Example #1
def get_user_times(discord_id: str, df_map: str, physics: str = 'all'):
    Retrieves a discord user's times from the local mdd database store.
    :param discord_id: discord ID of the user who called the command.
    :param df_map: the name of the map for which the user is requesting their times.
    :param physics: if provided, the physics for which the user is requesting their times.
    :return: a tabulated result of times filtered by the user's inputs.

    with db.connect() as conn:
        # Read
        select_statement = "select player_pos, total_times, time, physics, timestamp " \
                           "from mdd_records_ranked mdd join discord_ids discord " \
                           "on mdd.player_id=discord.mdd_id " \
                           "where discord_id = %s " \
                           "and map_name=%s " + ("and physics=%s" if physics != "all" else '')
        replace_vars = (discord_id, df_map,
                        physics) if physics != 'all' else (discord_id, df_map)
        result_set = conn.execute(select_statement, replace_vars)
        rows = list()
        for r in result_set:  # for each time returned (can be multiple if the user did not specify physics)
            rank = f"{r.player_pos}/{r.total_times}"  # formats the user's position as <place>/<total times>
            time = r.time
            physics = r.physics
            date = r.timestamp.strftime(
            )  # omits the hr:min:sec portion of the date for brevity
            rows.append([rank, time, physics, date])
        if len(rows) > 0:
            return f"```{tabulate(rows, headers=['Rank', 'Time', 'Physics', 'Date'])}```"  # tabulates the list of rows
            return f"You have no such time(s) on this map"
Example #2
def get_overall_user_stats(discord_id: str = None, mdd_id: int = None):
    Retrieves an user's mdd statistics across all physics.
    :param discord_id: The calling user's discord id, used when calling !mystats
    :param mdd_id: The desired user's mdd id, used when calling !userstats (not necessarily the calling user's id)
    :return: A dictionary of statistical data to be processed into an embed.
    # Depending on whether the user is user !mystats or !userstats, the FROM and WHERE clauses will differ.
    if discord_id is not None:
        # if using !mystats, the calling user must have an entry in the discord_ids table, hence the join.
        from_where = "FROM mdd_player_stats m JOIN discord_ids d ON m.player_id=d.mdd_id WHERE discord_id=%s"
        replace_vars = (discord_id, )
        from_where = "FROM mdd_player_stats WHERE player_id=%s"
        replace_vars = (mdd_id, )

    with db.connect() as conn:
        # Read
        select_statement = f"SELECT \
                            country \
                            ,player_id \
                            ,player_name \
                            ,SUM(total_times) as total_times \
                            ,SUM(total_time_seconds) as total_time_logged \
                            ,SUM(total_world_recs) as total_world_records \
                            ,SUM(total_top3_recs) as total_top_3_times \
                            ,SUM(total_top10_recs) as total_top_10_times \
                            {from_where} \
                            GROUP BY country, player_id, player_name"

        result_set = conn.execute(select_statement, replace_vars)
        if result_set.rowcount == 1:
            for row in result_set:
                stats_dict = dict(row)
                # total seconds to human-readable
                total_time = stats_dict['total_time_logged']
                days, hours, minutes, secs = process_total_seconds_to_readable(
                    'total_time_logged'] = f"{days} days, {hours} hours, {minutes} minutes, and {secs} seconds"

                # percentage calculations. I.e. what percentage of your times are world records, top3, and top 10.
                total_times, top1, top3, top10 = [
                    stats_dict[datum] for datum in [
                        'total_times', 'total_world_records',
                        'total_top_3_times', 'total_top_10_times'
                    'total_world_records'] = f"{top1} ({round(top1/total_times * 100, 2)}%)"
                    'total_top_3_times'] = f"{top3} ({round(top3 / total_times * 100, 2)}%)"
                    'total_top_10_times'] = f"{top10} ({round(top10 / total_times * 100, 2)}%)"
            return stats_dict
        raise Exception(
            "No statistics found. Use !myid to check or set your mdd id.")
Example #3
def set_id(discord_id, mdd_id):
    if validate_mdd_id(mdd_id):
        with db.connect() as conn:
            select_statement = f"INSERT INTO discord_ids (discord_id, mdd_id) " \
                               f"VALUES (%s, %s) " \
                               f"ON CONFLICT (discord_id) DO UPDATE " \
                               f"SET discord_id = excluded.discord_id, mdd_id = excluded.mdd_id;"
            replace_vars = (discord_id, mdd_id)
            conn.execute(select_statement, replace_vars)
            return None
        return f"No profile with id {mdd_id} exists in the mdd rankings."
Example #4
def get_id(discord_user):
    discord_id = str(discord_user.id)
    with db.connect() as conn:
        select_statement = f"SELECT mdd_id FROM discord_ids WHERE discord_id=%s"
        replace_vars = (discord_id, )
        result_set = conn.execute(select_statement, replace_vars)
        if result_set.rowcount == 1:
            for row in result_set:
                return f"{discord_user.display_name}, your mdd id is set to {row.mdd_id}." \
                       f" To set your mdd id, use !myid <mdd_id>"
            return f"{discord_user.display_name}, you do not have an mdd id tied to your account." \
                   f" To set your mdd id, use !myid <mdd_id>"
Example #5
def get_random_map(modes=[]):
    Fetches a random map corresponding with mode filters if provided
    :param modes: Descriptive filters to narrow down the search, i.e strafe for strafe-only, etc.
    :return: Map data dictionary corresponding to the resulting map

