def enable_channel(channel, dotaid, mmr=True, returntrueifnotnotable=False): en_chans = settings.getdata('dota_enabled_channels') settings.setdata('dota_enabled_channels', list(set(en_chans + [channel]))) settings.trygetset('%s_common_name' % channel, channel) settings.setdata('%s_mmr_enabled' % channel, mmr) settings.setdata('%s_dota_id' % channel, dotaid) update_channels() if returntrueifnotnotable: if dotaid not in settings.getdata('dota_notable_players'): return True
def get_players_in_game_for_player(dotaid, checktwitch=False, markdown=False): # herodata = getHeroes() herodict = getHeroNamedict() herodict[0] = "Unknown hero" notable_players = settings.getdata('dota_notable_players') game = getSourceTVLiveGameForPlayer(dotaid) teamformat = '%s%s \n' # ('## ' if markdown else '', team) playerformat = '%s%s: %s\n' # ('#### ' if markdown else ' ', hero, name) notableformat = '%sNotable player: %s\n' # ('###### ' if markdown else ' - ', name) linkformat = ' - %s%s\n' # (linktype, linkdata) linktypes = { 'steam': '', 'dotabuff': '', 'twitch': '' } if game: data = '' playerinfos = node.get_player_info(*[int(p['account_id']) for p in game['players']]) noinfoids = [p['account_id'] for p in playerinfos['player_infos'] if p['name'] is None] playerinfodict = {pl.pop('account_id'): pl for pl in playerinfos.copy()['player_infos']} if noinfoids: noinfodatas = {int(data['friendid']): data['player_name'] for data in node.get_friend_data([ID(i).steamid for i in noinfoids])} for x in noinfoids: playerinfodict[ID(x).dotaid] = {'name': noinfodatas[ID(x).steamid]} for team in ['Radiant', 'Dire']: data += teamformat % ('## ' if markdown else '', team) for player in game['players'][slice(None, 5) if team=='Radiant' else slice(5, None)]: pname = playerinfodict[player['account_id']]['name'] data += playerformat % ('#### ' if markdown else ' ', herodict[player['hero_id']], pname) if player['account_id'] in notable_players: npd = '###### ' if markdown else ' - ' data += notableformat % (UnicodeDammit(npd).unicode_markup.encode('utf8'), notable_players[player['account_id']]) mkupsteamlink = linkformat % (linktypes['steam'], ID(player['account_id']).steamid) ressteam = requests.head(linktypes['steam'] + str(ID(player['account_id']).steamid)).headers.get('location') if ressteam: data += mkupsteamlink.replace('\n', '') + ' (%s)\n' % ressteam.split('.com')[-1][:-1] else: data += mkupsteamlink data += linkformat % (linktypes['dotabuff'], player['account_id']) if checktwitch: tname = twitchapi.get_twitch_from_steam_id(ID(player['account_id']).steamid) if tname: data += linkformat % (linktypes['twitch'], tname) data += '\n' return data
def updateMMR(channel): try: dotaid = str(settings.getdata('%s_dota_id' % channel)) except: raise TypeError("No id on record") return node.updateMMR(channel, dotaid)
def get_auto_notable_player_blurb(channel, ignore_online=False): playerid = settings.getdata('%s_dota_id' % channel) steamid = ID.dota_to_steam(playerid) isfriend = node.is_friends_with(steamid) if isfriend: user_rp_data = node.get_cached_rich_presence(steamid)[ID(playerid).steamid] if user_rp_data is None: user_rp_data = node.get_rich_presence(steamid)[ID(playerid).steamid] else: # If I decide this feature requires being on the friends list this is where I return user_rp_data = node.get_rich_presence(steamid)[ID(playerid).steamid] if user_rp_data: if user_rp_data['status'] in ["#DOTA_RP_HERO_SELECTION", "#DOTA_RP_PRE_GAME", "#DOTA_RP_GAME_IN_PROGRESS", "#DOTA_RP_PLAYING_AS"]: if user_rp_data['status'] == '#DOTA_RP_PLAYING_AS': # TODO: Check if PRE_GAME has the hero params playerheroid = user_rp_data['param0'] else: playerheroid = None print "[Dota-Notable] Doing search for notable players%s" % (' using hero id' if playerheroid else '') players = searchForNotablePlayers(playerid, heroid=playerheroid, includemmr=True) # TODO: Check if game is ranked or not and set includemmr accordingly if players[0]: return "Notable players in this game: %s" % ', '.join(['%s (%s)' % (p,h) for p,h in players[0]])
