Example #1
    def _integrate_halo(fesc_res, mass_flux_res):
        photons_escaped = SimArray(fesc_res["I1"], "s**-1").in_units("yr**-1")
        # cum_photons_escaped = trapz(photons_escaped, fesc_res["lbtime"].in_units("yr"))
        cum_photons_escaped = fesc_res["tint_fesc_hist"][0]

        F, F_plus, F_minus = mass_flux_res["F"].transpose()
        F_plus = SimArray(F_plus, "Msol yr**-1")
        F_minus = SimArray(F_minus, "Msol yr**-1")

        if (len(F_plus) != len(photons_escaped)):
            return np.nan, np.nan

        lbtime = mass_flux_res["lbtime"]
        F_net_outflow = F_plus - np.abs(F_minus)

        if len(np.where(np.isnan(F_net_outflow))[0] > 0):
            return np.nan, np.nan

        ix = np.where(F_net_outflow < 0.)

        if len(ix[0] == 0):
            return cum_photons_escaped, lbtime[-1]
            time_outflow = [0]
            for i in ix[0]:
                if (i == 0):
                time_outflow.append(lbtime[i - 1])
        time_spent = np.zeros(len(time_outflow) - 1)
        for i in range(len(time_spent)):
            time_spent[i] = time_outflow[i + 1] - time_outflow[i]

        return cum_photons_escaped, time_spent.mean()
Example #2
def _annotate_nstar(ax, pp, **kwargs):
    from seren3.core.snapshot import NML

    nml = pp.snapshot.nml

    # Check whether the namelist is using lecacy blocks
    # (PHYSICS_PARAMS) or new blocks (SF_PARAMS)

    if NML.PHYSICS_PARAMS in nml:
        print("Using legacy namelist block (PHYSICS_PARAMS)")
        n_star = SimArray(nml[NML.PHYSICS_PARAMS]['n_star'],

    elif NML.SF_PARAMS in nml:
        n_star = SimArray(nml[NML.SF_PARAMS]['n_star'],

    ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim()

    if pp.ymin is not None and pp.ymax is not None:
        ymin, ymax = (pp.ymin, pp.ymax)

Example #3
def amr_TJ(context, dset):
    Computes densty dependent Jeans temperature floor
    from seren3.core.snapshot import NML

    nH = dset["nH"]

    nml = context.nml

    # First, check whether using legacy (PHYSICS_PARAMS) or new
    # (SF_PARAMS) namelist block
    if NML.PHYSICS_PARAMS in nml:
        print("Using legacy namelist block (PHYSICS_PARAMS)")
        n_star = SimArray(PHYSICS_PARAMS['n_star'], "cm**-3").in_units(nH.units)
        T2_star = PHYSICS_PARAMS['T2_star']
        g_star = PHYSICS_PARAMS.get('g_star', 2.0)
    elif NML.SF_PARAMS in nml:
        SF_PARAMS = nml[NML.SF_PARAMS]
        n_star = SimArray(SF_PARAMS['n_star'], "cm**-3").in_units(nH.units)
        T2_star = SF_PARAMS['T2_star']
        g_star = SF_PARAMS.get('g_star', 2.0)

    return SimArray(T2_star * (nH / n_star) ** (g_star-1.0), "K")
Example #4
    def T_poly(log_nH):
        Computes polytropic temperature
        from seren3.core.snapshot import NML

        nbins = pp.nbins
        bins = np.linspace(log_nH.min(), log_nH.max(), nbins)
        nH = 10**bins

        nml = pp.snapshot.nml
        # Check whether using lecacy (PHYSICS_PARAMS) or new
        # (SF_PARAMS) namelist block

        if NML.PHYSICS_PARAMS in nml:
            print("Using legacy namelist block (PHYSICS_PARAMS)")
            n_star = SimArray(PHYSICS_PARAMS['n_star'],
            T2_star = PHYSICS_PARAMS['T2_star']
            g_star = PHYSICS_PARAMS.get('g_star', 2.0)

        elif NML.SF_PARAMS in nml:
            SF_PARAMS = nml[NML.SF_PARAMS]
            n_star = SimArray(SF_PARAMS['n_star'], "cm**-3").in_units("m**-3")
            T2_star = SF_PARAMS['T2_star']
            g_star = SF_PARAMS.get('g_star', 2.0)

        return T2_star * (nH / n_star)**(g_star - 1.0)
Example #5
    def mass_function(self, units='Msol h**-1', nbins=100, **kwargs):
        Compute the halo mass function for the given catalogue
        masses = []
        for halo in self:
            #Mvir = halo['M200c'].in_units(units)
            Mvir = halo['Mvir'].in_units(units)

        mhist, mbin_edges = np.histogram(np.log10(masses), bins=nbins)
        mbinmps = np.zeros(len(mhist))
        mbinsize = np.zeros(len(mhist))
        for i in np.arange(len(mhist)):
            mbinmps[i] = np.mean([mbin_edges[i], mbin_edges[i + 1]])
            mbinsize[i] = mbin_edges[i + 1] - mbin_edges[i]

        # Compute HMF from realization and plot
        # boxsize = self.base.boxsize.in_units("Mpc h**-1 a")
        boxsize = kwargs.pop("boxsize",
                             self.base.boxsize).in_units("Mpc h**-1 a")
        hmf = self.base.array(mhist / (boxsize**3) / mbinsize,
                              "Mpc**-3 h**3 a**-3")

        return SimArray(mbinmps, units), hmf, SimArray(mbinsize, units)
Example #6
def amr_nHII(context, dset):
    Neutral hydrogen number density
    nHII = SimArray(dset["nH"] * dset["xHII"], dset["nH"].units)
    return nHII
Example #7
def amr_xHI(context, dset):
    Hydrogen neutral fraction
    val = 1. - dset["xHII"]
    xHI = SimArray(val)
    return xHI
Example #8
def part_age(context, dset, **kwargs):
    #return context.quantities.tform(dset['epoch'], **kwargs)
    Return the formation (lookback) time in units of Gyr
    For formation time since the big bang (age), do age_simu - tform (also in units of Gyr)
    nml = context.nml
    isCosmoSim = ('cosmo' in nml['RUN_PARAMS'] and nml['RUN_PARAMS']['cosmo'] == '.true.')
    verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False)
    tform = dset['epoch']

    output = None
    if verbose: print 'part_age isCosmoSim: ', isCosmoSim
    if not isCosmoSim:
        output = tform * context.info['unit_time'].express(context.C.Gyr)  # age in Gyr
        cosmology = context.cosmo
        h0 = cosmology['h'] * 100

        friedmann = context.friedmann

        axp_out = friedmann['axp_out']
        # hexp_out = friedmann['hexp_out']
        tau_out = friedmann['tau_out']
        t_out = friedmann['t_out']
        # age_tot = friedmann['age_tot']
        # age_simu = friedmann['age_simu']
        time_simu = friedmann['time_simu']

        patch = kwargs.get('patch', context.patch)
        if verbose: print 'part_age: patch = ', patch
        if patch == 'rt':
            output = (time_simu - tform) / (h0 * 1e5 / 3.08e24) / (365. * 24. * 3600. * 1e9)
            ntable = len(axp_out) - 1

            output = np.zeros(len(tform))
            for j in range(0, len(tform) - 1):

                i = 1
                while ((tau_out[i] > tform[j]) and (i < ntable)):
                    i += 1

                # Interpolate time
                time = t_out[i] * (tform[j] - tau_out[i - 1]) / (tau_out[i] - tau_out[i - 1]) + \
                    t_out[i - 1] * (tform[j] - tau_out[i]) / \
                    (tau_out[i - 1] - tau_out[i])

                time = max(
                    (time_simu - time) / (h0 * 1e5 / 3.08e24) / (365 * 24 * 3600 * 1e9), 0)
                output[j] = time

                # output[j] = (time_simu - time)*unit_t/(365 * 24 * 3600 * 1e9)

    result = SimArray(output, "Gyr")
    return result
Example #9
def amr_T2(context, dset):
    Gas Temperature in units of K/mu
    mH = SimArray(context.C.mH)
    kB = SimArray(context.C.kB)
    T2 = (dset["P"]/dset["rho"] * (mH / kB))
    return T2
Example #10
def star_Nion_d(context, dset, dt=0., group=1):
    Computes the number of ionisiing photons produced by a stellar population per solar mass per second
    from seren3.array import SimArray
    from seren3.utils.sed import io
    from seren3.exceptions import NoParticlesException
    from seren3 import config
    # from seren3.analysis import interpolate
    from scipy.interpolate import interp2d

    verbose = config.get("general", "verbose")

    Z_sun = 0.02  # metallicity of the sun
    nGroups = context.info["nGroups"]

    if (verbose):
        print 'Computing Nion_d for photon group %i/%i' % (group, nGroups)
    nIons = context.info["nIons"]
    nPhotons_idx = 0  # index of photon number in SED

    # Load the SED table
    agebins, zbins, SEDs = io.read_seds_from_lists(context.path, nGroups,
    igroup = group - 1
    fn = interp2d(zbins / Z_sun, agebins, SEDs[:, :, igroup, nPhotons_idx])

    age = dset["age"].in_units("Gyr")
    Z = dset["metal"] / Z_sun  # in units of solar metalicity
    # Which star particles should we keep
    if dt != 0.:
        age -= dt.in_units("Gyr")
        # keep = np.where( np.logical_and(age >= 0., age.in_units("Myr") <= 10.) )
        keep = np.where(age >= 0.)
        age = age[keep]
        Z = Z[keep]

    if len(age) == 0:
        raise NoParticlesException("No particles with (age - dt) > 0",

    # interpolate photon production rate from SED
    nStars = len(age)
    nPhotons = np.zeros(nStars)
    for i in xrange(nStars):
        nPhotons[i] = fn(Z[i], age[i])
    # nPhotons = interpolate.interpolate2d(age, Z, agebins, zbins, SEDs[:,:,igroup,nPhotons_idx])

    # Multiply by (SSP) escape fraction and return
    nml = context.nml
    NML_KEYS = nml.NML

    rt_esc_frac = float(nml[NML_KEYS.RT_PARAMS]['rt_esc_frac'].replace(
        'd', 'e'))
    Nion_d = SimArray(rt_esc_frac * nPhotons, "s**-1 Msol**-1")
    return Nion_d
Example #11
def amr_nHI(context, dset):
    Neutral hydrogen number density

    xHII = np.round( dset["xHII"], decimals=5 )
    nHI = SimArray(dset["nH"] * (1. - xHII), dset["nH"].units)
    # nHI = SimArray(dset["nH"] * (1. - dset["xHII"]), dset["nH"].units)
    return nHI
Example #12
    def Tvir(self):
        Returns the virial Temperature of the halo
        mu = 0.59  # Okamoto 2008
        mH = SimArray(self.base.C.mH)
        kB = SimArray(self.base.C.kB)
        Vc = self.Vc

