def copy(request, pk): """Copy a note with its attachments and labels.""" note = get_object_or_404(Note, pk=pk) new_note = Note(created_by=request.user) new_note.body = note.body new_note.order = note.order new_note.subject = note.subject new_note.labels = note.labels.all() for a in note.attachments.all(): # also copy the attachments = None a.content_object = new_note new_note.attachments.add(a) return redirect(edit,, order_id=note.order_id)
def copy(request, pk): """ Copies a note with its attachments and labels """ from servo.lib.shorturl import from_time note = get_object_or_404(Note, pk=pk) new_note = Note(created_by=request.user) new_note.body = note.body new_note.order = note.order new_note.subject = note.subject new_note.labels = note.labels.all() for a in note.attachments.all(): = None a.content_object = new_note new_note.attachments.add(a) return redirect(edit,, order_id=note.order_id)
def index(request): if request.method == 'GET': reset_session(request) title = _('Service Order Check-In') dcat = request.GET.get('d', 'mac') dmap = { 'mac' : _('Mac'), 'iphone' : _('iPhone'), 'ipad' : _('iPad'), 'ipod' : _('iPod'), 'acc' : _('Apple Accessory'), 'beats' : _('Beats Products'), 'other' : _('Other Devices'), } issue_form = IssueForm() device = Device(description=dmap[dcat]) if dcat in ('mac', 'iphone', 'ipad', 'ipod'): sn_form = AppleSerialNumberForm() else: sn_form = SerialNumberForm() tags = Tag.objects.filter(type="order") device_form = DeviceForm(instance=device) customer_form = CustomerForm(request) if request.method == 'POST': sn_form = SerialNumberForm(request.POST) issue_form = IssueForm(request.POST, request.FILES) customer_form = CustomerForm(request, request.POST) device_form = DeviceForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if device_form.is_valid() and issue_form.is_valid() and customer_form.is_valid(): user = User.objects.get(pk=request.session['checkin_user']) idata = issue_form.cleaned_data ddata = device_form.cleaned_data cdata = customer_form.cleaned_data customer_id = request.session.get('checkin_customer') if customer_id: customer = Customer.objects.get(pk=customer_id) else: customer = Customer() name = u'{0} {1}'.format(cdata['fname'], cdata['lname']) if len(cdata['company']): name += ', ' + cdata['company'] = name = cdata['city'] = cdata['phone'] = cdata['email'] = cdata['phone'] customer.zip_code = cdata['postal_code'] customer.street_address = cdata['address'] order = Order(customer=customer, created_by=user) order.location_id = request.session['checkin_location'] order.checkin_location = cdata['checkin_location'] order.checkout_location = cdata['checkout_location'] order.check_in(user) try: device = get_device(request, ddata['sn']) except GsxError as e: pass device.username = ddata['username'] device.password = ddata['password'] device.description = ddata['description'] device.purchased_on = ddata['purchased_on'] device.purchase_country = ddata['purchase_country'] order.add_device(device, user) note = Note(created_by=user, body=idata['issue_description']) note.is_reported = True note.order = order # Proof of purchase was supplied if ddata.get('pop'): f = {'content_type': Attachment.get_content_type('note').pk} f['object_id'] = a = AttachmentForm(f, {'content': ddata['pop']}) if request.POST.get('tags'): order.set_tags(request.POST.getlist('tags'), request.user) # Check checklists early for validation answers = [] # @FIXME: should try to move this to a formset... for k, v in request.POST.items(): if k.startswith('__cl__'): answers.append('- **' + k[6:] + '**: ' + v) if len(answers) > 0: note = Note(created_by=user, body="\r\n".join(answers)) if Configuration.true('checkin_report_checklist'): note.is_reported = True note.order = order # mark down internal notes (only if logged in) if len(idata.get('notes')): note = Note(created_by=user, body=idata['notes']) note.is_reported = False note.order = order # mark down condition of device if len(ddata.get('condition')): note = Note(created_by=user, body=ddata['condition']) note.is_reported = True note.order = order # mark down supplied accessories if len(ddata.get('accessories')): accs = ddata['accessories'].strip().split("\n") order.set_accessories(accs, device) redirect_to = thanks """ if request.user.is_authenticated(): if request.user.autoprint: redirect_to = print_confirmation """ return redirect(redirect_to, order.url_code) try: pk = Configuration.conf('checkin_checklist') questions = ChecklistItem.objects.filter(checklist_id=pk) except ValueError: # Checklists probably not configured pass if request.GET.get('phone'): if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return results = [] for c in Customer.objects.filter(phone=request.GET['phone']): title = '%s - %s' % (, results.append({'id':, 'name':, 'title': title}) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(results), content_type='application/json') if request.GET.get('sn'): device = Device(sn=request.GET['sn']) device.description = _('Other Device') device_form = DeviceForm(instance=device) try: apple_sn_validator( except Exception as e: # not an Apple serial number return render(request, "checkin/device_form.html", locals()) try: device = get_device(request, device_form = DeviceForm(instance=device) except GsxError as e: error = e return render(request, "checkin/device_form.html", locals()) return render(request, "checkin/newindex.html", locals())
