Example #1
def message_unpin(token, message_id):
    Given a message within a channel, mark it as "pinned" to be given special display treatment
    by the frontend.
    # Check that token is valid

    # Check that the message is valid
    channel_id = get_channel_id_from_message(message_id)
    if channel_id is None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid message")

    # Check the user permissions
    user = get_user_from_token(token)
    if user["permission_id"] == 3:
        raise ValueError("The authorised user is not an admin")

    # Check if the messages is not pinned
    message = get_info_about_message(message_id)
    if message["is_pinned"] is False:
        raise ValueError("Message with ID message_id is already unpinned")

    # Check if the user is inside the channel
    if is_member(user["u_id"], channel_id) is False:
        raise AccessError("User is not a member of the channel")

    # unpin the message
    message["is_pinned"] = False
    return {}
Example #2
def message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id):
    # check validity of inputs

    # get the channel id & check if message is valid
    channel_id = get_channel_id_from_message(message_id)
    if channel_id is None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid message")

    # get the user id & check if the user is in the channel
    u_id = get_user_from_token(token)["u_id"]
    if not is_member(u_id, channel_id):
        raise ValueError("User is not part of the channel")

    # get the msg
    msg = get_info_about_message(message_id)
    for reacts in msg["reacts"]:
        # find the react id
        if reacts["react_id"] == react_id:
            # have to do it this way because we redefined ValueError
            if u_id in reacts["u_ids"]:
                raise ValueError("User has not reacted to the message")
    return {}
Example #3
def message_react(token, message_id, react_id):
    # check validity of inputs

    # get the channel id & check if message is valid
    channel_id = get_channel_id_from_message(message_id)
    if channel_id is None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid message")

    # get the user id & check if the user is in the channel
    u_id = get_user_from_token(token)["u_id"]
    if not is_member(u_id, channel_id):
        raise ValueError("User is not part of the channel")

    # get the msg
    msg = get_info_about_message(message_id)
    for reacts in msg["reacts"]:
        # find the react id
        if reacts["react_id"] == react_id:
            # check if the user did the same reacts already
            for user_id in reacts["u_ids"]:
                if user_id == u_id:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "User already reacted to the message with the same react"
    return {}
Example #4
def message_remove(token, message_id):
    # check that token is valid

    # get info about user and message
    channel_id = get_channel_id_from_message(message_id)
    message_info = get_info_about_message(message_id)
    u_id = get_user_from_token(token)["u_id"]

    # check that message_id is valid
    if channel_id is None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid message")

    # check that the authorised user is the one who sent the message
    # or is an admin/owner of the channel or slackr
    if message_info["u_id"] != u_id:
        if is_owner(u_id, channel_id) is False or get_user_from_id(
                u_id)["permission_id"] == 3:
            raise AccessError("User is not authorised to remove this message")

    # since all values are correct, remove the message
    for channel in data["channels"]:
        if channel["channel_id"] == channel_id:
            for message in channel["messages"]:
                if message["message_id"] == message_info["message_id"]:
    return {}
def test_channel_messages():

    # Create users for testing
    user1 = helper.token_account_1()
    user1_token = user1["token"]
    user2 = helper.token_account_2()
    user2_token = user2["token"]

    # Create a new channel for testing
    channel_id = helper.channelid_public(user1_token)

    # Leave the channel in case user2 is in the new channel
    stub.channel_leave(user2_token, channel_id)

    # Setting the start & end
    start = 0

    # Check that error is raised if an invalid token is passed in
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.AccessError):
        stub.channel_messages("fake token", channel_id, start)

    # Start is a invalid number
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.channel_messages(user1_token, channel_id, -1)

    # Channel doesn't exist
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.channel_messages(user1_token, -1, start)

    # Index of start greater then messages in channel
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.ValueError):
        stub.channel_messages(user1_token, channel_id, 1000)

    # user2 is not a member
    with pytest.raises(validation_helper.AccessError):
        stub.channel_messages(user2_token, channel_id, start)

    # valid call
    message_id = helper.get_valid_message(user1_token, channel_id)
    message = get_info_helper.get_info_about_message(message_id)
    assert stub.channel_messages(user1_token, channel_id, start) == {"messages": [message],
                                                                     "start": 0,
                                                                     "end": -1}

    # now test it with >50 messages sent in the channel
    i = 0
    while i < 70:
        stub.message_send(user1_token, channel_id, "Hello")
        i += 1
    messages = stub.channel_messages(user1_token, channel_id, 10)
    assert messages["start"] == 10
    assert messages["end"] == 60
    assert len(messages["messages"]) == 50
Example #6
def message_edit(token, message_id, message):
    # check that token is valid

    # check that message is valid
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError("Message can't be more than 1000 characters")

    # get info about user and message
    channel_id = get_channel_id_from_message(message_id)
    message_info = get_info_about_message(message_id)
    u_id = get_user_from_token(token)["u_id"]

    # check that message_id is valid
    if channel_id is None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid message")

    # check that the authorised user is the one who sent the message
    # or is an admin/owner of the channel or slackr
    if message_info["u_id"] != u_id:
        if is_owner(u_id, channel_id) is False or get_user_from_id(
                u_id)["permission_id"] == 3:
            raise AccessError("User is not authorised to remove this message")

    # check if the message is empty string remove the message
    if message == "":
        message_remove(token, message_id)

    # since all values are correct, edit the message
    for channel in data["channels"]:
        if channel["channel_id"] == channel_id:
            for msg in channel["messages"]:
                if msg["message_id"] == message_info["message_id"]:
                    msg["message"] = message
    return {}