def nowhosting(event): if'HOSTTARGET') and[1] != '-': HOSTED_CHANNEL =[1] print event.etype,, settings.setdata('%s_is_hosting' %, True) settings.setdata('%s_hosted_channel' %,[1]) streamdata = twitchapi.get('streams/%s' % HOSTED_CHANNEL, 'stream') print '[Hosting] WE ARE NOW HOSTING %s' % HOSTED_CHANNEL if streamdata: if[2] == '-': return try: viewers = str(int([2])) except: viewers =[2].split('=')[1].split(')')[0]"Now hosting %s, playing %s. All %s of you, go check it out! %s" % (HOSTED_CHANNEL, str(streamdata['game']), viewers, '' % HOSTED_CHANNEL)) else: print "[Hosting] %s is not streaming." % HOSTED_CHANNEL elif'HOSTTARGET') and[1] == '-': print "[Hosting] Unhosting %s " % settings.getdata('%s_hosted_channel' % settings.setdata('%s_is_hosting' %, False) settings.setdata('%s_hosted_channel' %, '')
def nowhosting(event): if'HOSTTARGET') and[1] != '-': HOSTED_CHANNEL =[1] print event.etype,, settings.setdata('%s_is_hosting' %, True) settings.setdata('%s_hosted_channel' %,[1]) streamdata = twitchapi.get('streams/%s' % HOSTED_CHANNEL, 'stream') print '[Hosting] WE ARE NOW HOSTING %s' % HOSTED_CHANNEL if streamdata: if[2] == '-': return try: viewers = str(int([2])) except: viewers =[2].split('=')[1].split(')')[0] "Now hosting %s, playing %s. All %s of you, go check it out! %s" % (HOSTED_CHANNEL, str(streamdata['game']), viewers, '' % HOSTED_CHANNEL)) else: print "[Hosting] %s is not streaming." % HOSTED_CHANNEL elif'HOSTTARGET') and[1] == '-': print "[Hosting] Unhosting %s " % settings.getdata( '%s_hosted_channel' % settings.setdata('%s_is_hosting' %, False) settings.setdata('%s_hosted_channel' %, '')
def checkifhostonline(event): HOSTED_CHANNEL = settings.getdata('%s_hosted_channel' % IS_HOSTING = settings.trygetset('%s_is_hosting' %, True) AUTO_UNHOST = settings.trygetset('%s_auto_unhost' %, True) WHITELIST = settings.trygetset('hosting_whitelist', ['monkeys_forever', 'superjoe', 'imayhaveborkedit']) # This should only be temp if IS_HOSTING and AUTO_UNHOST and in WHITELIST: LAST_CHECK = settings.trygetset('%s_last_hosting_check' %, time.time()) if LAST_CHECK is None: settings.setdata('%s_last_hosting_check' %, time.time()) elif check_check_threshold( print '[Hosting] Checking if host is online' try: streamdata = twitchapi.get('streams/%s' % HOSTED_CHANNEL, 'stream') except: print "[Hosting] Error grabbing stream data, probably a bad stream.""%s, I don't think that's a real stream. If it is, the twitch api is kaput." % else: if streamdata: settings.setdata('%s_last_hosting_check' %, time.time()) elif check_offline_threshold( print "[Hosting] %s has been offline for long enough, attempting to unhost" % HOSTED_CHANNEL'/unhost')
def start_recurring(name): if not settings.exists(name, recurring_domain): return False recurring = _get_recurring(name) recurring.start(settings.getdata(name + '_data', recurring_domain)[0], True) print '[Recurring] Starting %s for %s' % (name, the_channel) return True
