Example #1
    def ik_request(self, pose,
                   end_point='right_hand', joint_seed=None,
                   nullspace_goal=None, nullspace_gain=0.4,
        Inverse Kinematics request sent to IK Service

        @type pose: geometry_msgs.Pose
        @param pose: Cartesian pose of the end point
        @type end_point: string
        @param end_point: name of the end point (should be in URDF)
        @type joint_seed: dict({str:float})
        @param joint_seed: the joint angles for the initial IK guess (optional)
        @type nullspace_goal: dict({str:float})
        @param nullspace_goal: desired joints, or subset of joints, to bias the solver (optional)
        @type nullspace_gain: double
        @param nullspace_gain: gain used to bias toward the nullspace goal [0.0, 1.0] (optional)
        @type allow_collision: bool
        @param allow_collision: does not check if Ik solution is in collision
        @rtype: dict({str:float})
        @return: valid joint positions if exists.  False if no solution is found.
        if not isinstance(pose, Pose):
            rospy.logerr('pose is not of type geometry_msgs.msgs.Pose')
            return False

        # Add desired pose for inverse kinematics
        ikreq = SolvePositionIKRequest()
        hdr = Header(stamp=rospy.Time.now(), frame_id='base')
        ikreq.pose_stamp.append(PoseStamped(header=hdr, pose=pose))

        # The joint seed is where the IK position solver starts its optimization
        if joint_seed is not None:
            ikreq.seed_mode = ikreq.SEED_USER
            seed = JointState()
            seed.name = list(joint_seed.keys())
            seed.position = list(joint_seed.values())

        # Once the primary IK task is solved, the solver will then try to bias the
        # the joint angles toward the goal joint configuration. The null space is
        # the extra degrees of freedom the joints can move without affecting the
        # primary IK task.
        if nullspace_goal is not None:
          # The nullspace goal can either be the full set or subset of joint angles
          goal = JointState()
          goal.names = list(nullspace_goal.keys())
          goal.position = list(nullspace_goal.values())
          # The gain used to bias toward the nullspace goal. Must be [0.0, 1.0]
          # If empty, the default gain of 0.4 will be used

            resp = self._iksvc(ikreq)
        except (rospy.ServiceException, rospy.ROSException) as e:
            rospy.logerr("IK Service call failed: %s" % (e,))
            return False
        limb_joints = {}
        # Check if result valid, and type of seed ultimately used to get solution
        if (resp.result_type[0] > 0
                or (allow_collision and resp.result_type[0] == resp.IK_IN_COLLISION)):
            # Format solution into Limb API-compatible dictionary
            limb_joints = dict(list(zip(resp.joints[0].name, resp.joints[0].position)))
            rospy.logerr("INVALID POSE - No Valid Joint Solution Found.")
            return False
        return limb_joints