async def set_modrole(self, ctx, *, role_id=None): """Set the role for moderators""" guild_id = if not role_id: await ctx.send(f"Usage: modrole role_id", delete_after=5) return if not ctx.guild.get_role(int(role_id)): ctx.send(f"Role with that ID could not be found", delete_after=5) return settings.set_value(guild_id, 'modrole', role_id) try: settings.save_config() await ctx.send( f'Moderator role changed to "{ctx.guild.get_role(int(role_id))}", {owouwu.gen()}' ) print( f'Moderator role for {} ({}) changed to "{ctx.guild.get_role(int(role_id))}"' ) await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅') except: await ctx.send(f'Command failed to execute', delete_after=5)
async def set_role(self, ctx, *, role_id=None): """Set no filter role""" guild_id = if not role_id: await ctx.send("Usage: filterrole role_id", delete_after=5) return try: role = ctx.guild.get_role(int(role_id)) # save file settings.set_value(guild_id, 'filterrole', role_id) try: settings.save_config() except: await ctx.send(f'Command failed to execute', delete_after=5) except: print(f'Role for ID {role_id} not found') await ctx.send(f'Role for ID {role_id} not found', delete_after=5) return print( f'No filter role set to {ctx.guild.get_role(int(role_id))} in guild {}-{guild_id}' ) await ctx.send( f'No filter role set to "{ctx.guild.get_role(int(role_id))}", {owouwu.gen()}', delete_after=5) await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅')
async def filter_command(self, ctx, *, input=None): """Adjust filtered words""" guild_id = if not input: await ctx.send(f'Usage: filter add/remove word', delete_after=5) return args = input.split() if (len(args) < 2): await ctx.send(f'Usage: filter add/remove word', delete_after=5) return filter = json.loads(settings.get_value(guild_id, 'filter')) words = input.split() del words[0] # delete the first term, the "operand" if (args[0] == 'add'): for word in words: filter.append(word) elif (args[0] == 'remove'): for word in words: filter.remove(word) else: await ctx.send(f'Usage: filter add/remove word word word', delete_after=5) return # save the file, convert the ' to " first, since json dies settings.set_value(guild_id, 'filter', f'{filter}'.replace('\'', '"')) try: settings.save_config() if (args[0] == 'add'): await ctx.send( f'{len(words)} words added to filter, {owouwu.gen()}', delete_after=5) elif (args[0] == 'remove'): await ctx.send( f'{len(words)} words removed from filter, {owouwu.gen()}', delete_after=5) await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅') except: await ctx.send(f'Command failed to execute', delete_after=5)
async def set_logging(self, ctx, *, option: str): """Set guild logging yes/no""" guild_id = if not option or (option != 'yes' and option != 'no'): await ctx.send(f'Usage: logging yes/no', delete_after=5) return settings.set_value(guild_id, 'loggingenabled', option) try: settings.save_config() await ctx.send(f'Logging set to "{option}", {owouwu.gen()}') print( f'Logging for guild {} - {guild_id} set to "{option}", {owouwu.gen()}' ) await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅') except: await ctx.send(f'Command failed to execute', delete_after=5)
async def set_prefix(self, ctx, *, prefix=None): """Set the prefix for all commands""" guild_id = if not prefix: await ctx.send(f"Usage: prefix prefix", delete_after=5) return settings.set_value(guild_id, 'prefix', prefix) try: settings.save_config() await ctx.send(f'Prefix changed to "{prefix}') print( f'Prefix for {} ({}) changed to "{prefix}"' ) await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅') except: await ctx.send(f'Command failed to execute', delete_after=5)
def get_ent_pos(path, out_path, machineName): origin_height = clip_specific_pic(path, out_path + machineName + "_clip.jpg") img = cv2.imread(out_path + machineName + "_clip.jpg") height, width, something = img.shape print "height = {}, width = {}".format(height, width) start_time = y_array = [0] array_flag = False for i in range(0, height, 2): # 行数遍历 count = 0 for j in range(0, width, 2): if img[i, j][0] >= 252 and img[i, j][1] >= 252 and img[i, j][2] >= 252: count += 1 if count >= width / 4: # print count if not array_flag: y_array.append(i) array_flag = True else: if array_flag: y_array.append(i - 1) array_flag = False print "pre-deal time = {}".format( - start_time) print y_array ent_part_pair = [] for t in range(1, len(y_array)): if y_array[t] - y_array[t - 1] > 120: # 测试过程可以打开这个 ent_part_pair.append((y_array[t - 1], y_array[t])) print ent_part_pair print "all time = {}".format( - start_time) x = width * 3 / 4 leng_arr = len(ent_part_pair) # 特征直播间存起来,似乎不用裁剪,只要专门往上算10个px(有坐标就行),看这10个px平均RGB多少,拿什么存坐标呢(settings) # 还是要裁剪图片的,因为需要图片来判断是否进入直播间成功 # 裁第几格子,这个要靠app判断,读配置文件 conf_default = Config("default.ini") app_key = conf_default.getconf("default").app count = 2 if app_key == "bigo": count = 1 clip_specific_area(out_path + machineName + "_clip.jpg", out_path + machineName + "_feature.jpg", width / 4, ent_part_pair[leng_arr - count][0], width, ent_part_pair[leng_arr - count][1]) settings.set_value("feature_path", out_path + machineName + "_feature.jpg") settings.set_value("ent_top_pos_x", x) settings.set_value( "ent_top_pos_y", ent_part_pair[leng_arr - count][0] + origin_height * 0.12) # 潜规则,要加上12%的高度,因为裁图裁掉了12% y = (ent_part_pair[leng_arr - count][0] + ent_part_pair[leng_arr - count][1]) / 2 + origin_height * 0.12 print "finally x = {}, y = {}".format(x, y) return x, y
async def set_logchannel(self, ctx, *, channel_id: str): """Set guild logs channel""" guild_id = if not channel_id: await ctx.send(f'Usage: logchannel channel_id', delete_after=5) return try: if ctx.guild.get_channel(int(channel_id)): settings.set_value(guild_id, 'logchannel', channel_id) settings.save_config() await ctx.send( f'Logging channel set to "{channel_id}", {owouwu.gen()}') print( f'Logging channel for guild {} - {guild_id} set to "{channel_id}", {owouwu.gen()}' ) await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅') except: await ctx.send(f'Usage: logchannel channel_id', delete_after=5) return
def start_python(serial_num, params): bussinessEntarnce = BusinessEntrance(serial_num, params) # 加上下面两行 settings._init() settings.set_value("ffmpeg", 30) bussinessEntarnce.screenmain()
serial.append(item) return serial def enterMethodDelegate(methodDelegatedObject): return methodDelegatedObject.screenmain() def start_python(serial_num, params): bussinessEntarnce = BusinessEntrance(serial_num, params) # 加上下面两行 settings._init() settings.set_value("ffmpeg", 30) bussinessEntarnce.screenmain() if __name__ == "__main__": getDevices() # p = Pool(5) for index in range(len(serial)): serNum = serial[index] bussinessEntarnce = BusinessEntrance(serNum, 1) # 加上下面两行 settings._init() settings.set_value("ffmpeg", 30) bussinessEntarnce.screenmain() # result = p.apply_async(enterMethodDelegate, args=(bussinessEntarnce,)) # result.get() # p.close() # p.join()