpc.x = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x)
        dat.liveMpc.y = list(self.mpc_solution[0].y)
        dat.liveMpc.psi = list(self.mpc_solution[0].psi)
        dat.liveMpc.delta = list(self.mpc_solution[0].delta)
        dat.liveMpc.cost = self.mpc_solution[0].cost
        pm.send('liveMpc', dat)

        msg = messaging_arne.new_message('latControl')
        msg.latControl.anglelater = math.degrees(
        if not travis:
            self.arne_pm.send('latControl', msg)
Example #18
def manager_thread():
    cloudlog.info("manager start")
    cloudlog.info({"environ": os.environ})

    # save boot log
                    cwd=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/loggerd"))

    params = Params()

    ignore = []
    if params.get("DongleId", encoding='utf8') == UNREGISTERED_DONGLE_ID:
        ignore += ["manage_athenad", "uploader"]
    if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is not None:
    if os.getenv("BLOCK") is not None:
        ignore += os.getenv("BLOCK").split(",")

    ensure_running(managed_processes.values(), started=False, not_run=ignore)

    started_prev = False
    sm = messaging.SubMaster(['deviceState'])
    pm = messaging.PubMaster(['managerState'])

    while True:
        not_run = ignore[:]

        if sm['deviceState'].freeSpacePercent < 5:

        started = sm['deviceState'].started
        driverview = params.get_bool("IsDriverViewEnabled")
        ensure_running(managed_processes.values(), started, driverview,

        # trigger an update after going offroad
        if started_prev and not started and 'updated' in managed_processes:

        started_prev = started

        running = ' '.join([
            "%s%s\u001b[0m" %
            ("\u001b[32m" if p.proc.is_alive() else "\u001b[31m", p.name)
            for p in managed_processes.values() if p.proc

        # send managerState
        msg = messaging.new_message('managerState')
        msg.managerState.processes = [
            p.get_process_state_msg() for p in managed_processes.values()
        pm.send('managerState', msg)

        # Exit main loop when uninstall/shutdown/reboot is needed
        shutdown = False
        for param in ("DoUninstall", "DoShutdown", "DoReboot"):
            if params.get_bool(param):
                cloudlog.warning(f"Shutting down manager - {param} set")
                shutdown = True

        if shutdown:
Example #19
def register(show_spinner=False) -> str:
    params = Params()
    params.put("SubscriberInfo", HARDWARE.get_subscriber_info())

    IMEI = params.get("IMEI", encoding='utf8')
    HardwareSerial = params.get("HardwareSerial", encoding='utf8')
    dongle_id = params.get("DongleId", encoding='utf8')
    needs_registration = None in (IMEI, HardwareSerial, dongle_id)

    pubkey = Path(PERSIST + "/comma/id_rsa.pub")
    if not pubkey.is_file():
        dongle_id = UNREGISTERED_DONGLE_ID
        cloudlog.warning(f"missing public key: {pubkey}")
    elif needs_registration:
        if show_spinner:
            spinner = Spinner()
            spinner.update("registering device")

        # Create registration token, in the future, this key will make JWTs directly
        with open(PERSIST +
                  "/comma/id_rsa.pub") as f1, open(PERSIST +
                                                   "/comma/id_rsa") as f2:
            public_key = f1.read()
            private_key = f2.read()

        # Block until we get the imei
        serial = HARDWARE.get_serial()
        start_time = time.monotonic()
        imei1, imei2 = None, None
        while imei1 is None and imei2 is None:
                imei1, imei2 = HARDWARE.get_imei(0), HARDWARE.get_imei(1)
            except Exception:
                cloudlog.exception("Error getting imei, trying again...")

            if time.monotonic() - start_time > 60 and show_spinner:
                    f"registering device - serial: {serial}, IMEI: ({imei1}, {imei2})"

        params.put("IMEI", imei1)
        params.put("HardwareSerial", serial)

        backoff = 0
        start_time = time.monotonic()
        while True:
                register_token = jwt.encode(
                        'register': True,
                        'exp': datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1)
                cloudlog.info("getting pilotauth")
                resp = api_get("v2/pilotauth/",

                if resp.status_code in (402, 403):
                        f"Unable to register device, got {resp.status_code}")
                    dongle_id = UNREGISTERED_DONGLE_ID
                    dongleauth = json.loads(resp.text)
                    dongle_id = dongleauth["dongle_id"]
            except Exception:
                cloudlog.exception("failed to authenticate")
                backoff = min(backoff + 1, 15)

            if time.monotonic() - start_time > 60 and show_spinner:
                    f"registering device - serial: {serial}, IMEI: ({imei1}, {imei2})"

        if show_spinner:

    if dongle_id:
        params.put("DongleId", dongle_id)
                          dongle_id == UNREGISTERED_DONGLE_ID)
    return dongle_id
Example #20
def uninstall():
    with open('/cache/recovery/command', 'w') as f:
    # IPowerManager.reboot(confirm=false, reason="recovery", wait=true)
Example #21
def manager_thread():
    # now loop
    context = zmq.Context()
    thermal_sock = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['thermal'].port)
    health_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['health'].port)
    location_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context,

    cloudlog.info("manager start")
    cloudlog.info({"environ": os.environ})

    for p in persistent_processes:

    # start frame
    system("am start -n ai.comma.plus.frame/.MainActivity")

    # do this before panda flashing

    if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is None:

    params = Params()

    passive_starter = LocationStarter()

    started_ts = None
    off_ts = None
    logger_dead = False
    count = 0
    fan_speed = 0
    ignition_seen = False
    started_seen = False
    panda_seen = False

    health_sock.RCVTIMEO = 1500

    while 1:
        # get health of board, log this in "thermal"
        td = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=True)
        location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock)

        location = location.gpsLocation if location else None

        print td

        # replace thermald
        msg = read_thermal()

        # loggerd is gated based on free space
        statvfs = os.statvfs(ROOT)
        avail = (statvfs.f_bavail * 1.0) / statvfs.f_blocks

        # thermal message now also includes free space
        msg.thermal.freeSpace = avail
        with open("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity") as f:
            msg.thermal.batteryPercent = int(f.read())
        with open("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/status") as f:
            msg.thermal.batteryStatus = f.read().strip()
        with open("/sys/class/power_supply/usb/online") as f:
            msg.thermal.usbOnline = bool(int(f.read()))

        # TODO: add car battery voltage check
        max_temp = max(msg.thermal.cpu0, msg.thermal.cpu1, msg.thermal.cpu2,
                       msg.thermal.cpu3) / 10.0
        bat_temp = msg.thermal.bat / 1000.
        fan_speed = handle_fan(max_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed)
        msg.thermal.fanSpeed = fan_speed

        msg.thermal.started = started_ts is not None
        msg.thermal.startedTs = int(1e9 * (started_ts or 0))

        print msg

        # uploader is gated based on the phone temperature
        if max_temp > 85.0:
            cloudlog.warning("over temp: %r", max_temp)
        elif max_temp < 70.0:

        if avail < 0.05:
            logger_dead = True

        # start constellation of processes when the car starts
        ignition = td is not None and td.health.started
        ignition_seen = ignition_seen or ignition

        # add voltage check for ignition
        if not ignition_seen and td is not None and td.health.voltage > 13500:
            ignition = True

        do_uninstall = params.get("DoUninstall") == "1"
        accepted_terms = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == "1"
        completed_training = params.get(
            "CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version

        should_start = ignition

        # have we seen a panda?
        panda_seen = panda_seen or td is not None

        # start on gps movement if we haven't seen ignition and are in passive mode
        should_start = should_start or (
            not (ignition_seen and td)  # seen ignition and panda is connected
            and params.get("Passive") == "1"
            and passive_starter.update(started_ts, location))

        # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot
        should_start = should_start and avail > 0.02

        # require usb power
        should_start = should_start and msg.thermal.usbOnline

        should_start = should_start and accepted_terms and completed_training and (
            not do_uninstall)

        # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes
        # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60
        if max_temp > 107.0 or msg.thermal.bat >= 63000:
            # TODO: Add a better warning when this is happening
            should_start = False

        if should_start:
            off_ts = None
            if started_ts is None:
                started_ts = sec_since_boot()
                started_seen = True
            for p in car_started_processes:
                if p == "loggerd" and logger_dead:
            started_ts = None
            if off_ts is None:
                off_ts = sec_since_boot()
            logger_dead = False
            for p in car_started_processes:

