def create_account(user, password, email): salt = urandom(16).encode('hex') verify = urandom(16).encode('hex') hashPwd = sha512(password + salt).hexdigest() if email is not None: send_email.send(email, user, verify, "Signup") userColl.insert({ '_id': user, 'salt': salt, 'pass': hashPwd, 'email': email, 'signup_date': datetime.utcnow(), 'signup_ip': request.remote_addr, 'reset_ip': '', 'verified': verify, 'last_login': datetime.utcnow() }) else: userColl.update({'_id': user}, { "$set": { 'salt': salt, 'pass': hashPwd, 'reset_ip': request.remote_addr, 'last_login': datetime.utcnow() } }) if userColl.find_one({'_id': user})['verified'] == True: session['username'] = user
def accept(org_uuid): try: org_data = Organization.fetchByUUID(org_uuid) # Check their status if org_data[3] == 2: raise OrgException("Organization already accepted!") else: send_email.send( 'Application Accepted', f'Hi {org_data[2].strip()}!\n\n\nWe are pleased to inform you that your application ({org_data[1]}) for being an organization registered with us has been accepted. You can now log in to the application and begin accepting donations.\n\nRegards,\nDonation Nation', [ org_data[12], ]) dbcon = sql.connect() cur = dbcon.cursor() cur.execute("UPDATE organizations SET status=2 WHERE UUID=?", (org_data[1], )) cur.close() dbcon.commit() dbcon.close() except OrgException as e: raise e except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() raise e
def addItem(form, session, files): if check_form(form, [ 'name', 'category', 'condition', 'description', 'organization', 'time' ]) and 'image' in files: item_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) user_uuid = session['isLoggedIn'][1] current_time ="%d/%m/%Y - %H:%M:%S") image = standard_b64encode(files['image'].read()) try: org = Organization.fetchByUUID(form['organization']) send_email.send( 'New Item Offered!', f'Hi {org[2].strip()}!\n\n\nYou have been offered a new item ({form["name"]}) [{form["category"]}]! Log into the application to approve or reject this item!\n\nRegards,\nDonation Nation', [ org[12], ]) dbcon = sql.connect() cur = dbcon.cursor() cur.execute( "INSERT INTO items (UUID,item_name,category,condition,description,org_id,user_id,time_submitted,pickup_time,image,status) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,0)", (item_uuid, form['name'], form['category'], form['condition'], form['description'], form['organization'], user_uuid, current_time, form['time'], image)) dbcon.commit() cur.close() dbcon.close() except Exception as e: # We raise any exception so that the flask app can handle it traceback.print_exc() raise UserException('Something went wrong. Contact an admin.') else: raise UserException('Missing or invalid information!')
def reject(org_uuid): try: org_data = Organization.fetchByUUID(org_uuid) # Check their status if org_data[3] == 2: raise OrgException("Organization already accepted!") else: send_email.send( 'Application Rejected', f'Hi {org_data[2].strip()}!\n\n\nWe regret to inform you that your application ({org_data[1]}) for being an organization registered with us has been rejected. You can contact us at [email protected] to repeal your rejection.\n\nRegards,\nDonation Nation', [ org_data[12], ]) dbcon = sql.connect() cur = dbcon.cursor() cur.execute("DELETE FROM organizations WHERE UUID=?", (org_data[1], )) cur.fetchone() cur.close() dbcon.commit() dbcon.close() except OrgException as e: raise e except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() raise e
def update_database_code(login, cur, db): random_code = randint(100000, 999999) cur.execute("UPDATE `USERS` SET `1time_code`=%s WHERE `Login`=%s", [random_code, login]) db.commit() # SEND SMS send_email.send(login, random_code) return 0
def emit(self, record): "Invia messaggio di log via GMail" try: sm.send("", None, self.fromaddr, self.dest, self.subject, self.format(record)) except Exception as excp: _last_resort_log("Errore invio email a: %s\n- %s" % (self.dest, str(excp)))