def get_players_in_game_for_player(dotaid, checktwitch=False, markdown=False): herodata = getHeroes() # herodict = {h['id']:str(h['localized_name']) for h in herodata['result']['heroes']} herodict = getHeroNamedict() herodict[0] = "Unknown hero" userstatus = node.get_user_status(dotaToSteam(dotaid)) if userstatus == '#DOTA_RP_PLAYING_AS': heroid = node.get_user_playing_as(dotaToSteam(dotaid)) heroid = getHeroIddict(False)[heroid[0]] else: heroid = None notable_players = settings.getdata('dota_notable_players') game = getSourceTVLiveGameForPlayer(dotaid, heroid) teamformat = '%s%s: \n' # ('## ' if markdown else '', team) playerformat = '%s%s: %s\n' # ('#### ' if markdown else ' ', hero, name) notableformat = '%sNotable player: %s\n' # ('###### ' if markdown else ' - ', name) linkformat = ' - %s%s\n' # (linktype, linkdata) linktypes = { 'steam': '', 'dotabuff': '', 'twitch': '' } if game: data = '' for team in ['Radiant', 'Dire']: data += teamformat % ('## ' if markdown else '', team) for player in game['goodPlayers' if team=='Radiant' else 'badPlayers']: data += playerformat % ('#### ' if markdown else ' ', herodict[player['heroId']], player['name'].decode('utf8')) if steamToDota(player['steamId']) in notable_players: data += notableformat % ('###### ' if markdown else ' - ', notable_players[steamToDota(player['steamId'])].decode('utf8')) mkupsteamlink = linkformat % (linktypes['steam'], player['steamId']) ressteam = requests.head(linktypes['steam'] + player['steamId']).headers.get('location') if ressteam: data += mkupsteamlink.replace('\n', '') + ' (%s)\n' % ressteam.split('.com')[-1][:-1] else: data += mkupsteamlink data += linkformat % (linktypes['dotabuff'], steamToDota(long(player['steamId']))) if checktwitch: tname = twitchapi.get_twitch_from_steam_id(player['steamId']) if tname: data += linkformat % (linktypes['twitch'], tname) data += '\n' return data
def start_recurring(name): if not settings.exists(name, recurring_domain): return False recurring = _get_recurring(name) recurring.start( settings.getdata(name + '_data', recurring_domain)[0], True) print '[Recurring] Starting %s for %s' % (name, the_channel) return True
def create_lobby(gameName, gameMode, password=None, serverRegion=None): with ZRPC() as zrpc: cid = settings.getdata('current_lobby_id', coerceto=str) if cid != '0': return None l_id = zrpc.createlobby(gameName, password, serverRegion, gameMode) settings.setdata('current_lobby_id', str(l_id)) return l_id
def enable_channel(channel, dotaid, mmr=False): dotaid = steamToDota(determineSteamid(dotaid)) en_chans = settings.getdata('dota_enabled_channels') settings.setdata('dota_enabled_channels', list(set(en_chans + [channel]))) settings.trygetset('%s_common_name' % channel, channel) settings.setdata('%s_mmr_enabled' % channel, mmr) settings.setdata('%s' % channel, dotaToSteam(dotaid), domain='steamids') settings.setdata('%s_dota_id' % channel, dotaid) update_channels()
def latestBlurb(channel, override=False): if checktimeout(channel) or override: dotaid = settings.getdata('%s_dota_id' % channel) if dotaid is None: print "[Dota] No ID on record for %s. I should probably sort this out." % channel return try: mat = steamapi.GetMatchHistory(account_id=dotaid, matches_requested=25) matches = mat['result']['matches'] except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: return except Exception as e: if mat == {}: # print "Bad data from GetMatchHistory:", mat return else: print 'Error with steam api data:', e print mat print traceback.format_exc() return settings.setdata('%s_last_match_fetch' % channel, time.time(), announce=False) latestmatch = matches[0] previousnewmatch = matches[1] previoussavedmatch = settings.trygetset('%s_last_match' % channel, latestmatch) if previoussavedmatch['match_id'] != latestmatch['match_id'] or override: if previoussavedmatch['match_id'] != previousnewmatch['match_id']: # Other matches have happened. matchlist = [m['match_id'] for m in matches] # If there