def test_personalizations_resolution(self): """ Tests that adding a Personalization() object directly to an EmailMessage object works as expected. Written to test functionality introduced in the PR: """ msg = EmailMessage( subject="Hello, World!", body="Hello, World!", from_email="Sam Smith <*****@*****.**>", to=["John Doe <*****@*****.**>", "*****@*****.**"], cc=["Stephanie Smith <*****@*****.**>"], bcc=["Sarah Smith <*****@*****.**>"], reply_to=["Sam Smith <*****@*****.**>"], ) # Tests that personalizations take priority test_str = "*****@*****.**" test_key_str = "my key" test_val_str = "my val" personalization = Personalization() if SENDGRID_5: personalization.add_to(Email(test_str)) personalization.add_cc(Email(test_str)) personalization.add_bcc(Email(test_str)) else: personalization.add_to(To(test_str)) personalization.add_cc(Cc(test_str)) personalization.add_bcc(Bcc(test_str)) personalization.add_custom_arg(CustomArg(test_key_str, test_val_str)) personalization.add_header(Header(test_key_str, test_val_str)) personalization.add_substitution( Substitution(test_key_str, test_val_str)) msg.personalizations = [personalization] result = self.backend._build_sg_mail(msg) personalization = result["personalizations"][0] for field in ("to", "cc", "bcc"): data = personalization[field] self.assertEqual(len(data), 1) self.assertEqual(data[0]["email"], test_str) for field in ("custom_args", "headers", "substitutions"): data = personalization[field] self.assertEqual(len(data), 1) self.assertIn(test_key_str, data) self.assertEqual(test_val_str, data[test_key_str])
def test_error_is_not_raised_on_to_emails_includes_bcc_cc(self): from sendgrid.helpers.mail import (PlainTextContent, HtmlContent) self.maxDiff = None to_emails = [ To('*****@*****.**', 'Example To Name 0'), Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example Bcc Name 1'), Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example Cc Name 2') ] Mail(from_email=From('*****@*****.**', 'Example From Name'), to_emails=to_emails, subject=Subject('Sending with SendGrid is Fun'), plain_text_content=PlainTextContent( 'and easy to do anywhere, even with Python'), html_content=HtmlContent( '<strong>and easy to do anywhere, even with Python</strong>'))
def send_email(string): input_string = string.split("&") hashset = {} for substring in input_string: key, val = substring.split("=") hashset[key] = val.replace("'", "") sys.stdout.write(str(hashset)) message = Mail() for key in hashset: if key == "to_emails": personalization = Personalization() for emails in hashset[key].split(";"): personalization.add_to(Email(emails)) message.add_personalization(personalization) elif key == "content": message.add_content(Content(hashset['content_type'], hashset[key])) elif key == "cc_email": for emails in hashset[key].split(";"): message.add_cc(Cc(emails)) elif key == "bcc_email": for emails in hashset[key].split(";"): message.add_bcc(Bcc(emails)) elif "attachment" in key and "_type" not in key: attached_file = Attachment() with open(hashset[key], 'rb') as f: data = f.close() encoded_file = base64.b64encode(data).decode() attached_file.file_content = FileContent(encoded_file) attached_file.file_name = FileName( hashset[key][hashset[key].rfind("/") + 1:]) attached_file.file_type = FileType(hashset[key + "_type"]) attached_file.disposition = Disposition('attachment') message.add_attachment(attached_file) else: setattr(message, key, hashset[key]) #Use own API Key sg = SendGridAPIClient("") response = sg.send(message) sys.stdout.write("REQUEST BODY : " + str(message.get())) print(response.status_code, response.body, response.headers)
def test_build_personalization_errors(self): msg = EmailMessage( subject="Hello, World!", body="Hello, World!", from_email="Sam Smith <*****@*****.**>", cc=["Stephanie Smith <*****@*****.**>"], bcc=["Sarah Smith <*****@*****.**>"], reply_to=["Sam Smith <*****@*****.**>"], ) test_str = "*****@*****.**" test_key_str = "my key" test_val_str = "my val" personalization = Personalization() if SENDGRID_5: personalization.add_cc(Email(test_str)) personalization.add_bcc(Email(test_str)) else: personalization.add_cc(Cc(test_str)) personalization.add_bcc(Bcc(test_str)) personalization.add_custom_arg(CustomArg(test_key_str, test_val_str)) personalization.add_header(Header(test_key_str, test_val_str)) personalization.add_substitution( Substitution(test_key_str, test_val_str)) msg.personalizations = [personalization] self.assertRaisesRegex( ValueError, "Each msg personalization must have recipients", self.backend._build_sg_mail, msg, ) delattr(msg, "personalizations") msg.dynamic_template_data = {"obi_wan": "hello there"} self.assertRaisesRegex( ValueError, r"Either msg\.to or msg\.personalizations \(with recipients\) must be set", self.backend._build_sg_mail, msg, )
