def wait_for_fargate_cluster_status( cluster_name: str, cluster_stats: ClusterStatus, timeout_seconds: int = CLUSTER_PROVISION_TIMEOUT, ) -> None: """ Waits for a cluster to to reach a desired status by polling the current state of the cluster """ cluster_provisioned = False wait_time = 0 log_info(f"Waiting for cluster to reach {cluster_stats.value} state...") while not cluster_provisioned and wait_time < timeout_seconds: cluster_info = describe_fargate_cluster(cluster_name) if len(cluster_info["failures"]) > 0: break cluster_provisioned = all([ c["status"] == cluster_stats.value for c in cluster_info["clusters"] ], ) sleep(2) wait_time += 2 if not cluster_provisioned: log_error("Cluster failed to provision") raise Abort()
def wait_for_tasks_to_start( cluster_name: str, tasks: List[TaskTypeDef], timeout_seconds: int = TASK_BOOT_TIMEOUT, ) -> None: """ Waits for all of the tasks to reach their desired state by polling the current state of the tasks """ task_arns = [t["taskArn"] for t in tasks] tasks_started = False wait_time = 0 log_info("Waiting for bastion task to start...") while not tasks_started and wait_time < timeout_seconds: task_info = describe_task(cluster_name, task_arns) if not task_info or len(task_info["failures"]) > 0: break tasks_started = all([ t["lastStatus"] == t["desiredStatus"] for t in task_info["tasks"] ], ) sleep(2) wait_time += 2 if not tasks_started: log_error("Bastion task failed to start") raise Abort()
def delete_task_definition() -> None: """ Inactivates all serverless-aws-bastion task definitions """ client: ECSClient = fetch_boto3_client("ecs") task_definitions = client.list_task_definitions(familyPrefix=DEFAULT_NAME) log_info("Deregistering task definitions") for td in task_definitions["taskDefinitionArns"]: client.deregister_task_definition(taskDefinition=td)
def delete_role(role_name: str) -> None: """ Safely deletes a given role by first detaching any policies and then deleting the role and handling any exceptions """ client: IAMClient = fetch_boto3_client("iam") try: log_info(f"Deleting {role_name} role") detach_policies_from_role(role_name) client.delete_role(RoleName=role_name) except client.exceptions.NoSuchEntityException: return None
def create_fargate_cluster(cluster_name: str) -> CreateClusterResponseTypeDef: """ Creates a Fargate cluster to launch the bastion task into """ client: ECSClient = fetch_boto3_client("ecs") log_info("Creating Fargate cluster") response = client.create_cluster( clusterName=cluster_name, capacityProviders=["FARGATE"], tags=build_tags("ecs"), ) wait_for_fargate_cluster_status(cluster_name, ClusterStatus.ACTIVE) return response
def delete_deregister_ssm_policy() -> None: """ Deletes the IAM policy that allows the bastion ECS task to deregister itself from SSM. """ client: IAMClient = fetch_boto3_client("iam") try: log_info(f"Deleting {SSM_DEREGISTER_POLICY_NAME} policy") account_id = load_aws_account_id() client.delete_policy( PolicyArn= f"arn:aws:iam::{account_id}:policy/{SSM_DEREGISTER_POLICY_NAME}", ) except client.exceptions.NoSuchEntityException: return None
def delete_fargate_cluster(cluster_name: str) -> None: """ Deletes a given Fargate cluster """ client: ECSClient = fetch_boto3_client("ecs") log_info("Deleting Fargate cluster") try: client.delete_cluster(cluster=cluster_name) except client.exceptions.ClusterNotFoundException: log_error(f"Failed to find {cluster_name} Fargate cluster") raise Abort() wait_for_fargate_cluster_status(cluster_name, ClusterStatus.INACTIVE)
def create_bastion_task_role() -> str: """ Creates the role that will be used by the bastion ECS task. Skips creation if the role already exists. Returns role arn """ client: IAMClient = fetch_boto3_client("iam") current_role_arn = fetch_role_arn(TASK_ROLE_NAME) if current_role_arn: return current_role_arn log_info(f"Creating {TASK_ROLE_NAME} role") response = client.create_role( RoleName=TASK_ROLE_NAME, Description="Used by serverless-aws-bastion ECS tasks", AssumeRolePolicyDocument=json.dumps( { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": ["", ""], }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", }, ], }, ), Tags=build_tags("iam"), ) deregister_ssm_arn = create_deregister_ssm_policy() attach_policies_to_role( TASK_ROLE_NAME, [ deregister_ssm_arn, "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore", ], ) return response["Role"]["Arn"]
