Example #1
def challenge_46():
    # Get message, create RSA keypair, generate ciphertext
    message = base64.b64decode('VGhhdCdzIHdoeSBJIGZvdW5kIHlvdSBkb24ndCBwbGF5IGFyb3VuZCB3aXRoIHRoZSBGdW5reSBDb2xkIE1lZGluYQ==')
    pub, priv = set5.set_up_rsa(e=3, keysize=1024)
    ciphertext = set5.encrypt_rsa(set5.bytes_to_int(message), pub)
    # Set up our Oracle
    oracle = lambda x: rsa_oracle_plaintext_even(x, priv)
    # Verify the keypair works
    assert set5.int_to_bytes(set5.encrypt_rsa(ciphertext, priv)) == message
    # Set initial lower and upper bound, as well as intermediate ciphertext
    lower_bound, upper_bound = 0, pub[1]
    ciphertext_ = ciphertext

    # Perform the below until the lower and upper bound converge
    while upper_bound != lower_bound:
        # Multiply plaintext by multiplying ciphertext by 2**`e` mod `N`
        ciphertext_ = (ciphertext_ * set5.modexp(2, pub[0], pub[1])) % pub[1]
        # If the oracle says True, update the upper bound; if False, update the lower bound
        if oracle(ciphertext_):
            upper_bound = floor(upper_bound + lower_bound, 2)
            lower_bound = floor(upper_bound + lower_bound, 2)
        # Create 'Holywood style' output
        intermediate_result = str(set5.int_to_bytes(upper_bound))[:os.get_terminal_size().columns - 1]
        fill = " " * (os.get_terminal_size().columns - 1 - len(intermediate_result))
        print(colorama.Cursor.UP(1) + intermediate_result + fill)

    # Print final outputs
    print(colorama.Cursor.UP(1) + "Result:   {}".format(set5.int_to_bytes(upper_bound)))
    print("Original: {}".format(message))
Example #2
def challenge_48():
    # Set up new RSA instance, this time with bigger key length
    pub, priv = set5.set_up_rsa(e=3, keysize=768)
    # Prepare message
    message = pad_PKCS(b'I don\'t know, Marge. Trying is the first step towards failure - Homer Simpson', k=(pub[1].bit_length() + 7) // 8)
    # Get ciphertext using generated RSA instance
    ciphertext = set5.encrypt_rsa(set5.bytes_to_int(message), pub)
    # Set up our Oracle
    oracle = lambda x: rsa_oracle_02(x, priv)
    assert oracle(ciphertext)

    # Perform the actual attack: set up bleichenbacher98 instance
    bb98 = bleichenbacher98(ciphertext, pub, oracle)
    # Run the attack
    found_message = bb98.solve()
    print("Found message:", found_message)

    # Verify the found message equals our original plaintext
    assert_true(found_message == message)
Example #3
def challenge_47():
    # Set up new RSA instance
    pub, priv = set5.set_up_rsa(e=3, keysize=256)
    # Prepare message
    message = pad_PKCS(b'kick it, CC', k=(pub[1].bit_length() + 7) // 8)
    # Get ciphertext using generated RSA instance
    ciphertext = set5.encrypt_rsa(set5.bytes_to_int(message), pub)
    # Set up our Oracle
    oracle = lambda x: rsa_oracle_02(x, priv)
    assert oracle(ciphertext)

    # Perform the actual attack: set up bleichenbacher98 instance
    bb98 = bleichenbacher98(ciphertext, pub, oracle)
    # Run the attack
    found_message = bb98.solve()
    print("Found message:", found_message)

    # Verify the found message equals our original plaintext
    assert_true(found_message == message)
Example #4
 def __init__(self):
     # Generate public, private key pair
     self.public, self.__private__ = set5.set_up_rsa(e=3, keysize=1024)