def get_mapped_centroid(b): # By default the readout window is set the whole sensor pixel array with x/y==0. # The resolution you see if produced by taking pixels from the readout window on # the camera. The x/y location is relative to the sensor center. x, y, w, h = sensor.ioctl(sensor.IOCTL_GET_READOUT_WINDOW) # The camera driver will try to scale to fit whatever resolution you pass to max # width/height that fit on the sensor while keeping the aspect ratio. ratio = min(w / float(sensor.width()), h / float(sensor.height())) # Reference cx() to the center of the viewport and then scale to the readout. mapped_cx = ( - (sensor.width() / 2.0)) * ratio # Since we are keeping the aspect ratio there might be an offset in x. mapped_cx += (w - (sensor.width() * ratio)) / 2.0 # Add in our displacement from the sensor center mapped_cx += x + (sensor_w / 2.0) # Reference cy() to the center of the viewport and then scale to the readout. mapped_cy = ( - (sensor.height() / 2.0)) * ratio # Since we are keeping the aspect ratio there might be an offset in y. mapped_cy += (h - (sensor.height() * ratio)) / 2.0 # Add in our displacement from the sensor center mapped_cy += y + (sensor_h / 2.0) return (mapped_cx, mapped_cy) # X/Y location on the sensor array.
def get_angle(blob) -> float: """Get horizontal relative angle (in degrees) of the blob. Args: blob: a blob object (you can get one with ball_blob()) Returns: The angle between [-35.4, +35.4] """ rel_angle = Camera.HFOV * (blob.cxf() - sensor.width() / 2) / sensor.width() return rel_angle
def reset_sensor(): sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat( sensor.RGB565 if COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWING else sensor.GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(FRAME_SIZE) sensor.set_vflip(True) sensor.set_hmirror(True) sensor.set_windowing((int((sensor.width() / 2) - ((sensor.width() / 2) * FRAME_WIDE)), int(sensor.height() * (1.0 - FRAME_REGION)), \ int((sensor.width() / 2) + ((sensor.width() / 2) * FRAME_WIDE)), int(sensor.height() * FRAME_REGION) - BOTTOM_PX_TO_REMOVE)) sensor.skip_frames(time=200) if COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWING: sensor.set_auto_gain(False) if COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWING: sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False)
def center_on_blob(b, res): mapped_cx, mapped_cy = get_mapped_centroid(b) # Switch to the res (if res was unchanged this does nothing). sensor.set_framesize(res) # Construct readout window. x/y are offsets from the center. x = int(mapped_cx - (sensor_w / 2.0)) y = int(mapped_cy - (sensor_h / 2.0)) w = sensor.width() h = sensor.height() # Focus on the centroid. sensor.ioctl(sensor.IOCTL_SET_READOUT_WINDOW, (x, y, w, h)) # See if we are hitting the edge. new_x, new_y, w, h = sensor.ioctl(sensor.IOCTL_GET_READOUT_WINDOW) # You can use these error values to drive servos to move the camera if you want. x_error = x - new_x y_error = y - new_y if x_error < 0: print("-X Limit Reached ", end="") if x_error > 0: print("+X Limit Reached ", end="") if y_error < 0: print("-Y Limit Reached ", end="") if y_error > 0: print("+Y Limit Reached ", end="")
def find_line(picture, ctrl, uart): img = picture.binary([RED_THRESHOLD]) #二值化 line = img.get_regression( [(100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0)], robust=True) # get_regression 线性回归计算,这一计算通过最小二乘法进行 if (line): img.draw_line(line.line(), color=127) # 画一条绿线 rho_err = int(abs(line.rho()) - sensor.width() / 2) #计算一条直线与图像中央的距离 #xy轴的角度变换 theta_err = line.theta() # 0~180 if line.theta() > 90: #左为负 angle_err = line.theta() - 180 else: angle_err = line.theta() #右为正 line_info.rho_err = pack('h', rho_err) #char 类型 line_info.rho_err = bytearray(line_info.rho_err) line_info.angle_err = pack('h', angle_err) #short 类型 其类型为一个列表 line_info.angle_err = bytearray(line_info.angle_err) uart.write(pack_line_data(line_info, ctrl, 1)) #未识别 标志位为1 LEDG.on() else: uart.write(pack_line_data(line_info, ctrl, 0)) #未识别 标志位为0
