Example #1
def test_changeName_notin_channel():
    token = A['token']
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']
    auth_login("*****@*****.**", 'HoyaLee2019')

    with pytest.raises(CF.AccessError):
        CF.channel_name_change(token, channelID, 'name')
def test_user_NULL():
    auth_login("*****@*****.**", 'HoyaLee2019')
    token = None
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id'] 
    length = '15'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        OF.standup_start(token, channelID, length)
def test_canNot_addOwner():
    auth_login("*****@*****.**", 'HoyaLee2019')
    token = A['token']
    u_id = A['u_id']
    Pub_channel = CF.channels_create(A['token'], 'Test1', 'True')
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']
    with pytest.raises(CHF.ValueError):
        CF.channel_addowner(token, channelID, u_id)
Example #4
def test_channel_ID():
    #get stoken
    token = A['token']
    auth_login("*****@*****.**", 'HoyaLee2019')
    #get channelID
    channelID = '6509779080987'
    start = '0'
    with pytest.raises(CHF.ValueError):
        CF.channel_messages(token, channelID, start)
Example #5
def test_auth_login():
    Test functions for auth_login


    # Register a user and then log in
    auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "registered_password", "a", "b")

    # A registered user is logged in
    login = auth.auth_login("*****@*****.**", "registered_password") \

    # Check database for id and token
    user_id = get_user_by_email("*****@*****.**").u_id
    user_token = get_user_token_by_u_id(user_id)

    assert login == {"u_id": user_id, "token": user_token}

    # An invalid email is given
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid Email"):
        auth.auth_login("invalid_email", "valid_password")
    # Email is not a registered email
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Email not registered"):
        auth.auth_login("*****@*****.**", "valid_password")
    # Password is incorrect
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Password Incorrect"):
        auth.auth_login("*****@*****.**", "bpas")
Example #6
def auth_login():
    Given a registered user' email and password, generates a valid token
    for the user to remain authenticated
    #Gets username and password
    email = request.form.get("email")
    password = request.form.get("password")

    #Calls function from auth_functions.py
    return dumps(auth.auth_login(email, password))
Example #7
import pytest

import server.other_functions as OF
import server.channel_helper_functions as CHF
from server.auth_functions import auth_login, auth_logout, auth_register
from server.channel_functions import channels_create
from server.global_variables import reset_data
import server.Errors as Errors

A = auth_login("*****@*****.**", 'HoyaLee2019')
B = auth_login("*****@*****.**", "wsad1990")
Pub_channel = channels_create(A['token'], 'StdChannel', 'True')
'''If user not login'''

def test_standUp_logout():
    token = A['token']

    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']

    length = '15'

    with pytest.raises(OF.AccessError):
        OF.standup_start(token, channelID, length)

'''User is not the ownre'''

def test_user_notTheOwner():
def test_invalid_AD_token():
    token = A['token'] + '10010'
    auth_login("*****@*****.**", 'HoyaLee2019')
    with pytest.raises(TF.AccessError):