def __init__(self): self.__order_repo = OrderRepository() self.__order_list = self.__order_repo.get_order_list() self.__car_service = CarService() self.__customer_service = CustomerService() self.__car = None self.__change_service = ChangeService()
class CustomerView(MethodView): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.customer = None self.customerService = CustomerService() def get(self): return jsonify(self.customerService.get_customers()) def post(self): if request.json.get('request') is None: raise Exception('you have to specify the request') if request.json['request'] == 'login': return self.login(request.json.get('user')) elif request.json['request'] == 'signup': if request.json.get('user') is None: raise Exception('give us the user') return jsonify( self.customerService.add_customer(request.json.get('user'))) elif request.json['request'] == 'reset_password': return self.reset_password(request.json.get('password')) elif request.json['request'] == 'logout': return self.logout(request.json.get('code')) def login(self, data): print(data) self.customer = self.customerService.get_specific_customer(data) if self.customer is None: raise Exception('customer not found check if the user exists') else: return jsonify({ 'refresh': create_access_token(self.customer['email'], fresh=True), 'access': create_refresh_token(self.customer), }) def reset_password(self, data): try: self.customer.password = data return jsonify({'password changed': True}) except Exception as exception: raise exception def logout(self): try: logout_user() return jsonify({"logout": True}) except Exception as exception: return jsonify({"exception": 'exception'}), 400
def __init__(self): self._car_repo_sedan = CarRepository("Sedan") self._car_repo_minibus = CarRepository("Minibus") self._car_repo_seven_seat_suv = CarRepository("seven_seat_suv") self._car_repo_five_seat_suv = CarRepository("five_seat_suv") self._car_repo_small_car = CarRepository("small_car") self._all_cars_list = self.make_all_cars_list() self._customer_service = CustomerService() self._order_repo = OrderRepository() self.__change_service = ChangeService()
def __init__(self): self.__cars = CarService() self.__customer = CustomerService() self.__ordercar = OrderCar() self.__printrepo = PrintRepo()
class StaffUI(): def __init__(self): self.__cars = CarService() self.__customer = CustomerService() self.__ordercar = OrderCar() self.__printrepo = PrintRepo() def main_menu(self): """Prentar út "main menu" og biður um val, skilar notanda á réttann stað""" choice1 = "1. Pantanir" choice2 = "2. Viðskiptavinir" choice3 = "3. Bílar" choice4 = "4. Verðlisti" choice5 = "5. Panta bíl" choice6 = "6. Skila bíl" choice7 = "7. Skrá út bíl" choice8 = "8. Hætta" print("\n\t{:^10}".format("Bílaleiga ehf")) print( "\n\t{:<30}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}" .format(choice1, choice2, choice3, choice4, choice5, choice6, choice7, choice8)) choice = input("\n\tValmöguleiki: ") if choice == '1': self.print_order_menu() elif choice == '2': self.print_clients_menu() elif choice == '3': self.print_car_menu() elif choice == '4': self.print_price_list() elif choice == '5': self.print_order_car_menu() elif choice == "6": self.return_car() elif choice == '7': self.rent_car() elif choice == '8': print("\tLoka forriti...") return else: print("\n\tVitlaust val, vinsamlegast veldu aftur!") self.main_menu() def return_car(self): """prentar út lista yfir upptekna bíla og biður um bílnúmer á bíl sem skil á og skráir hann sem skilaðann""" self.__cars.print_taken() car_plate = input( "\n\tBílnúmer bíls sem skila á('q' til að hætta við): ").upper() if car_plate == "Q": return self.main_menu() result = self.__cars.return_car(car_plate) if result == 0: print("\n\tBíll er ekki á skrá, vinsamlegast reyndu aftur") self.return_car() elif result == 3: print("\n\tBílnúmer ekki rétt slegið inn") self.return_car() return self.main_menu() def rent_car(self): """prentar út lista yfir lausa bíla og biður um bílnúmer á bíl sem leigja á og skráir hann sem uppteknann""" self.__cars.print_available() car_plate = input( "\n\tBílnúmer bíls sem leigja á('q' til að hætta við): ").upper() if car_plate == "Q": return self.main_menu() result = self.__cars.rent_car(car_plate) if result == 0: print("\n\tBíll er ekki á skrá, vinsamlegast reyndu aftur") self.rent_car() elif result == 3: print("\n\tBílnúmer ekki rétt slegið inn") self.rent_car() return self.main_menu() def print_order_menu(self): """Prentar út valmöguleika fyrir pantanir og biður um val og leiðir notenda á rétta staði""" choice1 = "1. Skrá nýja pöntun" choice2 = "2. Leita af pöntun" choice3 = "3. Pöntunarlisti" choice4 = "4. Til baka" print("\n\t{:^10}".format("Pantanir")) print("\n\t{:<30}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}".format( choice1, choice2, choice3, choice4)) choice = input("\n\tValmöguleiki: ") if choice == '1': self.print_order_car_menu() elif choice == '2': #biður um input frá notenda um vegabréfsnúmer og skilar lista yfir allar pantanir á því númeri passport = input("\n\tVegabréfsnúmer: ").upper() nr_list = self.search_for_order(passport) if nr_list == []: print("\tEngin pöntun fannst á þessu vegabréfsnúmeri!") self.print_order_menu() else: self.customer_order_menu(nr_list) elif choice == '3': #prentar út lista yfir allar pantanir self.__ordercar.print_list_of_orders() self.print_order_menu() elif choice == '4': self.main_menu() else: print("Vitlaust val, vinsamlegast veldu aftur") self.print_order_menu() def search_for_order(self, passport): """Fall sem tekur inn vegabréfsnúmer og prentar töflu af öllum pöntunum á því númeri""" #sækja lista af listum af þeim pöntunum sem eru á þessu númeri list_of_orders = self.__ordercar.search_for_orders(passport) if list_of_orders == 0: print("\n\tEkki rétt Vegabréfsnúmer! \n\treyndu aftur\n") return self.main_menu() #prenta út listann í format töflu formi print("\n\t{:<10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}".format( "nr.", "Vegabréfa N.", "Afhendingard.", "Skilad.", "Heildarverð", "Flokkur")) print(" " * 8 + "-" * 88) nr_list = [] for lst in list_of_orders: nr = lst[0] nr_list.append(nr) passport = lst[1] day1 = lst[2] day2 = lst[3] price = lst[4] type_of_car = lst[5] insurance = lst[6] fullprice = int(price) + int(insurance) fullprice = "{:,}".format(fullprice) print("\n\t{:<10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}".format( nr, passport, day1, day2, fullprice, type_of_car)) return nr_list def print_clients_menu(self): """fall sem prentar út valmöguleika í viðskiptavina menu og skilar notanda á rétta staði""" choice1 = "1. Fletta upp Viðskiptavin" choice2 = "2. Skrá nýjan viðskiptavin" choice3 = "3. Listi af Viðskiptavinum" choice4 = "4. Til baka" print("\n\t{:^10}".format("Viðskiptavinir")) print("\n\t{:<30}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}".format( choice1, choice2, choice3, choice4)) choice = input("\n\tValmöguleiki: ") if choice == '1': #sendir notenda í viðeigandi fall self.search_customer() elif choice == "2": #sendir notenda í viðeigandi fall self.add_new_customer() elif choice == '3': #sendir notenda í viðeigandi fall self.