    with db.connect() as conn:
        QUERY_PARAMS = []

        if "slick" in modes:
            QUERY_PARAMS.append("func_slick_flg = B'1'")
        if "weapon" in modes:
            QUERY_PARAMS.append("(weap_gl_flg = B'1' OR weap_rl_flg = B'1' OR weap_pg_flg = B'1' OR weap_bf_flg = B'1')")
        if "strafe" in modes:
            QUERY_PARAMS.append("(weap_gl_flg = B'0' AND weap_rl_flg = B'0' AND weap_pg_flg = B'0' AND weap_bf_flg = B'0')")
        if "long" in modes:
            # TODO: How to make sure that all physics are long?
            QUERY_PARAMS.append("map_nm IN (SELECT DISTINCT map_name FROM mdd_records_ranked WHERE player_pos = 1 AND time_seconds > 150.0 AND physics = 'cpm-run')")
        if "deluxe" in modes:
            # Blacklist
            # Friendly reminder that all % wildcards must be doubled
            # to avoid python tomfoolery
            blacklist = [

            blacklist_s = " AND ".join(f"map_nm NOT LIKE '{x}'" for x in blacklist)

            # 50 Records (caveat: total_times is per physics, so maybe a lower value of 35-40 is better here for CPM only)
            num_records_s = "map_nm IN (SELECT DISTINCT map_name FROM mdd_records_ranked WHERE total_times > 40)"

            # Minimum time of 10 seconds
            min_time_s = "map_nm NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT map_name FROM mdd_records_ranked WHERE player_pos = 1 AND time_seconds < 10.0)"

            # TODO Maybe use INTERSECT for these


        if len(QUERY_PARAMS) > 0:
            QUERY_WHERE = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(QUERY_PARAMS)

            select_statement = "SELECT map_nm, author, map_desc, rel_dt, phys_cd_str, func_cd_str, weap_cd_str, " \
                               "item_cd_str, func_cd_str " \
                               "FROM ws_maps " \
                               + QUERY_WHERE

            result_set = conn.execute(select_statement)
            result_rows = result_set.fetchall()

            offset = randint(0, len(result_rows) - 1)
            r = result_rows[offset]

            num_maps = 9251
            offset = randint(1, num_maps)

            # Read
            select_statement = "SELECT map_nm, author, map_desc, rel_dt, phys_cd_str, func_cd_str, weap_cd_str, " \
                               "item_cd_str, func_cd_str " \
                               "FROM ws_maps " \
                               f"LIMIT 1 OFFSET {offset}"
            result_set = conn.execute(select_statement)
            r = result_set.first()

