Example #1
def generate_search_query(search_string, filters, order, sort_by_arg, include_user=False):
    Generates query to search transfer accounts by their users' parameters. This is used by search_api, as well as
    the bulk disbursement API
    :param search_string - The search query string
    :param filters - A SQLAlchemy filter object to apply to the query
    :param order - Which order in which to display results. Use sqlalchemy.asc or sqlalchemy.desc
    :param sort_by_arg: Boolean. True returns original phone

    sort_types_to_database_types = {
        'first_name': User.first_name,
        'last_name': User.last_name,
        'email': User.email,
        'date_account_created': User.created,
        'rank': 'rank',
        'balance': TransferAccount._balance_wei,
        'status': TransferAccount.is_approved,
    if sort_by_arg not in sort_types_to_database_types:
        return {
            'message': f'Invalid sort_by value {sort_by_arg}. Please use one of the following: {sort_types_to_database_types.keys()}'\
    # To add new searchable column, simply add a new SearchableColumn object!
    # And don't forget to add a trigram index on that column too-- see migration 33df5e72fca4 for reference
    user_search_columns = [
        SearchableColumn('first_name', User.first_name, rank=1.5),
        SearchableColumn('last_name', User.last_name, rank=1.5),
        SearchableColumn('phone', User.phone, rank=2),
        SearchableColumn('public_serial_number', User.public_serial_number, rank=2),
        SearchableColumn('location', User.location, rank=1),
        SearchableColumn('primary_blockchain_address', User.primary_blockchain_address, rank=2),
    sum_search = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [sc.get_similarity_query(search_string) for sc in user_search_columns])
    sort_by = sum_search if sort_by_arg == 'rank' else sort_types_to_database_types[sort_by_arg]
    # If there's no search string, the process is the same, just sort by account creation date
    sort_by = sort_types_to_database_types['date_account_created'] if sort_by == 'rank' and not search_string else sort_by
    entities = [TransferAccount, sum_search, User] if include_user else [TransferAccount]

    final_query = db.session.query(TransferAccount, User, sum_search)\
        .outerjoin(TransferAccount, User.default_transfer_account_id == TransferAccount.id)\
        .filter(TransferAccount.is_ghost != True) \

    # TODO: work out the difference between the above and
    # final_query = db.session.query(TransferAccount, User) \
    #     .outerjoin(TransferAccount, User.default_transfer_account_id == TransferAccount.id) \
    #     .with_entities(TransferAccount) \
    #     .order_by(order(sort_by))

    # Joining custom attributes is quite expensive, and we don't need them in a listing of search results
    if include_user:
        final_query = final_query.options(lazyload(User.custom_attributes))
    # If there is a search string, we only want to return ranked results!
    final_query = final_query.filter(sum_search!=0) if search_string else final_query
    return apply_filters(final_query, filters, User)
Example #2
    def execute_query(self, user_filters: dict = None, date_filter_attributes=None, enable_caching=True, population_query_result=False, dont_include_timeseries=False, start_date=None, end_date=None, group_by=None):
        :param user_filters: dict of filters to apply to all metrics
        :param date_filter_attributes: lookup table indicating which row to use when filtering by date  
        :param enable_caching: set to False if you don't want the query result to be cached
        :param population_query_result: This is a representation of the number of users over time, used in 
            post-processing of certian metrics. See postprocessing_actions.py for more details.
        :param dont_include_timeseries: if true, this skips calculating timeseries data and only fetches
             aggregated_query and total_query
        :param start_date: Start date for metrics queries (for calculating percent change within date range)
        :param End_date: End date for metrics queries (for calculating percent change within date range)
        :param group_by: Name of the group-by used, used for metrics cache key names
        actions = {
                    'primary': self.query_actions, 
                    'aggregated_query': self.aggregated_query_actions, 
                    'total_query': self.total_query_actions,
                    'start_day_query': self.total_query_actions,
                    'end_day_query': self.total_query_actions
        combinatory_strategies = {
            'primary': self.query_caching_combinatory_strategy, 
            'aggregated_query': self.aggregated_query_caching_combinatory_strategy, 
            'total_query': self.total_query_caching_combinatory_strategy,
            'start_day_query': metrics_cache.QUERY_ALL,
            'end_day_query': metrics_cache.QUERY_ALL
        # Build the dict of queries to execute. Ungrouped metrics don't have aggregated queries,
        # and sometimes we only want aggregates and totals (based on dont_include_timeseries)
        if self.is_timeseries:
            if dont_include_timeseries:
                queries = { 'total_query': self.total_query, 'start_day_query': self.total_query, 'end_day_query': self.total_query }
                queries = { 'primary': self.query, 'total_query': self.total_query, 'start_day_query': self.total_query, 'end_day_query': self.total_query }
            if self.aggregated_query:
                queries['aggregated_query'] = self.aggregated_query
            if None in queries.values():
                raise Exception('Timeseries query requires a query, and a total_query')
            queries = { 'primary': self.query }

