def training_loops(net, train_loader, valid_loader, use_gpu, num_epochs, lr_schedule, label_names, label_names_temporal, path_out, temporal_annotation_training=False, log_fn=print, confmat_event=None): criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=0.0001) best_state_dict = None best_top1 = -1. best_loss = float('inf') for epoch in range(0, num_epochs): # loop over the dataset multiple times new_lr = lr_schedule.get(epoch) if new_lr: log_fn(f"update lr to {new_lr}") for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = new_lr net.train() train_loss, train_top1, cnf_matrix = run_epoch(train_loader, net, criterion, label_names_temporal, optimizer, use_gpu, temporal_annotation_training=temporal_annotation_training) net.eval() valid_loss, valid_top1, cnf_matrix = run_epoch(valid_loader, net, criterion, label_names_temporal, None, use_gpu, temporal_annotation_training=temporal_annotation_training) log_fn('[%d] train loss: %.3f train top1: %.3f valid loss: %.3f top1: %.3f' % (epoch + 1, train_loss, train_top1, valid_loss, valid_top1)) if not temporal_annotation_training: if valid_top1 > best_top1: best_top1 = valid_top1 best_state_dict = net.state_dict().copy() save_confusion_matrix(path_out, cnf_matrix, label_names, confmat_event=confmat_event) else: if valid_loss < best_loss: best_loss = valid_loss best_state_dict = net.state_dict().copy() save_confusion_matrix(path_out, cnf_matrix, label_names_temporal, confmat_event=confmat_event) # save the last checkpoint model_state_dict = net.state_dict().copy() model_state_dict = {clean_pipe_state_dict_key(key): value for key, value in model_state_dict.items()}, os.path.join(path_out, "last_classifier.checkpoint")) log_fn('Finished Training') return best_state_dict
def train_model(path_in, path_out, model_name, model_version, num_layers_to_finetune, epochs, use_gpu=True, overwrite=True, temporal_training=None, resume=False, log_fn=print, confmat_event=None): os.makedirs(path_out, exist_ok=True) # Check for existing files saved_files = [ "last_classifier.checkpoint", "best_classifier.checkpoint", "config.json", "label2int.json", "confusion_matrix.png", "confusion_matrix.npy" ] if not overwrite and any( os.path.exists(os.path.join(path_out, file)) for file in saved_files): print(f"Warning: This operation will overwrite files in {path_out}") while True: confirmation = input( "Are you sure? Add --overwrite to hide this warning. (Y/N) ") if confirmation.lower() == "y": break elif confirmation.lower() == "n": sys.exit() else: print('Invalid input') # Load weights selected_config, weights = get_relevant_weights( SUPPORTED_MODEL_CONFIGURATIONS, model_name, model_version, log_fn, ) backbone_weights = weights['backbone'] if resume: # Load the last classifier checkpoint_classifier = torch.load( os.path.join(path_out, 'last_classifier.checkpoint')) # Update original weights in case some intermediate layers have been finetuned update_backbone_weights(backbone_weights, checkpoint_classifier) # Load backbone network backbone_network = build_backbone_network(selected_config, backbone_weights) # Get the required temporal dimension of feature tensors in order to # finetune the provided number of layers if num_layers_to_finetune > 0: num_timesteps = backbone_network.num_required_frames_per_layer.get( -num_layers_to_finetune) if not num_timesteps: # Remove 1 because we added 0 to temporal_dependencies num_layers = len( backbone_network.num_required_frames_per_layer) - 1 msg = (f'ERROR - Num of layers to finetune not compatible. ' f'Must be an integer between 0 and {num_layers}') log_fn(msg) raise IndexError(msg) else: num_timesteps = 1 # Extract layers to finetune if num_layers_to_finetune > 0: fine_tuned_layers = backbone_network.cnn[-num_layers_to_finetune:] backbone_network.cnn = backbone_network.cnn[0:-num_layers_to_finetune] # finetune the model extract_features(path_in, selected_config, backbone_network, num_layers_to_finetune, use_gpu, num_timesteps=num_timesteps, log_fn=log_fn) # Find label names label_names = os.listdir(directories.get_videos_dir(path_in, 'train')) label_names = [x for x in label_names if not x.startswith('.')] label_names_temporal = ['background'] project_config = load_project_config(path_in) if project_config: for temporal_tags