def choseSkill(self): """affiche un tableau qui permet de choisir un skill""" screenS=screenSave() board=board_with_msg("chose a skill between str dex con int wis cha") s=wred(subtitle,"str ") d=wred(subtitle,"dex ") co=wred(subtitle,"con ") i=wred(subtitle,"int ") w=wred(subtitle,"wis ") ch=wred(subtitle,"cha ") board_rect=pygame.Rect(screen.get_width()//8,screen.get_height()//8,0,0) list_choice=choices_clickable(board,[s,d,co,i,w,ch],board_rect) board_rect=screen.blit(board,(screen.get_width()//8,screen.get_height()//8)) pygame.display.flip() running=True click=False while running: indice=collides(pygame.mouse.get_pos(), list_choice) running,click=basic_checkevent(click, None) if click==True: if board_rect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos())!=True: running=False elif indice!=-1: self.skills[indice]=1 self.chose_skill=False running=False screen.blit(screenS,(0,0))
def magic_missile(self): "ce sort renvoi une liste de liste qui a la taille de son nombre de hit si le spell peut être lancé, spell lvl1" screenS = screenSave() listdeg = [] lvl_s = False running = True click = False if confirmation_board("lunch missile wich deals 1-5 dmg"): if any( [self.armor[0], self.armor[1], self.armor[2], self.armor[3]]): running = board_error("cannot lunch spell and wear armor") return False board = board_with_msg( "Choose a lvl to cast your spell, esc pour annuler") boardrect = screen.blit( board, (screen.get_width() // 4, screen.get_height() // 4)) rect_list_choice = choices_clickable(board, [lvl1, lvl2], boardrect) screen.blit(board, (screen.get_width() // 4, screen.get_height() // 4)) pygame.display.flip() while running: indice = collides(pygame.mouse.get_pos(), rect_list_choice) running, click = basic_checkevent(click) "vérifie si il reste des spells slots au joueur" if (self.spells_slots[0] != 0 or self.spells_slots[1] != 0) and self.actionP > 0: if click and indice != -1: if indice == 0: if self.spells_slots[0] == 0: running = board_error( "Not enough spell slot for this lvl") else: lvl_s = 1 self.spells_slots[0] -= 1 running = False self.actionP -= 1 elif indice == 1: if self.spells_slots[1] == 0: running = board_error( "Not enough spell slot for this lvl") else: lvl_s = 2 self.spells_slots[1] -= 1 running = False self.actionP -= 1 else: running = board_error( "no spell slot anymore or no action left") if lvl_s: """la liste prend la forme de liste de liste, chaque liste de liste est une action indépendente de la forme [montant degat/soins,type (0=soins, 1=degats), le nombre de cible (ex 1=1 carré), la zone d'effet (1 carré ou 2 cône, 0 si l'élement précédent est 1),la range du sort (cible à 4 carrées max), la type de cible (0=soit même, 1=ennemies, 2=alliées), dc (si 0 pas de saving throw possible),type de saving thow (si 0 à dc 0 au type)]""" listdeg = [[self.action.dice(5), 1, 0, 0, 24, 1, 0, 0] for n in range(lvl_s)] screen.blit(screenS, (0, 0)) if listdeg: return listdeg
def convertSpellS(self): "permet de convertir des spell slots points en sorcery points" screenS = screenSave() board = board_with_msg( "choisir spell slot a obtenir, esc pour annuler") rect_board = pygame.Rect(screen.get_width() // 8, screen.get_height() // 8, 0, 0) level1 = wbrown(subtitle, "2 sorceryP") level2 = wbrown(subtitle, "3 sorceryP") choiceList = choices_clickable(board, [level1, level2], rect_board) screen.blit(board, (screen.get_width() // 8, screen.get_height() // 8)) pygame.display.flip() running = True click = False while running: if self.spells_slots[0] != 0 or self.spells_slots[ 1] != 0 and self.bonusAction > 0: indice = collides(pygame.mouse.get_pos(), choiceList) running, click = basic_checkevent(click) if (click and indice != -1): if indice == 0: if self.level - self.sPoints < 2: running = board_error( "cannot do that to much sorcery points") elif self.spells_slots[0] == 0: running = board_error("not enough sorcery points") else: self.sPoints += 2 self.spells_slots[0] -= 1 self.bonusAction -= 1 running = False if indice == 1: if self.level - self.sPoints < 3: running = board_error( "cannot do that to much sorcery points") elif self.spells_slots[1] == 0: running = board_error("not enough sorcery points") else: self.sPoints += 3 self.spells_slots[1] -= 1 self.bonusAction -= 1 running = False else: running = board_error("not enough point") screen.blit(screenS, (0, 0))
def board_error(message): screen.blit(board_with_msg(message), (screen.get_width() // 6, screen.get_height() // 6)) pygame.display.flip() running = True click = False while running: running, click = basic_checkevent(click) if click: running = False return running
def is_alive(self): display = pygame.Surface((screen.get_width(),screen.get_height())) display.set_colorkey((0,0,0)) if not self.is_accomplish = True Validation_screen("Merci Beaucoup ! Prenez la récompense",display,click) return True else: Validation_screen("Vous n'avez pas encore tue le monstre !",display,click) return False screen.blit(display,(0,0))