__customer.print_customer_list() #valmöguleiki til þess að fara til baka eftir að listi hefur verið prentaður print("\n\t1. Til baka") choice = input("\n\tValmöguleiki: ") if choice == "1": self.print_clients_menu() else: self.print_clients_menu() elif choice == '4': self.main_menu() else: print("\n\tVitlaust val, vinsamlegast veldu aftur!") self.print_clients_menu() def add_new_customer(self): """fall sem tekur inn upplýsingar frá notanda um nýjann viðskiptavin og sem síðan sendir upplýsingarnar áfram til að verða skráðar í textaskrána customer.txt""" #Input frá notenda um kúnnan first_name = input("\n\tFornafn(og millinafn): ").strip() last_name = input("\tEftirnafn: ").strip() passport = input("\tVegabréfsnúmer: ").upper().strip() kredit = input("\tKreditkortanúmer(engin bandstrik): ").strip() #upplýsingar sendar í models klasann customer new_customer = Customer(first_name, last_name, passport, kredit) #kallað í add_customer fallið í customerservice customer = self.__customer.add_customer(new_customer) #hér er kannað hvað fallið skilar, og þá er farið yfir hvort allt var rétt innslegið if customer == 1: print("\n\tEkki rétt Vegabréfsnúmer! \n\treyndu aftur\n") self.print_clients_menu() return elif customer == 2: print("\n\tEkki rétt kreditkortanúmer! \n\treyndu aftur\n") self.print_clients_menu() return elif customer == 3: print("\n\tViðskiptavinur hefur verið skráður!\n") self.main_menu() def search_customer(self): """fall sem prentar út viðskiptavin út frá vegabréfsnúmeri og gefur notenda valmöguleiga um aðgerðir tengdar þeim viðskiptavin""" choice1 = "1. Skoða pantanir" choice2 = "2. Breyta upplýsingum" choice3 = "3. Afskrá viðskiptavin" choice4 = "4. Til baka" line = "-" * 80 #beðið um vegabréfsnúmer frá notenda passport = input("\n\tVegabréfsnúmer: ").upper() #fall sem skilar upplýsingum um þennan ákveðna notenda customer, passport, kredit = self.__customer.find_customer(passport) if customer == 0: print("\n\tEngin viðskiptavinur er skráður á þetta númer!!") self.print_clients_menu() return if customer == 1: print( "\n\tEkki rétt skráð inn! \n\tVegabréfsnúmer á að vera 8 letur á lengd" ) self.print_clients_menu() return print("") print("\t{:<27}{:^27}{:^27}".format("Nafn", "Vegabréfsnúmer", "Kreditkortanúmer")) print("\t" + line) print("\t{:<27} {:^27} {:^27}".format(customer, passport, kredit)) print("\n\t{:<30}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}".format( choice1, choice2, choice3, choice4)) choice = input("\n\tValmöguleiki: ") if choice == '1': #finnur allar pantanir sem þessi ákveðni viðskiptavinur á og sendir í viðeigandi fall nr_list = self.search_for_order(passport) self.customer_order_menu(nr_list) elif choice == '2': #Fall til að breyta uppls. um viðskiptavin, byrjar a því að eyða honum og biður svo notenda um #að skrá nýjar upplýsingar um notenda #eyðir notenda self.__customer.delete_customer(passport) print("\n\tVinsamlegast skráðu inn nýjar upplýsingar!\n") #skráir hann upp á nýtt self.add_new_customer() elif choice == '3': #Sendir uppls. í fall sem eyðir viðskiptavin self.__customer.delete_customer(passport) print("\n\tViðskiptavin hefur verið eytt úr kerfinu!") self.print_clients_menu() elif choice == '4': self.print_clients_menu() def customer_order_menu(self, nr_list): """fall sem prentar út valmöguleika fyrir pantanir ákveðins viðskiptavins""" choice1 = "1. Breyta pöntun" choice2 = "2. Eyða pöntun" choice3 = "3. Prenta pöntunarstaðfestingu" choice4 = "4. Til baka" print("\n\t{:<30}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}".format( choice1, choice2, choice3, choice4)) choice = input("\n\tValmöguleiki: ") if choice == "1": #biður um pöntun sem notandi breyta og eyðir henni og biður notenda um uppfærðar uppls. number = input("\n\tHvaða pöntun viltu breyta?: ") if number.isdigit(): number = int(number) result = self.__ordercar.delete_order(number) if result == 1: print("\n\tPöntunarnúmer er ekki til") return self.customer_order_menu(nr_list) else: print("\n\tVitlaust val, vinsamlegast veldu aftur!") self.customer_order_menu(nr_list) print("\n\tskráðu pöntun með nýjum upplýsingum!") self.print_order_car_menu() elif choice == "2": #biður um pöntunarnúmer frá notenda og eyðir þeirri ákveðnu pöntun number = input("\n\tHvaða pöntun viltu eyða?: ") if number.isdigit(): number = int(number) result = self.__ordercar.delete_order(number) if result == 1: print("\n\tPöntunarnúmer er ekki til") return self.customer_order_menu(nr_list) print("\n\tPöntun hefur verið eytt!") self.main_menu() else: print("\n\tVitlaust val, vinsamlegast veldu aftur!") self.customer_order_menu(nr_list) elif choice == "3": #skrifar pöntunarstaðfestingu og prentar á skjáinn self.print_order_confirmation() elif choice == "4": self.print_order_menu() else: print("\n\tVitlaust val, vinsamlegast veldu aftur!") self.customer_order_menu(nr_list) def print_order_confirmation(self): '''Prentar út upplýsingar um pöntun út frá pöntunarnúmeri''' #biður um pöntunarnúmer sem notandi vill fá staðfestingu á number = input("\n\tPöntunarnúmer: ") if number.isdigit(): number = int(number) #sækir pöntunarlista notenda order_list = self.__ordercar.get_order(number) if order_list == []: print("\n\tPöntun ekki á lista!") self.print_order_confirmation() passport = order_list[0] day1 = order_list[1] day2 = order_list[2] price = order_list[3] car_type = order_list[4] insurance = order_list[5] full_price = int(insurance) + int(price) full_price = "{:,}".format(full_price) #sækir upplýsingar um viðskiptavin customer, passport, kredit = self.__customer.find_customer( passport) self.