def create_email(address, subject, template_name, context): templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath="templates") templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader) html_template = templateEnv.get_template(template_name + ".html") html_to_send = html_template.render(context) content = HtmlContent(html_to_send) from_email = From("*****@*****.**", "Unsub Team") to_email = To(address) to_emails = [to_email] if "" in address: to_emails += [Cc("*****@*****.**")] email = Mail(from_email=from_email, subject=Subject(subject), to_emails=to_emails, html_content=content)'sending email "{}" to {}'.format(subject, address))) return email
def send_sendgrid_email(subject, content, to_emails, to_ccs=None): html_content = Content("text/html", content) message = Mail(from_email=from_email, to_emails=to_emails, subject=subject, html_content=html_content) if to_ccs: ccs = [] for cc_person in to_ccs: ccs.append(Cc(cc_person, cc_person)) message.add_cc(ccs) try: response = sg.send(message) # print(response.status_code) # print(response.body) # print(response.headers) except Exception as e: print(e.message) return response
def build_kitchen_sink(): """All settings set""" from sendgrid.helpers.mail import ( Mail, From, To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, PlainTextContent, HtmlContent, SendGridException, Substitution, Header, CustomArg, SendAt, Content, MimeType, Attachment, FileName, FileContent, FileType, Disposition, ContentId, TemplateId, Section, ReplyTo, Category, BatchId, Asm, GroupId, GroupsToDisplay, IpPoolName, MailSettings, BccSettings, BccSettingsEmail, BypassListManagement, FooterSettings, FooterText, FooterHtml, SandBoxMode, SpamCheck, SpamThreshold, SpamUrl, TrackingSettings, ClickTracking, SubscriptionTracking, SubscriptionText, SubscriptionHtml, SubscriptionSubstitutionTag, OpenTracking, OpenTrackingSubstitutionTag, Ganalytics, UtmSource, UtmMedium, UtmTerm, UtmContent, UtmCampaign) import time import datetime message = Mail() # Define Personalizations = To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User1', p=0) = [ To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User2', p=0), To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User3', p=0) ] = Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User4', p=0) = [ Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User5', p=0), Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User6', p=0) ] message.bcc = Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User7', p=0) message.bcc = [ Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User8', p=0), Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User9', p=0) ] message.subject = Subject('Sending with SendGrid is Fun 0', p=0) message.header = Header('X-Test1', 'Test1', p=0) message.header = Header('X-Test2', 'Test2', p=0) message.header = [ Header('X-Test3', 'Test3', p=0), Header('X-Test4', 'Test4', p=0) ] message.substitution = Substitution('%name1%', 'Example Name 1', p=0) message.substitution = Substitution('%city1%', 'Example City 1', p=0) message.substitution = [ Substitution('%name2%', 'Example Name 2', p=0), Substitution('%city2%', 'Example City 2', p=0) ] message.custom_arg = CustomArg('marketing1', 'true', p=0) message.custom_arg = CustomArg('transactional1', 'false', p=0) message.custom_arg = [ CustomArg('marketing2', 'false', p=0), CustomArg('transactional2', 'true', p=0) ] message.send_at = SendAt(1461775051, p=0) = To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User10', p=1) = [ To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User11', p=1), To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User12', p=1) ] = Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User13', p=1) = [ Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User14', p=1), Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User15', p=1) ] message.bcc = Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User16', p=1) message.bcc = [ Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User17', p=1), Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User18', p=1) ] message.header = Header('X-Test5', 'Test5', p=1) message.header = Header('X-Test6', 