def serialize_power_sync(dumpdir, experiment):
	ps_num = experiment.num
	ps = experiment.powerSync

	dirname = os.path.join(dumpdir, 'power_sync')
	if not os.path.exists(dirname):

	filename = os.path.join(dirname, '%d.bin' % (ps_num))
	serde.serialize(ps, filename)
Example #2
def config(clazz):
    """Decorator allowing to transform a python object into a configuration file, and vice versa

    :param clazz: class to decorate
    :return: the decorated class
    return deserialize(serialize(dataclass(clazz)))
def serialize_measurement(dumpdir, measurement, light=False):
	m_num = measurement.num

	iface = measurement.interface
	op = measurement.operation

	dirname = os.path.join(dumpdir, iface, op)
	if not os.path.exists(dirname):

	filename = os.path.join(dirname, '%d.bin' % (m_num))
	if light:
		loglines = measurement.loglines
		del measurement.loglines
		serde.serialize(measurement, filename)
		measurement.loglines = loglines
		serde.serialize(measurement, filename)
Example #4
    def postprocess(self,
        import torch
        from serde import serialize

        detached_inference_output = inference_output.detach()

        serialized_data = serialize(detached_inference_output.numpy(), accept)

        return serialized_data
        weights[word] = (1 + log10(count))
    length = vecLength(weights.values())
    norm_weights = {word: weight / length for word, weight in weights.items()}

    for word, norm_weight in norm_weights.items():
        # Document uses cosine normalization
        index[word].add((doc_id, norm_weight))

# Create a dictionary which stores the data necessary to retrieve
# the posting for the term
dictionary = {}

# include the document frequency and total document count in the dictionary
# for quick retrieval by the search script (uppercase keys prevent collisions
# with word stems, which are lowercase)
dictionary["DF"] = df
dictionary["N"] = N

# write the values of the index to a postings file
with open(args.postings, 'wb') as postings_file:
    for word, docs in index.items():
        s = serialize(docs)
        # Write a tuple with information for indexing the postings file, as well
        # as the count of documents to potentially optimize searching
        dictionary[word] = (len(docs), len(s), postings_file.tell())

# Write the dictionary to the specified dictionary file
with open(args.dictionary, 'wb') as dict_file:
Example #6
    bar: 'ForwardReferenceBar'

class ForwardReferenceBar:
    i: int

# assert type is str
assert 'ForwardReferenceBar' == dataclasses.fields(ForwardReferenceFoo)[0].type

# setup pyserde for Foo after Bar becomes visible to global scope

# now the type really is of type Bar
assert ForwardReferenceBar == dataclasses.fields(ForwardReferenceFoo)[0].type
assert ForwardReferenceBar == next(serde.compat.dataclass_fields(ForwardReferenceFoo)).type

# verify usage works
def test_string_forward_reference_works():
    h = ForwardReferenceFoo(bar=ForwardReferenceBar(i=10))
    h_dict = {"bar": {"i": 10}}

    assert to_dict(h) == h_dict
    assert from_dict(ForwardReferenceFoo, h_dict) == h

def serialize_metadata(dumpdir, experiments):
	filename = os.path.join(dumpdir, 'metadata.bin')
	d = get_metadata(experiments)
	serde.serialize(d, filename)
Example #8
class Foo:
    i: int
    s: str
    bar: 'Bar'  # Specify type annotation in string.

class Bar:
    f: float
    b: bool

# Evaluate pyserde decorators after `Bar` is defined.

def main():
    f = Foo(i=10, s='foo', bar=Bar(f=100.0, b=True))
    print(f"Into Json: {to_json(f)}")

    s = '{"i": 10, "s": "foo", "bar": {"f": 100.0, "b": true}}'
    print(f"From Json: {from_json(Foo, s)}")

if __name__ == '__main__':
        for sentence in nltk.sent_tokenize(doc):
            # Split the string into individual words to index
            for word in nltk.word_tokenize(sentence):
                # Stem each word to its root to reduce dictionary size, with a
                # trade-off in the precision of queries
                word = stemmer.stem(word)
                # Rough work for essay questions
                word = normalize(word)
                if skipword(word):

# Create a dictionary which stores the data necessary to retrieve
# the posting for the term
dictionary = {}

# For each term, write a skiplist of the documents to the postings file
with open(args.postings, 'wb') as postings_file:
    for word, docs in index.items():
        s = serialize(skiplist(sorted(list(docs))))
        dictionary[word] = (len(docs), len(s), postings_file.tell())

# Write the dictionary to the specified dictionary file
with open(args.dictionary, 'wb') as dict_file: