Example #1
def onQQMessage(bot, contact, member, content):
    if contact.ctype == 'group' and contact.nick == groupid:
        if content == 'wds' or content == '集资' or content == 'jz' or content == '打卡' or content == 'dk':
            jz = ''
            jz = jz + setting.wds_name() + '\n' + setting.wds_url()
            bot.SendTo(contact, str(jz))
        elif content == 'wds20' or content == 'jz20' or content == 'rank' or content == '聚聚榜' or content == 'jzb' or content == '集资榜':
            bot.SendTo(contact, modian.rank(1))
        elif content == 'dkb' or content == '打卡榜' or content == 'dk20' or content == 'dakabang':
            bot.SendTo(contact, modian.rank(2))
        elif content == "独占":
            duzhan = "独占请集资" + '\n' + setting.wds_name() + '\n' + setting.wds_url()
            bot.SendTo(contact, duzhan)
        # elif content == "想39":
        #     xiang39 = "补档请看" + '\n' + "http://t.cn/RCbRLjZ"
        #     bot.SendTo(contact, xiang39)
        # elif content == "剁椒鱼头":
        #     duojiaoyutou = "我们都爱剁椒鱼头"
        #     bot.SendTo(contact, duojiaoyutou)
        elif content == "欢迎新人":
            welcome = setting.welcome()
            bot.SendTo(contact, welcome)
        elif content == "help":
            help = '''废物机器人口令帮助:\n“集资”或“打卡”:返回集资地址"\n“集资榜”或“jzb”:返回集资金额榜单\n“打卡榜”或“dkb”:返回打卡天数榜单\n'''
            bot.SendTo(contact, help)
Example #2
def task(bot):
    global firstcheck
    new_member = []
    # g is list
    g = bot.List('group', groupid)
    if firstcheck is True:
        firstcheck = False
    if g is None:
        WARN('向 QQ 服务器请求联系人列表和资料失败')
    elif not g:
        INFO('该联系人列表内没有和 cinfo 匹配的联系人')
    elif g:
        # group_* is object
        ml_old = copy.copy(bot.List(g[0]))
        # update group_member list
        if bot.Update(g[0]):
            ml_latest = copy.copy(bot.List(g[0]))
            if len(ml_latest) > len(ml_old):
                for mb in map(str, ml_latest):
                    if mb not in map(str, ml_old):
                for group in g:
                    msg = '欢迎'
                    if (len(ml_latest) - len(ml_old)) < len(new_member):
                        msg += str(len(ml_latest) - len(ml_old)) + '位新聚聚加入本群'
                        for vl in new_member:
                            msg += '新' + str(vl)
                        msg += '加入本群'
                    bot.SendTo(group, msg)
                    bot.SendTo(group, setting.welcome())
                    new_member = []
Example #3
def task(bot):
    global firstcheck
    new_member = []
    # g is list
    g = bot.List('group', groupid)
    if firstcheck is True:
        firstcheck = False
    if g is None:
        WARN('向 QQ 服务器请求联系人列表和资料失败')
    elif not g:
        INFO('该联系人列表内没有和 cinfo 匹配的联系人')
    elif g:
        # group_* is object
        ml_old = copy.copy(bot.List(g[0]))
        # update group_member list
        if bot.Update(g[0]):
            ml_latest = copy.copy(bot.List(g[0]))
            if len(ml_latest) > len(ml_old):
                for mb in map(str, ml_latest):
                    if mb not in map(str, ml_old):
                for group in g:
                    msg = '欢迎'
                    if (len(ml_latest) - len(ml_old)) < len(new_member):
                        msg += str(len(ml_latest) - len(ml_old)) + '位新聚聚加入本群'
                        for vl in new_member:
                            msg += '新' + str(vl)
                        msg += '加入本群'
                    bot.SendTo(group, msg)
                    bot.SendTo(group, setting.welcome())
                    new_member = []
Example #4
def handle_group_increase(context):
    if context['group_id'] == setting.groupid()[0]:
        welcome = [{'type': 'text', 'data': {'text': '欢迎新聚聚:'}},
        {'type': 'at', 'data': {'qq': str(context['user_id'])}},
        {'type': 'text', 'data': {'text': ' 加入本群\n\n%s' % setting.welcome()}}
        bot.send(context, message=welcome, is_raw=True)  # 发送欢迎新人
Example #5
def handle_msg(context):
    if context['group_id'] == setting.groupid(
    ) and context['user_id'] != context['self_id']:
        if setting.shutup():
            for word in setting.shutup():
                if word in context['message']:
                                      duration=30 * 60)