was a problem here it either was never a problem or doesn't exist now? try: skippedmatches = matchlist.index(previoussavedmatch['match_id']) - 1 except: skippedmatches = 0 print '[Dota] Skipped %s matches MAYBE PROBABLY I HOPE SO' % skippedmatches else: skippedmatches = 0 update_channels() notable_check_timeout = settings.trygetset('%s_notable_check_timeout' % channel, 900.0) settings.setdata('%s_notable_last_check' % channel, time.time() - notable_check_timeout + 60.0, announce=False) settings.setdata('%s_notable_message_count' % channel, settings.trygetset('%s_notable_message_limit' % channel, 50), announce=False) print "[Dota] Match ID change found (%s:%s) (Lobby type %s)" % (previoussavedmatch['match_id'], latestmatch['match_id'], str(latestmatch['lobby_type'])) return getLatestGameBlurb(channel, dotaid, latestmatch, skippedmatches=skippedmatches, getmmr = get_enabled_channels()[channel][1] and str(latestmatch['lobby_type']) == '7')
def searchForNotablePlayers(targetdotaid, pages=10, heroid=None, includemmr=False): t0 = time.time() herodata = getHeroes() notable_players = settings.getdata('dota_notable_players') if heroid: if pages > 10: pages = 10 print '[Dota-Notable] Searching using heroid %s' % heroid game = getSourceTVLiveGameForPlayer(targetdotaid, heroid) if not game: return (None, None) if includemmr else None players = game['players'] notable_players_found = [] target_found = False for player in players: if player['account_id'] in notable_players: # print '[Dota-Notable] %s (%s)' % ('', notable_players[player['account_id']]) try: playerhero = str([h['localized_name'] for h in herodata['result']['heroes'] if str(h['id']) == str(player['hero_id'])][0]) except: playerhero = POSITION_COLORS[players.index(player)] if ID(player['account_id']) != ID(targetdotaid): notable_players_found.append((notable_players[player['account_id']], playerhero)) if ID(player['account_id']) == ID(targetdotaid): # print '[Dota-Notable] found target player' target_found = True #TODO: ADD THE OTHER DATA IN HERE SOMEWHERE if target_found: if notable_players_found: print '[Dota-Notable] Found: %s' % notable_players_found else: print '[Dota-Notable] No notable players.' if includemmr: return (notable_players_found, game['average_mmr']) else: return notable_players_found else: print (None, None) if includemmr else None return (None, None) if includemmr else None
def set_timeout(name, newtimeout, imediatestart=True): if not settings.exists(name, recurring_domain): return False recurring = _get_recurring(name) oldtimeout, message, createdat = settings.getdata(name + '_data', recurring_domain) recurring.stop() recurring.start(newtimeout, imediatestart) settings.setdata(name + '_data', (newtimeout, message, createdat), recurring_domain) print '[Recurring] Changed %s timeout: %s -> %s, %simediate' % (name, oldtimeout, newtimeout, '' if imediatestart else 'not ') return True
def __init__(self, ID_=None, channel=None): ID_ = int(ID_) if ID_: if ID_ > self.STEAM_TO_DOTA_CONSTANT: self.steamid = ID_ self.dotaid = self.steam_to_dota(self.steamid) elif ID_ < self.STEAM_TO_DOTA_CONSTANT: self.dotaid = ID_ self.steamid = self.dota_to_steam(self.dotaid) else: raise ValueError() elif channel: self.dotaid = settings.getdata('%s_dota_id' % channel, coerceto=int) self.steamid = self.dota_to_steam(self.dotaid)