        Tvir = 1. / 2. * (mu * mH / kB) * Vc**2
        return self.base.array(Tvir, Tvir.units)
Example #13
def rho_T_hist2d(snap, xo=None, yo=None, mass=None, den_field='nH', temp_field='T2', \
                nbins=500, plot=False, ax=None, title=None, show=False, **kwargs):
    ''' Produces a mass weighted, 2D histogram of density vs temperature '''
    from seren3.array import SimArray
    from seren3.utils.plot_utils import add_colorbar
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pylab as plt

    if ax is None:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    if xo is None or yo is None or mass is None:
        dset = snap.g[den_field, temp_field, 'mass'].flatten()
        mass = dset["mass"].in_units("Msol")

    totmass = mass.sum()
    xo, yo = (dset[den_field], dset[temp_field])

    h, xs, ys = hist2d(xo,
    h /= totmass

    xs = SimArray(xs, dset[den_field].units)

    ys = SimArray(ys, dset[temp_field].units)

    if plot:
        cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', 'coolwarm')
        p = plot_2dhist(h,
        p.set_clim(vmin=-8, vmax=-2)

    if title:

    if show:

    return h, xs, ys
Example #14
def amr_TJ(context, dset):
    Computes densty dependent Jeans temperature floor
    from seren3.core.snapshot import NML

    nH = dset["nH"]

    nml = context.nml
    n_star = SimArray(PHYSICS_PARAMS['n_star'], "cm**-3").in_units(nH.units)
    T2_star = PHYSICS_PARAMS['T2_star']
    g_star = PHYSICS_PARAMS.get('g_star', 2.0)

    return SimArray(T2_star * (nH / n_star)**(g_star - 1.0), "K")
Example #15
    def compute_sfr(age, mass, nbins=nbins, **kwargs):
        agerange = kwargs.pop('agerange', [age.min(), age.max()])
        binnorm = SimArray(1e-9 * nbins / (agerange[1] - agerange[0]), "yr**-1")

        weights = mass * binnorm

        sfrhist, bin_edges = np.histogram(age, weights=weights, bins=nbins, range=agerange, **kwargs)

        binmps = np.zeros(len(sfrhist))
        binsize = np.zeros(len(sfrhist))
        for i in np.arange(len(sfrhist)):
            binmps[i] = np.mean([bin_edges[i], bin_edges[i + 1]])
            binsize[i] = bin_edges[i + 1] - bin_edges[i]

        return SimArray(sfrhist, "Msol yr**-1"), SimArray(binmps, "Gyr"), SimArray(binsize, "Gyr")
Example #16
def integrate_surface_flux(flux_map, r):
    Integrates a healpix surface flux to compute the total
    net flux out of the sphere.
    r is the radius of the sphere in meters
    import numpy as np
    import healpy as hp
    from scipy.integrate import trapz
    from seren3.array import SimArray

    if not ((isinstance(flux_map, SimArray) or isinstance(r, SimArray))):
        raise Exception("Must pass SimArrays")

    # Compute theta/phi
    npix = len(flux_map)
    nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)
    # theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, range(npix))
    theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, range(npix))
    r = r.in_units("kpc")  # make sure r is in meters

    # Compute the integral
    # integrand = np.zeros(len(theta))
    ix = theta.argsort()
    integrand = r**2 * np.sin(theta[ix]) * flux_map[ix]

    # for i in range(len(theta)):
    #     th, ph = (theta[i], phi[i])
    #     integrand[i] = r**2 * np.sin(th) * flux_map[i]  # mass_flux_radial function already deals with unit vev

    # integrand = integrand[:, None] + np.zeros(len(phi))  # 2D over theta and phi
    # I = trapz(trapz(integrand, phi), theta)
    I = trapz(integrand, theta[ix]) * 2. * np.pi
    return SimArray(I, "Msol yr**-1")
Example #17
    def process(self, dset):
        """Compute the profile of the specified data source

        # Prepare full profile histogram
        # profile = np.zeros(len(self.bin_bounds) - 1)
        profile = 0.

        bin_coords = self.bin_func(dset)

        # Compute profile for this batch
        dprofile = np.histogram(

        if self.divide_by_counts:
            print "Dividing by bin counts"
            # Divide by counts
            counts = np.histogram(
            counts[counts == 0] = 1
            dprofile = dprofile / counts

        profile += SimArray(dprofile, dset[self.field].units)

