Example #1
def react_message(token, message_id, react_id):
    React message with message_id with react_id
    data = get_data()
    user = get_user_from_token(data, token)
    message = get_msg_from_msg_id(data, message_id)
    if message is None or not user_in_channel_with_msg(data, user['u_id'],
        raise ValueError('Message is not in the channel')
    if not valid_react_id(react_id):
        raise ValueError('Invalid react id')
    if message_contains_react(message, user['u_id']):
        raise ValueError('Message already has that react')

    react = get_react_from_react_id(message, react_id)
    # if there are no current reacts, create a new data structure
    # and store the information. Otherwise, add only the user id
    if react is None:
        react_info = generate_react_info(react_id, user['u_id'])
    return {}
Example #2
def edit_message(token, message_id, message_str):
    Edit message with message_id with new message
    If message is empty, delete the message
    if len(message_str) == 0:
        return remove_message(token, message_id)
    data = get_data()
    og_message = get_msg_from_msg_id(data, message_id)
    user = get_user_from_token(data, token)
    channel = get_channel(data, og_message['channel_id'])
    # check if user did not send original message and user is admin/owner
    if (not user_sent_message(user['u_id'], og_message)
            and not user_is_admin_or_owner(user, channel)):
        raise AccessError("User did not send message or not enough privileges")
    # edit the original message with the new message
    og_message['message'] = message_str
    return {}
Example #3
def remove_message(token, message_id):
    Remove message with message_id from channel
    data = get_data()
    user = get_user_from_token(data, token)
    message = get_msg_from_msg_id(data, message_id)
    if message is None:
        raise ValueError('Message no longer exists')

    channel = get_channel(data, message['channel_id'])
    if not user_sent_message(user['u_id'],
                             message) and not user_is_admin_or_owner(
                                 user, channel):
        raise AccessError("User did not send message or not enough privileges")

    # remove the message object and the message_id from the 'database'
    return {}
Example #4
def unreact_message(token, message_id, react_id):
    Unreact message with message_id with react_id
    data = get_data()
    user = get_user_from_token(data, token)
    message = get_msg_from_msg_id(data, message_id)
    if message is None or not user_in_channel_with_msg(data, user['u_id'],
        raise ValueError('Message is not in the channel')
    if not valid_react_id(react_id):
        raise ValueError('Invalid react id')
    if not message_contains_react(message, user['u_id']):
        raise ValueError('Message does not have that react')

    # get the react object and delete the user u_id
    react = get_react_from_react_id(message, react_id)
    react['is_this_user_reacted'] = False
    return {}
Example #5
def unpin_message(token, message_id):
    Unpin message with message_id
    data = get_data()
    user = get_user_from_token(data, token)
    message = get_msg_from_msg_id(data, message_id)
    if message is None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid message_id")
    channel = get_channel(data, message['channel_id'])
    if not perm_id_is_admin_owner(user['perm_id']):
        raise ValueError("User is not an admin or owner")
    if not message['is_pinned']:
        raise ValueError("Message is not pinned")
    if not user_in_channel(user['u_id'], channel):
        raise AccessError(
            "User not part of channel that the message is within")

    # set the pin flag on the message to False
    message['is_pinned'] = False
    return {}