def barcode_detection(data): sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.VGA) sensor.set_windowing((sensor.width(), sensor.height()//8)) codes = sensor.snapshot().find_barcodes() if not codes: return bytes() # No detections. return max(codes, key = lambda c: c.w() * c.h()).payload().encode()
def all_barcode_detection(data): sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.VGA) sensor.set_windowing((sensor.width(), sensor.height()//8)) codes = sensor.snapshot().find_barcodes() if not codes: return bytes() # No detections. return str(codes).encode()
def calculate_bottom_bounding_box(self, top_line): if (top_line): self.logger.debug("top_line=", top_line) theta2 = theta(top_line) #self.logger.debug("theta=", theta2) self.logger.debug("x1 + x2=", top_line.x1() + top_line.x2()) half_width = self.snapshot.width() >> 1 if (top_line.x1() + top_line.x2() > sensor.width() and top_line.x1() > top_line.x2() and abs(theta2) > 45): x = top_line.x1() else: x = top_line.x2() #x = min(top_line.x1() - half_width, top_line.x2() - half_width) + half_width #x = top_line.x2() if abs(theta2) < 45 else top_line.x1() y = max(top_line.y1(), top_line.y2()) height = min(self.snapshot.height() >> 2, self.snapshot.height() - y) width = max( abs(int(math.tan(math.radians(theta2)) * height)) * 2, 20) x = x - (width >> 1) if (x < 0): width += x x = 0 self.logger.debug("x=", x, " y=", y, " width=", width, " height=", height) return (x, y, width, height) return (0, (self.snapshot.height() >> 1) + self.line_roi[1], self.snapshot.width(), (self.snapshot.height() >> 1) - self.line_roi[1])
def raw_image_snapshot(data): pixformat, framesize = struct.unpack("<II", data) sensor.set_pixformat(pixformat) sensor.set_framesize(framesize) img = sensor.snapshot() return struct.pack("<IIII", sensor.width(), sensor.height(), sensor.get_pixformat(), img.size())
def getClosestToCenter(object_): if object_: l = [ math.sqrt(( - sensor.width() / 2)**2 + ( - sensor.height() / 2)**2) for obj in object_ ] object = object_[l.index(min(l))] return (, return 0
def getSteerValues(lines_, bothV, bothX): new = False if lines_[0] and lines_[1]: new = True leftV = lines_[0].theta()+90 if lines_[0].theta() < 90 else abs(lines_[0].theta()-90) rightV = lines_[1].theta()+90 if lines_[1].theta() < 90 else abs(lines_[1].theta()-90) bothV = (leftV+rightV) / 2 bothX = (lines_[0].x2() + lines_[1].x2())/2 - sensor.width()/2 return bothV, bothX, new
def clamp_roi(roi): """ find four clamps roi position """ wid = 10 ht = 10 x = int(roi[0] + (roi[2] - wid) / 2) y = int(roi[1] + (roi[3] - ht) / 2) clp_roi = [[roi[0], y, wid, ht], [x, roi[1], wid, ht], [roi[0] + roi[2] - wid, y, wid, ht], [x, roi[1] + roi[3] - ht, wid, ht]] for r in clp_roi: if r[0] < 0: r[0] = 0 if r[1] < 0: r[1] = 0 if r[0] >= sensor.width(): r[0] = sensor.width() - 1 if r[1] >= sensor.height(): r[1] = sensor.height() - 1 if r[0] + r[2] > sensor.width(): r[2] = sensor.width() - r[0] if r[1] + r[3] > sensor.height(): r[3] = sensor.height() - r[1] print(clp_roi) return clp_roi
def distance_to(blob) -> float: """Calculate real distance between camera and object. Args: blob: a blob object (you can get one with ball_blob()) Returns: The distance in millimeters. """ obj_width_on_sensor = (Camera.REAL_SIZE * blob.h() / 2) / sensor.width() distance = (Camera.BALL_DIAMETER * Camera.FOCAL_LENGTH) / obj_width_on_sensor return distance
