def create_app(object_name, env="prod"): """ An flask application factory, as explained here: Arguments: object_name: the python path of the config object, e.g. server.settings.ProdConfig env: The name of the current environment, e.g. prod or dev """ app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(object_name) app.config['ENV'] = env cors = CORS(app) # initialize the cache cache.init_app(app) # initialize the debug tool bar debug_toolbar.init_app(app) # initialize SQLAlchemy db.init_app(app) login_manager.init_app(app) # Import and register the different asset bundles assets_env.init_app(app) assets_loader = PythonAssetsLoader(assets) for name, bundle in assets_loader.load_bundles().items(): assets_env.register(name, bundle) # register our blueprints app.register_blueprint(main) return app
def create_app(object_name): """ An flask application factory, as explained here: Arguments: object_name: the python path of the config object, e.g. server.settings.ProdConfig env: The name of the current environment, e.g. prod or dev """ app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(object_name) # initialize the cache cache.init_app(app) # initialize the debug tool bar debug_toolbar.init_app(app) # initialize SQLAlchemy db.init_app(app) login_manager.init_app(app) # Import and register the different asset bundles assets_env.init_app(app) assets_loader = PythonAssetsLoader(assets) for name, bundle in assets_loader.load_bundles().items(): assets_env.register(name, bundle) # register our blueprints app.register_blueprint(main) return app
def create_app(default_config_path=None): """Create and return a Flask application. Reads a config file path from the OK_SERVER_CONFIG environment variable. If it is not set, reads from default_config_path instead. This is so we can default to a development environment locally, but the app will fail in production if there is no config file rather than dangerously defaulting to a development environment. """ app = Flask(__name__) config_path = os.getenv('OK_SERVER_CONFIG', default_config_path) if config_path is None: raise ValueError( 'No configuration file found' 'Check that the OK_SERVER_CONFIG environment variable is set.') app.config.from_pyfile(config_path) # Senty Error Reporting & Other Prod Changes sentry_dsn = os.getenv('SENTRY_DSN') if not app.debug: app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app) if sentry_dsn: sentry.init_app(app, dsn=sentry_dsn) @app.errorhandler(500) def internal_server_error(error): return render_template( 'errors/500.html', event_id=g.sentry_event_id, public_dsn=sentry.client.get_public_dsn('https')), 500 # In production mode, add log handler to sys.stderr. app.logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) app.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) @app.errorhandler(404) def not_found_error(error): if request.path.startswith("/api"): return api.handle_error(error) return render_template('errors/404.html'), 404 # initialize the cache cache.init_app(app) # initialize redis task queues RQ(app) # Protect All Routes from csrf csrf.init_app(app) # initialize the debug tool bar debug_toolbar.init_app(app) # initialize SQLAlchemy db.init_app(app) # Flask-Login manager login_manager.init_app(app) # Import and register the different asset bundles assets_env.init_app(app) assets_loader = PythonAssetsLoader(assets) for name, bundle in assets_loader.load_bundles().items(): assets_env.register(name, bundle) # custom URL handling converters.init_app(app) # custom Jinja rendering app.jinja_env.globals.update({ 'utils': utils, 'debug': app.debug, 'instantclick': app.config.get('INSTANTCLICK', True), 'CSRFForm': CSRFForm }) app.jinja_env.filters.update({ 'markdown': utils.convert_markdown, 'pluralize': utils.pluralize, }) # register our blueprints # OAuth should not need CSRF protection csrf.exempt(auth) app.register_blueprint(auth) csrf.exempt(oauth) app.register_blueprint(oauth) app.register_blueprint(student) app.register_blueprint(admin, url_prefix='/admin') app.register_blueprint(about, url_prefix='/about') # Redis Queue dashboard csrf.exempt(queue) app.register_blueprint(queue, url_prefix='/rq') # API does not need CSRF protection csrf.exempt(api_endpoints) app.register_blueprint(api_endpoints, url_prefix=API_PREFIX) return app
def create_app(default_config_path=None): """Create and return a Flask application. Reads a config file path from the OK_SERVER_CONFIG environment variable. If it is not set, reads from default_config_path instead. This is so we can default to a development environment locally, but the app will fail in production if there is no config file rather than dangerously defaulting to a development environment. """ app = Flask(__name__) config_path = os.getenv('OK_SERVER_CONFIG', default_config_path) if config_path is None: raise ValueError('No configuration file found' 'Check that the OK_SERVER_CONFIG environment variable is set.') app.config.from_pyfile(config_path) # Set REMOTE_ADDR for proxies num_proxies = app.config.get('NUM_PROXIES', 0) if num_proxies: app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app, num_proxies=num_proxies) # Sentry