__customer.write_to_file(customer, passport, kredit, day1, day2, price, car_type) print("\n{:^64}".format("Pöntunarstaðfesting")) print( "\n========================================================================" ) print("\n\t{:<10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}".format("Nafn", "Vegabr.Nr.", "Kredit Nr.")) print( "\n------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("\n\t{:<10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}".format(customer, passport, kredit)) print( "\n------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("\n\t{:<10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}".format( "Frá", "Til", "Verð", "Flokkur")) print( "\n------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("\n\t{:<10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}".format( day1, day2, full_price, car_type)) print( "\n========================================================================" ) print("\n\t{:<30}".format("1. Til baka")) choice = input("\n\tValmöguleiki: ") if choice == "1": self.main_menu() else: print("\n\tVitlaust val, vinsamlegast veldu aftur!") self.main_menu() else: print("\n\tVitlaust val, vinsamlegast veldu aftur!") self.print_order_confirmation() def print_car_menu(self): """Prentar út valmynd fyrir bíla og biður um input frá notenda um hvað hann vill gera""" choice1 = "1. Listi yfir Bílaflota" choice2 = "2. Bílar í Útleigu" choice3 = "3. Lausir Bílar" choice4 = "4. Fletta upp Bíl" choice5 = "5. Skrá nýjan bíl" choice6 = "6. Til baka" print("\n\t{:^10}".format("Bílaleiga ehf")) print("\n\t{:<30}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}". format(choice1, choice2, choice3, choice4, choice5, choice6)) choice = input("\n\tValmöguleiki: ") if choice == '1': self.__cars.print_cars() self.print_car_menu() elif choice == '2': self.__cars.print_taken() self.print_car_menu() elif choice == '3': self.__cars.print_available() self.print_car_menu() elif choice == '4': self.search_car() elif choice == '5': self.add_new_car() elif choice == '6': self.main_menu() else: print("\n\tVitlaust val, vinsamlegast veldu aftur!") self.print_car_menu() def search_car(self): """Leitar af ákveðinni bifreið út frá bílnúmeri og prentar upplýsingar á skjáinn""" line = "-" * 72 car_plate = input("\n\tNúmer bifreiðar: ").upper() car_model, car_year, car_plate, car_miles, car_color, car_fuel_type, car_status, car_catagory = self.__cars.find_cars( car_plate) if car_model == 0: print("\n\tEnginn bíll er skráður með þetta númer!") self.print_car_menu() return if car_model == 1: print( "\n\tEkki rétt skráð inn! \n\tBílnúmer á að vera 5 letur á lengd" ) self.print_car_menu() return print("") print("\n\t{:>4}{:>15}{:>8}{:>9}{:>7}{:>10}{:>6}{:>9}".format( "Tegund", "Árgerð", "Númer", "Keyrsla", "Litur", "Eldsneyti", "Staða", "Flokkur")) print("\t" + line) print("\t{:<10}\t{:^}\t{:^}\t{:^}\t{:^}\t{:^}\t{:^}\t{:^}".format( car_model.capitalize(), car_year, car_plate, car_miles, car_color.capitalize(), car_fuel_type, car_status, car_catagory)) #Prentar út valmyndi fyrir þennan ákvðna bíl choice1 = "1. Afskrá bíl" choice2 = "2. Setja á lista yfir lausar bifreiðar" choice3 = "3. Skrá í útleigu" choice4 = "4. Til baka" print("\n\t{:<30}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}\n\t{:<10}".format( choice1, choice2, choice3, choice4)) choice = input("\n\tValmöguleiki: ") if choice == "1": self.__cars.delete_cars(car_plate) print("\n\tBíl hefur verið eytt úr kerfinu!") self.print_car_menu() elif choice == "2": self.__cars.return_car(car_plate) self.print_car_menu() elif choice == "3": self.__cars.rent_car(car_plate) self.print_car_menu() elif choice == "4": self.main_menu() def print_price_list(self): """Fallið prentar út verðlista fyrir bílaleigubíla""" insurance = "Aukatrygging 30.000 kr." choice1 = "Smábílar" price1 = "10.000 kr." choice2 = "Fólksbílar" price2 = "15.000 kr." choice3 = "Jeppar" price3 = "20.000 kr." choice4 = "Húsbílar" price4 = "25.000 kr." over100 = "Athugið dagverð miðast við 100 ekna km á dag að meðaltali yfir \n leigutíma. Gjald fyrir akstur umfram 100 km miðast við 1% \n af dagverði fyrir hvern kílómetra umfram 100km." print("\n{:^64}".format("Verðlisti")) print( "\n================================================================" ) print("\n\t{:<10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}".format("Flokkur", "Daggjald", "Trygging")) print( "\n----------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("\n\t{:<10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}".format(choice1, price1, insurance)) print( "\n----------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("\n\t{:<10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}".format(choice2, price2, insurance)) print( "\n----------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("\n\t{:<10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}".format(choice3, price3, insurance)) print( "\n----------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("\n\t{:<10}\t{:^10}\t{:^10}".format(choice4, price4, insurance)) print( "\n----------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("\n{}".format(over100)) print( "\n================================================================" ) print("\n\t{:<30}".format("1. Til baka")) choice = input("\n\tValmöguleiki: ") if choice == "1": self.main_menu() else: print("\n\tVitlaust val, vinsamlegast veldu aftur!") self.print_price_list() def print_order_car_menu(self): """Prentar út pöntunarskjá fyrir pöntun""" passport = input("\n\tVegabréfsnúmer: ").upper() #sækir find customer fallið og skila gildum sem notuð eru til að geyma gögn customer, passport, kredit = self.__customer.find_customer(passport) if customer == 0: print("\n\tEngin viðskiptavinur er skráður á þetta númer!\n") print("\t1. Nýskrá viðskiptavin") print("\t2. Slá inn nýtt vegabréfsnúmer") choice = input("\n\tValmöguleiki: ") if choice == "1": self.add_new_customer() elif choice == "2": self.print_order_car_menu() else: self.print_order_car_menu() if customer == 1: print( "\n\tEkki rétt skráð inn! \n\tVegabréfsnúmer á að vera 8 letur á lengd" ) self.print_order_menu() return fullprice, today, someday, carchoice, extraprice = self.__ordercar.order_price( ) if today == 0: self.print_order_car_menu() print("\n\t\tHeildarverð: {:,}".format(fullprice + extraprice)) new_order = Order(passport, today, someday, fullprice, carchoice, extraprice) fullprice = int(fullprice) if fullprice < 10000: print("\n\tDagsetning skrifuð vitlaus inn: ") self.print_order_car_menu() else: self.__ordercar.get_car_order(new_order) print("\n\tPöntun hefur verið skráð!") self.__printrepo.send_email(customer, today, someday) self.main_menu() def add_new_car(self): ''' búa til user interface þar sem notandinn getur skráð inn nýjan bíl ''' ''' ef bílnúmer er skráð inn vitlaust þarf að láta notandann vita ''' model = input("\n\ttegund bíls: ").strip().capitalize() year = input("\tÁrgerð(YYYY): ").strip() plate = input("\tBílnúmer: ").strip().upper() miles = input("\tKeyrsla bíls (í km): ").strip() color = input("\tLitur bíls: ").strip().capitalize() fuel_type = input("\tEldsneytis tegund(Bensín eða Dísel): ").strip() print("\n\t1. Smábíll\n\t2. Fólksbíll\n\t3. Jeppi\n\t4. Húsbíll") category = input("\tflokkur: ").strip() status = True new_car = Car(model, year, plate, miles, color, fuel_type, category, status) decision = self.__cars.add_car(new_car) if decision == 2: print("\n\tBíl hefur verið bætt á skrá") self.print_car_menu() elif decision == 1: print("\n\tVitlaust skráð inn bílnúmer") self.print_car_menu() #def print_doc(self, filename): """fall sem prentar út í prentara textaskrá sem sett er inn""" """ATH virkar en vantar module win32 í tölvuna svo við commentuðum þetta út"""
