Example #1
    def test_auth(self):
        # Find the foo service as user test1
        foo_service_1 = SERVICE_MANAGER.find_by_id(
            self.foo_host, self.foo_id, auth=FooBarAuthSameTest.Auth("test1", "password1")
        foos = foo_service_1.bind("foos")
        foos.create({"bar_id": 1, "bar_server": "http://crossref-bar-server", "bar_instance": ""})
        connmgr_conns = CONNECTION_MANAGER.conns
        # One connection to the foo server
        self.assertEqual(len(connmgr_conns), 1)

        # Follow a link to the bar service
        bar = foos[0].follow("bar")
        bar_service_1 = bar.service
        self.assertEqual(bar.data, "Bar-1")
        self.assertEqual(bar_service_1.auth.username, "test1")
        # Now a second connection -- to the bar server as test1
        self.assertEqual(len(connmgr_conns), 2)

        # Follow it again -- we should end up with a *different* service
        # object, but the same number of connections and same username
        bar = foos[0].follow("bar")
        bar_service_2 = bar.service
        self.assertEqual(bar.data, "Bar-1")
        self.assertEqual(bar_service_2.auth.username, "test1")
        self.assertEqual(len(connmgr_conns), 2)
        self.assertNotEqual(bar_service_1, bar_service_2)

        # Now establish switch to user 'test2'
        foo_service_1 = SERVICE_MANAGER.find_by_id(
            self.foo_host, self.foo_id, auth=FooBarAuthSameTest.Auth("test2", "password2")
        foos = foo_service_1.bind("foos")
        foos.create({"bar_id": 1, "bar_server": "http://crossref-bar-server", "bar_instance": ""})
        connmgr_conns = CONNECTION_MANAGER.conns
        # A third connection is established
        self.assertEqual(len(connmgr_conns), 3)

        # Try to follow a link to the bar service, this should fail
        # as the username 'test2' is not allowed on the bar server
        with self.assertRaises(UnknownUsername):
            bar = foos[0].follow("bar")
            # Note that simply following the link does not actually create
            # a connection, have to access data...

        # Will have a 4th connection, even though our auth is bad
        self.assertEqual(len(connmgr_conns), 4)
Example #2
 def test_bad_password(self):
     service = SERVICE_MANAGER.find_by_id(
         self.host, self.id, auth=BasicAuthTest.Auth('test', 'badpassword'))
     x = service.bind('x')
     x.data = 3
     with self.assertRaises(BadPassword):
Example #3
    def setUp(self):
        self.id = 'http://support.riverbed.com/apis/basic/1.0'
        self.host = 'http://basic-server:80'
        self.server = TEST_SERVER_MANAGER.register_server(
            self.host, self.id, None, BasicServer, self)

        self.service = SERVICE_MANAGER.find_by_id(self.host, self.id)
Example #4
    def test_missing_auth(self):
        auth = FooBarAuthDiffTest.Auth()
        auth.add_auth("crossref-foo-server", "test1", "password1")

        # Find the foo service as user test1
        foo_service_1 = SERVICE_MANAGER.find_by_id(self.foo_host, self.foo_id, auth=auth)
        foos = foo_service_1.bind("foos")
        foos.create({"bar_id": 1, "bar_server": "http://crossref-bar-server", "bar_instance": ""})

        # Try to follow a link to the bar service
        with self.assertRaises(MissingAuthHeader):
            bar = foos[0].follow("bar")
Example #5
    def test_foo(self):
        id = "http://support.riverbed.com/apis/crossref.foo/1.0"
        self.foo_service = SERVICE_MANAGER.find_by_id("http://crossref-foo-server", id)

        foos = self.foo_service.bind("foos")
        for i in range(2):
            foos.create({"bar_id": i + 1, "bar_server": "http://crossref-bar-server-%d" % (i + 1), "bar_instance": ""})
            for j in range(2):
                        "bar_id": i + 1,
                        "bar_server": "http://crossref-bar-server-%d" % (i + 1),
                        "bar_instance": "instance-%d" % (j + 1),

        self.assertEqual(type(foos), ListDataRep)
        self.assertEqual(foos[0]["id"].data, 1)

        # There should be one and only one connection to the foo-server
        self.assertEqual(len(CONNECTION_MANAGER.conns), 1)
        self.assertTrue(("http://crossref-foo-server", None) in CONNECTION_MANAGER.conns)

        bar = foos[0].follow("bar")
        self.assertEqual(bar.data, "Bar-1")

        for foo in foos:
            bar_id = foo.data["bar_id"]
            bar_instance = foo.data["bar_instance"]

            bar = foo.follow("bar")
            self.assertEqual(bar.service.host, "http://crossref-bar-server-%s" % bar_id)
            if bar_instance:
                self.assertEqual(bar.data, "Bar-%s-%s" % (bar_instance, bar_id))
                self.assertEqual(bar.data, "Bar-%s" % bar_id)

        # After following bar, each one should go do a new server,
        conns = CONNECTION_MANAGER.conns
        self.assertEqual(len(conns), 3)
        self.assertTrue(("http://crossref-foo-server", None) in conns)
        self.assertTrue(("http://crossref-bar-server-1", None) in conns)
        self.assertTrue(("http://crossref-bar-server-2", None) in conns)
        self.assertFalse(("http://crossref-bar-server-3", None) in conns)
Example #6
    def test_auth(self):
        auth = FooBarAuthDiffTest.Auth()
        auth.add_auth("crossref-foo-server", "test1", "password1")
        auth.add_auth("crossref-bar-server", "test1", "password2")

        # Find the foo service as user test1
        foo_service_1 = SERVICE_MANAGER.find_by_id(self.foo_host, self.foo_id, auth=auth)
        foos = foo_service_1.bind("foos")
        foos.create({"bar_id": 1, "bar_server": "http://crossref-bar-server", "bar_instance": ""})
        connmgr_conns = CONNECTION_MANAGER.conns
        # One connection to the foo server
        self.assertEqual(len(connmgr_conns), 1)

        # Follow a link to the bar service
        bar = foos[0].follow("bar")
        bar_service_1 = bar.service
        self.assertEqual(bar.data, "Bar-1")
        self.assertEqual(bar_service_1.auth.auth["crossref-bar-server"][0], "test1")
        # Now a second connection -- to the bar server as test1
        self.assertEqual(len(connmgr_conns), 2)
Example #7
    def test_embed_bar(self):
        id = "http://support.riverbed.com/apis/crossref.foo/1.0"
        self.foo_service = SERVICE_MANAGER.find_by_id("http://crossref-foo-server", id)

        embed_bar = self.foo_service.bind("embed_bar")
        print embed_bar
Example #8
 def test_auth(self):
     service = SERVICE_MANAGER.find_by_id(
         self.host, self.id, auth=BasicAuthTest.Auth('test', 'password'))
     x = service.bind('x')
     x.data = 3