            # shutdown if the battery gets lower than 3%, t's discharging, we aren't running for
            # more than a minute but we were running
            if msg.thermal.batteryPercent < 3 and msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and \
               started_seen and (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > 60:
                os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown')

        # check the status of all processes, did any of them die?
        for p in running:
            cloudlog.debug("   running %s %s" % (p, running[p]))

        # report to server once per minute
        if (count % 60) == 0:
                           health=(td.to_dict() if td else None),
                           location=(location.to_dict() if location else None),

        if do_uninstall:

        count += 1
Example #22
    def get_params(candidate,
        ret = CarInterfaceBase.get_std_params(candidate, fingerprint,

        ret.carName = "toyota"
        ret.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.toyota

        ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.12  # Default delay, Prius has larger delay
        ret.steerLimitTimer = 0.4

        if candidate not in [CAR.PRIUS, CAR.RAV4,
                             CAR.RAV4H]:  # These cars use LQR/INDI
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],

        if candidate == CAR.PRIUS:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 66  # see conversion factor for STEER_TORQUE_EPS in dbc file
            ret.wheelbase = 2.70
            ret.steerRatio = 15.74  # unknown end-to-end spec
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.6371  # hand-tune
            ret.mass = 3045. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG

            ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 4.0
            ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 3.0
            ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
            ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.0
            ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.5

        elif candidate in [CAR.RAV4, CAR.RAV4H]:
            stop_and_go = True if (candidate in CAR.RAV4H) else False
            ret.safetyParam = 73
            ret.wheelbase = 2.65
            ret.steerRatio = 16.88  # 14.5 is spec end-to-end
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.5533
            ret.mass = 3650. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG  # mean between normal and hybrid

            ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1500.0
            ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.05

            ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
            ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
            ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
            ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-110.73572306, 451.22718255]
            ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.3233671, 0.3185757]
            ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.002237852961363602

        elif candidate == CAR.COROLLA:
            stop_and_go = False
            ret.safetyParam = 100
            ret.wheelbase = 2.70
            ret.steerRatio = 18.27
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444  # not optimized yet
            ret.mass = 2860. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG  # mean between normal and hybrid
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.2],
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00003  # full torque for 20 deg at 80mph means 0.00007818594

        elif candidate == CAR.LEXUS_RX:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 73
            ret.wheelbase = 2.79
            ret.steerRatio = 14.8
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.5533
            ret.mass = 4387. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.6],
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00006

        elif candidate == CAR.LEXUS_RXH:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 73
            ret.wheelbase = 2.79
            ret.steerRatio = 16.  # 14.8 is spec end-to-end
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444  # not optimized yet
            ret.mass = 4481. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG  # mean between min and max
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.6],
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00006  # full torque for 10 deg at 80mph means 0.00007818594

        elif candidate == CAR.LEXUS_RX_TSS2:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 73
            ret.wheelbase = 2.79
            ret.steerRatio = 14.8
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.5533  # not optimized yet
            ret.mass = 4387. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.6],
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00007818594

        elif candidate == CAR.LEXUS_RXH_TSS2:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 73
            ret.wheelbase = 2.79
            ret.steerRatio = 16.0  # 14.8 is spec end-to-end
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444  # not optimized yet
            ret.mass = 4481.0 * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG  # mean between min and max
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.6],
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00007818594

        elif candidate in [CAR.CHR, CAR.CHRH]:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 73
            ret.wheelbase = 2.63906
            ret.steerRatio = 13.6
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.7933
            ret.mass = 3300. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.723],
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00006

        elif candidate in [CAR.CAMRY, CAR.CAMRYH]:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 73
            ret.wheelbase = 2.82448
            ret.steerRatio = 13.7
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.7933
            ret.mass = 3400. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG  # mean between normal and hybrid
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.6],
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00006

        elif candidate in [CAR.HIGHLANDER_TSS2, CAR.HIGHLANDERH_TSS2]:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 73
            ret.wheelbase = 2.84988  # 112.2 in = 2.84988 m
            ret.steerRatio = 16.0
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.8
            ret.mass = 4700. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG  # 4260 + 4-5 people
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[
            ], [0.015]]  # community tuning
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00012  # community tuning

        elif candidate in [CAR.HIGHLANDER, CAR.HIGHLANDERH]:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 73
            ret.wheelbase = 2.78
            ret.steerRatio = 16.0
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.8
            ret.mass = 4607. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG  # mean between normal and hybrid limited
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[
            ], [0.015]]  # community tuning
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00012  # community tuning

        elif candidate == CAR.AVALON:
            stop_and_go = False
            ret.safetyParam = 73
            ret.wheelbase = 2.82
            ret.steerRatio = 14.8  # Found at https://pressroom.toyota.com/releases/2016+avalon+product+specs.download
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.7983
            ret.mass = 3505. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG  # mean between normal and hybrid
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.17],
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00006

        elif candidate == CAR.RAV4_TSS2:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 73
            ret.wheelbase = 2.68986
            ret.steerRatio = 14.3
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.7933
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.15],
            ret.mass = 3370. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00004

            for fw in car_fw:
                if fw.ecu == "eps" and fw.fwVersion == b"8965B42170\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00":
                    ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[
                    ], [0.1]]
                    ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00007818594

        elif candidate == CAR.RAV4H_TSS2:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 73
            ret.wheelbase = 2.68986
            ret.steerRatio = 14.3
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.7933
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.15],
            ret.mass = 3800. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00004

            for fw in car_fw:
                if fw.ecu == "eps" and fw.fwVersion == b"8965B42170\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00":
                    ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[
                    ], [0.1]]
                    ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00007818594

        elif candidate in [CAR.COROLLA_TSS2, CAR.COROLLAH_TSS2]:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 73
            ret.wheelbase = 2.63906
            ret.steerRatio = 13.9
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444  # not optimized yet
            ret.mass = 3060. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.6],
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00007818594

        elif candidate in [CAR.LEXUS_ES_TSS2, CAR.LEXUS_ESH_TSS2]:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 73
            ret.wheelbase = 2.8702
            ret.steerRatio = 16.0  # not optimized
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444  # not optimized yet
            ret.mass = 3704. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.6],
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00007818594

        elif candidate == CAR.SIENNA:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 73
            ret.wheelbase = 3.03
            ret.steerRatio = 15.5
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444
            ret.mass = 4590. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.19],
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00007818594

        elif candidate == CAR.LEXUS_IS:
            stop_and_go = False
            ret.safetyParam = 77
            ret.wheelbase = 2.79908
            ret.steerRatio = 13.3
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444
            ret.mass = 3736.8 * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.3],
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00006

        elif candidate == CAR.LEXUS_CTH:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 100
            ret.wheelbase = 2.60
            ret.steerRatio = 18.6
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.517
            ret.mass = 3108 * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG  # mean between min and max
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.3],
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00007

        elif candidate == CAR.LEXUS_NXH:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 73
            ret.wheelbase = 2.66
            ret.steerRatio = 14.7
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444  # not optimized yet
            ret.mass = 4070 * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.6],
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00006

        ret.steerRateCost = 1.
        ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.44

        # TODO: get actual value, for now starting with reasonable value for
        # civic and scaling by mass and wheelbase
        ret.rotationalInertia = scale_rot_inertia(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase)

        # TODO: start from empirically derived lateral slip stiffness for the civic and scale by
        # mass and CG position, so all cars will have approximately similar dyn behaviors
        ret.tireStiffnessFront, ret.tireStiffnessRear = scale_tire_stiffness(

        ret.enableCamera = is_ecu_disconnected(fingerprint[0], FINGERPRINTS,
                                               ECU_FINGERPRINT, candidate,
                                               Ecu.fwdCamera) or has_relay
        # Detect smartDSU, which intercepts ACC_CMD from the DSU allowing openpilot to send it
        smartDsu = 0x2FF in fingerprint[0]
        # In TSS2 cars the camera does long control
        ret.enableDsu = is_ecu_disconnected(
            fingerprint[0], FINGERPRINTS, ECU_FINGERPRINT, candidate,
            Ecu.dsu) and candidate not in TSS2_CAR
        ret.enableGasInterceptor = 0x201 in fingerprint[0]
        # if the smartDSU is detected, openpilot can send ACC_CMD (and the smartDSU will block it from the DSU) or not (the DSU is "connected")
        ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = ret.enableCamera and (
            smartDsu or ret.enableDsu or candidate in TSS2_CAR)
        cloudlog.warning("ECU Camera Simulated: %r", ret.enableCamera)
        cloudlog.warning("ECU DSU Simulated: %r", ret.enableDsu)
        cloudlog.warning("ECU Gas Interceptor: %r", ret.enableGasInterceptor)