def __init__(self): self.__CustomerService = CustomerService()
class Customer_UI: def __init__(self): self.__CustomerService = CustomerService() def customer_Menu(self): def print_Choices(): ''' Prints out everything you can do with customers in the system ''' print('{:<40}{:>40}'.format('The Car Rental', 'F To Go To Frontpage')) print('-'*80) print("{:^80}".format('CUSTOMERS')) print('-'*80) print('Press 1 To Sign Up New Customer ') print('Press 2 To Delete Customer') print('Press 3 To Look Up Customer') print('Press 4 To Change Information About A Customer') print('Press F To Go To Frontpage\n') # Press 1 To Sign Up New Customer def action1(): print("-"*80) print("New customer:") SSN_input = input('Enter The SSN Of The Person You Want To Sign Up: ') SSN = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(SSN_input) # isFound iterates through the file and if there is a match, it will let you know that the customer already exists isfound = self.__CustomerService.check_Costumer(SSN) if isfound: print('\nCustomer Already Exists!') else: name = input('Enter A Name: ') phonenumber_input = input('Enter A Phone Number: ') phonenumber = self.__CustomerService.check_Phonenumber( phonenumber_input) email = input('Enter An Email: ') new_Costumer = Customer(SSN, name, phonenumber, email) self.__CustomerService.add_customer(new_Costumer) print('\nCustomer Signed!') # Press 2 To Delete Customer def action2(): print("-"*80) SSN_input = input( 'Enter The SSN Of The Person You Want To Delete: ') SSN = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(SSN_input) # isFound iterates through the file and if there is not match it will allow the user to try again or quit isFound = self.__CustomerService.check_Costumer(SSN) if isFound: self.__CustomerService.delete_customer(SSN) print('\nCustomer Deleted!') while not isFound: again = input("\nCostumer Not Found! (1 = Try Again, 2 = Quit) ") if again == '1': SSN_input = input('\nEnter The SSN Of The Person You Want To Delete: ') SSN = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(SSN_input) isFound = self.__CustomerService.check_Costumer( SSN) if isFound: self.__CustomerService.delete_customer(SSN) print('\nCustomer Deleted!') else: print('\nQuitting..') break #Press 3 To Look Up Customer def action3(): print("-"*80) SSN_input = input('Enter The SSN Of The Person You Want To Look Up: ') SSN = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(SSN_input) # isFound iterates through the file and if there is not match it will allow the user to try again or quit isFound = self.__CustomerService.check_Costumer(SSN) if isFound: print() print() self.__CustomerService.look_up_customer(SSN) while not isFound: again = input("Costumer Not Found! (1 = Try Again, 2 = Quit) ") if again == '1': SSN_input = input('\nEnter The SSN Of The Person You Want To Look Up: ') SSN = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(SSN_input) isFound = self.__CustomerService.check_Costumer(SSN) if isFound: print() print() self.__CustomerService.look_up_customer(SSN) else: print('\nQuitting..') # Press 4 To Change Information About A Customer def action4(): print("-"*80) SSN_input = input('Enter The SSN Of The Person You Want To Change: ') SSN = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(SSN_input) # isFound iterates through the file and if there is not match it will allow the user to try again isFound = self.__CustomerService.check_Costumer(SSN) print() print() self.__CustomerService.look_up_customer(SSN) while not isFound: print("Costumer Not Found! Please Try Again") SSN_input = input('\nEnter The SSN Of The Person You Want To Change: ') SSN = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(SSN_input) isFound = self.__CustomerService.check_Costumer(SSN) print() print() self.__CustomerService.look_up_customer(SSN) print('\npress 1 to Change The SSN') print('Press 2 to Change The Name') print('Press 3 to Change The Phone Number') print('Press 4 to Change The Email\n') choice_input = input('Enter Choice: ') choice = self.__CustomerService.check_Choice(choice_input) changes = input('Enter New Info: ') if choice == '1': changes = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(changes) elif choice == '3': changes = self.__CustomerService.check_Phonenumber(changes) self.__CustomerService.Change_Information(SSN, choice, changes) print('\nCustomer Info Changed!') def main(): print_Choices() action = "" while action not in ["1", "2", "3", "4", "F"]: action = input('Choose Command: ').lower() # Press 1 to Sign Up New Customer if action == '1': action1() # Press 2 to Delete Customer elif action == '2': action2() # Press 3 to Look Up Customer elif action == '3': action3() # Press 4 to Change Information About A Customer elif action == '4': action4() # Press F to Go To Frontpage elif action == 'f': break else: print("Invalid Input, Try Again!\n") main()
def __init__(self): self.__Vehicle_service = VehicleService() self.__Customer_service = CustomerService() self.__Ord_service = OrdService() self.__System_MaintenanceService = System_MaintenanceService()
class SalesmanUi: def __init__(self): self.__Vehicle_service = VehicleService() self.__Customer_service = CustomerService() self.__Ord_service = OrdService() self.__System_MaintenanceService = System_MaintenanceService() def main_menu(self): update_progress(-1) time.sleep(.4) update_progress(1) time.sleep(.3) cls('') time.sleep(.2) action = "" while (action != "h"): print( "╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗" ) print( "║ ", "%d" % + "/" + "%d" % now.month + "/" + "%d" % now.year + " | " + now.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), " ║") print( "║--------------------------------------Aðgerðir:-------------------------------------║" ) print( "║1. Leigja út bíl (skrá pöntun) ║" ) print( "║2. Skila bíl í lok leigutíma ║" ) print( "║--------------------------------------Skýrslur:-------------------------------------║" ) print( "║4. Flétta upp pöntun ║" ) print( "║6. Birta yfirlit yfir viðskiptamenn ║" ) print( "║7. Birta lista yfir lausa bíla ║" ) print( "║8. Birta lista yfir lausa bíla eftir flokkum ║" ) print( "║9. Birta lista yfir bíla í útleigu ║" ) print( "║ ║" ) print( "║ ║" ) print( "║ ║" ) print( "║ ║" ) print( "╠════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣" ) print( "║--------------------------------Uppsetning / viðhald :------------------------------║" ) print( "║90. Stofna notanda að kerfinu ║" ) print( "║91. Stofna viðskiptamann ║" ) print( "║92. Stofna bíl ║" ) print( "╠════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣" ) print( "║ ║" ) print( "║ ║" ) print( "║Sláðu inn 'h' til að hætta ║" ) print( "╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝" ) action = input("Veldu valmöguleika: ").lower() if action == "1": d = {} cls('start') # now, to clear the screen d["ORDER_ID"] = input("Sláðu inn pöntunarnúmer: ") d["CUSTOMER_ID"] = input("Nr viðskiptamanns: ") d["LICENCE_PLATE_NUMBER"] = input("Bílnúmer: ") d["CAR_LOCATION"] = input("Staðsetning bíls í upphafi ") d["ORDER_DATE"] = input("Pöntun dags: ") d["START_DATE"] = input("Start date: ") """ ret_loc = input('Skilastaðsetning bíls: ') ret_date = input("Skiladags bíls: ") pay_meth = input("Greiðslumáti: ") card_no = input(" Kortanúmer (ef við á): ") ins_bas = input("Grunntrygging: ") ins_xtra = input("Aukatrygging: ") com_ = input("Athugasemdir: ") """ #new_o = Ord(order_n,customer_n,license_plate_n,start_loc,order_d,start_d,ret_loc,ret_date,pay_meth,card_no,ins_bas,ins_xtra,com_) new_o = Ord(d) self.