def initFrameBuffer(): # Take from the main frame buffer's RAM to allocate a second frame buffer. # There's a lot more RAM in the frame buffer than in the MicroPython heap. # However, after doing this you have a lot less RAM for some algorithms... # So, be aware that it's a lot easier to get out of RAM issues now. However, # frame differencing doesn't use a lot of the extra space in the frame buffer. # But, things like AprilTags do and won't work if you do this... extra_fb = sensor.alloc_extra_fb(sensor.width(), sensor.height(), IMG_TYPE) print("About to save background image...") sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) # Give the user time to get ready. extra_fb.replace(sensor.snapshot()) print("Saved background image - Now frame differencing!") return extra_fb
def uarm_setup(grayscale=False, resolution=2): sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE if grayscale else sensor.RGB565) # image resolution affects the calibration data size_lookup = [ sensor.QQQQVGA, sensor.QQQVGA, sensor.QQVGA, sensor.QVGA, sensor.VGA ] sensor.set_framesize(size_lookup[resolution]) # both rotate & mirror the image, so it's coordinates match the uArm's sensor.set_hmirror(True) # chop off the extra black spaces after rotation sensor.set_windowing((int((sensor.width() - sensor.height()) / 2), 0, sensor.height(), sensor.height())) # any other sensor configurations go here... # finally, skip some frames after configuring sensor.skip_frames()
def __init__(self): self.logger = Logger() self.logger.set_level(DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL)"initializing Camera") self.reset_sensor() self.SHOW_BINARY_VIEW = False #self.CHROMINVAR = True self.line_color = (0, 255, 0) # [(1, 80, -25, 28, -58, -10)] self.threshold = None # self.old_threshold = [(44, 87, -27, 23, -62, -15)] #Threshold.BLUE self.use_hist = True self.line_roi = (0, round(sensor.height() / 15), sensor.width(), round(sensor.height() / 2)) #self.blobs_roi = (0, 0, sensor.width(), round(sensor.height() / 3)) self.snapshot = None #self.glare_check_millis = MILLIS_BETWEEN_GLARE_CHECK self.adjuster = 16384
def getSteerValues(lines_, bothV_, bothX_): #, servo_, motor_): new = False if lines_[0] and lines_[1]: new = True leftV = lines_[0].theta() + 90 if lines_[0].theta() < 90 else abs( lines_[0].theta() - 90) rightV = lines_[1].theta() + 90 if lines_[1].theta() < 90 else abs( lines_[1].theta() - 90) bothV_ = (leftV + rightV) / 2 bothX_ = (lines_[0].x2() + lines_[1].x2()) / 2 - sensor.width() / 2 # servo_ = 1023/180*(bothV_+bothX_) # motor_ = 512-abs(servo_-512) # servo_ = max(min(servo_, 1023), 0) # motor_ = max(min(motor_, 1023), 0) return bothV_, bothX_, new #, servo_, motor_
def init(self, gain_db=0, shutter_us=500000, framesize=sensor.WQXGA2, force_reset=True, flip=False): if self.simulate: self.shutter = shutter_us self.gain = gain_db self.snap_started = False return if force_reset or self.has_error or self.gain != gain_db or self.shutter != shutter_us or self.framesize != framesize or self.flip != flip: sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(self.pixfmt) sensor.set_framesize(framesize) if flip: # upside down camera sensor.set_vflip(True) sensor.set_hmirror(True) self.flip = flip self.framesize = framesize if shutter_us < 0: sensor.set_auto_exposure(True) else: if shutter_us > 500000: sensor.__write_reg(0x3037, 0x08) # slow down PLL if shutter_us > 1000000: pyb.delay(100) sensor.__write_reg(0x3037, 0x18) # slow down PLL if shutter_us > 1500000: pyb.delay(100) sensor.__write_reg(0x3036, 80) # slow down PLL # warning: doesn't work well, might crash pyb.delay(200) sensor.set_auto_exposure(False, shutter_us) self.shutter = shutter_us if gain_db < 0: sensor.set_auto_gain(True) else: sensor.set_auto_gain(False, gain_db) self.gain = gain_db self.wait_init = 2 self.width = sensor.width() self.height = sensor.height()