        # min speed to enable ACC. if car can do stop and go, then set enabling speed
        # to a negative value, so it won't matter.
        ret.minEnableSpeed = -1. if (
            stop_and_go or ret.enableGasInterceptor) else 19. * CV.MPH_TO_MS

        # removing the DSU disables AEB and it's considered a community maintained feature
        # intercepting the DSU is a community feature since it requires unofficial hardware
        ret.communityFeature = ret.enableGasInterceptor or ret.enableDsu or smartDsu

        ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneBP = [0., 9.]
        ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneV = [0., .15]
        ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
        ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]

        if ret.enableGasInterceptor:
            ret.gasMaxBP = [0., 9., 35]
            ret.gasMaxV = [0.2, 0.5, 0.7]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]
            ret.gasMaxBP = [0.]
            ret.gasMaxV = [0.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [3.6, 2.4, 1.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.54, 0.36]

        return ret
Example #23
    def get_params(candidate,
                   car_fw=[]):  # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
        ret = CarInterfaceBase.get_std_params(candidate, fingerprint,
        ret.carName = "honda"

        if candidate in HONDA_BOSCH:
            ret.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.hondaBoschHarness if has_relay else car.CarParams.SafetyModel.hondaBoschGiraffe
            rdr_bus = 0 if has_relay else 2
            ret.enableCamera = is_ecu_disconnected(
                fingerprint[rdr_bus], FINGERPRINTS, ECU_FINGERPRINT, candidate,
                Ecu.fwdCamera) or has_relay
            ret.radarOffCan = True
            ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = False
            ret.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.hondaNidec
            ret.enableCamera = is_ecu_disconnected(
                fingerprint[0], FINGERPRINTS, ECU_FINGERPRINT, candidate,
                Ecu.fwdCamera) or has_relay
            ret.enableGasInterceptor = 0x201 in fingerprint[0]
            ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = ret.enableCamera

        cloudlog.warning("ECU Camera Simulated: %r", ret.enableCamera)
        cloudlog.warning("ECU Gas Interceptor: %r", ret.enableGasInterceptor)

        ret.enableCruise = not ret.enableGasInterceptor
        ret.communityFeature = ret.enableGasInterceptor

        # Certain Hondas have an extra steering sensor at the bottom of the steering rack,
        # which improves controls quality as it removes the steering column torsion from feedback.
        # Tire stiffness factor fictitiously lower if it includes the steering column torsion effect.
        # For modeling details, see p.198-200 in "The Science of Vehicle Dynamics (2014), M. Guiggiani"
        ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [[0], [0]]
        ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.], [0.]]
        ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00006  # conservative feed-forward

        eps_modified = False
        for fw in car_fw:
            if fw.ecu == "eps" and b"," in fw.fwVersion:
                eps_modified = True

        if candidate == CAR.CIVIC:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.mass = CivicParams.MASS
            ret.wheelbase = CivicParams.WHEELBASE
            ret.centerToFront = CivicParams.CENTER_TO_FRONT
            ret.steerRatio = 15.38  # 10.93 is end-to-end spec
            if eps_modified:
                # stock request input values:     0x0000, 0x00DE, 0x014D, 0x01EF, 0x0290, 0x0377, 0x0454, 0x0610, 0x06EE
                # stock request output values:    0x0000, 0x0917, 0x0DC5, 0x1017, 0x119F, 0x140B, 0x1680, 0x1680, 0x1680
                # modified request output values: 0x0000, 0x0917, 0x0DC5, 0x1017, 0x119F, 0x140B, 0x1680, 0x2880, 0x3180
                # stock filter output values:     0x009F, 0x0108, 0x0108, 0x0108, 0x0108, 0x0108, 0x0108, 0x0108, 0x0108
                # modified filter output values:  0x009F, 0x0108, 0x0108, 0x0108, 0x0108, 0x0108, 0x0108, 0x0400, 0x0480
                # note: max request allowed is 4096, but request is capped at 3840 in firmware, so modifications result in 2x max
                ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [[
                    0, 2560, 8000
                ], [0, 2560, 3840]]
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.3],
                ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [[
                    0, 2560
                ], [0, 2560]]
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[1.1],
            tire_stiffness_factor = 1.

            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [3.6, 2.4, 1.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.54, 0.36]

        elif candidate in (CAR.CIVIC_BOSCH, CAR.CIVIC_BOSCH_DIESEL):
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.mass = CivicParams.MASS
            ret.wheelbase = CivicParams.WHEELBASE
            ret.centerToFront = CivicParams.CENTER_TO_FRONT
            ret.steerRatio = 15.38  # 10.93 is end-to-end spec
            ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [
                [0, 4096], [0, 4096]
            ]  # TODO: determine if there is a dead zone at the top end
            tire_stiffness_factor = 1.
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.8],
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]

        elif candidate in (CAR.ACCORD, CAR.ACCORD_15, CAR.ACCORDH):
            stop_and_go = True
            if not candidate == CAR.ACCORDH:  # Hybrid uses same brake msg as hatch
                ret.safetyParam = 1  # Accord and CRV 5G use an alternate user brake msg
            ret.mass = 3279. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.83
            ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.39
            ret.steerRatio = 16.33  # 11.82 is spec end-to-end
            ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [
                [0, 4096], [0, 4096]
            ]  # TODO: determine if there is a dead zone at the top end
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.8467
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]

            if eps_modified:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.3],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.6],

        elif candidate == CAR.ACURA_ILX:
            stop_and_go = False
            ret.mass = 3095. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.67
            ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.37
            ret.steerRatio = 18.61  # 15.3 is spec end-to-end
            ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [
                [0, 3840], [0, 3840]
            ]  # TODO: determine if there is a dead zone at the top end
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.72
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.8],
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]

        elif candidate in (CAR.CRV, CAR.CRV_EU):
            stop_and_go = False
            ret.mass = 3572. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.62
            ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.41
            ret.steerRatio = 16.89  # as spec
            ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [
                [0, 1000], [0, 1000]
            ]  # TODO: determine if there is a dead zone at the top end
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.8],
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]

        elif candidate == CAR.CRV_5G:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 1  # Accord and CRV 5G use an alternate user brake msg
            ret.mass = 3410. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.66
            ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.41
            ret.steerRatio = 16.0  # 12.3 is spec end-to-end
            if eps_modified:
                # stock request input values:     0x0000, 0x00DB, 0x01BB, 0x0296, 0x0377, 0x0454, 0x0532, 0x0610, 0x067F
                # stock request output values:    0x0000, 0x0500, 0x0A15, 0x0E6D, 0x1100, 0x1200, 0x129A, 0x134D, 0x1400
                # modified request output values: 0x0000, 0x0500, 0x0A15, 0x0E6D, 0x1100, 0x1200, 0x1ACD, 0x239A, 0x2800
                ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [[
                    0, 2560, 10000
                ], [0, 2560, 3840]]
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.3],
                ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [[
                    0, 3840
                ], [0, 3840]]
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[
                ], [0.192]]
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.677
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]

        elif candidate == CAR.CRV_HYBRID:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.safetyParam = 1  # Accord and CRV 5G use an alternate user brake msg
            ret.mass = 1667. + STD_CARGO_KG  # mean of 4 models in kg
            ret.wheelbase = 2.66
            ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.41
            ret.steerRatio = 16.0  # 12.3 is spec end-to-end
            ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [
                [0, 4096], [0, 4096]
            ]  # TODO: determine if there is a dead zone at the top end
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.677
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.6],
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]

        elif candidate == CAR.FIT:
            stop_and_go = False
            ret.mass = 2644. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.53
            ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.39
            ret.steerRatio = 13.06
            ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [
                [0, 4096], [0, 4096]
            ]  # TODO: determine if there is a dead zone at the top end
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.75
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]

        elif candidate == CAR.HRV:
            stop_and_go = False
            ret.mass = 3125 * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.61
            ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.41
            ret.steerRatio = 15.2
            ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [[0, 4096],
                                                                     [0, 4096]]
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.5
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.16],
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]