__Ord_service.add_Ord(new_o) cls('end') elif action == "6": cls('') customer = self.__Customer_service.get_Customer() print(customer) cls('end') elif action == "7": cls('') # now, to clear the screen vehicles = self.__Vehicle_service.get_Available_Vehicles() #for row in vehicles: # print(row) cls('end') elif action == "8": cls('') # now, to clear the screen vec_class = input( 'Hvaða flokk viltu skoða? (ath: sýna hér lista yfir mögulega flokka...) ' ) vehicles = self.__Vehicle_service.get_Available_Vehicles_by_Class( vec_class) # does this work? cls('end') elif action == "9": cls('') # now, to clear the screen vehicles = self.__Vehicle_service.get_Occupied_Vehicles() cls('end') elif action == "89": cls('') newuser = input("Sláðu inn notendanafn: ") pwd = input("Sláðu inn lykilorð: ") ssn = input("Sláðu inn kennitölu: ") name = input('Fullt nafn: ') addr = input('Heimilisfang: ') phone = input("Símanúmer: ") e_mail = input("Tölvupóstfang: ") active = 'YES' comments = input('Athugasemd: ') new_employee = System_Maintenance(newuser, pwd, ssn, name, addr, phone, e_mail, active, comments) self.__System_MaintenanceService.add_System_Maintenance( new_employee) cls('end') #new_veh = Vehicle(license_plate, manuf,subt,v_class, prod_year,curr_loc,return_loc,return_date,com) #0D, simply represents that this car isn't rented out (yet) # self.__Vehicle_service.add_Vehicle(new_veh) elif action == "90": cls('') newuser = input("Sláðu inn notendanafn ") pwd = input("Sláðu inn lykilorð ") """ file = open("./data/access.txt","a+") file.write(newuser) file.write(" ") file.write(pwd) file.write("\n") file.close() """ cls('end') elif action == "91": cls('') name = input("Nafn: ") kennitala = input("Kennitala: ") phone = input("Símanúmer: ") new_Customer = Customer(name, kennitala, phone) self.__Customer_service.add_Customer(new_Customer) cls('end') elif action == '92': cls('') license_plate = input("Bílnúmer: ") manuf = input("Framleiðandi: ") subt = input("Undirtegund (týpa) ") v_class = input("Flokkur: ") prod_year = input("Árgerð: ") curr_loc = input("Staðsetning: ") return_loc = '' #doesn't apply to cars - until they are rented out return_date = '0D' com = input("Athugasemdir: ") #self, license_plate, manufacturer, subtype, vec_class, production_year,current_location,return_location,'',comments new_veh = Vehicle( license_plate, manuf, subt, v_class, prod_year, curr_loc, return_loc, return_date, com ) #0D, simply represents that this car isn't rented out (yet) self.__Vehicle_service.add_Vehicle(new_veh) cls('end') elif action == 'h': time.sleep(.2) print('Bíðið - kerfi slekkur á sér og gengur frá') # update_progress() : Displays or updates a console progress bar ## Accepts a float between 0 and 1. Any int will be converted to a float. ## A value under 0 represents a 'halt'. ## A value at 1 or bigger represents 100% update_progress(-1) time.sleep(.3) update_progress(1) time.sleep(.2) print('Sjáumst aftur!') time.sleep(.2) cls("") else: cls('') print('Óleyfilegt gildi slegið inn, reyndu aftur.')
def __init__(self): self.__OrderService = OrderService() self.__CarService = CarService() self.__CustomerService = CustomerService()
class OrderService: def __init__(self): self.__order_repo = OrderRepository() self.__order_list = self.__order_repo.get_order_list() self.__car_service = CarService() self.__customer_service = CustomerService() self.__car = None self.__change_service = ChangeService() #self.__order_num = 1 def make_date(self, a_date): """tekur inn dagsetningu og breytir henni í date() tilvik""" day, month, year = a_date.split(".") return date(int(year), int(month), int(day)) def make_order_info(self, prompt, customer_known): """Býr til tóma pöntun og sendir pöntunina í gegnum ferlið að búa til allar upplýsingar um hana""" price_repo = PriceRepository() new_order = Order() for step in range(1, 5): if customer_known and (step == 1): new_order.set_customer(customer_known) else: choice = new_order.change_info(str(step), self.__car_service, self.__customer_service, prompt, price_repo) if choice == "t": return "t" elif choice == "h": return "h" price_repo = PriceRepository() price = calc_price(new_order, price_repo) new_order.set_price(price) print_header(prompt) print(new_order) print("="*70) continue_q = input("\nEr allt rétt? (j/n) ").lower() if continue_q != "j": self.change_order_info(new_order, prompt) print_header(prompt) payment_complete = take_payment(new_order.get_order_price()) if type(payment_complete) == str: return "h" print_header(prompt) print("Pöntun skráð.") sleep(2.5) self.__order_repo.add_order(new_order) return new_order def change_order_info(self, order, prompt): """Sér um ferlið að uppfæra upplýsingar um pöntun. Þ.e.a.s tekur order og spyr hverju þú villt breyta, sendir þig svo á viðeigandi skref í order.change_info síðan uppfærir það repoið og vistar breytingarnar""" correct = False while not correct: print_header(prompt) print(order) print("="*70) print("\nHverju villtu breyta:\n1. Kennitölu á pöntun\n2. Bíl og dagsetningu\n3. Tryggingu\n4. Kortanúmeri\n5. Klára Skráningu") legal_choice = False while not legal_choice: choice = input() try: if int(choice) in range(1,6): legal_choice = True else: print("Ekki valmöguleiki, veldu aftur") except: print("Ekki valmöguleiki, veldu aftur") if choice == "5": correct = True order.change_info(choice, self.__car_service, self.__customer_service, prompt, PriceRepository()) self.__order_repo.update_order_list() def get_order_by_name(self, name): """Finnur pöntun eftir leitarkilyrðinu name, leitar eftir pöntunarnúmeri, skilar pöntun ef hún finnst annars None""" for order in self.__order_repo.get_order_list(): order_num = self.get_order_num_from_name(order.get_order_name()) try: name_num = self.get_order_num_from_name(name) except: name_num = name if order_num == name_num: return order return None def get_order_num_from_name(self, name): """tekur inn númer og pöntun og skilar bara númerinu""" name_list = name.split() num = name_list[1] return num def get_order_by_ssn(self, ssn): """Tekur við kennitölu og skilar lista af öllum pöntunum sem eru á þessari kennitölu""" customer = self.