def generate_xml_from_all_seq(self): clear_scene_file_startswith(self.seq_name) SceneGenerate.write_range_num_for_RT(self._cfgFile) self.readParameterFileList() for filename in self.parameter_file_list: tcfgfile = os.path.join(session.get_input_dir(), filename) prifix = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + "_" SceneGenerate.terr_generate(tcfgfile, prifix) SceneGenerate.generate_objects_file(tcfgfile, prifix) SceneGenerate.forest_generate(tcfgfile, prifix) # if len(self.parameter_file_list) > 0: # SceneGenerate.generate_objects_file(self._cfgFile, self.seq_name + "_") # SceneGenerate.forest_generate(self._cfgFile, self.seq_name + "_") # log("INFO: Generating view and illuminations.") # 输出irridiance fi = open( os.path.join(session.get_output_dir(), self.seq_name + "_" + irradiance_file), 'w') sp = SceneParser() for filename in self.parameter_file_list: tcfgfile = os.path.join(session.get_input_dir(), filename) prifix = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + "_" irrstr = sp.parse(tcfgfile, prifix, prifix) fi.write(os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + "\n" + irrstr + "\n") log("INFO: view and illuminations generated.") fi.close()
def parse_seq(self): clear_param_file_startswith(self.seq_name) # write seq info finfo = open( os.path.join(session.get_output_dir(), self.seq_name + BATCH_INFO_FILE), 'w') params = [] f = open(self.seqPath, 'r') seq = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) groupNames = [] for groupName in seq: groupParam = dict() groupNames.append(groupName) for paramName in seq[groupName]: # in each group paramValue = seq[groupName][paramName] if paramValue.startswith(batch_List_name): arr = paramValue.split(":", 1) arr = arr[1].split("/") index = 0 for data in arr: if index not in groupParam: groupParam[index] = dict() groupParam[index][paramName] = data index += 1 # print groupParam params.append(groupParam) # mixture between group indexList = [] for i in range(0, len(params)): groupLen = len(params[i]) indexList.append(range(0, groupLen)) totalIndex = 0 combinations = list(itertools.product(*indexList)) for combination in combinations: if len(combination) > 0: groupIndex = 0 seq_input_file = os.path.join( session.get_input_dir(), self.seq_name + "_" + str(totalIndex) + ".json") finfo.write(self.seq_name + "_" + str(totalIndex) + " ") cfg = self.read_config_file() totalIndex += 1 for paramValueIndex in combination: for paramName in params[groupIndex][paramValueIndex]: paraVal = params[groupIndex][paramValueIndex][ paramName] print("INFO: --", paramName) self.writeKey(cfg, paramName, self.getTypedValue(paramName, paraVal)) finfo.write(paramName + " " + paraVal + " ") groupIndex += 1 # write batch config file self.writeCfgFile(cfg, seq_input_file) finfo.write("\n") finfo.close()
def run_seq(self): currdir = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] os.environ[ 'PATH'] = currdir + '/bin/rt/' + current_rt_program + os.pathsep + os.environ[ 'PATH'] self.readParameterFileList() for filename in self.parameter_file_list: log("INFO: " + filename) tcfgfile = os.path.join(session.get_input_dir(), filename) prifix = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] f = open(tcfgfile, 'r') cfg = json.load(f) excuable = "lessrt" scene_path = session.get_scenefile_path() distFile = os.path.join(session.get_output_dir(), prifix) # parameter = " -o " + distFile scene_file_path = os.path.join(scene_path, prifix + "_" + main_scene_xml_file) # cmd = excuable + " " + os.path.join(scene_path, prifix+"_"+main_scene_xml_file) + parameter # os.system(cmd) cores = cfg["Advanced"]["number_of_cores"] if cfg["Advanced"]["network_sim"]:[ excuable, scene_file_path, "-o", distFile, "-p", str(cores), "-s", os.path.join(session.get_input_dir(), "server.txt") ]) else:[ excuable, scene_file_path, "-o", distFile, "-p", str(cores) ]) # os.system(excuable + " " + scene_file_path + " " + "-o " + distFile + " -p " + str(cores)) time.sleep(0.5) if output_format not in ("npy", "NPY"): if os.path.exists(distFile + ".npy"): self.convert_npy_to_envi(cfg, distFile, output_format) if os.path.exists(distFile + "_downwelling.npy"): self.convert_npy_to_envi(cfg, distFile + "_downwelling", output_format) if os.path.exists(distFile + "_upwelling.npy"): self.convert_npy_to_envi(cfg, distFile + "_upwelling", output_format) if os.path.exists(distFile + "_4Components.npy"): data = np.load(distFile + "_4Components.npy") dshape = data.shape if len(dshape) == 3: if dshape[2] <= 4: data = data[:, :, 0] else: data = data[:, :, 0:5] bandlist = [] RasterHelper.saveToHdr_no_transform( data, distFile + "_4Components", bandlist, output_format) os.remove(distFile + "_4Components.npy")
def read_irr_for_seq(seq_name): irr_map = dict() # [seq_name->[boa_band1, boa_band2,...]] f = open( os.path.join(session.get_output_dir(), seq_name + "_" + irradiance_file)) current_seq = "" for line in f: if line.startswith(seq_name): # current_seq = line.strip() irr_map[current_seq] = [] else: arr = line.replace("\n", "").strip().split(" ") irr = list(map(lambda x: float(x), arr[1:])) if len(irr_map[current_seq]) == 0: irr_map[current_seq] = irr else: irr_map[current_seq] = list( map(lambda x, y: x + y, irr, irr_map[current_seq])) return irr_map
irr_map[current_seq] = irr else: irr_map[current_seq] = list( map(lambda x, y: x + y, irr, irr_map[current_seq])) return irr_map parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-t', '--type', help="Product Type.", type=str) parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help="info filename.", type=str) args = parser.parse_args() # processing thermal products if args.type in ("T", "BT", "thermal"): # read wavelengths ft = open( os.path.join(session.get_output_dir(), wavelength_file_for_thermal)) wavelengths = list(map(lambda x: float(x), ft.readline().split(","))) ft.close() seq_info_files = glob.glob( os.path.join(session.get_output_dir(), "*" + BATCH_INFO_FILE)) for seq_file in seq_info_files: seq_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(seq_file))[0].rsplit( "_", 1)[0] log("INFO: Processing Batch: " + seq_name) f = open(seq_file) fbt = open( os.path.join(session.get_output_dir(), seq_name + "_BT.txt"), 'w') for line in f: arr = line.strip().split() radiance_file = arr[0] # 实际上为当个模拟的名称 radiance_path = os.path.join(session.get_output_dir(),