def index(): # Read Sensors Status buttonSts = GPIO.input(button) senPIRSts = GPIO.input(senPIR) ledlightSts = GPIO.input(light) if senPIRSts == 0: #When output from motion sensor is LOW message = "No intruders" GPIO.output(light, 0) #Turn OFF LED elif senPIRSts == 1: #When output from motion sensor is HIGH now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") message = "Intruder detected on " + dt_string start_time = time.time() while True: buttonSts = GPIO.input(button) mode = request.args.get('mode') print("The mode now is", mode, start_time) #print(request.args); if mode == '1': print("changing button") buttonSts = False if buttonSts == False: message = "False Alarm! No Intruder" GPIO.output(light, False) #turn off break #if a min has passed without the safe button being pressed send an email elif buttonSts == True and (time.time() - start_time > 60): message = "One minute has passed owner alerted via Email" send_email.send() break else: GPIO.output(light, True) #light on time.sleep(0.4) #Time delay GPIO.output(light, False) #light off time.sleep(0.4) templateData = { 'title': 'Security System!', 'button': buttonSts, 'senPIR': senPIRSts, 'light': ledlightSts, 'message': message } return render_template('index.html', **templateData)
def monitor(): #获取本机IP localIp = os.popen(Settings["getIp_command"]).read().strip() print '本机IP:',localIp #查找目标进程 monitor_ports = '|'.join(Settings["server_dict"].keys()) print '需要监控的端口:',monitor_ports #循环检查 p_command = Settings["getProcess_command"] % (localIp,monitor_ports) # print '查找目标进程命令:',p_command services = [] # 拼接校验url for port in Settings["server_dict"].keys(): services.append(localIp + ':' +port + '\n') # print '期望存在服务:',services while True: host_ports = os.popen(p_command).readlines() print '找到进程:',host_ports # 如果目标服务数量已不足期望,检查是哪个服务挂了 if len(host_ports) < len(Settings["server_dict"].keys()): # 获取期望存在服务与实际存在服务之间的差集 diffs = list(set(services).difference(set(host_ports))) # 发送告警短信与邮件 for diff in diffs: # 替换发短信命令的占位符 module_name = Settings['profile'] + '-' + Settings["server_dict"][diff.strip().split(':')[1]] command = Settings["sendMsg_commad"] % (Settings["alarm_phones"],module_name,'进程已终止') if diff not in Alarm_cache["dead_process"]: print diff.strip(),'服务挂了,发送短信提醒' #发短信 os.system(command) #发邮件 send_email.send("【"+module_name +"】异常","进程已终止,赶快修复") Alarm_cache["dead_process"].append(diff) #加入缓存 避免大量重复报警 else: print '进程没挂,继续检查心跳' Alarm_cache['dead_process'] = [] # 给服务发送心跳 for host_port in host_ports: host_port = host_port.strip() ping_url = "http://"+host_port+"/api/ping" command = Settings["pingPong_command"] + ping_url http_status = os.popen(command).read() print 'ping:',ping_url,'状态码:',http_status if http_status != '200': if diff not in Alarm_cache["ping_error"]: print '心跳检查异常,发送报警短信:',Settings["alarm_phones"] module_name = Settings['profile'] + '-' +Settings["server_dict"][host_port.strip().split(':')[1]] #发短信 os.system(Settings["sendMsg_commad"] % (Settings["alarm_phones"],module_name,'心跳不通,服务可能是挂了')) #发邮件 send_email.send("【"+module_name +"】异常","心跳不通,服务可能是挂了") Alarm_cache["ping_error"].append(diff) #加入缓存 避免大量重复报警 print '一分钟后再次检查' time.sleep(60)
def main_core(): ser.readline() while True: pomiars = [] pomiars.append(get_data_serial()) pomiars.append(get_data_serial()) write_to_file(pomiars) send_email.send(file_name) os.remove(file_name) time.sleep(1)
def check(sitetype, dict, attach_img=None, to=[], cc=[], bcc=[]): if attach_img != None: return send_email.send(sitetype, dict, attach_img) if str(dict) == "{}": return sitetype + "\n" elif str(dict) == "[]": return sitetype + "\n" else: return send_email.send(sitetype, dict, attach_img)
def main_core (): while True: pomiars = [] pomiars.append(get_data_serial ()) pomiars.append(get_data_serial ()) pomiars.append(get_data_serial ()) #pomiars.append(get_data_serial ()) write_to_file (pomiars) send_email.send () os.remove ('zapis.txt') time.sleep (1)