        if context['message'] == '集资' or context['message'] == 'jz' or context[
                'message'] == '打卡' or context['message'] == 'dk':
            jz = ''
            jz += setting.wds_name() + '\n' + setting.wds_url()
            bot.send(context, jz)
        elif context['message'] == 'wds20' or context[
                'message'] == 'jz20' or context['message'] == 'rank' or context[
                    'message'] == '聚聚榜' or context[
                        'message'] == 'jzb' or context['message'] == '集资榜':
            bot.send(context, modian.rank(1))
        elif context['message'] == 'dkb' or context[
                'message'] == '打卡榜' or context['message'] == 'dk20' or context[
                    'message'] == 'dakabang':
            bot.send(context, modian.rank(2))
        elif "独占" in context['message']:
            duzhan = "独占请集资" + '\n' + setting.wds_name(
            ) + '\n' + setting.wds_url()
            bot.send(context, duzhan)
        elif context['message'] == '欢迎新人':
            bot.send(context, setting.welcome())
        elif context['message'] == '项目进度' or context['message'] == '进度':
            jd = modian.result(setting.pro_id()) + '\n' + setting.wds_url()
            bot.send(context, jd)
Example #6
def handle_msg(context):
    if context['group_id'] == setting.groupid(
    ) and context['user_id'] != context['self_id']:
        # 关键词禁言
        if setting.shutup():
            for word in setting.shutup():
                if word in context['message']:
                                      duration=30 * 60)
        # 关键词回复
        if context['message'] == '集资' or context['message'] == 'jz' or context[
                'message'] == '打卡' or context['message'] == 'dk':
            jz = ''
            jz_array = modian.md_init(setting.pro_id())
            for jz_dict in jz_array:
                jz += jz_dict['name'] + '\n' + jz_dict['url_short'] + '\n'
            bot.send(context, jz)
        elif context['message'] == 'wds20' or context[
                'message'] == 'jz20' or context['message'] == 'rank' or context[
                    'message'] == '聚聚榜' or context[
                        'message'] == 'jzb' or context['message'] == '集资榜':
            rank1_array = modian.rank(1)
            for rank1_msg in rank1_array:
                bot.send(context, rank1_msg)
        elif context['message'] == 'dkb' or context[
                'message'] == '打卡榜' or context['message'] == 'dk20' or context[
                    'message'] == 'dakabang':
            rank2_array = modian.rank(2)
            for rank2_msg in rank2_array:
                bot.send(context, rank2_msg)
        elif "独占" in context['message']:
            dz = ''
            dz_array = modian.md_init(setting.pro_id())
            for dz_dict in dz_array:
                dz += dz_dict['name'] + '\n' + dz_dict['url_short'] + '\n'
            duzhan = "独占请集资" + '\n' + dz
            bot.send(context, duzhan)
        elif context['message'] == '欢迎新人':
            bot.send(context, setting.welcome())
        elif context['message'] == '项目进度' or context['message'] == '进度':
            jd_array = modian.result(setting.pro_id())
            jd = ''
            for jd_msg in jd_array:
                jd += jd_msg + '\n'
            bot.send(context, jd)
Example #7
def handle_group_increase(context):
    if context['group_id'] == setting.groupid():
        # ret = bot.get_stranger_info(user_id=context['user_id'], no_cache=False)
        # welcome = '欢迎新聚聚:@' + ret['nickname'] + ' 加入本群\n\n' + setting.welcome()
        welcome = [{
            'type': 'text',
            'data': {
                'text': '欢迎新聚聚:'
        }, {
            'type': 'at',
            'data': {
                'qq': str(context['user_id'])
        }, {
            'type': 'text',
            'data': {
                'text': '加入本群\n\n%s' % setting.welcome()
        bot.send(context, message=welcome, is_raw=True)  # 发送欢迎新人
Example #8
def handle_group_increase(context):
    ret = bot.get_stranger_info(user_id=context['user_id'], no_cache=False)
    welcome = '欢迎新聚聚:@' + ret['nickname'] + ' 加入本群\n' + setting.welcome()
    bot.send(context, message=welcome, is_raw=True)  # 发送欢迎新人