        # if average_over_dsets:
        #     # Average out over number of dsets
        #     return profile / float(len(source))
        # else:
        #     return profile
        return profile
Example #18
def compute_bias_lc(ics, vbc):
    """ Calculate the bias to the density power spectrum assuming
    COHERENT vbc at z=1000. """
    import os, time
    from seren3.array import SimArray

    # Compute size of grid and boxsize (for this patch)
    N = vbc.shape[0]
    boxsize = ics.boxsize.in_units("Mpc a h**-1") * (float(N) /

    # Compute vbc @ z=1000
    z = ics.z
    zstart = 1000
    rms = vbc_rms(vbc)
    rms_recom = rms * (1001. / z)

    # ps_vbc0 = run_cicsass_lc(boxsize, z, 0.)
    # ps_vbcrecom = run_cicsass_lc(boxsize, z, rms_recom)

    # Boxsize doesn't make a difference when calculating the power spectra
    ps_vbc0 = run_pyvbc(vbc=0.0, zstart=zstart, zend=z, dz=3)
    ps_vbcrecom = run_pyvbc(vbc=rms_recom, zstart=zstart, zend=z, dz=3)

    #CDM bias
    b_cdm = ps_vbcrecom[1] / ps_vbc0[1]
    # Baryon bias
    b_b = ps_vbcrecom[2] / ps_vbc0[2]
    # Wavenumber
    k_bias = SimArray(ps_vbcrecom[0] / ics.cosmo["h"], "h Mpc**-1")

    return k_bias, b_cdm, b_b
Example #19
def rad_radial(sim, group):
    import numpy as np
    from pynbody.array import SimArray
    from seren3.utils import unit_vec_r, heaviside

    flux = []
    units = None
    for i in 'xyz':
        #print i
        fi = sim.g["rad_%i_flux_%s" % (group, i)]
        units = fi.units
    flux = np.array(flux).T

    x, y, z = sim.g["pos"].T
    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
    # theta = sim.g["sg_theta"]
    # phi = sim.g["sg_az"]
    theta = np.arccos(z / r)
    phi = np.arctan2(y, x)

    flux_scalar = np.zeros(len(theta))
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        th, ph = (theta[i], phi[i])
        unit_r = unit_vec_r(th, ph)
        # Compute outward flux (should always be positive)
        flux_scalar[i] = np.dot(flux[i], unit_r)\
                * heaviside(np.dot(flux[i], unit_r))

    return SimArray(flux_scalar, units)
Example #20
def sg_theta(sim):
    import numpy as np
    from pynbody.array import SimArray

    x, y, z = sim["pos"].transpose()
    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
    return SimArray(np.arccos(z / r))
Example #21
    def __init__(self, level_dir):

        with self._open_file(level_dir) as f:
            nn, dx, origin, cosmo = self.read_header(f)

            self.N = nn[0]
            self.nn = nn
            self.dx = dx
            self.origin = origin
            self.cosmo = cosmo

        self.dx *= self.cosmo['h']  # Mpccm/h
        self.dx = SimArray(self.dx, "Mpc a h**-1", snapshot=self)
        self.boxsize = SimArray(self.N * self.dx, self.dx.units,
                                snapshot=self)  # Mpccm/h
        self.cosmo['z'] = (1. / self.cosmo["aexp"]) - 1.
Example #22
def mass_flux_radial(sim):
    import numpy as np
    from pynbody.array import SimArray
    from seren3.utils import unit_vec_r, heaviside

    flux = []
    units = None
    for i in 'xyz':
        #print i
        fi = sim.g["mf%s" % i]
        units = fi.units
    flux = np.array(flux).T

    x, y, z = sim.g["pos"].T
    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
    # theta = sim.g["sg_theta"]
    # phi = sim.g["sg_az"]
    theta = np.arccos(z / r)
    phi = np.arctan2(y, x)

    mass_flux_scalar = np.zeros(len(theta))
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        th, ph = (theta[i], phi[i])
        unit_r = unit_vec_r(th, ph)
        mass_flux_scalar[i] = np.dot(flux[i], unit_r)