def detected_callback(): snowboydecoder.play_audio_file() try: capture() except: print "Error when capturing images" try: send() except: print "Error when sending emails" print("Continue listening... Press Ctrl+C to exit")
def run(): # 执行全部爬虫,将爬取到的信息进行对人友好的处理(可能是html?) ret = [] for _ in _spiders: cur_s = _() per_ret = cur_s.start() for k, v in per_ret.items(): ret.append(k + ':' + v) ret = "\n".join(ret) # 将结构化数据发送到邮箱 send(ret)
def lambda_handler(event, context): # 現在時刻を取得 JST = timezone(timedelta(hours=+9), 'JST') time ='%Y年%-m月%-d日 %-H時%-M分') # htmlメールテンプレート読み込み html_template = open("./mail.html", "r").read() # テーブル名を指定 table_name = "hackathon-mobilehub-342417472-messages" # DynamoDBテーブルのオブジェクトを取得 dynamotable = dynamodb.Table(table_name) # 件数取得 table_json = dynamotable.scan()['Items'] record_num = len(dynamotable.scan()['Items']) # 登録されている友達の数だけ繰り返す for i in range(0, record_num): # 遺影のURL yeah_url = '' + table_json[i]['userId'] + '.jpg' # 遺言メッセージ message = table_json[i]['message'] # 遺言動画のURL movie_url = '' + table_json[i]['movie'] print(movie_url) # html 文字列置換 html = html_template html = html.replace('_senderName', table_json[i]['senderName']) html = html.replace('_yeahURL', yeah_url) html = html.replace('_lastDate', time) html = html.replace('_message', message) html = html.replace('_movieURL', movie_url) # Email 送信 email.send(table_json[i]['sender'], table_json[i]['receiver'], table_json[i]['senderName'], message, html) result = { "isBase64Encoded" : True, "statusCode": 200, "headers": { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, "body": "JSON string" } return result
def insertNewstoDB(): mysql_s = database.Mysql() data=getTopNewsimg() send_email.send(str(data).replace('u\'', '\'').decode("unicode-escape")) for news in data: print(news) mydict={} mydict['title']=news[1] mydict['content'] = news[4] mydict['url'] = news[2] mydict['image_url'] = news[3] print(mydict) mysql_s.insertData("tb_news",mydict)
def insert(form, files): if check_form(form, [ 'name', 'registrationNumber', 'city', 'emirate', 'POBox', 'address1', 'address2', 'phone', 'email', 'password', 'confirmPassword' ]) and (files['logo'] is not None): is_all_alpha(form, ['name', 'city', 'emirate']) is_all_alnum(form, ['POBox']) is_all_numeric(form, ['phone', 'registrationNumber']) is_email(form, 'email') Organization.check_phone_exists(form['phone']) Organization.check_email_exists(form['email']) hash = '' logo = standard_b64encode(files['logo'].read()) if form['password'] != form['confirmPassword']: raise OrgException('Both password fields must be the same.') else: hash = hashlib.sha256( form['password'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() org_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) try: dbcon = sql.connect() dbcon.execute( "INSERT INTO organizations (UUID, name, status, license_no, city, emirate, po_box, address_1, address_2, phone, logo, email, password) VALUES (?,?,0,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (org_uuid, form['name'], form['registrationNumber'], form['city'], form['emirate'], form['POBox'], form['address1'], form['address2'], form['phone'], logo, form['email'], hash)) verification_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) dbcon.execute("INSERT INTO verifications VALUES (?,?)", (org_uuid, verification_uuid)) # Send email to user for verification send_email.send( 'Email Verification', f'Hi {form["name"].strip()}!\n\n\nThank you for signing up for Donation Nation!\n\nTo complete your registration and enable your account, please verify your email by visiting the link:{verification_uuid}\n\nRegards,\nDonation Nation', [ form['email'], ]) # Commit changes and close the db connection dbcon.commit() dbcon.close() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() raise OrgException("Something went wrong. Contact an admin.") else: raise OrgException("Invalid or missing information!")
def go(): #===================================================# #메일에 들어갈 내용 mail_body = {} abort_date = "N" abort_thing = "N" abort_why = "N" #오늘날짜 today = #===================================================# driver = webdriver.Chrome() driver.get("") #화면 최대화 driver.maximize_window() #스크린샷 filename = os.getcwd() + "/todayscreen" + ".png" shot = driver.get_screenshot_as_file(filename) #MIMEImage로 변환 fp = open(filename, 'rb') context = img = MIMEImage(context) context = str(context) fp.close() is_write = True #이전 시간에 보냈는지 확인 with open('safedriving.txt', mode='a+', encoding='utf8') as title_file: templine = #파일에 내용이 없으면 False if not templine: is_write = False #기존에 읽었으면 True if (context == templine): is_write = True if is_write is False: with open('safedriving.txt', mode='w', encoding='utf8') as title_file: title_file.write(context) send_email.send("도로교통공단 안전운전 통합민원", dict=[], attach_img=img) driver.quit()
def insert(form): # Check that all information is here if check_form(form, [ 'firstName', 'lastName', 'dob', 'city', 'emirate', 'POBox', 'address1', 'address2', 'phone', 'email', 'password', 'confirmPassword' ]): is_all_alpha(form, ['firstName', 'lastName', 'city', 'emirate']) is_all_alnum(form, ['POBox']) is_all_numeric(form, ['phone']) is_email(form, 'email') User.check_phone_exists(form['phone']) User.check_email_exists(form['email']) hash = '' if form['password'] != form['confirmPassword']: raise UserException('Both password fields must be the same.') else: hash = hashlib.sha256( form['password'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() user_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) try: dbcon = sql.connect() dbcon.execute( "INSERT INTO users (UUID, first_name, last_name, dob, city, emirate, po_box, address_1, address_2, phone, email, password, isAdmin, isVerified) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,0,0)", (user_uuid, form['firstName'], form['lastName'], form['dob'], form['city'], form['emirate'], form['POBox'], form['address1'], form['address2'], form['phone'], form['email'], hash)) verification_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) dbcon.execute("INSERT INTO verifications VALUES (?,?)", (user_uuid, verification_uuid)) # Send email to user for verification send_email.send( 'Email Verification', f'Hi {form["firstName"].strip()}!\n\n\nThank you for signing up for Donation Nation!\n\nTo complete your registration and enable your account, please verify your email by visiting the link:{verification_uuid}\n\nRegards,\nDonation Nation', [ form['email'], ]) # Commit changes and close the db connection dbcon.commit() dbcon.close() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() raise UserException("Something went wrong. Contact an admin.") else: raise UserException("Invalid or missing information!")