        elif candidate == CAR.ACURA_RDX:
            stop_and_go = False
            ret.mass = 3935. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.68
            ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.38
            ret.steerRatio = 15.0  # as spec
            ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [
                [0, 1000], [0, 1000]
            ]  # TODO: determine if there is a dead zone at the top end
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.8],
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]

        elif candidate == CAR.ODYSSEY:
            stop_and_go = False
            ret.mass = 4471. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 3.00
            ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.41
            ret.steerRatio = 14.35  # as spec
            ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [
                [0, 4096], [0, 4096]
            ]  # TODO: determine if there is a dead zone at the top end
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.82
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.45],
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]

        elif candidate == CAR.ODYSSEY_CHN:
            stop_and_go = False
            ret.mass = 1849.2 + STD_CARGO_KG  # mean of 4 models in kg
            ret.wheelbase = 2.90
            ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.41  # from CAR.ODYSSEY
            ret.steerRatio = 14.35
            ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [
                [0, 32767], [0, 32767]
            ]  # TODO: determine if there is a dead zone at the top end
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.82
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.45],
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]

        elif candidate in (CAR.PILOT, CAR.PILOT_2019):
            stop_and_go = False
            ret.mass = 4204. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG  # average weight
            ret.wheelbase = 2.82
            ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.428
            ret.steerRatio = 17.25  # as spec
            ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [
                [0, 4096], [0, 4096]
            ]  # TODO: determine if there is a dead zone at the top end
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.38],
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]

        elif candidate == CAR.RIDGELINE:
            stop_and_go = False
            ret.mass = 4515. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 3.18
            ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.41
            ret.steerRatio = 15.59  # as spec
            ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [
                [0, 4096], [0, 4096]
            ]  # TODO: determine if there is a dead zone at the top end
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.38],
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]

        elif candidate == CAR.INSIGHT:
            stop_and_go = True
            ret.mass = 2987. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.7
            ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.39
            ret.steerRatio = 15.0  # 12.58 is spec end-to-end
            ret.lateralParams.torqueBP, ret.lateralParams.torqueV = [
                [0, 4096], [0, 4096]
            ]  # TODO: determine if there is a dead zone at the top end
            tire_stiffness_factor = 0.82
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.6],
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
            ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]

            raise ValueError("unsupported car %s" % candidate)

        # min speed to enable ACC. if car can do stop and go, then set enabling speed
        # to a negative value, so it won't matter. Otherwise, add 0.5 mph margin to not
        # conflict with PCM acc
        ret.minEnableSpeed = -1. if (
            stop_and_go or ret.enableGasInterceptor) else 25.5 * CV.MPH_TO_MS

        # TODO: get actual value, for now starting with reasonable value for
        # civic and scaling by mass and wheelbase
        ret.rotationalInertia = scale_rot_inertia(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase)

        # TODO: start from empirically derived lateral slip stiffness for the civic and scale by
        # mass and CG position, so all cars will have approximately similar dyn behaviors
        ret.tireStiffnessFront, ret.tireStiffnessRear = scale_tire_stiffness(

        ret.gasMaxBP = [0.]  # m/s
        ret.gasMaxV = [0.6] if ret.enableGasInterceptor else [
        ]  # max gas allowed
        ret.brakeMaxBP = [5., 20.]  # m/s
        ret.brakeMaxV = [1., 0.8]  # max brake allowed

        ret.stoppingControl = True
        ret.startAccel = 0.5

        ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.1
        ret.steerRateCost = 0.5
        ret.steerLimitTimer = 0.8

        return ret
Example #24
    def get_params(candidate,

        ret = car.CarParams.new_message()

        ret.carName = "ford"
        ret.carFingerprint = candidate
        ret.carVin = vin
        ret.isPandaBlack = has_relay

        ret.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.ford
        ret.dashcamOnly = True

        # pedal
        ret.enableCruise = True

        ret.wheelbase = 2.85
        ret.steerRatio = 14.8
        ret.mass = 3045. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
        ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.], [0.]]
        ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.01], [
        ]]  # TODO: tune this
        ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 1. / MAX_ANGLE  # MAX Steer angle to normalize FF
        ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.1  # Default delay, not measured yet
        ret.steerLimitTimer = 0.8
        ret.steerRateCost = 1.0
        ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.44
        tire_stiffness_factor = 0.5328

        # min speed to enable ACC. if car can do stop and go, then set enabling speed
        # to a negative value, so it won't matter.
        ret.minEnableSpeed = -1.

        # TODO: get actual value, for now starting with reasonable value for
        # civic and scaling by mass and wheelbase
        ret.rotationalInertia = scale_rot_inertia(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase)

        # TODO: start from empirically derived lateral slip stiffness for the civic and scale by
        # mass and CG position, so all cars will have approximately similar dyn behaviors
        ret.tireStiffnessFront, ret.tireStiffnessRear = scale_tire_stiffness(

        # no rear steering, at least on the listed cars above
        ret.steerRatioRear = 0.
        ret.steerControlType = car.CarParams.SteerControlType.angle

        # steer, gas, brake limitations VS speed
        ret.steerMaxBP = [0.]  # breakpoints at 1 and 40 kph
        ret.steerMaxV = [1.0]  # 2/3rd torque allowed above 45 kph
        ret.gasMaxBP = [0.]
        ret.gasMaxV = [0.5]
        ret.brakeMaxBP = [5., 20.]
        ret.brakeMaxV = [1., 0.8]

        ret.enableCamera = is_ecu_disconnected(fingerprint[0], FINGERPRINTS,
                                               ECU_FINGERPRINT, candidate,
                                               ECU.CAM) or has_relay
        ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = False
        cloudlog.warning("ECU Camera Simulated: %r", ret.enableCamera)

        ret.stoppingControl = False
        ret.startAccel = 0.0

        ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneBP = [0., 9.]
        ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneV = [0., .15]
        ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
        ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [3.6, 2.4, 1.5]
        ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
        ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.54, 0.36]

        return ret
    def update(self, sm, CP):
        self.use_lanelines = Params().get('EndToEndToggle') != b'1'
        self.laneless_mode = int(Params().get("LanelessMode", encoding='utf8'))
        self.v_cruise_kph = sm['controlsState'].vCruise
        self.stand_still = sm['carState'].standStill
            lateral_control_method = 0
            lateral_control_method = int(
            if lateral_control_method == 0:
                self.output_scale = sm[
            elif lateral_control_method == 1:
                self.output_scale = sm[
            elif lateral_control_method == 2:
                self.output_scale = sm[

        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo
        active = sm['controlsState'].active
        measured_curvature = sm['controlsState'].curvature

        md = sm['modelV2']
        self.LP.parse_model(sm['modelV2'], sm, v_ego)
        if len(md.position.x) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE and len(
                md.orientation.x) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE:
            self.path_xyz = np.column_stack(
                [md.position.x, md.position.y, md.position.z])
            self.t_idxs = np.array(md.position.t)
            self.plan_yaw = list(md.orientation.z)

        # Lane change logic
        one_blinker = sm['carState'].leftBlinker != sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        below_lane_change_speed = v_ego < LANE_CHANGE_SPEED_MIN

        if sm['carState'].leftBlinker:
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.left
        elif sm['carState'].rightBlinker:
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.right

        if (not active) or (self.lane_change_timer > LANE_CHANGE_TIME_MAX) or (
                abs(self.output_scale) >= 0.9 and self.lane_change_timer > 1):
            self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none
            torque_applied = sm['carState'].steeringPressed and \
                             ((sm['carState'].steeringTorque > 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                              (sm['carState'].steeringTorque < 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right))

            blindspot_detected = (
                 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right))

            lane_change_prob = self.LP.l_lane_change_prob + self.LP.r_lane_change_prob

            # State transitions
            # off
            if self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off and one_blinker and not self.prev_one_blinker and not below_lane_change_speed:
                self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = 1.0
                self.lane_change_wait_timer = 0

            # pre
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.preLaneChange:
                self.lane_change_wait_timer += DT_MDL
                if not one_blinker or below_lane_change_speed:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
                elif not blindspot_detected and (
                        torque_applied or (self.lane_change_auto_delay
                                           and self.lane_change_wait_timer >
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting

            # starting
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting:
                # fade out over .5s
                self.lane_change_adjust_new = interp(
                    v_ego, self.lane_change_adjust_vel,
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = max(
                    self.lane_change_ll_prob -
                    self.lane_change_adjust_new * DT_MDL, 0.0)
                # 98% certainty
                if lane_change_prob < 0.03 and self.lane_change_ll_prob < 0.02:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing

            # finishing
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing:
                # fade in laneline over 1s
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = min(
                    self.lane_change_ll_prob + DT_MDL, 1.0)
                if one_blinker and self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.98:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
                elif self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.98:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off

        if self.lane_change_state in [
                LaneChangeState.off, LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
            self.lane_change_timer = 0.0
            self.lane_change_timer += DT_MDL

        self.prev_one_blinker = one_blinker

        self.desire = DESIRES[self.lane_change_direction][

        # Turn off lanes during lane change
        if self.desire == log.LateralPlan.Desire.laneChangeRight or self.desire == log.LateralPlan.Desire.laneChangeLeft:
            self.LP.lll_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
            self.LP.rll_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
        if self.use_lanelines:
            d_path_xyz = self.LP.get_d_path(v_ego, self.t_idxs, self.path_xyz)
            self.laneless_mode_status = False
        elif not self.use_lanelines and self.laneless_mode == 0:
            d_path_xyz = self.LP.get_d_path(v_ego, self.t_idxs, self.path_xyz)
            self.laneless_mode_status = False
        # use laneless, it might mitigate abrubt steering at stopping?
        elif not self.use_lanelines and sm[
                'radarState'].leadOne.dRel < 25 and sm[
                    'radarState'].leadOne.vRel < 0 and (
                        abs(sm['controlsState'].steeringAngleDesiredDeg) -
                    ) > 2.5 and self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off:
            d_path_xyz = self.path_xyz
            self.laneless_mode_status = True
            self.laneless_mode_at_stopping = True
            self.laneless_mode_at_stopping_timer = 200
        elif self.laneless_mode_at_stopping and (
                v_ego < 1 or not self.laneless_mode_at_stopping_timer):
            d_path_xyz = self.LP.get_d_path(v_ego, self.t_idxs, self.path_xyz)
            self.laneless_mode_status = False
            self.laneless_mode_at_stopping = False
        elif not self.use_lanelines and self.laneless_mode == 1:
            d_path_xyz = self.path_xyz
            self.laneless_mode_status = True
        elif not self.use_lanelines and self.laneless_mode == 2 and (
                self.LP.lll_prob < 0.3 or self.LP.rll_prob < 0.3
        ) and self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off:
            d_path_xyz = self.path_xyz
            self.laneless_mode_status = True
            self.laneless_mode_status_buffer = True
        elif not self.use_lanelines and self.laneless_mode == 2 and (
                self.LP.lll_prob > 0.5 and self.LP.rll_prob > 0.5
        ) and self.laneless_mode_status_buffer and not self.laneless_mode_at_stopping and self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off:
            d_path_xyz = self.LP.get_d_path(v_ego, self.t_idxs, self.path_xyz)
            self.laneless_mode_status = False
            self.laneless_mode_status_buffer = False
        elif not self.use_lanelines and self.laneless_mode == 2 and self.laneless_mode_status_buffer == True and self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off:
            d_path_xyz = self.path_xyz
            self.laneless_mode_status = True
            d_path_xyz = self.LP.get_d_path(v_ego, self.t_idxs, self.path_xyz)
            self.laneless_mode_status = False
            self.laneless_mode_status_buffer = False

        if self.laneless_mode_at_stopping_timer > 0:
            self.laneless_mode_at_stopping_timer -= 1

        y_pts = np.interp(v_ego * self.t_idxs[:MPC_N + 1],
                          np.linalg.norm(d_path_xyz, axis=1), d_path_xyz[:, 1])
        heading_pts = np.interp(v_ego * self.t_idxs[:MPC_N + 1],
                                np.linalg.norm(self.path_xyz, axis=1),
        self.y_pts = y_pts

        assert len(y_pts) == MPC_N + 1
        assert len(heading_pts) == MPC_N + 1
        self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution,
                            float(v_ego), CAR_ROTATION_RADIUS, list(y_pts),
        # init state for next
        self.cur_state.x = 0.0
        self.cur_state.y = 0.0
        self.cur_state.psi = 0.0
        self.cur_state.curvature = interp(DT_MDL, self.t_idxs[:MPC_N + 1],

        # TODO this needs more thought, use .2s extra for now to estimate other delays
        delay = CP.steerActuatorDelay + .2
        current_curvature = self.mpc_solution.curvature[0]
        psi = interp(delay, self.t_idxs[:MPC_N + 1], self.mpc_solution.psi)
        next_curvature_rate = self.mpc_solution.curvature_rate[0]

        # MPC can plan to turn the wheel and turn back before t_delay. This means
        # in high delay cases some corrections never even get commanded. So just use
        # psi to calculate a simple linearization of desired curvature
        curvature_diff_from_psi = psi / (max(v_ego, 1e-1) *
                                         delay) - current_curvature
        next_curvature = current_curvature + 2 * curvature_diff_from_psi

        self.desired_curvature = next_curvature
        self.desired_curvature_rate = next_curvature_rate
        max_curvature_rate = interp(v_ego, MAX_CURVATURE_RATE_SPEEDS,
        self.safe_desired_curvature_rate = clip(self.desired_curvature_rate,
        self.safe_desired_curvature = clip(
            self.safe_desired_curvature - max_curvature_rate / DT_MDL,
            self.safe_desired_curvature + max_curvature_rate / DT_MDL)

        #  Check for infeasable MPC solution
        mpc_nans = any(math.isnan(x) for x in self.mpc_solution.curvature)
        t = sec_since_boot()
        if mpc_nans:
            self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING,
            self.cur_state.curvature = measured_curvature

            if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
                self.last_cloudlog_t = t
                cloudlog.warning("Lateral mpc - nan: True")

        if self.mpc_solution[
                0].cost > 20000. or mpc_nans:  # TODO: find a better way to detect when MPC did not converge
            self.solution_invalid_cnt += 1
            self.solution_invalid_cnt = 0
    def update(self, sm, CP, VM):
        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo
        active = sm['controlsState'].active
        steering_wheel_angle_offset_deg = sm['liveParameters'].angleOffset
        steering_wheel_angle_deg = sm['carState'].steeringAngle

        # Update vehicle model
        x = max(sm['liveParameters'].stiffnessFactor, 0.1)
        sr = max(sm['liveParameters'].steerRatio, 0.1)
        VM.update_params(x, sr)
        curvature_factor = VM.curvature_factor(v_ego)
        measured_curvature = -curvature_factor * math.radians(
            steering_wheel_angle_deg - steering_wheel_angle_offset_deg) / VM.sR

        md = sm['modelV2']
        if len(md.position.x) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE and len(
                md.orientation.x) == TRAJECTORY_SIZE:
            self.path_xyz = np.column_stack(
                [md.position.x, md.position.y, md.position.z])
            self.t_idxs = np.array(md.position.t)
            self.plan_yaw = list(md.orientation.z)

        # Lane change logic
        one_blinker = sm['carState'].leftBlinker != sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        below_lane_change_speed = v_ego < LANE_CHANGE_SPEED_MIN

        if sm['carState'].leftBlinker:
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.left
        elif sm['carState'].rightBlinker:
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.right

        if (not active) or (self.lane_change_timer > LANE_CHANGE_TIME_MAX) or (
                not self.lane_change_enabled):
            self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none
            torque_applied = sm['carState'].steeringPressed and \
                             ((sm['carState'].steeringTorque > 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                              (sm['carState'].steeringTorque < 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right))

            blindspot_detected = (
                 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right))

            lane_change_prob = self.LP.l_lane_change_prob + self.LP.r_lane_change_prob

            # State transitions
            # off
            if self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off and one_blinker and not self.prev_one_blinker and not below_lane_change_speed:
                self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = 1.0

            # pre
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.preLaneChange:
                if not one_blinker or below_lane_change_speed:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
                elif torque_applied and not blindspot_detected:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting

            # starting
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting:
                # fade out over .5s
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = max(
                    self.lane_change_ll_prob - 2 * DT_MDL, 0.0)
                # 98% certainty
                if lane_change_prob < 0.02 and self.lane_change_ll_prob < 0.01:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing

            # finishing
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing:
                # fade in laneline over 1s
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = min(
                    self.lane_change_ll_prob + DT_MDL, 1.0)
                if one_blinker and self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.99:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
                elif self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.99:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off

        if self.lane_change_state in [
                LaneChangeState.off, LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
            self.lane_change_timer = 0.0
            self.lane_change_timer += DT_MDL

        self.prev_one_blinker = one_blinker

        self.desire = DESIRES[self.lane_change_direction][

        # Turn off lanes during lane change
        if self.desire == log.LateralPlan.Desire.laneChangeRight or self.desire == log.LateralPlan.Desire.laneChangeLeft:
            self.LP.lll_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
            self.LP.rll_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
        d_path_xyz = self.LP.get_d_path(v_ego, self.t_idxs, self.path_xyz)
        y_pts = np.interp(v_ego * self.t_idxs[:MPC_N + 1],
                          np.linalg.norm(d_path_xyz, axis=1), d_path_xyz[:, 1])
        heading_pts = np.interp(v_ego * self.t_idxs[:MPC_N + 1],
                                np.linalg.norm(self.path_xyz, axis=1),
        self.y_pts = y_pts

        assert len(y_pts) == MPC_N + 1
        assert len(heading_pts) == MPC_N + 1
        self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution,
                            float(v_ego), CAR_ROTATION_RADIUS, list(y_pts),
        # init state for next
        self.cur_state.x = 0.0
        self.cur_state.y = 0.0
        self.cur_state.psi = 0.0
        self.cur_state.curvature = interp(DT_MDL, self.t_idxs[:MPC_N + 1],

        # TODO this needs more thought, use .2s extra for now to estimate other delays
        delay = CP.steerActuatorDelay + .2
        next_curvature = interp(delay, self.t_idxs[:MPC_N + 1],
        psi = interp(delay, self.t_idxs[:MPC_N + 1], self.mpc_solution.psi)
        next_curvature_rate = self.mpc_solution.curvature_rate[0]
        next_curvature_from_psi = psi / (v_ego * delay)
        if psi > self.mpc_solution.curvature[0] * delay * v_ego:
            next_curvature = max(next_curvature_from_psi, next_curvature)
            next_curvature = min(next_curvature_from_psi, next_curvature)

        # reset to current steer angle if not active or overriding
        if active:
            curvature_desired = next_curvature
            desired_curvature_rate = next_curvature_rate
            curvature_desired = measured_curvature
            desired_curvature_rate = 0.0

        # negative sign, controls uses different convention
        self.desired_steering_wheel_angle_deg = -float(
            math.degrees(curvature_desired * VM.sR) /
            curvature_factor) + steering_wheel_angle_offset_deg
        self.desired_steering_wheel_angle_rate_deg = -float(
            math.degrees(desired_curvature_rate * VM.sR) / curvature_factor)

        #  Check for infeasable MPC solution
        mpc_nans = any(math.isnan(x) for x in self.mpc_solution.curvature)
        t = sec_since_boot()
        if mpc_nans:
            self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING,
            self.cur_state.curvature = measured_curvature

            if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
                self.last_cloudlog_t = t
                cloudlog.warning("Lateral mpc - nan: True")

        if self.mpc_solution[
                0].cost > 20000. or mpc_nans:  # TODO: find a better way to detect when MPC did not converge
            self.solution_invalid_cnt += 1
            self.solution_invalid_cnt = 0
Example #27
    def update(self, pm, CS, lead):
        v_ego = CS.vEgo

        # Setup current mpc state
        self.cur_state[0].x_ego = 0.0

        if lead is not None and lead.status:
            x_lead = lead.dRel
            v_lead = max(0.0, lead.vLead)
            a_lead = lead.aLeadK

            if (v_lead < 0.1 or -a_lead / 2.0 > v_lead):
                v_lead = 0.0
                a_lead = 0.0

            self.a_lead_tau = lead.aLeadTau
            self.new_lead = False
            if not self.prev_lead_status or abs(x_lead -
                                                self.prev_lead_x) > 2.5:
                self.libmpc.init_with_simulation(self.v_mpc, x_lead, v_lead,
                                                 a_lead, self.a_lead_tau)
                self.new_lead = True

            self.prev_lead_status = True
            self.prev_lead_x = x_lead
            self.cur_state[0].x_l = x_lead
            self.cur_state[0].v_l = v_lead
            self.prev_lead_status = False
            # Fake a fast lead car, so mpc keeps running
            self.cur_state[0].x_l = 50.0
            self.cur_state[0].v_l = v_ego + 10.0
            a_lead = 0.0
            self.a_lead_tau = _LEAD_ACCEL_TAU

        # Calculate mpc
        t = sec_since_boot()

        # scc smoother
        cruise_gap = int(clip(CS.cruiseGap, 1., 4.))
        TR = interp(float(cruise_gap), [1., 2., 3., 4.], [1.0, 1.3, 1.7, 2.3])

        if self.cruise_gap != cruise_gap:
            self.cruise_gap = cruise_gap
            self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LONG.TTC, MPC_COST_LONG.DISTANCE,
                             MPC_COST_LONG.ACCELERATION, MPC_COST_LONG.JERK)

        n_its = self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution,
                                    self.a_lead_tau, a_lead, TR)
        duration = int((sec_since_boot() - t) * 1e9)

        if LOG_MPC:
            self.send_mpc_solution(pm, n_its, duration)

        # Get solution. MPC timestep is 0.2 s, so interpolation to 0.05 s is needed
        self.v_mpc = self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego[1]
        self.a_mpc = self.mpc_solution[0].a_ego[1]
        self.v_mpc_future = self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego[10]

        # Reset if NaN or goes through lead car
        crashing = any(lead - ego < -50 for (
            ego) in zip(self.mpc_solution[0].x_l, self.mpc_solution[0].x_ego))
        nans = any(math.isnan(x) for x in self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego)
        backwards = min(self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego) < -0.01

        if ((backwards or crashing) and self.prev_lead_status) or nans:
            if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
                self.last_cloudlog_t = t
                    "Longitudinal mpc %d reset - backwards: %s crashing: %s nan: %s"
                    % (self.mpc_id, backwards, crashing, nans))

            self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LONG.TTC, MPC_COST_LONG.DISTANCE,
                             MPC_COST_LONG.ACCELERATION, MPC_COST_LONG.JERK)
            self.cur_state[0].v_ego = v_ego
            self.cur_state[0].a_ego = 0.0
            self.v_mpc = v_ego
            self.a_mpc = CS.aEgo
            self.prev_lead_status = False
Example #28
def thermald_thread(end_event, hw_queue):
  pm = messaging.PubMaster(['deviceState'])
  sm = messaging.SubMaster(["peripheralState", "gpsLocationExternal", "controlsState", "pandaStates"], poll=["pandaStates"])

  fan_speed = 0
  count = 0

  onroad_conditions: Dict[str, bool] = {
    "ignition": False,
  startup_conditions: Dict[str, bool] = {}
  startup_conditions_prev: Dict[str, bool] = {}

  off_ts = None
  started_ts = None
  started_seen = False
  thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green
  usb_power = True

  last_hw_state = HardwareState(

  current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML)
  temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML)
  should_start_prev = False
  in_car = False
  handle_fan = None
  is_uno = False
  engaged_prev = False

  params = Params()
  power_monitor = PowerMonitoring()

  thermal_config = HARDWARE.get_thermal_config()

  # TODO: use PI controller for UNO
  controller = PIController(k_p=0, k_i=2e-3, k_f=1, neg_limit=-80, pos_limit=0, rate=(1 / DT_TRML))

  while not end_event.is_set():

    pandaStates = sm['pandaStates']
    peripheralState = sm['peripheralState']

    msg = read_thermal(thermal_config)

    if sm.updated['pandaStates'] and len(pandaStates) > 0:

      # Set ignition based on any panda connected
      onroad_conditions["ignition"] = any(ps.ignitionLine or ps.ignitionCan for ps in pandaStates if ps.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown)

      pandaState = pandaStates[0]

      in_car = pandaState.harnessStatus != log.PandaState.HarnessStatus.notConnected
      usb_power = peripheralState.usbPowerMode != log.PeripheralState.UsbPowerMode.client

      # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda
      if handle_fan is None and peripheralState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
        is_uno = peripheralState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.uno

        if TICI:
          cloudlog.info("Setting up TICI fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_tici
        elif is_uno or PC:
          cloudlog.info("Setting up UNO fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_uno
          cloudlog.info("Setting up EON fan handler")
          handle_fan = handle_fan_eon

      last_hw_state = hw_queue.get_nowait()
    except queue.Empty:

    msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent = get_available_percent(default=100.0)
    msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent = int(round(psutil.virtual_memory().percent))
    msg.deviceState.cpuUsagePercent = [int(round(n)) for n in psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True)]
    msg.deviceState.gpuUsagePercent = int(round(HARDWARE.get_gpu_usage_percent()))

    msg.deviceState.networkType = last_hw_state.network_type
    msg.deviceState.networkStrength = last_hw_state.network_strength
    if last_hw_state.network_info is not None:
      msg.deviceState.networkInfo = last_hw_state.network_info

    msg.deviceState.nvmeTempC = last_hw_state.nvme_temps
    msg.deviceState.modemTempC = last_hw_state.modem_temps

    msg.deviceState.screenBrightnessPercent = HARDWARE.get_screen_brightness()
    msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = HARDWARE.get_battery_capacity()
    msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent = HARDWARE.get_battery_current()
    msg.deviceState.usbOnline = HARDWARE.get_usb_present()
    current_filter.update(msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent / 1e6)

    max_comp_temp = temp_filter.update(
      max(max(msg.deviceState.cpuTempC), msg.deviceState.memoryTempC, max(msg.deviceState.gpuTempC))

    if handle_fan is not None:
      fan_speed = handle_fan(controller, max_comp_temp, fan_speed, onroad_conditions["ignition"])
      msg.deviceState.fanSpeedPercentDesired = fan_speed

    is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and ((not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5))
    if is_offroad_for_5_min and max_comp_temp > OFFROAD_DANGER_TEMP:
      # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad
      # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107
      thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger
      current_band = THERMAL_BANDS[thermal_status]
      band_idx = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys()).index(thermal_status)
      if current_band.min_temp is not None and max_comp_temp < current_band.min_temp:
        thermal_status = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys())[band_idx - 1]
      elif current_band.max_temp is not None and max_comp_temp > current_band.max_temp:
        thermal_status = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys())[band_idx + 1]

    # **** starting logic ****

    # Ensure date/time are valid
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    startup_conditions["time_valid"] = (now.year > 2020) or (now.year == 2020 and now.month >= 10)
    set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_InvalidTime", (not startup_conditions["time_valid"]))

    startup_conditions["up_to_date"] = params.get("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") is None or params.get_bool("DisableUpdates") or params.get_bool("SnoozeUpdate")
    startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get_bool("DoUninstall")
    startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version

    # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot
    startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent > 2
    startup_conditions["completed_training"] = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version or \
    startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get_bool("IsDriverViewEnabled")
    startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get_bool("IsTakingSnapshot")
    # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes
    # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60
    onroad_conditions["device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger
    set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", (not onroad_conditions["device_temp_good"]))

    if TICI:
      missing = (not Path("/data/media").is_mount()) and (not os.path.isfile("/persist/comma/living-in-the-moment"))
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_StorageMissing", missing)

    # Handle offroad/onroad transition
    should_start = all(onroad_conditions.values())
    if started_ts is None:
      should_start = should_start and all(startup_conditions.values())

    if should_start != should_start_prev or (count == 0):
      params.put_bool("IsOnroad", should_start)
      params.put_bool("IsOffroad", not should_start)

      params.put_bool("IsEngaged", False)
      engaged_prev = False
      HARDWARE.set_power_save(not should_start)

    if sm.updated['controlsState']:
      engaged = sm['controlsState'].enabled
      if engaged != engaged_prev:
        params.put_bool("IsEngaged", engaged)
        engaged_prev = engaged

        with open('/dev/kmsg', 'w') as kmsg:
          kmsg.write(f"<3>[thermald] engaged: {engaged}\n")
      except Exception:

    if should_start:
      off_ts = None
      if started_ts is None:
        started_ts = sec_since_boot()
        started_seen = True
      if onroad_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions != startup_conditions_prev):
        cloudlog.event("Startup blocked", startup_conditions=startup_conditions, onroad_conditions=onroad_conditions)

      started_ts = None
      if off_ts is None:
        off_ts = sec_since_boot()

    # Offroad power monitoring
    power_monitor.calculate(peripheralState, onroad_conditions["ignition"])
    msg.deviceState.offroadPowerUsageUwh = power_monitor.get_power_used()
    msg.deviceState.carBatteryCapacityUwh = max(0, power_monitor.get_car_battery_capacity())
    current_power_draw = HARDWARE.get_current_power_draw()  # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none
    msg.deviceState.powerDrawW = current_power_draw if current_power_draw is not None else 0

    # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd)
    msg.deviceState.chargingDisabled = power_monitor.should_disable_charging(onroad_conditions["ignition"], in_car, off_ts)

    # Check if we need to shut down
    if power_monitor.should_shutdown(peripheralState, onroad_conditions["ignition"], in_car, off_ts, started_seen):
      cloudlog.warning(f"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}")
      params.put_bool("DoShutdown", True)

    msg.deviceState.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.deviceState.batteryPercent < 90  # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged
    msg.deviceState.started = started_ts is not None
    msg.deviceState.startedMonoTime = int(1e9*(started_ts or 0))

    last_ping = params.get("LastAthenaPingTime")
    if last_ping is not None:
      msg.deviceState.lastAthenaPingTime = int(last_ping)

    msg.deviceState.thermalStatus = thermal_status
    pm.send("deviceState", msg)

    if EON and not is_uno:
      set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", (not usb_power))

    should_start_prev = should_start
    startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy()

    # Log to statsd
    statlog.gauge("free_space_percent", msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent)
    statlog.gauge("gpu_usage_percent", msg.deviceState.gpuUsagePercent)
    statlog.gauge("memory_usage_percent", msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent)
    for i, usage in enumerate(msg.deviceState.cpuUsagePercent):
      statlog.gauge(f"cpu{i}_usage_percent", usage)
    for i, temp in enumerate(msg.deviceState.cpuTempC):
      statlog.gauge(f"cpu{i}_temperature", temp)
    for i, temp in enumerate(msg.deviceState.gpuTempC):
      statlog.gauge(f"gpu{i}_temperature", temp)
    statlog.gauge("memory_temperature", msg.deviceState.memoryTempC)
    statlog.gauge("ambient_temperature", msg.deviceState.ambientTempC)
    for i, temp in enumerate(msg.deviceState.pmicTempC):
      statlog.gauge(f"pmic{i}_temperature", temp)
    for i, temp in enumerate(last_hw_state.nvme_temps):
      statlog.gauge(f"nvme_temperature{i}", temp)
    for i, temp in enumerate(last_hw_state.modem_temps):
      statlog.gauge(f"modem_temperature{i}", temp)
    statlog.gauge("fan_speed_percent_desired", msg.deviceState.fanSpeedPercentDesired)
    statlog.gauge("screen_brightness_percent", msg.deviceState.screenBrightnessPercent)

    # report to server once every 10 minutes
    if (count % int(600. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
      if EON and started_ts is None and msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent > 40:
        cloudlog.event("High offroad memory usage", mem=msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent)

                     pandaStates=[strip_deprecated_keys(p.to_dict()) for p in pandaStates],
                     location=(strip_deprecated_keys(sm["gpsLocationExternal"].to_dict()) if sm.alive["gpsLocationExternal"] else None),

    count += 1
Example #29
    def update(self, sm, pm, CP, VM):
        v_ego = sm['carState'].vEgo
        angle_steers = sm['carState'].steeringAngle
        active = sm['controlsState'].active

        angle_offset = sm['liveParameters'].angleOffset

        # Run MPC
        self.angle_steers_des_prev = self.angle_steers_des_mpc

        # Update vehicle model
        x = max(sm['liveParameters'].stiffnessFactor, 0.1)
        sr = max(sm['liveParameters'].steerRatio, 0.1)
        VM.update_params(x, sr)

        curvature_factor = VM.curvature_factor(v_ego)