    return SimArray(mass_flux_scalar, units)
Example #23
def amr_inflow_rate(context, dset, center=None, **kwargs):
    from seren3.utils import unit_vec_r, heaviside

    if (center is None):
        # Locate centre of mass
        if hasattr(context, "base"):
            if hasattr(context.base, "region"):
                center = context.base.region.center
            from seren3.utils import camera_utils
            center = camera_utils.find_center_of_mass(context)

    unit_l = context.array(context.info["unit_length"])
    pos = dset["pos"].in_units(unit_l) - center
    x,y,z = pos.T

    # Cartesian -> spherical polars
    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
    theta = np.arccos(z / r)
    phi = np.arctan2(y, x)

    rho = dset["rho"]
    vel = dset["vel"]
    rho_u = (rho * vel.T).T

    mass_flux_scalar = np.zeros(len(theta))
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        th, ph = (theta[i], phi[i])
        unit_r = unit_vec_r(th, ph)
        mass_flux_scalar[i] = np.dot(rho_u[i], unit_r)\
                * heaviside(np.dot(-rho_u[i], unit_r))

    return SimArray( mass_flux_scalar, rho_u.units )
Example #24
    def bin_spherical(self, field, npoints, nbins, divide_by_counts=False, **kwargs):
        Spherical binning function
        from seren3.array import SimArray
        from seren3.utils.derived_utils import is_derived, get_derived_field
        from seren3.analysis.profile_binners import SphericalProfileBinner

        center = kwargs.pop("center", None)
        if center is None:
            if hasattr(self.base, "region"):
                center = self.base.region.center
                raise Exception("center not specified")
        # if not isinstance(center, SimArray):
        #     raise Exception("Center must be a SimArray")

        radius = kwargs.pop("radius", None)
        if radius is None:
            if hasattr(self.base, "region"):
                radius = float(self.base.region.radius)
                raise Exception("radius not specified")
        # if not isinstance(radius, SimArray):
        #     raise Exception("Radius must be a SimArray")

        profile_func = kwargs.pop("profile_func", None)
        if profile_func is None:
            if is_derived(self, field):
                fn = get_derived_field(self, field)
                profile_func = lambda dset: fn(self, dset)
                profile_func = lambda dset: dset[field]

        bin_bounds = np.linspace(0., radius, nbins)

        dset = None
        source = self[[field, "pos"]]
        if self.family == "amr":
            sphere = self.base.get_sphere(center, radius)
            points = sphere.random_points(npoints)

            dset = source.sample_points(points)
            dset = source.flatten()

        binner = SphericalProfileBinner(field, center, profile_func, bin_bounds, divide_by_counts)
        prof = binner.process(dset)

        prof_units = kwargs.pop("prof_units", None)
        if prof_units is not None:
            prof = prof.in_units(prof_units)

        r_units = kwargs.pop("r_units", "pc")
        r_bins = (bin_bounds[1:] + bin_bounds[:-1])/2.
        r_bins = SimArray(r_bins, self.info["unit_length"]).in_units(r_units)

        return prof, r_bins
Example #25
    def dt(self):
        Time delay for photons to escape, assuming point source
        rvir = self.rvir.in_units("m")
        rt_c = SimArray(self.base.info_rt["rt_c_frac"] * self.base.C.c)

        dt = rvir / rt_c
        return self.base.array(dt, dt.units)
Example #26
def cs_rho_mean(fname):
    import pickle
    from seren3.array import SimArray

    data = pickle.load( open(fname, "rb") )

    aexp = np.zeros(len(data))
    cs = SimArray( np.zeros(len(data)), "m s**-1" )
    rho_mean = SimArray( np.zeros(len(data)), "kg m**-3" )

    for i in range(len(data)):
        res = data[i].result

        aexp[i] = res["aexp"]
        cs[i] = res["mw"].in_units(cs.units)
        rho_mean[i] = res["rho_mean"].in_units(rho_mean.units)

    return aexp, cs, rho_mean
Example #27
def plot_filtering_mass(sims, labels, cols):
    from matplotlib import rcParams
    rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 1.5
    rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 14
    rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 14

    rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 18
    rcParams['xtick.major.pad'] = 10
    rcParams['ytick.major.pad'] = 10
    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    from seren3.array import SimArray