def success(): if request.method=='POST': email = request.form["email_name"] height = request.form["height_name"] if db.session.query(Data).filter(Data.email_==email).count() == 0: data = Data(email, height) db.session.add(data) db.session.commit() average = db.session.query(func.avg(Data.height_)).scalar() average = round(average, 1) count = db.session.query(Data.height_).count() send(email, height, average, count) return render_template("success.html") else: # return render_template("index.html") flash("Seems like your email is already registered !!!", "info") return redirect(url_for("index"))
def maybe_send_alert(wells): ok = True badwells = [] wellnames = ["north", "west", "front", "furnace", "store"] for wellname,well in zip(wellnames, wells): if well == 0: ok = False badwells.append(wellname) if not ok: if len(recent_alerts()) > 3: return else: log_alert() msg = "The following wells are overfull: %s\n" % (", ".join(badwells)) msg += "The time is: %s\n" % ("YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss")) for addr in ALERT_ADDRS: send_email.send(addr, "WELL ALERT", msg)
def getTopImages():#只得到无图片型资讯 reload(sys) list=[] sys.setdefaultencoding("gbk") url="" images=[] i=1 # csvfile=open("D:csv_top_images.csv","wb") # writer=csv.writer(csvfile) # writer.writerow(('ID',u'图片标题',u'图片链接地址',u'图片网址')) getImage(url, i) for page in range(2,4): i+=1 url = "" print("正在解析第"+str(page)+"页新闻数据") url=url+str(page)+".htm" print(url) images=getImage(url,i) list.append(images) insertImagedb(images) send_email.send(str(list).replace('u\'','\'').decode("unicode-escape"))
def send_email(mailhost, sender, recipients, subj, body, debug_addr=''): # pylint: disable=R0913 "Invio messaggio e-mail" if debug_addr: warning = "MODO DEBUG - destinatari originali: %s\n\n" % ', '.join( recipients) message = warning + body dest = [debug_addr] subjd = subj + ' (DEBUG)' else: message = body dest = recipients subjd = subj if mailhost.strip() == "-": mailhost = None try: sm.send(mailhost, None, sender, dest, subjd, message) except Exception as excp: errmsg = "Mail to: %s - " % ', '.join(recipients) + str(excp) logging.error(errmsg) return False return True
def main(): dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) filename = os.path.join(dirname, '../database/source/red.jpg') filename = os.path.normpath(filename) red = cv2.imread(filename) filename = os.path.join(dirname, '../database/source/green.jpg') filename = os.path.normpath(filename) green = cv2.imread(filename) d = prepare.load_db() while True: img = green cv2.imshow('green light', img) cv2.waitKey(5000) cv2.destroyWindow('green light') img = red cv2.imshow('red light', img) cv2.waitKey(2000) cv2.destroyWindow('red light') video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0) ids = recognition.recognition(video_capture, d.copy()) for i in range(0, len(d["ids"])): for id_person in ids: if id_person != -1: if d["ids"][i] == id_person: filename = os.path.join( dirname, '../database/recognized_faces/' + str(id_person) + '.jpeg') filename = os.path.normpath(filename) send_email.send(d["emails"][i], d["full_names"][i], filename) video_capture.release() if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def accept(uuid): try: item_data = User.fetchItemByUUID(uuid) org_data = Organization.fetchByUUID(item_data[6]) send_email.send( 'Item Accepted', f'Hi {org_data[2]}!\n\n\nThe item ({item_data[2]}) [UUID: {item_data[1]}] has been accepted by the user for pickup. Contact the user for further details.\n\nRegards,\nDonation Nation', [ org_data[12], ]) dbcon = sql.connect() cur = dbcon.cursor() cur.execute('UPDATE items SET status=? WHERE UUID=?', (1, uuid)) dbcon.commit() cur.close() dbcon.close() except UserException as ue: raise ue except Exception: traceback.print_exc() raise UserException( 'An issue has occurred. Please contact an admin.')