        results = {}
        for query in queries:
            user_filters = user_filters or {}
            # Apply stock filters
            filtered_query = queries[query]
            for f in self.stock_filters:
                filtered_query = filtered_query.filter(*f)

            # Validate that the filters we're applying are in the metrics' filterable_by
            for f, _ in user_filters or []:
                if f not in self.filterable_by:
                    raise Exception(f'{self.metric_name} not filterable by {f}')

            # Apply the applicable date filters
            if DATE in self.filterable_by or []:
                if start_date or end_date:
                    date_filter_attribute = date_filter_attributes[self.object_model]
                    date_filters = []
                    if start_date:
                        date_filters.append(date_filter_attribute >= start_date)
                    if end_date:
                        date_filters.append(date_filter_attribute <=  datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d") + datetime.timedelta(days=1)  )
                    if not self.bypass_user_filters:
                        filtered_query = filtered_query.filter(*date_filters)

            # Handle start_day and end_day queries so we can have a percentage change for the whole day range
            if query in ['start_day_query', 'end_day_query']:
                date_filter_attribute = date_filter_attributes[self.object_model]
                # If a user provided end-date goes past today, just use today. Also if the user doesn't provide a day
                # also use today
                today = datetime.datetime.now().replace(minute=0, hour=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
                if not end_date or datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d") > today:
                    last_day = today
                    last_day = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
                if not start_date:
                    # Get first date where data is present if no other date is given
                    first_day = metrics_cache.get_first_day(date_filter_attribute, enable_caching)
                    first_day = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d")

                day = first_day if query == 'start_day_query' else last_day
                date_filters = []
                # To filter for items on day n, we have to filter between day n and day n+1
                date_filters.append(date_filter_attribute >= day)
                date_filters.append(date_filter_attribute <=  day + datetime.timedelta(days=1)  )
                filtered_query = filtered_query.filter(*date_filters)

            if not self.bypass_user_filters:
                filtered_query = filters.apply_filters(filtered_query, user_filters, self.object_model)

            strategy = combinatory_strategies[query]
            result = metrics_cache.execute_with_partial_history_cache(

            if not actions[query]:
                results[query] = result
                results[query] = postprocessing_actions.execute_postprocessing(result, population_query_result, actions[query])
        if self.is_timeseries:
            result = {}
            # Get percentage change between first and last date
            start_value = results['start_day_query'] if 'start_day_query' in results else 0
            end_value = results['end_day_query'] if 'end_day_query' in results else 0
                increase = float(end_value) - float(start_value)
                percent_change = (increase / float(start_value)) * 100
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                percent_change = None 