def update_verified_notable_players(): class DotabuffParser(HTMLParser): table_active = False img_section_active = False player_datas = list() def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag == 'tbody': self.table_active = True if tag == 'img': self.img_section_active = True if not self.table_active: return if not self.img_section_active: return fulldatas = dict((x,y) for x,y in attrs) self.player_datas.append((int(fulldatas['data-tooltip-url'].split('/')[2]), fulldatas['title'])) def handle_endtag(self, tag): if tag == 'tbody': self.table_active = False if tag == 'img': self.img_section_active = False if not self.table_active: return if not self.img_section_active: return parser = DotabuffParser() r = requests.get('', headers = {'User-agent': USER_AGENT}) if r.status_code == 429: return 429 htmldata = unicode(r.text).encode('utf8') parser.feed(htmldata) old_players = settings.getdata('dota_notable_players') updated_players = dict(old_players.items() + parser.player_datas) settings.setdata('dota_notable_players', updated_players, announce=False) tn = 0 for p in dict(parser.player_datas): o = old_players.get(p, 'none') n = dict(parser.player_datas)[p] if o != n: print '[Dota-Notable] Updated player: %s -> %s' % (o, n) tn += 1 return tn
def set_timeout(name, newtimeout, imediatestart=True): if not settings.exists(name, recurring_domain): return False recurring = _get_recurring(name) oldtimeout, message, createdat = settings.getdata(name + '_data', recurring_domain) recurring.stop() recurring.start(newtimeout, imediatestart) settings.setdata(name + '_data', (newtimeout, message, createdat), recurring_domain) print '[Recurring] Changed %s timeout: %s -> %s, %simediate' % ( name, oldtimeout, newtimeout, '' if imediatestart else 'not ') return True
def latestBlurb(channel, override=False): # if node.get_user_status(dota.dotaToSteam(settings.getdata('%s_dota_id' % channel))) is not None: if checktimeout(channel) or override: dotaid = settings.getdata('%s_dota_id' % channel) if dotaid is None: print "[Dota] No ID on record for %s. I should probably sort this out." % channel return try: matches = steamapi.GetMatchHistory(account_id=dotaid, matches_requested=25)['result']['matches'] except: return settings.setdata('%s_last_match_fetch' % channel, time.time(), announce=False) latestmatch = matches[0] previousnewmatch = matches[1] previoussavedmatch = settings.trygetset('%s_last_match' % channel, latestmatch) if previoussavedmatch['match_id'] != latestmatch['match_id'] or override: if previoussavedmatch['match_id'] != previousnewmatch['match_id']: # Other matches have happened. matchlist = [m['match_id'] for m in matches] # TODO: Fix -1 issues for lastmatch # For some reason, a failed match (early abandon) was never saved as the lastest match try: skippedmatches = matchlist.index(previoussavedmatch['match_id']) - 1 except: skippedmatches = 0 print '[Dota] Skipped %s matches MAYBE PROBABLY I HOPE SO' % skippedmatches else: skippedmatches = 0 update_channels() notable_check_timeout = settings.trygetset('%s_notable_check_timeout' % channel, 900.0) settings.setdata('%s_notable_last_check' % channel, time.time() - notable_check_timeout + 60.0, announce=False) settings.setdata('%s_notable_message_count' % channel, settings.trygetset('%s_notable_message_limit' % channel, 50), announce=False) print "[Dota] Match ID change found (%s:%s) (Lobby type %s)" % (previoussavedmatch['match_id'], latestmatch['match_id'], str(latestmatch['lobby_type'])) return getLatestGameBlurb(channel, dotaid, latestmatch, skippedmatches=skippedmatches, getmmr = enabled_channels[channel][1] and str(latestmatch['lobby_type']) == '7')