def acceptItem(uuid): try: item_data = User.fetchItemByUUID(uuid) user_data = User.fetchByUUID(item_data[7]) send_email.send( 'Item Accepted', f'Hi {user_data[2]}!\n\n\nYour item ({item_data[2]}) [UUID: {item_data[1]}] has been accepted for pickup. The organization you donated to should contact you shortly.\n\nRegards,\nDonation Nation', [ user_data[11], ]) dbcon = sql.connect() cur = dbcon.cursor() cur.execute('UPDATE items SET status=? WHERE UUID=?', (1, uuid)) dbcon.commit() cur.close() dbcon.close() except OrgException as ue: raise ue except Exception: traceback.print_exc() raise OrgException( 'An issue has occurred. Please contact an admin.')
def removeItem(uuid): try: item_data = User.fetchItemByUUID(uuid) user_data = User.fetchByUUID(item_data[7]) send_email.send( 'Item Rejected', f'Hi {user_data[2]}!\n\n\nYour item ({item_data[2]}) [UUID: {item_data[1]}] has been rejected by the organization. Either try again or contact the organization for more details.\n\nRegards,\nDonation Nation', [ user_data[11], ]) dbcon = sql.connect() cur = dbcon.cursor() cur.execute('UPDATE items SET status=-1 WHERE UUID=?', (uuid, )) dbcon.commit() cur.close() dbcon.close() except OrgException as ue: raise ue except Exception: traceback.print_exc() raise OrgException( 'An issue has occurred. Please contact an admin.')
def main(invoice_ref, opts): include = [] if opts.include: include = csv_as_list(opts.include) exclude = [] if opts.exclude: exclude = csv_as_list(opts.exclude) split_code = [] if opts.split_code: split_code = csv_as_list(opts.split_code) only_admin = [] if opts.only_admin: only_admin = csv_as_list(opts.only_admin) recipients = make_invoices(invoice_ref, split_code, include, exclude, only_admin) if recipients: send_email.send(recipients, invoice_ref)
def set(): user_email = askstring("Email", "Enter your email :") try: if len(user_email) > 2 and user_email.count( "@") == 1 and user_email.count( ".") >= 1: # Send if it is a valid email address["canvas"]), "local/saves/email%d.png" % saved) send(user_email, "Your masterpiece is ready!", "Thanks for using Ubuntu Splash 2.0", "email%d.png" % saved) messagebox.showinfo( title="Email Sent", message="Email sent successfully!\nEvent logged to file.") else: f = open("local/events.log", "a") # Log to events file without overwrite f.write("Invalid email entered. Email not sent \n") f.close() except: messagebox.showinfo( title="Email Not Sent", message="Email not sent successfully!\nEvent logged to file.")
def test(hostname): max_tries = 3 response = ping_with_retries(hostname, max_tries) if response is True: return humantime1, humantime2, epochtime2 = response last_email_time = 0 try: with open(last_email_time_file, 'rb') as f: last_email_time = float( except IOError: with open(last_email_time_file, 'wb') as f: f.write('0') if epochtime2 - last_email_time > DELAY_TIME: message = open('message.txt', 'rb').read().strip() message = message.format(max_tries, humantime1, humantime2) send_email.send( FROM_ADDRESS, TO_ADDRESSES, 'Ping to %s failed' % hostname, message) with open(last_email_time_file, 'wb') as f: f.write(str(epochtime2))
def changePickupTime(form, uuid): try: item_data = User.fetchItemByUUID(uuid) org_data = Organization.fetchByUUID(item_data[6]) send_email.send( 'Item Pickup Date Changed', f'Hi {org_data[2]}!\n\n\nThe item ({item_data[2]}) [UUID: {item_data[1]}] has been suggested a new pickup time by the donator. Log in to the application to view and accept or reject the new pickup time.\n\nRegards,\nDonation Nation', [ org_data[12], ]) dbcon = sql.connect() cur = dbcon.cursor() cur.execute( 'UPDATE items SET pickup_time=?, status=? WHERE UUID=?', (form['time'], 3, uuid)) dbcon.commit() cur.close() dbcon.close() except UserException as ue: raise ue except Exception: traceback.print_exc() raise UserException( 'An issue has occurred. Please contact an admin.')