Error Reporting sentry_dsn = os.getenv('SENTRY_DSN') if not app.debug and sentry_dsn: sentry.init_app(app, dsn=sentry_dsn) @app.errorhandler(500) def internal_server_error(error): return render_template('errors/500.html', event_id=g.sentry_event_id, public_dsn=sentry.client.get_public_dsn('https') ), 500 @app.errorhandler(404) def not_found_error(error): if request.path.startswith("/api"): return api.handle_error(error) return render_template('errors/404.html'), 404 @app.route("/healthz") def health_check(): return 'OK' # initialize the cache cache.init_app(app) # initialize redis task queues RQ(app) # Protect All Routes from csrf csrf.init_app(app) # initialize the debug tool bar debug_toolbar.init_app(app) # initialize SQLAlchemy db.init_app(app) # Flask-Login manager login_manager.init_app(app) # Set up logging logging.init_app(app) # Import and register the different asset bundles assets_env.init_app(app) assets_loader = PythonAssetsLoader(assets) for name, bundle in assets_loader.load_bundles().items(): assets_env.register(name, bundle) # custom URL handling converters.init_app(app) # custom Jinja rendering app.jinja_env.globals.update({ 'utils': utils, 'debug': app.debug, 'instantclick': app.config.get('INSTANTCLICK', True), 'CSRFForm': CSRFForm }) app.jinja_env.filters.update({ 'markdown': utils.convert_markdown, 'pluralize': utils.pluralize, }) # register our blueprints # OAuth should not need CSRF protection csrf.exempt(auth) app.register_blueprint(auth) csrf.exempt(oauth) app.register_blueprint(oauth) app.register_blueprint(student) app.register_blueprint(admin, url_prefix='/admin') app.register_blueprint(about, url_prefix='/about') # Redis Queue dashboard csrf.exempt(queue) app.register_blueprint(queue, url_prefix='/rq') # API does not need CSRF protection csrf.exempt(api_endpoints) app.register_blueprint(api_endpoints, url_prefix=API_PREFIX) return app
def create_app(environment_name=None): """Create and return a Flask application. Reads a config file path from the OK_SERVER_CONFIG environment variable. If it is not set, it imports and reads from the config module (using environment_name). This is so we can default to a development environment locally, but the app will fail in production if there is no config file rather than dangerously defaulting to a development environment. """ app = Flask(__name__) env_module_path = os.getenv('OK_SERVER_CONFIG', 'server.settings.{}'.format(environment_name)) if '/' in env_module_path: env_module_path = env_module_path.replace('/', '.') env_module_path = env_module_path.replace('.py', '') app.config.from_object(env_module_path + '.Config') # Set REMOTE_ADDR for proxies num_proxies = app.config.get('NUM_PROXIES', 0) if num_proxies: app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app, num_proxies=num_proxies) # Sentry Error Reporting sentry_dsn = os.getenv('SENTRY_DSN') if not app.debug and sentry_dsn: sentry.init_app(app, dsn=sentry_dsn) @app.errorhandler(500) def internal_server_error(error): return render_template('errors/500.html', event_id=g.sentry_event_id, public_dsn=sentry.client.get_public_dsn('https') ), 500 # Azure Application Insights request and error tracking appinsights.init_app(app) @app.errorhandler(404) def not_found_error(error): if request.path.startswith("/api"): return api.handle_error(error) return render_template('errors/404.html'), 404 @app.route("/healthz") def health_check(): return 'OK' @app.after_request def flush_appinsights_telemetry(response): appinsights.flush() return response @app.context_processor def inject_root_url(): return {'index_url': app.config['APPLICATION_ROOT']} # initialize the cache cache.init_app(app) # initialize redis task queues RQ(app) # Protect All Routes from csrf csrf.init_app(app) # initialize the debug tool bar debug_toolbar.init_app(app) # initialize SQLAlchemy db.init_app(app) # Flask-Login manager login_manager.init_app(app) # initalize cloud storage storage.init_app(app) # Set up logging logging.init_app(app) # Import and register the different asset bundles assets_env.init_app(app) assets_loader = PythonAssetsLoader(assets) for name, bundle in assets_loader.load_bundles().items(): assets_env.register(name, bundle) # custom URL handling converters.init_app(app) # custom Jinja rendering app.jinja_env.globals.update({ 'utils': utils, 'debug': app.debug, 'instantclick': app.config.get('INSTANTCLICK', True), 'CSRFForm': CSRFForm }) app.jinja_env.filters.update({ 'markdown': utils.convert_markdown, 'pluralize': utils.pluralize, }) # register our blueprints # OAuth should not need CSRF protection csrf.exempt(auth) app.register_blueprint(auth) csrf.exempt(oauth) app.register_blueprint(oauth) app.register_blueprint(files) app.register_blueprint(student) app.register_blueprint(admin, url_prefix='/admin') app.register_blueprint(about, url_prefix='/about') # Redis Queue dashboard csrf.exempt(queue) app.register_blueprint(queue, url_prefix='/rq') # API does not need CSRF protection csrf.exempt(api_endpoints) app.register_blueprint(api_endpoints, url_prefix=API_PREFIX) return app