            if self.value_type not in VALUE_TYPES:
                raise Exception(f'{self.value_type} not a valid metric type!')
            result['type'] = {
                'value_type': self.value_type,
                'display_decimals': 2 if self.value_type == COUNT_AVERAGE else 0
            if self.token:
                result['type']['currency_name'] = self.token.name
                result['type']['currency_symbol'] = self.token.symbol
                result['type']['display_decimals'] = self.token.display_decimals if self.token.display_decimals else 0
            if not dont_include_timeseries:
                result['timeseries'] = results['primary']
            if self.aggregated_query:
                result['aggregate'] = results['aggregated_query']
                result['aggregate']['total'] = results['total_query']
                result['aggregate']['percent_change'] = percent_change
                result['aggregate'] = {'total': results['total_query'], 'percent_change': percent_change}
            return result
            return results['primary']
    def get(self):
        # HANDLE PARAM : search_stirng - Any search string. An empty string (or None) will just return everything!
        search_string = request.args.get('search_string') or ''
        # HANDLE PARAM : params - Standard filter object. Exact same as the ones Metrics uses!
        encoded_filters = request.args.get('params')
        filters = process_transfer_filters(encoded_filters)
        # HANDLE PARAM : order
        # Valid orders types are: `ASC` and `DESC`
        # Default: DESC
        order_arg = request.args.get('order') or 'DESC'
        if order_arg.upper() not in ['ASC', 'DESC']:
            return {
                'Invalid order value \'{}\'. Please use \'ASC\' or \'DESC\''.
        order = asc if order_arg.upper() == 'ASC' else desc
        # HANDLE PARAM: sort_by
        # Valid orders types are: first_name, last_name, email, date_account_created, rank, balance, status
        # Default: rank
        sort_types_to_database_types = {
            'first_name': User.first_name,
            'last_name': User.last_name,
            'email': User.email,
            'date_account_created': User.created,
            'rank': 'rank',
            'balance': TransferAccount._balance_wei,
            'status': TransferAccount.is_approved,
        sort_by_arg = request.args.get('sort_by') or 'rank'
        if sort_by_arg not in sort_types_to_database_types:
            return {
                'message': f'Invalid sort_by value {sort_by_arg}. Please use one of the following: {sort_types_to_database_types.keys()}'\

        # To add new searchable column, simply add a new SearchableColumn object!
        # And don't forget to add a trigram index on that column too-- see migration 33df5e72fca4 for reference
        user_search_columns = [
            SearchableColumn('first_name', User.first_name, rank=1.5),
            SearchableColumn('last_name', User.last_name, rank=1.5),
            SearchableColumn('phone', User.phone, rank=2),
            SearchableColumn('location', User.location, rank=1),

        sum_search = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [
            for sc in user_search_columns
        sort_by = sum_search if sort_by_arg == 'rank' else sort_types_to_database_types[
        # If there's no search string, the process is the same, just sort by account creation date
        sort_by = sort_types_to_database_types[
            'date_account_created'] if sort_by == 'rank' and not search_string else sort_by

        final_query = db.session.query(TransferAccount, User, sum_search)\
            .with_entities(TransferAccount, sum_search)\
            .outerjoin(TransferAccount, User.default_transfer_account_id == TransferAccount.id)\
            .filter(TransferAccount.is_ghost != True)\
        # If there is a search string, we only want to return ranked results!
        final_query = final_query.filter(
            sum_search != 0) if search_string else final_query

        final_query = apply_filters(final_query, filters, User)
        transfer_accounts, total_items, total_pages, _ = paginate_query(
            final_query, ignore_last_fetched=True)
        accounts = [resultTuple[0] for resultTuple in transfer_accounts]
        if AccessControl.has_sufficient_tier(g.user.roles, 'ADMIN', 'admin'):
            result = transfer_accounts_schema.dump(accounts)
        elif AccessControl.has_any_tier(g.user.roles, 'ADMIN'):
            result = view_transfer_accounts_schema.dump(accounts)

        return {
            'message': 'Successfully Loaded.',
            'items': total_items,
            'pages': total_pages,
            'query_time': datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
            'data': {
                'transfer_accounts': result.data
Example #4
def generate_search_query(search_string,
    Generates query to search transfer accounts by their users' parameters. This is used by search_api, as well as
    the bulk disbursement API
    :param search_string - The search query string
    :param filters - A SQLAlchemy filter object to apply to the query
    :param order - Which order in which to display results. Use sqlalchemy.asc or sqlalchemy.desc
    :param sort_by_arg: Boolean. True returns original phone
    sender = aliased(User)
    recipient = aliased(User)
    sort_types_to_database_types = {
            'first_name': User.first_name,
            'last_name': User.last_name,
            'email': User.email,
            'date_account_created': User.created,
            'rank': 'rank',
            'balance': TransferAccount._balance_wei,
            'status': TransferAccount.is_approved,
            'sender_first_name': sender.first_name,
            'sender_last_name': sender.last_name,
            'recipient_first_name': recipient.first_name,
            'recipient_last_name': recipient.last_name,
            'amount': CreditTransfer._transfer_amount_wei,
            'created': CreditTransfer.created,
            'id': CreditTransfer.id,
            'rank': 'rank',

    if sort_by_arg not in sort_types_to_database_types[search_type]:
        raise Exception(
            f'Invalid sort_by value {sort_by_arg}. Please use one of the following: {sort_types_to_database_types[search_type].keys()}'

