def post(self): proxies = self.get_argument('proxies').split('\n') proxies = [ proxy.strip() for proxy in list(set(proxies)) if proxy.strip() ] setting.set('worker.proxies', proxies, 'json') return self.get('需要重启工作进程或者程序才能使设置生效')
def do_ap(): import network import ubinascii import setting try: ap_if = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) mac = ubinascii.hexlify(network.WLAN().config('mac'), ':').decode() mac = mac[9:100] mac = mac.upper() ap_if.config(essid='ESP_' + mac, authmode=0) setting.set('opsmode', 'SoftAP') except: print('ERROR AP WIFI')
def update(): import ujson import setting import network try: FWnumber_me = setting.get('FWnumber') FWnumber_new = setting.get('FWnumberNew') print('FW me: ', FWnumber_me) print('FW new: ', FWnumber_new) if FWnumber_me != FWnumber_new: import wget import wifi import os FWurl = setting.get('FWurl') print('Download new FW: ', FWurl) if wifi.wait_sta(15): print('Start Update: ', FWurl) encoded = wget.get(FWurl).decode() path_spl = FWurl.split('/') protokoll = path_spl.pop(0) path_spl.pop(0) server = path_spl.pop(0) file = path_spl.pop() path = '/'.join(path_spl) dict = ujson.loads(encoded) file_list = dict['INSTALL'] for file in file_list: print('Update File : ' + protokoll + '//' + server + '/' + path + '/' + file + ' >>> ' + file + '.tmp') a = wget.get_file( protokoll + '//' + server + '/' + path + '/' + file, file + '.tmp') fileSize = os.stat(file + '.tmp') if fileSize[6] > 0: os.rename(file + '.tmp', file) print('Renamed file ' + file + '.tmp', file) else: print('Error updating file : ', file) return setting.set('FWnumber', FWnumber_new) setting.set('FWversion', '{:04.2f}'.format(FWnumber_new / 100)) except: print('ERROR in RepUpdate.update')
def do_sta(): import network import time import setting try: ssid = setting.get('ssid') password = setting.get('password') usedhcp = setting.get('usedhcp') ip = setting.get('ip') netmask = setting.get('netmask') gateway = setting.get('gateway') dnsserver = setting.get('dnsserver') sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if usedhcp == 'no': sta_if.ifconfig((ip, netmask, gateway, dnsserver)) sta_if.connect(ssid, password) setting.set('opsmode', 'client') except: print('ERROR STA WIFI')
def new(VBat): import setting import ubinascii import network try: keypresses = setting.get('keypresses') + 1 hwid = ubinascii.hexlify(network.WLAN().config('mac'), ':').decode().upper() setting.set('keypresses', keypresses) setting.set('hwid', hwid) setting.set('VBat', VBat) setting.set('RSSI', network.WLAN().status('rssi')) except: print('ERROR in')
def is_sta(): import network import setting sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if sta_if.isconnected(): try: print(sta_if.ifconfig()) setting.set('ip', sta_if.ifconfig()[0]) setting.set('netmask', sta_if.ifconfig()[1]) setting.set('gateway', sta_if.ifconfig()[2]) setting.set('dnsserver', sta_if.ifconfig()[3]) except: print('ERROR in is_sta') return (sta_if.isconnected())
def post(self): requests_per_minute = self.get_argument('requests-per-minute') setting.set('worker.requests-per-minute', requests_per_minute, int) local_object_duration_days = int( self.get_argument('local-object-duration')) local_object_duration = local_object_duration_days * 60 * 60 * 24 setting.set('worker.local-object-duration', local_object_duration, int) broadcast_active_duration_days = int( self.get_argument('broadcast-active-duration')) broadcast_active_duration = broadcast_active_duration_days * 60 * 60 * 24 setting.set('worker.broadcast-active-duration', broadcast_active_duration, int) broadcast_incremental_backup = int( self.get_argument('broadcast-incremental-backup')) setting.set('worker.broadcast-incremental-backup', broadcast_incremental_backup, bool) image_local_cache = int(self.get_argument('image-local-cache')) setting.set('worker.image-local-cache', image_local_cache, bool) return self.get('需要重启工作进程或者程序才能使设置生效')
