def ensure(**kwargs): """ Ensure that the hostname for each host is set correctly according to parameters. """ if in kwargs: if is_debian_or_ubuntu(): run("""echo "%s" > /etc/hostname""" % kwargs[]) run("""sysctl kernel.hostname=%s""" % kwargs[]) import service svc = {"": "restarted"} service.ensure(**svc)
def ensure(**kwargs): """ Ensure that the hostname for each host is set correctly according to parameters. """ if in kwargs: if is_debian_or_ubuntu(): run("""echo "%s" > /etc/hostname""" % kwargs[]) run("""sysctl kernel.hostname=%s""" % kwargs[]) import service svc = {"":"restarted"} service.ensure(**svc)
def deploy(): """ Install and configure and start cups client. """ if not is_debian_or_ubuntu(): print red("Cannot deploy to non-debian/ubuntu host: %s" % return import apt, service packages = {"cupsys":"latest", "cups-client":"latest"} apt.ensure(**packages) configure() service.ensure(cupsys="restarted")
def deploy(server=config.get("syslog_client", {}).get("syslog_server", ""), proto=config.get("syslog_client", {}).get("syslog_proto", ""), port=config.get("syslog_client", {}).get("syslog_port", ""), scope=config.get("syslog_client", {}).get("syslog_scope", "")): """ Configure and re-start syslog. """ if not is_debian_or_ubuntu(): print red("Cannot deploy to non-debian/ubuntu host: %s" % return with cd("/etc/init.d"): svcn = run("ls -1 *sys*log*") svcn = svcn.split("\n")[0] if exists("/etc/syslog.conf"): conf = "/etc/syslog.conf" elif exists("/etc/rsyslog.conf"): conf = "/etc/rsyslog.conf" with hide("running", "stdout", "stderr"): config = run("cat %s" % conf) line = "%s %s%s:%s" % (scope, "@@" if proto == "tcp" else "@", server, port) if config.find(server) > -1: # Check if current config matches existing config if config.find(line) > -1: print green("%s: No changes necessary" % return True else: config_lines = config.split("\n") for i, l in enumerate(config_lines): if l.find(server) > -1: config_lines[i] = line break config = "\n".join(config_lines) config += "\n" else: config = ("\n" + line + "\n") + config config = config.replace("\n\n", "\n") fn = os.path.join("templates", uuid.uuid1().hex) with open(fn, "wb") as outf: outf.write(config) # Put the file on the server upload_template(fn, conf) os.remove(fn) kw = {} kw[svcn] = "restarted" import service service.ensure(**kw)
def ensure_workers(cfn, config, server_ip, current_count, lower_count=-1, upper_count=-1, force_update=False): "Ensures that the build workers conform to spec." if server_ip == "NULL": if upper_count == 0: return service.Response.UpToDate return service.Response.WaitingForPrecondition auth_info = auth.get_authenticator(config).get_server_auth_info() return service.ensure( cfn, stack_name=config["stacks"]["workers"], template_body=template('worker.yaml'), parameters={ "StackName": config["stacks"]["infra"], "ServerIP": server_ip, "WorkerImage": config["worker_image"], "LogsRegion": config["awslogs_region"], "LogsGroup": config["awslogs_group"], "TrustCertCollection": auth_info["ca_crt"], "ClientPrivateKey": auth_info["client_pkcs8_key"], "WorkerCertChain": auth_info["client_crt"], }, current_count=current_count, lower_count=lower_count, upper_count=upper_count, force_update=force_update)
def ensure_servers(cfn, config, current_count, lower_count=-1, upper_count=-1, force_update=False): """Ensure that the build servers conform to spec.""" auth_info = auth.get_authenticator(config).get_server_auth_info() return service.ensure( cfn, stack_name=config["stacks"]["server"], template_body=template('server.yaml'), parameters={ "StackName": config["stacks"]["infra"], "ServerImage": config["server_image"], "LogsRegion": config["awslogs_region"], "LogsGroup": config["awslogs_group"], "CertChain": auth_info["server_crt"], "PrivateKey": auth_info["server_pkcs8_key"], "ClientCertChain": auth_info["ca_crt"], }, current_count=current_count, lower_count=lower_count, upper_count=upper_count, force_update=force_update)