    # To add new searchable column, simply add a new SearchableColumn object!
    # And don't forget to add a trigram index on that column too-- see migration 33df5e72fca4 for reference
    user_search_columns = [
        SearchableColumn('first_name', User.first_name, rank=1.5),
        SearchableColumn('last_name', User.last_name, rank=1.5),
        SearchableColumn('phone', User.phone, rank=2),
        SearchableColumn('location', User.location, rank=1),
    sum_search = reduce(
        lambda x, y: x + y,
        [sc.get_similarity_query(search_string) for sc in user_search_columns])
    sort_by = sum_search if sort_by_arg == 'rank' else sort_types_to_database_types[
    # If there's no search string, the process is the same, just sort by account creation date
    if search_type == TRANSFER_ACCOUNT:
        # If the sort by argument is rank, but there are no ranks because there is no search string, sort by date account created
        sort_by = sort_types_to_database_types[search_type][
            'date_account_created'] if sort_by_arg == 'rank' and not search_string else sum_search
        entities = [TransferAccount, sum_search, User
                    ] if include_user else [TransferAccount]
        final_query = db.session.query(TransferAccount, User, sum_search)\
            .outerjoin(TransferAccount, User.default_transfer_account_id == TransferAccount.id)\
            .filter(TransferAccount.is_ghost != True) \
        # Joining custom attributes is quite expensive, and we don't need them in a listing of search results
        if include_user:
            final_query = final_query.options(lazyload(User.custom_attributes))

        # If the sort by argument is rank, but there are no ranks because there is no search string, sort by date transfer created
        sort_by = sort_types_to_database_types[search_type][
            'id'] if sort_by_arg == 'rank' and not search_string else sort_by
        if search_string:
            final_query = db.session.query(CreditTransfer, sum_search)\
                .join(sender, sender.id == User.id)\
                .join(recipient, recipient.id == User.id)\
                .join(CreditTransfer, or_((recipient.id == CreditTransfer.recipient_user_id), (sender.id == CreditTransfer.sender_user_id)))\
            final_query = db.session.query(CreditTransfer)\

    # If there is a search string, we only want to return ranked results!
    final_query = final_query.filter(
        sum_search != 0) if search_string else final_query
    if search_type == CREDIT_TRANSFER:
        return apply_filters(final_query, filters, CreditTransfer)
    if search_type == TRANSFER_ACCOUNT:
        return apply_filters(final_query, filters, User)
Example #5
    def get(self):
        This endpoint searches transfer accounts and credit transfers. It will check first name/last name/phone number/email address
            - search_string: Any string you want to search. When empty or not provided, all results will be returned. 
            - search_type: Valid inputs are transfer_accounts, and credit_transfers.
            - order: Which order to return results in (ASC or DESC)
            - sort_by: What to sort by. `rank` works for both, and sorts by search relevance.
                - Transfer Accounts can be sorted by: 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'date_account_created', 'rank', 'balance', 'status'
                - Credit Transfers can be sorted by: 'sender_first_name', 'sender_last_name', 'sender_email', 'sender_date_account_created', 
                  'recipient_first_name', 'recipient_last_name', 'recipient_email', 'recipient_date_account_created', 'rank', 'amount', 
                  'transfer_type', 'approval', 'date_transaction_created'
        Return Value:
            Results object, similar to the existing transfer_accounts and credit_transfers API return values
        # HANDLE PARAM : search_stirng
        search_string = request.args.get('search_string') or ''

        # HANDLE PARAM : search_type
        # Valid search types are: `transfer_accounts` and `credit_transfers`
        # Default: transfer_accounts
        search_type = request.args.get('search_type') or 'transfer_accounts'
        if search_type not in ['transfer_accounts', 'credit_transfers']:
            response_object = {
                'Invalid search_type \'{}\'. Please use type \'transfer_accounts\' or \'credit_transfers\''
            return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 400