def edit(request, pk=None, order_id=None, parent=None, recipient=None, customer=None): """ Edit a note. @FIXME: Should split this up into smaller pieces """ to = [] order = None command = _('Save') note = Note(order_id=order_id) excluded_emails = note.get_excluded_emails() if recipient is not None: to.append(recipient) command = _('Send') if order_id is not None: order = get_object_or_404(Order, pk=order_id) if order.user and (order.user != request.user): note.is_read = False if not in excluded_emails: to.append( if order.customer is not None: customer = order.customer_id if customer is not None: customer = get_object_or_404(Customer, pk=customer) note.customer = customer if order_id is None: to.append( tpl = template.Template(note.subject) note.subject = tpl.render(template.Context({'note': note})) note.recipient = ', '.join(to) note.created_by = request.user note.sender = note.get_default_sender() fields = escalations.CONTEXTS try: note.escalation = Escalation(created_by=request.user) except Exception as e: messages.error(request, e) return redirect(request.META['HTTP_REFERER']) AttachmentFormset = modelformset_factory(Attachment, fields=('content', ), can_delete=True, extra=3, exclude=[]) formset = AttachmentFormset(queryset=Attachment.objects.none()) if pk is not None: note = get_object_or_404(Note, pk=pk) formset = AttachmentFormset(queryset=note.attachments.all()) if parent is not None: parent = get_object_or_404(Note, pk=parent) note.parent = parent note.body = parent.quote() if parent.subject: note.subject = _(u'Re: %s') % parent.clean_subject() if parent.sender not in excluded_emails: note.recipient = parent.sender if parent.order: order = parent.order note.order = parent.order note.customer = parent.customer note.escalation = parent.escalation note.is_reported = parent.is_reported title = note.subject form = NoteForm(instance=note) if note.escalation: contexts = json.loads(note.escalation.contexts) escalation_form = EscalationForm(prefix='escalation', instance=note.escalation) if request.method == "POST": escalation_form = EscalationForm(request.POST, prefix='escalation', instance=note.escalation) if escalation_form.is_valid(): note.escalation = form = NoteForm(request.POST, instance=note) if form.is_valid(): note = formset = AttachmentFormset(request.POST, request.FILES) if formset.is_valid(): files = for f in files: f.content_object = note try: except ValueError as e: messages.error(request, e) return redirect(note) note.attachments.add(*files) if form.cleaned_data.get('attach_confirmation'): from servo.views.order import put_on_paper response = put_on_paper(request, note.order_id, fmt='pdf') filename = response.filename content = response.render().content content = ContentFile(content, filename) attachment = Attachment(content=content, content_object=note), content) note.attachments.add(attachment) try: msg = note.send_and_save(request.user) messages.success(request, msg) except ValueError as e: messages.error(request, e) return redirect(note) return render(request, "notes/form.html", locals())
def index(request): """ Render the checkin homepage. @FIXME: would be nice to break this into smaller chunks... """ if request.method == 'GET': try: init_session(request) except ConfigurationError as e: error = {'message': e} return render(request, 'checkin/error.html', error) title = _('Service Order Check-In') dcat = request.GET.get('d', 'mac') dmap = { 'mac': _('Mac'), 'iphone': _('iPhone'), 'ipad': _('iPad'), 'ipod': _('iPod'), 'acc': _('Apple Accessory'), 'beats': _('Beats Products'), 'other': _('Other Devices'), } issue_form = IssueForm() device = Device(description=dmap[dcat]) if dcat in ('mac', 'iphone', 'ipad', 'ipod'): sn_form = AppleSerialNumberForm() else: sn_form = SerialNumberForm() tags = Tag.objects.filter(type="order") device_form = DeviceForm(instance=device) customer_form = CustomerForm(request) if request.method == 'POST': if not request.session.test_cookie_worked(): error = { 'message': _('Please enable cookies to use this application.') } return render(request, 'checkin/error.html', error) else: request.session.delete_test_cookie() sn_form = SerialNumberForm(request.POST) issue_form = IssueForm(request.POST, request.FILES) customer_form = CustomerForm(request, request.POST) device_form = DeviceForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if device_form.is_valid() and issue_form.is_valid( ) and customer_form.is_valid(): user = get_object_or_404(User, pk=request.session['checkin_user']) idata = issue_form.cleaned_data ddata = device_form.cleaned_data cdata = customer_form.cleaned_data customer_id = request.session.get('checkin_customer') if customer_id: customer = get_object_or_404(Customer, pk=customer_id) else: customer = Customer() name = u'{0} {1}'.format(cdata['fname'], cdata['lname']) if len(cdata['company']): name += ', ' + cdata['company'] = name = cdata['city'] = cdata['phone'] = cdata['email'] = cdata['phone'] customer.zip_code = cdata['postal_code'] customer.street_address = cdata['address'] order = Order(customer=customer, created_by=user) order.location_id = request.session['checkin_location'] order.checkin_location = cdata['checkin_location'] order.checkout_location = cdata['checkout_location'] order.check_in(user) try: device = get_device(request, ddata['sn']) except GsxError as e: pass device.username = ddata['username'] device.password = ddata['password'] device.description = ddata['description'] device.purchased_on = ddata['purchased_on'] device.purchase_country = ddata['purchase_country'] order.add_device(device, user) note = Note(created_by=user, body=idata['issue_description']) note.is_reported = True note.order = order # Proof of purchase was supplied if ddata.get('pop'): f = {'content_type': Attachment.get_content_type('note').pk} f['object_id'] = a = AttachmentForm(f, {'content': ddata['pop']}) if request.POST.get('tags'): order.set_tags(request.POST.getlist('tags'), request.user) # Check checklists early for validation answers = [] # @FIXME: should try to move this to a formset... for k, v in request.POST.items(): if k.startswith('__cl__'): answers.append('- **' + k[6:] + '**: ' + v) if len(answers) > 0: note = Note(created_by=user, body="\r\n".join(answers)) if Configuration.true('checkin_report_checklist'): note.is_reported = True note.order = order # mark down internal notes (only if logged in) if len(idata.get('notes')): note = Note(created_by=user, body=idata['notes']) note.is_reported = False note.order = order # mark down condition of device if len(ddata.get('condition')): note = Note(created_by=user, body=ddata['condition']) note.is_reported = True note.order = order # mark down supplied accessories if len(ddata.get('accessories')): accs = ddata['accessories'].strip().split("\n") order.set_accessories(accs, device) redirect_to = thanks """ if request.user.is_authenticated(): if request.user.autoprint: redirect_to = print_confirmation """ return redirect(redirect_to, order.url_code) try: pk = Configuration.conf('checkin_checklist') questions = ChecklistItem.objects.filter(checklist_id=pk) except ValueError: # Checklists probably not configured pass if request.GET.get('phone'): return find_customer(request, request.GET['phone']) if request.GET.get('sn'): return find_device(request) return render(request, "checkin/newindex.html", locals())
def edit(request, pk=None, order_id=None, parent=None, recipient=None, customer=None): """ Edits a note @FIXME: Should split this up into smaller pieces """ to = [] order = None command = _('Save') note = Note(order_id=order_id) excluded_emails = note.get_excluded_emails() if recipient is not None: to.append(recipient) command = _('Send') if order_id is not None: order = get_object_or_404(Order, pk=order_id) if order.user and (order.user != request.user): note.is_read = False if not in excluded_emails: to.append( if order.customer is not None: customer = order.customer_id if customer is not None: customer = get_object_or_404(Customer, pk=customer) note.customer = customer if order_id is None: to.append( tpl = template.Template(note.subject) note.subject = tpl.render(template.Context({'note': note})) note.recipient = ', '.join(to) note.created_by = request.user note.sender = note.get_default_sender() fields = escalations.CONTEXTS try: note.escalation = Escalation(created_by=request.user) except Exception as e: messages.error(request, e) return redirect(request.META['HTTP_REFERER']) AttachmentFormset = modelformset_factory(Attachment, fields=('content',), can_delete=True, extra=3, exclude=[]) formset = AttachmentFormset(queryset=Attachment.objects.none()) if pk is not None: note = get_object_or_404(Note, pk=pk) formset = AttachmentFormset(queryset=note.attachments.all()) if parent is not None: parent = get_object_or_404(Note, pk=parent) note.parent = parent note.body = parent.quote() if parent.subject: note.subject = _(u'Re: %s') % parent.clean_subject() if parent.sender not in excluded_emails: note.recipient = parent.sender if parent.order: order = parent.order note.order = parent.order note.customer = parent.customer note.escalation = parent.escalation note.is_reported = parent.is_reported title = note.subject form = NoteForm(instance=note) if note.escalation: contexts = json.loads(note.escalation.contexts) escalation_form = EscalationForm(prefix='escalation', instance=note.escalation) if request.method == "POST": escalation_form = EscalationForm(request.POST, prefix='escalation', instance=note.escalation) if escalation_form.is_valid(): note.escalation = form = NoteForm(request.POST, instance=note) if form.is_valid(): note = formset = AttachmentFormset(request.POST, request.FILES) if formset.is_valid(): files = for f in files: f.content_object = note try: except ValueError as e: messages.error(request, e) return redirect(note) note.attachments.add(*files) try: msg = note.send_and_save(request.user) messages.success(request, msg) except ValueError as e: messages.error(request, e) return redirect(note) return render(request, "notes/form.html", locals())