Example #1
 def delocalize(self, x):
     # This is what we call for sending things to a different thread.
     # It is only applied to leaf nodes (via rmap).
     # rmap copies but it should actually be possible to change
     # only the leaf nodes that need to change because while a call
     # is in progress nothing can happen to variables referenced
     # only in the suspended stack-frame. If variables are added to
     # self then it would be possible for a call to access them
     # from the original vat's thread at the same time that they are
     # being accessed in the other thread.
     if isinstance(x, Exception):
         return x
     typ = type(x)
     if typ in POD_TYPES:
         return x
     if typ is Proxy:
         return Proxy(x._node, x._path)
     if typ is not Ref:
             ref = x.ref
         except AttributeError:
             # Should we be checking in case ref is not a Ref?
             if type(ref) is Ref:
                 x = ref
                 typ = Ref
                 print 'unexpected .ref attribute', repr(x), x.ref
     if typ is Ref:
         return Proxy(self.node_id, x._path)
     raise SerializationError('cannot delocalize type %s' % typ)
Example #2
    def testSlaveAndObserverChangesAreSaved(self):
        store = TestStore()
        data = Data({})
        data.ref = store
        sync = Synchronous()
        saver = AutoSave(data, sync)

        data['name'] = 'Fred'
        self.assertEqual(store.count, 1)

        # Add observer
        data.obs._add(Proxy('A', 'obs'))
        self.assertEqual(store.count, 2)

        # Call slave update methods.
        data.add(['age'], 42)
        self.assertEqual(store.count, 3)

        data.change(['name'], 'Fred', 'Barney')
        self.assertEqual(store.count, 4)

        data.delete(['age'], 42)
        self.assertEqual(store.count, 5)

        # Remove observer
        data.obs._remove(Proxy('A', 'obs'))
        self.assertEqual(store.count, 6)
        self.assertEqual(len(data.obs.group), 0)
Example #3
def makeProxy(vat, data):
    """Rehydrates an incoming Proxy."""
    node, path = data.get('n', 'browser'), data['o']
    if node == vat.node_id and path in vat.storage:
        return vat.storage[path]
    proxy = Proxy(node, path, vat)
    return proxy
Example #4
 def localize(self, x):
     if isinstance(x, Exception):
         return x
     typ = type(x)
     if typ in POD_TYPES:
         return x
     if typ is Proxy:
         if x._node == self.node_id:
             return Ref(self.storage, x._path)
         return Proxy(x._node, x._path, self)
     raise SerializationError('cannot localize type %s' % typ)
Example #5
    def custom(self, name, data):
        if name == 'ref':
            node = data['node']
            if node == self.node_id:
                return Ref(self.vat().storage, data['path'])
            if node == '-':
                node = self.msg_data.get('from')
            return Proxy(node, data['path'], self.vat())
        if name == 'exc':
            return decodeException(data)

        if name == 'inst' and self._safe_cls(data['CLS']):
            cls = importSymbol(data['CLS'])
                args = [data[key.lstrip('_')] for key in cls.serialize]
            except KeyError:
                raise SerializationError(name + ': ' + repr(data))
                return cls(*args)

        raise SerializationError(name)
Example #6
    def testProxyEquality(self):
        va0 = RPCHandler(MockTransport('A'), {})
        va1 = RPCHandler(MockTransport('A'), {})
        vb0 = RPCHandler(MockTransport('B'), {})
        p1 = Proxy('B', 'x', va0)
        p2 = Proxy('B', 'y', va1)
        p3 = Proxy('B', 'y', va0)
        p4 = Proxy('A', 'x', vb0)
        p5 = Proxy('A', 'y', vb0)
        p6 = Proxy('A', 'y', vb0)

        self.assertNotEqual(p1, p2)
        self.assertEqual(p2, p3)  # only node and path are compared
        self.assertNotEqual(p1, p3)
        self.assertNotEqual(p1, p4)
        self.assertNotEqual(p3, p4)
        self.assertEqual(p5, p6)
Example #7
 def provide(self, addr, obj):
     self.storage[addr] = obj
     return Proxy(self.node_id, addr, self)
Example #8
 def makeProxy(self, path, node=None):
     return Proxy(node or self.node_id, path, self)
Example #9
def proxy(name):
    return REPLProxy(Proxy(SERVER, name, rpc), thread)