        # HANDLE PARAM : sort_by
        # Valid params differ depending on sort_by. See: sort_by
        # Default: rank

        # Aliases used for joining the separate sender and recipient objects to transfers
        sender = aliased(User)
        recipient = aliased(User)
        # Build order by object
        sort_types_to_database_types = {
            'first_name': User.first_name,
            'last_name': User.last_name,
            'email': User.email,
            'date_account_created': User.created,
            'rank': 'rank',
            'balance': TransferAccount._balance_wei,
            'status': TransferAccount.is_approved,
            'amount': CreditTransfer.transfer_amount,
            'transfer_type': CreditTransfer.transfer_type,
            'approval': CreditTransfer.transfer_status,
            'date_transaction_created': CreditTransfer.resolved_date,
            'sender_first_name': sender.first_name,
            'sender_last_name': sender.last_name,
            'sender_email': sender.email,
            'sender_date_account_created': recipient.created,
            'recipient_first_name': recipient.first_name,
            'recipient_last_name': recipient.last_name,
            'recipient_email': recipient.email,
            'recipient_date_account_created': recipient.created

        # These lists are to validate the user input-- not using sort_types_to_database_types since credit_transfers and transfer_accounts have unique options
        user_sorting_options = [
            'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'date_account_created'
        sender_sorting_options = list(
            map(lambda s: 'sender_' + s, user_sorting_options)
        )  # sender_first_name, sender_last_name, etc...
        recipient_sorting_options = list(
            map(lambda s: 'recipient_' + s, user_sorting_options)
        )  # recipient_first_name, recipient_last_name, etc...
        sorting_options = {
            [*user_sorting_options, 'rank', 'balance', 'status'],
            'credit_transfers': [
                *sender_sorting_options, *recipient_sorting_options, 'rank',
                'amount', 'transfer_type', 'approval',
        sort_by_arg = request.args.get('sort_by') or 'rank'
        if sort_by_arg not in sorting_options[search_type]:
            response_object = {
                # Example output:
                # "Invalid sort_by value 'pizza'. Please use one of the following: 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'rank', 'balance', 'status', 'date_account_created'"
                'message': 'Invalid sort_by value \'{}\'. Please use one of the following: {}'\
                    .format(sort_by_arg, ', '.join('\'{}\''.format(a) for a in sorting_options[search_type])),
            return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 400
        sort_by = sort_types_to_database_types[sort_by_arg]

        encoded_filters = request.args.get('params')
        filters = process_transfer_filters(encoded_filters)

        # HANDLE PARAM : order
        # Valid orders types are: `ASC` and `DESC`
        # Default: DESC
        order_arg = request.args.get('order') or 'DESC'
        if order_arg not in ['ASC', 'DESC']:
            response_object = {
                'Invalid order value \'{}\'. Please use \'ASC\' or \'DESC\''.
            return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 400
        order = desc
        if order_arg == 'ASC':
            order = asc

        # Note: Using tsquery wildcards here. Good docs of them here:
        # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-textsearch.html#DATATYPE-TSQUERY
        # 'Fran deRoo' -> 'Fran:* | deRoo:*'
        # Matches strings like "Francine deRoos"
        # Will also match "Michiel deRoos" because of the or clause, but this will be ranked lower
        search_string = re.sub('\s+', ' ', search_string)
        search_terms = search_string.strip().split(' ')
        tsquery = ':* | '.join(search_terms) + ':*'

        # Return everything if the search string is empty
        if search_string == '':
            if search_type == 'transfer_accounts':
                final_query = TransferAccount.query.filter(TransferAccount.is_ghost != True)\
                    .join(User, User.default_transfer_account_id == TransferAccount.id)
                final_query = apply_filters(final_query, filters, User)
                if sort_by_arg == 'rank':
                    # There's no search rank when there's no query string, so do chrono instead
                    final_query = final_query.order_by(order(User.created))
                    final_query = final_query.order_by(order(sort_by))

                transfer_accounts, total_items, total_pages = paginate_query(
                    final_query, TransferAccount)
                result = transfer_accounts_schema.dump(transfer_accounts)
                data = {'transfer_accounts': result.data}
                final_query = CreditTransfer.query.filter()\
                    .outerjoin(sender, sender.default_transfer_account_id == CreditTransfer.sender_transfer_account_id)\
                    .outerjoin(recipient, recipient.default_transfer_account_id == CreditTransfer.recipient_transfer_account_id)
                if sort_by_arg == 'rank':
                    # There's no search rank when there's no query string, so do chrono instead
                    final_query = final_query.order_by(
                    final_query = final_query.order_by(order(sort_by))

                credit_transfers, total_items, total_pages = paginate_query(
                    final_query, CreditTransfer)
                result = credit_transfers_schema.dump(credit_transfers)
                data = {'credit_transfers': result.data}