        # Lane change logic
        one_blinker = sm['carState'].leftBlinker != sm['carState'].rightBlinker
        below_lane_change_speed = v_ego < LANE_CHANGE_SPEED_MIN

        if sm['carState'].leftBlinker:
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.left
        elif sm['carState'].rightBlinker:
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.right

        if (not active) or (self.lane_change_timer > LANE_CHANGE_TIME_MAX) or (
                not one_blinker) or (not self.lane_change_enabled):
            self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
            self.lane_change_direction = LaneChangeDirection.none
            torque_applied = sm['carState'].steeringPressed and \
                             ((sm['carState'].steeringTorque > 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.left) or
                              (sm['carState'].steeringTorque < 0 and self.lane_change_direction == LaneChangeDirection.right))

            lane_change_prob = self.LP.l_lane_change_prob + self.LP.r_lane_change_prob

            # State transitions
            # off
            if self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.off and one_blinker and not self.prev_one_blinker and not below_lane_change_speed:
                self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = 1.0

            # pre
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.preLaneChange:
                if not one_blinker or below_lane_change_speed:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off
                elif torque_applied:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting

            # starting
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeStarting:
                # fade out over .5s
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = max(
                    self.lane_change_ll_prob - 2 * DT_MDL, 0.0)
                # 98% certainty
                if lane_change_prob < 0.02 and self.lane_change_ll_prob < 0.01:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing

            # finishing
            elif self.lane_change_state == LaneChangeState.laneChangeFinishing:
                # fade in laneline over 1s
                self.lane_change_ll_prob = min(
                    self.lane_change_ll_prob + DT_MDL, 1.0)
                if one_blinker and self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.99:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
                elif self.lane_change_ll_prob > 0.99:
                    self.lane_change_state = LaneChangeState.off

        if self.lane_change_state in [
                LaneChangeState.off, LaneChangeState.preLaneChange
            self.lane_change_timer = 0.0
            self.lane_change_timer += DT_MDL

        self.prev_one_blinker = one_blinker

        desire = DESIRES[self.lane_change_direction][self.lane_change_state]

        # Turn off lanes during lane change
        if desire == log.PathPlan.Desire.laneChangeRight or desire == log.PathPlan.Desire.laneChangeLeft:
            self.LP.l_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob
            self.LP.r_prob *= self.lane_change_ll_prob

        # account for actuation delay
        self.cur_state = calc_states_after_delay(self.cur_state, v_ego,
                                                 angle_steers - angle_offset,
                                                 curvature_factor, VM.sR,

        v_ego_mpc = max(v_ego, 5.0)  # avoid mpc roughness due to low speed
        self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution,
                            list(self.LP.l_poly), list(self.LP.r_poly),
                            list(self.LP.d_poly), self.LP.l_prob,
                            self.LP.r_prob, curvature_factor, v_ego_mpc,

        # reset to current steer angle if not active or overriding
        if active:
            delta_desired = self.mpc_solution[0].delta[1]
            rate_desired = math.degrees(self.mpc_solution[0].rate[0] * VM.sR)
            delta_desired = math.radians(angle_steers - angle_offset) / VM.sR
            rate_desired = 0.0

        self.cur_state[0].delta = delta_desired

        self.angle_steers_des_mpc = float(
            math.degrees(delta_desired * VM.sR) + angle_offset)

        #  Check for infeasable MPC solution
        mpc_nans = any(math.isnan(x) for x in self.mpc_solution[0].delta)
        t = sec_since_boot()
        if mpc_nans:
            self.libmpc.init(MPC_COST_LAT.PATH, MPC_COST_LAT.LANE,
                             MPC_COST_LAT.HEADING, CP.steerRateCost)
            self.cur_state[0].delta = math.radians(angle_steers -
                                                   angle_offset) / VM.sR

            if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
                self.last_cloudlog_t = t
                cloudlog.warning("Lateral mpc - nan: True")

        if self.mpc_solution[
                0].cost > 20000. or mpc_nans:  # TODO: find a better way to detect when MPC did not converge
            self.solution_invalid_cnt += 1
            self.solution_invalid_cnt = 0
        plan_solution_valid = self.solution_invalid_cnt < 2

        plan_send = messaging.new_message('pathPlan')
        plan_send.valid = sm.all_alive_and_valid(service_list=[
            'carState', 'controlsState', 'liveParameters', 'model'
        plan_send.pathPlan.laneWidth = float(self.LP.lane_width)
        plan_send.pathPlan.dPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.d_poly]
        plan_send.pathPlan.lPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.l_poly]
        plan_send.pathPlan.lProb = float(self.LP.l_prob)
        plan_send.pathPlan.rPoly = [float(x) for x in self.LP.r_poly]
        plan_send.pathPlan.rProb = float(self.LP.r_prob)

        plan_send.pathPlan.angleSteers = float(self.angle_steers_des_mpc)
        plan_send.pathPlan.rateSteers = float(rate_desired)
        plan_send.pathPlan.angleOffset = float(
        plan_send.pathPlan.mpcSolutionValid = bool(plan_solution_valid)
        plan_send.pathPlan.paramsValid = bool(sm['liveParameters'].valid)

        plan_send.pathPlan.desire = desire
        plan_send.pathPlan.laneChangeState = self.lane_change_state
        plan_send.pathPlan.laneChangeDirection = self.lane_change_direction

        pm.send('pathPlan', plan_send)

        if LOG_MPC:
            dat = messaging.new_message('liveMpc')
            dat.liveMpc.x = list(self.mpc_solution[0].x)
            dat.liveMpc.y = list(self.mpc_solution[0].y)
            dat.liveMpc.psi = list(self.mpc_solution[0].psi)
            dat.liveMpc.delta = list(self.mpc_solution[0].delta)
            dat.liveMpc.cost = self.mpc_solution[0].cost
            pm.send('liveMpc', dat)
Example #30
  def update(self, CS, lead, v_cruise_setpoint):
    # Setup current mpc state
    self.cur_state[0].x_ego = 0.0

    if lead is not None and lead.status:
      x_lead = lead.dRel
      v_lead = max(0.0, lead.vLead)
      a_lead = lead.aLeadK

      if (v_lead < 0.1 or -a_lead / 2.0 > v_lead):
        v_lead = 0.0
        a_lead = 0.0

      self.a_lead_tau = max(lead.aLeadTau, (a_lead**2 * math.pi) / (2 * (v_lead + 0.01)**2))
      self.new_lead = False
      if not self.prev_lead_status or abs(x_lead - self.prev_lead_x) > 2.5:
        self.libmpc.init_with_simulation(self.v_mpc, x_lead, v_lead, a_lead, self.a_lead_tau)
        self.new_lead = True

      self.prev_lead_status = True
      self.prev_lead_x = x_lead
      self.cur_state[0].x_l = x_lead
      self.cur_state[0].v_l = v_lead
      self.prev_lead_status = False
      # Fake a fast lead car, so mpc keeps running
      self.cur_state[0].x_l = 50.0
      self.cur_state[0].v_l = CS.vEgo + 10.0
      a_lead = 0.0
      self.a_lead_tau = _LEAD_ACCEL_TAU

    # Calculate mpc
    t = sec_since_boot()
    n_its = self.libmpc.run_mpc(self.cur_state, self.mpc_solution, self.a_lead_tau, a_lead)
    duration = int((sec_since_boot() - t) * 1e9)
    self.send_mpc_solution(n_its, duration)

    # Get solution. MPC timestep is 0.2 s, so interpolation to 0.05 s is needed
    self.v_mpc = self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego[1]
    self.a_mpc = self.mpc_solution[0].a_ego[1]
    self.v_mpc_future = self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego[10]

    # Reset if NaN or goes through lead car
    dls = np.array(list(self.mpc_solution[0].x_l)) - np.array(list(self.mpc_solution[0].x_ego))
    crashing = min(dls) < -50.0
    nans = np.any(np.isnan(list(self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego)))
    backwards = min(list(self.mpc_solution[0].v_ego)) < -0.01

    if ((backwards or crashing) and self.prev_lead_status) or nans:
      if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0:
        self.last_cloudlog_t = t
        cloudlog.warning("Longitudinal mpc %d reset - backwards: %s crashing: %s nan: %s" % (
                          self.mpc_id, backwards, crashing, nans))

      self.cur_state[0].v_ego = CS.vEgo
      self.cur_state[0].a_ego = 0.0
      self.v_mpc = CS.vEgo
      self.a_mpc = CS.aEgo
      self.prev_lead_status = False