def notablePlayerBlurb(channel, pages=10, override=False, updatetimers=True): playerid = settings.getdata('%s_dota_id' % channel) checkstatus = node.get_cached_rich_presence(ID(playerid).steamid)[ID(playerid).steamid] if checkstatus: userstatus = node.get_rich_presence(ID(playerid).steamid)[ID(playerid).steamid] if userstatus and userstatus['status'] in ["#DOTA_RP_HERO_SELECTION", "#DOTA_RP_PRE_GAME", "#DOTA_RP_GAME_IN_PROGRESS", "#DOTA_RP_PLAYING_AS"]: if getNotableCheckReady(channel) or override: if twitchapi.is_streaming(channel): if userstatus['status'] == '#DOTA_RP_PLAYING_AS': playerheroid = userstatus['param0'] else: playerheroid = None print "[Dota-Notable] Doing search for notable players%s" % (' using hero id' if playerheroid else '') players = searchForNotablePlayers(playerid, pages, playerheroid) if any(players): settings.setdata('%s_notable_message_count' % channel, 0, announce=False) settings.setdata('%s_notable_last_check' % channel, time.time(), announce=False) return "Notable players in this game: %s" % ', '.join(['%s (%s)' % (p,h) for p,h in players])
def download_all_available_replays(channel, dotaid=None, games=500): if not dotaid: dotaid = settings.getdata('%s_dota_id' % channel) if not os.path.isdir(node.get_replay_dir(channel)): os.mkdir(node.get_replay_dir(channel)) predownloadedgames = sorted([int(f.split('.')[0]) for f in os.listdir(node.get_replay_dir(channel)) if f.endswith('.dem')]) matchids = collect_match_ids(dotaid, games) gamestodownload = list(set(matchids) - set(predownloadedgames)) gamestodownload.sort(reverse=True) for game in gamestodownload: #TODO: Add check for existing json file and check replay "freshness" mdetails = node.get_match_details(game) print 'Got %s info: %s' % (game, mdetails['match']['replayState']), try: replaysize = node.download_replay(channel, game, mdetails) print '- %s bytes' % replaysize except node.Error, e: print '- Ded'
def checkifhostonline(event): HOSTED_CHANNEL = settings.getdata('%s_hosted_channel' % IS_HOSTING = settings.trygetset('%s_is_hosting' %, True) AUTO_UNHOST = settings.trygetset('%s_auto_unhost' %, True) WHITELIST = settings.trygetset( 'hosting_whitelist', ['monkeys_forever', 'superjoe', 'imayhaveborkedit' ]) # This should only be temp if IS_HOSTING and AUTO_UNHOST and in WHITELIST: LAST_CHECK = settings.trygetset( '%s_last_hosting_check' %, time.time()) if LAST_CHECK is None: settings.setdata('%s_last_hosting_check' %, time.time()) elif check_check_threshold( print '[Hosting] Checking if host is online' try: streamdata = twitchapi.get('streams/%s' % HOSTED_CHANNEL, 'stream') except: print "[Hosting] Error grabbing stream data, probably a bad stream." "%s, I don't think that's a real stream. If it is, the twitch api is kaput." % else: if streamdata: settings.setdata('%s_last_hosting_check' %, time.time()) elif check_offline_threshold( print "[Hosting] %s has been offline for long enough, attempting to unhost" % HOSTED_CHANNEL'/unhost')
def notablePlayerBlurb(channel, pages=33): playerid = settings.getdata('%s_dota_id' % channel) userstatus = node.get_user_status(dotaToSteam(playerid)) if userstatus: # print 'Dota status for %s: %s' % (channel, userstatus) if userstatus in ["#DOTA_RP_HERO_SELECTION", "#DOTA_RP_PRE_GAME", "#DOTA_RP_GAME_IN_PROGRESS", "#DOTA_RP_PLAYING_AS"]: if getNotableCheckReady(channel): if twitchapi.is_streaming(channel): if userstatus == '#DOTA_RP_PLAYING_AS': playerheroid = node.get_user_playing_as(dotaToSteam(playerid)) playerheroid = getHeroIddict(False)[playerheroid[0]] else: playerheroid = None print "[Dota-Notable] Doing search for notable players%s" % (' using hero id' if playerheroid else '') players = searchForNotablePlayers(playerid, pages, playerheroid) settings.setdata('%s_notable_message_count' % channel, 0, announce=False) if players: return "Notable players in this game: %s" % ', '.join(['%s (%s)' % (p,h) for p,h in players]) else: notable_check_timeout = settings.trygetset('%s_notable_check_timeout' % channel, 600.0) settings.setdata('%s_notable_last_check' % channel, time.time() - notable_check_timeout + 60.0, announce=False)
def disable_channel(channel, mmr=False): en_chans = settings.getdata('dota_enabled_channels') settings.setdata('dota_enabled_channels', list(set(en_chans) - set([channel]))) settings.setdata('%s_mmr_enabled' % channel, not mmr)
def check_check_threshold(chan): return time.time() - settings.getdata('%s_last_hosting_check' % chan, coerceto=float) > CHECK_THRESHOLD
def searchForNotablePlayers(targetdotaid, pages=4, heroid=None): # Needs check for if in a game (maybe need a status indicator for richPresence) t0 = time.time() herodata = getHeroes() notable_players = settings.getdata('dota_notable_players') if heroid: if pages > 17: pages = 17 print '[Dota-Notable] Searching using heroid %s' % heroid for pagenum in range(0, pages): # print 'searching page %s, T+%4.4fms' % (pagenum, (time.time()-t0)*1000) games = node.get_source_tv_games(pagenum, heroid)['games'] # print 'received game page %s, T+%4.4fms' % (pagenum, (time.time()-t0)*1000) for game in games: try: game['goodPlayers'] game['badPlayers'] except Exception, e: print "MALFORMED GAME DATA, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT (Radiant: %s, Dire: %s)" % (len(game.get('goodPlayers', [])), len(game.get('badPlayers', []))) continue players = [] players.extend(game['goodPlayers']) players.extend(game['badPlayers']) notable_players_found = [] target_found = False for player in players: if steamToDota(player['steamId']) in notable_players: print '[Dota-Notable] %s (%s)' % (player['name'], notable_players[steamToDota(player['steamId'])]) try: playerhero = str([h['localized_name'] for h in herodata['result']['heroes'] if str(h['id']) == str(player['heroId'])][0]) except: playerhero = POSITION_COLORS[players.index(player)] if long(steamToDota(player['steamId'])) != long(targetdotaid): notable_players_found.append((notable_players[steamToDota(player['steamId'])], playerhero)) # else: # print '[Dota-Notable] Discounting target player' if steamToDota(player['steamId']) == long(targetdotaid): print '[Dota-Notable] found target player' target_found = True #TODO: ADD THE OTHER DATA IN HERE SOMEWHERE if target_found: if notable_players_found: print '[Dota-Notable] Found: %s' % notable_players_found else: print '[Dota-Notable] No notable players.' return notable_players_found # print 'searched game %s, T+%4.4fms' % (games.index(game), (time.time()-t0)*1000) print '[Dota-Notable] searched page %s, T+%4.4fms' % (pagenum, (time.time()-t0)*1000)
def fetch_mmr_for_channel(channel, save=False): data = fetch_mmr_for_dotaid(settings.getdata('%s_dota_id' % channel)) if save: settings.setdata('%s_last_mmr' % channel, data) return data
def get_mmr_for_channel(channel): try: return settings.getdata('%s_last_mmr' % channel) except: return (None, None)
def get_lobby(): with ZRPC() as zrpc: return settings.getdata('current_lobby_id', coerceto=str)
def check_offline_threshold(chan): return time.time() - settings.getdata('%s_last_hosting_check' % chan, coerceto=float) > OFFLINE_THRESHOLD
LOAD_ORDER = 35 STEAM_TO_DOTA_CONSTANT = 76561197960265728 POSITION_COLORS = ['Blue', 'Teal', 'Purple', 'Yellow', 'Orange', 'Pink', 'Gray', 'Light Blue', 'Green', 'Brown'] ##### # This line evidently gives people problems when they try to run the bot when the dota_enabled_channels key isnt set # For now, to fix this, run in an interpreter: # # import settings; settings.setdata('dota_enabled_channels', []) # # This will give it an empty list so it doesn't complain about not having the key enabled_channels = {ch:(settings.getdata('%s_common_name' % ch),settings.getdata('%s_mmr_enabled' % ch)) for ch in settings.getdata('dota_enabled_channels')} ##### herodata = None def dotaToSteam(dotaid): return int(dotaid) + STEAM_TO_DOTA_CONSTANT def steamToDota(steamid): return int(steamid) - STEAM_TO_DOTA_CONSTANT def update_channels(): global enabled_channels # print "[Dota] Updating enabled channels"