            # First get users who match search string
            user_search_result = db.session.query(
                # This ugly (but functional) multi-tscolumn ranking is a modified from Ben Smithgall's blog post
                # https://www.codeforamerica.org/blog/2015/07/02/multi-table-full-text-search-with-postgres-flask-and-sqlalchemy/
                    db.func.setweight(db.func.coalesce(SearchView.tsv_email, ''), 'D')\
                        .concat(db.func.setweight(db.func.coalesce(SearchView.tsv_phone, ''), 'A'))\
                        .concat(db.func.setweight(db.func.coalesce(SearchView.tsv_first_name, ''), 'B'))\
                        .concat(db.func.setweight(db.func.coalesce(SearchView.tsv_last_name, ''), 'B'))\
                        .concat(db.func.setweight(db.func.coalesce(SearchView.tsv_public_serial_number, ''), 'A'))\
                        .concat(db.func.setweight(db.func.coalesce(SearchView.tsv_primary_blockchain_address, ''), 'A'))\
                        .concat(db.func.setweight(db.func.coalesce(SearchView.tsv_location, ''), 'C'))\
                        .concat(db.func.setweight(db.func.coalesce(SearchView.tsv_default_transfer_account_id, ''), 'A')),
                        db.func.to_tsquery(tsquery, postgresql_regconfig='english')))\

            # Then use those results to join aginst TransferAccount or CreditTransfer
            if search_type == 'transfer_accounts':
                # TransferAccount Search Logic
                final_query = db.session.query(TransferAccount)\
                    .join(user_search_result, user_search_result.c.default_transfer_account_id == TransferAccount.id)\
                    .join(User, user_search_result.c.default_transfer_account_id == User.default_transfer_account_id)\
                    .filter(user_search_result.c.rank > 0.0)\
                    .filter(TransferAccount.is_ghost != True)
                final_query = apply_filters(final_query, filters, User)

                if sort_by_arg == 'rank':
                    final_query = final_query.order_by(
                    final_query = final_query.order_by(order(sort_by))

                transfer_accounts, total_items, total_pages = paginate_query(
                    final_query, TransferAccount)
                result = transfer_accounts_schema.dump(transfer_accounts)
                data = {'transfer_accounts': result.data}
            # CreditTransfer Search Logic
                sender_search_result = aliased(user_search_result)
                recipient_search_result = aliased(user_search_result)
                # Join the search results objects to sort by rank, as well as aliased user objects (sender/recipient) for other sorting options
                final_query = db.session.query(CreditTransfer)\
                        sender_search_result.c.default_transfer_account_id == CreditTransfer.sender_transfer_account_id
                        recipient_search_result.c.default_transfer_account_id == CreditTransfer.recipient_transfer_account_id
                        sender_search_result.c.default_transfer_account_id == sender.default_transfer_account_id
                        recipient_search_result.c.default_transfer_account_id == recipient.default_transfer_account_id
                    .filter(or_(recipient_search_result.c.rank > 0.0, sender_search_result.c.rank > 0.0))

                if sort_by_arg == 'rank':
                    final_query = final_query.order_by(
                        order(recipient_search_result.c.rank +
                    final_query = final_query.order_by(order(sort_by))
                credit_transfers, total_items, total_pages = paginate_query(
                    final_query, CreditTransfer)
                result = credit_transfers_schema.dump(credit_transfers)
                data = {'credit_transfers': result.data}

        response_object = {
            'message': 'Successfully Loaded.',
            'items': total_items,
            'pages': total_pages,
            'query_time': datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
            'data': data

        bytes_data = orjson.dumps(response_object)
        resp = make_response(bytes_data, 200)
        resp.mimetype = 'application/json'
        return resp