async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error): if isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): log = "".join( traceback.format_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__)) for page in pagify(log): asdf = f'```py\n{log}\n```' embed = discord.Embed( title=f'{ctx.command.qualified_name} 명령어에 에러가 발생하였습니다!', await ctx.send('에러 내용을 봇 관리진에게 보냈습니다! 빠른 시일내에 고치도록 하겠습니다!') await ).send(embed=embed, content=asdf) elif isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure): return await ctx.send(f'{}, 관리진 명령어를 사용하지 마세욧!') elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): pass
import random import time from urllib.request import urlopen, Request import urllib import bs4 from urllib.request import Request import openpyxl import re import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import datetime import os import sys import json from selenium import webdriver set = setting.set() app = discord.Client() times = int(time.time()) maker = "480568196286644224" @app.event async def on_ready(): print("login") print( print( print("------------------")
def handleInterrupt(timer): global interruptCounter global save_flag interruptCounter = interruptCounter + 1 if interruptCounter == 1: timeserver = setting.get('timeserver') if timeserver == '': setting.set('timeserver', '') webrepl.stop() if interruptCounter <= 5: print('<= 5 sec') if < 200: timer.deinit() wifi.do_nothing() wifi.do_sta() print('Push Message') led_blink(10, 200, 0) if wifi.wait_sta(15): try: import GenSasToken import AzurePublish import ubinascii import network mac = ubinascii.hexlify(network.WLAN().config('mac'),':').decode().upper() UserJson = setting.get('userjson') UserJson = UserJson.strip('\n') UserJson = UserJson.strip('\r') UserJson = UserJson.strip('\n') UserJson = UserJson.strip(' ') UserJson = UserJson.lstrip('{') UserJson = UserJson.rstrip('}') UserJson = UserJson.strip(' ') msg = '{"UniqueID": "' + mac + '"' if UserJson != '': msg += ',' + UserJson msg += '}' gc.collect() token = gc.collect() encoded =, token) except: encoded = 'ERROR' else: encoded = 'ERROR' if encoded != 'ERROR': try: dict = ujson.loads(encoded) dict = dict["desired"] setting.set('FWnumberNew', dict["FWnumber"]) setting.set('FWurl', dict["FWurl"]) except: print('ERROR TWIN MSG') led_blink(1, 1023, 0) else: print('ERROR Azure TX') led_blink(1, 0, 1023) time.sleep(2) led_blink(1, 0, 0) RepUpdate.update() shutdown(save_flag) if interruptCounter == 5: print('5 sec') led_blink(1, 200, 200) if interruptCounter == 10: print('10 sec') if < 200: print('WEB AP ...') timer.deinit() wifi.do_nothing() wifi.do_ap() led_blink(1, 0, 200) time.sleep(2) try: import webserver webserver.start() except: print('WEB Server Crash') led_blink(1, 0, 0) shutdown() else: led_blink(3, 200, 200) if interruptCounter == 15: print('15 sec') if < 200: print('WEB STA ...') timer.deinit() wifi.do_nothing() wifi.do_sta() led_blink(3, 0, 200) if wifi.wait_sta(15): try: import webserver webserver.start() except: print('WEB Server Crash') led_blink(1, 0, 0) shutdown() else: led_blink(10, 0, 511) print('Repair Time 120 sec') wifi.do_nothing() wifi.do_ap() wifi.do_sta() wifi.wait_sta(15) webrepl.start() if interruptCounter == 120: timer.deinit() print('120 sec') shutdown(False)
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests, json, re, setting historyPath, BunpouPath = setting.set(0) with open(historyPath, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) i = len(data) while True: html = requests.get('{}'.format(i)) soup = BeautifulSoup(html.text, 'html.parser') title ='#content > div.header > h1') title = title[0] title = re.split('[<>]', str(title)) print(i, title[2]) url = '{}.txt.utf-8'.format(str(i)) with open(historyPath, 'r') as f: _d = json.load(f) jsonData = {} jsonData = _d if title[2] not in jsonData: jsonData[title[2]] = {"status": False, "url": url} with open(historyPath, 'w') as f: json.dump(jsonData, f, indent=4) i += 1
async def owner(ctx): if == int(setting.set().owner): return True