def board_with_text(msg): """blit a board with a text at the mouse position, word len max 30 caracter""" mots = msg.split(" ") phrase = [""] ligne = [] i = 0 for n in mots: if len(phrase[i]) + 1 + len(n) > 30: ligne.append(wbrown(subtitle, phrase[i])) phrase.append("") i += 1 phrase[i] += n + " " ligne.append(wbrown(subtitle, phrase[i])) i += 1 l = ligne[0] for n in ligne: if n.get_width() > l.get_width(): l = n board = pygame.transform.scale( board_init(), (l.get_width() + 60, ligne[0].get_height() * (i + 1))) for nb in range(len(ligne)): board.blit( ligne[nb], (30, ligne[0].get_height() * nb + ligne[0].get_height() // 2)) if board.get_height() + pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] < screen.get_height( ) and board.get_width() + pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] < screen.get_width(): screen.blit(board, pygame.mouse.get_pos()) elif board.get_height() + pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] >= screen.get_height( ) and board.get_width() + pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] < screen.get_width(): screen.blit(board, (pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0], pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] - board.get_height())) elif board.get_height() + pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] < screen.get_height( ) and board.get_width() + pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] >= screen.get_width(): screen.blit(board, (pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] - board.get_width(), pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1])) else: screen.blit(board, (pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] - board.get_width(), pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] - board.get_height()))
def confirmation_board(description): screenS = screenSave() board = board_with_msg(description) s = wblack(subtitle, "CONFIRM") d = wblack(subtitle, "CANCEL") board_rect = pygame.Rect(screen.get_width() // 8, screen.get_height() // 8, 0, 0) list_choice = choices_clickable(board, [s, d], board_rect) board_rect = screen.blit( board, (screen.get_width() // 8, screen.get_height() // 8)) pygame.display.flip() running = True click = False while running: indice = collides(pygame.mouse.get_pos(), list_choice) running, click = basic_checkevent(click) if click == True: if indice == 0: screen.blit(screenS, (0, 0)) return True elif indice == 1: running = False screen.blit(screenS, (0, 0))
def convertSP(self): "permet de convertir des sorcery points en spell slots" screenS = screenSave() board = board_with_msg( "choisir spell slot a obtenir, esc pour annuler") rect_board = pygame.Rect(screen.get_width() // 8, screen.get_height() // 8, 0, 0) level1 = wbrown(subtitle, "Spell slot level1") level2 = wbrown(subtitle, "Spell slot level2") choiceList = choices_clickable(board, [level1, level2], rect_board) screen.blit(board, (screen.get_width() // 8, screen.get_height() // 8)) pygame.display.flip() running = True click = False "indice pour savoir si une action s'est réalisée" while running: if self.sPoints >= 2 and self.bonusAction > 0: indice = collides(pygame.mouse.get_pos(), choiceList) running, click = basic_checkevent(click) if (click and indice != -1): if indice == 0: self.spells_slots[0] += 1 self.sPoints -= 2 self.bonusAction -= 1 running = False if indice == 1: if self.sPoints < 3: running = board_error("not enough sorcery points") else: self.spells_slots[1] += 1 self.sPoints -= 3 self.bonusAction -= 1 running = False else: running = board_error("not enough point") screen.blit(screenS, (0, 0))
def spell_bar(self,click): screen.blit(pygame.transform.scale(img_inventaire,(500,100)),(screen.get_width()//2-250,screen.get_height()-95)) i = 0 mx,my = pygame.mouse.get_pos() for i in range(5): self.bouton_comp[i] = pygame.Rect(85*i+screen.get_width()//2-200, screen.get_height()-80, 75, 75) pygame.draw.rect(screen,(0,0,1),self.bouton_comp[i],1) if i < len(self.skill): screen.blit(pygame.transform.scale(self.skill[i].img,(75,75)),(85*i+screen.get_width()//2-200, screen.get_height()-80)) if self.bouton_comp[i].collidepoint(mx,my) and click: if i < len(self.skill): self.skill[i].cast() i=0 for i in range(len(self.competencesList)): screen.blit(pygame.transform.scale(self.competencesList[i].img,(75,75)),(85*i+screen.get_width()//2-200,screen.get_height()-80))
def got_items(self,player): if self.is_accept: click = False display = pygame.Surface((screen.get_width(),screen.get_height())) display.set_colorkey((0,0,0)) for i in range(len(player.inventaire.backpack)): if player.inventaire.backpack[i] != None: if key[player.inventaire.backpack[i]] == self.items: self.is_accomplish = True Validation_screen("Merci Beaucoup ! Prenez la récompense",display,click) return True Validation_screen("Vous n'avez pas encore le bonnes items !",display,click) return False screen.blit(display,(0,0))
from settings.screen import screen from settings.color import BLUE, WHITE from map import Map from personnage import Perso import pygame import pickle WIDTH = screen.get_width() HEIGHT = screen.get_height() MINIMAP_SCALE = 300 class Minimap: def __init__(self, map, fog, display_with_nature, list_entity, player): = game self.list_mooving_entity = list_entity self.player = player self.display_with_nature = display_with_nature self.screen = screen = map self.fog = fog self.map_height = len( self.map_width = len([0]) self.TOP_LEFT_X = WIDTH - MINIMAP_SCALE self.TOP_LEFT_Y = HEIGHT - MINIMAP_SCALE self.surface = pygame.Surface((MINIMAP_SCALE, MINIMAP_SCALE)) self.surface.set_alpha(50) # alpha level self.surface.fill(BLUE) SCALE = 10 * MINIMAP_SCALE self.SCALE = SCALE self.scale = SCALE / 2