'Test6', p=1) message.header = [ Header('X-Test7', 'Test7', p=1), Header('X-Test8', 'Test8', p=1) ] message.substitution = Substitution('%name3%', 'Example Name 3', p=1) message.substitution = Substitution('%city3%', 'Example City 3', p=1) message.substitution = [ Substitution('%name4%', 'Example Name 4', p=1), Substitution('%city4%', 'Example City 4', p=1) ] message.custom_arg = CustomArg('marketing3', 'true', p=1) message.custom_arg = CustomArg('transactional3', 'false', p=1) message.custom_arg = [ CustomArg('marketing4', 'false', p=1), CustomArg('transactional4', 'true', p=1) ] message.send_at = SendAt(1461775052, p=1) message.subject = Subject('Sending with SendGrid is Fun 1', p=1) # The values below this comment are global to entire message message.from_email = From('*****@*****.**', 'DX') message.reply_to = ReplyTo('*****@*****.**', 'DX Reply') message.subject = Subject('Sending with SendGrid is Fun 2') message.content = Content(MimeType.text, 'and easy to do anywhere, even with Python') message.content = Content(MimeType.html, '<strong>and easy to do anywhere, even with Python</strong>') message.content = [ Content('text/calendar', 'Party Time!!'), Content('text/custom', 'Party Time 2!!') ] message.attachment = Attachment(FileContent('base64 encoded content 1'), FileType('application/pdf'), FileName('balance_001.pdf'), Disposition('attachment'), ContentId('Content ID 1')) message.attachment = [ Attachment(FileContent('base64 encoded content 2'), FileType('image/png'), FileName('banner.png'), Disposition('inline'), ContentId('Content ID 2')), Attachment(FileContent('base64 encoded content 3'), FileType('image/png'), FileName('banner2.png'), Disposition('inline'), ContentId('Content ID 3')) ] message.template_id = TemplateId('13b8f94f-bcae-4ec6-b752-70d6cb59f932') message.section = Section('%section1%', 'Substitution for Section 1 Tag') message.section = [ Section('%section2%', 'Substitution for Section 2 Tag'), Section('%section3%', 'Substitution for Section 3 Tag') ] message.header = Header('X-Test9', 'Test9') message.header = Header('X-Test10', 'Test10') message.header = [ Header('X-Test11', 'Test11'), Header('X-Test12', 'Test12') ] message.category = Category('Category 1') message.category = Category('Category 2') message.category = [ Category('Category 1'), Category('Category 2') ] message.custom_arg = CustomArg('marketing5', 'false') message.custom_arg = CustomArg('transactional5', 'true') message.custom_arg = [ CustomArg('marketing6', 'true'), CustomArg('transactional6', 'false') ] message.send_at = SendAt(1461775053) message.batch_id = BatchId("HkJ5yLYULb7Rj8GKSx7u025ouWVlMgAi") message.asm = Asm(GroupId(1), GroupsToDisplay([1,2,3,4])) message.ip_pool_name = IpPoolName("IP Pool Name") mail_settings = MailSettings() mail_settings.bcc_settings = BccSettings(False, BccSettingsEmail("*****@*****.**")) mail_settings.bypass_list_management = BypassListManagement(False) mail_settings.footer_settings = FooterSettings(True, FooterText("w00t"), FooterHtml("<string>w00t!<strong>")) mail_settings.sandbox_mode = SandBoxMode(True) mail_settings.spam_check = SpamCheck(True, SpamThreshold(5), SpamUrl("")) message.mail_settings = mail_settings tracking_settings = TrackingSettings() tracking_settings.click_tracking = ClickTracking(True, False) tracking_settings.open_tracking = OpenTracking(True, OpenTrackingSubstitutionTag("open_tracking")) tracking_settings.subscription_tracking = SubscriptionTracking( True, SubscriptionText("Goodbye"), SubscriptionHtml("<strong>Goodbye!</strong>"), SubscriptionSubstitutionTag("unsubscribe")) tracking_settings.ganalytics = Ganalytics( True, UtmSource("utm_source"), UtmMedium("utm_medium"), UtmTerm("utm_term"), UtmContent("utm_content"), UtmCampaign("utm_campaign")) message.tracking_settings = tracking_settings return message.get()
