Example #1
 def train(cls, corpus, sim_metric, feature_num=5, sim_model='weighted'):
     Extract categories, features, feature weights, from corpus.
     Compute the weight for each feature token in each category
     The weight is computed as token_count / total_feature_count
     print "Training..."
     cat_word = {}
     for sent, cat in corpus:
     features = {cat: Counter(cat_word[cat]) for cat in cat_word}
     labels = features.keys()
     cat_features = {}
     feature_weights = {}
     for c, f in features.iteritems():
         w_c_pairs = f.most_common(feature_num)
         words, counts = zip(*w_c_pairs)
         cat_features[c] = words
         total_count = float(sum(counts))
         word_weights = []
         for w, count in w_c_pairs:
             word_weights.append((w, count / total_count))
         feature_weights[c] = word_weights
     return cls(labels, cat_features, feature_weights, sim_metric,
 def transform(self, X):
     tokenize = lambda x: word_process(word_tokenize(x))
     X_tokens = map(tokenize, X)
     if self._model == 'onehot':
         return map(self.unigram_features, X_tokens)
         return map(self.sim_features, X_tokens)
 def extract_features(self, corpus, feature_num=10):
     cat_word = {}
     for sent, cat in corpus:
         cat_word.setdefault(cat, []).extend(word_process(word_tokenize(sent)))
     features = {cat: Counter(cat_word[cat]) for cat in cat_word}
     feature_words = []
     for c, f in features.iteritems():
         words, counts = zip(*f.most_common(feature_num))
     feature_words = set(feature_words)
     return feature_words
Example #4
 def transform(self, X):
     tokenize = lambda x: lemmatization(word_tokenize(x))
     X_tokens = map(tokenize, X)
     if self._model == 'onehot':
         return map(self.unigram_features, X_tokens)
     elif self._model == 'wordnet':
         return map(self.wordnet_features, X_tokens)
     elif self._model == 'word2vec':
         return map(self.word2vec_features, X_tokens)
     elif self._model == 'both':
         return map(self.semantic_features, X_tokens)
Example #5
 def train(cls, X, y, classifier=LinearSVC, model='bow'):
     :param X:
     :param y:
     :param classifier:
     :param model: bow or tfidf
     tokenize = lambda x: lemmatization(word_tokenize(x))
     labels = LabelEncoder()
     y_train = labels.fit_transform(y)
     vectorizer = CountVectorizer(tokenizer=tokenize) \
         if model == 'bow' else TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer=tokenize)
     X_train = vectorizer.fit_transform(X)
     if isinstance(classifier, type):
         classifier = classifier()
     classifier.fit_transform(X_train, y_train)
     return cls(labels, vectorizer, classifier)
    def classify_single(self, sent, feature_model='max'):
        The input feature words are compared to each category based on category similarity.
        Sum the semantic similarity score between features and category.
        The category having highest similarity score is the correct category.

        :param featuresets: feature sets such as word list
        :param method: specify the semantic similarity metric
        :param model: similarity combination model 'max', 'sum'. Default is 'max'
        :return: the correct category label.
        feature_words = list(set(word_process(word_tokenize(sent))))
        score = {}
        for c in self._categories:
            if feature_model == 'max':
                score[c] = max([self.category_similarity(w, c) for w in feature_words] + [0.0])
                score[c] = sum([self.category_similarity(w, c) for w in feature_words] + [0.0])
        return Counter(score).most_common(1)[0][0]
Example #7
 def train(cls, corpus, sim_metric, feature_num=5, sim_model='weighted'):
     Extract categories, features, feature weights, from corpus.
     Compute the weight for each feature token in each category
     The weight is computed as token_count / total_feature_count
     print "Training..."
     cat_word = {}
     for sent, cat in corpus:
         cat_word.setdefault(cat, []).extend(word_process(word_tokenize(sent)))
     features = {cat: Counter(cat_word[cat]) for cat in cat_word}
     labels = features.keys()
     cat_features = {}
     feature_weights = {}
     for c, f in features.iteritems():
         w_c_pairs = f.most_common(feature_num)
         words, counts = zip(*w_c_pairs)
         cat_features[c] = words
         total_count = float(sum(counts))
         word_weights = []
         for w, count in w_c_pairs:
             word_weights.append((w, count / total_count))
         feature_weights[c] = word_weights
     return cls(labels, cat_features, feature_weights, sim_metric, sim_model)
Example #8
 def disambiguate_graph(self, sentence):
     words_origin = word_tokenize(sentence)
     #extract words that have a synset in WordNet, currently support NOUN.
     words = [w for w in words_origin if self._wn_sim.word2synset(w)]
     # map words to synsets
     words_synsets = {w:self._wn_sim.word2synset(w) for w in words}
     # construct sets list
     synsets = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([words_synsets[w] for w in words]))
     # remove duplicate synsets
     synsets = list(set(synsets))
     # define semantic similarity metric
     sim_metric = lambda x, y: self._wn_sim.similarity(x, y, self._sim_name)
     # construct similarity graphs
     sim_graph = SimGraph(synsets, sim_metric)
     # get pagerank scores of synsets
     rank_scores = sim_graph.page_rank()
     results = []
     for w in words_origin:
         if w in words:
             candidate_scores = {s:rank_scores[s] for s in words_synsets[w]}
             results.append((w, Counter(candidate_scores).most_common(1)[0][0]))
             results.append((w, None))
     return results
Example #9
 def extract_words(self, text):
     return lemmatization(word_tokenize(text))
Example #10
 def gloss_overlap(self, c1, c2):
     gloss1 = lemmatization(word_tokenize(c1.definition()))
     gloss2 = lemmatization(word_tokenize(c2.definition()))
     gloss1 = set(map(porter.stem, gloss1))
     gloss2 = set(map(porter.stem, gloss2))
     return len(gloss1.intersection(gloss2))
Example #11
 def extract_words(self, text):
     return lemmatization(word_tokenize(text))
Example #12
 def gloss_overlap(self, c1, c2):
     gloss1 = lemmatization(word_tokenize(c1.definition()))
     gloss2 = lemmatization(word_tokenize(c2.definition()))
     gloss1 = set(map(porter.stem, gloss1))
     gloss2 = set(map(porter.stem, gloss2))
     return len(gloss1.intersection(gloss2))
Example #13
        tfidf_index.num_best = top_N
        tfidf_index.save(save_dir + 'tfidf_index/tfidf.index')
        if model == 'lsa':
            lsa = models.LsiModel(tfidf_corpus,
            lsa.save(save_dir + 'lsa.model')
            lsa_index = similarities.Similarity(save_dir + 'lsa_index/shard',
            lsa_index.num_best = top_N
            lsa_index.save(save_dir + 'lsa_index/lsa.index')
            return cls(text_process, model, dictionary, tfidf, tfidf_index,
                       lsa, lsa_index)
        return cls(text_process, model, dictionary, tfidf, tfidf_index, None,

    data = read_data(DATA_FILE)
    data = read_data(DATA_FILE)
    TextAnalysis.train([d['abstract'] for _, d in enumerate(data)],
                       lambda x: word_process(word_tokenize(x)))

text_tfidf = TextAnalysis.load(lambda x: word_process(word_tokenize(x)))
text_lsa = TextAnalysis.load(lambda x: word_process(word_tokenize(x)),
 def tokenize(x): return word_process(word_tokenize(x))
 X_tokens = map(tokenize, X)
Example #15
 def context2words(self, sent):
     words = word_tokenize(sent.lower())
     words = [w for w in words if len(w) > 2]
     return lemmatization(words)