def getLatestGameBlurb(channel, dotaid, latestmatch=None, skippedmatches=0, getmmr=False, notableplayers=True, splitlongnotable=True): if latestmatch is None: latestmatch = steamapi.getlastdotamatch(dotaid) settings.setdata('%s_last_match' % channel, latestmatch, announce=False) matchdata = steamapi.GetMatchDetails(latestmatch['match_id']) herodata = getHeroes() playerdata = None for p in matchdata['result']['players']: if str(p['account_id']) == str(dotaid): playerdata = p break notableplayerdata = None separate_notable_message = False if notableplayers: # print "notable player lookup requested" notable_players = settings.getdata('dota_notable_players') notable_players_found = [] if dotaid in notable_players: notable_players.pop(dotaid) for p in matchdata['result']['players']: # print 'looking up %s' % p['account_id'] if p['account_id'] in notable_players: # print '[Dota-Notable] Found notable player %s' % notable_players[p['account_id']] playerhero = str([h['localized_name'] for h in herodata['result']['heroes'] if str(h['id']) == str(p['hero_id'])][0]) # p['heroId'] ? if int(p['account_id']) != int(dotaid): notable_players_found.append((notable_players[p['account_id']], playerhero)) if notable_players_found: separate_notable_message = len(notable_players_found) > 3 notableplayerdata = "Notable players: %s" % ', '.join(['%s - %s' % (p,h) for p,h in notable_players_found]) print "[Dota-Notable] notable player data: " + notableplayerdata else: print '[Dota-Notable] No notable players found' try: d_hero = [h['localized_name'] for h in herodata['result']['heroes'] if str(h['id']) == str(playerdata['hero_id'])][0] except: d_hero = 'Unknown Hero' d_team = 'Radiant' if int(playerdata['player_slot']) < 128 else 'Dire' d_level = playerdata['level'] d_kills = playerdata['kills'] d_deaths = playerdata['deaths'] d_assists = playerdata['assists'] d_lasthits = playerdata['last_hits'] d_denies = playerdata['denies'] d_gpm = playerdata['gold_per_min'] d_xpm = playerdata['xp_per_min'] if matchdata['result']['radiant_win'] ^ (d_team == 'Radiant'): d_victory = 'Defeat' else: d_victory = 'Victory' print "[Dota] Skipped %s matches" % skippedmatches if skippedmatches == -1: matchskipstr = '(Previous match) ' elif skippedmatches < -1: matchskipstr = '(%s games ago) ' % skippedmatches * -1 elif skippedmatches > 1: matchskipstr = '(%s skipped) ' % skippedmatches else: matchskipstr = '' matchoutput = "%s%s has %s a game." % ( matchskipstr, enabled_channels[channel][0], 'won' if d_victory == 'Victory' else 'lost', latestmatch['match_id']) extramatchdata = "Level {} {} {} - KDA: {}/{}/{} - CS: {}/{} - GPM: {} - XPM: {}".format( d_level, d_team, d_hero, d_kills, d_deaths, d_assists, d_lasthits, d_denies, d_gpm, d_xpm) finaloutput = matchoutput + ' -- ' + extramatchdata + (' -- ' + getmatchMMRstring(channel, dotaid) if getmmr else '') + (' -- ' + notableplayerdata if notableplayerdata else '') if splitlongnotable: pass return finaloutput
def update_channels(): global enabled_channels # print "[Dota] Updating enabled channels" enabled_channels = {ch:(settings.getdata('%s_common_name' % ch),settings.getdata('%s_mmr_enabled' % ch)) for ch in settings.getdata('dota_enabled_channels')}
def _get_recurring(name): return, recurring_domain)))