def render(self, timer, img=None, scale=None): """ Renders an image to the LCD shield """ img = img or self.img scale = scale or self.scale if self.draw_stats: img = img.copy((0, 0, sensor.width(), sensor.height()), scale, scale).to_rgb565(copy=True) self.draw_fps(img) self.draw_exposure(img) if self.draw_line_stats: self.draw_line_stat(img) if self.draw_lap_times: self.draw_laps(img) if self.draw_timer: self.draw_time(img) if self.draw_lines: for iterations, line in self._known_lines: scaled_line = ulab.array(line.line()) * scale img.draw_line(int(scaled_line[0]), int(scaled_line[1]), int(scaled_line[2]), int(scaled_line[3]), color=self.line_draw_color) lcd.display(img)
# Your OpenMV Cam supports power of 2 resolutions of 64x32, 64x64, # 128x64, and 128x128. If you want a resolution of 32x32 you can create # it by doing "img.pool(2, 2)" on a 64x64 image. sensor.reset() # Reset and initialize the sensor. sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) # Set pixel format to GRAYSCALE (or RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.B128X128) # Set frame size to 128x128... (or 128x64)... sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) # Wait for settings take effect. clock = time.clock() # Create a clock object to track the FPS. # Take from the main frame buffer's RAM to allocate a second frame buffer. # There's a lot more RAM in the frame buffer than in the MicroPython heap. # However, after doing this you have a lot less RAM for some algorithms... # So, be aware that it's a lot easier to get out of RAM issues now. extra_fb = sensor.alloc_extra_fb(sensor.width(), sensor.height(), sensor.GRAYSCALE) extra_fb.replace(sensor.snapshot()) while(True): clock.tick() # Track elapsed milliseconds between snapshots(). img = sensor.snapshot() # Take a picture and return the image. for y in range(0, sensor.height(), BLOCK_H): for x in range(0, sensor.width(), BLOCK_W): displacement = extra_fb.find_displacement(img, \ roi = (x, y, BLOCK_W, BLOCK_H), template_roi = (x, y, BLOCK_W, BLOCK_H)) # Below 0.1 or so (YMMV) and the results are just noise. if(displacement.response() > 0.1): pixel_x = x + (BLOCK_W//2) + int(displacement.x_translation()) pixel_y = y + (BLOCK_H//2) + int(displacement.y_translation())
# SOH-(X)-GS-(Y)-EOT # sensor.reset() # Reset and initialize the sensor. sensor.set_pixformat( sensor.GRAYSCALE) # Set pixel format to GRAYSCALE (or RGB565) sensor.set_framesize( sensor.B64X64) # Set frame size to 128x128... (or 128x64)... sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) # Wait for settings take effect. clock = time.clock() # Create a clock object to track the FPS. # Take from the main frame buffer's RAM to allocate a second frame buffer. # There's a lot more RAM in the frame buffer than in the MicroPython heap. # However, after doing this you have a lot less RAM for some algorithms... # So, be aware that it's a lot easier to get out of RAM issues now. extra_fb = sensor.alloc_extra_fb(sensor.width(), sensor.height(), sensor.GRAYSCALE) extra_fb.replace(sensor.snapshot()) while (True): img = sensor.snapshot() # Take a picture and return the image. pixelX = [] pixelY = [] for y in range(0, sensor.height(), BLOCK_H): for x in range(0, sensor.width(), BLOCK_W): displacement = extra_fb.find_displacement( img, roi=(x, y, BLOCK_W, BLOCK_H), template_roi=(x, y, BLOCK_W, BLOCK_H))
type = "list" elif isinstance(variate,tuple): type = "tuple" elif isinstance(variate,dict): type = "dict" elif isinstance(variate,set): type = "set" return type sensor.reset() # Reset and initialize the sensor. sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # Set pixel format to RGB565 (or GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.B64X32) # Set frame size to 64x64... (or 64x32)... sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) # Wait for settings take effect. clock = time.clock() # Create a clock object to track the FPS. extra_fb = sensor.alloc_extra_fb(sensor.width(), sensor.height(), sensor.RGB565) extra_fb.replace(sensor.snapshot()) Delta_x = 0 Delta_y = 0 while(True): clock.tick() # Track elapsed milliseconds between snapshots(). img = sensor.snapshot() # Take a picture and return the image. displacement = extra_fb.find_displacement(img) extra_fb.replace(img) # Offset results are noisy without filtering so we drop some accuracy. sub_pixel_x = int(displacement.x_translation() * 5) / 5.0 sub_pixel_y = int(displacement.y_translation() * 5) / 5.0
dual_buff=True) #OV7740 Loop Time :91ms, run fps:10.98901 #sensor.reset(freq=20000000) else: sensor.reset() # OV2640 Reset and initialize the sensor. It will # run automatically, call to stop #sensor.shutdown(enable) gc.collect() sensor.set_pixformat( sensor.RGB565) # Set pixel format to RGB565 (or GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.VGA) #sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) # Set frame size to QVGA (320x240) #sensor.set_auto_whitebal(True) #OV2640 sensor.set_hmirror(1) #for unit V sensor.set_vflip(1) #for unit V img_w = sensor.width() img_h = sensor.height() sensor_ID = sensor.get_id() print("image sensor is " + str(sensor_ID) + ", with size " + str(img_w) + " x " + str(img_h)) sensor.skip_frames(time=1000) # Wait for settings take effect. #sensor.skip_frames(30) #Wait for settings take effect. clock = time.clock() # Create a clock object to track the FPS. Zeit_end = 600 * 1000 condition = True Zeit_Anfang = time.ticks_ms() run_cnt = 0 loop_time = 1 fps = 0 #BtnA to save img to"train"; BtnB to toggle QR-scan, may out of memory @ VGA!
interface = rpc.rpc_spi_master(cs_pin="P3", freq=10000000, clk_polarity=1, clk_phase=0) # initialize the pin that will control the remote cam synchronisation pin4 = Pin('P4', Pin.OUT_PP, Pin.PULL_NONE) pin4.value(0) # here we always choose the QVGA format (320x240) inside a VGA image img_width = 320 img_height = 240 sensor.reset() sensor_format = sensor.GRAYSCALE # Grayscale is enough to find a chessboard sensor_size = sensor.VGA sensor.set_pixformat(sensor_format) sensor.set_framesize(sensor_size) if img_width != sensor.width() or img_height != sensor.height(): sensor.set_windowing((int((sensor.width()-img_width)/2),int((sensor.height()-img_height)/2),img_width,img_height)) sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) # get the current the current exposure and gains and send them to the remote cam so that the # 2 cams have the same image settings sensor.snapshot() gain_db = sensor.get_gain_db() exposure_us = sensor.get_exposure_us() print("exposure is " + str(exposure_us)) rgb_gain_db = sensor.get_rgb_gain_db() sensor.set_auto_gain(False, gain_db) sensor.set_auto_exposure(False, exposure_us) sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False, rgb_gain_db) result ="sensor_config", struct.pack("<fIfff", gain_db, exposure_us,
# Your OpenMV Cam supports power of 2 resolutions of 64x32, 64x64, # 128x64, and 128x128. If you want a resolution of 32x32 you can create # it by doing "img.pool(2, 2)" on a 64x64 image. sensor.reset() # Reset and initialize the sensor. sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # Set pixel format to RGB565 (or GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.B64X64) # Set frame size to 64x64... (or 64x32)... sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) # Wait for settings take effect. clock = time.clock() # Create a clock object to track the FPS. # Take