Example #1
def chall_two_phase_1(p, g):

    # Alice and Bob generate private keys
    a, b = random.randint(0, p), random.randint(0, p)

    # Alice and Bob sends public messages
    A, B = modexp(g,a,p), modexp(g,b,p)

    print(f"These are public info! \np: \t\t\t{hex(p)} \ng: {g}\nAlice public key: \t{hex(A)}\nBob public key: \t{hex(B)}")

    # Now, generate shared secret S by computing
    # S == A^b == B^a
    S = modexp(A,b,p)
    bytes_S = hex(S)[2:].encode()
    assert S == modexp(B,a,p), "Shared secret miscomputed"

    # 1a) Preparing to send Bob the message

    iv_a = get_random_int(128)
    sha_S = sha1(bytes_S,len(bytes_S)*8)
    print(f"shared secret is: {S}")
    shared_S = sha_S[2:][:32]

    alice_msg = "This is the password. Pass it on!".encode().hex()
    alice_encrypt = cbc_encrypt(alice_msg, shared_S, iv_a) + iv_a
    print(f"Here is my (alice's) encrypted text: \t\t{alice_encrypt}")

    print("\n~~~~~SENDING MESSAGE~~~~~~ PLS NO INTERCEPT ~~~~~")
    print("~~~~~BUT EVEN IF YOU DO THIS IS UNHAXABLE~~~~~~~~\n")

    # 1b) Bob receives the message
    #     Confirming that Bob received the message from Alice correctly
    iv_b = alice_encrypt[-32:]
    alice_ciphertext = alice_encrypt[:-32]
    bob_decrypt = cbc_decrypt(alice_ciphertext, shared_S, iv_b)
    padding = int(bob_decrypt[-1], 16)*2
    bob_decrypt = bob_decrypt[:-padding]

    assert bob_decrypt == alice_msg

    iv_b = get_random_int(128)
    bob_encrypt = cbc_encrypt(bob_decrypt, shared_S, iv_b) + iv_b
    print(f"Thanks! Here is my (bob's) encrypted text: \t{bob_encrypt}")

    # 2) Bob sending message back to Alice

    iv_b = bob_encrypt[-32:]
    bob_ciphertext = bob_encrypt[:-32]
    alice_decrypt = cbc_decrypt(bob_ciphertext, shared_S, iv_b)
    padding = int(alice_decrypt[-1], 16)*2
    alice_decrypt = alice_decrypt[:-padding]

    assert alice_decrypt == alice_msg

    return alice_encrypt, bob_encrypt
Example #2
def honest_server():
    salt = get_random_int(32)
    xH = hashlib.sha256(salt.encode() + creds['pass'].encode())
    x = int(xH.hexdigest(), 16)

    DB.v = modexp(g, x, N)

    # DB server state
    DB.salt = salt
    DB.b = random.randint(0, N)
    DB.serverKey = modexp(g, DB.b, N)
    DB.u = int(get_random_int(128), 16)

    return "OK", 200
Example #3
def phase_one():
    a = random.randint(0, N)
    A = modexp(g, a, N)

    salt, server_pubKey, challenge = send_pubKey(A)

    xH = hashlib.sha256(salt.encode() + creds['pass'].encode())
    x = int(xH.hexdigest(), 16)

    shared_S = modexp(server_pubKey, a + x*challenge, N)
    K = hashlib.sha256(hex(shared_S).encode()).hexdigest()

    hmac = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', K.encode(), salt.encode(), 100000).hex()

    retCode = validate(hmac)

    print(f"-\thmac: {hmac} ret code {retCode}")
Example #4
def check_password():
    DB.b = random.randint(0, N)

    DB.salt = hex(random.randint(0, 2**32))[2:]
    xH = hashlib.sha256(DB.salt.encode() + password.encode()).hexdigest()
    x = int(xH, 16)
    DB.v = modexp(g, x, N)

    if request.method == "POST":
        payload = request.get_json()
        email, A = payload['email'], payload['pubKey']
        serverKey = hex(k * DB.v + modexp(g, DB.b, N))[2:]
        respData = json.dumps({"salt": DB.salt, "serverKey": serverKey})

        DB.uH = hashlib.sha256((hex(A)[2:] + serverKey).encode()).hexdigest()
        DB.u = int(DB.uH, 16)

        DB.S = modexp(A * modexp(DB.v, DB.u, N), DB.b, N)
        DB.K = hashlib.sha256(hex(DB.S)[2:].encode()).hexdigest()

        return respData, 200
Example #5
def chall_six():

    if request.method == "POST":
        payload = request.get_json()
        client_pubKey = payload['pubKey']
        serverKey = DB.serverKey

        respData = json.dumps({
            "salt": DB.salt,
            "serverKey": serverKey,
            "challenge": DB.u