def test_kitchen_sink(self): from sendgrid.helpers.mail import ( Mail, From, To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, Substitution, Header, CustomArg, SendAt, Content, MimeType, Attachment, FileName, FileContent, FileType, Disposition, ContentId, TemplateId, Section, ReplyTo, Category, BatchId, Asm, GroupId, GroupsToDisplay, IpPoolName, MailSettings, BccSettings, BccSettingsEmail, BypassListManagement, FooterSettings, FooterText, FooterHtml, SandBoxMode, SpamCheck, SpamThreshold, SpamUrl, TrackingSettings, ClickTracking, SubscriptionTracking, SubscriptionText, SubscriptionHtml, SubscriptionSubstitutionTag, OpenTracking, OpenTrackingSubstitutionTag, Ganalytics, UtmSource, UtmMedium, UtmTerm, UtmContent, UtmCampaign) self.maxDiff = None message = Mail() # Define Personalizations = To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User1', p=0) = [ To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User2', p=0), To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User3', p=0) ] = Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User4', p=0) = [ Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User5', p=0), Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User6', p=0) ] message.bcc = Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User7', p=0) message.bcc = [ Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User8', p=0), Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User9', p=0) ] message.subject = Subject('Sending with SendGrid is Fun 0', p=0) message.header = Header('X-Test1', 'Test1', p=0) message.header = Header('X-Test2', 'Test2', p=0) message.header = [ Header('X-Test3', 'Test3', p=0), Header('X-Test4', 'Test4', p=0) ] message.substitution = Substitution('%name1%', 'Example Name 1', p=0) message.substitution = Substitution('%city1%', 'Example City 1', p=0) message.substitution = [ Substitution('%name2%', 'Example Name 2', p=0), Substitution('%city2%', 'Example City 2', p=0) ] message.custom_arg = CustomArg('marketing1', 'true', p=0) message.custom_arg = CustomArg('transactional1', 'false', p=0) message.custom_arg = [ CustomArg('marketing2', 'false', p=0), CustomArg('transactional2', 'true', p=0) ] message.send_at = SendAt(1461775051, p=0) = To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User10', p=1) = [ To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User11', p=1), To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User12', p=1) ] = Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User13', p=1) = [ Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User14', p=1), Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User15', p=1) ] message.bcc = Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User16', p=1) message.bcc = [ Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User17', p=1), Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User18', p=1) ] message.header = Header('X-Test5', 'Test5', p=1) message.header = Header('X-Test6', 'Test6', p=1) message.header = [ Header('X-Test7', 'Test7', p=1), Header('X-Test8', 'Test8', p=1) ] message.substitution = Substitution('%name3%', 'Example Name 3', p=1) message.substitution = Substitution('%city3%', 'Example City 3', p=1) message.substitution = [ Substitution('%name4%', 'Example Name 4', p=1), Substitution('%city4%', 'Example City 4', p=1) ] message.custom_arg = CustomArg('marketing3', 'true', p=1) message.custom_arg = CustomArg('transactional3', 'false', p=1) message.custom_arg = [ CustomArg('marketing4', 'false', p=1), CustomArg('transactional4', 'true', p=1) ] message.send_at = SendAt(1461775052, p=1) message.subject = Subject('Sending with SendGrid is Fun 1', p=1) # The values below this comment are global to entire message message.from_email = From('*****@*****.**', 'Twilio SendGrid') message.reply_to = ReplyTo('*****@*****.**', 'Twilio SendGrid Reply') message.subject = Subject('Sending with SendGrid is Fun 2') message.content = Content(MimeType.text, 'and easy to do anywhere, even with Python') message.content = Content( MimeType.html, '<strong>and easy to do anywhere, even with Python</strong>') message.content = [ Content('text/calendar', 'Party Time!!'), Content('text/custom', 'Party Time 2!!') ] message.attachment = Attachment( FileContent('base64 encoded content 1'), FileName('balance_001.pdf'), FileType('application/pdf'), Disposition('attachment'), ContentId('Content ID 1')) message.attachment = [ Attachment(FileContent('base64 encoded content 2'), FileName('banner.png'), FileType('image/png'), Disposition('inline'), ContentId('Content ID 2')), Attachment(FileContent('base64 encoded content 3'), FileName('banner2.png'), FileType('image/png'), Disposition('inline'), ContentId('Content ID 3')) ] message.template_id = TemplateId( '13b8f94f-bcae-4ec6-b752-70d6cb59f932') message.section = Section('%section1%', 'Substitution for Section 1 Tag') message.section = [ Section('%section2%', 'Substitution for Section 2 Tag'), Section('%section3%', 'Substitution for Section 3 Tag') ] message.header = Header('X-Test9', 'Test9') message.header = Header('X-Test10', 'Test10') message.header = [ Header('X-Test11', 'Test11'), Header('X-Test12', 