from the main frame buffer's RAM to allocate a second frame buffer. # There's a lot more RAM in the frame buffer than in the MicroPython heap. # However, after doing this you have a lot less RAM for some algorithms... # So, be aware that it's a lot easier to get out of RAM issues now. extra_fb = sensor.alloc_extra_fb(sensor.width(), sensor.height(), sensor.RGB565) extra_fb.replace(sensor.snapshot()) while(True): clock.tick() # Track elapsed milliseconds between snapshots(). img = sensor.snapshot() # Take a picture and return the image. # This algorithm is hard to test without a perfect jig... So, here's a cheat to see it works. # Put in a z_rotation value below and you should see the r output be equal to that. if(0): expected_rotation = 20.0 extra_fb.rotation_corr(z_rotation=(-expected_rotation)) # This algorithm is hard to test without a perfect jig... So, here's a cheat to see it works. # Put in a zoom value below and you should see the z output be equal to that. if(0):
##green_led_on = True ##else: ##green_led_on = False #pyb.LED(2).toggle() #tim = Timer(4, freq=1000) # create a timer object using timer 4 - trigger at 1Hz #tim.callback(tick) # set the callback to our tick function # Camera Control Code sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat( sensor.RGB565 if COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWING else sensor.GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(FRAME_SIZE) sensor.set_vflip(True) sensor.set_hmirror(True) sensor.set_windowing((int((sensor.width() / 2) - ((sensor.width() / 2) * FRAME_WIDE)), int(sensor.height() * (1.0 - FRAME_REGION)), \ int((sensor.width() / 2) + ((sensor.width() / 2) * FRAME_WIDE)), int(sensor.height() * FRAME_REGION) - BOTTOM_PX_TO_REMOVE)) sensor.skip_frames(time=200) if COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWING: sensor.set_auto_gain(False) if COLOR_LINE_FOLLOWING: sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) clock = time.clock() old_time = pyb.millis() throttle_old_result = None throttle_i_output = 0 throttle_output = THROTTLE_OFFSET steering_old_result = None steering_i_output = 0 steering_output = STEERING_OFFSET
sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # or GRAYSCALE... sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) # or QQVGA... sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) clock = time.clock() while(True): clock.tick() # seed_threshold controls the maximum allowed difference between # the initial pixel and any filled pixels. It's important to # set this such that flood fill doesn't fill the whole image. # floating_threshold controls the maximum allowed difference # between any two pixels. This can easily fill the whole image # with even a very low threshold. # flood_fill will fill pixels that both thresholds. # You can invert what gets filled with "invert" and clear # everything but the filled area with "clear_background". x = sensor.width() // 2 y = sensor.height() // 2 img = sensor.snapshot().flood_fill(x, y, \ seed_threshold=0.05, floating_thresholds=0.05, \ color=(255, 0, 0), invert=False, clear_background=False) print(clock.fps())
def distToCell(blob): dist = sqrt(((blob.x() - sensor.width() / 2) * (blob.x() - sensor.width() / 2)) + ((blob.y() - sensor.height()) * (blob.y() - sensor.height()))) return dist
