Example #1
    def test_basic(self):
        WEBSOCKET_PORT = 8766
        cds = CachedDataServer(port=WEBSOCKET_PORT)
            'fields': {
                'field_1': 'value_11',
                'field_2': 'value_21',
                'field_3': 'value_31'

        # We call this in ensure_future, below
        async def run_test():
            async with websockets.connect('ws://localhost:%d' %
                                          WEBSOCKET_PORT) as ws:
                now = time.time()

                to_send = {'type': 'fields'}
                await ws.send(json.dumps(to_send))
                result = await ws.recv()
                logging.info('got fields result: %s', result)
                response = json.loads(result)
                self.assertEqual(response.get('data', None),
                                 ['field_1', 'field_2', 'field_3'])
                to_send = {
                    'type': 'publish',
                    'data': {
                        'timestamp': time.time(),
                        'fields': {
                            'field_1': 'value_12',
                            'field_2': 'value_22'
                await ws.send(json.dumps(to_send))
                result = await ws.recv()
                logging.info('got publish result: %s', result)

                to_send = {
                    'type': 'subscribe',
                    'interval': 0.2,
                    'fields': {
                        'field_1': {
                            'seconds': 1555507118
                        'field_2': {
                            'seconds': 0
                        'field_3': {
                            'seconds': -1
                await ws.send(json.dumps(to_send))
                result = await ws.recv()
                logging.info('got subscribe result: %s', result)

                to_send = {'type': 'ready'}
                await ws.send(json.dumps(to_send))
                await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
                result = await ws.recv()
                logging.info('got ready 1 result: %s', result)

                response = json.loads(result)
                self.assertEqual(len(response['data']), 2)
                self.assertEqual(len(response['data']['field_1']), 2)
                self.assertEqual(response['data']['field_1'][0][1], 'value_11')
                self.assertEqual(response['data']['field_1'][1][1], 'value_12')
                self.assertEqual(len(response['data']['field_3']), 1)
                self.assertEqual(response['data']['field_3'][0][1], 'value_31')

                to_send = {
                    'type': 'publish',
                    'data': {
                        'timestamp': time.time(),
                        'fields': {
                            'field_1': 'value_13',
                            'field_2': 'value_23'
                await ws.send(json.dumps(to_send))
                await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
                result = await ws.recv()
                logging.info('got publish result: %s', result)

                to_send = {'type': 'ready'}
                await ws.send(json.dumps(to_send))
                await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
                result = await ws.recv()
                logging.info('got ready 2 result: %s', result)

                response = json.loads(result)
                self.assertEqual(len(response['data']), 2)
                self.assertEqual(len(response['data']['field_1']), 1)
                self.assertEqual(response['data']['field_1'][0][1], 'value_13')
                self.assertEqual(len(response['data']['field_2']), 1)
                self.assertEqual(response['data']['field_2'][0][1], 'value_23')

                to_send = {
                    'type': 'publish',
                    'data': {
                        'timestamp': time.time(),
                        'fields': {
                            'field_3': 'value_33'
                await ws.send(json.dumps(to_send))
                await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
                result = await ws.recv()
                logging.info('got publish result: %s', result)

                to_send = {'type': 'ready'}
                await ws.send(json.dumps(to_send))
                await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
                result = await ws.recv()
                logging.info('got ready 3 result: %s', result)

                response = json.loads(result)
                self.assertEqual(len(response['data']), 1)
                self.assertEqual(len(response['data']['field_3']), 1)
                self.assertEqual(response['data']['field_3'][0][1], 'value_33')

Example #2
    def test_basic(self):
        """Basic test"""
        # Create the CachedDataServer we're going to try to connect to
        # and seed it with some initial values.
        cds = CachedDataServer(port=WEBSOCKET_PORT)
            'fields': {
                'field_1': 'value_11',
                'field_2': 'value_21',
                'field_3': 'value_31'
            'fields': {
                'field_1': 'value_12',
                'field_2': 'value_22',
                'field_3': 'value_32'

        # Initialize our CachedDataReader - it won't try to connect to the
        # server until we actually call read(). We'll ask for 10 seconds
        # of back data so that we'll get both of the above records on a
        # single read and will have to parse them out.
        subscription = {
            'fields': {
                'field_1': {
                    'seconds': 10
                'field_2': {
                    'seconds': 10
                'field_3': {
                    'seconds': 10
        cdr = CachedDataReader(subscription=subscription,
                               data_server='localhost:%d' % WEBSOCKET_PORT)

        response = cdr.read()
        self.assertDictEqual(response.get('fields', None), {
            'field_1': 'value_11',
            'field_2': 'value_21',
            'field_3': 'value_31'
        response = cdr.read()
        self.assertDictEqual(response.get('fields', None), {
            'field_1': 'value_12',
            'field_2': 'value_22',
            'field_3': 'value_32'

            {'fields': {
                'field_1': 'value_13',
                'field_2': 'value_23'
        response = cdr.read()
        self.assertDictEqual(response.get('fields', None), {
            'field_1': 'value_13',
            'field_2': 'value_23'

        # Fire off a thread that will signal 'quit' in 0.5 seconds
        threading.Thread(name='quit_thread', target=cdr.quit,
                         args=(0.5, )).start()

        # Read without anything coming down the pike - should hang until
        # we get 'quit'
        response = cdr.read()