Example #1
def decAESCBC_keep_padding(ctext, key):
    blocks = make_segments(ctext, 16)
    IV = chr(0) * 16
    cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
    ptext = ''
    for block in blocks:
        ptext += fixedXOR(IV, cipher.decrypt(block))
        IV = block
    return ptext
Example #2
def decAESCBC(ctext, key):
    blocks = make_segments(ctext, 16)
    IV = key
    cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
    ptext = ''
    for block in blocks:
        ptext += fixedXOR(IV, cipher.decrypt(block))
        IV = block
    return check_and_strip_PKCS(ptext)
Example #3
def decrypt_and_validate(ctext):
    blocks = make_segments(ctext, 16)
    IV = fixed_oracle_key
    cipher = AES.new(fixed_oracle_key, AES.MODE_ECB)
    ptext = ''
    for block in blocks:
        ptext += fixedXOR(IV, cipher.decrypt(block))
        IV = block
    return check_and_strip_PKCS(ptext)
Example #4
def encAESCBC(ptext, key):
    Encrypts ptext under key with AES in CBC mode. Rules for input and output are the same as for the pycrypto function used as primitive (i.e., bytestrings).
    cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
    pad_length = 16 - (len(ptext) % 16)
    ptext = PKCS(ptext, pad_length)
    blocks = make_segments(ptext, 16)
    IV = key
    ctext = ''
    for block in blocks:
        output = cipher.encrypt(fixedXOR(IV, block)) # needs to be string or read-only buffer
        ctext += output
        IV = output
    return ctext
Example #5
def CTR_break2(
):  # need to adapt some of the functions from set1 before this will work
    ctexts = loadCT()
    min_length = min([len(ctext) for ctext in ctexts])
    num_blocks = min_length / 16
    decrypt_length = num_blocks * 16
    vigs = []
    for i in xrange(0, decrypt_length, 16):
        vig = [ctext[i:i + 16] for ctext in ctexts]
    ptexts = []
    keys = []
    for vig in vigs:
        key, decrypted = breakVig(vig)
        ptexts.append(make_segments(decrypted, 16))
    ptexts = zip(*ptexts)
    print 'Maximum overlap in samples: ' + str(min_length)
    print 'Decrypt length: ' + str(decrypt_length)
    for i in xrange(len(ptexts)):
        print 'Ciphertext: ' + ctexts[i]
        print 'Plaintext: ' + ptexts[i]
        print '\n'
Example #6
def padding_attack():
    ctext, IV = send_token()
    cblocks = [IV]
    cblocks.extend(make_segments(ctext, 16))
    maul = bytearray('\x00') * 16
    pblocks = []
    for i in xrange(len(cblocks) - 1):
        P = ''
        C = cblocks[i + 1]  # block to be decrypted
        padding_value = 0
        for j in xrange(15, -1, -1):  # break block
            attack_value = 0
            for k in xrange(256):  # scan for valid padding
                maul[j] = k
                sub = ''.join(map(chr, maul)) + C
                if padding_oracle(sub):
                    if j == 15:  # check for edge case: valid padding != \x01
                        subsub = sub[:j -
                                     1] + chr(ord('\xFF')
                                              ^ ord(sub[j - 1])) + sub[j:]
                        if not padding_oracle(subsub):  # in edge case
                    attack_value = k
            else:  # full loop with no match
                raise ValueError('No match found for block %s, byte %s' %
                                 (i + 1, j))
            # if we make it here, a match was found and the padding is as expected
            padding_value += 1
            P = chr(((padding_value) ^ attack_value) ^ ord(cblocks[i][j])) + P
            maul[j] = (padding_value ^ attack_value) ^ (padding_value + 1)
            for t in xrange(j + 1, len(maul)):
                maul[t] ^= (padding_value ^ (padding_value + 1))
    return check_and_strip_PKCS(''.join(pblocks)), decAESCBC(
        ctext, fixed_oracle_key)