def forgot_pw(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('forgotpw.html') email = escape(request.form.get('email')) if userColl.find({ 'email': email }).count() == 0: #checks if user with specified email exists return render_template('forgotpw.html', email_error="Can't find that email") user = userColl.find_one({'email': email})['_id'] if resetColl.find({ 'user': user }).count( ) != 0: #checks if pending reset already exists, if yes marks it as invalid resetColl.remove({'user': user}) resetID = urandom(16).encode('hex') resetColl.insert({ '_id': resetID, 'timestamp': datetime.utcnow(), 'user': user }) # webbrowser.get('open -a /Applications/Google\ %s').open_new_tab(''+resetID) send_email.send(email, user, resetID) return """
def changePickupTime(form, uuid): try: item_data = User.fetchItemByUUID(uuid) user_data = User.fetchByUUID(item_data[7]) send_email.send( 'Item Pickup Time Changed', f'Hi {user_data[2]}!\n\n\nYour item ({item_data[2]}) [UUID: {item_data[1]}] has been suggested a new pickup time. Log into the application to approve or reject this new time.\n\nRegards,\nDonation Nation', [ user_data[11], ]) dbcon = sql.connect() cur = dbcon.cursor() cur.execute( 'UPDATE items SET pickup_time=?, status=? WHERE UUID=?', (form['time'], 2, uuid)) dbcon.commit() cur.close() dbcon.close() except OrgException as ue: raise ue except Exception: traceback.print_exc() raise OrgException( 'An issue has occurred. Please contact an admin.')
import send_email send_email.send('testing')
def oof(cf,plconf,date=False,last_date=False,FA='a',env=False): # start email notifications service: emailInfo=opt.email_info(cf=cf) sendEmail=emailInfo['send'] #if sendEmail: sys.stdout=opt.Redirect() env_vars(env) flags=opt.flags_info(cf) if date: date=dateu.parse_date(date) if last_date: last_date=dateu.parse_date(last_date) if not date: # find date-1 for prediction: date,file=find_last(type='rst',cf=cf) if not date: on_error(sendEmail,'ERROR (%s): Cannot find previous file'%FA,emailInfo) return else: print 'Last date = %s from file %s' % (date,file) rout=opt.nameof('out','rout',date=date,FA='a',cf=cf) if is_roms_out_ok(rout): print 'Previous roms out is ok: %s' % rout else: on_error(sendEmail,'ERROR (%s): Last run is not ok %s : %s' % (FA,date,rout),emailInfo) return else: date=dateu.next_date(date,-1) # read dates: start_date,end_date=opt.dates_info(cf) if last_date: end_date=dateu.next_date(last_date,+1) while date >= start_date and date < end_date: # read dates again, possible update may occur. start_date,end_date=opt.dates_info(cf) if last_date: end_date=dateu.next_date(last_date,+1) date=dateu.next_date(date) # check if already runned for that date: # ie, check for rst and check if roms_out is ok: rst=opt.nameof('out','rst',date=date,FA=FA,cf=cf) rout=opt.nameof('out','rout',date=date,FA=FA,cf=cf) if os.path.isfile(rst): print 'Found rst file for %s: %s' % (date,rst) if os.path.isfile(rout): if is_roms_out_ok(rout): print ' previous roms out is ok: %s' % rout else: on_error(sendEmail,'ERROR (%s): Previous roms out is NOT ok: %s' % (FA,rout),emailInfo) break else: print ' roms out for %s not found: NOT CHECKED' % date else: print '\nModel will start from %s' % date # check for atm data for current simulation: if flags['atmfrc'] or flags['atmblk']: atmStat=check_atm(date,FA,cf=cf) else: atmStat=True ## wait for rst in case of fa==F: ##if FA=='f': rstStat=check_rst(date,cf=cf) ##else: rstStat=True rstStat=check_rst(date,cf=cf) # check for bondary data for current simulation: if flags['clmbry']: # this