Example #1
def minor(level=None):
    Release a minor version for this package. Increase the middle part of the
    version number by 1 or by ``level`` if specified.

    :param level: set the minor level to this number.
    :type level: int
    # Stop if project has no tags
    if not git.has_tag():
        abort('You should use package.release.new() task as it seems there is'
              ' no version yet !')

    # Get the last released version from changelog
    last_released_version = helpers.get_last_version()
    puts(cyan('Last released version is %s.' % last_released_version))

    # Make a new version
    new_version = Version(str(last_released_version))

    if level:
        new_version.minor = int(level)
        new_version.minor += 1

    # Reset others
    new_version.patch = 0
    new_version.build = None

    # Call new to init the full process
    execute(new, str(new_version))
Example #2
def flowStart(action, increment):
	version = Version(VersionString)
	if increment == 'patch':
		version.patch += 1
	elif increment == 'minor':
		version.minor += 1
		version.patch = 0
	elif increment == 'major':
		version.major += 1
		version.minor = 0
		version.patch = 0
		raise Exception('unexpected increment target')

	newVersionString = "%d.%d.%d" % (version.major, version.minor, version.patch)
	print "running - git flow %s start %d.%d.%d" % (action, version.major, version.minor, version.patch)
	if subprocess.call(['git', 'flow', action, 'start', "%d.%d.%d" % (version.major, version.minor, version.patch)]) != 0:

	newContents = TargetContents[:VersionMatch.start(1)] + newVersionString + TargetContents[VersionMatch.end(1):]
	with open(TargetPath, 'w+') as fTarget:

	subprocess.call(['git', 'add', TargetPath])
Example #3
 def version_minor(self, value):  
     v = Version(self.version)
     v.minor = int(value)
     self.version = str(v)
Example #4
def inc_minor(version):
    v = Version(str(version))
    v.minor = v.minor + 1
    v.patch = 0
    return v