        # ((A * (v ** u)) ** b) % N
        temp_base = client_pubKey * modexp(DB.v, DB.u, N)
        DB.S = hex(modexp(temp_base, DB.b, N))
        DB.K = hashlib.sha256(DB.S.encode()).hexdigest()

        if MitmAttacker.enabled:
            MitmAttacker.A = client_pubKey

        return respData, 200
Example #6
def crack():
    # We know the protocol being run, so we can recompute every step
    # and compare against the MITM information
    # Further, since we're a malicious server, we can just forge a lot of stuff
    # e.g. b, B, u, salt
    # key compute steps are:
    #   - x = SHA256(salt + pass)   // WE KNOW SALT; WILL GUESS PASS
    #   - ((A * (v ** u)) ** b) % N // WE KNOW b and u
    # ((A * (v ** u)) ** b) % N
    with open("/usr/share/dict/xato-net-10-million-passwords-100000.txt",
              "r") as passFile:

        for password in passFile:
            xH = hashlib.sha256(MitmAttacker.salt.encode() +
            x = int(xH.hexdigest(), 16)
            v = modexp(g, x, N)

            temp_base = MitmAttacker.A * modexp(v, MitmAttacker.u, N)
            S = hex(modexp(temp_base, MitmAttacker.b, N))
            K = hashlib.sha256(S.encode()).hexdigest()
            computed_hmac = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', K.encode(),

            captured_hmac = MitmAttacker.hmac

                f"comparing password {password.strip()}: {computed_hmac} against {captured_hmac}"

            if computed_hmac == captured_hmac:
                print(f"HACKED PASSWORD: {password}")

        print("did not find password in dictionary; try again!")
Example #7
def main():
    a = random.randint(0, N)
    A = modexp(g, a, N)
    payload = { 'email': '*****@*****.**',
                'pubKey': A}
    r = requests.post("http://*****:*****@ssw0rd'.encode()).hexdigest()
    x = int(xH, 16)
    S = modexp((int(B, 16) - k*modexp(g,x,N)), a + u*x, N)
    K = hashlib.sha256(hex(S)[2:].encode()).hexdigest()

    hmac_sha2 = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', K.encode(), salt.encode(), 100000).hex()
    r = requests.post("http://localhost:9000/validate", json={'hmac' : hmac_sha2})

    assert r.ok
    print("Server accepted credentials")
Example #8
def rsa_decrypt_int(key, ciphertext, n):
    return modexp(ciphertext, key, n)
Example #9
def rsa_encrypt_int(key, plaintext, n):
    return modexp(plaintext, key, n)
Example #10
def main():
    p = 0xffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f24117c4b1fe649286651ece45b3dc2007cb8a163bf0598da48361c55d39a69163fa8fd24cf5f83655d23dca3ad961c62f356208552bb9ed529077096966d670c354e4abc9804f1746c08ca237327ffffffffffffffff
    g = 2

    # Alice and Bob generate private keys
    a, b = random.randint(0, p), random.randint(0, p)

    # Alice and Bob sends public messages
    A, B = modexp(g,a,p), modexp(g,b,p)

    print(f"These are public info! \np: \t\t\t{hex(p)} \ng: {g}\nAlice public key: \t{hex(A)}\nBob public key: \t{hex(B)}")

    # Now, generate shared secret S by computing
    # S == A^b == B^a
    S = modexp(A,b,p)
    bytes_S = hex(S)[2:].encode()
    assert S == modexp(B,a,p), "Shared secret miscomputed"

    # 1a) Preparing to send Bob the message

    iv_a = get_random_int(128)
    sha_S = sha1(bytes_S,len(bytes_S)*8)
    print(f"shared secret is: {S}")
    shared_S = sha_S[2:][:32]

    alice_msg = "This is the password. Pass it on!".encode().hex()
    alice_encrypt = cbc_encrypt(alice_msg, shared_S, iv_a) + iv_a
    print(f"Here is my (alice's) encrypted text: \t\t{alice_encrypt}")

    print("\n~~~~~SENDING MESSAGE~~~~~~ PLS NO INTERCEPT ~~~~~")
    print("~~~~~BUT EVEN IF YOU DO THIS IS UNHAXABLE~~~~~~~~\n")

    # 1b) Bob receives the message
    #     Confirming that Bob received the message from Alice correctly
    iv_b = alice_encrypt[-32:]
    alice_ciphertext = alice_encrypt[:-32]
    bob_decrypt = cbc_decrypt(alice_ciphertext, shared_S, iv_b)
    padding = int(bob_decrypt[-1], 16)*2
    bob_decrypt = bob_decrypt[:-padding]

    assert bob_decrypt == alice_msg

    iv_b = get_random_int(128)
    bob_encrypt = cbc_encrypt(bob_decrypt, shared_S, iv_b) + iv_b
    print(f"Thanks! Here is my (bob's) encrypted text: \t{bob_encrypt}")

    # 2) Bob sending message back to Alice

    iv_b = bob_encrypt[-32:]
    bob_ciphertext = bob_encrypt[:-32]
    alice_decrypt = cbc_decrypt(bob_ciphertext, shared_S, iv_b)
    padding = int(alice_decrypt[-1], 16)*2
    alice_decrypt = alice_decrypt[:-padding]

    assert alice_decrypt == alice_msg

    PHASE 2
    print(" PHASE 2 ")

    # if A == B == p, keys are just 0 since p^k mod p == 0

    A, B = modexp(g,a,p), modexp(g,b,p)

    M_A, M_B = p, p

    S = modexp(M_A,b,p)
    bytes_S = hex(S)[2:].encode()
    print(f"shared secret is: {S}")
    assert S == modexp(M_B,a,p)

    sha_S = sha1(bytes_S,len(bytes_S)*8)
    print(f"shared secret is: {S}")
    shared_S = sha_S[2:][:32]
