Example #1
    def __init__(self, y: float):

        super().__init__(samplespace=R((0, inf)))

        assert y > 0, Exception

        self.y = y
Example #2
def rvsvar(self, P: float, n: int = None, p: float = None) -> 'Binomial':
    # Almost one parameter need to be specified
    assert (n is not None or p is not None) and P in R((0, 1)), Exception
    # Given Var(X) and n, return Binomial with parameter p
    if p is None: return Binomial(n, (1 + (1 - (4 * (P / n)))**0.5) / 2)
    # Given Var(X) and p, return Binomial with parameter n
    return Binomial(P / (p * (1 - p)), p)
Example #3
def rvsev(self, P: float, n: int = None, p: float = None) -> 'Binomial':
    # Almost one parameter need to be defined
    assert (n is not None or p is not None) and P in R((0, 1)), Exception
    # Given E(X) and n, return new Binomial with parameter p
    if p is None: return Binomial(n, P / n)
    # Given E(X) and p, return new Binomial with parameter n
    return Binomial(P / p, p)
Example #4
def rvspmf(self, x: int, n: int, P: float) -> 'Binomial':
    # Verify integrity of parameters
    assert x in N([0, ..., inf]) and n in N([0, ..., inf]) and P in R((0, 1))
    # The equation to which to apply the zero theorem
    f = lambda c: (comb(n, x) * c**x * (1 - c)**(n - x)) - P
    # Given pmf(x) = P, return Binomial with parameter n and p
    return Binomial(n, R.bfzero(f, (0, 1)))
Example #5
    def __init__(self, p):
        # Call super class with a list of possible specifications (infinite, numerative specifications)

        assert p in R([0,1]), Exception
        # Probability parameter p of success of bernoulli event
        self.p = p
Example #6
    def __init__(self, mu, sigma):

        super().__init__(samplespace=R((-inf, inf)))
        # Mean
        self.mu = mu
        # teta ∈ R+
        assert sigma >= 0, Exception()
        # Standard deviation
        self.sigma = sigma
Example #7
 def __init__(self, n: int = 0, p: float = 0):
     # Call super class with list of specifications
     super().__init__(samplespace=N([0, ..., n]))
     # p need to be in (0,1) and n must be natural value
     assert p in R([0, 1]) and n in N()
     # Probability parameter p of success of bernoulli event
     self.p = p
     # Number of independents events
     self.n = n
Example #8
def quantile(data, q):
    assert data is not None and q in R((0,1)), Exception

    # Riordino l'array
    data = sorted(data)

    s,e = (ceil(len(data)*q), len(data) - floor(len(data)*(1-q)))

    # Interpolazione
    return (lambda s,e: (s*q + e*(1-q)))(*data[s-1: e+1])
Example #9
 def __init__(self, a, b):
     super().__init__(samplespace=R((a, b)))
Example #10
def rvsdevstd(P: float) -> 'Bernoulli':
    # Verify integrity of value d passed
    assert P in R((0, 1)), Exception
    # p = (1 + (1 - (4*var)**0.5)) / 2)) ** 0.5
    return Bernoulli(rvsvar(P**2))
Example #11
def rvsvar(P):
    # Variance need to be in (0,1)
    assert P in R((0, 1)), Exception
    # p = 1 + (1 - (4*var)**0.5)) / 2)
    return Bernoulli((1 + (1 - (4 * P))**0.5) / 2)
Example #12
def rvsev(P):
    # Excpected value need to be in (0,1)
    assert P in R((0, 1)), Exception
    # p = ev
    return Bernoulli(P)
Example #13
def rvspmf(x: int, P: float):
    # Verify integrity of parameters
    assert x in N([0, ..., inf]) and P in R((0, 1))
    # p =
    return Bernoulli(P if x == 0 else 1 - P)
Example #14
def rvsdevstd(self, P: float):
    # Verify integrity of value d passed
    assert P in R((0, 1)), Exception
    # Given DevStd(X), return new Binomial with parameter p or n
    return self.fvar(P**2)