in project_config['classes'].values(): label_names_temporal.extend(temporal_tags) else: for label in label_names: label_names_temporal.extend([f'{label}_tag1', f'{label}_tag2']) label_names_temporal = sorted(set(label_names_temporal)) label2int_temporal_annotation = { name: index for index, name in enumerate(label_names_temporal) } label2int = {name: index for index, name in enumerate(label_names)} extractor_stride = backbone_network.num_required_frames_per_layer_padding[ 0] # Create the data loaders features_dir = directories.get_features_dir(path_in, 'train', selected_config, num_layers_to_finetune) tags_dir = directories.get_tags_dir(path_in, 'train') train_loader = generate_data_loader( project_config, features_dir, tags_dir, label_names, label2int, label2int_temporal_annotation, num_timesteps=num_timesteps, stride=extractor_stride, temporal_annotation_only=temporal_training, ) features_dir = directories.get_features_dir(path_in, 'valid', selected_config, num_layers_to_finetune) tags_dir = directories.get_tags_dir(path_in, 'valid') valid_loader = generate_data_loader( project_config, features_dir, tags_dir, label_names, label2int, label2int_temporal_annotation, num_timesteps=None, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, stride=extractor_stride, temporal_annotation_only=temporal_training, ) # Check if the data is loaded fully if not train_loader or not valid_loader: log_fn( "ERROR - \n " "\tMissing annotations for train or valid set.\n" "\tHint: Check if tags_train and tags_valid directories exist.\n") return # Modify the network to generate the training network on top of the features if temporal_training: num_output = len(label_names_temporal) else: num_output = len(label_names) # modify the network to generate the training network on top of the features gesture_classifier = LogisticRegression( num_in=backbone_network.feature_dim, num_out=num_output, use_softmax=False) if resume: gesture_classifier.load_state_dict(checkpoint_classifier) if num_layers_to_finetune > 0: # remove internal padding for training fine_tuned_layers.apply(set_internal_padding_false) net = Pipe(fine_tuned_layers, gesture_classifier) else: net = gesture_classifier net.train() if use_gpu: net = net.cuda() lr_schedule = { 0: 0.0001, int(epochs / 2): 0.00001 } if epochs > 1 else { 0: 0.0001 } num_epochs = epochs # Save training config and label2int dictionary config = { 'backbone_name': selected_config.model_name, 'backbone_version': selected_config.version, 'num_layers_to_finetune': num_layers_to_finetune, 'classifier': str(gesture_classifier), 'temporal_training': temporal_training, 'lr_schedule': lr_schedule, 'num_epochs': num_epochs, 'start_time': str(, 'end_time': '', } with open(os.path.join(path_out, 'config.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(config, f, indent=2) with open(os.path.join(path_out, 'label2int.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump( label2int_temporal_annotation if temporal_training else label2int, f, indent=2) # Train model best_model_state_dict = training_loops( net, train_loader, valid_loader, use_gpu, num_epochs, lr_schedule, label_names, path_out, temporal_annotation_training=temporal_training, log_fn=log_fn, confmat_event=confmat_event) # Save best model if isinstance(net, Pipe): best_model_state_dict = { clean_pipe_state_dict_key(key): value for key, value in best_model_state_dict.items() }, os.path.join(path_out, "best_classifier.checkpoint")) config['end_time'] = str( with open(os.path.join(path_out, 'config.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(config, f, indent=2)
net = net.cuda() lr_schedule = {0: 0.0001, 40: 0.00001} num_epochs = 80 best_model_state_dict = training_loops( net, train_loader, valid_loader, use_gpu, num_epochs, lr_schedule, label_names, path_out, temporal_annotation_training=temporal_training) # Save best model if isinstance(net, Pipe): best_model_state_dict = { clean_pipe_state_dict_key(key): value for key, value in best_model_state_dict.items() }, os.path.join(path_out, "best_classifier.checkpoint")) if temporal_training: json.dump(label2int_temporal_annotation, open(os.path.join(path_out, "label2int.json"), "w")) else: json.dump(label2int, open(os.path.join(path_out, "label2int.json"), "w"))