__customer_service.check_ssn(ssn) orders = [] for order in self.__order_repo.get_order_list(): if order.get_customer() == customer: orders.append(order) return orders def order_delete(self, order): """Tekur við pöntun, eyðir því úr pöntunarlistanum og uppfærir pöntunarskjalið í samræmi við nýja listann""" self.__order_list.remove(order) self.__order_repo.update_order_list() def complete_orders(self, prompt): """ Þetta fall finnur hvaða pantanir eru með skiladag í dag eða liðinn skiladag og prentar þær út. Notandi getur svo valið hvaða pöntun hann vill klára. Þegar sú pöntun hefur verið valinn þá reiknast út hvað aukakostnað þarf að greiða (ef viðskiptavinur keyrði meira en 150 km á dag) sem viðskiptavinur þarf að greiða. Þegar borgað hefur verið allan aukakostnað þá breytist skráningin á pöntuninni og hún hefur þar með verið kláruð. """ finished_completing_orders = False while not finished_completing_orders: print_header(prompt) order_list = self.__order_repo.get_order_list() order_to_complete_list = [] for order in order_list: if order.get_order_complete() != True and order.get_last_day() == order_to_complete_list.append(order) if order_to_complete_list == []: print("Enga pöntun þarf að klára í dag.") sleep(2) finished_completing_orders = True else: for order in order_to_complete_list: print(order) print() order_to_change = input("Hvaða pöntun viltu klára? ") if order_to_change == "t" or order_to_change == "h": return order_to_change if len(order_to_change.split()) == 2: order_to_change = order_to_change.split()[1] for order in order_to_complete_list: if order_to_change == order.get_order_name().split()[1]: order_to_complete = order break order_to_complete = False # ss það finnst engin pöntun með þessu nafni if not order_to_complete: choice = error_handle("Pöntun", order_to_change) if choice == "t" or choice == "h": return choice print_header(prompt) else: car = order_to_complete.get_car() order_price = int(order_to_complete.get_order_price()) new_milage_boolean = False while not new_milage_boolean: try: new_milage = input("Hvað er bíllinn núna keyrður? ").lower() if new_milage == "t" or new_milage == "h": return new_milage milage_difference = int(new_milage) - car.get_milage() if 0 < milage_difference: new_milage_boolean = True else: print("Villa: Bíllinn getur ekki verið minna keyrður eftir leigu.") except: print("Villa: Bíllinn getur ekki verið minna keyrður eftir leigu.") day_price = order_price // len(order_to_complete.get_date_list()) final_payment = int(milage_difference // 150 * 0.02 * day_price) print_header(prompt) if final_payment > 0: payment_complete = take_payment(final_payment) else: payment_complete = True if type(payment_complete) == str: return "h" self.__car_service.update_car_list(car) order_to_complete.set_car(car) order_to_complete.set_complete(True) self.__order_repo.update_order_list() car.set_milage(new_milage) print_header(prompt) print("Pöntun er nú kláruð") choice = input("1. Velja aðra pöntun til að klára\nt. Tilbaka\nh. Heim\n") if choice == "t" or choice == "h": finished_completing_orders = True
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.customer = None self.customerService = CustomerService()
class CustomerUI: def __init__(self): self.__customer_service = CustomerService() # self.customer_menu() def customer_menu(self): """ Hér er hægt að framkvæma tvær aðgerðir sem koma viðskiptavinum við. 1. Leita að viðskiptavin, hér tekur CustomerService klasinn við kennitölu, athugar hvort það sé til viðskiptavinur í kerfinu með þessa kennitölu og skilar viðeigandi viðskiptavin. Þegar viðskiptavinur hefur verið valinn er hann sentur í view_customer fallið. 2. Skrá nýjan viðskiptavin, sjá customer_register í CustomerService klasanum. """ done = False while not done: prompt = "Heimasíða / Viðskiptavinir" print_header(prompt) action = input( "1. Leita að viðskiptavin\n2. Skrá nýjan viðskiptavin\nh. Heim\n" ) if action == "1": exit_info = "" prompt += " / Leita að viðskiptavin" while exit_info == "": print_header(prompt) ssn = input("Kennitala: ").lower() if ssn == "h": done = True break elif ssn == "t": break customer = self.__customer_service.check_ssn(ssn) if customer: exit_info, done = self.view_customer(customer) else: choice = input( 'Kennitalan: "{}" fannst ekki í kerfinu.\n1. Reyna aftur\nt. Tilbaka\nh. Heim\n' .format(ssn)) if choice == "t": break elif choice == "h": done = True break elif action == "2": prompt += " / Skrá nýjan viðskiptavin" print_header(prompt) new_customer = self.__customer_service.customer_register() if type(new_customer) == Customer: exit_info, done = self.view_customer(new_customer) elif new_customer == "h": done = True else: done = True def view_customer(self, customer): """ Hér er hægt að framkvæma fjórar aðgerðir fyrir viðskiptavin. 1. Sjá pantanir, hér er hægt að sjá allar pantanir sem þessi viðskiptavinur hefur skráð á sig. 2. Breyta skráningu, hér er hægt að breyta skráningu viðskiptavinar með hjálp customer_update_info fallinu í CustomerService klasanum. 3. Afskrá viðskiptavin, hér er viðskiptavinurinn tekinn út úr kerfinu og allar þær pantanir sem eru ókláraðar eyðast úr kerfinu líka. 4. Skrá pöntun á viðskiptavin, hér er hoppað beint inn í make_order_info fallið í OrderService klasanum og viðskiptavinurinn líka svo það þurfi ekki að velja hann aftur.""" loop = True while loop: prompt = "Heimasíða / Viðskiptavinir / Skoða viðskiptavin" print_header(prompt) print(customer) print('=' * 70) choice = input( "\n1. Sjá pantanir\n2. Breyta skráningu\n3. Afskrá viðskiptavin\n4. Skrá pöntun á viðskiptavin\nt. Tilbaka\nh. Heim\n" ).lower() if choice == "1": prompt += " / Sjá pantanir" print_header(prompt) customer_orders = self.__customer_service.customer_get_history( customer) if customer_orders: for order in customer_orders: print(order) print() input('Ýttu á "Enter" til að halda áfram: ') else: print("Þessi viðskiptavinur hefur enga notkunarsögu.") sleep(2) elif choice == "2": prompt += " / Breyta skráningu" print_header(prompt) self.__customer_service.customer_update_info(customer) elif choice == "3": prompt += " / Afskrá viðskiptavin" print_header(prompt) choice = input("Ertu viss?(j/n): ") if choice == "j": self.__customer_service.customer_delete(customer) return "Tilbaka", False elif choice == "4": prompt += " / Skrá pöntun á viðskiptavin" print_header(prompt) self.__order_service = OrderService() new_order = self.__order_service.make_order_info( prompt, customer) if type(new_order) == Order: self.__order_ui = OrderUI() self.__order_ui.view_order(new_order) else: if new_order == "h": return "Heim", True self.__customer_service.update_order_repo() elif choice == "t": return "Tilbaka", False else: return "Heim", True
