class App: def __init__(self): # CONFIG DATA self.config = Config() self.config_data = self.config.get_config_data() # RELAY PIN self.relay_pin = int(self.config_data['DEFAULT']['relay_pin']) # DHT 22 PIN self.dht22_pin = int(self.config_data['DEFAULT']['dht22_pin']) # INIT RELAY self.relay = Device(self.relay_pin, "relay") # INIT DHT22 SENSOR self.dht22 = DHT22(self.dht22_pin) # INIT SCALE self.scale = Scale() def calibrate_scale( self): # QUICK AND EASY CALIBRATE FUNCTION FOR THE SCALE input("Remove any items from scale and press Enter...") self.scale.setup() input( "Please place an item of known weight on the scale and press Enter..." ) weight = input("Please enter the item's weight in grams: ") self.scale.calibrate(int(weight)) print( "The scale is now calibrated and the offset ist saved in the config.ini" ) # GET SCALE DATA (QUICK AND EASY!) print("Weight: {}g".format(self.scale.get_data())) def start(self): temperature, humidity = self.dht22.get_data() print("Temperature: {}".format(temperature)) print("Humidity: {}".format(humidity)) if temperature > 22: print("Relay is on!") self.relay.on() else: print("Relay is off!")
#!/usr/bin/python3 from main.application import Application from config.config import Config from sensorlib.scale import Scale config = Config() config_data = config.get_config_data() is_calibrated = config_data['SCALE'].getboolean("calibrated") print(is_calibrated) app = Application() scale = Scale() if __name__ == '__main__': if is_calibrated: app.start() else: scale.calibrate(5000)