'Test12') ] message.category = Category('Category 1') message.category = Category('Category 2') message.category = [Category('Category 1'), Category('Category 2')] message.custom_arg = CustomArg('marketing5', 'false') message.custom_arg = CustomArg('transactional5', 'true') message.custom_arg = [ CustomArg('marketing6', 'true'), CustomArg('transactional6', 'false') ] message.send_at = SendAt(1461775053) message.batch_id = BatchId("HkJ5yLYULb7Rj8GKSx7u025ouWVlMgAi") message.asm = Asm(GroupId(1), GroupsToDisplay([1, 2, 3, 4])) message.ip_pool_name = IpPoolName("IP Pool Name") mail_settings = MailSettings() mail_settings.bcc_settings = BccSettings( False, BccSettingsEmail("*****@*****.**")) mail_settings.bypass_list_management = BypassListManagement(False) mail_settings.footer_settings = FooterSettings( True, FooterText("w00t"), FooterHtml("<string>w00t!<strong>")) mail_settings.sandbox_mode = SandBoxMode(True) mail_settings.spam_check = SpamCheck(True, SpamThreshold(5), SpamUrl("")) message.mail_settings = mail_settings tracking_settings = TrackingSettings() tracking_settings.click_tracking = ClickTracking(True, False) tracking_settings.open_tracking = OpenTracking( True, OpenTrackingSubstitutionTag("open_tracking")) tracking_settings.subscription_tracking = SubscriptionTracking( True, SubscriptionText("Goodbye"), SubscriptionHtml("<strong>Goodbye!</strong>"), SubscriptionSubstitutionTag("unsubscribe")) tracking_settings.ganalytics = Ganalytics(True, UtmSource("utm_source"), UtmMedium("utm_medium"), UtmTerm("utm_term"), UtmContent("utm_content"), UtmCampaign("utm_campaign")) message.tracking_settings = tracking_settings self.assertEqual( message.get(), json.loads(r'''{ "asm": { "group_id": 1, "groups_to_display": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] }, "attachments": [ { "content": "base64 encoded content 3", "content_id": "Content ID 3", "disposition": "inline", "filename": "banner2.png", "type": "image/png" }, { "content": "base64 encoded content 2", "content_id": "Content ID 2", "disposition": "inline", "filename": "banner.png", "type": "image/png" }, { "content": "base64 encoded content 1", "content_id": "Content ID 1", "disposition": "attachment", "filename": "balance_001.pdf", "type": "application/pdf" } ], "batch_id": "HkJ5yLYULb7Rj8GKSx7u025ouWVlMgAi", "categories": [ "Category 2", "Category 1", "Category 2", "Category 1" ], "content": [ { "type": "text/plain", "value": "and easy to do anywhere, even with Python" }, { "type": "text/html", "value": "<strong>and easy to do anywhere, even with Python</strong>" }, { "type": "text/calendar", "value": "Party Time!!" }, { "type": "text/custom", "value": "Party Time 2!!" } ], "custom_args": { "marketing5": "false", "marketing6": "true", "transactional5": "true", "transactional6": "false" }, "from": { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Twilio SendGrid" }, "headers": { "X-Test10": "Test10", "X-Test11": "Test11", "X-Test12": "Test12", "X-Test9": "Test9" }, "ip_pool_name": "IP Pool Name", "mail_settings": { "bcc": { "email": "*****@*****.**", "enable": false }, "bypass_list_management": { "enable": false }, "footer": { "enable": true, "html": "<string>w00t!<strong>", "text": "w00t" }, "sandbox_mode": { "enable": true }, "spam_check": { "enable": true, "post_to_url": "", "threshold": 5 } }, "personalizations": [ { "bcc": [ { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User7" }, { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User8" }, { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User9" } ], "cc": [ { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User4" }, { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User5" }, { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User6" } ], "custom_args": { "marketing1": "true", "marketing2": "false", "transactional1": "false", "transactional2": "true" }, "headers": { "X-Test1": "Test1", "X-Test2": "Test2", "X-Test3": "Test3", "X-Test4": "Test4" }, "send_at": 1461775051, "subject": "Sending with SendGrid is Fun 0", "substitutions": { "%city1%": "Example City 1", "%city2%": "Example City 2", "%name1%": "Example Name 1", "%name2%": "Example Name 2" }, "to": [ { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User1" }, { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User2" }, { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User3" } ] }, { "bcc": [ { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User16" }, { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User17" }, { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User18" } ], "cc": [ { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User13" }, { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User14" }, { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User15" } ], "custom_args": { "marketing3": "true", "marketing4": "false", "transactional3": "false", "transactional4": "true" }, "headers": { "X-Test5": "Test5", "X-Test6": "Test6", "X-Test7": "Test7", "X-Test8": "Test8" }, "send_at": 1461775052, "subject": "Sending with SendGrid is Fun 1", "substitutions": { "%city3%": "Example City 3", "%city4%": "Example City 4", "%name3%": "Example Name 3", "%name4%": "Example Name 4" }, "to": [ { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User10" }, { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User11" }, { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Example User12" } ] } ], "reply_to": { "email": "*****@*****.**", "name": "Twilio SendGrid Reply" }, "sections": { "%section1%": "Substitution for Section 1 Tag", "%section2%": "Substitution for Section 2 Tag", "%section3%": "Substitution for Section 3 Tag" }, "send_at": 1461775053, "subject": "Sending with SendGrid is Fun 2", "template_id": "13b8f94f-bcae-4ec6-b752-70d6cb59f932", "tracking_settings": { "click_tracking": { "enable": true, "enable_text": false }, "ganalytics": { "enable": true, "utm_campaign": "utm_campaign", "utm_content": "utm_content", "utm_medium": "utm_medium", "utm_source": "utm_source", "utm_term": "utm_term" }, "open_tracking": { "enable": true, "substitution_tag": "open_tracking" }, "subscription_tracking": { "enable": true, "html": "<strong>Goodbye!</strong>", "substitution_tag": "unsubscribe", "text": "Goodbye" } } }'''))
html = relay.get(D.body.html) except: pass message = Mail( from_email=from_address, to_emails=to_address, subject=subject, plain_text_content=text, html_content=html) if cc_addresses is not None: ccs = [] for cc_address in cc_addresses: ccs.append(Cc(cc_address)) = ccs if bcc_addresses is not None: bccs = [] for bcc_address in bcc_addresses: bccs.append(Bcc(bcc_address)) message.bcc = bccs try: sg = SendGridAPIClient(api_key) response = sg.send(message) to_address_string = ', '.join(to_address)
def SendEmails(HubPullRequest, EmailContents, SendMethod): if SendMethod == 'SMTP': # # Send emails to SMTP Server # try: SmtpServer = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_ADDRESS, SMTP_PORT_NUMBER) SmtpServer.starttls() SmtpServer.ehlo() SmtpServer.login(SMTP_USER_NAME, SMTP_PASSWORD) Index = 0 for Email in EmailContents: Index = Index + 1 EmailMessage = email.message_from_string(Email) print('pr[%d] email[%d]' % (HubPullRequest.number, Index), '----> SMTP Email Start <----') print(Email) print('pr[%d] email[%d]' % (HubPullRequest.number, Index), '----> SMTP Email End <----') if 'From' in EmailMessage: try: FromAddress, FromName = ParseEmailAddress( EmailMessage['From']) except: print('Parsed From: Bad address:', EmailMessage['From']) FromAddress = '*****@*****.**' FromName = 'From %s via TianoCore Webhook' % ( HubPullRequest.user.login) else: print('Parsed From: Missing address:') FromAddress = '*****@*****.**' FromName = 'From %s via TianoCore Webhook' % ( HubPullRequest.user.login) ToList = [] if 'To' in EmailMessage: ToList = ToList + EmailMessage['To'].split(',') if 'Cc' in EmailMessage: ToList = ToList + EmailMessage['Cc'].split(',') try: SmtpServer.sendmail(FromAddress, ToList, Email) print('SMTP send mail success') except: print('ERROR: SMTP send mail failed') SmtpServer.quit() except: print( 'SendEmails: error: can not connect or login or send messages.' ) elif SendMethod == 'SendGrid': # # Send emails to SendGrid # Index = 0 for Email in EmailContents: Index = Index + 1 EmailMessage = email.message_from_string(Email) print('pr[%d] email[%d]' % (HubPullRequest.number, Index), '----> SendGrid Email Start <----') print(Email) print('pr[%d] email[%d]' % (HubPullRequest.number, Index), '----> SendGrid Email End <----') message = Mail() if 'From' in EmailMessage: try: EmailAddress, EmailName = ParseEmailAddress( EmailMessage['From']) message.from_email = From(EmailAddress, EmailName) except: print('Parsed From: Bad address:', EmailMessage['From']) message.from_email = From( '*****@*****.**', 'From %s via TianoCore Webhook' % (HubPullRequest.user.login)) else: print('Parsed From: Missing address:') message.from_email = From( '*****@*****.