class Put_In_Order_UI: def __init__(self): self.__OrderService = OrderService() self.__CarService = CarService() self.__CustomerService = CustomerService() def Put_In_Order_Menu(self): def print_Choices(): print('\nPress 1 To Put In Order') print('Press 2 To Put In A Future Order\n') def new_Or_Old(): '''Is the Customer new or has he rented from us before''' print("-" * 80) new_Or_Old = input( 'Has The Customer Rented From Us Before? (Y = Yes, N = No) ' ).lower() while new_Or_Old != 'y' or 'n': if new_Or_Old == 'y': print() break elif new_Or_Old == 'n': print("\nSigning A New Customer:") print("-" * 80) SSN_input = input( 'Enter The SSN Of The Person Who Is Putting In An Order: ' ) SSN = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(SSN_input) # isFound iterates through the file and if there is not match it will allow the user to try again isfound = self.__CustomerService.check_Costumer(SSN) if isfound: print('\nCustomer Already Exists!' ) #we dont need to sign him up else: name = input('Enter A Name: ') phonenumber_input = input('Enter A Phone Number: ') phonenumber = self.__CustomerService.check_Phonenumber( phonenumber_input) email = input('Enter An Email: ') new_Costumer = Customer(SSN, name, phonenumber, email) self.__CustomerService.add_customer(new_Costumer) print("\nCostumer Signed!\n\n") break else: print('Invalid Input, Try Again!') new_Or_Old = input( 'Has The Customer Rented A Car From Us Before? (Y = Yes, N = No) ' ).lower() def available_Categories(): print("-" * 80) loop = True while loop: print( '\nWhat Kind Of Car Do You Want? (M = Mini car, S = Station car, J = Jeep' ) car_choice = input('Choose A Category: ').lower() if car_choice == 'm': print("-" * 80) car_choice = 'Mini Car' print('\nThese Mini Cars Are Available:\n') self.__OrderService.pick_a_category(car_choice) loop = False elif car_choice == 's': print("-" * 80) car_choice = 'Station Car' print('\nThese Station Cars Are Available:\n') self.__OrderService.pick_a_category(car_choice) loop = False elif car_choice == 'j': print("-" * 80) car_choice = 'Jeep' print('\nThese Jeeps Are Available:\n') self.__OrderService.pick_a_category(car_choice) loop = False else: print('Invalid Input, Try Again!\n') print("-" * 80) def rent_Dates(): rent_year = int(input('\nEnter Rent Year: ')) car_rent_year = self.__OrderService.check_year(rent_year) rent_month = int(input('Enter Rent Month: ')) car_rent_month = self.__OrderService.check_month(rent_month) rent_day = int(input('Enter Rent Day: ')) car_rent_day = self.__OrderService.check_days(rent_day) return_year = int(input('\nEnter Return Year: ')) car_return_year = self.__OrderService.check_year(return_year) return_month = int(input('Enter Return Month: ')) car_return_month = self.__OrderService.check_month(return_month) return_day = int(input('Enter Return Day: ')) car_return_day = self.__OrderService.check_days(return_day) return car_rent_year, car_rent_month, car_rent_day, car_return_year, car_return_month, car_return_day def credit_Card(): cardholder = input("\nEnter The Cardholder's Name: ") card = input('Enter Your Card Number: ') while len(card) != 16: print('Invalid Input, Try Again! (only 16 digits)\n') card = input('Enter Your Card Number: ') exp_date = input('Enter The Expiration Date: (mm-yy) ') sec_num = input('Enter The Security Number: ') print('\nPayment Completed!') # Press 1 To Put In Order def action1(): today = print('\nToday: {:}'.format(today)) print('Are There Any Orders You have To Activate Today?\n') self.__OrderService.print_out_future_orders( ) # Print Out All The Future Orders available_Categories() SSN_input = input( 'Enter The SSN Of The Person Who Is Putting In An Order: ') SSN = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(SSN_input) self.__OrderService.remove_from_future_orders(SSN) licence_Plate = input( '\nEnter The Licence Plate Of The Car: ').upper() isFound = self.__OrderService.check_Car(licence_Plate) while not isFound: print("Car Not Found, Please Try Again!") licence_Plate = input( 'Enter The Licence Plate Of The Car: ').upper() isFound = self.__OrderService.check_Car(licence_Plate) car_rent_year, car_rent_month, car_rent_day, car_return_year, car_return_month, car_return_day = rent_Dates( ) loop = True while loop: if car_return_day == car_rent_day and car_return_month == car_rent_month: print( "\nSorry You Can't Rent For Only One Day! Please Try Again\n" ) car_return_month = int(input('Enter Return Month: ')) car_return_month = self.__OrderService.check_month( car_return_month) car_return_day = int(input('Enter Return Day: ')) car_return_day = self.__OrderService.check_days( car_return_day) else: loop = False extra_insurance = input( '\nDo You Want Extra Insurance: (Y = Yes, N = No) ').lower() if extra_insurance == 'y': print('\nWe Need Your Credit Card Number Please\n') credit_card = input('Enter Your Credit Card Number: ') while len(credit_card) != 16: print('Invalid Input, Try Again! (only 16 digits)\n') credit_card = input('Enter Your Credit Card Number: ') while extra_insurance not in ['y', 'n']: print('Invalid Input, Try Again!') extra_insurance = input( '\nDo You Want Extra Insurance: (Y = Yes, N = No) ').lower( ) payment = input( '\nAre You Paying With A Card Or Cash: (1 = Card, 2 = Cash): ') if payment == '1': credit_Card() if payment == '2': print('Payment Completed!') self.__OrderService.put_in_an_order(SSN, licence_Plate, car_rent_year, car_rent_month, car_rent_day, car_return_year, car_return_month, car_return_day, extra_insurance) print('\nOrder Added!') # Press 2 To Put In A Future Order def action2(): print("-" * 80) SSN_input = input('Enter The SSN: ') SSN = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(SSN_input) Name = input('Enter Name: ') category_inp = input( 'Enter The Category (M = Mini Car, S = Station Car, J = Jeep): ' ).lower() Category = self.__CarService.check_Category( category_inp) #Check if the category is valid car_rent_year, car_rent_month, car_rent_day, car_return_year, car_return_month, car_return_day = rent_Dates( ) loop = True while loop: if car_return_day == car_rent_day and car_return_month == car_rent_month: print( "\nSorry You Can't Rent For Only One Day! Please Try Again\n" ) car_return_month = int(input('Enter Return Month: ')) car_return_month = self.__OrderService.check_month( car_return_month) car_return_day = int(input('Enter Return Day: ')) car_return_day = self.__OrderService.check_days( car_return_day) else: loop = False extra_insurance = input( 'Do You Want Extra Insurance: (Y = Yes, N = No) ').lower() while extra_insurance not in ['y', 'n']: print('Invalid Input, Try Again!') extra_insurance = input( '\nDo You Want Extra Insurance: (Y = Yes, N = No) ').lower( ) self.__OrderService.put_in_future_order( SSN, Name, Category, car_rent_year, car_rent_month, car_rent_day, car_return_year, car_return_month, car_return_day, extra_insurance) print("\nOrder Added!") def main(): new_Or_Old() print_Choices() action = "" while action not in ["1", "2"]: action = input('Choose Command: ').lower() # Press 1 to Put In Order if action == '1': action1() # Press 2 to Put In Future Order elif action == '2': action2() else: print('\nInvalid Input, Try Again!\n') main()