        map_name = r.map_nm
        url = f"http://ws.q3df.org/map/{map_name}/"
        map_data = dict()
        map_data['name'] = map_name
        map_data['levelshot_url'] = f"https://ws.q3df.org/images/levelshots/512x384/{map_name}.jpg?fallback=1"
        map_data['url'] = url
        fields = dict()
        fields['Author'] = r.author
        fields['Description'] = r.map_desc
        fields['Release Date'] = str(r.rel_dt)
        fields['Physics'] = r.phys_cd_str
        opt_fields = {"Weapons": r.weap_cd_str, "Items": r.item_cd_str, "Functions": r.func_cd_str}
        opt_fields = {key: val for key, val in opt_fields.items() if val != None}  # remove None
        fields['optional'] = opt_fields
        map_data['fields'] = fields
        map_data = {key: val for key, val in map_data.items() if val != None}  # remove None
        return map_data
Example #6
def validate_mdd_id(mdd_id):
    with db.connect() as conn:
        select_statement = "SELECT count(1) > 0 FROM mdd_player_stats WHERE player_id = %s"
        replace_vars = (mdd_id)
        result = conn.execute(select_statement, replace_vars)
        return result.first()[0]
Example #7
def get_physics_user_stats(physics_string: str,
                           discord_id: str = None,
                           mdd_id: int = None):
    Retrieves an user's mdd statistics for a particular physics
    :param physics_string: The physics for which the statistics are being requested
    :param discord_id: The calling user's discord id. Used when calling !mystats <physics>
    :param mdd_id: The requested user's mdd_id. Used when calling !userstats <physics>
    :return: A dictionary of statistical data to be processed into an embed.

    # Supported physics dict. The keys are available physics arguments in discord, the values are the corresponding
    # physics string representations in the database.
    supported_physics = {
        'vq3': 'vq3-run',
        'vq3.1': 'vq3-ctf1',
        'vq3.2': 'vq3-ctf2',
        'vq3.3': 'vq3-ctf3',
        'vq3.4': 'vq3-ctf4',
        'vq3.5': 'vq3-ctf5',
        'vq3.6': 'vq3-ctf6',
        'vq3.7': 'vq3-ctf7',
        'cpm': 'cpm-run',
        'cpm.1': 'cpm-ctf1',
        'cpm.2': 'cpm-ctf2',
        'cpm.3': 'cpm-ctf3',
        'cpm.4': 'cpm-ctf4',
        'cpm.5': 'cpm-ctf5',
        'cpm.6': 'cpm-ctf6',
        'cpm.7': 'cpm-ctf7',
    if physics_string in supported_physics:
        physics = supported_physics[physics_string]
        raise Exception("Invalid physics.")

    with db.connect() as conn:
        # FROM and WHERE clauses depend on usage of discord id or mdd id
        if discord_id is not None:
            from_where = "FROM mdd_player_stats m JOIN discord_ids d ON m.player_id=d.mdd_id " \
                         "WHERE discord_id=%s AND physics=%s"
            replace_vars = (discord_id, physics)
            from_where = "FROM mdd_player_stats WHERE player_id=%s AND physics=%s"
            replace_vars = (mdd_id, physics)

        select_statement = f"SELECT country \
                           ,player_id \
                           ,player_name \
                           ,physics \
                           ,total_times \
                           ,total_time_seconds as total_time_logged \
                           ,avg_pct_rank as average_percent_rank \
                           ,overall_pct_rank as overall_percent_rank \
                           ,total_world_recs as world_records \
                           ,world_recs_pct as top1_percent \
                           ,total_top3_recs as top_3_times \
                           ,top3_recs_pct as top3_percent \
                           ,total_top10_recs as top_10_times \
                           ,top10_recs_pct as top10_percent \

        result_set = conn.execute(select_statement, replace_vars)
        if result_set.rowcount == 1:
            for row in result_set:
                stats_dict = dict(row)
                # total seconds to human-readable
                total_time = stats_dict['total_time_logged']
                days, hours, minutes, secs = process_total_seconds_to_readable(
                    'total_time_logged'] = f"{days} days, {hours} hours, {minutes} minutes, and {secs} seconds"
                total_times, top1, top3, top10 = [
                    stats_dict[datum] for datum in [
                        'total_times', 'world_records', 'top_3_times',
                total_pc, top1_pc, top3_pc, top10_pc = [
                    stats_dict.pop(datum) for datum in [
                        'overall_percent_rank', 'top1_percent', 'top3_percent',
                stats_dict['average_percent_rank'] = round(
                    stats_dict['average_percent_rank'] * 100, 2)
                    'total_times'] = f"{total_times} ({round(total_pc * 100, 2)}%)"
                    'world_records'] = f"{top1} ({round(top1_pc * 100, 2)}%)"
                    'top_3_times'] = f"{top3} ({round(top3_pc * 100, 2)}%)"
                    'top_10_times'] = f"{top10} ({round(top10_pc * 100, 2)}%)"
            return stats_dict
        raise Exception(
            "No statistics found. Use !myid to check or set your mdd id.")