step may take forever !! just let us belive parent model is available #bcStat=check_bc(date,FA,cf=cf) bcStat=True else: bcStat=True now=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +0",time.gmtime()) if (not atmStat is False) and (not rstStat is False) and (not bcStat is False): rout,dt,runErr=run(date,FA,cf=cf) now=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +0",time.gmtime()) # check if run was ok: if is_roms_out_ok(rout): msg='NO error %s %s'%(date,FA) Msg=' Run %s %s finished ok [%s] dt=%6.2f' % (date,FA,now,dt) print Msg # make plots: if flags['plots']: err,savenames=op_plot.op_plt(cf,plconf,date,FA) if not all(e=='' for e in err): msg+=' --> ERROR plotting' print ' ERROR plotting : ', for e in err: print e if not all(e=='' for e in savenames): for sv in savenames: print ' Saved plot '+sv elif runErr: on_error(sendEmail,'ERROR (%s): Run %s returned the error msg: %s' % (FA,date,runErr),emailInfo) break else: on_error(sendEmail,'ERROR (%s): Run %s finished with ERROR [%s] dt=%6.2f' % (FA,date,now,dt),emailInfo) break elif atmStat is False: Msg='ERROR (%s): Run %s cannot run (atm data missing) ERROR [%s]' % (FA,date,FA,now) if FA=='a': on_error(sendEmail,Msg,emailInfo) break else: msg='ERROR: atm data missing' print Msg elif rstStat is False: msg='ERROR: rst data missing' Msg='ERROR (%s): Run %s cannot run (atm data missing) ERROR [%s]' % (FA,date,now) print Msg print '\n' if sendEmail: send_email.send(emailInfo['dest'],Msg,msg)
def on_error(sendEmail,err,emailInfo=False): print err msg='Op model STOP' print msg+'\n' if sendEmail: send_email.send(emailInfo['dest'],err,msg)#sys.stdout.content,err)
ftp=FTP(ftpserver) ftp.login(ftpuser, ftppassword) except: print("Could not connect to the ftp server. Check server address, login and password") try: ftp.cwd(basedir) except: print("Could not change directory to "+basedir) bad_tt="" list_of_files = ftp.nlst() for folder in list_of_files: if (folder=='.') or (folder=='..'): continue; try: ftp.cwd(folder+"/E") if (len(ftp.nlst())>2): bad_tt=bad_tt+"TT"+folder+" " ftp.cwd(basedir) except: print("Couldn't find folder "+folder+"/I in the current directory") message ="" if bad_tt=="": message = "All clients was updated correctly! Yea!" else: message = "We have some problems with clients: "+bad_tt #message.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii') #message=repr(message.encode("ascii")) for email in email_addresses: send(email_sender, email_sender_passwd, email, "Check price update for DTRetail clients.", message) ftp.close()
def send_alert(alert_msg): send_email.send(alert_msg)
return entities_rank #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": #sessionID = 'Trump2016-020' #wikipage = 'Donald_Trump_presidential_campaign,_2016' sessionID = 'Bernie2016-002' wikipage = 'Bernie_Sanders_presidential_campaign,_2016' #wikipage = 'United_States_presidential_election,_2016' # get hashtag from sessionID hashtag = sessionID[:-4] vars_dict = {"wikipage": wikipage, 'hashtag': hashtag} thread.start_new_thread(stream_tweets.getTweets, (vars_dict['hashtag'],)) # Find the cooc hashtags every 6 minutes and save to DB while execute: time.sleep(6*60) try: findCoocHashtags(vars_dict, sessionID) except Exception as e: send_email.send("streamer error", str(e))
def check_if_running(script_name): running = subprocess.check_output(['ps', '-aux']) if script_name not in running: send_email.send('*****@*****.**', 'kippli2684!', '*****@*****.**', 'Monitoring script has stopped running!', 'Monitoring Script Not Running!') time.sleep(600)