class SalesmanUI: def __init__(self): self.__car_service = CarService() self.__customer_service = CustomerService() def add_car(self): brand = input("Car Brand: ") model = input("Car Model: ") category = input("Car Category: ") taxti = input("Car rate: ") new_car = Car(brand, model, category, taxti) self.__car_service.add_car(new_car) def add_customer(self): name = input("Customer name: ") ssn = input("Customer snn: ") phone = input("Phone: ") email = input("Email: ") address = input("Address: ") cardInfo = input("Card info: ") return Customer(name, ssn, phone, email, address, cardInfo) def main_menu(self): action = " " while (action != "q"): print("Main menu:") # Add or remove a car to database # Add and remove and edit customer functions inside here. print("1: Car menu") # Here you can get all information about bookings. (Create new order, extend order, return car, remove/unorder car) print("2: Customer menu") print("3: Bookings menu") print("4: Search") print("Press q to quit") action = input("Choose an option: ").lower() if action == "1": self.car_menu() elif action == "2": self.customer_menu() elif action == "q": exit() else: print("Invalid option!") def car_menu(self): action = " " while action != "b": print("Car menu: ") print("1: Add car") print("2: Remove car") print("3: Car history") print("4: Available cars") print("5: Unavailable cars") print("Enter 'b' to go back.") action = input("Choose an option: ").lower() if action == "1": self.add_car() elif action == "4": self.__car_service.available_cars() elif action == "b": self.main_menu() elif action == "q": exit() def customer_menu(self): action = " " while action != "b": print("Customer menu: ") print("1: Add customer") print("2: Remove customer") action = input("Choose an option: ") if action == "1": new_customer = self.add_customer() self.__customer_service.add_customer(new_customer) elif action == "b": self.main_menu() elif action == "q": exit()
def __init__(self): self.__car_service = CarService() self.__customer_service = CustomerService()
class Order_UI: def __init__(self): self.__OrderService = OrderService() self.__CarService = CarService() self.__Customer = CustomerOptions() self.__CustomerService = CustomerService() def Order_Menu(self): def print_Choices(): ''' Prints out everything you can do with orders in the system ''' print('{:<40}{:>40}'.format('The Car Rental', 'F To Go to Frontpage')) print('-'*80) print("{:^80}".format('ORDERS')) print('-'*80) print('Press 1 to Put In Order') print('Press 2 to Cancel Order') print('Press 3 to Look Up Order') print('Press 4 to Change Order') print('Press 5 to Return Car') print('Press F to Go To Frontpage\n') # Press 2 to Cancel Order def action2(): print("-"*80) SSN_input = input('Enter The SSN Of The Person Who Put In The Order: ') SSN = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(SSN_input) print() # isFound iterates through the file and if there is not match it will allow the user to try again or quit isFound = self.__OrderService.check_Order(SSN) if isFound: self.__OrderService.cancel_Order(SSN) print('Order Canceled!') while not isFound: again = input("Order Not Found! (1 = Try Again, 2 = to Quit)") if again == '1': SSN_input = input('\nEnter The SSN Of The Person Who Put In Order: ') SSN = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(SSN_input) print() isFound = self.__CustomerService.check_Costumer(SSN) if isFound: self.__OrderService.cancel_Order(SSN) print('Order Canceled!') else: print('Quitting..') break # Press 3 to Look Up Order def action3(): print("-"*80) SSN_input = input('Enter The SSN Of The Person Who Put In The Order: ') SSN = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(SSN_input) print() # isFound iterates through the file and if there is not match it will allow the user to try again or quit isFound = self.__OrderService.check_Order(SSN) if isFound: print() self.__OrderService.look_up_order(SSN) while not isFound: again = input("Order Not Found! (1 = Try Again, 2 = to Quit) ") if again == '1': SSN_input = input('Enter The SSN Of The Person Who Put In Order: ') SSN = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(SSN_input) isFound = self.__CustomerService.check_Costumer(SSN) if isFound: print() self.__OrderService.look_up_order(SSN) else: print('Quitting..') break # Press 4 to Change Order def action4(): print("-"*80) SSN_input = input('Enter The SSN Of The Person Who Put In The Order: ') SSN = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(SSN_input) # isFound iterates through the file and if there is not match it will allow the user to try again isFound = self.__CustomerService.check_Costumer(SSN) while not isFound: print("\nOrder Not Found! Please Try Again\n") SSN_input = input('Enter The SSN Of The Person Who Put In The Order: ') SSN = self.__CustomerService.check_SSN(SSN_input) isFound = self.__CustomerService.check_Costumer(SSN) print() self.__OrderService.look_up_order(SSN) print('\n\nPress 1 To Change Rent Date') print('Press 2 To Change Return Date') print('Press 3 To Change Extra Insurance (Y = Yes, N = No)\n') choice = input('Enter Choice: ') while choice not in ['1', '2', '3']: print('Invalid Input, Try Again!\n') choice = input('Enter Choice: ') if choice == '1' or choice == '2': print('Put In The Date In The Format yyyy-mm-dd\n') changes = input('Enter New Info: ').lower() self.__OrderService.change_Order(SSN, choice, changes) print('\nOrder Changed!') # Press 5 to Return Car def action5(): print("-"*80) print('Return Car: \n') self.__OrderService.print_orders() plate = input('\nEnter The Licence Plate Of The Car You Want To Return: ') plate = plate.upper() self.__OrderService.return_car(plate) print('\nCar Returned!') def main(): print_Choices() action = "" while action not in ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "F"]: action = input('Choose Command: ').lower() if action == '1': # Press 1 to Put in order ui = Put_In_Order_UI() ui.Put_In_Order_Menu() # Press 2 to Cancel Order elif action == '2': action2() # Press 3 to Look Up Order elif action == '3': action3() # Press 4 to Change Order elif action == '4': action4() # Press 5 to Return Car' elif action == '5': action5() # Press F to Go To Frontpage elif action == 'f': break else: print("Invalid Input, Try Again!") main()