Example #1
    def check_bot_code_access(self, bot_id, generate_token):
        """Raises AuthorizationError if caller is not authorized to access bot code.

    Four variants here:
      1. A valid bootstrap token is passed as '?tok=...' parameter.
      2. An user, allowed to do a bootstrap, is using their credentials.
      3. An IP whitelisted machine is making this call.
      4. A bot (with given bot_id) is using it's own machine credentials.

    In later three cases we optionally generate and return a new bootstrap
    token, that can be used to authorize /bot_code calls.
        existing_token = self.request.get('tok')
        if existing_token:
            payload = bot_code.validate_bootstrap_token(existing_token)
            if payload is None:
                raise auth.AuthorizationError('Invalid bootstrap token')
            logging.debug('Using bootstrap token %r', payload)
            return existing_token

        machine_type = None
        if bot_id:
            bot_info = bot_management.get_info_key(bot_id).get()
            if bot_info:
                machine_type = bot_info.machine_type

        # TODO(vadimsh): Remove is_ip_whitelisted_machine check once all bots are
        # using auth for bootstrap and updating.
        if (not acl.can_create_bot() and not acl.is_ip_whitelisted_machine()
                and not (bot_id and bot_auth.is_authenticated_bot(
                    bot_id, machine_type))):
            raise auth.AuthorizationError('Not allowed to access the bot code')

        return bot_code.generate_bootstrap_token() if generate_token else None
Example #2
    def token(self, _request):
        """Returns a token to bootstrap a new bot.

    This may seem strange to be a POST and not a GET, but it's very
    important to make sure GET requests are idempotent and safe
    to be pre-fetched; generating a token is neither of those things.
        return swarming_rpcs.BootstrapToken(
            bootstrap_token=bot_code.generate_bootstrap_token(), )
Example #3
 def get(self):
   params = {
     'host_url': self.request.host_url,
     'is_admin': acl.is_admin(),
     'is_privileged_user': acl.is_privileged_user(),
     'is_user': acl.is_user(),
     'is_bootstrapper': acl.is_bootstrapper(),
     'bootstrap_token': '...',
     'mapreduce_jobs': [],
     'user_type': acl.get_user_type(),
     'xsrf_token': '',
   if acl.is_admin():
     params['mapreduce_jobs'] = [
       {'id': job_id, 'name': job_def['job_name']}
       for job_id, job_def in mapreduce_jobs.MAPREDUCE_JOBS.iteritems()
     params['xsrf_token'] = self.generate_xsrf_token()
   if acl.is_bootstrapper():
     params['bootstrap_token'] = bot_code.generate_bootstrap_token()
   self.response.write(template.render('swarming/root.html', params))
Example #4
 def test_bootstrap_token(self):
     tok = bot_code.generate_bootstrap_token()
     self.assertEqual({'for': 'user:joe@localhost'},
Example #5
 def test_bot_code_with_token(self):
   tok = bot_code.generate_bootstrap_token()
   self.app.get('/bot_code?tok=%s' % tok, status=200)