Example #1
def get_terms(request):
    """Given an ajax request, return, in a json, the index terms"""
    context = request.REQUEST.get('context')
    lang = request.REQUEST.get('lang', 'en')
    service = request.REQUEST.get('service')    
    service = service if service in WEB_SERVICES.keys() or not service else 'yahoo'
    use_service = bool(service)    
    if context:        
        terms = build_query(context, language=lang, use_web_service=use_service, web_service=service)
        terms = ""
    if request.is_ajax():
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'terms': terms}, ensure_ascii=False), mimetype="application/json")
        return HttpResponse(terms, mimetype="text/plain")
Example #2
def get_recommendations(request):    
    #get the terms
    context = request.REQUEST['context']
    lang = request.REQUEST.get('lang', 'en')
    #default to a supported language:
    lang = lang if lang in [e[0] for e in settings.LANGUAGES] else 'en'
    service = request.REQUEST.get('service', '')    
    service = service if service in WEB_SERVICES.keys() or (not service and lang == 'en') else "yahoo"#'tagthe'
    use_service = bool(service)    
        terms = build_query(context, language=lang, use_web_service=use_service, web_service=service, fail_silently=False)
        return HttpResponseServerError("Error extracting terms")
    #do the search
    results = do_search(terms, lang=lang)
    if hasattr(request, 'profile'):
        results=re_rank(request.profile, results)
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("No profile found")
    return {'results': results, 'terms': unicode(terms)}
Example #3
def update_profile(profile, context, docs, lang='en', terms=True, **kwargs):
    """Update a profile with a spreading activation algorithm: determine the concepts in which the user might be interested, 
       save the session and update the activation values, proceeding then to update the profile itself
           profile: the client user
           context: the last context terms or text 
           docs: the ids of the documents of our database the user found interesting
           lang: the language of the user
           terms: whether the context is already a string of index terms or a full text                     
    #build the context list:
    #context = context + list(DocumentSurrogate.)
    lang = lang if lang in [e[0] for e in settings.LANGUAGES] else 'en'
    #STEP 0: build the concepts set and set their activation values:    
    CON = {}      
    if not terms and context:
        context = build_query(context, language=lang)
    if not hasattr(context, '__iter__'):
        context = [context,]
    #Populate the concepts list with a dictionary of the form {concept: similarity}    
    for d in context:             
        CON.update(DmozCategory.get_for_query(d, lang, as_dict=True))
    for d in DocumentSurrogate.objects.filter(pk__in=docs).values_list('category', flat=True).iterator():
        #TODO: should I compute the document's summary similarity to its alleged category?
    #logging.debug("Concepts gathered %s" % CON)
    #Spreading: add to the interest list the attenuated weight of it's ancestors:    
    for c in CON.keys():        
        curr_concept = c
        parent = DmozCategory.objects.filter(pk=curr_concept).values_list('parent', flat=True)[0]
        while parent:
            #multiple children of a parent might be in CON, ensure that the maximum score is the one that survives
            #by selecting the maximum each time
            ch_weight= DmozCategory.objects.filter(pk=curr_concept).values_list('weight', flat=True)[0]                     
            CON.update({parent: max(CON.get(parent, 0.0), CON[curr_concept] * ch_weight)})
            curr_concept = parent
            parent = DmozCategory.objects.filter(pk=curr_concept).values_list('parent', flat=True)[0]                    
    #logging.debug("After propagation: %s" % CON)
    #STEP 2: Evolve the profile
    #Use linear combination to update
    existing_preferences = []    
    #logging.debug("Profile before update: %s" % profile.preferences.all())
    for preference in profile.preferences.iterator():
        #if the preference is not in this session, decay
        ctg = preference.category.pk
        if not ctg in CON:
            preference.score = DECAY*preference.score
        else: #it is, augment:
            preference.score = DECAY*preference.score + (1-DECAY)*CON[ctg]
        #add the preference to the set of existing ones:
        existing_preferences += [ctg,] 
    #determine which preferences to add to the profile:
    to_add = set(CON.keys()) - set(existing_preferences)
    for newcat in to_add:
        #pref = ClientPreference(category=DmozCategory.objects.get(pk=c), score=CON[newcat], user=profile)
        #DO NOT store zero weighted preferences:
        if CON[newcat]:
            new_pref = ClientPreference(category_id=newcat, score=CON[newcat], user=profile)
    #logging.debug("Profile after update: %s" %profile.preferences.all())
    return True