def create_bastion_task_execution_role() -> str: """ Creates the role that will be used by ECS to launch the bastion ECS task. Skips creation if the role already exists. Returns role arn """ client: IAMClient = fetch_boto3_client("iam") current_role_arn = fetch_role_arn(TASK_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME) if current_role_arn: return current_role_arn log_info(f"Creating {TASK_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME} role") response = client.create_role( RoleName=TASK_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME, Description= "Used by Fargate to launch serverless-aws-bastion ECS tasks", AssumeRolePolicyDocument=json.dumps( { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [""] }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", }, ], }, ), Tags=build_tags("iam"), ) attach_policies_to_role( TASK_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME, [ "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy", ], ) return response["Role"]["Arn"]
def create_task_definition(task_role_arn: str, execution_role_arn: str) -> None: """ Creates the task definition that will be used to launch the serverless bastion container """ client: ECSClient = fetch_boto3_client("ecs") log_info("Creating bastion ECS task") client.register_task_definition( family=DEFAULT_NAME, networkMode="awsvpc", cpu=TASK_CPU, memory=TASK_MEMORY, taskRoleArn=task_role_arn, executionRoleArn=execution_role_arn, containerDefinitions=[ { "image": f"nplutt/{DEFAULT_NAME}", "name": DEFAULT_NAME, "essential": True, "portMappings": [ { "hostPort": 22, "protocol": "tcp", "containerPort": 22, }, ], "logConfiguration": { "logDriver": "awslogs", "options": { "awslogs-group": "/ecs/ssh-bastion", "awslogs-region": load_aws_region_name(), "awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs", }, }, }, ], tags=build_tags("ecs"), )
def create_deregister_ssm_policy() -> str: """ Creates an IAM policy that allows the bastion ECS task to deregister itself from SSM. Returns the policy arn """ client: IAMClient = fetch_boto3_client("iam") try: log_info(f"Creating {SSM_DEREGISTER_POLICY_NAME} policy") response = client.create_policy( Description="Used by serverless-aws-bastion ECS task to " "deregister itself from SSM", PolicyName=SSM_DEREGISTER_POLICY_NAME, PolicyDocument=json.dumps( { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "ssm:DeregisterManagedInstance", "ssm:DescribeInstanceInformation", ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*", }, ], }, ), ) return response["Policy"]["Arn"] except client.exceptions.EntityAlreadyExistsException: account_id = load_aws_account_id() return f"arn:aws:iam::{account_id}:policy/{SSM_DEREGISTER_POLICY_NAME}"
def stop_fargate_tasks(cluster: str, tasks: List[TaskTypeDef]) -> None: client: ECSClient = fetch_boto3_client("ecs") log_info(f"Stopping {len(tasks)} tasks...") for t in tasks: client.stop_task(cluster=cluster, task=t["taskArn"])
def launch_fargate_task( cluster_name: str, subnet_ids: str, security_group_ids: str, authorized_keys: str, instance_name: str, timeout_minutes: int, bastion_type: BastionType, ) -> RunTaskResponseTypeDef: """ Launches the ssh bastion Fargate task into the proper subnets & security groups, also sends in the authorized keys. """ client: ECSClient = fetch_boto3_client("ecs") bastion_id = str(uuid4()) activation: Dict[str, str] = {} if bastion_type == BastionType.ssm: activation = create_activation(TASK_ROLE_NAME, instance_name, bastion_id) # type: ignore log_info("Starting bastion task") try: response = client.run_task( cluster=cluster_name, taskDefinition=DEFAULT_NAME, overrides={ "containerOverrides": [ { "name": DEFAULT_NAME, "environment": [ { "name": "AUTHORIZED_SSH_KEYS", "value": authorized_keys }, { "name": "ACTIVATION_ID", "value": activation.get("ActivationId", ""), }, { "name": "ACTIVATION_CODE", "value": activation.get("ActivationCode", ""), }, { "name": "AWS_REGION", "value": load_aws_region_name() }, { "name": "TIMEOUT", "value": str(timeout_minutes * 60) }, { "name": "BASTION_TYPE", "value": bastion_type.value }, ], }, ], }, count=1, launchType="FARGATE", networkConfiguration={ "awsvpcConfiguration": { "subnets": subnet_ids.split(","), "securityGroups": security_group_ids.split(","), "assignPublicIp": "ENABLED", }, }, tags=build_tags( "ecs", { "Name": f"{DEFAULT_NAME}/{instance_name}", "BastionId": bastion_id, "ActivationId": activation.get("ActivationId", ""), }, ), ) except client.exceptions.ClusterNotFoundException: log_error( "Specified cluster to launch bastion task into doesn't exist") raise Abort() except ( client.exceptions.ClientException, client.exceptions.InvalidParameterException, ) as e: log_error(e.response["Error"]["Message"]) raise Abort() wait_for_tasks_to_start(cluster_name, response["tasks"]) return response