Example #1
# Makes the index page
# @author Brian Hession
# @email [email protected]

from env import *
import sshttp

    import sessions, sshtml

    loggedin = sessions.session_is_valid()

    DATA = """<p>Simple solution to annoying secret santa target assignments. Ensures no one knows any other person's target.</p>
			<p><h2>Future Plans</h2></p>
				<li>Group administrators</li>
				<li>Group privacy tools</li>
				<li>Restricted target viewing</li>
			<p><h3>Allow Target Assignment Rules</h3></p>
				<li>Household exclusion</li>
				<li>Location exclusions</li>
				<li>Age matching</li>
Example #2
# Makes the index page
# @author Brian Hession
# @email [email protected]

from env import *
import sshttp

    import sessions, sshtml, userstable

    if sessions.session_is_valid():
        DATA = """<h1>Welcome, {}!</h1>
			<p align="center">Your email: {}</p>
			<p align="center"><a href="{}">change name</a> | <a href="{}">change password</a></p>
			<p align="center"><a href="/signout.py"><br/>Sign out</a></p>"""
        ASIDE = """<h2>What is it?</h2>
			<p>Secret santa registration and group planner.</p>
			<h2 style="margin-top: 15px;">How does it work?</h2>
			<p>Create a group now and invite your friends!</p>"""
        MOBILE = '<p align="center"><br/><button><a href="{}">Create Group Now</a></button></p>'.format(

        user = sessions.get_user()
        DATA = DATA.format(
            userstable.USERS_SCHEMA.get(user, 'name'),
            userstable.USERS_SCHEMA.get(user, 'email'),