def deploy(): """ Install, configure and start snmpd. """ if not is_debian_or_ubuntu(): print red("Cannot deploy to non-debian/ubuntu host: %s" % return import apt, service packages = {"snmpd":"latest"} if run("cat /etc/issue").find("6.0") > -1: # its debian 6 packages["snmp-mibs-downloader"] = "installed" apt.ensure(**packages) configure() service.ensure(snmpd="restarted")
def test_current_count_is_desired_count(self): resp = service.ensure(cfn=None, stack_name="my_stack_name", template_body="my_template_body", parameters={}, current_count=10, lower_count=5, upper_count=15) self.assertEqual(resp, service.Response.UpToDate)
def deploy(server=config.get("ntp_client", {}).get("ntp_server", "")): """ Install, configure and start ntp sync and timezone. """ if not is_debian_or_ubuntu(): print red("Cannot deploy to non-debian/ubuntu host: %s" % return import apt, service packages = {"ntp":"latest", "ntpdate":"latest"} apt.ensure(**packages) configure() # Sync with server run("ntpdate %s" % server) # Sync hardware clock to correct time run("hwclock --systohc") service.ensure(ntp="restarted") timezone()
def deploy(server=config.get("ntp_client", {}).get("ntp_server", "")): """ Install, configure and start ntp sync and timezone. """ if not is_debian_or_ubuntu(): print red("Cannot deploy to non-debian/ubuntu host: %s" % return import apt, service packages = {"ntp": "latest", "ntpdate": "latest"} apt.ensure(**packages) configure() # Sync with server run("ntpdate %s" % server) # Sync hardware clock to correct time run("hwclock --systohc") service.ensure(ntp="restarted") timezone()
def deploy(): """ Install, configure and start webmin. """ if not utils.is_debian_or_ubuntu(): print red("Cannot deploy to non-debian/ubuntu host: %s" % return # Check if webmin is installed installed, upgradeable = apt.status("webmin") if not installed: packages = { "libnet-ssleay-perl":"latest", "libauthen-pam-perl":"latest", "libio-pty-perl":"latest", "libmd5-perl":"latest" } apt.ensure(**packages) download() install() service.ensure(webmin="running")
def enabled(**kwargs): """ Ensure nginx web proxying to a sub-domain is enabled """ if len(kwargs) < 1: usage() changed = False for sub, url in kwargs.iteritems(): template = "web_nginx.template" if url.lower().startswith("https:"): template = "web_ssl_nginx.template" params = {} params.update(config.get("web", {})) params['sub'] = sub params['url'] = url changed = changed or reconfigure(template, params, "/etc/nginx/sites-available/%s" % sub) if not exists("/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/%s" % sub): changed = True run("ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/%s /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/%s" % (sub, sub)) if changed: import service service.ensure(nginx="restarted")
def test_already_updating(self): cfn = boto3.client('cloudformation', region_name="eu-west-1") stubber = Stubber(cfn) _add_describe_stacks_response(stubber, StackStatus="test") stubber.activate() resp = service.ensure(cfn=cfn, stack_name="my_stack_name", template_body="my_template_body", parameters={}, current_count=5, lower_count=10) self.assertEqual(resp, service.Response.AlreadyUpdating) stubber.assert_no_pending_responses()
def test_nothing_to_update(self): cfn = boto3.client('cloudformation', region_name="eu-west-1") stubber = Stubber(cfn) _add_describe_stacks_response(stubber, StackStatus="CREATE_COMPLETE") stubber.add_client_error( "update_stack", service_message="No updates are to be performed.") stubber.activate() resp = service.ensure(cfn=cfn, stack_name="my_stack_name", template_body="my_template_body", parameters={}, current_count=5, lower_count=10) self.assertEqual(resp, service.Response.UpToDate) stubber.assert_no_pending_responses()