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))
    sub_axes = plt.axes([.5, .5, .35, .35]) 

    for sim, label, c in zip(sims, labels, cols):
        pickle_path = "%s/pickle/" % sim.path
        fname = "%s/cs_time_averaged_at_rho_mean.p" % pickle_path

        aexp, cs, rho_mean = cs_rho_mean(fname)
        kJ = jeans_scale(aexp, cs, rho_mean)
        kF = filtering_scale(aexp, kJ)

        kJ_fn = jeans_scale_interp_fn(aexp, kJ)
        kJ_interp = SimArray(10**kJ_fn(np.log10(aexp)), "m**-1")

        jeans_mass = (4.*np.pi/3.) * rho_mean * (np.pi * aexp / kJ_interp)**3
        filtering_mass = (4.*np.pi/3.) * rho_mean * (np.pi * aexp / kF)**3

        z = (1./aexp) - 1.

        ax.semilogy(z, filtering_mass, linewidth=2., label=label, color=c)
        ax.semilogy(z, jeans_mass, linewidth=2., color=c, linestyle="--")

        ix = np.where( np.logical_and(z >= 6, z <= 10) )
        sub_axes.semilogy(z[ix], filtering_mass[ix], linewidth=2., color=c)
        sub_axes.semilogy(z[ix], jeans_mass[ix], linewidth=2., color=c, linestyle="--")

    ax.set_ylabel(r"M$_{F,\mathrm{J}}$ [M$_{\odot}$]")

    sub_axes.set_ylabel(r"M$_{F,\mathrm{J}}$ [M$_{\odot}$]")

    # Shrink current axis's height by 10% on the bottom
    box = ax.get_position()
    ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.1,
                     box.width, box.height * 0.9])

    # Put a legend below current axis
    ax.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.125),
              frameon=False, ncol=2, prop={"size" : 16})

Example #28
    def Vc(self):
        Returns the circular velocity of the halo
        G = SimArray(self.base.C.G)
        M = self["mvir"].in_units("kg")
        Rvir = self["rvir"].in_units("m")
        Vc = np.sqrt((G * M) / Rvir)

        return self.base.array(Vc, Vc.units)
Example #29
    def _integrate_halo(fesc_res, mass_flux_res):
        photons_escaped = SimArray(fesc_res["I1"], "s**-1").in_units("yr**-1")
        cum_photons_escaped = trapz(photons_escaped,

        F, F_plus, F_minus = mass_flux_res["F"].transpose()
        F_plus = SimArray(F_plus, "Msol yr**-1")
        F_minus = SimArray(F_minus, "Msol yr**-1")

        if (len(F_plus) != len(photons_escaped)):
            return np.nan, np.nan

        cum_outflowed_mass = trapz(F_plus,
        cum_inflowed_mass = np.abs(
            trapz(F_minus, mass_flux_res["lbtime"].in_units("yr")))

        # return cum_photons_escaped, cum_outflowed_mass - cum_inflowed_mass
        return cum_photons_escaped, cum_outflowed_mass
Example #30
def jeans_scale(aexp, cs, rho):
    from seren3.array import SimArray
    from pymses.utils import constants as C

    if (not isinstance(cs, SimArray) or not isinstance(rho, SimArray)):
        raise Exception("cs and rho must be SimArrays")

    G = SimArray(C.G)
    kJ = ( (2. * np.pi * aexp)/cs ) * np.sqrt( (G * rho) / np.pi )

    return kJ