**', 'From %s via TianoCore Webhook' % (HubPullRequest.user.login)) UniqueAddressList = [] if 'To' in EmailMessage: for Address in EmailMessage['To'].split(','): try: EmailAddress, EmailName = ParseEmailAddress(Address) if EmailAddress.lower() in UniqueAddressList: continue UniqueAddressList.append(EmailAddress.lower()) message.add_to(To(EmailAddress, EmailName)) except: print('Parsed To: Bad address:', Address) continue if 'Cc' in EmailMessage: for Address in EmailMessage['Cc'].split(','): try: EmailAddress, EmailName = ParseEmailAddress(Address) if EmailAddress.lower() in UniqueAddressList: continue UniqueAddressList.append(EmailAddress.lower()) message.add_cc(Cc(EmailAddress, EmailName)) except: print('Parsed Cc: Bad address:', Address) continue message.subject = Subject(EmailMessage['Subject']) for Field in ['Message-Id', 'In-Reply-To']: if Field in EmailMessage: message.header = Header(Field, EmailMessage[Field]) message.content = Content(MimeType.text, EmailMessage.get_payload()) try: sendgrid_client = SendGridAPIClient(SENDGRID_API_KEY) response = sendgrid_client.send(message) print('SendGridAPIClient send success') time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: print('ERROR: SendGridAPIClient failed') else: Index = 0 for Email in EmailContents: Index = Index + 1 EmailMessage = email.message_from_string(Email) print('pr[%d] email[%d]' % (HubPullRequest.number, Index), '----> Draft Email Start <----') if 'From' in EmailMessage: try: EmailAddress, EmailName = ParseEmailAddress( EmailMessage['From']) print('Parsed From:', EmailAddress, EmailName) except: print('Parsed From: Bad address:', EmailMessage['From']) else: print('Parsed From: Missing address:') UniqueAddressList = [] if 'To' in EmailMessage: for Address in EmailMessage['To'].split(','): try: EmailAddress, EmailName = ParseEmailAddress(Address) if EmailAddress.lower() in UniqueAddressList: continue UniqueAddressList.append(EmailAddress.lower()) print('Parsed To:', EmailAddress, EmailName) except: print('Parsed To: Bad address:', Address) continue if 'Cc' in EmailMessage: for Address in EmailMessage['Cc'].split(','): try: EmailAddress, EmailName = ParseEmailAddress(Address) if EmailAddress.lower() in UniqueAddressList: continue UniqueAddressList.append(EmailAddress.lower()) print('Parsed Cc:', EmailAddress, EmailName) except: print('Parsed Cc: Bad address:', Address) continue print('--------------------') print(Email) print('pr[%d] email[%d]' % (HubPullRequest.number, Index), '----> Draft Email End <----')
SubscriptionSubstitutionTag, OpenTracking, OpenTrackingSubstitutionTag, Ganalytics, UtmSource, UtmMedium, UtmTerm, UtmContent, UtmCampaign) import time import datetime message = Mail() # Define Personalizations = To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User1', p=0) = [ To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User2', p=0), To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User3', p=0) ] = Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User4', p=0) = [ Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User5', p=0), Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User6', p=0) ] message.bcc = Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User7', p=0) message.bcc = [ Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User8', p=0), Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User9', p=0) ] message.subject = Subject('Sending with SendGrid is Fun 0', p=0) message.header = Header('X-Test1', 'Test1', p=0) message.header = Header('X-Test2', 'Test2', p=0)
import os import json from sendgrid import SendGridAPIClient from sendgrid.helpers.mail import Mail, From, To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, PlainTextContent, HtmlContent, SendGridException, Substitution, Header import time import datetime message = Mail() = To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User1') = [ To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User2'), To('*****@*****.**', 'Example User3') ] = Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User4') = [ Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User5'), Cc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User6') ] message.bcc = Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User7') message.bcc = [ Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User8'), Bcc('*****@*****.**', 'Example User9') ] # message.header = Header('X-Test1', 'Test1') # message.header = Header('X-Test2', 'Test2') # message.header = [ # Header('X-Test3', 'Test3'),