def _get_smallest(api_kwargs, cassette, online, n=3):
    api = SentinelAPI(**api_kwargs)
    filter = " and ".join([
        "Online eq {}".format("true" if online else "false"),
        # limit time range for tests stability and much faster OData querying
        "CreationDate lt datetime'2016-01-01T00:00:00.000'",
        # needed for SentinelProductsAPI tests, some S5 apparently do not include
        "not startswith(Name, 'S3')",
        # don't want zero-length products for testing, plus their handling has server-side bugs
        "ContentLength ne 0",
    url = "{}odata/v1/Products?$format=json&$top={}&$filter={}".format(
        api_kwargs["api_url"], n + 3, filter)
    if online:
        # archived products do not have the correct ContentLength value,
        # so use an arbitrary subset of the data and skip orderby to speed up the query
        url += "&$orderby=ContentLength"
    with cassette:
        r = api.session.get(url)
    odata = [_parse_odata_response(x) for x in r.json()["d"]["results"]]
    # Drop products that appear to be broken
    blacklist = [
    odata = [x for x in odata if x["title"] not in blacklist]
    odata = odata[:n]
    assert len(odata) == n
    return odata
Example #2
def _get_smallest(api_kwargs, cassette, online, n=3):
    api = SentinelAPI(**api_kwargs)
    url = "{}odata/v1/Products?$format=json&$top={}&$orderby=ContentLength&$filter=Online%20eq%20{}".format(
        api_kwargs["api_url"], n, "true" if online else "false")
    with cassette:
        r = api.session.get(url)
    odata = [_parse_odata_response(x) for x in r.json()["d"]["results"]]
    assert len(odata) == n
    return odata
Example #3
def _get_smallest(api_kwargs, cassette, online, n=3):
    api = SentinelAPI(**api_kwargs)
    url = '{}odata/v1/Products?$format=json&$top={}&$orderby=ContentLength&$filter=Online%20eq%20{}'.format(
        api_kwargs['api_url'], n, 'true' if online else 'false')
    with cassette:
        r = api.session.get(url)
    odata = [_parse_odata_response(x) for x in r.json()['d']['results']]
    assert len(odata) == n
    return odata
Example #4
def _get_smallest(api_kwargs, cassette, online, n=3):
    api = SentinelAPI(**api_kwargs)
    url = '{}odata/v1/Products?$format=json&$top={}&$orderby=ContentLength&$filter=Online%20eq%20{}'.format(
        api_kwargs['api_url'], n, 'true' if online else 'false'
    with cassette:
        r = api.session.get(url)
    odata = [_parse_odata_response(x) for x in r.json()['d']['results']]
    assert len(odata) == n
    return odata