# Find the blob in the lower resolution image. blobs = img.find_blobs(TRACKING_THRESHOLDS, area_threshold=TRACKING_AREA_THRESHOLD, pixels_threshold=TRACKING_PIXEL_THRESHOLD) # If we loose the blob then we need to find a new one. if not len(blobs): # Reset resolution. sensor.set_framesize(SEARCHING_RESOLUTION) sensor.ioctl(sensor.IOCTL_SET_READOUT_WINDOW, (sensor_w, sensor_h)) break # Narrow down the blob list and highlight the blob. most_dense_blob = max(blobs, key = lambda x: x.density()) img.draw_rectangle(most_dense_blob.rect()) print(clock.fps(), "BLOB cx:%d, cy:%d" % get_mapped_centroid(most_dense_blob)) x_diff = - (sensor.width() / 2.0) y_diff = - (sensor.height() / 2.0) w_threshold = (sensor.width() / 2.0) * TRACKING_EDGE_TOLERANCE h_threshold = (sensor.height() / 2.0) * TRACKING_EDGE_TOLERANCE # Re-center on the blob if it starts going out of view (costs FPS). if abs(x_diff) > w_threshold or abs(y_diff) > h_threshold: center_on_blob(most_dense_blob, TRACKING_RESOLUTION) print(clock.fps())
# 来查找非无限线。 import time import image import sensor sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # grayscale is faster # sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) # grayscale is faster sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) # QVGA: 320x240, QQVGA: 160x120 sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) enable_lens_corr = True # turn on for straighter lines... # for getting screen resolution screen_width = sensor.width() screen_height = sensor.height() # white and black threshold THRESHOLD = 14 # for reducing noises in image EROSION_SIZE = 2 # for infinite lines horizontal_range = 30 vertical_range = 30 theta = 0 def find_lines(img):
def find_max(blobs): max_size = 0 for blob in blobs: if max_size < blob[2] * blob[3]: max_blob = blob max_size = blob[2] * blob[3] return max_blob ################################################## # main ################################################## # 学習対象の範囲 rect_width = 50 rect_height = 50 r = [(sensor.width() // 2) - (rect_width // 2), (sensor.height() // 2) - (rect_height // 2), rect_width, rect_height] # 準備 for i in range(60): img = sensor.snapshot() img.draw_rectangle(r) lcd.display(img) lcd.draw_string(0, 0, "Learning thresholds in %d ..." % (60 - i)) # しきい値を学習 threshold = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] for i in range(60): img = sensor.snapshot() hist = img.get_histogram(roi=r) lo = hist.get_percentile(0.05)
# pin used to sync the 2 cams pin4 = Pin('P4', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # setting the SPI communication as a slave interface = rpc.rpc_spi_slave(cs_pin="P3", clk_polarity=1, clk_phase=0) # here we always choose the QVGA format (320x240) inside a VGA image img_width = 320 img_height = 240 sensor.reset() sensor_format = sensor.GRAYSCALE sensor_size = sensor.VGA sensor.set_pixformat(sensor_format) sensor.set_framesize(sensor_size) if img_width != sensor.width() or img_height != sensor.height(): sensor.set_windowing( (int((sensor.width() - img_width) / 2), int((sensor.height() - img_height) / 2), img_width, img_height)) sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) sensor.snapshot() ################################################################ # Call Backs ################################################################ def sensor_config(data): global processing gain_db, exposure_us, r_gain_db, g_gain_db, b_gain_db = struct.unpack( "<fIfff", data) sensor.set_auto_gain(False, gain_db)
else: cidx = index - 1 area = int(sortedCells[cidx].w() * sortedCells[cidx].h()) #print () #print ("y: " + ) #print ("area: " + area) #print ("index: " + index) can.send_advanced_track_data(sortedCells[cidx].x(), sortedCells[cidx].y(), area, 0, 11, 0, index) if len(sortedCells) != 0: img.draw_rectangle(sortedCells[0].x(), sortedCells[0].y(), sortedCells[0].w(), sortedCells[0].h(), color=(255, 0, 0)) pyb.LED(1).on() pyb.LED(3).off() else: pyb.LED(1).off() pyb.LED(3).on() if can.get_frame_counter() % 50 == 0: can.send_config_data() can.send_camera_status(sensor.width(), sensor.height()) pyb.delay(5) #print("HB %d" % can.get_frame_counter()) #can.check_mode();